Google making me a travel album... and invading my privacy? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

OK - I acknowledge there are quite a number of ways in which Google (and other corporations, for that matter) invades my privacy regularly.
That said, I just got back from a trip away, and Android on my phone (Nexus 5) has just pushed a photo album at me - purporting to depict my trip like a travel album.
Not only is this completely unwanted, it makes me feel sick. I know there's not a guy sitting at a computer in California looking through the photos in my Google+ account, but I really don't care. I just don't want this sort of stuff to happen.
So... I am looking at moving to an alternative OS and all alternative software. Does anyone have any thoughts on doing so? Ie - benefits / downsides... And what alternative OS should I move to?
Thanks all for your help!

fearofbirds said:
OK - I acknowledge there are quite a number of ways in which Google (and other corporations, for that matter) invades my privacy regularly.
That said, I just got back from a trip away, and Android on my phone (Nexus 5) has just pushed a photo album at me - purporting to depict my trip like a travel album.
Not only is this completely unwanted, it makes me feel sick. I know there's not a guy sitting at a computer in California looking through the photos in my Google+ account, but I really don't care. I just don't want this sort of stuff to happen.
So... I am looking at moving to an alternative OS and all alternative software. Does anyone have any thoughts on doing so? Ie - benefits / downsides... And what alternative OS should I move to?
Thanks all for your help!
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go into google + and turn off sync photos if you don't want privacy invasion.(any place you store things online can be hacked or looked @ in the blink of an eye. (Locks only work for people who are honest)

Sure... Thanks. I've just disabled a bunch of Google apps and i'm sure it will make my phone go haywire.
I'm pretty curious about alternatives to Android though. Anyone? Seems they'll be limited as they won't have many apps and stuff, but i'd love to get out of the Google ecosystem altogether.


Fooled again by Nokia?

