[help] Lenovo S6000L bricked (?) - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Some wanker had posted wrong images for boot and recovery for S6000L. And since I'm a moron, i didn't take the files apart to check them.
Installing them bricked my tablet. So essentially I have no boot or recovery images on the device and was wondering if there's any way to revive it.
Tablet freezes if i start it in normal, fastboot or recovery modes, so that's out of the picture.
However, i think that "meta mode" still works (if indication of it working is displaying lenovo logo and having "meta mode" written on the bottom of the screen)
It's getting detected on "mediatek preloader usb vcom port" for a couple of seconds when connected to the PC, which means that i might be able to use adb to push a backup into the tablet (?)
Been scouring the internet for a while with no results. Is there, by any chance, anyone who can help me out?


[Q] Can anyone help me to boot into DFU mode? [ZTE V817]

Hello. I'm new here. and not native speaker.
I'll try my best for English.
My device got soft bricked after I'm trying to install the new ROM.
Actually I had installed the ROM but It didn't appear anything.
Then I'd try to restore my backup to Its place.
It made my phone brick.
I can't boot into recovery mode, ROM and also FTM mode.
I must have an access to adb, If I want to boot into bootloader.
But I don't have any access to it at all!!.
I had read some post and I hope that DFU can help me.
But I don't know how can I boot into that mode.
And I had try hold volume + and - with and without power button but it still the same.
I had read that the DFU mode will display nothing but have the briefly red led.
I had accident plug the USB to device without battery.
And I got it, The briefly red led light with nothing change in the display (still nothing).
My computer recognizes it as a ZTE technology device. But It's in an unspecified device zone.
I had installed the ZTE USB device (My computer is MS Windows 8.1) and I had also installed it with unsigned driver mode too.
What could I do for getting it to work again?
Have I found the correct DFU mode?
My device is ZTE V817.
With MSM8225Q CPU and MSM7627A board platform specified in default.prop.

[Q] Help flashing Alcatel C7 that boots automatically when plugging the USB

During the past days I've been trying to flash my C7 with no success. When pressing power button, it turns on and displays the Alcatel logo but stays there, it does not load the OS.
I have tried to use SPtools to flash it, I have the mtk drivers installed in my PC. When I plug the switched-off phone to the computer it turns on and couple seconds after my PC detects it (I can see the preloader mtk loaded on the device manager); however, one second right after it is detected, it is disconnected as it keeps booting to show the logo and stay there. Obviously, if the phone is not detected I cannot use SPtools to flash it.
Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
PS: I have also tried to connect to it with adb, and dump a ROM using sideload with no sucess, the PC recognizes it from the recovery but after copying the image nothing new happens on reboot.

MT8127 stuck at "USB Serial Device"/"MediaTek USB port"

Anyone know how to kick this tablet out of limbo and get it to boot at all? I accidentally flashed a different preloader on my LeapFrog Epic and while I am still able to get it detected and thus flash firmware images to it using SP Flash Tool v5.1532.00, it is basically unable to switch back to normal mode and kick in the preloader whenever I plug it in whilst the device is off. Tried flashing a known clean backup - still no dice. I know there's a thread about unbricking MTK devices and it does mention the USB COM port issue, but said thread is locked and thus I am forced to make a new one about it. Short of shorting testpoints and such (pun intended ), is there anything else I can do at this point?
Can anyone help?

Boot up problem. White screen on Acer Z410

Hello everyone;
I was trying to load a CM recovery file on my cell by using SP Flash tools and somehow bricked my Acer Z410 phone (carrier: Fido, 2 sim card slot) I do not know why afterwards, the cell turns white with a yellow strip down the middle. I have been able to have my computer recognize it after numerous attempts to flash firmware versions that I was not quite sure was the original. I had tried your site to load the firmware that seem to correlate to my cell configurations, but all of the links are dead. I ended up flashing with SP Flash tools firware version AVOKO 1.015, but it still can't boot in to see anything on cell. So as of today, I got my computer to recognize the phone and I can actually see the files on my phone and sd card inside. How can I boot into this puppy? I have tried within ABS and the command function to view adb devices, but it does not show up? I get an error : device 0123456789ABCDEF Unauthorized. In my device manager it shows up as ACER phone , and under the Ports section it does show Mediatek Preloader USB VCOM driver (COM 5). I hope I have given enough information to start diagnosing the problem.
Any suggestions how to go about this problem from here?

[Help] x96Air v2 stuck on logo

Hi , my x96Air v2, 4/32 is stuck on logo and i cant access recovery mode to do a hard reset , is there any solution ?
and can anyone help me please.
PS i can flash roms using the sd card or Amlogic usb burning tool.
I also have an X96Air, 4/32....
After flasching my Image nothing happens on startup.
It takes a while until the logo appears. This is when the device comes to the emergency upload mode. This is the moment where the device becomes recognized by the usb burning tool from amlogic. (when drivers are correctly installed)
Be patient... after fail boots my device always comes back to an emergency upload mode after some time.
Stil searching the Backup of the Device with AM7256 Wifi chip. Have you this Backup?
rogi1 said:
I also have an X96Air, 4/32....
After flasching my Image nothing happens on startup.
It takes a while until the logo appears. This is when the device comes to the emergency upload mode. This is the moment where the device becomes recognized by the usb burning tool from amlogic. (when drivers are correctly installed)
Be patient... after fail boots my device always comes back to an emergency upload mode after some time.
Stil searching the Backup of the Device with AM7256 Wifi chip. Have you this Backup?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
no i don't have it sorry

