Why tighter integration with Chrome OS instead of Chrome Browser? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I was thinking about Google's I/O keynote recently and I've been wondering why the company is pushing tighter integration of Android with Chrome OS instead of Chrome Browser. The reason I ask this is b/c there's a real opportunity for Google to truly differentiate Android from iOS by making it accessible no matter what type of computer you use. If they only enhance accessibility from Chrome OS then it would be no different than Apple's continuity b/w iOS and Yosemite except that Apple sells a LOT more computers than Google.
Now if Google would have added these features to Chrome browser and we were able to text and/or answer calls from our browser, that would make Android a LOT more attractive as users wouldn't be handcuffed to any specific desktop OS. It would give Google a further reach and would provide those features to Windows, Mac and Linux users as well.
Is there a specific reason why these features (and others) could only be implemented in Chrome OS? I just felt like that was a significant missed opportunity for Google.


Chronium OS in smartphone?

Just realized that my school's got chrome books which runs on chrome OS. I've been using it for a while and i'm just facinated by the fact that google tried to come up with something similar to mac OS. Anyways, Is it possible to dual boot chronium OS on smartphone with android? or does it need x86 machine?
no one knows about Chrome OS? or is it a noob question lol?
Ive heard of Chrome OS/Chromium OS but think it should be discontinued. I don't see what advantage it would have over android on a smartphone now that android has Google Chrome. It relies too much on the cloud meaning you are restricted wifi hotspots or forced to tether and use expensive mobile data. I think Ubuntu or any popular Linux distro offers a lot more functionality as a free OS. Chrome OS would make a good UI for a webtop mode integrated with Android.
Also I don't see how it looks like Mac OS. It reminds me more of android or linux.
spunker88 said:
Ive heard of Chrome OS/Chromium OS but think it should be discontinued. I don't see what advantage it would have over android on a smartphone now that android has Google Chrome. It relies too much on the cloud meaning you are restricted wifi hotspots or forced to tether and use expensive mobile data. I think Ubuntu or any popular Linux distro offers a lot more functionality as a free OS. Chrome OS would make a good UI for a webtop mode integrated with Android.
Also I don't see how it looks like Mac OS. It reminds me more of android or linux.
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I meant the chrome book is pretty much like mac book since the mouse pad it uses is so much similar to the one on macbooks and the scrolling effects etc is similar...

Are web apps the future of Android?

I'm not saying Java apps are going to die but I feel that in the majority of cases, they are just not necessary anymore.
With responsive design, cloud computing and browser based push notifications, are we moving towards an era where mobile apps are going to reside in the browser?
This is already the case with desktops and laptops - heck, the only thing I don't do inside the browser, on my laptop, is code.
Let me know your thoughts

New to android, custom security rom

First of all I would like to say that I'm completely new to android (except for the occasional dabblin on a friends phone) so please go easy on me. I am tech savy, but just never had anything to do with this platform, due to my not so nice opinion of google...
I am on blackberry passport and am/was a loyal bb customer with all that follows. But please I do not wish to start android vs bb vs ios etc thread. It is a matter of taste in the end.
So long story short, never had anything to do with IOS or android as I prefered BB for security, productivity and slimeline OS. However due to recent BB swithc to android and priv (which id god awful imho) and apparent abandonment of OS10 i am faced with increasing frustraton over current passport usage as it is more and more laggy problematic every day. So seeming that bb has abandoned os10 I have finnaly decided that perhaps it is a time for a different platform.
I am considering getting the oneplus 3.
So my questions are:
- What kernel and ROM to flash? I explicitly do not want anything to do with google or google services, i do not have gmail and have no intentions to open one. I do not use any service connected to google, no cloud sync, no FB, no instagram etc.... I want my phone google free, bloatware, spyware, ads free, cloud sync free etc. so basically I want as much control over what is installed as possible, with preferably NO personal info shared to any service.
- What is the most open source build? (coming from a viewpoint that google is evil, apple too.. I am putting my trust in the open source community) - replicant project peaked my interest, but the supported phones are too old and too few. I would be extremely pleased tho, if sth like this existed for newer phones.
- Encryption is a must, both of memory and communication (pgp)
- advanced app permission control is a must
- if there exist sth like BB hub or other similar true multitasking option even better
to put it simply, what custom rom and kernel to flash to get the most secure, opensource, google and similar companies free phone with maximum control over os and no to minimum personal info shared.
I would very much appreciate if you could point me in the right direction. As i said no experiance with android, but am quick learner and tech savy. so no need to dumb it down for me.
Thank you !!

Quick tip. Open browser site like a windowed app

With all the talk of Android Apps coming to Chrome OS this fall it is easy to forget that Chrome OS, as it stands right now, is a very capable and reliable OS.
While we here at Chrome Unboxed have been eager to share and talk about all the advantages this change will bring, I feel it is necessary to also keep everyone aware that both Gabriel and I work completely from Chrome OS on a daily basis. As excited as I am about the Play Store coming to Chrome OS, I love Chrome OS just as it is, too.
The truth is, I’ll likely keep using my Chromebooks and Chromeboxes as I always have during work hours once these apps come around. Sure, I’ll begin adopting certain apps for work (and playing games like crazy after work, along with other entertainment fun that Android brings), but I know there are many services I’ll keep on using the web versions for.
And that’s why knowing how to make an app or webpage launch in a window is important. For some reason, things like Google Play Music or Spotify feel strange with the Omnibar and tabs up top. They feel much more native if all that is removed.
And you can do this for most websites and apps. Here’s how.
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Web Bluetooth coming.

A newer web-based technology has been given a green light from Google for some serious testing and we’ve been made aware via a*post on Google+ from +François Beaufort.*This new tech is known as Web Bluetooth, and as of today, it can be enabled for testing via a Chrome Flag. This is clearly still in testing mode and is available to those running Chrome OS or Chrome for Android M, Linux, and Mac. At this point, the availability is only of real interest to developers. The tech brings some interesting new possibilities to web-based applications, however.
From the Google Developers Blog:
What if I told you websites could communicate with nearby Bluetooth devices in a secure and privacy-preserving way? This way, heart rate monitors, singing lightbulbs, turtles and flying grumpy cats could interact directly with a website.
Until now, the ability to interact with bluetooth devices has been possible only for native apps. The Web Bluetooth API aims to change this and brings it to web browsers as well. Alongside efforts like Physical Web, people can walk up to and interact with devices straight from the web.
What do you foresee the applications could be for this?
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