How to bump yourself stock kernel, modify ramdisk to add init.d + SELinux permissive - G3 Android Development

I spent a lot of time searching and finding the material to understand and reproduce process about bump!.
After a few times shared the results of my manipulations on stock kernel, which I applied the method I'll describe here, I will try now to explain how you can make for yourself an identical result.
If you are still wondering what is Bump! I can only invite you to look for yourself, and even give you the link where I tried to answer this question on the section of the G2.
The purpose of this topic is to get you to bump kernel, from a PC, Linux, or Windows, or even from the phone.
I'll try to explain as why certain steps are essential to ensure a good result, steps that, at first, did not seem obvious.
When you will try it, and will want to test the result, make sure nice to have taken the necessary precautions before: Make a backup of your current kernel foremost flashing.
Now, you know what is BUMP! and why kernel must be bumped. Bump! basically involves injecting a signature in a file (boot).
This injection of the signature to be made in hexadecimal format, and immediately after the last used page of the kernel, we have to remove unnecessary bytes before doing so, and unpack/repack kernel is the easiest way to do so ( To do that, we need two binaries (unpackbootimg and mkbootimg).
About these two binaries, we can compile them ourselves from source, or taking already compiled bins.
@osm0sis made and share a super tool containing all that we need, these compiled bins, in his Android Image Kitchen - Unpack/Repack Kernel Ramdisk [Win/Android/Linux].
So i propose to use it here. The big advantage to this, is that @osm0sis compiled for windows, linux, and phone (arm). He created scripts that automate unpack and repack too.
The purpose of this topic is not to learn how to get the kernel file (boot), I assume that this prerequisite is acquired. However, I give you some hints for beginners, you can take a look at KDZ and TOT Extractor from @bullghost or the dd command to achieve.
1) Simply Bump a stock kernel in Linux (no change in ramdisk) to obtain a bumped working untouched stock kernel
Download the linux version of Android Image Kitchen - Unpack/Repack Kernel Ramdisk [Win/Android/Linux] ( AIK-Linux-v1.9.1-ALL.tar.gz), and untar it somewhere. Create, in the root directory of AIK, one file named "" (or the name that you like) containing this code I gave in osm0sis AIK thread (or, if you prefer, you can take the file named "linux_one_shot_bump_only.tar.gz" in attached files here), and chmod it 755.
Now you can use it by opening a terminal and drag and drop this file inside following by drag and drop kernel file too. Press enter, it's done You'll find a file named bumped.img, in AIK root directory, wich is your bumped kernel.
Note: bash for this script is very important for an expected result for printf cmd. It doesn't work as expected with sh.
2) Simply Bump a stock kernel in Windows (no change in ramdisk) to obtain a bumped working untouched stock kernel
I've not made a one click script to bump on this OS, but I'll explain very simply how to get there using the scripts offered natively in the osm0sis tools . This fair will be in three stages, for the reasons discussed in the preamble:
1) unpack the kernel
2) repack the kernel
3) inject hexa signature (bump!)
So to begin, download the windows version of Android Image Kitchen - Unpack/Repack Kernel Ramdisk [Win/Android/Linux] (
Unzip it where you want. Open a dos prompt and drag and drop unpackimg.bat on the prompt windows, tape one spaces in the command and drag and drop your kernel file in the prompt windows. Tape on enter: You made the first step, your kernel is unpacked.
Don't close window prompt, tape one touch to continue, as the prompt invite you to do.
Now, just drag and drop repackimg.bat in the prompt windows, and tape on enter. Done, you just finished the second step, you've repacked the kernel (image-new.img on the root folder of AIK).
Now, for doing the step 3, you need to inject the signature. I have not found other solutions at the moment than to use a hex editor to do this. I tried with a shareware (Hex Editor) and also with a freeware (HxD) with succes for these two softwares. With Hex Editor, after opening image-new.img, click on the first free byte at the end of the file and copy paste there "41A9E467744D1D1BA429F2ECEA655279" (without double quote). Save the file.
Or with HxD, after opening image-new.img, click at the end of the file, just after the last used byte, and in the menu"edition", choose "insert bytes". On the dialog box, type 10 on the first field (amount), let "hex" checked, and paste in the second field the value "41A9E467744D1D1BA429F2ECEA655279" (without double quote). Save the file.
Done, you just finished bumping your kernel in windows
I can give later screenshot if needed/asked.
Edit: i've found a workaround for using @osmosis tool to sign (bump) kernel just after repacking. Details can be found here:
Edit2: After talking with @osmosis, the best solution for signing (bump) the kernel just after repacking should be to use cygwin printf.exe (I've attached this file to this post), that can be added in aik/bin folder (the real name of this folder is android_win_tools and it can be found in the root of AIK tool). So we just need to put printf.exe in android_win_tools folder, and replace this code in repackimg.bat
%bin%\mkbootimg --kernel "split_img/%kernel%" %ramdisk% %second% --cmdline "%cmdline%" --board "%board%" --base %base% --pagesize %pagesize% --kernel_offset %kerneloff% --ramdisk_offset %ramdiskoff% %second_offset% --tags_offset %tagsoff% %dtb% -o image-new.img %errout%
%bin%\mkbootimg --kernel "split_img/%kernel%" %ramdisk% %second% --cmdline "%cmdline%" --board "%board%" --base %base% --pagesize %pagesize% --kernel_offset %kerneloff% --ramdisk_offset %ramdiskoff% %second_offset% --tags_offset %tagsoff% %dtb% -o image-new.img %errout%
%bin%\printf \x41\xA9\xE4\x67\x74\x4D\x1D\x1B\xA4\x29\xF2\xEC\xEA\x65\x52\x79 >> image-new.img
As you can see, just one new line was inserted for injecting the signature.
3) Simply Bump a stock kernel in Phone (no change in ramdisk) to obtain a bumped working untouched stock kernel
I will not reinvent the wheel, you can use an existing tool for some time, made by @somboons, which uses the technique I mentioned here (unpack the kernel, repack it and injection of signing , all in the phone).
This script is an adaptation of Live bump by @Skin1980 that uses the arm versions of unpackbootimg and mkbootimg.
You will find the instructions and the tool here:
Credits and thank's a lot:
codefire team for bump!:
@thecubed , @Shelnutt2 , @IllegalArgument , @autoprime , @AnimatronicRocketReptile , @Dees_Troy
@Skin1980 for his live bump and these explanations
@osm0sis for his Android Image Kitchen - Unpack/Repack Kernel Ramdisk [Win/Android/Linux]
@zequav for explain me at the beginning what happen with bump and what can be done on linux

