[Q] Installing multiple devices at once - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, I have about 200 android tablets and I would like to know if there is any solution how to install them whit filled Google account, installed apps from GP, settings by some easy way rather than doing it with every single tablet...
Something like image file ofr Windows, or *.exe app (in self execution rar) which contains specific informations, ex. specific company ports etc.
Do you guys know about anything like that? It could be even bussines solution, paid, there is no problem with that, only I could not find anything
Thank you very much!!!


System files moving not permitted

Hi to everyone.
Before this HTC device I had others and also had a Motorola Mpx220 (WM2003 SE).
I was used to move the files within "\Windows\Start Menu" (mostly .lnk files to installed programs) into newly created subfolders, to be able to use and/or access the function I needed in a faster way.
I've tried doing the same on this WM5 device, but everytime I try I get an error message reporting it is not possible (File Explorer has greyed out options to cut and/or copy, while TotalCommander just reports it's not possible to "overwrite" ???).
Does anyone have an idea of how this can be done (registry ???) ?
Thank you.
Here is the solution...
Hi Mix, it's Mix answering (yes, I'm the same person...)...
First of all I would like to thank you ALL the people which knew the solution and were fighting to answer to my doubt...
You were so many, I wonder why the message has been read times and so many answers arrived: 0 (yes, ZERO).
Anyway, I came across the solution myself, by chance...
The problems seems being the smartphone versions of WM5 being protected against file modifications. This protection extends also to some files execution and to certificate installations (hence some problems may arise when connecting to an Exchange Server for syncronization).
Some tools are needed to remove this protection, and some experience of registry modification is required too (I will not help anyone beside what is in this message and I take no responsability for any mistakes and/or troubles you may produce or face).
First of all you need a special version of RegEdit (the tool from PHM): you should find an HTC digitally signed copy of it called RegEditSTG.exe.
Look around for it: there are many forums around which do hold a copy of it.
Place it in your phone's memory, not on the MicroSD card...
With this tool you should change the following values:
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001001 = 2 => 1 (RAPI)
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001005 = 16 => 40 (Cert)
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001017 = 128 => 144 (?)
The first is the value you will find, the second is the value you should enter. The third line has a question mark because someone says it should be made, someone not... It's up to you. I made it.
Then you should find another tool (with the same above method) called SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe which has to be run on your desktop PC with the phone already connected with USB (and possibly with ActiveSync not in the middle of a sync...).
Once you run this, you will get a message that the unlock took place (if not, it may be the first operations did not complete well).
Disconnect your phone from the USB cable and power cycle it (switch it off and then on again).
Opla'... the phone is not APPLICATION UNLOCKED and you will be able to move file around the directories as I was looking to when I first posted my message.
Now I have a very quick Start Menu, as I wanted.
Please, be aware that this operation hacks the security policies of WM5 and then any other application which may be dangerous can now run on your phone.
If you wish to stay on the safe side, it could be useful to restore the registry settings to their original values, but I do not know if this could cause other problems, since I didn't on my phone.
I actually double check every single file by myself before launching it and I do not run anything which I'm not sure it is safe.
So, pay attention... (you have been warned...).
Hope this helps someone else out there.
Thanks for the tips mate! I was searching around for the same problem.
Can a hard reset put all the files back as in the old WM2003? I'm asking that 'cause if you look at the windows directory, many exe and dll files are repeated, with a different code. I guessed they are for the many different languages the phone support and the code is the country code. Maybe when you switch from one language to another those files are renamed so you have the correct exe and dll for the language you need...
If I can erase all the files I don't need (I will never change the language or maybe have only italian and english) I can save lot of space.
Am I wrong? Was that ever tried before?
vbi said:
Thanks for the tips mate! I was searching around for the same problem.
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;-) I knew...
Can a hard reset put all the files back as in the old WM2003? I'm asking that 'cause if you look at the windows directory, many exe and dll files are repeated, with a different code. I guessed they are for the many different languages the phone support and the code is the country code. Maybe when you switch from one language to another those files are renamed so you have the correct exe and dll for the language you need...
If I can erase all the files I don't need (I will never change the language or maybe have only italian and english) I can save lot of space.
Am I wrong? Was that ever tried before?
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In order:
- Yes, I suppose a hard reset of the device completely restores the original factory settings, hence, the device will appear as "brand new".
- You're right: all the localized files present there are just to be able to swithc to other languages (maybe following user's settings and maybe also following user's SIM settings too...).
- Erasing the unused files may appear as a "space saving" job. It is not. First of all you will not be able to remove ROM resident files, but provided you could be able to do this, you will not be able to use ROM space as you intend...
Finally then, it's completely unuseful to try to remove them, just a waste of time trying...
Thanks Michele.
Are you sure the windows directory is in ROM?
I always tought ROM was only to store the "disk" image when you hard reset the device. I was so for the Qtek S100.
vbi said:
Are you sure the windows directory is in ROM?
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Yes it is. On the fact that it is then copied into RAM, well, this is a tecnique which was used up to WM2003 SE devices.
Starting from WM5 devices MS somewhat changed the behaviour of the whole system, hence I'm not then so sure.
Indeed, I have never been sure of anything, beside death, so you can imagine...
I'm not really so "expert".
Having used an MPx220 for over one year (with all its limitations, but exploiting it very much), using a WM5 device now is a much more relaxed experience (faster, more realiable and less troubly in terms of memory).
Just MHO
Thanks Mix - i followed your directions and it worked.
Got my QTEK (running i-Mate ROM) Application Unlocked

