Shiny new Venue 8 7840 for Christmas - Dell Venue

Hey all, I have just picked up one of these babies directly from Dell during their Pre-Black Friday sale for an amazing price of $293. Okay, not just, but it is brand new and incredibly, it is the 32 gig model. I have been searching around to see if there have been any negative, or positive, comments, regarding this tablet. Yeah I know it's a little late to be doing that, now that I have bought it. However, in my defense I did search the reviews that came out in January when the DV8 7000 first came out before I pulled the trigger. All the reviews back then were for the 16 gig model and by and large everybody seemed to be favorably impressed. Although they did think it was a little spendy at the time. It was going for $399 then. So I figured I couldn't go too far wrong if I spent just a tad less than that for 32 gig.
What I would like to know is, aside from some of the ergonomic issues, which I believe I can accommodate, how satisfied, or not, are you with this tablet? What are your nits and pics? I have been searching for any forums dedicated to this tablet and have been unable to find any. The Dell support forums have a few dissatisfied customers but really, not all that many. But then maybe there hasn't been all that many of these sold. Anyway, I haven't seen too much out there from end users regarding this tablet so I just wanted to get this out and maybe get a conversation going. So lets hear what you all have to say. Also, is there anybody out there that has snagged the 32 gig model?

Electraglider said:
Hey all, I have just picked up one of these babies directly from Dell during their Pre-Black Friday sale for an amazing price of $293. Okay, not just, but it is brand new and incredibly, it is the 32 gig model. I have been searching around to see if there have been any negative, or positive, comments, regarding this tablet. Yeah I know it's a little late to be doing that, now that I have bought it. However, in my defense I did search the reviews that came out in January when the DV8 7000 first came out before I pulled the trigger. All the reviews back then were for the 16 gig model and by and large everybody seemed to be favorably impressed. Although they did think it was a little spendy at the time. It was going for $399 then. So I figured I couldn't go too far wrong if I spent just a tad less than that for 32 gig.
What I would like to know is, aside from some of the ergonomic issues, which I believe I can accommodate, how satisfied, or not, are you with this tablet? What are your nits and pics? I have been searching for any forums dedicated to this tablet and have been unable to find any. The Dell support forums have a few dissatisfied customers but really, not all that many. But then maybe there hasn't been all that many of these sold. Anyway, I haven't seen too much out there from end users regarding this tablet so I just wanted to get this out and maybe get a conversation going. So lets hear what you all have to say. Also, is there anybody out there that has snagged the 32 gig model?
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I am overall pleased with my new (to me) Venue 7840. I got it yesterday and I also wanted something thin and with a good screen. I did a lot of reading and youtube watching for this model, in comparison with the Galaxy tab S2, and decided to buy one of these, as it stands out from the crowd with its very industrial design and almost lack of side and top bezels.
Ergonomically speaking, it isn't the best out there, but you get used to holding it quickly enough to not be bothersome.
I think the main reason why I picked this up will also be my biggest gripe about it. The screen is amazing for media consumption, but not very gentle on my eyes for web browsing. The high resolution not only forces me to squint a lot more, but it also takes a toll on the processor, as I get random flashes of the background when I pull down the notification drawers and hangs while trying to download pdfs from the web using Chrome.
Other than that, I really must point out that the wireless reception is just terrible. It doesn't help that I have a very slow connection to begin with, but it seems that the tablet is struggling very hard when it comes to youtube streaming content, for example, or downloads. It gets worse if your hold the tablet by the left side, as the signal drops and is lost randomly. You soon learn to use 2 fingers to hold it by the edges.
Being so thin, it really doesn't inspire confidence. I mean, sure, it's aluminium, but still, I have to be very careful of where I put it, cause it sure scratches easily. Also, it's hard to pick it up, with its flat back.
That's why I also got the folio case, which is just your normal iPad-inspired case, but with a bare back, probably for the cameras and heat dissipation, and it's atrocious. The case is thicker than the tablet, obviously, and its top edge makes it hard to swipe down and open the notification bar. It is also kinda flimsy, the plastic bit where the hole for the usb port is cut has cracked already, you can't fit L-plug headphones into the jack and there is no wake function (meaning that the screen doesn't turn on/off when using the cover).
The sound is amazingly good, and I don't understand why Dell is using the MaxxAudio app as a toggle feature, since I don't believe anyone will want to use it without this enabled.
Battery life is good, I've been downloading updates and pdfs and watching documentaries over wifi and playing Angry Birds 2 since this morning and it went from 100% to 47%. That's 6 hours of usage.


[Q] Is the Dell Streak still relevant today?

Hello Streakers! (even if it really really true... I'm not judging )
I am trying to decide if I should splurge on a Streak or not. Granted, it has a unique form factor unmatched by any handset currently available in the market. But with the plethora of new device coming out, some of them with double the technical specifications of the Streak, would you have Streak owner still make the same decision today?
The Streak was never officially released here in the Middle East; the only available models were being sold in the 'grey market'; they were being sold at exorbitant price. It just was not economically justifiable. Now, I got an option to get my hands on a second hand set - still at a somewhat expensive price. So now I have to ask you guys, do the Dell Steak satisfy still the sweet spot today as it did the day you brought it.
