Why does it seem like Android apps (ROMS) selection is much smaller than iOS (Cydia)? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi there,
First off I don't have an Android phone, I only have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, so my knowledge of Android is entirely based on what I was able to test with this so far.
I am in debate on what to get for a new phone, and I have been leaning on an Android based phone, but the more I read the more I get this feeling that Androids are still are inferior to an Iphone when it is Jailbroken (even when Rooted). Take for example Firefox and Chrome. While they are two different browsers, MOST OF THE TIME I can find extensions for both browsers that has the same functions, with some minor exceptions. And the two can generally perform the same tasks with some pros and cons between them.
Now with an Android and Iphone, that doesn't seem to be the case. The app selection seems much smaller on Androids, and ROMs don't seem to do anything useful from my point of view (all they seem to do is mess around with the UI of the OS). And what strikes me more is how there isn't much "equivalency" between the two. What lead me to come to this assumption, was that there is no real way method to achieve "true multitasking". What I mean, is the ability to switch between apps without them having to "pause itself in the background" as many times as you want so long as you have RAM available to do so before it force stops an app. Right now I use an iPhone 4s and I am using a Cydia app (or tweak?) that allows me to do this, but since I have had this for well over two years, it most likely is out of date (plus I haven't updated my iOS since I've had this tweak as well). However, in my quick google search, I've found that tweaks with the same features, which were Dissident, and Watchdog Pro. In contrast, I've spent two weeks trying to find something similar in Android, and the closest thing I've come across is the concept of "Multi Window". While it allows multiple apps to be run at the same time, from what I have tested you cannot really "minimize" applications while windowed, or have this be compatible with EVERY APP. Unless you use a thing called XMultiWindow, for Xposed Framework. Unfortunately, it seems like this method seems to be extremely buggy, and the development for the XMultiWindow has been halted for a while.
I feel that this "true multitasking" thing is very much achievable in Androids, but it feels like its not available because not enough people are R&D'ing it to make it a reality. Its not a new concept or anything.
Which begs the question: How does the Android homebrew community's size compare to the iOS Jailbroken/Cydia community? Is there a reason why there is so much of a lack of apps/tweaks that allows you to do things with an Android device?
I've heard so many times that people switch to the Android because it's so customizeable. But the way I see it, the thousands of tweaks on Cydia makes it seem like iOS's are much much more customizeable with what it can do. So why do people prefer the Android over iOS? Or am I misinterpreting this? Was the term "customizeability" simply referring to the look of the UI, or did it mean that "people with heavy programming knowledge could easily alter an Androids functions while non tech savvy people cannot"?
Can someone please clear this up for me? Thank you so much in advance.
PS: I tried to add links to what I am referring to for clarification, but since I'm a new user I apparently am not allowed to do that. My apologies.


Getting Started With Android

Hello, I'm new to this forum, but, I have been in other forums relating to hacking 'mobile' devices. Previously, I was part of a number of different iOS forums, so, I know about jailbreaking, and troubleshooting problems on the iOS platform. I'll also share my few thoughts on Android, and my experience on Jelly Bean so far within this, embarrassingly long, post.
However, with Google's announcement of the Nexus 7, I was impressed by Android, and I was thoroughly impressed that it had finally sorted out the lagging problems. (I had used Android tablets, but they never appealed to me due to the lag which each one experienced. Jelly Bean, and, in particular, 'Project Butter', has remedied this issue - I have experienced no lag on my Nexus 7 since I received it a week ago.) And so, I pre-ordered the Nexus 7 - deciding against purchasing, a much more expensive, but, I believed, an excellent tablet, the iPad.
iOS, also, was beginning to become less interesting to use - sure, the iPad may have a larger scale of the iOS mobile operating system, but it remained largely the same. Same interface (although on a, admittedly, much better screen) same apps, same freedom - without the jailbreak. The new iPad (as advertised and sold by Apple), I thought, also did not do an excellent job on improving it's predecessor. Sure, an improved screen, and processor to power the screen - but is that worth it? (Considering another one will, inevitably, be released within a year.)
Tegra 3 was making strides. Although, one thing that saddens me about Android, and is something which definitely hinders it's ability to overthrow iOS - is the fragmentation present on the operating system. I'm not sure which apps are compatible with my Nexus 7, and which ones are not. (On a side not, piracy is also another factor which slows the progress of Android, and is perhaps a reason why some apps are exclusive to iOS in the first place - I'm looking at you Epic Games! Android certainly has the power and graphical capabilities to run the game, but Epic, like all companies must, are interested primarily on their profits. Again, fragmentation plays its part!)