How to add init.d support and SELinux permissive on the Ramdisk​
Here, i explain how to implement in Ramdisk init.d and SELinux permissive.
We start from untouched kernel not bumped (so not from the kernel we eventually have bumped with the previous post).
Use @osmosis tool android image kitchen version for your system to unpack it.
After that, navigate to the AIK root folder and:
in split_img/boot.bin-cmdline, replace
console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 user_debug=31 ehci-hcd.park=3 msm_rtb.filter=0x37 androidboot.hardware=g3
console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 user_debug=31 ehci-hcd.park=3 msm_rtb.filter=0x37 androidboot.hardware=g3 androidboot.selinux=permissive
in ramdisk/init.qcom.rc replace
on property:sys.boot_completed=1
start qcom-post-boot
service sysinit /sbin/
class late_start
user root
group root
on property:sys.boot_completed=1
start qcom-post-boot
start sysinit
and on /sbin folder, add a file named "" that contains this code:
mount -o rw,remount /system
if [ ! -e /system/etc/init.d ]; then
mkdir /system/etc/init.d
chown -R root.root /system/etc/init.d
chmod -R 755 /system/etc/init.d
mount -o ro,remount /system
run-parts /system/etc/init.d/
/system/xbin/daemonsu --auto-daemon &
Note: This previous code on is only for those who have run-parts installed (with busybox by example). Otherwise, for those who don't want to use run-parts, you can put the next one that don't need it:
mount -o rw,remount /system
if [ ! -e /system/etc/init.d ]; then
mkdir /system/etc/init.d
chown -R root.root /system/etc/init.d
chmod -R 755 /system/etc/init.d
mount -o ro,remount /system
setenforce 0
for f in $FILES
/system/xbin/daemonsu --auto-daemon &
Now you are ready to repack the kernel. Use AIK repackimg script for that. After repacking the kernel, you still have to sign it (Bump!).
For this last formality depending on the OS which you find yourself:
1) On Linux
put a file that you name as you want with sh ext( should be a great idea ) on the AIK root folder, and chmod it 755.
On this file put the code above:
printf '\x41\xA9\xE4\x67\x74\x4D\x1D\x1B\xA4\x29\xF2\xEC\xEA\x65\x52\x79' >> image-new.img
Save it, and now just drag and drop this file on a window terminal and valid. That's all
2) On Windows
Refer to the OP, i explained there how I bump on windows
3) On Phone
Refer to the OP, i explained there how I bump on the phone

Wow great, waiting for chapter 2


u25150 said:
Wow great, waiting for chapter 2
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I feel that few people seem really passionate about what I say, if I refer to the answers
Also I'm going to focus on those who, like you, arise, and seem interested in this subject.
What specifically would you like to see some detail (what do you call "chapter two" ) ?
Duckscreen said:
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Welcome, pleased to meet you

@6ril1 great work my freind

jac10000 said:
@6ril1 great work my freind
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Hi my friend (not my freind, which is an advantage of German expression, ) , thank's, I assume that it is better to teach to fish than give fish, but perhaps this concept is it outdated ?

Could you making how to kexec hardboot patch Guide please
(for support Multirom)

Really nice work my friend !!!
In Linux, I just make my first bump boot thanks to you :good:

jac10000 said:
Really nice work my friend !!!
In Linux, I just make my first bump boot thanks to you :good:
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You are welcome
And great thank's for having notify me my mistake about code i wrote in post 2 (class late_sart instead of class late_start )
Code is edited and correct now

Yeaah @6ril1 and my first bump boot with SELinux permissive

jac10000 said:
Yeaah @6ril1 and my first bump boot with SELinux permissive
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LOL, thank's to have testing all of that i described in this thread, and for having mentioning me in private some others mistakes (unexpected one space inserted during copy-paste on the post 2 and one code tag not closed) . I have edited again with all that you find and now it should be correct
THANK'S again my friend

For windows user, new stuff added, i'll edit op with that too:
Edit2: One more simple solution just added in OP

I have new-img but how do you use hex editor exactly? i can not figure it out. can u help with screenshots please?

I tried your tutorial (windows x64)(only bump no change in ramdisk) for 30c MM kernel but my phone wont boot(i don't have security error). Any ideas? Thank you!


