TF300 no power at all. Replaced batt/charging ribbon. Mainboard next? - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

So, this was my mothers tablet and it stopped working one day. She hadn't used it in a while and it was simply under her bed. After a period of no use she pulled it out and tried to use it - didn't work at all. Plugged in = no response, etc.
Friend has same tablet, same charger, etc. Tried his charger with her tablet, nothing. No charging light, no indication of response of the tablet whatsoever.
Tried the long-time trickle charge using a lower power charge, left it charging for days on end. Still nothing.
Tried replacing the battery and the charging port/ribbon, still nothing. Left to trickle charge again and still nothing.
This was all many months ago and she has since given up and purchased a new tablet. I thought of a good use for this TF300 if I could get it working so figured I'd try to fix it. Is there anything else I need to try before I just go ahead and replace the main board? It's only like $30 on ebay so no harm done if it doesn't work.


[Q] G-Tab not charging when plugged in

I've had the the G-Tab for about two months and in the last two weeks when I plug it in to charge the unit it will not always charge. The light will come on but the battery icon will not show charging or the light will not come on at all and I must orientate the tip so it is at about a 45 degree angle to the back. I called tech support and they said its my fault that I have obviously been jamming the tip in too hard...sorry out of luck. Like most of you I have several laptops/netbooks and other electronics that use this type of power connectors and know not to force things Is anyone else experiencing this? Or did I just get a bad unit. Thanks
I have a charging problem, actually I cannot charge Gtab at all. I have been charging it as I would just like the other phones or something else. It is about a month old.
Thanks for the response, have you contacted ViewSonic support?
Have the exact same problem. I just noticed it over the last few days. I bought mine about a month ago from the first woot deal. I tried a different power cord with the same results. I was going to contact costumer support about it. The plug is so finicky now, I'm afraid it will get to the point where I can't find that sweet spot to charge it. Let me know what you guys find.
I've had a similar issue with mine just last week. Mine was also from the first Woot offer. I think what is happening is that it gets stuck in sleep mode and can't get out. (since I had shoved mine into a bag without turning it off and then checked it about a week later finding out I couldn't get it to work. I fixed mine quite by accident. I had been plugging and unplugging it, turning it on and off (and it would sometimes turn on for a brief moment and then turn off) I then just left it plugged in for an hour or so and lo and behold, it worked!
Same problem here! my gtab was one of the earlier versions bought the day of release
Try charging it with the dock that goes with the malata zpad and g tablet. It connects through the HDMI port on the bottom and you plug the charger into the dock so that may help. Picture: they pretty much sell them all over the internet. Hope it works
You need to contact viewsonic and get them to repair it. Don't keep trying to find that "sweet spot". It will only get worse. Or you could solder if you know how.