Although, shifting to different mobile operating systems is rather difficult - especially since I am intrigued by modifications, and altering devices to make them fulfil my needs. On iOS, it was quite simple: There was only one thing to do - jailbreak. A process, which in itself, was extremely simple (for the most part.) It appears there are also much more iOS specialists on YouTube, who post easy to follow tutorials. Also, since iOS is a 'closed' platform, I was not concerned by viruses, and I knew what I could, and could not do.
Android, however, is open - and this, paradoxically, limits myself. There are so many modifications, I do not know which ones are good, which ones are bad, and which ones could result in bricking my, now beloved, Nexus 7. I don't want to completely mess up my device, or install random rubbish which only makes it slower. I have, almost literally, no clue on where to start. Sure, I've downloaded a few basic apps from Google Play - TegraZone - but who cannot do that without assistance?
I want to install more widgets, that amaze me, and also applications which will prove useful. (For example, a file managing app, a torrent app (no piracy! ), and other cool things.) I also, though, require a reliable anti-virus. Having previously used iOS for a number of years, I was not subject to any viruses, and, indeed, I did not have to worry about viruses - there are very few, if any, viruses on iOS. Android, though, is much more open to viruses. I need to ensure that I do not succumb to one.
However, what I am most interested in is the 'rooting' process, and the benefits which can derive from it. What extra things can I achieve by rooting my Nexus 7? What applications should I install to supplement the rooted device? (I have read of ClockWork(?)Mod, but I have not really ventured that far into applications which take advantage of rooting, since a lot of the information mentioned appears to me as gibberish, due to my noobishness .) And, perhaps most importantly, if something were to go tragically wrong - how would I recover the device. (Again, I'll make a reference to iOS, since, it is an operating system I am familiar with - you could simply restore the device through iTunes - what is Android's alternative?)
So, can you assist me in getting accustomed to the Android operating system by providing your recommended apps, and also useful tutorials which I can use to develop my understanding? I literally have no clue what half of the things in the Android section of this forum talk about - they included an abundance of vocabulary which, evidently, you need relative experience to understand. I also need require some Android experts - involved in perhaps development - to follow on Twitter!
Thanks for reading through my essay! Please, help a noob get started! I would appreciate all forms of feedback!
Note: I have downloaded the Android SDK (Although, not installed it, as of the time of writing.), and I have also got the factory image for the Nexus 7. I achieved this by briefly viewing a YouTube video. There do not appear to be that many, though. The XDA YouTube channel generally covers the news aspect of all things related to Android.
The greatest bit of advice I can give is to start here - Nexus 7 - and read read read!
There's no backup and restoring the entire system without root. When you do you can install a custom recovery. Note there is always a stock recovery that is far limited compared to recoveries such as CWM.
Android really doesn't have problems with viruses. Seriously. The only reason why it appears so is because idiots sideload apps from shady sites that contain viruses, but on iOS there is no sideloading without jailbreak.
For a file managing app, you can use Explorer (my preferance), ES File Explorer, or Astro.
Widgets are really personal preferance, I keep a music widget to quickly play music, a calendar widget, weather widget. You might want a news widget like Flipboard.
Rooting gives you full access to your device. It allows performance gains like overclocking, battery saving with underclocking. Like I said before, it opens to ability to backup/restore entire systems and individual apps with Titanium Backup. You can install customs ROMs, delete system apps (usually bloatware), remap the physical keys, use Tasker for automated tasking (pretty awesome btw). You can also edit system files, such as notification tones, ringtones, bootanimation, etc.
Sent from my MB508 using xda premium
Konflict1471 said:
Hello, I'm new to this forum, but, I have been in other forums relating to hacking 'mobile' devices. Previously, I was part of a number of different iOS forums, so, I know about jailbreaking, and troubleshooting problems on the iOS platform. I'll also share my few thoughts on Android, and my experience on Jelly Bean so far within this, embarrassingly long, post.