Ok so. I've been really wanting so much to like this new Nokia Lumia 920. I've had been waiting to get rid of this IPhone 4 because I remember the days of my brick HTC Tilt and how customizable Windows 6 phones were. So far, I'm am disappointed. It isn't that I hate the phone. It is just that I expected more. I was expecting a lot out of this phone and it has not met the high standard that I (they) set for it.
The first major complaint is the camera. Are we being fooled into thinking it is that much better in low light. Yes, from what I've seen in reviews, it is better, but in my own experience, it isn't that much greater (I have tried auto and night mode). Am I too used to SLR pictures? The camera was supposed to be a big selling point! We have already been fooled once by Nokia about their "Pure View." (http: // I wonder if all of this is just a scam. Now it seems that Nokia is owning up to more camera flaws (http: // I really hope that this isn't a hardware issue and that they fix it right and not try any tricks. It isn't that the pictures/videos I take are bad, but they aren't that much greater(if they are greater) than the competition. Duped?
Battery life: I just switched from an IPhone 4 with no 4G LTE so i'm unaware of the battery consumption of 4G LTE but I have noticed that the battery sure does drain a lot quicker. I'm used to being able to go a couple of days without having to charge. I have noticed ways of getting the phone to last longer. Ff you run Nokia Drive beta, the GPS stays on in the background even when it is closed (you will notice a target at the top status bar remains on). You can turn the background option off, or you have to restart your phone to turn off the GPS and it can consume your battery. Yes, this should be an easy fix, but think about all the people that have to deal with this. Also there is not way to switch off 4G LTE.
Limited voice commands: I'm a big user of the voice commands to play my music. One of the first things I've noticed about this phone is that there are no voice commands from the touch and hold windows button that allow you to play your music. I get it that you can get the "Hey DJ" app and use voice commands for music, but why didn't they just integrate this into the OS so that I don't have to unlock my screen, and tap a few places. Isn't the point of voice commands so that you don't have to look at the screen.
Here are some other small complaints (Maybe some XDA developers could help cook up some changes.... I have paypal ).
No separate volume for ringer and music.
Internet explorer is limited when you search through Google
It is easy to accidentally press the back or the search when using the phone with one hand and reaching across the screen.
No apparent way that I have found to get the Nokia Drive Beta to repeat the last spoken direction.
No seeking option in visual voice mail. You have to listen to the whole thing all over again to get to one point in the voicemail.
Bottom line. This phone seems rushed and unpolished. I got it that some of these issues are OS issues, but come on! Am I expecting too much or isn't this the phone that Nokia was making such a large deal about? 10 more days to give this a try before my return policy expires. Come on Nokia and Microsoft. Change my mind!
Camera taking blurry pictures is a SW issue, as you probably know from having read about it, which hopefully theyll have sorted out fast in an SW update. The nighttime pictures Ive taken are very nice, though, so I dont know whats going on there.
Battery for me is fine, Ive only had my phone for a day, so I cant really say much, but the way its worked so far it seems about the same as my SGS3 in that department. Which is quite good. But of course, I need more time for that.
Voice commands I never was a big user of, since I feel like a moron walking around yelling commands in english (especially when Im in a non-english speaking country). But Im sure its annoying.
Volume thing I agree on, that should be an easy fix for MS to make, really.
Not sure what you mean by "limited" when searching through Google?
The accidental pressing is much like on the SGS3, really. Just a habitual thing, youll get used to handling the phone so you eventually dont mispress.
Iunno, I have a single real annoyance and that is wordwrapping in IE10.
i'm not sure what you were expecting from the camera, but the low light shots are some of the best i've ever taken with a smartphone. and i've had my share of smartphones (this year i've probably had between 8-10 different handsets from various oem's) the daytime shots are a little bit soft, but on par with some of the better smarphone camera's i've used, and it's something that is completely possible to fix via firmware updates (as in, it's not a hardware flaw, but rather a software one)
battery is pretty good for me, on par with my SGS3, it's so much better than my 4s on iOS6 though. there are a couple quirks that are causing the battery to drain rapidly, but people haven't been able to point the blame completely yet. some people have had google accounts getting stuck on syncing constantly and that is killing the battery and the only solution for now is a hard reset. it's an odd issue since it wasn't present in wp7.x and afaik the method wp8 uses to sync is the same as before. it's something that will most likely be fixed via software updates as well
limited voice commands are something that wp8 has the ability to deal with but i'm also bummed they didn't add more voice controls to the built in apps. music in general seems like a really rushed revamp in wp8 which is surprising since the zune software was quite well done in 7.x and was also a major feature which i liked a lot about windows phone. they're changing a bunch of stuff though so it's something that will probably be updated over time. personally i don't like voice commands outside of when i'm driving because i feel like it's faster to just use my fingers, but i understand your disappointment.
volume is something i agree on as well, why microsoft hasn't figured out this is something people have been wanting since 7.0 is beyond me, it really seems like a pretty simple change to make, especially when one is rewriting the entire OS.
accidental pressing is something that will lessen with muscle memory, i always have a lot of issues with button presses and a lot of typos when switching phones, but after a couple weeks you learn to do it a lot less.
i remember getting drive to repeat the last direction, but for the life of me right now i can't figure out what i did. if i figure it out, i'll post it.
the OS isn't for everyone, but for people who like the curated user experience a semi-closed system provides, but don't like apple's 1 handset philosophy it's a good platform.