TF201 Charging via Dock but not Wall charger

So here's the dilemma...
Two days ago, my TF Prime stopped charging via the wall charger directly to the tablet. It recognizes that it's been plugged in however, is not showing the lightning bolt charging.
This is where it get's confusing to me. The exact same wall charger works fine on the dock and charges it successfully and to the same, the dock charges the tablet.
Anyone experiencing this or have any suggestions?
WingsAA said:
So here's the dilemma...
Two days ago, my TF Prime stopped charging via the wall charger directly to the tablet. It recognizes that it's been plugged in however, is not showing the lightning bolt charging.
This is where it get's confusing to me. The exact same wall charger works fine on the dock and charges it successfully and to the same, the dock charges the tablet.
Anyone experiencing this or have any suggestions?
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I am having a similar situation myself that I am trying to track down an answer to. My tablet will charge to 100% but does not recognise that it is plugged it. I do not get the "Charging" conformation anymore or even the charging indicator on the battery in the lower right by the clock. My prime is rooted though and I am wondering if it may be a kernel glitch or something to that nature. Odd thing is it was working fine all day then when I plugged it in like any other day this started to happen. I don't even get the conformation DING.
Lostsorrow said:
I am having a similar situation myself that I am trying to track down an answer to. My tablet will charge to 100% but does not recognise that it is plugged it. I do not get the "Charging" conformation anymore or even the charging indicator on the battery in the lower right by the clock. My prime is rooted though and I am wondering if it may be a kernel glitch or something to that nature. Odd thing is it was working fine all day then when I plugged it in like any other day this started to happen. I don't even get the conformation DING.
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Mine started doing the exact same finally after it started popping up the most annoying battery icon in the middle of the screen making the tablet miserable to use. This was only exaserbated by charging through the dock/keyboard which served to double the size of this same itermittent icon. I'd called Asus support to ask why it was doing this, and as they had no idea they thought it was possibly a hardware failure and recommended sending it in for examination and repair. I am now inclined to agree.
Of course this was only after I'd tried everything else including returning to factory settings, wiping out all apps and data. Soon as I rebooted from clean the icon popped back up proving it was not another application interfering. Only a few weeks later the tablet stopped charging completely except through the dock/keyboard. Before that I'd read on these forums that the OEM charger was faulty and should be replaced, so I bought another with no change. In short, it's not the charger, it's not software, it's a defect in the tablet itself. I purchased a Transformer replacement and am returning the defective tablet being as I've invested in both tablet and dock, but this time purchased a Square Trade 2 year warranty to go with it so repairs will be easier and speedy. I also called Asus back an let them know it is in fact a defect, not an isolated incident, and they should own the issue when customers call. I hope others with this problem will do the same so Asus does not think it's only my tablet and others won't suffer an unsure response. If you can send it in for repairs do so, if you can get a replacement, even better, but I personally took the added precaution of extending the warranty with additional coverage since this happened, something I normally am disinclined to do! Best of luck getting yours fixed, am sorry you got one of the lemons too.

[Q] Unbeatable boot loop?