If I am to spend this much money on the Streak, I want it to last for another 2 years - from toady.
The 5" screen is so inviting. I want to converge all my online interactions to one device. Even if casually browsing the internet at the end of a hard day, while in bed. I don't want to pinch to zoom or excessively scroll because the screen is too small...
Thats why the Streak has been at the back of my ming for so long; pushing the boundaries between portability and useabilty!
So how do you guys rate the Streak? Do you still love it now that the honeymoon period is over? Is the build quality good? Hardware failure? Why is it so recommended that you buy an Otterbox casing?
I think it is safe to assume there are stable roms available a plenty? Truthfully, this will be my first Android device... (yeah, I know - great! Another noob is in the house...) I will start reading up on rooting, unlocking bootloaders, flashing...
but, if I do end up asking some silly questions; please find the patience to indulge me. I would really appreciate it!
Anyone got any 'stories' to share, given that the Streak is such a huge device, it must have raised a few eyebrows when attending to a phone call...
The rated call time and standby time mentioned looks good on paper; and I know, in Android it all depends on how you use the phone; but compared to other handsets - not person to person mind you; but the same person, same usage pattern but different handset - how would you rate the streak?
If you guys have any more titbits to share that will sell me on this device to me, go ahead!
I really do want this phone, but I am feeling somewhat cautious. This is a unique phone, so I want to know if it satisfies all your needs...
Thanks for your indulgence and hopefully, I will become a new member in the Streak forum soon!
My last phone has been a Samsung Galaxy S2. before that i have had a ZTE Blade and the Galaxy S. If i had to pick one now to keep it for sure would be the streak.
There are positive and negative things about it.
What i absolutely love about the streak is the battery, for me the streak is the only device that can last more than a day using it as what it is, a smartphone. Even with the display on, wifi and gps enabled it lasts easy a day. Try this with other devices. The battery on my SGS2 never lasted that long. The display is great, not as good as the one of the SGS2 but still good enough to use it even in sunlight.
The downside by my opinion. It is big, really big. It is heavy. It does not have the as much power as the SGS2 does. Sometimes it takes a second to switch the screen orientation. Does this really matter? It annoyed me at the start but now i simply don't care.
Your question answered short, yes i would buy it without a doubt again if i brick mine, if it gets stolen or something else happens to it. Even if there are devices out there with better specifications
Well, if you are a tech-guy who likes new phones with fast processor, the D.Streak is not for you since the dual-processor devices are definitely more powerful. But if you want a phone/tablet with which you will browse websites/watch photos & movies/listen to musics/play games and that you are NOT expecting the Streak to be a super-device, then you can definitely consider it.
I come from 4.3inches phones and I had doubts before buying the Streak. First, it was due to the form-factor - many websites say that it was not pocketable!!!!! This is totally bullsh*t as the Streak fits comfortably in my jeans/trousers/pants without any problem....well unless you wear a really tight jean, then it will not fit in. I also don't find it to be heavy as I hold it without any difficulty but if you are used to very light phones, then you may find it to be tough to hold.
Then, I was skeptical since many people say that it hangs/freeze and that it was fragile/break easily. But I can say that the official roms are really stable and I did not encounter any problems that users tend to describe here on the forums.
You were asking about the use of the Ottebox - then the reason is pretty simple : As you mentioned the Streak is a bit expensive, then it is normal that you protect your investment from any damages. If the Streak falls on the ground, the glass or anything inside have a high chance to be damaged in the process. With an Otterbox, you minimize the risk your phone will break, but still it's a 50/50 chance depending on the way/height/force/angle the phone will land on the ground. So better have it protected from unexpected falls........but if you are used in dropping your previous phones, then it's cautious to say the Streak will not survive many falls.
Regarding your question if it may last 2 years, then it's a big NO. By 2013 or even by the end of this year, there will be more phones with better screens that will be more powerful than the Streak and I'm sure you'll try to switch for another one. Most importantly, since the Streak does not have a good camera, this will probably be the main reason to switch to a device with a screen of 4.5-5 inches but with a better camera/processor.
At present, I still like my 2 months old Dell Streak and although I am planning to change device soon, it still serves its purposes. My biggest satisfaction is that browsing websites is definitely a joy and since the screen is large, typing using the virtual keyboard is extremely easy and fast. Watching movies/photos is very pleasant and people are always surprised when they see my device.
Lastly, every phone has its advantages/disadvantages as there is actually no perfect device, and it is best if you weight the pros/cons to ensure if it will serve your needs. The Dell Streak 5 is not a device for everyone due to its size/specifications and one must definitely like large screen phones to really appreciate its form factor. It will be better if you can try it before buying - Otherwise, you might end up to be disappointed afterwards.
What the Streak does now it will do just as well in two years time - you need to decide what it is you want from a device and if the Streak fits the bill then buy it.
Thanks for all your feedback!
Its a relief to see satisfied users who choose to stick by their product.
@Final5k: thanks for your honest answer. True, by the end of this year better specs phone will come out, but I can take refuge in the fact the Nexus S is similarly spec'd so the Streak will not become obsolete due to hardware constraints. In time Icecream Sandwich may be ported over!
Your selling points of the Streak are exactly why I want it. A device I could converge to for all my needs when I am on the move.
