[Q] Error when running brunch command - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So, I'm attempting to build my first ROM from source, but when I run the breakfast command, I get this displayed:
[email protected]:~$ cd /home/admin2/source/
[email protected]:~/source$ . build/envsetup.sh
including device/generic/mini-emulator-x86/vendorsetup.sh
including device/generic/mini-emulator-arm64/vendorsetup.sh
including device/generic/mini-emulator-mips/vendorsetup.sh
including device/generic/mini-emulator-x86_64/vendorsetup.sh
including device/generic/mini-emulator-armv7-a-neon/vendorsetup.sh
including sdk/bash_completion/adb.bash
[email protected]:~/source$ breakfast victara
build/core/product_config.mk:222: *** Can not locate config makefile for product "omni_victara". Stop.
WARNING: Trying to fetch a device that's already there
build/core/product_config.mk:222: *** Can not locate config makefile for product "omni_victara". Stop.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'omni_victara'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
[email protected]:~/source$
I've ran the brunch command as well and no luck. Anyone think they know the problem? Anything else I could provide to help you solve this? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

It is because the ROM has not officially been built for your device, hence no sources defining your device are present in it.
This means you will have to add device specific tree yourself and port out the ROM yourself.
This means you will be *porting instead of *building (in rough words). I suggest you try building some other ROM instead which is available for your device.

Jaskaranbir Singh said:
It is because the ROM has not officially been built for your device, hence no sources defining your device are present in it.
This means you will have to add device specific tree yourself and port out the ROM yourself.
This means you will be *porting instead of *building (in rough words). I suggest you try building some other ROM instead which is available for your device.
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I don't see the need to build a ROM that is already available for my device. Any pointers you could provide to adding a victara device tree?

FooBazza said:
I don't see the need to build a ROM that is already available for my device. Any pointers you could provide to adding a victara device tree?
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I am not telling you to build an already available ROM because its easy, I am telling you to do so because you will then know how the build system (embedded android in other words) works. Porting out isnt easy, you are going to be getting a lot of dependency errors even after settings up device tree. Kernel may not be compatible, so with recovery. It may need additional flags.... a lot of stuff.
And for porting, it is necessary that you know the basic things: Location of most common and most used makefiles, knowledge of toolchains and kernels, adding device name to workflow etc.
Still, if you wanna try, first download the device tree from Cyanogenmod (you can use this tree as reference for porting): https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_motorola_victara
Just clone it out in a folder "devices" in your source tree's root directory.
Then get the kernel sources.
Then you will have to get a kernel which is compatible with the ROM you are building (unfortunately, I dont have an info on that. But check out the xda, there must be some avilable.)
Then you will have to get the proprietary vendor blobs (search out how to pull those from device).
There's more (like integerating the device into device tree etc). But I am not really that good when it comes to explaining, so you can have a look at this tutorials: Porting Cyanogenmod
Although its for Cyanogenmod, but procedure is quite similar for all custom ROMs (some make filenames may change, so as I said, you need to have the knowledge of directory tree).
Again, I would recommend you to build a ROM thats already available (Cyanogenmod is, luckily). Play around with it and get to know the device structure.
Good luck


[Q] repo, AOSP, & make

I'm not sure if this is the place to ask this, but I've been playing with building AOSP over the past week. I've got everything synced, ccache, and have built it 4 times. But I have a few questions:
My process: First I "repo init -u <insert proper google url> -b android-4.2.1_r1.2" for the latest 4.2 branch as opposed to just "repo init -u <insert proper google url>" for the master branch, then I do a "repo sync", then I initiate the build "make clean -j9 otapackage".
1. By doing repo init with the 4.2.1_r1.2 branch, when I build it, does that ensure that I am building from that branch? So you have to repo init for whatever branch you want to build and the make knows which branch to compile from?
2. If I repo init many branches, and sync those branches to my computer, I can do a make on them later without syncing, as long as I did the init command just before the make command? Of course, I may no longer be in sync with the main repository, but I'll still be building the code as it was previousely? I.e. there is no need to sync before each build as long as you are happy with the code currently on your machine?
