[KICKSTARTER] A code editor for Windows Phone. - Windows Phone 8 Apps and Games

There aren't too many code editors for Windows Phone, so I decided to make one!
Elemental runs on Windows Phone and Android, but also runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Chrome OS.
The code editor is open source and aims to make Windows Phone and Android more powerful platforms.
Runs natively
Syntax highlighting for over 100 languages
Over 20 themes
Highlighting matching parentheses
Customizable tabs
Automatic indent and outdent
Code folding
Drag and drop text
Multiple cursors and selections
Customizable key bindings including vim and Emacs modes
Linting for CSS, JavaScript, and CoffeeScript
Open Source (GNU General Public License v3.0)
Cloud Integration (Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc)
A lot more!
If you like the idea behind Elemental and want to see this code editor become a reality, I'd love it if you share and back this project. Thanks!
If this Kickstarter is funded, this thread will become the application thread for Elemental.


Anyone know of a graphing calculator program?

I'd like to use my touch pro as a graphic calculator but haven't had luck finding a program. Anybody know of one?
Here you go, just select the version and your ready to go
SpaceTime 3.0 is the next generation in scientific ²Û
Û² computing. SpaceTime 3.0 introduces our new powerful programming ²Û
Û² language to create your own scripts. ²Û
Û² SpaceTime 3.0 introduces an all-new innovative interface. Solve ²Û
Û² expressions, graph equations, and create scripts all from a single ²Û
Û² workspace! ²Û
Û² MobileCAS® 2.0 is the second generation of our computer algebra ²Û
Û² system for lightning fast calculations and improved typesetting.

Multi-Touch SDK for Resistive Screens V1.0 Beta

Multi-Touch SDK for Resistive Screens V1.0 Beta
Requirements:WM 6, 6.1, 6.5 Professional
Overview: None
*Pinch to Zoom Support
*Drag (swipe) support.
*Replacement events for the mouse move fires only when a single finger detected.
*Multiple events based on gestures.
*Performance optimized, memory footprint is minimal.
To use this SDK you will need Visual Studio Professional or better. start a new Smart Device Project, and add the SDK to your references.
The SDK is consists of only one object, which is DualTouchSDK. We will need one instance of this class for every control that supports pinch to zoom or drag in your application.
There are several methods, properties and events that can be utilized in order to achieve multitouch effect. i have done my best to make this as easy as possible, my code is now complex but it is necessary to achieve easy implementation.
Download Instructions:
1. open
2. look for "Rotate To Exit\bin\"
3. unzip Debug folder and open the .exe on PPC.
File: http://www.windowsphoneme.com/index.php?file=431
Thanks go to
Thomas Graves
Very nice any Apps being made to demonstrate this?
Can I zoom photos with this app? I see video where someone doing it. Sorry for my english .
Yes it is possible but someone needs to make apps to make use of this.
It is a sdk.

Some tips on graphics for a coder coming from ActionScript

Hello, I come to ask only for a few tips or merely a bit of guidance on my development for Android.
I'm pretty skilled in ActionScript and new to Java. In this thread I ask how would I do some things in Java, providing the equivalent in AS.
I intend to draw shapes on screen and use them as UI - as a deeper layer within the Android XML UI.
In ActionScript, I can create Sprites or DisplayObjects, edit their "graphics" property like
// create a DisplayObject instance
_someDisplayObject = new DisplayObject();
// create a white square inside it
// place it dinamically in a position relative to the Stage (canvas)
_someDisplayObject.x. = Stage.stageWidth / 2;
Also, are there Tweening libraries like TweenLite or Tweener ? Those which allows to create animation with one like of code like:
// move display object to position X = 300 with half transparency, in half second
Tweener.addTween(_someDisplayObject, { x:300, alpha:0.5, time:0.5, transition"EaseOutSine" } );
Can anyone give a clue, on what am I looking at, to try the same in Java for Android ?
Just an advice letting me know where to start would be greatly appreciated. :fingers-crossed:
Thank you !
You can create shapes in Android using XML or in your Java code or with both. You can also create Animations including Tween animations. (I haven't used animations before though so I can't help any further).
The first place to go is the Android Developers website (d.android.com/develop) and then in the API Guides section under User Interface option and App Resources option in the left hand menu. There are samples included in the Android SDK under API Demos which you can use to get your started.
I can't post links because I haven't made 10 posts yet, sorry.
As you already know, the Android display model is more complex than the one used in ActionScript.
There is no direct equivalent for the graphics property from AS3 in Android.
To draw low-level graphics you can use the canvas parameter provided in the onDraw method (you override it in your own class inherited from android.view.View).
As for the Tweening, like Kavrocks said, try to learn how to use the Animation class and it's extensions, because they are built inside the android framework, therefore optimized (that's just my opinion). All the tweening engines in AS3 are based on dynamic calling of properties (by name). Java uses the reflection api for calling dynamic properties, but it is much slower than a direct call (from a specialized Animation class, in this case).
I am also trying to figure out different modes of applying animations and effects in actionscript. There's a tutorial on Lynda where you can see som tips from migrating from AS to Java, and HTML5, both of this can help you understand better how to apply them in your application.

Native Google Cardboard support for android.?

So, Google Cardboard gives a huge display that doesn't strain your eyes. Therefore it might be useful to view any app if it is in Side-by-Side mode (such as netflix, or even a text editor together with a keyboard).
There is no native support in android for SBS, but is it possible to have developers add this feature to ROMs?

[Android Studio] string.xml : String value not appearing in Emulator

I am new to Android development and recently picked up Android Studio this week.
I'm following a book: Android 6 for Programmers An App-Driven Approach: Deitel Developer Series 3/e
Chapter 2 of the book talks about adding string resource values to your Text Views. This is pretty neat and it seems to work fine in the IDE, but not in the Emulator and I'm not really sure what the problem is.
It's very simple:
The Text View text property is: @string/welcome
The strings.xml file shows:
<string name="welcome">Welcome</string>
activity_main.xml Design View is showing: "Welcome" as the value in this Text View
The emulator is showing "Hello World" as the value in this Text View
I don't know enough about Android Studio to know what I've done wrong.
Is there a setting I need to get the resource values to display properly?
Is it just an emulator issue?
Troubleshooting Attempts:
I've made 3 different Virtual Devices, and each one is showing the default "Hello World" instead of the resource value
I've made a second resource value call "test" and set the Text View text property to "@string/test" - same issue
Any help would be appreciated