Even if it gets left behind by a new device, it'll still be functional. I have never been about the latest or the greatest. Neither am I comfortable being an early adopter. As long as the core functionality is still achievable, I think feel content.
One of the plus points is that the Streak is mature, so there are solution to most problem face by noobs doing something wrong. Also the guides available are more detailed as you people had more time to understand it and pass on the knowledge.
If anyone else feels like like giving a shout out, go ahead.
Thanks guys for sharing your opinions...
I love mine, the reason I got it was for the big screen, and I don't think I could have a phone now with a smaller screen, 5" to me is just right. Fits in your pocket perfect even really tight skinny jeans. any bigger and it wouldn't. So its the perfect size. Camera isn't the best, but works good in daylight. People say the screen breaks without even dropping it, which I think is bull****, I've dropped mine a few times and the last time I dropped it was from about 1 and a half metres and the lcd did break and leak. But thats quiet a distance really, don't think many phones would survive that. But bought a new screen from ebay for about £28 and replacement was easy. I'm looking forward to what dell can muster up next year when I'm ready to upgrade my phone.
I too love mine even with its current situation "it does not recognize sim card" I keep it at home and use it instead of my company laptop and I am really missing. Now, I am thinking either to wait for the new model in 2012 or purchase another streak to last for 2-3 years. Although the number of mobiles I own is little, but I have never used or owned a device like streak. Really, if I decided to purchase another mobile it should be Streak2. Noway to go back to a smaller screen. I am using my streak to browse, email, citrix (to access company application such as SAP and this is rarely), youtube, etc... etc...
Simply it is the best phone/tablet. Frankly, I love it.
It's really cool! It seems that all streaker swears by their screen size; & no one is prepared to downgrade to a smaller screen.
The single defining feature is the most beloved. How come no one else capitalized on it?
I have been hitting up review on Youtube... can't resist anymore...
Came from iPhone
I upgraded from an iPhone 3GS and have never once regretted it. The Dell Streak's large screen and form factor does turn some heads (Is that a phone???). Browsing the web is a treat using Dolphin Browser Mini. I run Streakdroid 1.9.0 (usually, although I flash alot) and am able to use Netflix, Crackle, Plex, and a host of other services for streaming movies. Not to mention movies stored on the device. They look great and sound great. I sometimes play with coworkers' phones (IOS and android) and have never seen one that I would be willing to part with my Streak for. True, it is a bit cumbersome and very large, but the rewards greatly justify the costs. I do use an otterbox, mainly because it makes the device so much easier to hold. Without it I feel the Streak is too thin and slick lend confidence to my grip. I use a bluetooth headset with it almost always because of the size. I don't want to hold this thing up to my head for long, but honestly talking on the phone is probably the thing I do the least with my Streak. I found myself ignoring my laptop after I bought the just wasn't necessary anymore. It is not a powerhouse by today's standards, but really...who needs a dual core processor and 1GB+ RAM? It's not like I'm converting or editing videos on the thing. But keep in mind when I say this, that I don't play games on it very much. All in all, I've never regretted my decision. Good luck and welcome to the forums!
I left my Samsung Vibrant for the Streak and felt like the few sacrifices I made were worth it. I will miss the camera and Amoled screen.
As far as up and coming phones if you could deal with a 4.5inch screen I would wait for the Samsung Hercules. If 4.5 inches is to small their are really no options other than the streak.
I sold my iphone 4(went through iphone withdrawal). Now I'm happy with my streak. I love the large screen, and the looks I get when I take it out of my pocket. It does what I need it to do.
Fellas! Thanks for all your feedback!
I am now officially a Streaker! (...and now, I'll forever feel awkward when taking off my pants...)
Well, I finally got me a Dell! I'm still at work so will have to wait till I get home to start giving it the love it deserve.
I'll play around with it some as is and read up on the forum before trying to root and flash with it...
I'll try to put up my impression of the device some time in the near future; maybe after the honeymoon period is over!
Thanks once again for the hand holding while I was trying to decide about the purchase...
The only negative is that I can't seem to find a suitable protective case for the device near my locale. Too bad the Streak was never picked up by the local retailers, so accessories are very rare to find here...
Look for the Otterbox Commuter or Defender case on Ebay - some sellers do sell them pretty cheap. The normal rubber cases do not offer much protection as they are too slim to protect the device from important impact - my friend's Streak broke after 2 falls with a rubber case on it, and after the replacement arrived, he has now opted for an Otterbox.
Final5k said:
Look for the Otterbox Commuter or Defender case on Ebay - some sellers do sell them pretty cheap. The normal rubber cases do not offer much protection as they are too slim to protect the device from important impact - my friend's Streak broke after 2 falls with a rubber case on it, and after the replacement arrived, he has now opted for an Otterbox.
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Thanks for the heads up!
I went from an iPhone 3G, to a Blackberry Storm, to a HTC Desire and now onto the Streak and IMO it is by far the best of the four phones. It runs just as well as the Desire with such a bigger screen, but it's thin enough to be useable and not inconvenient. I get a lot of comments about how big it is but most of the time it's actually thinner than the other persons phone which surprises them a bit. Plus the front facing camera is cool, and I only paid $250 for mine so the price was fantastic. And I can actually see the screen in day light unlike the Desire.