3. How often do the branches change? It seems each day I sync and get new projects, etc.
4. Should I do "make -j1" instead of "make -j9"? The latter does the build in under an hour and the former make take several hours. Is it really likely that using multiple thread will cause errors? Could I check that by just compiling the code with "-j9" a few times in a row without a repo sync in order to compare the builds to see if they have the same md5 or something?
I'm still trying to figure out how to get my build to incorporate certain proprietary binaries that are not included in the AOSP. I know I can get these binaries from my phone, or from factory images, or elsewhere (I'm building for my Verizon galaxy nexus - toro). Can I just drop them into the flashable zip? Or is it better to incorporate them into your local code with modifications to the make files that will automate compiling them into the build and otapackage? I have been doing some research on that and think I am almost to the point where I know which make files to modify. Any clues or hints are greatly appreciated.
Also, is there a way to make the otapackage odexed? Or does the phone automatically make the odex files as you run all the apps? <-that's the impression I get after doing some reading.

How to compile stuff against the official AOSP source repo?

Sorry if this has been asked/answered before, but the search terms i can think of are too vague, and come up with results on how to compile the repo itself, or a kernel, etc etc.
After setting up my build environment for android, and pulling the repo with 'repo sync', and building it, how would one compile, say, GNU binutils or busybox for android? More specifically, how do i tell the armv7 cross-compiler/linker to link against libs found in the repo tree? (preferably using command line tools, and not "all-in-one" IDE's or graphical front-ends)
Thanks for any help!

[HELP] Porting Ubuntu Touch to Redmi Note 2

I'm learning how to port Ubuntu Touch to this device, but I'm not sure what files I need of Android to can do it.
Porting guide:
Kernel, device & vendor by Nofearnohappy:
I'm stuck in this:
Enabling a new device
If you're repository is compatible with the AOSP tree, it's just a matter of adding the device specific git repositories and the vendor files (usually blobs that you need to extract from the original android image). Once that is done, you should be able build a small android system image that can be used by Ubuntu Touch in order to make it fully compatible with the device.
Add your device specific git repositories under phablet/device ("phablet" is the repository you cloned by following the previous build example and/or Touch/Building).
Make sure it's respecting the format used by AOSP (device/<vendor>/<device name>).
Add your hardware specifig git repositories under phablet/hardware.
Make sure it's respecting the format used by AOSP (hardware/<vendor>/<component>). As an example:
$ ls hardware/qcom/audio/
Android.mk hal legacy visualizer voice_processing
Add your vendor specific binary blobs under phablet/vendor.
Make sure it's respecting the format used by AOSP (hardware/<vendor>/<component>).
$ ls vendor/asus/flo/
BoardConfigPartial.mk BoardConfigVendor.mk device-partial.mk device-vendor.mk proprietary
Retrieving the proprietary blobs from Android
Ubuntu Touch Preview uses some pre-compiled binary drivers from the Android layer for rapid enablement of devices. These are referred to as binary or proprietary blobs, as their source code is not available for the build, and are included in binary form.
Since we use AOSP as a base, for supported devices all you need to do is to download and extract and run as mentioned in the downloads from https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers
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Any help apreciated.

[REFERENCE] [3.10.105] Stock kernel with upstream Linux patches - May 9th

Hello all, I am bringing you this thread as a jumping off point to compiling kernels and working with upstream Linux. I will include a guide, some links, and some terms that will help you get started with modifying kernel source. This is also a good reference point for existing developers as I have consolidated all upstream patches into one repo. Let's get down into it!
What in the world is upstream Linux?