[HOW TO] Create an file - via Pershoot

This is all via pershoot, I hope you don't mind me posting this, as it was buried in another thread and I figure this is great for the community and these steps have never been put all in one place before.
Again, this is not my knowledge, but pershoot's.
This is assuming you're using Windows (XP/2000/2K3/Vista/7):
1. unpack this to tools directory within your sdk folder.
2. run autosign.bat and go number by number
*****the creation of the image (and all related parts) are done in linux. steps 3-7
3. unpack this:
4. take a boot.img from let's say, cyanogenmod rom
5. ./ boot.img
6. If you would like to modify anything in the ramdisk:
mkdir my_ramdisk
cd my_ramdisk
gzip -dc ../boot.img-ramdisk.gz | cpio -i
To pack back together:
cd ..
mkbootfs ./ramdisk | gzip > my_ramdisk.gz
Note: you can find mkbootfs in AOSP: out/host/linux-x86/bin
7. use mkbootimg (found within AOSP: out/host/linux-x86/bin (assuming your using an x86 linux host)) to create a nexus image, contained of your zImage and a ramdisk:
mkbootimg --base 20000000 --cmdline 'no_console_suspend=1 console=null' --kernel arch/arm/boot/zImage --ramdisk boot.img-ramdisk.gz -o my_bootable_file.img
8. take one of pershoot's bootable recovery update.zips (
9. replace your my_bootable_file.img with the boot.img found within the .zip
10. replace your modules folder and wifi module in the modules folder
11. feel free to amend the update-script found within META-INF\com\google\android (you can use this as a reference:
12. if you setup autosigning correctly, you can now right click the .zip -> sign.
Note: on windows 7, the right click gets damaged, so to speak, if you reassign the extension after autosigning, so just open up a command prompt and: java testsign
13. you're all done.
To sign updates in Linux:
Follow this:
*****For Ubuntu : the mkbootimg and mkbootfs executables are found here: for x86 only.
Sign Tool For Linux
I seem to be able to not finish reading the OP!
I'm confused... Why can't you finish the OP?
Thanks Mark (and pershoot) for posting this, will definitely come in handy. Now I can finally post my 1.8ghz kernel
jlevy73 said:
Thanks Mark (and pershoot) for posting this, will definitely come in handy. Now I can finally post my 1.8ghz kernel
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That was a joke, I hope lol.. at least not in format..
Eclair~ said:
That was a joke, I hope lol.. at least not in format..
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yeah, he meant his 8.1 ghz kernel...
rori~ said:
yeah, he meant his 8.1 ghz kernel...
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(10 blah)
sry my bad english
can`t do " boot.img" out from cmd console
i dont have perl or something installed.
What am I doing wrong?
crazyknallchopf said:
sry my bad english
can`t do " boot.img" out from cmd console
i dont have perl or something installed.
What am I doing wrong?
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./ boot.img (which is implied if it is not in your path)
mark, please update the OP with ./
updated the OP to include your changes pershoot:
"./ boot.img"
sorry i don`t understand what you mean with "OP"
crazyknallchopf said:
sorry i don`t understand what you mean with "OP"
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OP = original post (the 1st one on top of a thread)
pershoot said:
OP = original post (the 1st one on top of a thread)
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oke thx...
in CMD i do cd to my sdk directory where my .pl and .bin files are placed,
then i type "./ boot.img" (without quotes) it does not work...
no command are found
crazyknallchopf said:
oke thx...
in CMD i do cd to my sdk directory where my .pl and .bin files are placed,
then i type "./ boot.img" (without quotes) it does not work...
no command are found
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you put the boot.img in the same directory as the unpacked then run a ./ boot.img
you should not be using your sdk directory as a work/scrap area, as things may get messy in there.
use something like /var/tmp/FOLDER or ~/FOLDER
EDIT: the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog
pershoot said:
you put the boot.img in the same directory as the unpacked then run a ./ boot.img
you should not be using your sdk directory as a work/scrap area, as things may get messy in there.
use something like /var/tmp/FOLDER or ~/FOLDER
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thx pershoot
i dont know what im doing wrong
it wont work
i uploadet a pic :
crazyknallchopf said:
thx pershoot
i dont know what im doing wrong
it wont work
i uploadet a pic :
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i was afraid you were doing that. the creation of the image (and all related parts) are done in linux.
mark, might want to update the OP with that tidbit, for the linux pieces.
pershoot said:
i was afraid you were doing that. the creation of the image (and all related parts) are done in linux.
mark, might want to update the OP with that tidbit, for the linux pieces.
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steps 3-7
edited: here is the mkbootimg executable that works on ubuntu 9.10.
use at your own risk.
This was the only part that I was unable to do on a stock ubuntu install.
Was following this:,_Edit,_and_Re-Pack_Boot_Images
britoso said:
Can someone upload the mkbootimg and mkbootfs executables please.
I'm on ubuntu 9.1.
Seems like a lot of work to build just this little tool.
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for x86 only.

