Have any of y'all had success playing a WWF No Mercy mod on Android? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

This may not be the best place for this but I don't know anywhere else where I could get legit help on this besides XDA.
I'm not really a current fan of any new wrestling but I like old WWE when it was WWF, especially the Attitude Era. I like the NWO and some other WCW. I've liked TNA mostly but it was not good when I last watched it and they've made a lot of bonehead decisions. I really think ECW was the most consistent in being a good show weekly.
All of that leads to me wanting to play rom mods of No Mercy. I don't know of a rom that has WWF, WCW, ECW, AND TNA wrestlers on it but I know there are some with at least two of the four companies.
I figured out how to add cheats on the regular game but I still want the wrestlers I see in Youtube videos on No Mercy mods. The default roster is good but I really think Val Venis, Mae Young, Mark Henry, and etc. take up space for better wrestlers and I honestly think WWF Wrestlemania has a better roster but worse gameplay, graphics, and just isn't as fun as No Mercy.
I know there has to be a folder of where the put the wrestlers and everything but I'm completely missing something.
I do have actual laptops - a Macbook and a Tashiba Satellite C55 - so I theoretically could run any emulator on both Mac and Windows but really, a tablet is more convenient for gaming than a computer. At least to me. I also run No Mercy smooth on my Galaxy Tab 3 and GTA San Andreas runs just as good too and I play with a Bluetooth controller and it's really just like playing with a PS2 or PS3 controller with the build.
SO I made this post longer than I needed to but can anyone help me?



The seems to be alot of people here that have devoted ALOT of time to making our Titans the products we always hoped our carriers promised. It is amazing to me that with all their massive infrastructures, engineers & support staff they just can't seem to keep pace with DCD, no2chem...the list goes on.
I am avid computer gaming and graphics enthusiast, home theater, XBOX hacker...building my own systems and am learning the ropes here on my Moguls (3 in the family). I have not gotten to the point of building my own custom ROM's for my specific needs..yet.
I just wanted to say thanks for spending the time making these units a better device for all of us. I can only imagine the hours it must take everyone involved. I love the fact that there are others out there still that say "F*** That!" when we are given crappy software by manufacturers and have the dedication to do what they seemingly cannot!
So Thanks!
brew1cool1 said:
I am avid computer gaming and graphics enthusiast, home theater, XBOX hacker...building my own systems and am learning the ropes here on my Moguls (3 in the family). I have not gotten to the point of building my own custom ROM's for my specific needs..yet.
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no problem... i hack xbox too and thats more difficult than pdas
dcd1182 said:
no problem... i hack xbox too and thats more difficult than pdas
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Well then you have given me hope I can master this. On a side note, I hacked the old xbox along time ago with a Xenium ICE chip and now just received the Globe 360 v2 chip from Europe for the XBOX 360 to make that console more agreeable. Should be fun...
w00t xbox hacking!
im still waiting for some reliable solution for homebrew on the 360 though...
and thanks for the roms dcd, but youve got me reflashing my phone almost on a daily basis with the 2.x.x releases, lol
This is way off topic but I'll jump in. I used to hack the original Xbox to get XBMC, copy my games to HD to make them load faster, emulators, etc. I found the only real feature I used was XBMC and I was using it all the time. I personally don't play games all that much and when I do I like to play them online so ripping games wasn't something I did often.
Honestly, with the Fall 360 update I have zero reason to mod my 360. XBLA fills my classic game fix (I play Doom and Sonic ) and I can access all my media over UPnP.
jrebeiro said:
This is way off topic but I'll jump in. I used to hack the original Xbox to get XBMC, copy my games to HD to make them load faster, emulators, etc. I found the only real feature I used was XBMC and I was using it all the time. I personally don't play games all that much and when I do I like to play them online so ripping games wasn't something I did often.
Honestly, with the Fall 360 update I have zero reason to mod my 360. XBLA fills my classic game fix (I play Doom and Sonic ) and I can access all my media over UPnP.
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i agree. my xboxes are just xbmc boxes. the 360 does everything i need, but ill probably pick up another one to hack, just for fun.
look me up on live sometime, same name
xbox GT: ScrufDeeOhGee
homebrew will nice for the 360. I have 3 XBMC boxes as well....
agreed, awesome ROMs. Gotta thank no2chem too...
Awesome Rom's DCD
First off, DCD your roms are amazing i wish i had the skill/talent/time to do the amazing work that your capabile of!
I too used to Mod xboxs (i was an x-ecuter guy myself), PS1's, PS2's and now my PDA!
Thank You DCD! I took am enjoying your custom rom update...GPS works great...just need to test the bluetooth now.
yea, thanks for all the help to dcd and everyone else. this is also off topic, but there is no way i would even buy an xbox 360 if i couldnt burn games, so bravo to everyone who hacks them, cause i did and 360 is better than ever