When an OEM sets up a device, they will pick a stable longterm branch from the Linux kernel to base their modifications around (drivers and such). In the case of Shamu, they picked 3.10.40. Currently, the Linux kernel's 3.10 is updated to 3.10.105, as you can see on kernel.org. This means that Google is "missing" versions 3.10.41 to 3.10.105. Now, why does this matter? Well, the way that the Linux kernel runs its stable branches, the only things that get merged into there are bug fixes and security updates. That's it, there are no wonky features or unstable patches. The only way you get a patch into a stable branch is by having it be in the mainline branch first. Some developers have an aversion to adding upstream because they claim it is excessive and not necessary and they are partially right since not all the patches that come in are relevant to our architecture (arm). However, upstream Linux is not unstable and by adding each version one at a time, you can verify this. Being up to date is good since you keep yourself protected from bugs and security issues that crop up. Google has been better about doing this lately with their monthly security updates but it never hurts to take matters into your own hands.
I suggest watching one of these talks given by Greg Kroah-Hartman, it is really interesting to see how the process goes:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPY0LyTU53w | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2SED6sewRw
What did you do?
All I did was fetch the latest kernel.org patches from here and cherry pick them on top of the latest kernel source from Google.
I merge these patches by cherry-picking each version individually (3.10.40 to 3.10.41, 3.10.41 to 3.10.42, etc), that way I can verify that the kernel compiles fine and that there are no merge conflicts. Google will sometimes pick certain commits from upstream that are of a higher importance than others which can result in conflicts if you try to pick it again. Additionally, upstream might fix a bug one way and Google has done it another (which is not really good, Google should be pushing their fixes back to upstream so everything stays in sync).
What do I do with this?
I have created two repos below: one with the latest N security update branch with the latest upstream patches picked up on top of it (the shamu-upstream branch) and another one with a plain AnyKernel source for you to modify (shamu-stock is the most basic, shamu-decrypt contains an fstab file that will disable both forced encryption and dm-verity). You are free to fork these or base other branches on them, that's the whole point of this post. I have verified that all the patches contain no major detectable issues. I would like some credit if you do use it but it's not required since the kernel is licensed under GPL Another reason I offer this is I have seen a lot of developers picking in upstream in patch sets, so you get one single commit for an upstream version. This is detrimental as you start to add your own patches as you cannot fully tell what was modified and for what reason without the individual commits. It might look cleaner but you don't get full history which hurts you in the long run.
Kernel source: https://github.com/nathanchance/shamu/tree/upstream-7.1.1
AnyKernel source: https://github.com/nathanchance/AnyKernel2/tree/shamu-stock-decrypt
Toolchain source: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8/
How to compile
This will be a quick, step by step guide on how to compile this kernel from source. By using this process, you can start to make modifications to the kernel source and make a flashable zip.
Clone the kernel source, the AnyKernel source, and toolchain source
cd ~
mkdir Kernel && cd Kernel
git clone https://github.com/nathanchance/shamu.git source
git clone https://github.com/nathanchance/AnyKernel2.git anykernel
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8 AOSP-4.8
First command: make sure you are in your home directory (or whatever directory you want to hold the kernel folder we are about to make.
Second command: make a Kernel folder and move into it
Third command: clone the kernel source from my repo into a folder named source
Fourth command: clone the AnyKernel source from my repo into a folder named anykernel
Fifth command: clone the Google 4.8 toolchain into a folder named AOSP-4.8
AnyKernel is the name of the zip we are going to make which allows the kernel to be flashed over any ROM.
A toolchain is a set of compiler tools that allow us to compile the kernel on any computer architecture.
Make sure you are on the correct branches
cd source && git checkout upstream-7.1.1
cd ../anykernel && git checkout shamu-stock-decrypt
First command: move into the source directory and checkout the branch "upstream-7.1.1", which is the necessary branch for this device.
Second command: move into the AnyKernel directory and checkout the branch "shamu-decrypt". If you don't want to disable forced encryption, use the "shamu-stock" branch.
