[Q] Genymotion and IDA PRO - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Guys, help me please configure genymotion and ida properly.
I want to debug an application using no arm hardware.
So i installed genymotion, emulated htc onex android 4.2.2.
After that i installed arm translator.
Now i am trying to connect my virtual device and ida using ADB:
i push android_server file to the system folder
chmod access rights (755)
and try to start server - ./android_server
As a result i receive error saying that the file can not be executed : magic 7f45
As far as i understand android_server is ELF executable and is waiting for arm processor.
So arm translator doesn't work for ida's android_server?


[Q] Compiled source for android

Hi all
Im using Galaxy Mini (Android 2.3.6) and have installed Ubuntu 9.04 jaunty via Linux Installer. Using(on phone) Ubuntu and cx_Freeze i can compile Python scripts to source code(for armv6l) and install it (on Ubuntu) and it works well but when i move it to Android and run command from Terminal Emulator im getting toast with message root get administrator privileages(a few times) to time when shows superuser force update, phone getting laggy and i must take off battery and turn it on again.
directory tree of source files:
--------print(file, run print from /usr/lib/print-0.1/ dir)
------------*.zip(archive with freezed Python libs)
and files in /system/xbin/
print file
su -c "/system/xbin/print.sh"
print.sh file
export print="/usr/bin/print"
My Questions:
1. Why it not works while files are compiled on armv6l to armv6l processor?
2. Can i somehow make that works?(How? or Why?)
3. Is there a way to make linux gui for android?(Why?)

[Q] Help Running a C++ Application via Terminal

I have a C++ Application that work on Ubuntu/any Distro via Terminal, And all what i want is to run it on my Android.
I have a Compressed file of the source code, So if i Followed these:
cd /src
it will work on Ubuntu like a charm, now the thing i Copied this to my Droid, i had some problems with noexec, so i moved it to /data/tmp and now i don't have this issue anymore, now i get an "Magic 7F bla bla.." Error, I Think this because the source code has been compiled for Intel Architecture, so how can i Compile it for ARM?:crying:

[Q] Building apps with sql (mysql) support problem

i`m trying to develop simple ubuntu application. This application should connect to remove mysql server, query and display data in UbuntuListView. Project was created in Qt Creator 3.1.1 as QML app with c++ plugin (cmake).
In my cpp class, i connect to mysql server using QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL"); according to qt documentation.
On my desktop (ubuntu 14.04) application works fine (after installing libqt5sql5-mysql), but when i tried to run this application on my aquaris E4.5 ubuntu edition (using Framework ubuntu-sdk-14.10) i got this error:
QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE
Open database: false
I have found package libqt5sql5-mysql 5.3.0+dfsg-2ubuntu9 (armhf binary) for utopic unicorn. In qt creator, under Tools->Options->Ubuntu, I clicked on Maintain button in Framework ubuntu-sdk-14.10 and install that package. But this didn`t solve my problem.
Do yo have any ideas ?
If you want to include said libaries, you need to ship them as .so files in your click package. Don't ask me how to do it (I don't know in this specific case), but simply installing it in your chroot won't work.

Node and NPM on Chromebook (Chrome OS) - using Acer Chromebook C720P official vanilla

Hacking Acer Chromebook C720P -
Node and NPM on Chromebook (Chrome OS) - very inconsistent material & literature on it - could not make it install properly so far - /thread https://yoember.com/nodejs/the-best-way-to-install-node-js/
This command to get npm working
sudo mount -i -o remount,exec /home/chronos/user
(presupposes r/w system)
The purpose - getting further capabilities without having to buy a newer Chromebook - & without having to change or hack the underlying original Chrome OS which uses Linux Kernel 3.8 -
I will be posting some of the results here - & others associated to using crouton with xiwi...
cd ~/Downloads
sudo mount -i -o remount,exec /home/chronos/user
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion
command -v nvm
nvm list
nvm ls-remote
nvm install 10.9.0
nvm use 10.9.0
nvm alias default 10.9.0
node -v
npm install -g npm
nvm install iojs
# should get: Now using io.js v3.3.1 (npm v2.14.3)
Resources - 1. nvm by creationix -
Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
Resources - 2. Node.js
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
Resources - 3. npm
npm is the package manager for javascript
Resources - 4. chromeos-apk
Run Android Apps in Chrome OS or Chrome in OS X, Linux and Windows.
Crouton, xiwi, Linux, arcwelder & other resources...
In here https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=77252924&postcount=71
I posted how to get Skype working without Android, because Android in Chromebook Acer CB C720P does not support USB host mode, so we cannot have usb webcams from within Android.
However USB Webcam works in hacked & non hacked Chromebook with UVC.
So using crouton & a Linux distro allows to get Skype with webcam fully working, also with xiwi in a window in Chrome OS.
I tried to get Android Skype working using an apk through arcwelder with no success - versions below 5 load but redirects to install newer versions, disallow operating.
Latest version like 7 or 8 would not load through arc welder.
& I bumped onto chromeos-apk.
To use chromeos-apk to install Android apps, one needs npm, so this is how it led me to node.js -
Run Android Apps in Chrome OS OR Chrome in OS X, Linux and Windows.
with (in the downloaded chromeos-apk-master folder from above vladikoff git)
npm install chromeos-apk -g
sudo npm install chromeos-apk -g
& you should get something similar to this -
[email protected] ~/Downloads $ cd chromeos-apk-master
[email protected] ~/Downloads/chromeos-apk-master $ npm install chromeos-apk -g
/home/chronos/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.8.0/bin/chromeos-apk -> /home/chronos/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.8.0/lib/node_modules/chromeos-apk/chromeos-apk
+ [email protected]
added 13 packages from 6 contributors in 8.137s
Note - I used v10.8.0 of node.js - but v10.9.0 should work same.
Run chromeos-apk [path to apk file]
... tbc/...
chromeos-apk results
Results not encouraging - any apk I submitted so far to chromeos-apk leads to the error: (it creates an unpacked extension to load from chrome://extensions)
Failed to load extension
There is no "message" element for key extName.
Could not load manifest.
waste of time?
I guess, I learnt how to install node.js & npm
Result - news -
It depends on the apk version, for instance
Es File Explorer version es-file-explorer-4-1-7-1-28.apk installs OK using either Arc Welder or chromeos-apk...
latest versions do not -
(also tested on Asus Chromebit CS10 which is Arm 32bit)
this is a battle of wits between Google developers, & independent developers - Google sabotages community efforts for obvious reasons, stay in control.

How to check apk-device compatibility before installing?

Hi everyone! I'm making a program to extract apk files to sideload them to other devices when needed. I want to check the compatibility between apk files and devices to avoid errors and wasting time pushing incompatible files.
Wich properties should I check before installing? And wich commands should I use?
I'm currently checking abis, sdk version, and app version via
-'adb getprop' for device info
-'adb shell dumpsys package' for installed apps on device
-'aapt dump badging' for apk files in my HDD.
OS: Windows 10 1909 x64
Language: C# .NET
IDE: Visual Studio 2013

