[Q] wifi disconnects after few second and cant connect again - Xperia Z2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys,
so here is my problem, i have Xperia Z2 with 5.0.2 Android.
Everything worked fine for few months wifi connected automatically to my home network, but yesterday it stopped working. It connects for maybe 5 seconds and then disconnects. When i try to connect i need add password and then it connects for few seconds and disconnects again.
I had the same problem with my old router few months ago. Phone was connecting without any problems for months and then one day it stopped.
It was some old TPLink model, now i have TP Link W8790. The same scenario after few weeks ;(
I havent changed anything in modem settings, the same with phone.
Any other devices like my 3 laptops, and 2 other phones have no problem with connection.
My xperia connects to other networks without any problems.
I was looking for solutions everywhere.
I ve done all resetting device, changing modem settings etc.
Could You please help me with this one?

Which secruity has your Wifi? Did you try changing the password?

Yup, i've done everyting with my router, with reset and change passwords. Encryption is set to WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK. I discovered today that my phone disconnects with my friend's network as well, but it worked fine few days ago. In fact i remember that I connected with that network and then when I came home, my phone started to disconnects from my network. Both are 2.4Ghz networks. It must be phone issue . It works on 5Ghz with network in my work... but at the same time it cant be 2,4 issue since i connected to AP which my friend created from his phone.. thats crazy. Is there any possibility to reset wifi card on mobile?

Did u try a factory reset on your phone? Did you OTA-Update from your provider or flashed a FTF for 5.0.2

I havent tried to restore fabric setting, I dont think its a solution, because it stopped working one day ( few days after i paired my device with sony wristband swr10, i dont know if it matters) and then after 2 months not working, i changed my router.. worked for 1 month and now the same problem with new router Update came from provider.


lumia 920 wifi problem

my phone was working well for few days ago then stopped connecting to my home network.
I've tried to reset the router and changed wpa to wpa2 no effect, restarted the phone few times still no change. :crying:
it keeps give me incorrect password ( my password is only in numbers).
after that i reset the phone and made my network open and still nothing cannot connect to wifi network
any solution suggested.

H850 Wifi Authentication Problem

The wifi randomly disconnects and with the error: Authentication Problem. The phone wont reconnect to another wifi hotspot until I manually make it do it. This happenns on the 5GHz band (I haven't tested it on 2.4). This problem doesn't happen with any other device connected to the same wifi router. Does anyone know what could cause this problem?
I had a similar problem where my G5 took ages to connect to WiFi and then it would randomly disconnect.
Try deleting every saved WiFi network you have, except for the ones you use. Just long press each one and hit "forget".
See if that fixes your problem.
I have only 2 saved networks (the 2 bands: 2.4 and 5). The wifi worked without any issue for the last two weeks until yesterday when the phone disconnected with the Authentication Problem error. I have to mention that the phone connects immediately to the wifi if I manually select the network and when I turn on the wifi.
I would then suggest the problem is with the network.
Either reset your network (unplug router, wait, replug) or try with a different WiFi.
I had an outage a week ago and that problem persisted until my provider fixed their problem. These "authentication" issues can be from anything network related.
I will try with another router. The annoying part is that I cannot reproduce the error manually, it's way too random.

Network access denied, Huawei Y6 Prime

I can connect to all the Wifi but home Wifi which stubbornly rebuffs me with 'Network access denied'. The issue happened after I came back from a trip to france then China and tried to connect. I live in HK and the network (that had not changed) could be detected, but connection impossible. All other Wifis are fine... and this happening 2 weeks after I bought this phone..
I tried to reboot restart the phone, forget the network and reconnect to it, changing SSID of the phone, changing IP address. The phone won't connect.
When I go in 'Setting, Backup and restore', I find no possibility to reset all the networks, contrary to the possibility that seems to exist on other Huaweis>> Is this normal or this could be linked to a phone issue ?
So basically I am totally stuck after trying in total 2 hours of everything I found on the Internet.
If the last option is to totally reboot the phone to its infancy factory state, I am afraid it will be more painful to reinstall everything rather than having no Wifi.
Do you have an idea of something else I could try ? Thanks for your help

unable to connect to home wifi all of a sudden

been using same router and internet (bt homehub 6) for past year nothing changed,
phone has been okay recently no recent factory resets etc
phone has been fine on home wireless network,,
been out today came home and router has been untampered
and phone will not work on wifi it connects but states
wifi sign in request authorisation
i can login to my router still so phone is connected,
ive factory resetmy router , problem still persists, i dont want to factory reset my phone as its loads of hassle if its a simple fix
My phone will connect fine to my wifi but then within a few minutes just die out and anything I try to load just times out. Toggling airplane mode just buys me another minute or so. I Googled around about it and Huawei phones in general seem very picky when it comes to wifi, I haven't tested it against other routers or bands but it sure doesn't like mine (and I have ten other devices that work perfectly). If you search about it you will find many people having the same issues, but no real fix.

Question Wifi will not stay connected,

I woke up this morning and noticed my wifi will not stay connected, I tried resetting my home network, also choose to forget saved networks, reset all connections, and even did a factory reset. Still wifi will not stay connected. Also tried on different network. I know Pixel 6 had a problem last year but I never experienced this until today. Any Help would be appreciated
Also wanted to say I am running stock firmware for T-Mobile. I did do a security update to see if that would fix wifi but it did not. Have not installed any new apps either.
Figured it out, It was the router after all. I have 1 router and 2 access points., named differently. I left and tried it on open wifi at coffee shop and everything worked. I went back home factory reset my router and put in new ssid and password. Now everything works . I never would have thought it would be router, because laptop and other devices had no problem with connecting.