However, with Google's announcement of the Nexus 7, I was impressed by Android, and I was thoroughly impressed that it had finally sorted out the lagging problems. (I had used Android tablets, but they never appealed to me due to the lag which each one experienced. Jelly Bean, and, in particular, 'Project Butter', has remedied this issue - I have experienced no lag on my Nexus 7 since I received it a week ago.) And so, I pre-ordered the Nexus 7 - deciding against purchasing, a much more expensive, but, I believed, an excellent tablet, the iPad.
iOS, also, was beginning to become less interesting to use - sure, the iPad may have a larger scale of the iOS mobile operating system, but it remained largely the same. Same interface (although on a, admittedly, much better screen) same apps, same freedom - without the jailbreak. The new iPad (as advertised and sold by Apple), I thought, also did not do an excellent job on improving it's predecessor. Sure, an improved screen, and processor to power the screen - but is that worth it? (Considering another one will, inevitably, be released within a year.)
Tegra 3 was making strides. Although, one thing that saddens me about Android, and is something which definitely hinders it's ability to overthrow iOS - is the fragmentation present on the operating system. I'm not sure which apps are compatible with my Nexus 7, and which ones are not. (On a side not, piracy is also another factor which slows the progress of Android, and is perhaps a reason why some apps are exclusive to iOS in the first place - I'm looking at you Epic Games! Android certainly has the power and graphical capabilities to run the game, but Epic, like all companies must, are interested primarily on their profits. Again, fragmentation plays its part!)
Although, shifting to different mobile operating systems is rather difficult - especially since I am intrigued by modifications, and altering devices to make them fulfil my needs. On iOS, it was quite simple: There was only one thing to do - jailbreak. A process, which in itself, was extremely simple (for the most part.) It appears there are also much more iOS specialists on YouTube, who post easy to follow tutorials. Also, since iOS is a 'closed' platform, I was not concerned by viruses, and I knew what I could, and could not do.
Android, however, is open - and this, paradoxically, limits myself. There are so many modifications, I do not know which ones are good, which ones are bad, and which ones could result in bricking my, now beloved, Nexus 7. I don't want to completely mess up my device, or install random rubbish which only makes it slower. I have, almost literally, no clue on where to start. Sure, I've downloaded a few basic apps from Google Play - TegraZone - but who cannot do that without assistance?
I want to install more widgets, that amaze me, and also applications which will prove useful. (For example, a file managing app, a torrent app (no piracy! ), and other cool things.) I also, though, require a reliable anti-virus. Having previously used iOS for a number of years, I was not subject to any viruses, and, indeed, I did not have to worry about viruses - there are very few, if any, viruses on iOS. Android, though, is much more open to viruses. I need to ensure that I do not succumb to one.
However, what I am most interested in is the 'rooting' process, and the benefits which can derive from it. What extra things can I achieve by rooting my Nexus 7? What applications should I install to supplement the rooted device? (I have read of ClockWork(?)Mod, but I have not really ventured that far into applications which take advantage of rooting, since a lot of the information mentioned appears to me as gibberish, due to my noobishness .) And, perhaps most importantly, if something were to go tragically wrong - how would I recover the device. (Again, I'll make a reference to iOS, since, it is an operating system I am familiar with - you could simply restore the device through iTunes - what is Android's alternative?)
So, can you assist me in getting accustomed to the Android operating system by providing your recommended apps, and also useful tutorials which I can use to develop my understanding? I literally have no clue what half of the things in the Android section of this forum talk about - they included an abundance of vocabulary which, evidently, you need relative experience to understand. I also need require some Android experts - involved in perhaps development - to follow on Twitter!
Thanks for reading through my essay! Please, help a noob get started! I would appreciate all forms of feedback!
Note: I have downloaded the Android SDK (Although, not installed it, as of the time of writing.), and I have also got the factory image for the Nexus 7. I achieved this by briefly viewing a YouTube video. There do not appear to be that many, though. The XDA YouTube channel generally covers the news aspect of all things related to Android.
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Welcome to Android!
I think you'll enjoy it
Ok on to your questions:
These are gonna be out of order
Reliable anti-virus: Trend Micro Mobile Security (worth the $10 )
Benefits of CWM: Backups, restores, custom ROM flashing
Benefits of rooting: custom ROMs, access to system files
Some apps to get started: Angry birds , Rom Manager, BatteryCalibration, ES File Manager, imo
Android's alternative to iTunes' restore is CWM. It's not official but its tons better then iTunes. You do it from the device and its a full, complete restore.
Ask again if I didn't answer something
Very long post BUT a few things to think about.
I have never used a antivirus software and really they are pointless just look at the apps before you download them read the comments and look at the permissions the app uses and think "does that fart noise app need to be able to send texts" of cause the answer is no so don't install it.
Other fractures can be useful like phone tracking but there are better apps that are free for this like prey.