Tell the compiler what you are are compiling
export CROSS_COMPILE=${HOME}/Kernel/AOSP-4.8/bin/arm-eabi-
export ARCH=arm && export SUBARCH=arm
make clean && make mrproper
make shamu_defconfig
First command: point the compiler to the location of your toolchain. If you have done anything different with the folder locations, you will need to modify the "${HOME}/Kernel/AOSP-4.8" part.
Second command: tell the compiler which architecture we are compiling for. In this case, our device is an arm device.
Third command: clean out any compiled files and remove our previous defconfig.
Fourth command: tell the compiler which options we want in the kernel using the shamu_defconfig.
A defconfig is a file that will tell the compiler which features we want in the kernel. No computer ever uses all of the options in the kernel since there are different drivers for various devices.
Make the kernel!
make -j$(nproc --all)
make tells the compiler to make the kernel (duh) and the -j$(nproc --all) tells the compiler to use the maximum number of cores your computer has available
Make the AnyKernel zip
cp -v arch/arm/boot/zImage-dtb ../anykernel
cd ../anykernel
zip -r9 stock-upstream.zip * -x README stock-upstream.zip
First command: copies the completed kernel (zImage-dtb) into the AnyKernel folder
Second command: moves us into the AnyKernel folder
Third command: makes the zip file (named stock-upstream.zip) in the AnyKernel folder.
If you ever want to do this again, run these commands and go straight to step 3:
cd source && git clean -fxd && git pull
cd anykernel && git clean -fxd && git pull
NOTE: This thread is aimed to be a breeding ground for kernel development, a place to jump off if you will. I am happy to answer how to questions about building kernels or flashing the one I have provided but this is not supposed to be a general Q&A thread. Please use another thread or create your own in Q&A if you need assistance.
Nice write up.
One suggestion though. Instead of using the current version as the branch name, you may want to just name them for the device, like "Shamu-Upstream" then tag the versions once you've gotten to the version commit. This will prevent you from having to update the thread for this command anytime that you pull in more upstream changes. It also makes it alot cleaner/easier if someone for whatever reason wanted to checkout a specific patch version as they could just checkout the tag rather than resetting back to the commit.
For lack of a better explanation, tags are sort of like sub-branches within a branch.
Very new to kernel building and AOSP in general. Followed the guide but I'm getting stuck when make mrproper is ran. Build stops and i get the error : unknown target 'mrproper' then the build fails. Any help?
The Flash said:
Another reason I offer this is I have seen a lot of developers picking in upstream in patch sets, so you get one single commit for an upstream version. This is detrimental as you start to add your own patches as you cannot fully tell what was modified and for what reason without the individual commits. It might look cleaner but you don't get full history which hurts you in the long run.
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That's true. Some devs are lazy to commit each patch and bring up from 3.10.40 to 3.10.103 which comprises nearly 3000 patches.
neobuddy89 said:
That's true. Some devs are lazy to commit each patch and bring up from 3.10.40 to 3.10.103 which comprises nearly 3000 patches.
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Exactly lol. It's also annoying for people looking at your source because if you had to fix anything, it is going to be lumped in with that enormous patch.
Root Wizard said:
Very new to kernel building and AOSP in general. Followed the guide but I'm getting stuck when make mrproper is ran. Build stops and i get the error : unknown target 'mrproper' then the build fails. Any help?
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can I see a full terminal window/log showing you entering all the commands?
The Flash said:
can I see a full terminal window/log showing you entering all the commands?
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Just logged off for the night. Will give a full report back tomorrow with pictures. Basically all the commands go good up to 'make mrproper' . 'make clean' runs fine but the 'make mrproper' goes through incuding all the aosp files for build, then ninja enters build directory, then the error 'unknown target 'mrproper' ' comes up, and the build fails.
Root Wizard said:
Just logged off for the night. Will give a full report back tomorrow with pictures. Basically all the commands go good up to 'make mrproper' . 'make clean' runs fine but the 'make mrproper' goes through incuding all the aosp files for build, then ninja enters build directory, then the error 'unknown target 'mrproper' ' comes up, and the build fails.