Howto - unpack,change,repack boot.img

Hi, for those interested I wrote following steps (ubuntu 10.10 32b):
(based on excellent,_Edit,_and_Re-Pack_Boot_Images )
I included compiled tools mkbootfs , mkbootimg and perl scripts and is edited and the needed parameters for our folio are included ([email protected] [email protected] vmalloc=192M video=tegrafb console=ttyS0,115200n8 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 tegraboot=sdmmc tegrapart=recovery:122000:a00:800,linux:a0e00:1000:800,loader:300:400:800,mbr:700:200:800,system:900:20000:800,cache:20900:80000:800,misc:a0900:400:800,userdata:a1f00:80000:800 boardtype=PR)
1) unpack attachement mytools.tgz into your home, in your home the folder ~/mytools is created:
tar -xzf mytools.tgz
2) copy existing boot.img into ~/mytools (from foliomod
3) ./ boot.img
- old kernel from boot.img is extracted: boot.img-kernel.gz
- content of contained ramdisk is extracted in folder: boot-img.ramdisk
4) copy new compiled kernel (zImage) into ~/mytools (from <source>/kernel/arch/arm/boot/zImage , you have to compile yourself with the weeds2000 quide
5) make all desired changes into ramdisk folder
6) repack new boot.img with a new kernel and changed ramdisk
./ zImage boot.img-ramdisk boot-new.img
7) new boot image is created as boot-new.img
8) if you want just to experiment, you can take any full foliomod dexter's (1.3d), put the new boot image inside instead original one.
It is possible to remove the other 2 images (recovery and system) if you want just to flash kernel. NOTE! But you have to remove the extrating command for recovery and system from
p.s. Feel free to correct me, if something wrong with the steps. It's my first attempt to compile kernel
I am on FolioMod 1.3d and I use the kernel built without patches from GPL source bundle including framework) for a day without problems. I had to do a full wipe. It's meant for testing, I don't say that kernel from source is better or worse.
Many thanks to Dexter because everything is based on his release, weeds2000 because of his kernel compile quide and tsh who placed the sources on the git and to all who try hacking our folio
thx for this, that 'll be usefull
thanks for the guide.
i have managed to do every thing up to the repack
when i type
perl boot.img-kernel.gz boot.img-ramdisk.gz boot.img
i get error
boot.img-ramdisk.gz Not a directory at line 13.
even though it is definatly in their. any idea how to get it to work?
You don't have to provide the folder instead of the packed Ramdisk-File!
Because this script is made doing changes in Ramdisk and kernel..
So you can change the scripts inside the boot.img-ramdisk folder and the script will repack and add it to the new boot.img!
permission denied
i have done everything as you said, but while using i got "permission denied". please suggest me what to do?
1. Enable read/write permissions for that file.
2. Tobr, you made a mistake in You forgot to add " ./ " before mkbootimg.
Jon2555 said:
1. Enable read/write permissions for that file.
2. Tobr, you made a mistake in You forgot to add " ./ " before mkbootimg.
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The script was downloaded from internet not written by me. And it worked for me just fine. I can not verify now that you are right (probably you are). If it works for you with ./ then either I can put fixed version for download for others (if there is anybody) or it can be here just as a notice for other users, if not working.
I have ./ defined in my path variable in my profile so that i don't need it.
eror when repack
tobr said:
Hi, for those interested I wrote following steps (ubuntu 10.10 32b):
(based on excellent,_Edit,_and_Re-Pack_Boot_Images )
I included compiled tools mkbootfs , mkbootimg and perl scripts and is edited and the needed parameters for our folio are included ([email protected] [email protected] vmalloc=192M video=tegrafb console=ttyS0,115200n8 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 tegraboot=sdmmc tegrapart=recovery:122000:a00:800,linux:a0e00:1000:800,loader:300:400:800,mbr:700:200:800,system:900:20000:800,cache:20900:80000:800,misc:a0900:400:800,userdata:a1f00:80000:800 boardtype=PR)
1) unpack attachement mytools.tgz into your home, in your home the folder ~/mytools is created:
tar -xzf mytools.tgz
2) copy existing boot.img into ~/mytools (from foliomod
3) ./ boot.img
- old kernel from boot.img is extracted: boot.img-kernel.gz
- content of contained ramdisk is extracted in folder: boot-img.ramdisk
4) copy new compiled kernel (zImage) into ~/mytools (from <source>/kernel/arch/arm/boot/zImage , you have to compile yourself with the weeds2000 quide
5) make all desired changes into ramdisk folder
6) repack new boot.img with a new kernel and changed ramdisk
./ zImage boot.img-ramdisk boot-new.img
7) new boot image is created as boot-new.img
8) if you want just to experiment, you can take any full foliomod dexter's (1.3d), put the new boot image inside instead original one.
It is possible to remove the other 2 images (recovery and system) if you want just to flash kernel. NOTE! But you have to remove the extrating command for recovery and system from
p.s. Feel free to correct me, if something wrong with the steps. It's my first attempt to compile kernel
I am on FolioMod 1.3d and I use the kernel built without patches from GPL source bundle including framework) for a day without problems. I had to do a full wipe. It's meant for testing, I don't say that kernel from source is better or worse.
Many thanks to Dexter because everything is based on his release, weeds2000 because of his kernel compile quide and tsh who placed the sources on the git and to all who try hacking our folio
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when do this in ubuntu 11.4
get eorr below
[email protected]:~/Desktop/untitled folder$ ./ boot.img
kernel written to boot.img-kernel.gz
ramdisk written to boot.img-ramdisk.cpio.gz
463 blocks
extracted ramdisk contents to directory boot.img-ramdisk/
[email protected]:~/Desktop/untitled folder$ ./ zImage boot.img-ramdisk boot-new.img
gzip: folder/ramdisk-repack.cpio.gz: No such file or directory
sh: mkbootimg: not found
No such file or directory at ./ line 21.
[email protected]:~/Desktop/untitled folder
can any one help me?
any tools for windows ?
nguyenhonganh said:
any tools for windows ?
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Same request!
repack problem
Can somebody tell me is it possible to repack kernel and ramdisk using just hex editor? Without this scripts and unmkbootimg and mkbootimg. What does not work for me cos im using i9100 Philz root. I know how to unpack it and change init.rc and pack it back again. So can i just put my (kernel+ramdisk) ramdisk.cpio.gz file inside mmcblk0p5 in exac location. Will that work out? I dont know what this is doing:
mkbootimg --kernel zImage --ramdisk initramfs.cpio.gz --base 0x20000000
--cmdline 'no_console_suspend=1' -o new_boot.img
this address thing and cmdline but if i replace just ramdisk i dont need to set up addres again cos everything will be in same place. And one more question if something goes wrong can i boot to recovery or download mode?
New kernel copied itself to mmcblk0p5
and i have new CWM now. So it seems to me recovery is inside mmcblk0p5 as well and my phone never use mmcblk0p6
@tobr, I cannot open the archive of boot.img-kernel.gz. When I try to open it with terminal, it says: Not a valid gzip file. What to do?


