restricted user on phone / only read access to contacts - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, I will get a new router soon that supports SIP and IP-phones. So I want to use an Android Smartphone for landline calls. The Android dialer supports SIP accounts (I checked CM11, CM12 and 5.0 stock), so I want to use that.
Because the device is used as a phone, I want to sync all my gmail contacts with their phonenumbers. The phone is supposed to lie around for everyone to use, so there will be no security lock. But because I have all my stuff on my google account I don't want people to have access to more data than the contacts (read access / no write).
How do I manage this? With restricted users I could choose which apps are accessible, but as far as I know it's not available for phones, only tablets.
The easiest was is probably to do it without the sync and just import the whole contact list once every month or something. Then the write access would be no problem, because nobody can mess directly with my contacts.
Is there any ROM that brings restricted users to phones that I can try?
I have a HTC Sensation (CM12) with docking station which I want to use.
I also have a Nexus 4 (stock 5.0) with a partly not responding touchscreen that I could also use when there is a ROM with the needed features only for this device.


[Q] Do using CyanogenMod make it possible to not associate your phone to Google?

I was thinking about buying an Android smartphone since I have a >4yr old Nokia, but I would like to use a Phone without a 3rd party account that syncs with Apple/Google whatever and send everything I do on my cellphone to them. I would like to think as "like a Linux machine, but with a SIM card".
Meego is dead, iPhone I can't install what I want, so I'm stuck with Android. I've read somewhere that when installing CyanogenMod, it doesn't ask for a Google Account. Is it true? Can I use it without associating it with Google? (I know I won't have access to Marketplace, but I can live with that). I'll use the smartphone mainly for webbased mail, dont need facebook/twitter/gmail/maps, and will sync all contacts locally.
Even if I don't associate my phone with google, is it going to send "data for better experience" like app usage, gps location and such using an unique identifier from my cell phone to google?
(I tried to search 'cyanogen "google account" on search, but couldn't find an answer. Sorry if this is a duplicate :/)
Technically, you wouldn't need to asscoiate any rom with Google as long as you don't enter a gmail address. Also, some roms don't come with gapps, allowing you to utilize the phone without any Google apps installed. Cyanogenmod is one of those roms. I suggest checking out the developer page for the various phones you're considering and seeing the type of roms they offer.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

[Q] SGS2 Exchange 2010 client and modded ROMs

Hi, there
New to this forum group, having just taken delivery of SGS2, with
Prior to this I had an HTC HD2 with O2 UK, and made much use of the HD2 forum groups in modding that phone.
This forum group has been so active, I see a steep learning curve ahead. This is all to the good - it means folks are enthusiastic about this phone.
A major reason for me choosing the SGS2 was that Samsung Exchange client supports SMS sync with Exchange 2010 accounts.
This is vital for work, as I can send up to 1000 sms a month to clients and staff.
With SMS sync, I can keep a message history for past and current issues and projects.
My question is: should I stick to the standard Samsung ROM (it isn't "3" branded, as I got it through a reseller, and came unlocked) to keep SMS sync?
Or, can I give in to my inner geek and get modding?
There seem to be 2 main branches for mods - Samsung ROM based and "other" ROM based.
If I were to install a modded ROM would I preserve the functionality?
Or, could I reinstall the Samsung Exchange client if it wasn't present in a modded ROM?
Please excuse me if the answer is out there. I have done extensive reading and searching, but haven't found an answer yet.
If the answer to my question is "search some more, son, this has been answered already", please let me know politely.
I would suggest learning first which things do you need to be able to run SMS sync. If the only thing you need its Samsung Exchange Client, you can use any ROM you like and you can install Samsung Exchange Client app in there so you would be able to run SMS sync without problems.
If SMS sync requires certain kernel or more deeper system stuff, it would be harder to move to another ROM.
Hi, AzureusPT, and thanks for replying
I suspect it is just the Samsung Exchange client I need - it is the only one, other than WM6.1/6.5 that has the SMS sync feature enabled. Standard Android and other variants (HTC, etc.), Apple and Windows Phone 7/7.5 don't enable the necessary features.
I've tried Nitrodesk Touchdown (on a HTC Wildfire I set up for my Mom as a second phone) and it's implementation is spotty.
I guess you're right - I will have to bite the bullet and try out various options. It will be the only way to know for sure what is necessary. From your comment, I take it the Samsung email (Exchange) client is available as a separate download?
Also, I see you are using HyperDroid-Androidmeda - I was thinking of giving that a go as my first ROM rooting adventure. Is it a variant of the Samsung ROM?
I'd also be very interested about this.
Here's another (older) thread:

Android and MobileMe compatibility?