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Oh you're building this into a ROM? Alright, that might make things different but yeah show me pictures tomorrow and I'll try to get you up and running.
The Flash said:
Oh you're building this into a ROM? Alright, that might make things different but yeah show me pictures tomorrow and I'll try to get you up and running.
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Ah I guess I should have metioned that I was building an aosp rom. Thanks for your quick assistance. Will get back tomorrow.
If you're building into a rom, you just need to change the existing kernel source to this one in the xml for this device.
Yoinx said:
If you're building into a rom, you just need to change the existing kernel source to this one in the xml for this device.
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Can you explain how to do this? First time building with aosp, not very familiar which xml file or what to change to apply the upstream patch.
Root Wizard said:
Can you explain how to do this? First time building with aosp, not very familiar which xml file or what to change to apply the upstream patch.
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For shamu in aosp, the kernel is pulled with the main aosp source by that manifest. https://github.com/android/platform_manifest/blob/master/default.xml#L65
You world need to substitute this repo with the new one, and delete your existing kernel source. Then next time you sync the repo tool will pull it down.
On other roms it gets pulled in during the breakfast/brunch process. I can't remember exactly where that comes from, but I think that is in the vendor directory for the device, maybe.
How to modify rom manifests and such though is a little outside of this thread's topic. If you need more info I'd recommend opening a thread in the Q&A forum unless this is something that The flash wants to cover in this thread.
There are a few other caveats with doing it in the rom as well. The defconfig name would need to match what the rom build expects and you would need to go in and checkout the correct branch.
Yoinx said:
For shamu in aosp, the kernel is pulled with the main aosp source by that manifest. https://github.com/android/platform_manifest/blob/master/default.xml#L65
You world need to substitute this repo with the new one, and delete your existing kernel source. Then next time you sync the repo tool will pull it down.
On other roms it gets pulled in during the breakfast/brunch process. I can't remember exactly where that comes from, but I think that is in the vendor directory for the device, maybe.
How to modify rom manifests and such though is a little outside of this thread's topic. If you need more info I'd recommend opening a thread in the Q&A forum unless this is something that The flash wants to cover in this thread.
There are a few other caveats with doing it in the rom as well. The defconfig name would need to match what the rom build expects and you would need to go in and checkout the correct branch.
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Ok, thanks for your help.
For those of you who have forked my kernel, you will need to revert this patch: https://github.com/nathanchance/and...mmit/0b17006c16bba286ecc9d7bacd75a3902a26835e
It causes issues with Wi-Fi and Chrome.
The Flash said:
For those of you who have forked my kernel, you will need to revert this patch: https://github.com/nathanchance/and...mmit/0b17006c16bba286ecc9d7bacd75a3902a26835e
It causes issues with Wi-Fi and Chrome.
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It does? I have been using Chrome Beta (on wifi) since last night fine with that patch. Maybe its just a matter of time before things start failing. Thanks anyway, will keep a heads up.
Root Wizard said:
It does? I have been using Chrome Beta (on wifi) since last night fine with that patch. Maybe its just a matter of time before things start failing. Thanks anyway, will keep a heads up.
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If you toggle Wi-Fi, start flipping through pages in Chrome, and toggle Wi-Fi again, it will reboot. Oddest issue I have ever dealt with.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA Labs
The Flash said:
If you toggle Wi-Fi, start flipping through pages in Chrome, and toggle Wi-Fi again, it will reboot. Oddest issue I have ever dealt with.
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Interesting, will look into this. I also have been getting reboots from searching forums in xda labs app. Logcat says a ton of "PowerHAL_touch_boost failed to send: Connection refused" before reboots. Is this what is happening to you?
Root Wizard said:
Interesting, will look into this. I also have been getting reboots from searching forums in xda labs app. Logcat says a ton of "PowerHAL_touch_boost failed to send: Connection refused" before reboots. Is this what is happening to you?
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No I haven't had that happen but that error shouldn't cause reboots.
The Flash said:
No I haven't had that happen but that error shouldn't cause reboots.