I recently received my fresh NT from the ebay sale, and yesterday had it running CM7, with CWM installed internally. Everything was fine with the world.
Today, I wake up and find it boot looping constantly.
- When plugged into USB, it boot loops constantly. As soon as the N screen disappears, it restarts. I can't even get it to turn off.
- When disconnected from USB, I can't even get it to turn on. Period.
- When disconnected from USB when the N screen is showing, it instantly shuts off.
- 8 Reboot trick doesn't work, booting onto a CWM or stock-flashing SDCard doesn't work, acclaim doesn't work.
Almost sounds like a dead battery, considering the instant shut-off when unplugged, but it can't charge because it's constantly trying to turn on. Any advice?
Leave it on the charger and don't touch it for about half an hour.
Sent from my Nook Tablet using Tapatalk
Unfortunately, it's degraded to the point that it won't even turn on -- plugged in or not. I'm going to go ahead and pass it off as a hardware failure and see if I can get an exchange.
mine is doing this , i didnt charge it last night , when i woke up it went to cynoboot showed 12 percent batt and now its looping just like what you said yours was , what is the end result ?
i've already taken the back off i have access to the batt connector im thinking about maybe rigging up a trickle charger to that directly also i dont have the BN charge cable im using a micro usb and its worked well so far, i did order a BN cable it should be home by the time i get home though , im guessing i need to find an alternative way to recharge this battery
id like to know if you got an exchange ? or if you still have the tablet ? im going to try a few other things too but if you still have yours and i figure it out ill pm it to you
dude sorry to dump this on you years after wards , crack it open , flip it over to its back flip up the sd card cover take out the torx 5 screws , use a small flat head screw driver pop out the back tabs once its open , disconnect the battery and the other cable up top , i left em disconnected and tapped them with my volt meter , i saw a capp drain flat on the outside red and outside black lines, then after a few minuets reconnect the two cables , plug it into your power and leave it for 2 hours your now at screen of death and just need to charge the battery,
manually forced the device to reset , it keep running in circles and would never charge , just disconnect the batt man ...
mines on and at 20 % batt and charging ...
I have the same problem. Would letting it drained completely and recharge work? I don't have the right tiny screw driver for it. :crying:
I think the battery is still good. For me, It's able to get into CWM and install the latest Just, when reboot, it goes into the endless booting "N" loop.
doublemhi said:
I recently received my fresh NT from the ebay sale, and yesterday had it running CM7, with CWM installed internally. Everything was fine with the world.
Today, I wake up and find it boot looping constantly.
- When plugged into USB, it boot loops constantly. As soon as the N screen disappears, it restarts. I can't even get it to turn off.
- When disconnected from USB, I can't even get it to turn on. Period.
- When disconnected from USB when the N screen is showing, it instantly shuts off.
- 8 Reboot trick doesn't work, booting onto a CWM or stock-flashing SDCard doesn't work, acclaim doesn't work.
Almost sounds like a dead battery, considering the instant shut-off when unplugged, but it can't charge because it's constantly trying to turn on. Any advice?
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Had almost the same problem as you. Bought a Nook Color off eBay. Battery was discharged to 0%. I didn't have the original Nook Color charger cable so I thought I was fscked. I had a few microUSB chargers lying around. I used an old Motorola flip-phone charger to charge it back to life.
Get ANY microUSB charger, like for an old cellphone, or buy one (they're cheap off the streets). Plug it in and let it charge overnight. Do NOT under any circumstances press the power button or you'll have to restart the charging process. The next morning my Nook Color booted up (although it had only 18% charge) and everything was fine (poor seller sold it on eBay for parts, I got it for $28 in total LOL, but I knew it was fine).
sagirfahmid3 said:
Had almost the same problem as you. Bought a Nook Color off eBay. Battery was discharged to 0%. I didn't have the original Nook Color charger cable so I thought I was fscked. I had a few microUSB chargers lying around. I used an old Motorola flip-phone charger to charge it back to life.
Get ANY microUSB charger, like for an old cellphone, or buy one (they're cheap off the streets). Plug it in and let it charge overnight. Do NOT under any circumstances press the power button or you'll have to restart the charging process. The next morning my Nook Color booted up (although it had only 18% charge) and everything was fine (poor seller sold it on eBay for parts, I got it for $28 in total LOL, but I knew it was fine).
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good score man , i by micro usb cables off amazon for 2.65$ shipped to the house , yea you can also get the torx 5 screw driver off ebay or amazon dirt cheap , if you want links let me know i will find a few for ya , i like to get stuff cheap but if you want it today you can get em at sears for a few dollars more ,
if you want links for torx 5 or usb cables that will work on the nook tablet / color , also you can get OEM from B&N for 9.99 i just ordered one from them a few weeks ago it works charms