Definitely don't regret buying my Streak and probably won't upgrade until another 5" screen phone (or very close to that) comes out. I don't think I could go back to the smaller screen.
Cases are difficult because they'd add bulk to it, I'm kinda reluctant about getting one but if you pick one up please post your thoughts, it'd be pretty helpful for me too.

[Q] About upgrade

My contract is already up,and I have some questions about the note. For those of you using the note for a while. Is the note's size an issue or is it totally worth having even though the note is a very big phone? Screen quality how is it? Is it a fast phone? If you didn't have the note, would you buy it again? Call quality? I'm thinking about buying one tomorrow, and I wanted your input on the phone. Feel free to add any info that could be useful about the phone. Thanks guy's.
lildoggs said:
My contract is already up,and I have some questions about the note. For those of you using the note for a while. Is the note's size an issue or is it totally worth having even though the note is a very big phone? Screen quality how is it? Is it a fast phone? If you didn't have the note, would you buy it again? Call quality? I'm thinking about buying one tomorrow, and I wanted your input on the phone. Feel free to add any info that could be useful about the phone. Thanks guy's.
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The size is really overblown on a lot of web reviews. It is comfortable to hold, fits into all of my pants pockets just fine, is really awesome when browsing the web, and the size allows for the larger battery.
I have had the Note for a month now and do no ever see myself returning to a smaller screen.
The resolution is beautiful, but there are some issues with gradients and dark scenes in movies so be sure to walk into a store when buying it so that you can run some tests on the phone they are going to sell you. There is a thread here about black clipping with a lot of great tests to try out. Some Notes are worse than others.
I love the call quality on the Note. The only downfall is that you really have to lower the volume while in a call unless you don't mind folks around you hearing it. The ear speaker is very loud.
As far as speed goes...that really depends on your phone. I have seen posts where people are experiencing lag even though I haven't personally experienced any of it.
I started off with the white Note, but returned it due to the soft keys having bad light bleeding at night. They can be turned off, but it bugged me so now I have the black/blue one.
Also, try out the stylus. I didn't realize it until I exchanged my Note, but the stylus on the first one was really laggy and unresponsive. I thought it just sucked until I got the second Note. It should be snappy and precise.
I am now running DAGr8's ICS rom and have turned the DPI down to 240. It really enhanced the phone by making the resolution smaller which in turn gives you more space for widgets, icons, etc.
lildoggs said:
My contract is already up,and I have some questions about the note. For those of you using the note for a while. Is the note's size an issue or is it totally worth having even though the note is a very big phone? Screen quality how is it? Is it a fast phone? If you didn't have the note, would you buy it again? Call quality? I'm thinking about buying one tomorrow, and I wanted your input on the phone. Feel free to add any info that could be useful about the phone. Thanks guy's.
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Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. The Note is large, yes, but very easy to hold and get used to due to how thin it is. Screen quality is unmatched by anything out there in my opinion. The combination of Gorilla Glass, Super AMOLED, and 720p resolution are really awesome. Some people say they have lag, but I have not had or used a faster Android device. Also, if you are in an LTE area, you get that awesome speed too. If I didn't have it, I would still be drooling over it. I got lucky and got it for half off, but if I hadn't, I would still be waiting a couple months until summer to buy it, which I definitely would again. Call quality is also great, and speakerphone is also loud and clear.
Now for the other things I highly commend the Note for. The SPen is awesome. You may think it's gimmicky, but you would be wrong. It's great for jotting down quick notes while on a call. Great for making funny captions on pictures before you send them. Great for navigating the phone. Great for Swyping with the tablet Swype beta. Great for taking screenshots. Also, we now have ICS, which brings some new and exciting features, my favorite being face unlock. I really can't recommend this phone enough. People may say, wait for the gs3 or one x, but I don't see the attraction. We already have ICS, and those other phones are small compared to the Note, and won't have the SPen. You may think the size is too big, but you get used to it really easy, and my nope had now ruined any smaller of a device. Also, battery life is the best I've experienced on any Android, besides the RAZR MAXX, but who wants a Moto phone anyways?
Really, the only way I would upgrade to another phone is when the Note 2 comes out. I don't have a single complaint, and this screen is killer.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk
To answer your questions.
Is the note's size an issue or is it totally worth having even though the note is a very big phone?
I came from a Streak, I'm a BIG guy and the phone sits well in my hands. My gf has freakishly small hands and she says it's too big for her hands, but loves the fact that she can put it into her purse and can easily find it. It does look silly holding up to your head and talking though.
Screen quality how is it?
Personally I think the screen quality is great for a 5.3" device. A lot of people are complaining about black crush (there's a good thread on it) and while it's there, personally it isn't enough to bug me, I've watched low res videos for a long time and it just doesn't bug me anymore.
Is it a fast phone?
A lot of people are complaining about lag on their phones and yes I can see it there from time to time but I run 2 RSS feed readers, 5 email accounts, 2 weather widgets, and quite a few other things. The device is speedy, I can play games like shadowgun without the hint of lag, when i tell the phone to do something it might think about it for an 1/16 of a second then away it goes. So is the phone fast? I say yes it is.
If you didn't have the note, would you buy it again?
In a heartbeat
Call quality?