If you root you will have full control of your filesystem much like su on Linux if you have ever used this. You could for example with root use my project to run Linux distros like Ubuntu. The nexus 7 due to being under googles power is very easy to unlock and root and if you mess something up easy to restore a backup. There are other great apps to like being able to back up apps and there data.
Just a few points and if you have more questions feel free to pm me
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
AVG or Avast antivirus are the best.
Solid Explorer is the best file explorer.
UCCW is the most customizable widget.
Taptu or Pulse are the best news readers.
Tapatalk forum.
MX player is the best video player.
Dropbox is by far the best cloud storage.
PowerAMP is the best Music Player.
I would say that you don't need to root a Nexus Device. You got the latest OS and will always have.
The only reason you would wanna root is for some root apps.
Like Titanium Backup, AdBlocker and ROM Toolbox.
CWM is only necessary if you want to flash a custom ROM and you don't need to because you already have AOSP Jelly BEAN.
Thanks for all of the responses! And apologies for the long post! xD
I'll look through the Nexus 7 forums as XperienceD mentioned.
And by ClockWordMod - is that actually ROM Manager? I'm confused, and this is probably the most noobish question you'll get. xD
Since I don't really want to root my Nexus 7 (currently, that is) - then I would not really need to back up the data, since, there will be no risk. I'm not really concerned about overclocking my device - it's quite fast as it is. However, battery saving is quite tempting. Although, I don't see it as a reason alone to root my Nexus. And, as it is stock Google - there is no unnecessary bloat ware attached to the device.
And I can't get viruses while browsing through the internet?
I always thought that was the case, which is why I was looking for an anti-virus application.
Also, for UCCW - do I need to install a custom launcher of some sort? Is it really possible to add a widget, that appears complicated, simply through the Google Play market?
And finally, while installing ES File Explorer - I noticed that it had permission to remove shortcuts without user intervention. Is this the sort of permission I should be checking for on other applications? Since people on this forum recommended the app, I didn't really have any doubts of whether it was legit.3.
Also, how you I get toggles back on the notification bar? On iOS (sorry for the repeated mentioning of the scum ) - I had SBSettings, which was similar to the notifications available on Android. How would I add the toggles back?
Konflict1471 said:
Thanks for all of the responses! And apologies for the long post! xD
I'll look through the Nexus 7 forums as XperienceD mentioned.
And by ClockWordMod - is that actually ROM Manager? I'm confused, and this is probably the most noobish question you'll get. xD
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It is a custom recovery which lets you backup your ROM, flash new ROMs and make other changes to your device (so in a way use it is a ROM manager)
Konflict1471 said:
Since I don't really want to root my Nexus 7 (currently, that is) - then I would not really need to back up the data, since, there will be no risk. I'm not really concerned about overclocking my device - it's quite fast as it is. However, battery saving is quite tempting. Although, I don't see it as a reason alone to root my Nexus. And, as it is stock Google - there is no unnecessary bloat ware attached to the device.
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This is true if you have a nexus device the need for root is far less, and the fact that alot of apps that used to need root have become features in new versions of android, back in the days of 1.5/6 you needed root to pretty much do anything good
Konflict1471 said:
And I can't get viruses while browsing through the internet?
I always thought that was the case, which is why I was looking for an anti-virus application.
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Sure you might get windows viruses but in no way will they beable to run on your device let aloan harm it. The only way anything evil can be done is if you install the app (and in alot of cases give it root) so check those permissions!
anti-virus apps are the biggest scam (well paid one anyway) all they can really do is check a database of known bad apps and check it its there, other than that they do nothing. They are a trick from all the Windows users coming to android after having it hammered into them that you need anti-virus
Konflict1471 said:
Also, for UCCW - do I need to install a custom launcher of some sort? Is it really possible to add a widget, that appears complicated, simply through the Google Play market?
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Nope just add the widget to your home creen, in the app launcher press the widget button and then long press on the widget you want and drag it to the home screen you want, many apps include widgets so will be installed with the app as part of it (e.g twitter) while other 'apps' are just widgets
Konflict1471 said:
And finally, while installing ES File Explorer - I noticed that it had permission to remove shortcuts without user intervention. Is this the sort of permission I should be checking for on other applications? Since people on this forum recommended the app, I didn't really have any doubts of whether it was legit.3.
