Creating a BLE remote keyboard - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I want to use BLE to develop an application to use my Android as PC Keyboard. I know Play Store is filled out with a bunch of remote apps but I just need this to send a sentence to the PC field after pressing a button in my Android App.
Where should I start?
I've developed some android apps and I'm used to Android SDK and API.
Is there anyway to send keys to the PC?
I imagine I need a server on the PC.
Does anybody knows about any opensource project related to this?
Thank you in advance. I'm lost at the moment. Cannot figure out a way to get on this.


[Q] Can I send TTS over the phone line?

Hi all, I'm new here. Didn't get any hits on this when I searched.
I want to be able to have the TTS engine on an Android phone direct its output over the line of an active phone call. Are there any apps that can do this? If not, is it technically possible on the Android platform. I've seen it done on Windows desktop systems, but haven't found anything for Android. Thanks!

[Q] Technical information needed for a Server/Client application

I am a student in computer programming and I am looking to self-learn advanced android development by making an android app for my personal use. I was thinking about making an application that would require a Client/Server model that would let me browse/playback my music that sits on my PC from my android device. Something similar to the Audiogalaxy application where I would stream the data from my PC to my device.
Knowing that I know how to make an Android app, I would like to know what would be the best technology to use. I would like to be able to access my library from Internet or via Wifi. I have done some search and found out that using Zend Framework as the server and using JSON-RPC as the client could be one of the way to go, but I haven't found all the informations that would convince me to go with that idea.
I would like to know your opinion/feedback on the technology or where I should start looking to make this happen.
have a good day!
* Please move this topic to the correct sub-forum if I haven't done it correctly.

[Q] communication between android app and java application

Hi all,
Im new in this forum and just wanna ask for some help on where can i find a simple tutorial or a sample project of an android application that can communicate with a java application on a PC.
im thinking via wifi.. also i got some knowledge in java programming and right now im starting to learn more about android development.
some simple tutorial/samples like an android app where you have to type a message and it will show on the java application when the send button is clicked.
Hi Wakkana,
If you want to communicate with your own computer on your local network, it's the most easy.
On your Android client, you have just to open a HttpURLConnection (see URL, URL.openConnection(), URL.setRequestMethod()) and check if the result is == 200 (if it's okay) or not. On your computer, you'll need to manage a connections server. There are good libs to do that, Netty for example, with really easy examples.
If you want to communicate with your own computer from an external network, you have to redirect from your box a port to your computer/server port, and use the box IP in the Android client.
BUT, I'm not sure xda is the best forum to speak about network programming (without a custom ROM for example)...
Try to get good java basis before start to learn Android

[ASK] Developt android application for ticket reservation online

I want to developt some application for android and iOs if possible.
The problem is look for API airlines & hotels so difficult.. Anyone there know how to make some API?
I used to connect between my apps to airlines & hotels, please help me.?
Examples : Open your google play and search "traveloka" . I want to make application have the same function like this apps
Thank you

Need help with updating an apk

Hey all,
There's an app I need help updating to either api 24/26 . The app which is meant to interface with the Joyetech Ocular/Ocular C, which is on Google Play,
The problem is, the devs of the app hasn't updated it since api 22, and after sending emails to the devs on multiple channels, there's no response.
Looking at the logcat of an app's activity, the Android app derives keys using the SHA1PRNG algorithm from the Crypto provider, and as of Android N, apps must start using a real key derivation function.
My issue is that:
1: I'm very mediocre at things like this. (Decompile, import into Eclipse, edit as needed, then recompile.)
2: My laptop doesn't have enough space to install Eclipse.
Would anyone with more knowledge on this subject be willing to update this apk for me?