[Q] TF201 dock not charging tablet

My apologies if this has been posted previously - but I cannot seem to find anyone who has had an identical issue...
My TF201 has worked perfectly since purchased - but in the last 4-6 weeks I have started to notice issues with battery life and as I have been busy with other more pressing issues I have simply been charging it more regularly and 'ignoring' the situation. However I have now realised that the problem appears to be related to the fact that the dock is not charging the tablet from it's battery reserve when the tablet is running low.
I have also noticed that when charging the unit it never gets a 'green' fully charged light on the dock and simply remains 'amber' irrelevant of how long it is left charging...
I have tried the 'cold boot' ('volume down' and power button for more than 12 seconds etc.) - which does initiate the cold boot but does appear to resolve the issue...
I have always charged both items docked and only use the original charger...
I have the same issue which started around the same time. I have also noticed that my dock is not charging although the tablet will while connected to the dock. The dock was at full battery when I noticed it was no longer transferring power to the tablet as the tablets battery got low. Now the dock is around 90% and does not increase regardless of how long it is left on charge. I have tried charging the dock by itself as well; still no luck. The tablet does indicate the dock is connected and the keyboard still funcions. This appears to be an issue with the dock battery being unable to transfer power whether from the plug or to the tablet. Any advise as to what to troubleshoot next would be appreciated.
Just started seeing the same symptoms this week. Guess this device is reaching the end of its road...
s44 said:
Just started seeing the same symptoms this week. Guess this device is reaching the end of its road...
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I'm having the same issue, too.
I just noticed the same behavior this past week, after having owned the tablet+dock for almost two years with no problems.
The tablet just drains completely whether it's docked or not. The dock is holding a steady 77% charge but does not transfer this charge to the tablet when it's docked. The tablet charges normally when plugged in directly to the wall (using the original charger) or when docked and the dock is plugged in to the wall. The keyboard continues to function normally.
I haven't received any system updates recently either, so I can't think of anything that has changed in the software configuration to make this happen suddenly. Glad that it's happening to other folks and not just me! Has anyone tried a factory reset?
Update: tried the factory reset, but it didn't help.
I found some discussion over on the Transformer Forums, but unfortunately I can't post a link to it. Search google for "transformer forums faq definitive thread battery" to find it.
See for example comments #335, #340, #345-353.
The first post in that thread suggests a couple of things to try, including popping the charger into the freezer (I kid you not), doing a cold boot with the dock attached, and trickle-charging the dock off a PC's USB port. If all that fails, they say to contact ASUS for a warranty repair because it's probably a hardware fault.
I've tried all of those except the trickle-charge, and in addition tried a factory reset. I also opened up the dock, disconnected the battery and reconnected it, and reseated some of the other connectors on the board. Nothing has helped.
My dock is out of warranty (it's two years old) so I suppose that's the end of the road.
Same problem
I have a TF201 with dock that worked perfectly until mid October or maybe early November. After not finding a solution online and talking to ASUS several times I sent in my tablet and dock to have it repaird as they said it was a hardware problem. ASUS wanted nearly $300 to replace the motherboard! I said thank you, but please send it back. I don't believe there is motherboard problem because it is too much of a coincidence that this proble started after receiving the GPS dongle and trying it on the TF201.
The symptoms are
1. the dock doesn't fully charge
2. the tablet will not charge from the dock
3. The tablet will fully charge when the charger is plugged into the dock
Any suggestions are really appreciated. I have done cold boots, with and without the dock.
oldlawngnome said:
I have a TF201 with dock that worked perfectly until mid October or maybe early November. After not finding a solution online and talking to ASUS several times I sent in my tablet and dock to have it repaird as they said it was a hardware problem. ASUS wanted nearly $300 to replace the motherboard! I said thank you, but please send it back. I don't believe there is motherboard problem because it is too much of a coincidence that this proble started after receiving the GPS dongle and trying it on the TF201.
The symptoms are
1. the dock doesn't fully charge
2. the tablet will not charge from the dock
3. The tablet will fully charge when the charger is plugged into the dock
Any suggestions are really appreciated. I have done cold boots, with and without the dock.
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Seeing the same symptoms here. Why on earth would they want to replace the motherboard? The tablet appears to be working just fine, it's the dock that's apparently screwed. And $300? Are they out of their ever-lovin' minds? So, were you out shipping one way, or two, if you don't mind my asking?
My solution was to buy a Note 10.1 2014.
Happening to me too:
Post copied from thread I made in error:
After suffering with stock jellybean on my Prime I decided to take the plunge and flash a custom rom.
I followed Matt Hill's guide on unlocking the bootloader and saving my back-ups. That went without a hitch. I then wanted to install the Hairybean 2.3.1 ROM but was still on flatline. I then flashed TWRP 2.5 and then again followed the hairybean install instructions to the letter. I used their supplied bootloader. That also went without a hitch and the Prime itself is running extremely well and I'm loving the new smoothness. When turning the machine on the Prime wanted to update the firmware on it which I declined. When I rebooted, it decided to update anyway. Still. Worked fine and was still silky smooth.