I love it, it's clear and easy to hear people, except my gf, she has the original droid and that thing has a TERRIBLE mic and speaker. a lot of our fights have been caused by her phone . Again it does look silly when you hold it to your head, but I've never been one to shy away from looking silly.
In short, depending on what you want to do/replace with the phone I'd say buy it. I use mine to manage 100 servers and RDPing into them while on the move which it does a great job on. I can read docs on the go and pull up webpages to prove people wrong and they can read them without having to hold my phone.
Lastly, if you're in one of those great states that charge you tax on the full price of the phone (in this case 700 smackers), look for a Sam's Club. I bought my phone on release day from them for 260 and with tax it was under 300.
Thanks for posting these questions. I have my upgrade available later this month and I am strongly considering the Note.
What I want to know is, as far as anyone can tell, is there a color or build location that seems to have fewer problems overall? I have seen a few places that people seem to think the white ones are less laggy. There was some speculation that the China Notes have less black crush. I'm pretty color neutral on these. I just want to be able to look at the box and get a sense that the one they give me has a better chance of being issue free.
How in the hell would the color of the plastic around the phone affect performance? :what:
That's like painting flames on your car to make it go faster.
Black crush is fixed in ics
studacris said:
How in the hell would the color of the plastic around the phone affect performance? :what:
That's like painting flames on your car to make it go faster.
Black crush is fixed in ics
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First, Black Crush is not fixed in ICS, they just lowered the point of full black so it would appear better. The dropoff is still severe, but it is less noticeable. I don't own the device but I have been following these things very closely.
Second, I did not come up with the color thing. It is based off what I was reading. In this case it is not at all like painting flames and expecting something to go faster. They very well might come off different assembly lines with different QA and different physical runs of parts. I know its a longshot, but that is why I am asking if anyone can verify. I realize it is more likely that the Chinese vs. Korean Notes may exhibit some differences. Again, I am asking in the Q&A section to be sure.
knight4led said:
First, Black Crush is not fixed in ICS, they just lowered the point of full black so it would appear better. The dropoff is still severe, but it is less noticeable. I don't own the device but I have been following these things very closely.
Second, I did not come up with the color thing. It is based off what I was reading. In this case it is not at all like painting flames and expecting something to go faster. They very well might come off different assembly lines with different QA and different physical runs of parts. I know its a longshot, but that is why I am asking if anyone can verify. I realize it is more likely that the Chinese vs. Korean Notes may exhibit some differences. Again, I am asking in the Q&A section to be sure.
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From what I've read the only issue that seems different between the white and black is the micro crack that people have in the white ones. It seems spread wide on who has a good one and who has a bad one. So to be fair I can understand where studacris is coming from on the color. As for the black crush, I can't say either way as I'm running completely stock non-rooted, but I'd imagine that if it's hardware related then no it wouldn't be fixed with ICS, if it's software related, other phones would be experiencing the same issue. Lastly I guess a good question would be who bought their phone where and if it's running poorly or not to see if there's a correlation with the batches.
Hey guy's thank-you for posting your opinions and thoughts about this phone. If you have anything else to post please do so and I'll be here checking out this thread as the day rolls on.
I had a Streak for over a year, and I wouldn't have replaced it with a device with a smaller screen. Think about what you do/want to do with your mobile device. If you mostly use it for talking on, than maybe the Note is not for you. But if you do a lot of email, Web surfing, navigation, playing games, etc. than after you've used a Note for a week you'll never want to use a smaller device again, and you'll wonder how you ever did before
I have a white one and my phone rarely shows any lag, and my quadrant scores ate just as high as anybody's...not that wouldn't means much, but people seem to obsess over it. There isn't any difference between the two except that micro crack thing, although I'm sure that could also be a problem with the black version. I say that, because a similar crack would be nearly impossible to see in black plastic. When I had my old iPhone 3g, I exchanged it multiple times due to the problem that they had with cracking around all of the ports, and it was really only visible with the white ones. I looked at multiple black ones that friends had, and they all had the cracks, but you basically had to look at them with a magnifying glass in the right light to see the cracks. Therefore, I think it may be the same case with the Note.
Really, I can't recommend this phone enough. I dare a manufacturer to try and top it, because that would be a hell of a feat in my eyes.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk

Nexus 7 Review - Upgraded From Tablet S

I got my N7 in the mail yesterday and had about 24 hours to play with it. Just thought I'd share my experience thus far for anyone else in here thinking about upgrading from the Tablet S and getting it.
-Loving the smaller size. I found quite a few games unplayable on the tablet s. Dual stick games being the main ones. Some buttons are just too hard/uncomfortable to reach.
-Micro USB charger. Plus the location of the charger makes it easier to use while charging.
-Ablity to play the Tegra 3 exclusive games.
-There will be MUCH better accessory support. Choice of add-ons for the tablet s was crazy bad! I never could find a better case for it than the sleeve it came with.
- Not a significant performance jump (surprisingly! I found 4.1 was a fantastic jump over 4.0.4 on my galaxy nexus alone)
- Many games do not work on it (Ctulthu saves the world, machinarium, running fred so far)
- I noticed the touch screen seems to miss some of my touches every now and then. I checked online and it's apparently a known issue.