i admit, i get bored sometimes and end up going to android, but almost always, after about a month of whatever the latest and greatest android handset, i always come back to windows phone. once you figure out your workflow on it, it's really the most efficient and fluid mobile OS out there.
Slai said:
Not sure what you mean by "limited" when searching through Google?
Iunno, I have a single real annoyance and that is wordwrapping in IE10.
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Word wrapping is exactly what I mean when I say searching through Google is limited. If you use IE and search through google, at the top of the page, you get a: "This page adapted for your browser comes from...." If you search through through the built in Bing search, you don't get the word wrap. You get the actual page. This is very lame and I think its Microsoft's way of getting us to use Bing instead of google.
Also if you just enter the URL, there is no text wrapping.
Okay? Ive set Google as my default search engine in IE10, and while word wrapping doesnt seem to exist and double-tap to zoom isnt really working perfectly, I havent seen a big change from searching with google and searching with bing or just using a bookmark or directly typing in the url :s ?
vangj said:
Word wrapping is exactly what I mean when I say searching through Google is limited. If you use IE and search through google, at the top of the page, you get a: "This page adapted for your browser comes from...." If you search through through the built in Bing search, you don't get the word wrap. You get the actual page. This is very lame and I think its Microsoft's way of getting us to use Bing instead of google.
Also if you just enter the URL, there is no text wrapping.
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This will happen if you have the 'defaul view' as desktop, if you select 'mobile' they will display fine, it is annoying, what I did was install the Google app and I just use that for my search and browsing.
Slai said:
Okay? Ive set Google as my default search engine in IE10, and while word wrapping doesnt seem to exist and double-tap to zoom isnt really working perfectly, I havent seen a big change from searching with google and searching with bing or just using a bookmark or directly typing in the url :s ?
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Ok so it does text wrap well if you choose the mobile option for internet explore. I for one do not like the mobile version and chose to set my settings to desktop (sorry still a newbie so i can't post links)
ht tp://
If you set your IE settings to desktop and search with Google, you get a funky altered website that looks like this at the top.
ht tp://
It seems like the phone is sending to Google that it wants to still be a mobile phone. When you search with Bing you don't get this option. If you search with Google in Desktop mode, you can scroll to the bottom to get to the desktop site but it can be a hassle.
ht tp://
Like I said, I like the desktop mode because I can zoom in and out and make great use of this huge screen.
Hoping google releases Chrome.
Yeah normally I like using desktop mode myself, but my most visited website works really well in its mobile form, so I figured "what the hell".
Would be interesting to see Chrome for WP8. I dont see why not, it is available for W8.
vangj said:
If you set your IE settings to desktop and search with Google, you get a funky altered website that looks like this at the top.
It seems like the phone is sending to Google that it wants to still be a mobile phone. When you search with Bing you don't get this option.
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If you look at the URL of the page in your sample image, the URL is one on It seems that Google recognized that you're on a phone and gave you a search results page that contains modified URLs that point back to Google itself (not to and that Google then proxied it for you, reformatting things to fit your phone.
Your complaint seems to be with Google for forcing you in to a "mobilized" view. Unless Google can't tell which "website preference" you're set to (mobile or desktop). I don't know how that preference gets conveyed in HTTP requests. Sorry.
vangj said:
Also there is not way to switch off 4G LTE.
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My Rogers variant has the "max speed" option to shut off LTE. The AT&T one doesn't seem to have that... so this is an AT&T issue, not a Nokia one. And if AT&T is doing this on Windows Phone, I'd assume they are customizing their Android phones similarly, no? (I have no experience with Android.)
vangj said:
Limited voice commands: I'm a big user of the voice commands to play my music. One of the first things I've noticed about this phone is that there are no voice commands from the touch and hold windows button that allow you to play your music. I get it that you can get the "Hey DJ" app and use voice commands for music, but why didn't they just integrate this into the OS so that I don't have to unlock my screen, and tap a few places. Isn't the point of voice commands so that you don't have to look at the screen.
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This is an OS issue, so not too much to do with Nokia. The voice commands in WP8 are extensible. That means 3rd party developers can easily create apps that support it. I think Urbanspoon, Hey DJ and Audible are already out and support voice commands (meaning you can launch the apps by long pressing the windows button).
I expect a lot more apps will add that feature because it's so easy to implement. That makes the lack of voice commands for the built in apps really strange.
EShy said:
This is an OS issue, so not too much to do with Nokia. The voice commands in WP8 are extensible. That means 3rd party developers can easily create apps that support it. I think Urbanspoon, Hey DJ and Audible are already out and support voice commands (meaning you can launch the apps by long pressing the windows button).
I expect a lot more apps will add that feature because it's so easy to implement. That makes the lack of voice commands for the built in apps really strange.
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Uhm, you could always launch ANY app with your voice, even on WP7.
Those new apps support voice commands for other things. For example, from your start screen you might be able to say, "Urbanspoon, find nearby burgers" and it'll launch and go straight to finding burger restaurants around you. I have no clue what their apps actually support, but I know that it's possible to make an app that does that!