However. I have now noticed that my dock refuses to charge. If I plug the adapter into the dock and attach the tablet to the dock, the tablet will charge but the dock refuses to (even if the tablet is at 100%). I have tried removing the tablet and charging the dock on its own but it refuses. The light comes on the side, but doesn't indicate it is charging. Whats odd, is that when I plug the charger into the tablet and dock together, the widget shows the battery of the dock charges for a second, before then deciding not to. My tablet is at 100% but the dock is stuck at 16%.
Any ideas what might be causing this? Or how I can resolve it?
Thank you!
Volumex1 said:
My apologies if this has been posted previously - but I cannot seem to find anyone who has had an identical issue...
My TF201 has worked perfectly since purchased - but in the last 4-6 weeks I have started to notice issues with battery life and as I have been busy with other more pressing issues I have simply been charging it more regularly and 'ignoring' the situation. However I have now realised that the problem appears to be related to the fact that the dock is not charging the tablet from it's battery reserve when the tablet is running low.
I have also noticed that when charging the unit it never gets a 'green' fully charged light on the dock and simply remains 'amber' irrelevant of how long it is left charging...
I have tried the 'cold boot' ('volume down' and power button for more than 12 seconds etc.) - which does initiate the cold boot but does appear to resolve the issue...
I have always charged both items docked and only use the original charger...
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Facing the same problem. Tablet charges fine while connected to dock, but dock fails to charge. Steady at 5%. It continuously flashes amber light when charger is plugged in. Tablet is out of warranty (about 20 months old), so not sure what to do.
has anyone found a fix for this? mine is doing the same thing dock doesnt seem to be doing its job by powering the tablet really love my prime dont want to have to go and buy a new tablet just because the dock wont charge it.
My wife and I own a TF201 and have found that out of the 2 chargers, only 1 works to charge the tablets now and the other doesn't, and it's all in the actual plug, not the cable.
I've tried a bunch of other android and USB plugs and nothing works to charge them at all.
Have been looking at getting a genuine replacement charger for it so that we can charge both at the same time instead of sharing, but it works for the moment.
You might want to try a new charger too?
Same problem
[Exactly the same problems. TF201 Keyboard won't charge although the tablet does charge when power plugged into keyboard - but to only 99%. When plugged in directly, it happily charges to 100%, therefore the assumption is that the tablet is working fine. The keyboard won't charge at all under any circumstances and it is now down to 43% charge left - Aaaagh!
Crazy thing is that my partner's TF301 is now exhibiting the same symptoms!
I, too, contacted ASUS and they informed me it would cost £45 + VAT just to inspect the 201 and then cost ??? for repair.
Reading the other forum entries it almost sounds as if ASUS have fitted an obsolescence chip!! Just too many coincidences here.
My response: I've recently bought a new ASUS Windows 8 Transformer - I must be mad!
I recently got this same problem, with the classic symptoms:
1. the dock won't charge
2. the tablet will not charge from the dock
3. only the tablet will charge when the tablet is docked and the charger is plugged into the dock
I tried all the tricks I could find on the interweb - cold boots, trickle charging overnight, I even put my charger in the freezer. I even tried a custom ROM (ok, I was planning to do that anyway )
ASUS wanted £45 just to look at it, so I took the plunge and ordered a new dock battery for £30 off ebay (shipped from china). It took a few weeks to arrive, but it has solved the problem! It's a 15 minute job to swap it over, and as I write this, the dock is now charging!!! :good:
If anyone else wants to try it, the dock battery code for my UK model is C21-TF201D. You will need a small phillips head screwdriver and a small Torx star screwdriver to get the dock apart, but it's easy enough. There are tutorials on youtube and plenty of how-to's out there.
So between a battery and a new ROM, it feels like a new tablet again!! :good:
Same Problem + bulging
I have the same problem with my keyboard dock. Now the dock looks bulging in the middle, I think because of the battery. Other functions except charging still works. I cannot flip close tablet and dock attached because of the bulging.
Since the waranty is over, is it possible the dock still works without battery (if I remove the battery)? I'm afraid the battery will explode if I keep using it in this condition. If this is possible maybe I will ask ASUS Service Center to remove the battery since I don't want pay extra money to replace the battery, last time they said its about 85 USD.
Dock registers to tablet, I can see battery level.
Dock Battery is not charging
Dock battery is discharging slowly
It's possible to charge tablet through Dock
I guess something is broken inside so I'm going to open it. I've seen many videos but they are not helpful in this case.
Does someone have experience? Is it possible that battery pack is broken itself?
Qermit said:
Dock registers to tablet, I can see battery level.
Dock Battery is not charging
Dock battery is discharging slowly
It's possible to charge tablet through Dock
I guess something is broken inside so I'm going to open it. I've seen many videos but they are not helpful in this case.
Does someone have experience? Is it possible that battery pack is broken itself?
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Heyy have you opened it up? I am thinking about the same but currently, i have no idea what i would do with it
lukashino said:
Heyy have you opened it up? I am thinking about the same but currently, i have no idea what i would do with it
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Yes. I just removed the battery and closed it again without it.
It's look like 2 batteries/cells are good itself but internal controller is brkoen somehow.