Hi all,
In this thread, I will try to share the knowledge I have on deodexing, making custom ROMs, modifying initramfs, building kernel and much more.
Please check the below posts for each of these tutorials.
Hope this opens doors to many new ROM and Kernel developers.
Deodexing Stock Rom
What you need to have:
xUltimate v2.3.3 - you can download it HERE (Thanks and Credits to Xeudoxus for this awesome app)
Rooted kernel with busybox
JDK installed on your Windows system
If adb is not available in your windows PC, in xUltimate folder open "jar" folder. You'll find adb there.
Extract stock app & framework folders and Deodex:
Connect your device to computer.
Start xUltimate (double-click on Main.exe)
Select option 1. (Pull /system/app)
Once option is done, select option 2. (Pull /system/framework)
In the same folder, now you'll see two new folders (origi_app, origi_frame)
Select option 3 in Main menu (Deodex /system/app)
Once its done, select option 4 in Main menu (Deodex /system/framework)
NOTE: If any apk/odex gives issues while deodexing, remove that corresponding apk and odex from origi_app folder and deodex again. (Mostly the apps which can be downloaded from play store might give errors.. ex: Maps, Voice search etc.)
Now you'll see two new folders done_app and done_frame.
Push deodexed app and framework to device:
Connect your device to PC in USB debugging mode.
Copy done_app and done_frame folders to root of sdcard (/sdcard).
Open Windows command prompt and type the below commands.
[*]adb shell
[*]mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p9 /system
[*]rm /system/app/*.odex
[*]rm /system/framework/*.odex
[*]busybox cp /sdcard/done_app/* /system/app/
[*]busybox cp /sdcard/done_frame/* /system/framework/
[*]chmod 644 /system/app/*
[*]chmod 644 /system/framework/*
[*]mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mmcblk0p9 /system
[*]reboot recovery
In Recovery, Wipe Cache and Wipe Data/Factory reset.
Now you've deodexed app and framework.
For ICS Roms, the process is quite easy. (Thanks and Credits to jaydvn.)
Download the attached zip file.
Extract it on your windows PC.
Copy your /system/app to _app folder
Copy your /system/framework to _framework folder.
Run AutoDEOToolMain.bat
Follow the instructions.
deodexed jars and apks will be found in deodexed_APK and deodexed_JAR.
Push deodexed app and framework to device:
Connect your device to PC in USB debugging mode.
Copy deodexed_APK and deodexed_JAR folders to root of sdcard (/sdcard).
Open Windows command prompt and type the below commands.
[*]adb shell
[*]mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p9 /system
[*]rm /system/app/*.odex
[*]rm /system/framework/*.odex
[*]busybox cp /sdcard/deodexed_APK/* /system/app/
[*]busybox cp /sdcard/deodexed_JAR/* /system/framework/
[*]chmod 644 /system/app/*
[*]chmod 644 /system/framework/*
[*]mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mmcblk0p9 /system
[*]reboot recovery
In Recovery, Wipe Cache and Wipe Data/Factory reset.
Building kernel
Okay. Let's learn how to build kernel for GT-I9100. There are many ways to build. I am just presenting here the way I build and make kernel.
NOTE 1: Follow the instructions exactly.
NOTE 2: Kernel is opensource. If you make any changes to it, you're expected to share your source. (Usually people share it over github )
What you need to have:
Ubuntu 10.04 and above (I use 10.04 )
ARM tool chain (Download HERE. Click on IA32 GNU/Linux TAR under Advanced Packages)
Samsung's opensource kernel for GT-I9100 (Download HERE. Go to Mobile->Mobile Phone-> Select I9100 (update 3 for Gingerbread and update 4 for ICS) and download the zip)
Setting up toolchain:
Extract the tar you downloaded(Suggestion: Extract to one folder where you can have everything. In my case /home/superatmos/build_kernel).
After extracting, you'll see a folder named arm-2010q1. Inside there will be many folders (ex. bin, lib and so on.)
Folder structure will be: /home/<your_name>/build_kernel/arm-2010q1
Setting up kernel:
Extract the zip you've downloaded from samsung's opensource.
You'll find two zips.
Extract GT-I9100_Kernel.tar.gz to /home/<your_name>/build_kernel/
Folder structure: /home/<your_name>/build_kernel/GT-I9100_Kernel
Setting up initramfs:
Samsung's zImage is divided into two parts: Opensource kernel (which you downloaded from samsung's website) and initramfs (which is root file system to boot up the device).
You can extract initramfs from your zImage using the below mentioned links (Credits and Thanks to Chenglu) Original Thread: HERE
To extract initramfs from Gingerbread zImage: HERE
To extract initramfs from ICS zImage: HERE
Folder structure: /home/<your_name>/build_kernel/initramfs
Now the entire setup is ready. Let's start modifying kernel configuration.
Setting up kernel config:
For Gingerbread:
Go to /home/<your_name>/build_kernel/GT-I9100_Kernel/arch/arm/configs folder.
Copy c1_rev02_defconfig file and paste it in kernel root folder (/home/<your_name>/build_kernel/GT-I9100_Kernel/).
Rename c1_rev02_defconfig to .config in kernel root folder.
Now open Makefile which is in your kernel root folder(/home/<your_name>/build_kernel/GT-I9100_Kernel/).
Modify the below lines (I guess line 195 and 196).
For ICS:
Go to /home/<your_name>/build_kernel/GT-I9100_Kernel/arch/arm/configs folder.
Copy u1_defconfig file and paste it in kernel root folder (/home/<your_name>/build_kernel/GT-I9100_Kernel/).
Rename u1_defconfig to .config in kernel root folder.
Now open Makefile which is in your kernel root folder(/home/<your_name>/build_kernel/GT-I9100_Kernel/).
Modify the below lines (I guess line 195 and 196).
ARCH ?= arm
CROSS_COMPILE ?= /home/<your_name>/build_kernel/arm-2010q1/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
Save and close.
Modifying kernel configuration:
Now open .config file(which you renamed). If its not seen, it might be hidden. Go to View->Show hidden files and there you go.
Do the below things:
Adding local version:
Change CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=" " to anything you like. I add this way:
Adding initramfs path:
You need to let kernel know the path from which it needs to take initramfs.
Change CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE=" " to ../initramfs (In this tutorial it's the path. If you had copied anywhere else, give the path properly).
Enough for now. Once you get experience, you can modify many configurations as per your liking and save. This configuration can be changed by GUI too with the command make menuconfig.
The Important part: Building the kernel:
For Gingerbread:
Open terminal.
Go to path /home/<your_name>/build_kernel/GT-I9100_Kernel/
Type make.
For ICS:
Open terminal.
Go to path /home/<your_name>/build_kernel/GT-I9100_Kernel/
Type export USE_SEC_FIPS_MODE=true
Type make.
THAT'S ALL. YOUR zImage is ready and is available in /home/<your_name>/build_kernel/GT-I9100_Kernel/arch/arm/boot/zImage.
Install the zImage on the device:
Go to the path where zImage is present and type the below line in command line.
tar cvf I9100_kernel.tar zImage
Flash the tar using odin.
Give me your feedback so that I can improve this tutorial. And post here about how your build went. All the best.
Making custom ROM
Let's move on to make a custom ROM.
Inputs/Feedback/Suggestions are more than welcome. Lets improve this tutorial together for the betterment of the android community.
Steps involved in making a custom ROM:
Getting the system dump from the device.