After a few days using the Lumia 920 ..............

As a long time android user (since the T-Mobile G1 so about 5 years) i decided to try the Lumia 920 a few days ago and so far i`am loving it, so here are my first thoughts :
- The speed and lagless performance of the OS powered by a dual core cpu instead by a quad- or octocore cpu that is required for android. Clearly the OS and hardware are far better optimized than android. Also i had no reboots or fc`s so far.
- Many specific Nokia apps like Drive that enables navigation without a data connection required as you can download and install maps from the country`s you need.
- Seemless integration and synchronisation with Google and great data/contacts/calender transference when setting up the phone.
- Though there are obviously less apps available than with iOs and android there are many more than i initialy thought and most good and important apps are available. Only Dropbox is limited imo as it doesn`t sync and add automaticaly.
- Great camera and speakers.
- Good call quality.
I didn`t think it was going to be as good as it turned out so far but atm i don`t miss android at all and so i might stick with WP8 for a long(er) while than i anticipated.
Hope the coming update planned for July will bring some more goodies
if any problem with Google sync, simple set Google account via advanced setup
settings - email+accounts - add an account - advanced setup
- add your account info
- select Exchange ActiveSync
- add other data (dont forget to enter full email address for username), for server use
- Sign in.... that's all
for calendar's problems look Microsoft advises
Also must have app for WP is Store Deals to check latest discounts and occasional free periods for pay apps
Don't know what you mean about seemless integration with Google Calendar. Can't edit it at all. I had to follow Microsoft's tip and subscribe to it via but you can't edit the Google calendar that way as it is read only. Email and contacts are great. Hopefully the update that includes CalDAV support will fix the calendar issues.
Spectre51 said:
Don't know what you mean about seemless integration with Google Calendar. Can't edit it at all. I had to follow Microsoft's tip and subscribe to it via but you can't edit the Google calendar that way as it is read only. Email and contacts are great. Hopefully the update that includes CalDAV support will fix the calendar issues.
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If you use Google calendar which i don't changes you make on the regular calender on the phone will sync to the google calendar and vice versa if you change google calendar on the PC. Just use the normal calendar on the phone and it should sync with your other calenders linked through google or hotmail.
Solarenemy68 said:
If you use Google calendar which i don't changes you make on the regular calender on the phone will sync to the google calendar and vice versa if you change google calendar on the PC. Just use the normal calendar on the phone and it should sync with your other calenders linked through google or hotmail.
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Sorry I was getting my windows devices mixed up.....It is working for me on WP8 just not Windows 8
Agreed in everything.
worst problem I found in WP8? Whatsapp...not always updating, got the notification but not the message....and we really need a good video player with mp4, avi and srt support.....and a notification center.
Any MS guy ever read this forum?
ramping said:
Agreed in everything.
worst problem I found in WP8? Whatsapp...not always updating, got the notification but not the message....and we really need a good video player with mp4, avi and srt support.....and a notification center.
Any MS guy ever read this forum?
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whats app working fine for me... no missed or late notification....
also avi and mp4 files work fine... and dont except or hope for srt (or any other subtitle) player... f you hope for this, you not learn anything about WP....
dxdy said:
whats app working fine for me... no missed or late notification....
also avi and mp4 files work fine... and dont except or hope for srt (or any other subtitle) player... f you hope for this, you not learn anything about WP....
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YXPlayer can play videos with srt subtitles....but it´s a crappy app.
Still waiting for the VLC official app.
Anyone expiriace any problems with whatsapp?
Mobtel063 said:
Anyone expiriace any problems with whatsapp?
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I don't use it; I use Skype and MetroTalk. Skype's not free but I'm not going to worry about paying on average $60 a year; $5 a month. It doesn't require my universe to have the identical app on the other end.
Quick question...
I really, really, really detest my Xperia S now, like really detest it.
