[Q] How to disable sound of incoming SMS during a call? - Samsung Galaxy Ace 4

In the call menu there is no options about this, no like other Samsung phone: how to disable notification sound during a call on this phone?


[Q] Text Message Sounds

From the text message window > Messaging Settings > Select Ringtone - I set the custom sound for text messages. I disabled Notification Sounds in the Settings > Sound > Notification Ringtone - Yet I still hear two different ringtones when I receive a text message. This problem doesn't happen with Emails. I tried turning off sounds in text message settings and off in sound settings and I still hear a tone.
Is there a way to navigate to the sound file on the phone and just delete it? Or any way at all to fix it?

[Q] How to change vibration pattern

Is it possible to change the vibration pattern on incoming mails, SMS, notifications, incoming call etc. on the Samsung Galaxy S2?
+1 to that. I miss that stuff from my S8500.
with GOsms its possible to customize the vibration (like 5*500ms), but only for incoming sms

[Q] Phone doesn't vibrate with text messages

I have it on Always Vibrate but it only vibrates on incoming calls . Never on texts. Can someone help me out???
Open text messaging> menu button> settings> should be an option to disable or enable vibrate on notification.
Google talk me for help or question. @ [email protected]

How can I ignore an incoming call during a game ?

is there an app or tweak to ignore incoming call without rejection ?
like sending the incoming call to background or to the notification bar ?
like this app on the iphone
Check this.

Sound and vibrate not possible for all apps?

i have just buyed a new P20lite. Before i had a samsung galaxy a3 2016.
I have problems with the setting of the sound and vibration setting.
At some apps (e.g. WhatsApp) it works correctly:
If i change the mode in the Quick-Settings
Quick Setting Sound -> New Messages are with Sound and Vibration
Quick Setting Vibrate -> New Messages are with Vibration
Quick Setting Silent -> New Messages received silently.
But with Outlook or GMail it will not work correctly:
Quick Setting Sound -> New Messages are with Sound (NOT with Vibration)
Quick Setting Vibrate -> New Messages are with Vibration
Quick Setting Silent -> New Messages received silently.
I want to have notifications with both sound and vibration. Is it not possible on all Apps?
I have enabled the Notification sounds and Vibration in the App settings. But it will not Vibrate in Sound mode? Have I missed a setting?

