[Q] Any way to emulate Nvidia shield / xbox / ps3 controller ? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have recently tried and succeeded to make Portal and Half Life 2 work on my OnePlus One (I can't tell how because it's illegal and against the rules of the forum I think, do your own research). The only problem is, I need the Nvidia Shield controller, or a ps3 / xbox / or any other android-supported controller, as there are no touch controls. My problem is that I don't have any controller of this type (except a Wiimote which doesn't work with Android kitkat). Here is my question : is there an app / overlay which can simulate a physical controller so I can play it without a physical controller ? I know it's quite hard, but I'm pretty desperate, as I can look at the beautiful menu screen, but am not able to control it. Does anyone have an idea ?
Thanks in advance.


[Q] Which game pad is recommended?

Which game controller do you recommend? I'm mainly looking to use it on my tab for emulators and whatever android games are compatible with a controller.
I was looking at a sixaxis just because it looks like it can connect wirelessly with the app but I'd be willing to buy a USB connector and flash a kernel to make a controller compatible. Also I don't know if the dual shock 3 controller works with the sixaxis app. (I'm not sure if that's an entirely different thing)
I guess I'm mainly wondering which controller is most compatible, meaning full joy stick control and things like that.
Thanks if you can help me out!
I'm currently using my PS3 controller with the new Sixaxis App from the store. All you need is Root access and to pair your PS3 controller with a PC to tell it what your tablets Bluetooth MAC address is and it should work. I've been using it ever since with all my emulators and it works like it's supposed to.
There is also an app from the same dev to test if the controller works with your device but if its a GT 10.1 and a regular PS3 controller there shouldn't be an issue.
Does anyone have any other suggestions?
If not I'm probably going to grab a sixaxis but I want to be sure I'm getting the best since I'm not tied down to a controller for a console I already own.
There is already another Q & A thread started by me from a while ago where some people listed a few alternatives. Just search the Q & A forum or check the first few pages and you will find the thread. Since I already own a PS3 and the other controllers aren't that available in my country it was an easy choice for me. Hope that helps.

[Q] XBox 360 Wireless Controller Help

Good evening, ladies and gents of XDA! I'm new to the forums so please forgive me if I'm crossing some lines. I've attempted to look for a similar problem not only on XDA, but through Google as well, but have turned up with no luck. Without further adieu, this is the issue I'm having:
I've read that the Transformer Prime natively supports the Wireless XBox 360 controller. Unfortunately for me, this does not seem to be the case. The buttons do work as I can navigate through the menu with my joystick and the green ring around the menu button flashes (which I'm told is also supposed to happen unless I have the Joystick Center 5 app).
Despite my tablet being able to read my controller, the button mappings are all out of whack. I tried playing OnLive with it and none of the buttons aside for the joystick does what it's supposed to do. I've tried restarting my tablet, but this was met with no avail. I've even purchased the aforementioned Joystick app, but remapping the buttons was unsuccessful. Does anyone know why this "native support" isn't kicking in for me?
I had the same problem, Android supports the controller but most of the games seem not to. I had the official 360 wireless controller with the official wireless receiver, and could only use it for navigating homescreens, icon by icon. Couldn't even go to the next homescreen without first highlighting everything along the way
PS3 one works perfectly on the 2 games I have that I know about them using the controller: GTA3 and Shadowgun.
garbagedump481 said:
I had the same problem, Android supports the controller but most of the games seem not to. I had the official 360 wireless controller with the official wireless receiver, and could only use it for navigating homescreens, icon by icon. Couldn't even go to the next homescreen without first highlighting everything along the way
PS3 one works perfectly on the 2 games I have that I know about them using the controller: GTA3 and Shadowgun.
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Hey please can you give me some information on how the wireless controller works?
I was thinkin about buying a wireless controller like logitech F710 or whichever works...but I don't know what else I need. Please can you give me details of what I need and how to Install it to the Asus Transformer Prime...thank you.