The lagging, god-awful camera, the freezing, everything.
I would try to install a custom Rom, but my Bootlocker unlocked allowed is: no.
I'm really not a high-end user. No interest in games, or intensive apps.
Camera, browsing, travel apps are the main interest for me.
I can get rid of it and pay approx £60-£100 to get the Lumia 920
Would you guys advise it?
steevio_uk said:
Quick question...
I really, really, really detest my Xperia S now, like really detest it.
The lagging, god-awful camera, the freezing, everything.
I would try to install a custom Rom, but my Bootlocker unlocked allowed is: no.
I'm really not a high-end user. No interest in games, or intensive apps.
Camera, browsing, travel apps are the main interest for me.
I can get rid of it and pay approx £60-£100 to get the Lumia 920
Would you guys advise it?
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I bought the 920 to replace the xperia t I had, best thing I ever did
It's fast, fluid, no freezes or hangups, battery life is great for me, the camera is awesome and I love the wireless charging.
If you can live without the modding and just use your phone for what it is then I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Sent from the event horizon of a quantum singularity
steevio_uk said:
Quick question...
I really, really, really detest my Xperia S now, like really detest it.
The lagging, god-awful camera, the freezing, everything.
I would try to install a custom Rom, but my Bootlocker unlocked allowed is: no.
I'm really not a high-end user. No interest in games, or intensive apps.
Camera, browsing, travel apps are the main interest for me.
I can get rid of it and pay approx £60-£100 to get the Lumia 920
Would you guys advise it?
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I have been an iPhone user and then a multitude of android phones user (Samsung) before embracing WP8.
My opinion: iPhone is fine if you just want a phone that works - although Apple lost me after the release of the iPhone 4: I was obviously holding it wrong when I wanted to make a call so it mostly wouldn't iOS is simple to use and has lots of apps, but is a walled garden.
Android, while open and extremely customizable, really annoyed me: at first the phones were fine, then became laggy over time. I also found I was frequently rebooting the phones daily. You shouldn't have to install a custom ROM for it to work smoothly. While there are a lot of apps, they are mostly poor quality compared to their iOS counterparts.
So I decided on trying out WP8 around 4 months ago and bought a Lumia 920. First off the build quality is excellent, it's a solid lump of a phone, not tacky plastic feeling like the Samsungs I had. The operating system has NEVER lagged on me...EVER. I only found out a few weeks after I'd had it how to reboot it, and I only did that to find out how to, not that it needed it. Although not nearly as customizable as the androids, I personally got bored doing so with the Samsungs anyway. I love the Live Tiles on the Lumia 920. Again there are nowhere near the amount of apps as iOS or Android, but those there are I find to be as good as iOS apps.
The camera is excellent. So good in fact that when my other half wants pictures taken she asks me to do so - she has an iPhone 5.
At first I was worried by the fact you cannot use a memory card, but honestly I find the 32gb onboard to be plenty - never had to go through and delete stuff to make more room. An added bonus is the wireless charging - I still think it's witchcraft :laugh: no idea how or why it works but it does lol
So in summary, yes - I thoroughly recommend the Lumia 920 for your needs: the camera is great, the stock browser is quick and I never had a problem with it and navigation is top notch.
Thanks so much for your replies.
I have had the phone for 4-5 days now and I am absolutely delighted by the decision. Possibly the best hardware change/update I've ever made.
I am finding excuses for taking pictures, such is the quality of the camera, enjoying getting to grips with the new layout and O/S, trying to find decent apps for certain things I used on Android, the main one being the notes app, which was sat on my Android home screen and I used regularly as a 1 click solution to add a note and remind me of things.
Something like that, as a simple live tile would be great, but haven't found such an app yet. (Any you guys suggest?)
I was initially very concerned by the battery life. I took it out with me after an initial charge and found the battery draining away at an alarming rate, even with it in my pocket!
But as I'm sure you're well aware, there's the changes to remedy this;; turning NFC off, location, background apps, getting used to exiting an app with the back button etc.
Great battery life now.
Just ordered a case and I'm one happy bunny!
My god, the Xperia S seems like a distant nightmare now! :victory:

