5035d flash file - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i need 5035 flash file with portuguese language.
anyone haves it?


Upgrading to different language ROM

Hi all,
I have a spanish Ipaq Rw6818 and I want to flash it with a newer english ROM, that I actually have. Do you know if there is a way to do this?
The problem is that the software update device utility I cannot flash it because of different rom languages.
Thanks in advance

Looking for New Italian ROM...

Hi All,
does anyone know where I can find a new updated rom file containing Italian language for Qtek 8500?
In the upload/startrek section on ftp site there are some files, but I'm not able to understand which is the most updated with Italian language.
Please can someone give me an updated file name to download?
Thanks a lot.

Newest German ROM?

does anybody know which is the newest ROM with German language?
I have the on my StarTrek.
Is there a newer German ROM available?
Thanks an advance,
I use the but as I saw haven't german language. But you can add german from the rom that you have.I did this with singular rom that I using before for greek language.
Hi dancer_69,
thanks for your answer.
Do you really use the firmware (with the 6 in the middle)?
Where do you get it from and which AKU has it?
Do you have a how-to to extract the German language from my current ROM and include it in the new ROM?
You can find the rom here:
Sorry but I extracted my language from rom before a long time ago and I don't remember how I did in. I found info on how to do it here in this forum. The procedure its the same for rom cooking, you must must create a dump directory from the rom. I remember that I used the nbhtool(found it somewhere in the forum), to extract the rom's nb files and from the windows.nb I extracted with a rom cooking tool(I don't remember which I used) the dump directory. In this directory are all the mui language files(for my language is xxxxxxx.0408.mui, somewhere here again you can find the code for your language, or you can open a mui with a recourse editor and see if the translation is for your language) that you need.
Sorry I can't give more help.
I forgot the obvius. I think that you can try to copy your language mui files from the windows directory of your device to the pc before the rom update.
you can add the smartflip wwe to that list

Atom life wm6 English interface ?

Is it possible to change the interface form Chinese to English without flashing rom?
I have found a Chinese language package, which can modify English interface to Chinese on English Rom. So, I think it can be done by overwriting some files.
Does anyone have this kind of package or knows how to do it?

[Q] C3312 Spanish Lang Flash File

Can anyone give me a link for c3312 flash file with spanish language. thanks