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Huh, odd
Github and the kernel in the OP are updated to 3.10.104.

[GUIDE]Working with Android Kernel from Scratch

I am writing this guide as I was unable to find a well-documented thread over XDA (there are just a lot of them). In case there is anything that concerns this guide, feel free to ask in this thread. I expect you to know the basics of Linux, GIT, Android. Please look over some guides in the forum in case you are not familiar with them. In case you want to contribute to this, feel free to do so. I welcome everyone's contribution to be it fixing my derp, pointing a mistake or adding a new section.
Links to some nice documentations:
Git Documentation
Linux Kernel Newbies
How to take logs in Android
How to get an Android kernel up to date with linux-stable
Checking Current CAF Tag of the Kernel
We will be using best_kernel for this purpose, whose aim is to compare your current kernel source code with different CAF tags and select the best possible match using git diff.
Clone/Download your kernel repo and commit your changes(if not already committed) as best_kernel depends upon git diff to compare changes.
Depending upon your kernel version, add required CAF kernel repo as remote and fetch it. best_kernel will use this fetched data to compare changes.
After fetch is done, run best_kernel. It should run automatically if you have placed dotfiles in the $BIN directory and have the necessary dependencies installed.
best_kernel will compare changes and will provide results based on that. However, depending on the number of tags, it will take time. A lot of time, so go and grab a cup of coffee till then.
A Dummy Example:
Downloading stock kernel source code from OEM’s website
wget http://nokiaphones-opensource.azureedge.net/download/phones/Nokia6.1_V2.22J.tar.bz2 && tar xvjf Nokia6.1_V2.22J.tar.bz2 && cd kernel
Adding and committing all files due to lack of a .git dir.
git init && git add --all && git commit -m "Initial Commit"
As the kernel source code version is 4.4, I will add 4.4 remotes from CAF and fetch it.
git remote add caf https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/kernel/msm-4.4/ && git fetch caf
After fetch, I will check for the current CAF tag using best_kernel. As my device platform is sdm660 and CAF has been releasing sdm660 tags as sdm660.0, I will be using it as an argument in best_kernel. This will ensure that best_kernel doesn’t waste time checking CAF Tags of other platforms and will speed up the process considerably.
best_kernel "*sdm660.0"
RESULT will be something like this:
Best match TAG: LA.UM.6.2.r1-06900-sdm660.0 Lines changed: 177924
What is CAF/Code Aurora | CodeAurora Android Releases Page | CAF Kernel Sources​
Creating/Importing GIT History for Kernel Source
A lot of OEMs release kernel sources in a compressed format excluding the .git dir which results in no git history. Creating or it's better to say to import one is simple and easy.
Download and check the current CAF tag of your Android kernel source.
Note: If your chipset is not Qualcomm, you should visit Linux Kernel Source or AOSP's Kernel Common and use that as a base while checking out to the specific version of your kernel source you are going to copy-paste. Qualcomm devices can also use that as a ref but I will recommend them to use CAF source.
Based on that CAF tag, download the respective kernel repository from CAF and checkout for that specific tag.
Copy and paste your downloaded kernel source (with no history) over the CAF one (which has the history of that CAF tag).
Commit the changes.
You have accomplished creating/importing history.
A Dummy Example:
My current CAF tag is LA.UM.6.2.r1-06900-sdm660.0.
Therefore, cloning kernel source from CAF and checking out for this tag while creating a new branch named rebase.
git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/kernel/msm-4.4/
cd msm-4.4/
git checkout tags/LA.UM.6.2.r1-06900-sdm660.0 -b rebase
Now, I will copy-paste the kernel source that I downloaded from OEM's website over the CAF one. Assuming the downloaded kernel is in ~/Downloads/kernel and CAF kernel source is in ~/msm-4.4 directories.