Bought a Mini Pro (and this is my rant/question)

So, went out and picked up a Mini Pro for the misses.
Well, off the bat I went crazy cause I couldn't find "Market" and well...after searching online, guess this damn region doesn't support the Market. How wonderful is that, so downloaded stuff online through slideme. Which really still sucks.
Then when I downloaded things to my laptop and wanted to bluetooth them over, I couldn't. Then when I wanted to send ringtones from my phone to the mini pro, I couldn't. So I searched, and wouldn't you know it. I gotta download a program, so I downloaded bluetooth explorer and then it prompted me that I gotta root this SOB to be able to send files through bluetooth? Did I just buy an iPhone or what?!
So I plugged in the phone through USB. And we copied over the APK. and I downloaded a file explorer, so I could get to the damn APK (really no file explorer included, or clearly apparent?). And when we launched the file (MSN), we found we couldn't send files, images, or anything other than text. Are you kidding me?
With all these limitations, how is Android so popular?
Are there any possible solutions without having to root this bastard? (aside from MSN). I just bought this thing and don't wanna void warranty so damn early so I could make it something PRACTICAL like every other phone.
I'm guessing you're used to nokia's and the like. I must say i've found bluetooth file transfer a little hit and miss on android, but you need an app called bluetooth file transfer but it's on the market i'm afraid. Where are you then? You can get the market app from these forums and an enabler for regions not supported so you may need to do some digging.
Sent from my E10i using XDA App
Not used to Nokia's. Used to WinMo and running Android Froyo on my Topaz.
Could not find the market standalone app for the life of me. And the phone is from Saudi Arabia, and I can't justify rooting it just yet.
Hi! I feel your pain. Android Marketplace is not supported in my part of the world too. I am looking for alternate ways to get apps into my phone.
You mentioned that you had to download a separate File Manager to get to the .apk files. Can you tell me which app you are using?
Also how did you manage to install the File Manager in the first place if you could not get to the .apk files?
Do you copy the .apk files to your MicroSD card? Do you any other advice to make installation easier if we download the Apps to our computer then then try to install them to our phone?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Cheers and good luck with your new phone.
Appbrain App Market and Apktor are viable alternatives for getting apps on your phone, the latter you'll need to find public repositories for. Sorry can't post links cause of restrictions on a new account, but google knows all.
drussthelegend said:
You mentioned that you had to download a separate File Manager to get to the .apk files. Can you tell me which app you are using?
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Hey, found
which let me download with the barcode, and then I installed the sites app manager directly on there. There are a ton of file managers, I downloaded two, I forget which. But the two most popular ones. Both worked, but only one handled ZIP files. I don't have the phone beside me, so can't recall...
I found the Market standalone apk, but it crashed everytime I clicked on "Download" so I gave up on it.
I'm gonna try those suggestions posted up and see if they have a few new nice apps on there.
I had the exact same issue as others above. My solution was to use the debranded UK Firmware, root the phone and then use the Bluetooth File Manager.
bmazloum: My phone also came from the UAE side and didn't have the Market. I used Omnius to flash the firmware. A friend of mine on the otherhand paid the local Sony Service Centre to flash and debrand the ROM. Maybe this might help
Guys you don't have to move the apk file over to the phone in order to install it btw... get Adb from the Android SDK and then place the apk file in the same folder as adb.
And then from command prompt, navigate to the folder with adb and your apk and type "adb install example.apk".
Make sure you have USB Debugging (Applications -> Development) enabled and that's it.
Works nicely on a Mini. Not sure about the Pro to be honest.

[Q] Learning in eclipse, a few questions..

I've been searching to see if there is a way to use a clone of my phone as an android virtual device for eclipse, I've not found any answers..I'm beginning to think that it is not possible because I haven't found the "here's how to clone your phone as an AVD" thread anywhere..is this correct?
If that isn't possible, exactly how much if any modification can I make to the AVD to make it more like my phone (contacts, apps and settings etc), would I just find the AVD's files and replace them or are they packed in a zip/rar file or are they just resource files that are being called up that will change the behavior of every AVD that I create if I alter them?
Finally- what would you guys say the minimum system requirements for developing for ICS and compiling ROMs would be? Looking to get a new desktop, this 1.5ghz gateway notebook isn't going to cut it....
(BTW..I've already started making apps..nothing useful but they worked, and I got them on my phone and functional...hopefully be able to contribute back to the community soon yay! )

[Q] What does "this tool is depreciated" Mean in GoSMS Theme Maker?