-The battery does not last as long. I always check the battery stats on nearly every charge to see what I get. The tablet S had about 6-7 hours of screen on time with loads of 3D gaming. The n7 is getting a bit less than that.
I really don't regret getting the N7. A 7 inch screen is definitely the way to go, especially if you play a lot of games. Also, concerning the smaller battery life: this matters less as it's much easier to be around a charger now. I can charge Micro USB in my car, more people readily have micro usb chargers in their houses OR I can just easily take a charger with me. The tablet S plug was pretty large to be carrying around.
I think that when some updates start rolling out, I'll be much happier with the N7...but it certainly isn't the massive leap I was expecting. New Tegra 3 games will definitely add to the value as well. I think I'd still have to recommend getting it....but no rush! Definitely still a couple kinks to get ironed out
****Oh, and one little interesting tidbit of info for the curious. I was wondering how the $25 Google play credit would get applied to your account. What happens is that when you go to make a purchase, it asks how will you pay for this? Then displays a box showing:
-Your Credit card ending in XXXX
-Your google play credit ($xx.xx remaining)
-Add a new credit card
It's actually pretty cool
Would you recommend buying it though, for £155?
NEXUS 7 worth the price..
sent from seXperia S
SWFlyerUK said:
Would you recommend buying it though, for £155?
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It definitely comes down to this : 7 INCHES! lol There's a huge number of differences offered by that alone.
I think I can safely say that if you wanted a smaller's the best thing we'll see in quite some time. Thus far my computer desk looks about 50% cleaner, I was able to play it for about 4 hours straight last night without being forced to put it away due to wrist pain, and I can easily take it to work tomorrow in my jacket's inside pocket (With the charger too if I needed it!). The size (and plug size) is a MASSIVE benefit to me.
In comparison to the Tablet S, the smaller size and Tegra 3 are the reasons to get it. If none of those items interest you, then do not buy! I find that all other functionality (web browsing, videos, most games) are pretty much the same as with Sony's tab.
(well, that is to say until we see updates. Google will probably roll out 20 updates within the next year for it.....whereas we'll be lucky to see one more update for the S. Depending on what software changes occur, the N7 may destroy the S hands down! We'll see what happens with that tho )
Prefer Nexus to Sony S tablet.....
MarkB709 said:
It definitely comes down to this : 7 INCHES! lol There's a huge number of differences offered by that alone.
I think I can safely say that if you wanted a smaller's the best thing we'll see in quite some time. Thus far my computer desk looks about 50% cleaner, I was able to play it for about 4 hours straight last night without being forced to put it away due to wrist pain, and I can easily take it to work tomorrow in my jacket's inside pocket (With the charger too if I needed it!). The size (and plug size) is a MASSIVE benefit to me.
In comparison to the Tablet S, the smaller size and Tegra 3 are the reasons to get it. If none of those items interest you, then do not buy! I find that all other functionality (web browsing, videos, most games) are pretty much the same as with Sony's tab.
(well, that is to say until we see updates. Google will probably roll out 20 updates within the next year for it.....whereas we'll be lucky to see one more update for the S. Depending on what software changes occur, the N7 may destroy the S hands down! We'll see what happens with that tho )
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I have both devices too, I much prefer the Nexus, a whole better experience, anyone want to buy a mint Sony S?
Horse Trader said:
I have both devices too, I much prefer the Nexus, a whole better experience, anyone want to buy a mint Sony S?
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Oh don't get me wrong! I definitely like the N7 better. I just expected everything to be 100x better and smoother than my Sony unit. You can't realistically say it's that much lol.
I really wanted to leave that review for others looking to get one. Some people are easily disappointed when things don't meet their expectations...I was just hoping to put a realistic Image in everyones minds

Still worthy?

Hi all.
When this device was launched it was my dream device, but that's more than a year ago. I've been running with the XZU for some time, and am seriously considering making the jump to the Z3TC. As far as I can tell, there's no stronger actor in the same segment in today's market when I consider manufacturer, software, guarantees etc - even the dev scene has some small manner of activity.
After seeing that there was no Z5 Ultra at IFA, I think I need to get this device - but I'd like to hear from users and others if there's any reason not to get it at this point (q3 2015)?
I'll be using this as my main driver, meaning also as a phone. I know the latest Huawei MediaPad can do some of what this tab can, and I'm hearing the nes Sammy tab can make phones too. But Sony's waterproofing and form factor has got me hooked, what say you xda?
Most used tablet I have ever owned. LTE did it for me. No more hunting Wifi.
And I agree about the form factor. Battery life rocks too.
I've been a phablet user since the Note. I moved to the Nexus 6 earlier this year and in August traded it for the Z3TC.
My main use is reading and watching videos. I don't take a lot of pictures or make/receive phone calls. With the N6 and other smartphones there was still too much scrolling around webpages. So it was the right time to make the jump to a small and light tablet which could be carried around all day without worrying about battery life.
I tried the Tab S 8.4 earlier in the year (before the lollipop release) and returned it. The Chrome browser was too laggy, I didn't try or want to use another browser. I was a bit worried about the performance coming from a Nexus 6 but so far have been amazed at how smooth everything is. I'll be holding on to mine for a long time.