#Renaming the dir so, that it will get merged while copying due to similar names
mv kernel/ msm-4.4/
cp -avr msm-4.4/ ~/msm-4.4
cd ~/msm-4.4
git status
git commit -m "Import Nokia Kernel Source"
Keep in mind that a .gitignore is generated which can and will ignore files during commit which were not getting ignored earlier due to its absence. In case during compilation you encounter any error stating about missing file, add it forcefully and commit again.
Remember, its always good to split that one big commit into small parts. It's helpful when you start rebasing your kernel usually when new CAF Tag for new android versions come out. Solving a few conflicts ina lot of commit is much better than solving a load of them in one. It also gives you a chance to easily diff on websites like GitHub so that you can figure what's a particular line is doing.
Doing that is also easy. Just reset head for a particular folder like driver/touchscreen and commit them separately. Check git rebase documentation which will help you with this.
Upstreaming your Kernel
Merging upstream versions is a really good thing. It brings in security patches, stability, new features and much more. The usual and best way is to visit Linux Kernel Source and check if there are upstream updates available. If yes, start merging them in your kernel source one by one.
Note: If your chipset is not Qualcomm, you should visit Linux Kernel Source or AOSP's Kernel Common and use that as a base. Qualcomm devices can also use that as a ref but I will recommend them to use CAF source.
A Dummy Example:
Assuming my current kernel version is v4.4.205, I will fetch v4.4.206 from Linux Kernel Source and merge that. I can also fetch and merge different branches from CAF Source which are usually upstreamed with Linux-stable (for example, aosp/upstream-linux-4.4.y branch)
git fetch https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git v4.4.206
git merge FETCH_HEAD
Fix conflicts if you get some. What to keep and what not is a question that depends upon the device to device. Usually, you should compare local changes and upstream and try to figure out what could be the best way to fix it. I will advise to check the history of that file in upstream and see which commit caused that conflict and why. You can also check similar merges by other same kernel versions to see if they had the same conflict and how they fixed it.
I will also advise merging AOSP's kernel/common and new CAF upstream tags (Only QCOM devices should merge new CAF tags) regularly when available. The reason is pretty simple. There are commits that get merged in AOSP like which improves performance or other stuff which doesn't get merged in Linux Kernel Source. This way you can get the benefit from all sources. This, however, is not pretty easy and might result in a huge number of conflicts considering if OEM has modified the source a lot from upstream.
CAF also hosts f2fs and other file system changes on their servers. Merge it if you want and use it.
Compiling Standalone Kernel
Compiling a kernel standalone requires you to have a compatible toolchain like GCC or Clang. The best way to figure out which one suits your need is testing and debugging. The standard AOSP GCC toolchains are recommended for devices with old kernels, to begin with, while newer ones can use clang with backports or upstream merges. In case you want to compile with clang, checking out android-kernel-clang is a good way, to begin with.
Compiling standalone kernels can give a lot of missing headers errors/warnings. This is due to not compiling it in a ROM environment. This can be easily fixed either by correcting paths of those header files being included or creating an out dir manually and using it as output. You can also use this commit to do that automatically.
Clone your kernel source and desired toolchain(s). Export arch and cross compiler arguments. Choose the desired defconfig to make and compile.
A Dummy Example:
I will clone the kernel source and toolchain in the same dir and export the following arguments in kernel source root dir.
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=/media/hdd/aayush/kernel/aarch64-elf-gcc/bin/aarch64-elf-
make nokia_defconfig
make -j$(nproc --all)
Kernel conflicts might occur. You can search on GitHub to check if someone has fixed that already, otherwise fix the issues yourself. Comparing code with upstream repositories is also a way to figure out the differences. Choosing defconfig can be a bit tricky if you are doing bringups. I recommend pulling the current defconfig from your device itself. Its usually by the name of config.gz in /proc/ of your device.
Links to some cross compiler
GNU Toolchain by ARM
GNU and Linaro
Working with TWRP from Scratch
This post is supposed to help you with building TWRP from scratch for the first time if you are a newbie. There are some good resources already available for that over the web, specially XDA. I am linking some good ones below that you can read for more info on it.
