[Q] Apps appearing in my phone - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have bought a no-brand phone and I noticed, that every now and then some application (which is full of ads) appear in my phone without any notice. I can uninstall them but they will appear again (sometimes same, sometimes new). I have tried to factory reset the phone, but the issue still continue.
Is there any way to find out which app is installing unwanted apps? For example android logs, finding apps with installing permissions, sniffing packets to find out which app downloaded a app?
I have root permission on the phone.
Thank you in advance


[Q] Uninstall multiple apps, without confirmations.

I like to try apps. I think most of you do, too.
The problem is it's really difficult to uninstall an app in Android. I have an iPod Touch, and I can't say uninstallation on iPod Touch is that easy, but Android is worst.
Is there any app (with root privilege), that can uninstall multiple apps without confirming at each app? I tried many apps on the market, but non of them worked like that. One app could remove multiple system apps without confirmations, but it couldn't do that for user apps.
Please tell me if there is a way to achieve this.
And, Google should provide an option to turn off the uninstall confirmation + the useless "uninstalled" message boxes. Or add a way to uninstall multiple apps with only one confirmation (not at each app).
Titanium Backup - you can do batch installs and uninstalls of apk files.
Did not work
I tried the trial version of Titanium Back Up. It did have a menu for that, but executing it did not work. It just hung at 0% and did not progress.

Android force close loop (with phone access)?

I have a problem with my samsung galaxy s2 GT-I9100
running android 2.3.5 stock version.
I'm normal user who used the phone for basic function like making phone calls and using the google, facebook apps with some installed apps from the play store.
Today, 2 hours ago logsprovider initiated out of nowhere an endless loop of "force close" alerts, between them most of the running apps were closed too (including some weird z7... app).
Because of the interval (about half a second) between alerts I can goto setting -> apps -> and "clear data" in the logsprovider config.
this stops the "force close" alerts loop untill the next restart of the phone. in this state I basically don't have access to the phone features and all the home screens are empty, including the phone's apps menu.
I can run any app by adding it to the home screen and then executing it, if the app has system operation like the play store that require it to install something, the app will crash and no new programs will install.
I can also connect the phone to a computer and get access to all the files (I think it's just those on storage), I might try to get an apk of an antivirus there and try to install it - hope it doesn't crash
These are desprate times... thats why I'm contacting the experts,
1. Can I fix this, this might have been caused by an app, what to do?
2. If the only solution is factory reset how do I backup the data, apps, or contact lists?

[Q] Unfortunately, setting has stopped

Hi all gurus, need your helps.
I have just upgraded to 4.1.1 via Kies, XXDLJ1, on I9300.
Whenever I go to Applications Manager, it will has that error or auto exit.
1. I have tried wipe, it is fine, no more issue.
2. I restored all apps from titanium, it comes back
3. I uninstall apps by batch, it turns ok after some number of apps uninstalled. it is not related to particular apps but apps count matter as i tried install n uninstall a different batch of apps, same observation.
4. It always error or exit after i am in the application manager for a few seconds, it seem failed to get apps size successfully counted.
5. I have about 200 apps
Pls help, very frustrated and i tried google for long time but no obvious solution
any tips please?
Same thing with me on Samsung GT-I9300 with Android 4.1.1
I came across this problem 2 times.
The first time it happened when I installed a game "Waking Mars". The game was working fine, I played for around 20 minutes and then wanted to check free storage left after installing. But when I opened Application manager swiping was very laggy and after a few (5-10) secs it crashed with "Unfortunately, Settings has stopped" error or just closed. At that time I didn't know that it was because of "Waking Mars" and started to delete unnecessery applications I installed that day and yesterday, but problem vanished only after uninstalling "Waking Mars". Also, while this app was installed, phone's screen was glitchy and became bleached (the glitch disappeared after rebooting), like when "Natural" screen mode is activated, but it wasn't. When I had tried to install the game again, the problem came back.
The second time it was because of "Galaxy On Fire 2" installed. Same problems appeared: crashing Application manager and glitchy screen.
So I'm pretty sure the problem is because of some exact application, not because of the number of apps installed.
Both games contained their data in ".apk" file, but another Waking Mars version with separate data (cache) caused the same problem too.
By the way, funny thing is that both games are about space
P.S.: Sorry for my English, it isn't my native language.
hi casper1, did you solve the problem? how? same problem here and still persisting, after many many attempts

Regular nightly reboots probably caused by backup of app-data to google drive

I've a problem with my Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge.
OS is 6.0.1.
No root, no system changes.
From the beginning (even with Android 5) i had regular nightly reboots (not every day, but not seldom) AND only a few (around 6) app's data are backuped to google drive.
So I find it quit logical, that during the nightly backup an app crashes the backup process forcing the backup to end unexpectedly
and causing the unwanted reboot.
So, any ideas how to find the causing app?
Are there any log's available?
My favorite suspicious is LightFlow, but this is an unsubstantiated conjecture...
Thank you for answering...
Annoyingly without root is hard to grab logs, why not uninstall the potentially bad app and see if the phone behaves differently? Do it one app at a time and then you can determine which one is causing it.
Couldn't hurt to do a factory reset anyway.
Seems to be one of those: Android System, NFC or Google Play Store backup. As it happens with my wife's phone too.
Very strange. My phone only reboots at the deliberate interval I set in the settings.

Firefly Mobile Intense XL

My phone was serviced "reprogrammed" and when it came back I keep getting ads. I tried resetting the phone but it still keeps getting adware silently installed. Is there any way to fix this?
You are not alone. Bought this phone for my mom since she likes a bigger screen to do social media stuff. The malware popped in after the last ota. The official wirelessupdate app included on the phone silently installs random apks that pushes full screen ads and impersonates clicks even if the the phone is not being used. This is common with generic android phones coming from CHINA
I haven't figured out a way to root the phone as most rooting methods will fail(because of the sucky spreadtrum SOC which makes it difficult to root the phone).SADLY, rooting is the only way to disable/uninstall the wirelessupdate app.
However, here's a workaround I found that works.
1) restrict your network to limit background data usage (Found in settings).
2) **uninstall the malware app: finding the app may be difficult as It normally disguises itself as a system app with names like radio, settings, wifi or some application name that doesn't even make sense. It uses a lot of data and is always active. You'll know its the fake app if it poses as a system app but you have the option to uninstall it(System apps cannot be uninstalled without root/Su access).
The wireless update will probably install another malware app after uninstalling the current one.
3)disable notification of the app so it doesnt send fake notifications to you that opens ad based webpages as it also fakes notification, posing as a fake notif from FB, whatsapp
4) force stop it and stop the services from settings so it doesn't load or push apps while you use your phone
Restarting the phone will make the app run again
5) Remove the app's permission. By default its granted access to location, settings, storage and sometimes camera or mic. The wireless app doesnt detect this and wont turn those permission back on
6) lastly, you can contact firefly support AND PRAY TO THE GOOD LORD they know know what they're doing. Because I did and they were completely clueless on the troubleshooting or on the issue itself and even blamed the problem on the user. Ridiculously stupid.
I haven't really tried ADB yet because i don't have the time and the phone lacks resources online to restore it in case I brick it. Frankly, this phone is not worth investing time fixing especially with the quality of support it has from Firefly and the price it asked for.