Sim City/Anno style peaceful God sims?

Good morning!
It only just occurred to me yesterday, that the large touch screen of the NC would be great for a city building style game like AoE/Anno/Sim City.
I've already seen Anno on the Nintendo DS and iOS so we know the touch interface suits the RTS style of game, but I've not had any luck finding any similar games for Android (except maybe Sim City Metropolis which has generally terrible reviews).
So I was just wondering if anyone had come across some peaceful building sims that I could try out?
There is majesty. You could try that one.
Any other games I would like to know too.
SNesoid then grab SimCity ROM.
Haypi Kingdom looks like it could be interesting, but it won't let me create an account. It just tell me that my device is already registered to someone called jbryant187. Anyone else have this problem?
Are you on froyo? As i understood froyo randomise an imei number at startup. You can have someone else imei..
CM7, but I figured it was something like this. Just annoying that I can't create a new account.
Haven't tried it on NC yet, but it's pretty much playable on Dell Streak.
I played Majesty on the NC, its actually really fun and works perfectly - it only has like 8 levels though. So you go through them pretty quickly.
I found one that has some promise, Townsmen 6. Free and paid versions available.
yes. majesty is really good.
there's also Settlers, Townsmen 6, and to a smaller extent Hot Springs Story.
Great thread. I'm about to try out Paradise Island now.
You can also run Warcraft 2 and Starcraft through stratagus. It doesn't have sound like it did on Windows Mobile (but maybe they'll fix it or someone will finally make a decent Android strategy game).
gallahad2000 said:
You can also run Warcraft 2 and Starcraft through stratagus. It doesn't have sound like it did on Windows Mobile (but maybe they'll fix it or someone will finally make a decent Android strategy game).
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Thank youu
I play Paradise Island and Townsmen6.
Paradise Island is quite boring soon, since only thing is getting money and building new buildings.
Townsmen has more interest, since U must take care of your people.
Amazon was just giving majesty away free as part of there a free app a day promo. It runs well on my nook and its nice on a larger screen.