I had a Z3 last year and I missed the magnetic charging connector, now I have it back on the tablet. I can use it in a dock beside the bed and at work and with magnetic adapters in the car.
The display isn't as good as the Tab S amoled display, noticeable when watching videos in a dark room. But it feels a lot better in the hand and I prefer the on screen buttons and placement of the speakers.
I just bought mine a week ago. after 8 years of iPhone!!
It's a great size and really good looking!
If you plan to put a custom rom on it you should be careful! My camera does not focus with CM12.1/crDroid.
the sony software sucks but what can you do?.. hehe
It's still a great device and it is my only device now. It's not a real phone though but it works. Headset is recommended
Thanks for the answers, folks!
I dived in and bought myself one too. Have to upgrade my dataplan as soon as it arrives. I couldn't wait until march for the Z5 Ultra which is somewhere down the pipeline. A bit nervous about the rooting process but overall super excited.
I'm thinking about taking the plunge on this too. My second gen Nexus 7 is really starting to show it's age, but I love the seven inch form factor. What I don't understand is all the different variants of this device. I live in Asia, and probably won't get the 4G model, but do want root. My big question is I would like a travel case like my Nexae had...silicone with overleaf cover. It is my sofa device, so only leaves home when I travel. I hate those sloppy covers like everyone has on their iPads with a few cheap elastics in the corners...ugly, heavy, and just bad design. Does anyone do anything like this that for thiis for this device?

Sand color variant material question

I haven't been able to find any descriptions of the Sand variants color materials. For instance, the Indigo Black has a matte finish that's coated with a rubberized substance. Apparently, this coating does wear off due to wear and tear or heavy usage. The White variant is a smoother "non-rubberized coated" finish. What about the Sand?
I'm thinking about getting the Sand variant but won't if it'll suffer the peeling that the Indigo Black variant does over time.
Thanks in advance for whoever can provide firsthand accounts of the Sand color materials.
biggietm said:
I haven't been able to find any descriptions of the Sand variants color materials. For instance, the Indigo Black has a matte finish that's coated with a rubberized substance. Apparently, this coating does wear off due to wear and tear or heavy usage. The White variant is a smoother "non-rubberized coated" finish. What about the Sand?
I'm thinking about getting the Sand variant but won't if it'll suffer the peeling that the Indigo Black variant does over time.
Thanks in advance for whoever can provide firsthand accounts of the Sand color materials.
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Over time, lol. It's pretty old already bud. Years. Its considered EOL. Get the one you like. It will suffer hardware failure long before the outside wears
madbat99 said:
Over time, lol. It's pretty old already bud. Years. Its considered EOL. Get the one you like. It will suffer hardware failure long before the outside wears
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Thanks for the response. Yeah, I've just been frustrated with the lack of budget friendly Android tablets. N9 looked good. Researched some more and saw that the Indigo Black variant has that peeling problem, so I thought I'd get the white and then came across the sweet looking Sand color. But, I bit the bullet on a used Galaxy Tab S2 8", instead. Good thing I checked LineageOS support before pulling the trigger on an N9 (it lost support). I'm just in the market for a smallish tablet to consumer media on my long commutes to and from work.
And yeah, I was well aware of the hardware problems/sluggish performance of the N9, but I wanted to see for myself if I could ROM it and just use it lightly. Again, I'm fortunate I saw that N9 is mostly EOL also in the "official (not unofficial) ROMs" community.
Thanks again.
biggietm said:
Thanks for the response. Yeah, I've just been frustrated with the lack of budget friendly Android tablets. N9 looked good. Researched some more and saw that the Indigo Black variant has that peeling problem, so I thought I'd get the white and then came across the sweet looking Sand color. But, I bit the bullet on a used Galaxy Tab S2 8", instead. Good thing I checked LineageOS support before pulling the trigger on an N9 (it lost support). I'm just in the market for a smallish tablet to consumer media on my long commutes to and from work.
And yeah, I was well aware of the hardware problems/sluggish performance of the N9, but I wanted to see for myself if I could ROM it and just use it lightly. Again, I'm fortunate I saw that N9 is mostly EOL also in the "official (not unofficial) ROMs" community.
Thanks again.
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You're right about lineage ending being a bummer. The unofficial builds are being made by the original lineage rom maintainer for n9 (I believe). So that's a plus.
I have a black one, and now a white one.
The black one was first, I got it used. Dirty unicorns was a lifesaver for it back in the lollipop days. I never really had too much performance complaints because I really only used it for media. Either movies I already had downloaded or streaming from my home cable TV (dish Network).
I did, however, start to get the bubbles in the corners of the screen. And the wierd white parts of the display along the edges. Both very common complaints on n9. Also, since I used an otg adapter to play movies from (some movies are big files), the USB port stopped working reliably. Wouldn't charge most of the time. Luckily, the USB daughterboard can usually be found online for 10 - 15 dollars u.s. and only took about 15-20 minutes to replace. But it happened again over time (my fault).
Then an XDA member offered theirs to the first taker for only the cost of shipping. About $15. That's my white one. This one has the issue of the load noise and distorted screen when the battery gets below 40%. Not every time, and hasn't done it since I thoroughly cleaned the battery connection. I expected it to have one of the common issues, and have no complaints at all for that price. Especially since cleaning it seems to have fixed it for now. It's been a few months and it's been fine.