Deodexing app and framework folders.
Creating various mods by modifying framework and system files.
Modifying build.prop and adding tweaks.
Making META-INF folder and writing an updater-script (edify scripting).
Signing the ROM and making a flashable zip.
Folder Structure:
Before going forward, let's follow the below structure folder to make the tutorial more understandable.
Let our ROM name be CustomROM. The folder structure will be C:\Users\<your name>\CustomROM.
Let's move step by step. Are you ready??
Getting the system dump from the device
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Make sure USB debugging is ON and connect your device to the PC.
Open command prompt on your windows PC and go to CustomROM folder path.
Type adb devices. You should be able to see the device detected. (If not check environmental variables whether adb is in system path or not. If not present, add the adb path.)
Type the below command to get the dump of system folder.
adb pull /system system/
Now inside the folder CustomROM, you should be able to see system folder with many folders like app, etc, framework etc inside.
Done with first step.
Deodexing app and framework folders
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Look HERE how to deodex app and framework folders. Copy the app and framework folders to xUltimate folder, rename them to origi_app and origi_frame and follow the given link to deodex.
NOTE: After deodexing, merge origi_app folder with app folder under C:\Users\<your name>\CustomROM\system\app and origi_frame with framework folder under C:\Users\<your name>\CustomROM\system\framework.
Creating various mods by modifying framework and system files
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Okay. This the section where your hardwork, innovation and talent comes in. You can use the mods available already, create your own mods, port various mods from other devices and so on.
Below is a list of various mods which can be ported on to GT-I9100. All the credits go these respective thread owners. Thanks to them.
Lidroid 14 toggle mod
Extended power menu with/without header
CRT Off Animation & SIP Over LTE/HSPA
Swipe to remove notifications
NOTE: Let me know more mods with links so that I can add here.
Modifying build.prop and adding tweaks
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Okay. This is one of those files where you name your ROM(to be visible in settings. ) and add many tweaks.
To name your ROM (to be visible in settings), change the below code.
Code: v1.0
Check the below links for many other tweaks. All credits go to respective thread owners. Thanks to them.
build.prop tweaks by TheFrankenstain
build.prop tweaks by dhlalit11
Making META-INF folder and writing an updater-script (edify scripting)
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Once you're done with all the modifications, mods and additions, its time to create META-INF folder and make the updater script. Once the user flashes the ROM zip, this is the script that runs and does everything written inside the script. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH THIS. TAKE REFERENCE FROM OTHER (SAME DEVICE) ROMS' UPDATER-SCRIPT. (In this case, take reference from other GT-I9100 roms.)
Check the below links for tutorial and how-to on writing edify script and making updater script. All credits go to respective owners of the threads. Thanks to them.
Edify Scripting, Making Flashable ZIPs, ZIP Signing & Key Creation
Edify Scripting Notes
How to Write an Updater-Script with Edify Code
Edify Installation Script Syntax's
NOTE: system folders path, boot/kernel partition path, modem partition path and so on are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT for DIFFERENT DEVICES. Check the partitions for your device properly, carefully and then work on updater-script. TAKE HELP OR REFERENCE FROM OTHER ROM DEVELOPERS FOR YOUR DEVICE.
Lets move on to last step. Making a signing and making a flashable zip.
Signing the ROM and making a flashable zip
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Make sure, now you should be able to find two folders (META-INF and system) inside C:\Users\<your name>\CustomROM.
Check in THIS thread for test signing your ROM. It WORKS with GT-I9100.
or Check THIS thread to create your own signing key and certificate.
Now you're done with making a custom ROM. Hope to see more custom ROMs from many users.
Give me your feedback so that I can improve this tutorial. And post here about how your custom ROM making went. All the best.
last one
i don't see any tutorials just links to a diff thread and a rom that won't work on i9100
buster041284 said:
i don't see any tutorials just links to a diff thread and a rom that won't work on i9100
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You're quite fast Updated Deodexing and Building kernel section..
Great thread Superatmos. I'll definately have a go at this.
Quick question ? Am i right in assuming that although your tutorial says to connect your device this line from xUltimate seperceeds that ?
"Alright xUltimate has been updated to v2 What this means is that you do not need your phone connect to your computer to deodex. So you can just manually place the .odex files in (\origi_frame\) and (\origi_app\) and it will deodex. You can also transfer the .odex files from your phone like the last version."
where do I get the zImage to extract the initramfs from? I can't seem to find the zImage on my phone or in the source anywhere.
Very useful.. Added to my favorite.
Thank's man, i'll read that
puccini said:
Great thread Superatmos. I'll definately have a go at this.
Quick question ? Am i right in assuming that although your tutorial says to connect your device this line from xUltimate seperceeds that ?
"Alright xUltimate has been updated to v2 What this means is that you do not need your phone connect to your computer to deodex. So you can just manually place the .odex files in (\origi_frame\) and (\origi_app\) and it will deodex. You can also transfer the .odex files from your phone like the last version."
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Connect your device to the PC and double click Main.exe inside xUltimate folder. Follow the instructions you see from then. Its quite self explanatory.
If you already have origi_app and origi_frame folders, then just double click on Main Skip.bat.
dmp450 said:
where do I get the zImage to extract the initramfs from? I can't seem to find the zImage on my phone or in the source anywhere.
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Use ktool (available on market.. compatible with I9100) and click on Dump current kernel. You'll find it on sdcard.
One more way is when you download firmware from, just extract the file and you'll find zImage inside it.
Nice thread,
I m waiting from long time.
Thanks for your work.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
Making custom ROM section updated
Hi all,
Please find updated custom rom section HERE.
Feedback and suggestions welcome.
Thanks for the kernel part, will come in handy
Enviado desde mi GT-I9100 usando Tapatalk 2
Good tutorial, thanks.
How do you guys sign the rom if you are on Linux (ubuntu for me)
hi superatmos
thanks for this handy thread...may i ask your for a help here?why in my every deodexing always gives error result?
I attach the screenshots.
Many thanks in advance
tks mate will try to pack my own kernel following this method
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