Guys, I'm on the verge of jumping ship from an iPhone 4 to a One X (when released). But my only problem may be the fact that I have a MobileMe account - Mail, Calendar, Contacts etc - which I really can not afford to lose.
I need the possible new HTC to be able to do all that the iPhone does with MobileMe on the iPhone - Push Mail, Cal and Contacts. Is this possible?
I know some people have setup GMail accounts instead, but due to business needs I really cannot afford to change accounts right now.
Sorry guys. Have I asked a mega stupid question that no one wants to answer? Or is it because no one knows?
It's not gonna sync with iCloud and going from iPhone to Android is like downgrading from a BMW to a broke down scooter.
MobileMe is completely proprietary in the sense that it will only work with apple products nothing else, email has a chance of working but it will be fairly stripped down as it's not gmail. Also ignore the troll above me, not allowing you to use something you pay for on anything you want is just another one of the many many reasons to leave apple products.
cordell507 said:
MobileMe is completely proprietary in the sense that it will only work with apple products nothing else, email has a chance of working but it will be fairly stripped down as it's not gmail. Also ignore the troll above me, not allowing you to use something you pay for on anything you want is just another one of the many many reasons to leave apple products.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You don't pay for iCloud, it's free. There is no reason to leave Apple for Android seeing how the OS is a fragmented mess. You have a better chance of winning a pottery then getting a timely update from an OEM.
Thanks for the replies guys
I've been doing some research and have had some help from other places, and it seems that MobileMe can be sync'ed but with the assistance of other desktop apps.
If these work well, then I will take the leap.
Alex2792, I would have agreed with your "downgrade" comment a year ago. But having seen some of these new Android phones in full flow... well, no restrictions, far cheaper, far more modifiable - it makes sense to
how i got contacts from mobileme
this is my solution.
1. login to mobileme
2. go to address book
3. select all entries in your address book
4. under setting select export contact
5. connect your HTC phone to your mac in disk mode (found under setting within the connect to PC menu)
6. once connected, open finder and copy your vcards.vcf file from your mac to the mounted phone's downloads directory
7. after copy is completed, disconnect phone
8. restart phone (I had to do this for the storage device to find the file)
9. open contacts on HTC phone
10. open contacts settings (top right corner)
11. select to import contact from phone storage
12. import should begin and all contact will be found under under in contacts under "phone"
a status window popped up showing the percentage complete until all 350 contacts were added. I got pics, email addresses, and names without issue.
I really don't understand this fragmented crap.
I have a 2 yearold HTC EVO4G which I've been completely happy with. It runs android 2.3.5, without any noticable bugs. I have decent battery life (newer phones have better due to better displays, and not using a 60nm chip), can run any app on the market, and can do all sorts of things that I can't do on iphone (such as change a freaking default browser). I use the go launcher, which is freaking pretty, and has all kinds of new fanciful effects. I don't even have the original launcher installed anymore. My contacts, photos and videos are automagically uploaded and backed up on google plus, dropbox, my desktop, and my netbook.
I have a very good experience on my "fragmented" phone.
Ignoring the obvious troll, I too have switched from android to iphone back to android and then iphone and am back to android. Since google backs up all your app data (who needs call logs backed up?) and there is an app to backup your texts, well I don't see any reason to blast google.
Also, do some research, there are some desktop appear that can help you switch everything over. Although it sounds like you've already done that.
For instance:
Dropbox will automatically upload your pictures to yourself and every device that has your account installed.
Google backs up all apps just like iOs.
You can most certainly have push email with android that is not gmail based. There are a ton of email clients in the play store.
sent from my nook tablet or sgh-i777, using string

Which app for manage client?

a friend of mine bought a few days ago a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" to manage his clients (he's a doctor).
He started to build his contact library (he doesn't have an android phone and no gmail contacts) adding name, surname, eventually mail and phone number and in the "Note" field he wrote all the note he'd taken. BUT this field has a characters' limit, and he can't add even a letter anymore (for the most visited client of course).
I tried to search for an app for this purpose but I can't find anything. I don't even search ONLY an app, it can be enough another method using the in-build feature of the tablet and android.
I searched for some CRM app, but most of them are ugly (since it's not a power user the more simple and clean is the better) and not optimized for a tablet. I found Insightly, but it's only online, and if he does'nt have a wifi network around he can't, not only record the new data, but also access to the old ones! They MUST be always available.
I thought about a simple folder + text file in G Drive, but these are only online too. Dropbox, too.
If it can interact with the G Mail contacts (the Note field is very useful at this) it would be wonderful, otherwise he'll build up his library with his contacts.
How can I do to have these data always on the tablet (cloud sync is not absolutely necessary)??? Any idea for an app or an alternative method?
He bought a tablet to use for work, without any idea on how he would use it for work or if it would even do what he wanted? If he throws money around like that, why not recommend him to get an app written for his company and it's needs. There are many app developers who design and write custom apps for clients.