Phonejoy Bluetooth controller + SG: Dead Zone

YES, I've searched the forums.
NO, nobody is talking about key mappings for this game.
Yeah, I'm sick of those fingerprints all over my tablet screen.
Yeah, I want to play SG: DZ but when I have time, my Android tablet - Transformer TF101 - is begging for a recharge, and I don't want to hold my tablet with my hands while it recharges and game; I'd prefer leave it charging next to the wall while it stands there on my tablet stand and then use my Phonejoy Bluetooth controller and play. Much better. I thought that wouldn't be a problem, have played Shadowgun and the Leftover series with this controller, it's compatible and now Madfinger releases DeadZone.. I think they tweaked the game and/or changed the button configuration - Using my controller all I can do is walk around with my left analog stick and look around with my right analog stick. No shooting, no running, no reloading, no switching weapons. nada. I DO NOT want to root my tablet just to emulate touch controls. I believe that's a waste of time and too much of a headache for this function. And NO, I'm not going to buy a PS3 controller, that would require me to buy Sixaxis and that app requires root. I believe NYKO is going to release their final version of Playground app yet this year and that app promises to emulate touch controls without asking for root. If that's true, I might buy their Playpad controller but until then, i'm sticking with this Phonejoy Bluetooth controller for now.
So I came here to ask you guys, if anyone here managed to make this controller to work with Shadowgun: DeadZone, please post the key maps for this game here and I'll try it; It doesn't matter if your controller is a Wii-mote, a PS3, whatever, if you managed to make it work using your controller and Bluez-IME, please post here the key maps for this game.
Any suggestion is much appreciated.
All the best.
NOTE FOR ADMINS: I'm NOT asking whether the controller works or not!!! As I said before, my controller works PARTIALLY (ONLY my analog stick do work, not my buttons), so I'm looking for suggestions to set up my buttons. This thread is NOT a question! I'm not breaking any rules here.
In the same boat
Yip, I've got the same problem. I am actualy very suprised about how few games have IME keybard options. I've looked at the Android Event API, and there is a good reason that you have to be root to get the other touch screen emulaters to work. Android doesn't want malicious apps to take control of your device and does not allow fake touch screen events from the Java api. You have to be a device (linux level) to do that, and that's why you need root.
I tried to generate the same events as a PS3 controller by fiddling with the Bluez IME source code, but android overrides certain flags on the events, which makes it impossible to emulate it via standard Java software.
hope this helps...

PS2 controller compatibility with android.

Hi everyone, I am new to making threads but I have been a fan of xda for long time for providing help to me and millions of others.
Now coming back to the point. I have a PS2 controller which I want to use with my phone for playing games. I already have a otg cable, a PS2 to usb connector. I tried playing real racing 3 with it and it works as charm. The mapp application I used was usb/bt control centre as sixaxis doesn't recognize PS2 controllers( or maybe I don't know how to do it). NOW THE MAIN PROBLEM is that I can't use my right analog stick. I tried many apps but none of them recognize my right analog stick..well it works well on my pc..and I checked it on some app also right analog stick works..but when it comes to android it doesn't. Now I would like to know from u people whether or not PS2 controller is fully compatible with android or should I buy a ps3 controller..Or is there something I am missing..

Joystick / Gamepad / Controller - General Player Assignment / Multiple Players

Hey guys,
So I have searched threads, Google, and Yahoo, but have not found an answer to this fairly simple question: "How do I assign the Android default "Player 1" to a specific controller when multiple controllers are attached?"
The general consensus is "Duh...just use the other controller." which is great assuming all the controllers connected are identical.... Which is a dumb assumption.
My specific issue is that I am using a Mele PRO F10 remote control (best remote ever), a Cydeko AK08 Air Keyboard Conqueror (best functioning all-in-one ever), and the Nvidia Shield Controller (it's ok I guess) on my Nvidia Shield. The issue is, the Shield defaults the Mele PRO F10 as a game controller, and then defaults it as "Player One", even though it not really a game device, and rightly so, pretty much no game can utilize it as one... You would think the Shield/Leanback Launcher would default the Shield Controller as "Player 1" but no, it always picks the Mele as P1, no matter which device is physically plugged where.
The only workaround is unplugging everything, starting the game with only the controller of choice attached, then reconnecting all other devices. Other than the annoyance of having to walk across the room and unplug and replug devices, some games will also revert the gamepad setting/connection on load screens.
I considered posting this in a specific sub-thread, but it isn't a device specific issue, AFAIK there is no way to assign a specific player to a specific game-device in any Android OS....

