G900pvpu1boa6__for developers only - Sprint Galaxy S 5 Android Development

update tar is out don't need...................................................................


need some advice on building an aosp rom

i'm trying to build an aosp rom for my samsung galaxy s duos(gt-s7562). what modifications do i do so that the rom can work on my phone.
i've downloaded one file from samsung open source website this files contain two things called platform.tar.gz and kernel.tar.gz
how do i go about this.
i'm running the latest firmware update and the phone is rooted and has clockworkrecovery mod on it

[Devs Needed] Verizon G2 .bin OTA Captured 24A

Since they split the forums, we aren't getting the traffic we had before.
Some of the fellow XDAers have captured the Verizon KK OTA update in .bin format that is 24A. We don't know if it is final or what it contains. We have been unable to flash it or force an update.
If any one is familiar with LG on a dev level and want to offer assistance, please visit us here:
Since the update is 24A, it might include some updates or features not in the earlier KK builds and could benefit all. More information is in the thread.

Stock ROM archive??

So, apparently Sony does not host anything but the very latest versions of the firmware files for download. Which is a damn shame. And I'm having trouble coming up with a canonical XDA archive thread for past versions of Z5c firmware. Is there a site out there being maintained by anyone with a comprehensive archive of past firmwares??
Also, I remain a bit confused about what the reason is behind sharing firmwares as FTFs. Why not zip up the FILE_SET downloaded direct from Sony and distribute that? One can always re-create their own FTF from those files, but I don't think you can go the other way. So information gets lost when people share FTFs instead of the original files.
-- Nathan

SM-G360T1 G360T1UVS2APK3 Stock Recovery & Kernel For Developers

Today Samsung Released an update that breaks a root method of Trapkernel im not not discussing of creating a kernel but assisting Devs by saving them time to create one so i extracted the boot.img & recovery.img from the Official firmware (No backups were used the files were tooken from the Odin format version of the firmware) their also in the zip as flashable files for odin so their is two different versions
You have 2 of the same files that arent flashable via odin
Boot.img & Recovery.img
And you have the same files as flashable fies for odin:
recovery.img.tar.md5 & boot.img.tar.md5
Yea they work and fully tested using my Galaxy Core Prime SM-G360T1 MPCS
Why do you ask of why i wanted Trap kernel to be updated?
A: see i flashed the trap kernel via Odin and the phone booted just fine no issues but i soonely realized that the Kernel breaks the Wi-Fi feature and thats all it breaks Cell and Other Features work just fine, so im asking devs to use the zip given to create a new root method out of the same root method if possible to root the Galaxy Core Prime SM-G360T1 MPCS and have our wifi fixed!
Now this us so important to me because Samsung just made the phone even faster better and secured with a patch to Quadrooter Vaulnerabilities so here ya you all go devs lets get rootin i will update the thread when new firmwares release!
Download Here: https://www.mediafire.com/download/bjj0i8f0f8zb01q
XDA:DevDB Information
SM-G360T1 G360T1UVS2APK3 Stock Recovery & Kernel For Developers , Kernel for the Samsung Galaxy Core Prime
Kernel Special Features:
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: None
Stable Release Date: 2016-12-23
Created 2016-12-23
Last Updated 2016-12-23
Edit - gave up.
also breaks the pc reconising the phone ahhhhhh like wtf nobody knows the fix..shoul be said on the thread it breaks wifi n pc as causes malfunction so pc dont see the phone.. twrp has file yet now cant revert back to just use twrp as it broke connection so cant flash stock

How can you extract the radio image from an official Sony ROM?

With other ROMs (e.g. Nexus devices, you simply download the official zip which contains the various images: system, vendor, kernel, RADIO, etc.)
Using Xperifirm to download an official Sony ROM, you get a folder full of crappy SIN files ...
How can one get a flashable radio.img?
u don't need one
This is not Q&A thread. Don't post question at here.