[Q] Gear S Backup and Restore

I see that my Gear S is set to automatically backup periodically. When this happens, it significantly drains my battery. is there a way to either disable this backup process or have the Gear S only backup when plugged in?
more questions on back-up & restore
on a semi-related issue - if i buy a new Samsung phone and paired that to my Gear S, (or vice versa), where are all my contacts, diary entries, apps and other stuff?
yeah I understand they get wiped - but is there anyway to save then somewhere - using Kies?? - the sim card ??, a memory card??
After a few trials & errors i decided to save everything to the Samsung account, but for better or worse that doesn't seem to work like say ahem iCloud - should i "backup" to the sim & turn off if possible Gear S backup facility as the OP seems to be asking ---- but there seems to be no facility to bulk change prior entries to "save to sim" or "memory card"
Pairing the watch and the phone over BT or when further away via my samsung account via 3G does seem to be now working very well - thanks to what I've learned here - but what exactly is my samsung account - when I registered initially I was able to add the S4 as a device but not the Gear S - now I'm directed to hot deals on microwaves etc when i log in
I haven't noticed such a battery drain backing up (by BT presumably) but my use case aspirations for the Gear S does involve the hope that the liberation of one device on my wrist (+/- the host phone somewhere else) might significantly reduce my very expensive data usage - disciplining me to restrict checking emails or browsing to wifi at home or at work - so far so good ... but will the downside be having to type in my contacts diary events and re-download the apps every time I change one of the devices or I have to perform a hard reset on the watch-phone to try to overcome some glitch?
There is no way to enter new contacts on Gear S. It gets whatever your phone get. So, the question is how do you transfer your contacts between your phones. It seems to me you are still living in stone ages. If you use any of the services like GMail or (from MS), you should already save your contacts in one of those cloud services. So no matter what phone you are on, they are always there. I won't trust saving to Samsung account. What happens when you move to a non-Samsung phone? You can't retrieve them anymore. Samsung account only works on Samsung phones.
Seems like my backups are happening around 12 pm. I'd like to schedule them to occur at night when I have the Gear S plugged in.
Is the backup setting for the Gear S linked to another backup setting on my Galaxy Note 4?
....I understand I can't enter contacts on the phone
....I still don't understand what my Samsung account is, whether it does save my contacts/calendars somewhere however unreliably - I don't like being "locked in" to anyone but will continue to be locked into Samsung while the Gear S continues to fulfil its promise and exceed expectations (despite the difficult learning curve, deficiencies in the implementation and support and being somewhat underwhelmed by the Galaxy user interface)
....I do still use iCloud for better or worse for personal stuff, (not sure thats relevant here) but would rather avoid Gmail (i did reactivate an old gmail account to play around with some of the services / apps on the Galaxy)
.... ditto - - I'd rather not go back there either but would do if it is then relatively easy to sync my outlook contacts and calendar(s) (when in wifi) with the samsung Galaxy apps that sync with the Gear S via Gear Manager
I can use iCloud or my work outlook whenever I'm at my desk or on wifi (or dollar gobbling phone tethering or mobile broadband dongle)
- yes in outback Australia I am kind of living in the stone age - often away from wifi or even a phone signal, having to wait weeks/months whenever i move house / location to transfer over my broadband account, figure out what to do when i travel abroad etc
so yes i have heard of and can use these cloud based services but often not 24/7 365 days a year so I'm still having to consider the best way to get the contacts onto the "master" phone with some degree of preseverence / transferability so that they are physically there on the gear S
sorry if i've missed an obvious point / solution or overcomplicated that -- i just tried creating a new contact and the choices are save to Samsung Account Device SIM or my recently reluctantly reactivated google account
If privacy is not a big concern for you, I don't see what you don't embrace those cloud services. It is very convenient to sync multiple devices at the same time. You don't need them to be perfectly on 24/7. It only needs to be on when you first sync to your phone. The contacts will remain on your phone even if the service is down afterwards. You can sync them to your phone, tablets and PCs.
The could services allow you to store multiple phone numbers per contact as well as photo, mailing address and email address etc.
Here are pros and cons of what you have listed:
1. SIM cards: only one phone number per entry. Multiple phone numbers for the same contact requires multiple entries. Can store phone numbers only. If SIM card dies, so are all your contacts.
2. iCould: works best with Apple devices. Not so much with others (although you can find work arounds).
3. Google: works best with Android devices. But also works on other platforms like Windows and iOS. If you use Android device, you will have to sign in with a Google account anyway. So you will be synced with Google contacts regardless you use it or not.
4. Outlook: works best with Windows Phone and Windows PC. But also works on other platforms like Android and iOS. If you use Windows devices, you will have to sign in with a Microsoft account anyway and synced with the contacts.
5. Samsung: as far as I know, it only works with Samsung Android phone and Android tablets.
I often use my desktop PC to edit and input contact information and it then syncs to cloud and to the devices. Very convenient.

