Windows 10 phone technical preview - Sim not detected after restart - Windows Phone 7

If anyone facing issues after upgrading to Windows phone 10 Technical preview then check below post to fix it


[Q] Biffmod v1.3 no usb connection to pc.

First of all, I didn't know that I couldn't post a reply in development section.
due to a limit. This seems sucks.
I am currently using biffmod v1.3 and satisfied with most of features
except some bugs I noticed.
When I tried to connect to pc (windows 7 & windows 2003), the pc(s) couldn't detect my phone. so the phone is in charging mode.
Can anybody give me some hint for resolving this issue?
Thanks in advance.

[Q] MPT USB Android Problem

Hey everyone.
I got a problem with my HTC phone.
I got a:
DELL Vostro 3350
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
Wersion : 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Compilation 7601;
And a phone:
HTC Sense
Android 4.1.1 Wersion
Kernel : 3.1.10-gc294915
and the problem i get on this one single PC is
MPT USB Device not connected.
Phone is seen by the system as a drive but not as a phone so we can copy some data but sync does not work at all.
We tryed everything with instaling new OS on the PC as well as Instaling new OS on phone - nothing works and we cant change the PC.
It works on other DELL Windows 7 PC'c.
If anyone ever had this problem - please help

Installing USB/VCOM Drivers in Windows 8,8.1 &10

If anybody having issues with Windows 8, 8.1 & 10, I know there are other threads but this one mentions P780, my old computer died so I done an upgrade I wanted to try Alice Project but when it came to flashing computer didn't recognise phone so instead of me waffling on please follow this link:

my honor 8x disconnects when debugging in android studio on android 10

Hey , I having trouble lately since i installed android 10 on my device every time i debug the app on android studio when the screen turn black the app exist and i get on the console that the device disconnects. I have another honor phone on android 9 with the save developer setting but doesn't have this problem. Any suggestion on how to fix this problem. Thanks in Advance

Mi Pad 2 dual boot losing Android after updating Windows 10

So guys I have a problem..
I decided to make a change on my Mi Pad 2 from MIUI to Windows 10 and AOSP 5.1 dual boot. I successfully install the dual boot and both Windows and AOSP works perfectly fine without any problem, I can even switched between OS without any problem.
Even though the AOSP came with it is only Lollipop 5.1, I don't really mind about that, but the Windows version is 1511. Update has been stopped for Windows 10 version 1511 and A LOT of Windows app won't install on this device as there are security reasons with early version of Windows, so I decided to manually updating Windows and now I'm currently on version 20H2.
First problem, Wi-Fi not working, had some trouble but I already fix that. Now I can download any apps from the Windows Store and also have Wi-Fi connectivity.
Next problem, the update probably messed up the partition, the boot to Android cmd prompt is not working anymore. Which means I could not boot into Android anymore. Every time I turn on the device it directly went into Windows 10. Even when I press the boot to Android it will restart the device then reboots back into Windows 10. Does anyone have the same problem and perhaps have a solution?
I have been searching for solutions but to no avail. So, how to boot to Android?
Извините, хотел у вас спросить как вам удалось обновить виндовс, подскажите пожалуйста.
i found here something