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There is likely a good reason for this (And with alot of apps if there is a odd permissions it will say in the apps description why its needed) but yes its the kind of thing you have to stop and think about
Konflict1471 said:
Also, how you I get toggles back on the notification bar? On iOS (sorry for the repeated mentioning of the scum ) - I had SBSettings, which was similar to the notifications available on Android. How would I add the toggles back?
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to add toggles you would either need to use a custom ROM, or download a app that will do it like this one https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.j4velin.notificationToggle&hl=en
Thanks very much for your detailed and extremely helpful reply!
I'll just do what you recommended! The Notification Toggle is an extremely impressive app, I must admit.
Since there is no point downloading a paid antivirus, should I download Avast Anti-virus (since it's free), just for precautionary measures?
Konflict1471 said:
Thanks very much for your detailed and extremely helpful reply!
I'll just do what you recommended! The Notification Toggle is an extremely impressive app, I must admit.
Since there is no point downloading a paid antivirus, should I download Avast Anti-virus (since it's free), just for precautionary measures?
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Well its not going to hurt and would at least prevent an app thats bad be installed if you missed it. And like I said some do have some nice other features just the "anit-virus" side of it is rather pointless
There is a huge thread with skins for UCCW.
And Power Widgets or Notification Toggles are the best Notification Drawer toggle apps.
NT has customizable icons.
If you want weather too there's some new app called Deluxe Notification Bar which shows weather and toggles.
Look in the Nexus 7 forums for no-root battery saving advice.
And if you do not want battery drain don't use Anti-virus.
I've never had any virus problems.
If you're unrooted they can't really mess with your phone.
Just stay away from creepy apps, Chinese apps (no racist), piracied apps and apps from other than Play Store and XDA.
And never play ad-supported games.
Buy ad-free versions or play offline if you don't want battery drain.
Also SwiftKey is a MUST, if you're not happy with Jelly Bean keyboard.

AndriodOAP Project

Hi all
This is my thread for an ongoing project im working on called AndroidOAP
OAP is not Owesome Android Project, lol
This is Andriod Old Age Pensioner!
But WAIT!! This may have many applications to other areas in the caring community!
My mum is 75 and has early stage altzimers. I have noticed a lapes of memory, eyesight and hearing. I have also just got her a 10" rk3066 4.1 tab for xmas.
The aim of this is to help her keep in touch with family and friends (social networking), keep up to date on the weather/news (she loves it), keep her mind active (games).
Aim of Project
This project has a few aims, guided by anyone who wants to contribute. some of which are :
- Creating a simple UI that is easy for pensioners/handicapped people to use
- Identifying simple to use apps that perform complex tasks
- Utilise the accessibility capabilities of android specifically for the users needs
- Monitor the device remotely
- Monitor the users interactions and provide alerts (IE medication, doctors apointments, etc)
- Create a working rom that can be installed on devices that can be given to the target audience (OAPs, disables, etc)
- Obtain ongoing support for this project
This will probably not interest most of you but anyone willing to contribute to this nobell cause will be very appreciated
Please get in touch with any ideas
Thanks for your time
Cass1977 said:
Hi all
This is my thread for an ongoing project im working on called AndroidOAP
OAP is not Owesome Android Project, lol
This is Andriod Old Age Pensioner!
But WAIT!! This may have many applications to other areas in the caring community!
My mum is 75 and has early stage altzimers. I have noticed a lapes of memory, eyesight and hearing. I have also just got her a 10" rk3066 4.1 tab for xmas.
The aim of this is to help her keep in touch with family and friends (social networking), keep up to date on the weather/news (she loves it), keep her mind active (games).
Aim of Project
This project has a few aims, guided by anyone who wants to contribute. some of which are :
- Creating a simple UI that is easy for pensioners/handicapped people to use
- Identifying simple to use apps that perform complex tasks
- Utilise the accessibility capabilities of android specifically for the users needs
- Monitor the device remotely
- Monitor the users interactions and provide alerts (IE medication, doctors apointments, etc)
- Create a working rom that can be installed on devices that can be given to the target audience (OAPs, disables, etc)
- Obtain ongoing support for this project
This will probably not interest most of you but anyone willing to contribute to this nobell cause will be very appreciated
Please get in touch with any ideas
Thanks for your time
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If I read this correctly, you want to develop an OS based on Android, but one that is extremely simple to use? All I know is that this would be an extremely time consuming project, probably half a year at the least, because you'd have to remove tons of drawables (images and stuff that is rendered) and code, and add in many more. It would be much easier to just install a launcher with big icons, change the system font size to the largest possible, perhaps use some accessibility settings, and debloat the tablet to the max.