[GUIDE] [LINUX/UBUNTU] Extract/Modify/Rebuild Lollipop ROMs !

1. Download this package:
2. Extract to a folder and chmod 777 -r /path/to/the/folder
3. cd (change directory) to that folder
4. Run
5. Place system.transfer.list and into the folder
6. Open using a text edit program
7. Find the line containing chown command, replace yash:yash with yourusername:yourusername
8. Run
9. Modify contents found in output folder​
1. Do above first and then run
2. Find the rebuilt and system.transfer.list in sdat folder​
Making it into a ROM:
1. Do above first
2. Find a zip ROM for OnePlus 2 that contains system.transfer.list and
3. Replace it with your rebuilt ones from above mentioned steps
4. Voila! ROM ready!​
The package contains OxygenOS SELinux file contexts in progs subfolder...
So, to modify CM ROMs you need to get file_contexts file from the zip of the ROM and replace the one found in progs subfolder
Please mention​
Two questions; Is this a rom kitchen like tool for OxygenOS? Are there any libs or binaries or other dependencies?
I'm a bit busy, but I'll take it for a spin when I can.
Oh one last thing, is there a repo for this?
Sent from me mobile.
Nice guide
alquimista said:
Two questions; Is this a rom kitchen like tool for OxygenOS? Are there any libs or binaries or other dependencies?
I'm a bit busy, but I'll take it for a spin when I can.
Oh one last thing, is there a repo for this?
Sent from me mobile.
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The dsixda kitchen had much more functions then this but you may cknsidet it as a temporary lollipop kitchen with not much extra functionality..
This was like a automation script for me and was a quick one so repo wasn't needed
I have used this script on Ubuntu 64bit and the only extra dependency apart from those included in package are installed by
Btw this is not just for oxygen os it can also be used for any cm or cm based rom here read the note then
Yash98 said:
1. Download this package:
2. Extract to a folder and chmod 777 -r /path/to/the/folder
3. cd (change directory) to that folder
4. Run
5. Place system.transfer.list and into the folder
6. Open using a text edit program
7. Find the line containing chown command, replace yash:yash with yourusername:yourusername
8. Run
9. Modify contents found in output folder​
1. Do above first and then run
2. Find the rebuilt and system.transfer.list in sdat folder​
Making it into a ROM:
1. Do above first
2. Find a zip ROM for OnePlus 2 that contains system.transfer.list and
3. Replace it with your rebuilt ones from above mentioned steps
4. Voila! ROM ready!​
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So does this allow you to make ROM's for the OP2 from ROM's based on other devices, or what? Sorry if I'm sort of a noob, I just don't understand what is being done.
Me1256 said:
So does this allow you to make ROM's for the OP2 from ROM's based on other devices, or what? Sorry if I'm sort of a noob, I just don't understand what is being done.
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You can make ROMs from prebuilt ROMs like OxygenOS or any other built ROM like Exodus, CM12, etc.
Basically modify ROMs without rebuilding from source (which takes a lot of time!)
Sir I downloaded your tool and followed ur guide....But after I run there is no files/folders in output folder.Plz reply thankz in advancw
Thank you. I really wanted to extract .dat file..
Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk
This is a great tool but I wanted to know how to edit the system folder in ubuntu. Like using chmod and chown to pre-root and uninstall some other apps. Can somebody please direct me in that direction.
I go test...