How to compile TWRP Touch Recovery
The aim of a device tree is to contain the device-specific code for the build you are doing. In this case, as we are building TWRP which is a custom recovery, only flags relating to building TWRP and a normal recovery are enough to build it. Adding system specific codes like partition sizes for the system, vendor, boot and other doesn't contribute anything. An example tree can be begonia's tree hosted on TeamWin's org maintained by me.
Now coming to the device you want to build TWRP for, you will the following :
- A working kernel
- Device-specific binaries/libraries etc required for features like encryption which heavily differs on OEM implementation
AB devices need an extra commit in their kernel to make 'fastboot boot' command work: init: initramfs: disable do_skip_initramfs . Additionally if your device ships a separate DTBO image you will also need the following flag and the DTBO image: begonia: Build DTBO image into recovery
Newer devices are nowadays coming with 'fastboot boot' command disabled. Nokia 8.1 is an example of it. To make it work again, you might need to tweak bootloader which can prove to be risky.
Now coming to creating a device tree for TWRP. The very first step is to look out if someone else has booted TWRP on a similar SOC, OEM or same device. It can be used as a reference to fix similar/OEM related bugs and hacks quickly. In case, one doesn't exist, just pick a latest one from Teamwin's Github org for the android version you are compiling for.
Reserved (2)
Wew many thanks,
Have just started exploring xda chef central.
I cam across this guide, really ahlepful Hope you complete it soon.
Updated the thread. Fixed formatting, links and added a new section.
How To Unofficially Unlock Bootloader For LG G8
We all know LG G8 is a android device. It's open source. But I recently bought a LG G8 only but it's locked to sprint sim . No any sim work. I can't unlock bootloader. I can't root. I can't flag firmware or install custom recovery. Anyone know here , how to totally remove firmware and but another firmware ? Why we can't build a method to do that?
TheImpulson said:
Updated the thread. Fixed formatting, links and added a new section.
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Can you create a guide for, "How to Rebase an Android Kernel". Like from Android 9 to Android 10?
thanks for this guide bro
While using best caf kernel, Prefix of the caf tag should start with a -
For example, "*- sdm660.0"
Hey there,
Am getting this error del.dog/megupebinu.txt
While trying execute best_kernel script
This is helpful, thanks mate
@theimpulson I had a question: (Before reading this guide) I had already downloaded stock Samsung sources and git init push the thing to my Github. So will anything bad happen if I did it this way or do I have to rebase it with CAF?
Also what are the benefits of these so-called CAF based kernels everywhere? Improved performance? Cuz I really wanted to compile my own kernel specifically for performance with WSL-2 (shameless plug)
Thanks in advance and sorry if the @ bothered you,
NullCode said:
@theimpulson I had a question: (Before reading this guide) I had already downloaded stock Samsung sources and git init push the thing to my Github. So will anything bad happen if I did it this way or do I have to rebase it with CAF?
Also what are the benefits of these so-called CAF based kernels everywhere? Improved performance? Cuz I really wanted to compile my own kernel specifically for performance with WSL-2 (shameless plug)
Thanks in advance and sorry if the @ bothered you,
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The existing sources are fine, no issues if you are fine without any git history.
SOC specific optimizations, bug fixes etc. Nothing more. So, yeah, if you want SOC specific optimizations, performance improvements, you will want to merge latest CAF tags for your kernel.
theimpulson said:
The existing sources are fine, no issues if you are fine without any git history.
SOC specific optimizations, bug fixes etc. Nothing more. So, yeah, if you want SOC specific optimizations, performance improvements, you will want to merge latest CAF tags for your kernel.
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thanks a lot for the reply! Another thing, because of your suggestion I tried to Import the git history (and i succeeded). Then I wanted to upload these sources to my own Github, which I can't figure out how to do. It only gives Github repo for the place where it came from (msm-3.18). Help me please
Edit: The guides which I found for merging CAF tags say that my base also has to be CAF (which it isn't) and this guide here basically does not work