Has your mother ever used electronic gadgets before? I forget the saying, but it's something like you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Considering that these types of electronics didn't exist during older peoples' generations, it'll be significantly harder to get them accustomed to such things. I don't know if I'm stereotyping or not, but it may be increasingly difficult to teach her how to use Android because she has Alzheimers. I'm not saying it's not worth a try though. As long as she doesn't feel overwhelmed or frustrated, I'd say to definitely try it out for a while and see how it goes. Happy holidays and have a happy new year. I hope your gift does good for you all.
Codename13 said:
If I read this correctly, you want to develop an OS based on Android, but one that is extremely simple to use? All I know is that this would be an extremely time consuming project, probably half a year at the least, because you'd have to remove tons of drawables (images and stuff that is rendered) and code, and add in many more. It would be much easier to just install a launcher with big icons, change the system font size to the largest possible, perhaps use some accessibility settings, and debloat the tablet to the max.
Has your mother ever used electronic gadgets before? I forget the saying, but it's something like you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Considering that these types of electronics didn't exist during older peoples' generations, it'll be significantly harder to get them accustomed to such things. I don't know if I'm stereotyping or not, but it may be increasingly difficult to teach her how to use Android because she has Alzheimers. I'm not saying it's not worth a try though. As long as she doesn't feel overwhelmed or frustrated, I'd say to definitely try it out for a while and see how it goes. Happy holidays and have a happy new year. I hope your gift does good for you all.
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Thanks for the input dude, but, I think your over complicating things. A custom rom doesnt mean rebuilding it from the ground up! The aim is to find the most user friendly apps and the best settings and then create a rom around that. no need for new icons, etc.
Just to let you know, even though my mum is 75 she has been a nurse all her life so is well versed on using computers (hell, she brought me up and im a developer, lol). Touching icons on a screen will be no problem for her, altzimers or not. To be fair, you are stereotyping and its pretty sad
Regardless of the support I will continue with this as its a personal project that I will persue. I was just after any help I could get, not negativity.
Have a nice day
Cass1977 said:
Hi all
This is my thread for an ongoing project im working on called AndroidOAP
OAP is not Owesome Android Project, lol
This is Andriod Old Age Pensioner!
But WAIT!! This may have many applications to other areas in the caring community!
My mum is 75 and has early stage altzimers. I have noticed a lapes of memory, eyesight and hearing. I have also just got her a 10" rk3066 4.1 tab for xmas.
The aim of this is to help her keep in touch with family and friends (social networking), keep up to date on the weather/news (she loves it), keep her mind active (games).
Aim of Project
This project has a few aims, guided by anyone who wants to contribute. some of which are :
- Creating a simple UI that is easy for pensioners/handicapped people to use
- Identifying simple to use apps that perform complex tasks
- Utilise the accessibility capabilities of android specifically for the users needs
- Monitor the device remotely
- Monitor the users interactions and provide alerts (IE medication, doctors apointments, etc)
- Create a working rom that can be installed on devices that can be given to the target audience (OAPs, disables, etc)
- Obtain ongoing support for this project
This will probably not interest most of you but anyone willing to contribute to this nobell cause will be very appreciated
Please get in touch with any ideas
Thanks for your time
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Hi @Cass1977, I see your project as a great initiative to encourage older people to use technology. Although this project might be huge (and I don't have the tablet to test), I might be able to just provide suggestions for your project.
In the Basic section:
Simple UI: It should be easy, due to the fact that many launchers today are user-friendly and easy to use.
Simple to use apps that perform complex stuff: do give some examples.
accessibility capabilities: I don't know of much apps for that (there could be some in the play store) but once we attract the attention of some developers, we can start rolling.
Monitor the device remotely: what do u mean exactly?
Isn't monitor the user's interaction same as the point above? Correct me if I'm wrong.
More suggestions:
Create some tutorials for some complicated apps.
Better colour profile.
Less bright screen=less strain to the eye in low light conditions.
Bigger font=less strain to the eye.
More suggestions will come as I think of them.
Smack that thanks button if I helped!
Note 2 LTE powered by Illusion ROM and Plasma Kernel.
Sent from dat small country called Singapore.
P.S. replies with quotes will be replied to faster.
Hi @Cass1977, I see your project as a great initiative to encourage older people to use technology. Although this project might be huge (and I don't have the tablet to test), I might be able to just provide suggestions for your project.