[GUIDE] Make a kernel for G531F variant

So, I'm doing this tutorial due to the trial and error I got.
Ubuntu or any linux-based os with the right packages installed
Source code from the kernel
Backup of you boot partition
These tools here
1) The first thing you want to do is to do a backup of your boot partition.
adb shell
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p9 of=/sdcard/boot.img
2) Download the source code from here, extract it and place it somewhere. I placed it in /home/fabio/Documentos/Kernel/sourcecode
3) Download a toolchain, I downloaded "aarch64-linux-android-4.8" from google and placed in "/home/<your username>/Documentos/Kernel/aarch64-linux-android-4.8"
4) Go to your kernel source code and find the file "Makefile", open it and change CROSS_COMPILE= to say the place where you stored the toolchain "/home/<your username>/Documentos/Kernel/aarch64-linux-android-4.8" + "/bin/aarch64-linux-android-"
5) Now that you are done setting up the stuff, open a console and navigate to your kernel source code root and type
make pxa1908_grandprimevelte_eur_defconfig
make -j#
# is the number of cores + 1
6) While that runs, go to where you stored those mkbootimg tools and unpack that boot.img you backed up
7) Once the kernel building is complete. Go to your kernel folder and navigate to arch/arm64/boot and copy the file "Image.gz"
8) Download bless or an Hex Editor of your liking and open the following files: boot.img (the original boot), Image.gz, boot.img-zImage.
Search on the "boot.img-zImage" for 1F 8B 08 and copy everything before then on your Image.gz place what you copied and save it as a different file otherwise it will fail to save.
9) Go to your mkbootimg folder and where you stored the unpacked files and build one boot.img with the following command
./mkbootimg --kernel image2.gz --ramdisk boot.img-ramdisk.gz --dt boot.img-dt --signature boot.img-signature -o boot2.img
10) Flash the boot2.img using any software you want!
THIS MIGHT NOT WORK! If it doesn't you can send me a DM! I will be retouching this post again and make it prettier adding pictures and stuff but for now I can't do much!
If you know a better way of doing this please say in the replies! I will be building a kernel for this device soon enough
Can you please upload link of custom kernel
I'm still trying to do a kernel with new features, but don't know what to add yet. Trying to make Init.d support without 3rd party apps!
EDIT1: I give up! My phone is too much trouble and since SAMSUNG doesn't care about it neither do I anymore! Try to build the kernel yourself and tweak it as you like! Make a script to automate this process to be easier! Good luck! Anything you need just say
Can you help this guy for porting kernel source code
fabiossilva21 said:
So, I'm doing this tutorial due to the trial and error I got.
Ubuntu or any linux-based os with the right packages installed
Source code from the kernel
Backup of you boot partition
Degas mkbootimg tools
1) The first thing you want to do is to do a backup of your boot partition.
adb shell
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p9 of=/sdcard/boot.img
2) Download the source code from here, extract it and place it somewhere. I placed it in /home/fabio/Documentos/Kernel/sourcecode
3) Download a toolchain, I downloaded "aarch64-linux-android-4.8" from google and placed in "/home/fabio/Documentos/Kernel/aarch64-linux-android-4.8"
4) Go to your kernel source code and find the file "Makefile", open it and change CROSS_COMPILE= to say the place where you stored the toolchain "/home/fabio/Documentos/Kernel/aarch64-linux-android-4.8" + "/bin/aarch64-linux-android-"
5) Now that you are done setting up the stuff, open a console and navigate to your kernel source code root and type
make pxa1908_grandprimevelte_eur_defconfig
make -j#
# is the number of cores + 1
6) While that runs, go to where you stored degas-mkbootimg tools and unpack that boot.img you backed up
7) Once the kernel building is complete. Go to your kernel folder and navigate to arch/arm64/boot and copy the file "Image.gz"
8) Download bless (Hex Edit) and open the following files: boot.img (the original boot), Image.gz, boot.img-zImage.
Search on the "boot.img-zImage" for 1F 8B 08 and copy everything before then on your Image.gz place what you copied and save it as a different file otherwise it will fail to save.
9) Go to your degas-mkbootimg folder and where you stored the unpacked files and build one boot.img with the following command
./degas-mkbootimg --kernel image2.gz --ramdisk boot.img-ramdisk.gz --dt boot.img-dt --signature boot.img-signature -o boot2.img
10) Flash the boot2.img using any software you want!
THIS MIGHT NOT WORK! If it doesn't you can send me a DM! I will be retouching this post again and make it prettier adding pictures and stuff but for now I can't do much!
If you know a better way of doing this please say in the replies! I will be building a kernel for this device soon enough
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i follow this step and build kernel after flash boot.img phone not booting
my boot.img size is 8.2MB (image.gz size 6.5MB) where stock size is 8MB
is problem with size?
sorry for my bad english
How did you flash the boot.img?
fabiossilva21 said:
How did you flash the boot.img?
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using odin
What changes did you make to the kernel?
fabiossilva21 said:
What changes did you make to the kernel?
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Add governors
Other setting same as stock
If i build with stock setting without any changes then kernel boot but if i change something then its stuck on Samsung logo
Sorry, I can't really help you... I no longer work with Grand prime... switched to a J5
fabiossilva21 said:
Sorry, I can't really help you... I no longer work with Grand prime... switched to a J5
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