I still use it almost daily. And since the tv in my bedroom is acting up, my wife uses it to watch TV in bed sometimes.
So I have really enjoyed my n9 experience, even though I got a couple of the more common hardware issues.
I'm probably going to order another USB daughterboard for my black one and give it to my wife. Or, since I gave her my Nexus 7 (2013) when I got the 9, and it sits on a shelf now, maybe pass it to an XDA member the way I got my white one.
Anyways, sorry to babble on like that. Glad you got a tablet that suites your needs. It is getting harder to find a decent Android tablet these days. I couldn't bring myself to get one of those Amazon fire tabs, no matter how cheap they get. Almost got one once. But... Naaahhh.
madbat99 said:
You're right about lineage ending being a bummer. The unofficial builds are being made by the original lineage rom maintainer for n9 (I believe). So that's a plus.
I have a black one, and now a white one.
The black one was first, I got it used. Dirty unicorns was a lifesaver for it back in the lollipop days. I never really had too much performance complaints because I really only used it for media. Either movies I already had downloaded or streaming from my home cable TV (dish Network).
I did, however, start to get the bubbles in the corners of the screen. And the wierd white parts of the display along the edges. Both very common complaints on n9. Also, since I used an otg adapter to play movies from (some movies are big files), the USB port stopped working reliably. Wouldn't charge most of the time. Luckily, the USB daughterboard can usually be found online for 10 - 15 dollars u.s. and only took about 15-20 minutes to replace. But it happened again over time (my fault).
Then an XDA member offered theirs to the first taker for only the cost of shipping. About $15. That's my white one. This one has the issue of the load noise and distorted screen when the battery gets below 40%. Not every time, and hasn't done it since I thoroughly cleaned the battery connection. I expected it to have one of the common issues, and have no complaints at all for that price. Especially since cleaning it seems to have fixed it for now. It's been a few months and it's been fine.
I still use it almost daily. And since the tv in my bedroom is acting up, my wife uses it to watch TV in bed sometimes.
So I have really enjoyed my n9 experience, even though I got a couple of the more common hardware issues.
I'm probably going to order another USB daughterboard for my black one and give it to my wife. Or, since I gave her my Nexus 7 (2013) when I got the 9, and it sits on a shelf now, maybe pass it to an XDA member the way I got my white one.
Anyways, sorry to babble on like that. Glad you got a tablet that suites your needs. It is getting harder to find a decent Android tablet these days. I couldn't bring myself to get one of those Amazon fire tabs, no matter how cheap they get. Almost got one once. But... Naaahhh.
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Hey, thanks for taking the time to provide quality responses! You're not babbling at all. In fact, had I not researched all the issues I was anticipating, your post summed up a lot of it. I was mostly aware of the slow performance and battery issues (e.g. drain, slow charging, popping the speakers, etc.).
Like yourself, I was mainly looking for a light media consumption device. Last month, I was lucky to have found an open-box "like new" Nexus 7 (2013) at a store. One that time (and the employees) forgot about and somehow ended back up on display. I scooped it up since I was always attracted to it (i.e. size, ROM-ability, Nexus purist - lol). I wanted something for my baby daughter to use; it's been great for her mealtimes and car travel times. Anyway, the battery on that was shot (read: Five Blinks Of Death). Luckily, I was able to get ASUS to honor a 90 day warranty on it. Imagine that, a limited warranty on a 2013 device as if it was new. It took some going back and forth, mostly a pleasant experience. So, thanks ASUS for helping a dad out. Going forward, I'm just wirelessly charging it so I don't wear out the micro USB port like you've mentioned on your N9. Now, I'm onto looking for something more for myself and my wife.
I settled on a Galaxy Tab S2 8.0" for it's ROM-ability and size (and at a good bargain). I like that it's got an extra bit of RAM over the N7 and N9, so it's hopefully better at handling my use cases. Nothing major, just watching some movies, streams, and using it as an e-Reader (Kindle app). But the itch to actually owning an N9 is still strong, lol. I might want to try and check fleabay every so often to see if I can pick up a steal of a bargain and just tinker with it. But I know I shouldn't, lol. I think the sluggish performance would really drive me bonkers. The N7 stutters a bit and I know if I used that as my daily driver, I'd probably yearn for something more.
Anyway, now, I'm babbling on, haha. Yeah, from the sounds of it and the landscape of Android tablets, it looks like Google's giving up the Android tablet game. They'll move towards chromebooks or chromeOS tablets. Until everyone re-focuses on webApps, I can't give up Android or iOS yet. Things like Verizon FiOs TV doesn't fully stream on a browser (yet?). I'm just glad there's the XDA/ROM community that's keeping most of these older tablets alive. The new ones have gotten very expensive for what they do. I almost went with an iPad since they're on some sales (read: clearing out older stock) now. But, I'm a sucker for pure Android if not their ROM counterparts.
And yeah, I feel you on that Amazon tablets. It's just not the same. But I've also been tempted to just get the kids' versions for my daughter. Pretty enticing with their 2-year worry-free warranty and freetime app for kids. I guess until this market is fully dry and big time communities like LineageOS fades, then I'll re-assess my family's tablet life, lol.
Thanks for the chat.