In the Basic section:
Simple UI: It should be easy, due to the fact that many launchers today are user-friendly and easy to use.
Simple to use apps that perform complex stuff: do give some examples.
accessibility capabilities: I don't know of much apps for that (there could be some in the play store) but once we attract the attention of some developers, we can start rolling.
Monitor the device remotely: what do u mean exactly?
Isn't monitor the user's interaction same as the point above? Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Good advice, but I feel too many launchers have too many options. the main thing the user needs is simple to access apps. Maybe large icons, etc.My mum likes her news and weather too so simple widgets may help with things like that (A lot are provided with the apps).
TTS will be required too (Text to speech). Maybe an app that will speak highlighted words? Probably have to be built?
More suggestions:
Create some tutorials for some complicated apps.
Better colour profile.
Less bright screen=less strain to the eye in low light conditions.
Bigger font=less strain to the eye.
More suggestions will come as I think of them.
Smack that thanks button if I helped!
Note 2 LTE powered by Illusion ROM and Plasma Kernel.
Sent from dat small country called Singapore.
P.S. replies with quotes will be replied to faster.
By the way, By 'Monitor the device remotly' I mean basically the same thing I have with my kids tabs. Screen Time (MASSIVE RESPECT TO THIS APP!!!) It monitors what my kids do on their tab and allows me to lock it at certain times and give them chores to earn rewards. NOT the same thing we need here, but, thats the kind of monitoring im thinking. Monitoring medication (pop up reminder and if its not used a remote notification)
Any more ideas you have then let me know, Many thanks for your input
Cass1977 said:
Good advice, but I feel too many launchers have too many options. the main thing the user needs is simple to access apps. Maybe large icons, etc.My mum likes her news and weather too so simple widgets may help with things like that (A lot are provided with the apps).
TTS will be required too (Text to speech). Maybe an app that will speak highlighted words? Probably have to be built?
By the way, By 'Monitor the device remotly' I mean basically the same thing I have with my kids tabs. Screen Time (MASSIVE RESPECT TO THIS APP!!!) It monitors what my kids do on their tab and allows me to lock it at certain times and give them chores to earn rewards. NOT the same thing we need here, but, thats the kind of monitoring im thinking. Monitoring medication (pop up reminder and if its not used a remote notification)
Any more ideas you have then let me know, Many thanks for your input
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I can help test launchers according to what u want and report back. Widgets are easy. (Most news apps has widgets.) There may be some apps for TTS designed for this but it's rare (if not none). (TTS apps are extremely complicated) yea, we might need to build it. (Build from Google voice search, possibility)
OK... I'll have to search it up on Google. (We may have to build from another app...) we can build from Screen Time (add some features into it, we could ask Screen Time's developer for help!)
P.S. I think editing a system file can increase the maximum volume of the sound...
Smack that thanks button if I helped!
Note 2 LTE powered by Illusion ROM and Plasma Kernel.
Sent from dat small country called Singapore.
P.S. replies with quotes will be replied to faster.

[Q] Jelly Bean Launcher

Hey Guys!
I was wondering about my Jelly Bean Software/Firmware, 4.2.2. It is running on my phone, BLU Studio 5.0 II.
With this stock software/firmware, I am satisfied with its features.
However, there is one thing I do not like.
In the App Drawer, you are unable to hide/reveal any apps, nor move them around in the app drawer itself. Instead, it automatically puts every app in Alphabetical Order.
Is there a way to fully customize this?
Please ask questions about clarification.
Thanks for reading.
There are dozens of different launchers in the Play Store and most of them offer that feature. I've tried lots of them but hands down the best I've used across a wide range of devices for overall customization, speed, and stability is Nova Launcher.
es0tericcha0s said:
There are dozens of different launchers in the Play Store and most of them offer that feature. I've tried lots of them but hands down the best I've used across a wide range of devices for overall customization, speed, and stability is Nova Launcher.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Indeed that is a possibility, but now that you clarify it..
I meant, is it possible to edit my current Launcher.apk's content to add in a Sort Feature, and/or hide/reveal apps?
If so, is there a tutorial for that kind of stuff?
Theoretically it is possible, but pretty sure it would involve a quite a bit of smali coding, which can be very confusing if you aren't used to it (and often even if you are). I don't know of any generic guides for that kind of thing though. The amount of time and effort involved in figuring that out would probably outweigh any of the benefits, unless you are dead set on the learning aspect of it.