Azpen A1023 Tablet - Battery Wont Hold Charge (Depleted Battery)

Hello again xda members. If you guys know who I am you'll know I love Azpen Tablets bought from MicroCenter. A few years ago myself and others provided the community with a solution to "unbrick" the Azpen A727 and following I had mad a step by step tutorial on how to get the A727 working again.
For about 6 months I have had trouble with my Azpen A1023 10inch Tablet I bought from Microcenter a few years back on sale for 60 bucks. The issue with it is it will not charge at all, it wont even turn on when I have it plugged in to a USB charger. Ive tried multiple things. Holding down the power button for 30 seconds to do what i heard is a power cycle, holding down the power button and the home button for 30 seconds, trying different USB wall chargers with 500ma 800ma, and 2A. And it absolutely does nothing.
Now I am assuming it is a completely depleted battery since I left it unused for a few months since I realized I had this problem. I went from the A1023 working fine to not using it for a few months and it not coming on or charging at all. Now I heard if you leave a tablet that has a completely dead battery (in which all its cells are depleted, not your battery dying) and you plus it into a USB port that has low milliamps (ex. Computer USB 2.0 port (500ma)) overnight or for a day then the low trickle of power for a long period of time should bring the battery back to life. I am actually trying that method right now as we speak. Im going to attempt to bring my tablet battery back to life by leaving it plugged in my computers USB 2.0 for at least 24 hours. Also I heard of unplugging the battery from inside a tablet and replugging it back in sometimes helps this problem, but when I opened my Azpen A1023 up I come to find that the battery is soldered to the mainboard with some wire. Worse comes to worse I'll snip the wires and re-solder them, tell me what you guys think.
I'll let you know how it goes!
P.S. If I need to be corrected for something I said (ex. calling it a "depleted" battery) feel free to correct me because when I do threads on any site I try to be as professional and direct and legitimate as possible. Also to let you guys know, any help and any solution that is found or steps to a solution you will be credited for you help when I edit this post for a final tutorial on how to fix it.
So I had my Azpen A1023 plugged into my desktop computers USB 2.0 port at 500mA I believe for 36hours and still its not turning on. Ill leave it plugged in for a week to see what happens. And of course the PC is on and I shut off advanced power setting of selective USB power or whatever its called. Anyone have any input?
So I decided to open up the A1023. I unsoldered the battery from the motherboard left it for 20min and resoldered it back to the mobo to see if that helped . still nothing, wont charge or turn on. Any ideas?
Azpen tablet not charging.
Did u ever get it charging. If u did how