Decided to give Windows a try- Got some questions!

Hey guys
So today I decided to give the Windows phone a shot. Been an avid Android user and follower since it started But decided that I should really give the other operating systems a shot. I just went and got myself a Lumia 925 and if I'm correct that phone is T-Mobile's variant of the 920 correct? I didn't see a thread for the 925 so I think this is where I belong. So with that here are a few questions I have before I dive into my brand new 925.
Just briefly looking through the forum here, I noticed some ROM's here. Are these different versions of the WP software or are these developers personal tweaks to it? I know with Android depending on what phone you have, you can root it and install the latest version of Android on it, currently 4.3, even if your phone prior is only at 4.1.2.
My other question is what apps does everyone here recommend on getting. I know the app market here is really lacking and its a total shame about that. I am pretty integrated into the whole google network (Gmail, Drive, Music, G+, etc). I use some social media apps but those are't too important to me. Suggestions for other apps would be amazing.
Really looking forward in giving this a test drive and in advance thanks for all of your help! :highfive:
no major differences in many variants of same versions... just every operator have own branded versions of firmware.. no way to root or unlock phone (not talk about SIM unlock)
phone market have enough good applications...
but Google and Microsoft have "cold" war and dont except major Google apps on WP platform
Nokia have own alternative for maps, HERE bunch of apps (Maps, Drive, Transit and City Lens) and very good Nokia Music service...
first at all install SysApp Pusher to easy access to Nokia apps and system apps updates
also check for Store Deals and myFreeApp to get notifications about promotional period of pay apps to get it for free
for Instagram use 6Tag
also check guides on
for offline navigation you can use Nokia Drive+ or pay for Navigon USA, Garmin StreetPilot or CoPilot GPS (if you have legal licences you can use it on CoPilot without purchase new)
GetThemAll to download stuff from websites (videos, etc.)
Stop the Music! for stopping (kill) media player (or free alternative from market, just use search)
dxdy said:
no major differences in many variants of same versions... just every operator have own branded versions of firmware.. no way to root or unlock phone (not talk about SIM unlock)
phone market have enough good applications...
but Google and Microsoft have "cold" war and dont except major Google apps on WP platform
Nokia have own alternative for maps, HERE bunch of apps (Maps, Drive, Transit and City Lens) and very good Nokia Music service...
first at all install SysApp Pusher to easy access to Nokia apps and system apps updates
also check for Store Deals and myFreeApp to get notifications about promotional period of pay apps to get it for free
for Instagram use 6Tag
also check guides on
for offline navigation you can use Nokia Drive+ or pay for Navigon USA, Garmin StreetPilot or CoPilot GPS (if you have legal licences you can use it on CoPilot without purchase new)
GetThemAll to download stuff from websites (videos, etc.)
Stop the Music! for stopping (kill) media player (or free alternative from market, just use search)
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Awesome, thanks for all the info will definitely check out all the apps you suggested. Ya I know Google and Microsoft aren't on the best of terms as of right now which only really hurts the users in the long run. Thanks again for your speedy reply!
Xg3nFatality said:
Awesome, thanks for all the info will definitely check out all the apps you suggested. Ya I know Google and Microsoft aren't on the best of terms as of right now which only really hurts the users in the long run. Thanks again for your speedy reply!
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925 is enhanced version of 920 regarding camera, but without wireless charging integrated and also slimmer due this fact
Don't try 920 ROMs on 925 and vise will brick your phone.
Don't switch. Android might be slower but it has so much more to offer. There is no free video player on the Windows 8 phone. Nothing that can play MKV for free. There is no built in flash support so sites on the web that still use flash don't work. That is an issue with all mobile devices now though. You can't block unwanted calls. There is no app that allows you to do that as there is no app that is allowed access to the kernel thanks to MS protection Nazi's. As soon as my contract ends next year I am going back to G4. This phone is just locked down too tight.
Solarenemy68 said:
Don't switch. Android might be slower but it has so much more to offer. There is no free video player on the Windows 8 phone. Nothing that can play MKV for free. There is no built in flash support so sites on the web that still use flash don't work. That is an issue with all mobile devices now though. You can't block unwanted calls. There is no app that allows you to do that as there is no app that is allowed access to the kernel thanks to MS protection Nazi's. As soon as my contract ends next year I am going back to G4. This phone is just locked down too tight.
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Actually in the amber update that is now a built in ability to block both calls and text from specific numbers, though you have always had the ability to save a number and set a blank ringtone for it.
Most of the videos I play are either podcast or streamed via PlexApp both of which work great, and if not, you can always convert them using Zune, granted it is a bit of work.
Solarenemy68 said:
This phone is just locked down too tight.
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That's what it makes it so fun fiddling with it!
dont forget about the wifi calling that t-mobile has.. while the other ROMs do not has it.
Since the Amber Update Gmail works fine, as does Google Calendar, both in the Native WP apps.
Get Metrotalk for Google Voice. It takes a few moments to configure but once you do it works as well as Google Voie for IOS including the ability to call from the App.
I too just switched from Android and I'm still on the fence. Most of the Apps I use are here but the are some near dealbreakers like Sirius/XM and my IP Camera app that are not present and probably never will be.
On the other hand, there are a lot of nice included features like SkyDrive and Nokia Pro Cam. Unfortunately, the choice is not clear cut. You have to figure out whats important to you.
I myself was hell bent on being a one device guy. Had the Galaxy Note and Note 2 so I'd have EVERYTHING all at once. Now with the Lumias (especially the 1020) getting such great cameras I may stick with Windows Phone. I do still have an Android Tablet though to get me by.
Then again, Sony's stuff at IFA like the Z1 or the QX cameras are so intruiging. Though, the Lenses won't work with Wndows Phone, or any phone bigger than 5 inches.
So, once again, I'm left scratching my head. Do I go back to the best all around device like the Galaxy Note 3? Or do I stick with the best camera? Or do I compromise, get a middling Android Phone like the S3 or Optimus G so I can slap one of the Sony QX lenses on it? So many decisions!