Hello Jide, I'm a developer, and I want to develop on Remix OS.

When I first saw Remix OS, I was ecstatic thinking of the possibilities for development, and now that it's come out on the Pixel C, this could be really innovative.
Imagine using Android Studio on my laptop and then pushing my in-development application to the Pixel C using ADB (Android Debug Bridge) over wire or wifi, and then an app window showing up to test my app, essentially replacing a real phone with an all in one Pixel C computer. The main reason why this was so ecstatic for me was because what I am testing on is now no longer a phone, but a computer, four very important and useful things open up for me to possibly experience:
I can resize my application easily on the tablet to test out any dimensions.
- We all know the emulator is a ***** in Android and even the thought of starting and restarting different emulator instances for different dimensions, or, god forbid spending hundreds of dollars on different android devices of different sizes just irks me to the core.
- Resizing would become as simple as a click, hold, and drag, just like browser development. An added bonus would be Jide giving a little toolbar above or below or to the side of these development applications to simulate different settings, such as Location, Network, whatever, and maybe even a resize button to select popular and customizable preset dimensions.
I can have multiple instances of my application to run at the same time, basically A/B test on myself.
- I don't know how you can manage this, but if you can, whatever the way it may be done, it would be marvelous.
- Imagine the power of being able to test multiple versions of an application side by side or even different applications side by side, one for each window of Android studio perhaps.
- Testing is one of the slowest factors of android development, but no matter how you put it, being able to run as many applications as I want to test would definitely speed up the process.
- Write a bit of code for idea one and start the test and let it run.
- Code up another idea to test.
- While the second one is getting ready for testing, you can test the first one.
- When the second one is ready, we can test them side by side to see which idea is better.
- It would be, again, simply marvelous, and the number of instances to test could be increased for even greater speed.
I can control it from my laptop.
- If you need to be told the gigantic advantages of being able to control your android device by simply moving your mouse over to the screen as if it was an extended display, then you must really not have any imagination.
- https://sites.google.com/site/droidskm/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/synergyandroid/
- There are many tools out there to allow this kind of control, and all Jide really has to do is make it really easy for us to root the OS, maybe a button click in the developer tools, so we can install tools like the ones I mentioned above.
Remix OS could become where I test AND develop. If an android studio like tool were to be created for Remix OS, where all the previews and all the testing are just popups on the sides of the tool, then development would be even cooler.
- There would be no need for a native android device, no need to fumble back and forth, especially since Laptops or the Pixel C would probably have all the features of a modern phone, and thus act just like one in testing.
- Since all we're doing is launching another application on the native OS, there shouldn't be any annoying and overbearing emulator problems, nor lag or performance issues.
- I know this is a stretch, since a tool like Android Studio would be very hard to live up to, but even a simpler version would do, like sublime; Jide may even contract or partner up with IntelliJ to create such a tool or host of tools.
These four core points are marvelous, and for an android developer, Jide would become heaven. If Jide really does listen to the community, they would listen to this, because if they pushed forward with these ideas, their platform would grow a lot, easily becoming the number one platform for Android development, definitely garnering a lot of attention.
Oh, and please add a Linux console I can use.
Thank you.
Sincerely, an imaginative android/web developer.
- redDrill
On #2 you can sort of do that already by using different users
On #4 something like AIDE would be too simple I take it...

Custom mods for old Huawei Ascend Y321-U051 ?

Hi, after postponing for many years my phone finally snapped beyond logic (has an infinite system popup spam with "unfortunately x service has stopped working", with options like 'Wait' and 'Ok') and I thought this could be a good opportunity to try a custom ROM (since it was running too slow and Android was limiting resources too much, even before any of this). My phone uses Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean), I thought that alone was enough, but I just happened to see that it also has to match the device model... and after visiting all custom ROM websites, it seems that there's no support at all for this phone, which is utterly frustrating.
So, as a leap of faith, I'm asking here if there's any ROM known for being widely compatible that isn't indexed in search engines.
Wikipedia named some that have their websites down (or maybe the list is outdated).
Though it's not my first time installating OS in desktop devices (and laptops), I'm still entirely new in the actual android/mobile customization world.
Still waiting for a response.
waiting for a response x2
i have the same device. its possible to do something if you have knowledge about doing a kernel or modify some things man, i never find a rom for that but i can say..... uwu maybe a simple system apk modifications or deleting it......if your objetive is videogames you could delete all thrash things and have only the system essentials services to use more smothly.