Kairosoft Games! Game Dev Story/ Hot Springs / Grand Prix

So I hadn't seen it here specifically, so I thought I would mention em. Kairosoft is a company that makes simulation games.
But the problem is.... Their games are terribly addicting.
The first one to hit the android market is called Game Dev Story, and it's a game that puts you right dab in the center of a game company. You have to run it, build games, win awards and even build consoles.
The second one to hit the market was Hot Springs Story, and this time you play as a manager of a Japanese Hot Spring/Hotel and it's a lot like the tycoon games where you have to build buildings and rooms, etc... This one is far more challenging but very fun.
And finally Grand Prix Story which came out just a few days ago; has you creating a Racing Team to compete in races and GPs. Possibly even more addicting than Game Dev Story.
ive heard nothing but good things about game dev, ill play it as soon as i finish the 15 games currently on my nook.
luciferii said:
ive heard nothing but good things about game dev, ill play it as soon as i finish the 15 games currently on my nook.
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So, I just counted the number of games on my nook. I have 64 games on it!!!
That's not including emulators and most of the casual games (I mostly have them for my phone). I think I need counseling .
... and yeah, Game Dev Story is awesome! I'll have to give the others a shot.
Anyone have any info on how to unlock the surcharger or more cars with grand prix? I'm lost lol
So far, I've found most cars are earned through the Advertisers, Races, or upgrading another Car (I think I unlocked a car by doing this)... The chargers I unlocked on my first play through and didn't think much of it since I was past Y14. But I think it was through fully upgrading the Gears lineup, not sure though...
Kind of don't like Grand Prix Story after going through it 3 times... Keeping only one item that you most likely won't even be able to install right away is stupid, there's no way in knowing if the staff are going to be better or worse, you just either replace them and hope, or stick with the crapshoot mechanics or driver you have.
And finally, ending on Year 14... Why? Why not atleast year 20?
After going through it three times, my initial first play through where I knew nothing... Is my highest score, imagine that...
I think the supercharger comes from one of the advertiser (one with chimpanzee)
New car design comes from winning race and satisfied advertiser .
fastest way to grow it seems. a) after winning first round and getting 'buggy design" stick with that car. speed, acceleration, specially getting V8 engine asap.
The buggy car should win the first grand prix. after short use of proto car, just enough to win germany, where you get super car. So far this is my best, easiest car.
Guys you have to check out this walkthrough/faq! Spoilers are inevitable though >.>
has anyone found a proper walk through for this game?

Why do more games not support profiles?

So this is just a general philosophy type question, but it bugs the hell out of me.
One of the games that I was addicted to, for quite a while, was Airport mania 2. One of the best features about this game is that it had support for multiple users. That way, on our family tablet, I could play it, my wife could play it, and so could my daughter, and all our progress and scores were separate. This was so awesome it's hard to describe. Kind of like having an epiphany.
So the main question is, why do other uber popular games like Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, etc not support multiple users.
Tablet are becoming more prevalent these days and most families I knew have one tablet that is shared. Not being able to separate my game scores and progress from those of other family members is really bad. I don't play most games any more because someone else in my family already does and I want to play a whole run by myself.
From a programming standpoint it doesn't seem like it'd be that hard. A separate set of stored data for each profile and a screen to let the user choose which set of data to load. However since very few games do this, I'm guessing there's more to it than that, or they just don't care...
Anyway, just rambling but wanted to see if anyone know of a reason that more games don't do this since it'd be such a great feature in a shared device world...
I would 100% agree with you. While its of more use in the Tablet world, as phones, in my experience, are shared less frequently, I really why developers of all types don't see this as a big goal in their game design process.
I mean, whether it's easy or not is relative to the code a developer produces, but in theory it is a simple addition to most games' source.

[Q] Long term, character-building games?

I'm curious if anybody knows of games that include long-term character-building aspects---by that, I mean games that are not really mission-based, and that keep track of how many days you've played. You might want to develop a character or manage some sort of enterprise, etc.
I'm being a bit vague, but one example of such a game is Furdiburb, which has you raising a sort of virtual pet. Are there other good games in this vein?
Haven't heard of the game you mentioned, but there is MMO-alikes such as The World of Magic, if you like that sort of thing?
It's supposed to be pretty good (know someone who loves it) but quite heavy on grinding.
You can try THE INFINITE BLACK its an online multiplayer RPG we have to gain experience and level up sort of....do give it a try!
Hit thank if you like!
crime city is kinda cool, you have to build your criminal empire, via buildings, beatings, jobs and increasing your mafia crew
It's an old thread, but I'd highly recommend Torn. It's a crime MMORPG that people play for a decade, it seems. It has factions and a great deal of choice.
My referral link is just the dot-com plus /1964024
If anyone wants to use it, I'll toss you some items to help you get started. If you don't want to, just go to torn dot com. It's a great game.