[Q] Kids phone ROM/App

Are there any ROMs or Apps designed for use with a phone for kids in the 10-14yo range? I would like for my child to have a phone for emergencies and i was going to pass down my old one, but i can't really find much to lock it down with. All i have really been able to find are "sandbox" apps such as kids mode, kids place, or the like that allow specific apps, but disable all cell/wifi features. These are more designed for letting your toddler play with your personal phone, which isn't what i'm looking for. What i am looking for is to still be able to have cell/wifi, but include: Approved/unlocked apps. Disable the dialer and restrict outbound calls to a predefined, non-editable list. Limited or no marketplace access. Lockout on settings.
There are a lot of tablets that i have seen designed with kids in mind that do this kind of stuff and I've seen similar phones like Kajeet or Firefly, but that would require the purchase of a phone, which i already have and a separate plan. There's stuff like cheap flip phones, but that would still need to be acquired and I figure with all the fun stuff Androids can do they will make sure they carry it around with them.
there was once an app call that did exactly this, but they where only around for like 6 months and then shut down. while the app can still be found in some places and side loaded, its no longer on play store, but it required internet access and a login to launch. since they are shut down, you can't create accounts or login anymore so even a side loaded version is useless.
If it could be done with separate apps to lock down stuff, that would be good too. I know the play store has content filtering and PIN for purchases, there also seem to be plenty of child friendly browsers out there for web filtering, and i could use app lock to lock out settings, but the difficulty i found was with the contact list and dialer.
I would prefer to stay with the stock ROM to keep T-Mobiles wifi calling, but if there's a custom ROM for this, that would work also.
Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions?
Howdy. I realize that this is almost 10 years old but - did you find anything? (fingers crossed).

Android 8.1.0 unable to save contacts?

Not particularly mobile-savvy and days of forum searches have yielded nothing, now heartily sick to the back teeth with this data hungry time-vampire and at this point would quite happily drop kick it across the yard and revert to my little Pixi3 so here goes...
Bought a pair of Wileyfox Swift 2+ phones for myself and one of my sons, my lad's happy to leave the Google defaults ex-factory and can enter and retrieve contacts without issue via something called Google Play which seems to have delusions of grandueur and one eye on world domination 8-{ I on the other hand am totally old skool when it comes to handing over personal data to who knows who and cannot see any good reason why Mr. Google should have any involvement with or access to my contacts so have disabled its permissions. Trying for the first time to save a mate's phone number as a new contact threw up a "Couldn't save contact changes" message. Why not? Wot's yer problem??
Restoring permissions for all apps to do what the hell they liked when ever they liked made no difference at all, it still wouldn't and still won't save a contact? Nothing I've yet done has had any effect, it really wants me to use Google Play (whatever that is)
A functional contact directory would seem to be fundamental element of a mobile phone so why on Earth does this now have to be farmed out to an off-device server??? It's insecure, unnecessary, raises all sorts of privacy issues and frankly is taking bloody liberties in my book Why is their no option to either save a contact to the SIM or SD card, what's so hard about that?
The Guv's now pulling out what remains of his prematurely greying hair and needs to know where all the hidden switches are to get this thing to remember that at the end of the day (and the reason for its purchase) ... it's not a life coach, bank clerk and change agent rolled into one - it's a damn phone.
many thanks in advance folks for any assistance