I am a programming noob and I need some help. I just need someone to translate an error message for me. I have already made two complete themes successfully with this tool.
When it is compiling the APK though, I get an "error" that says "THIS TOOL IS DEPRECIATED" (see attached screenshot). Yes, it is in all caps, which makes me think this is important. Sometimes if I see this the tool does not apply my changes...I get an APK, but it is the same APK I had before with no changes made.
I am a designer, not a programmer. I know enough to slop my way through the process using tools like this, but I don't know what messages like this mean or even if they matter at all. I have been able to compile usable APK despite this warning, but I'd still like to know what is triggering it and whether or not I should care about it.
I get this even with a "fresh" copy of the ZIP for the tool and deleting the old one.
I have tried googling this phrase with GOSMS and the threads are mostly translations from asian developers and I can't really understand them.
Any ideas?

[4.2.2][Fake GALAXY S5 mini][SM-G800][Translation] Useful notes on Translating

[INTRO](a little background)
This is a guide for those who want to have their phone in their language but the operating system does not have it built in. You can flash a new ROM that has it or install an app right? Not so much. There are reasons for these methods to fail or simply not work for your situation. My problem was that the bootlegged hardware was not supported by the official ROMs or the Android community. This forum is also riddled with threds that started by people who need to mod something about their phone but have no technical knowhow. There wouldn't be annything wrong with that exept that the awnsers in these threds are something along the lines "Oh you just need to do this thingnemabob" that's it one sentence pointing to a technical slang word that means nothing to anyone but a seasoned developer despite first post DIRECTLY STATES IT WAS MADE BY A PERSON ASKING FOR A STEP BY STEP SOLUTION OR A LINK TO A TUTORIAL!
List of necessary software:
Zipsigner (this goes on your phone)
text editor of choice( notepad++ recommended)
smali/backsmali (depeding on wether your system files are odexed more on that later)
[installing above software]
Why you need it?
As you modify your apk files their signature changes. Basically if you change anything about them the phone will no longer recognise these as "its" therfor you need to convince your phone that these are in fact okay with zipsigner.
how to install?
This is an app. If you ever installed anything from Google playstore before than you know how to install it. Go to your Google play store app on your phone. Search for Zipsigner and pick the top app. Agree to all the demands and tap on install
why you need it?
this is a command line piece of software. these might be very scary to use but don't worry follow the tutorial and you'll be okay. That aside what is it used for. ADB is a powerful tool but we will use it only to copy and paste files to and from Phone
how to install it?
ADB comes packed up with Android Development Kit so the easiest way to install it is to get the ADK
[STEP 1]
Okay so you want to translate your phone for one reason or another. Make backup! Backups are important. You want to have something when you fail to fall back on. Yes "When" you fail. Not "if" you fail. You will screw up but as long as you have a proper backup everything is okay.
You can back up your phone in few different ways.
[INTRO] (skip if you are not interrested in fluff)
For the past week I lived in Android Hell looking for what I thought would be a simple procedure and I wanted to share my expieriences somewhere so that no one else has to go through this flustrating expierience.
I got two phones (Galaxy S5 and Galaxy S5 mini)and I was taked with translating them. Well It should not be a problem I thought because it should be as easy as going into [settings]>>[region and langages] and choosing Polish. There is no Polish. So that was my first step towards the translating thiese.
[STEP 1]
First thing first backup. I am by no means a talented programmer or modder so I went with Samsung Kies but software didn't recognise neither phone. After fiddling with drivers and a back-and-forth with samsung costumer support we came to conclusion that phones are fake. IMEI of one identifies it as a Blackberry and other as Nokia >_< well okay they still have some sort of Android so there should be a way to translate them anyway. First thing on the agenda is still backup. So I went through a triall and error to get both roms dumped. I was successful with ANDROID AIO FLASHER which was a godsend after I failed time and again to push romdump's INSTALL into the phone. I managed to get one ROM off by now but other Phone still insists on denying me ability to dump the rom because of Segmentation error. but at least I have one rom backed up.
[STEP 2]
Okay I got myself ROM now what? I decided to make a transfusion. Why bother with getting down and dirty when you can just use the work of others. So I downloaded a ROM with same version of the Android OS and begun looking for language pack or something similar. No luck this is not how Android works. After some research I came to the conclusion that in order to make things work I need to basically decompile each and every APK file that refers to system functionality and translate Strings.xml by hand in order to ensure compatibility.
this is where I am now. all I wonder if there is a way to add a new file in the APKs with polish in it or should I just translate English "strings.xml" file and set langage to english?
Feel free to point out faults in my logic as well as provide tips and tricks for those of us who bought our phones on the cheap and just want to usethem with language they are comfortable with. I will build up this topic with factual information that I come across and try to make this into a universal guide to Android translation with resources to download. I do this because no one should be subjected to this and there is no decent step by step guide on this forum just disjointed and incompleate information in posths here and there. Belive me I looked both here and Google and after two weeks of finding nothing more than a hints I want to just give back to the community all I found.

