[GUIDE] Disable selinux to allow Xposed framework for Oneplus 2 - OnePlus 2 General

This is a quick guide for disabling selinux to allow installation of Xposed framework on OsygenOS 2.2.x. Tested on my OPT.
This means changing the boot partition settings to allow permissive selinux and re-writing it.
It could work theoretically on any other Lollipops, perhaps Marshmallow, however... needs to be tested.
The red disclaimer: you perform all these changes at your own risk!
My current configuration:
- OxygenOS 2.2.1 (rooted, BETA-SuperSU-v2.67-20160121175247, Boeffla-Kernel 1.1-beta11)
- xposed-v80-sdk22-arm64
- mkbootimg-tools
You can use adb shell from a prompt (windows is quite ugly though).
For windows I recommend Puttytray (https://puttytray.goeswhere.com/) and connect using adb.
For future ROM updated, assuming you keep patch.sh, just use the terminal embedded in TWRP to run it right from the phone, generate the new boot image and apply it again.
Reboot in recovery (I use TWRP 3.0.0-2)
Make sure /system partition is mounted
mount /system
unzip mkbootimg_tools-master.zip
cd mkbootimg_tools-master/ARM
Create the patch.sh script (the wrapper for the mkbooting tools)
vi patch.sh
paste the contents of the attached script:
# Script to alter the boot image and set selinux=permissive
# WARNING! use this at our own risk, I am not responsible for bricking your phone by corrupting the boot partition
# Tested on OxygenOS 2.1.1, 2.2.0, 2.2.1 (Lollipop 5.1.1)
# v1.0.2015-12-30
# Author: cr1cr1
# Mount /system partition rw, if not already mounted
mount -o rw /system 2>/dev/null
# Set some variables
# Get the actual boot block partition
BOOTPART=`busybox readlink -f /dev/block/platform/*/by-name/boot`
if [ ! -r $BOOTPART ]; then
echo "Boot partition not found at: $BOOTPART!"
exit 1
echo "Using boot partition: $BOOTPART"
# Copy the boot partition
set -x
busybox dd if=$BOOTPART of=$ORIBOOT
set +x
if [ $RETCODE -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to copy boot part using DD utility, retcode=$RETCODE"
# Unpack the boot image
set -x
set +x
if [ $RETCODE -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to run mkboot utility, retcode=$RETCODE"
if [ ! -w $OUTDIR/img_info ]; then
echo "$OUTDIR/img_info is not writable, exiting!"
exit 1
# Change the kernel command line parameters
if [ "$(busybox grep selinux $OUTDIR/img_info)" == "" ]; then
set -vx
busybox sed -i "s/cmd_line\='/cmd_line\='androidboot.selinux=permissive /" $OUTDIR/img_info
set +vx
set -vx
busybox sed -Ei 's/\.selinux=[^ '\'']+/.selinux=permssive/' $OUTDIR/img_info
set +vx
# Repack the boot image
set -x
set +x
Set the execute permission
chmod +x patch.sh
Execute the script to patch the boot image
You should now have a patched and repacked image:
Install the new boot image using twrp:
- press install
- press "Install Image"
- select new-boot.img
- Select the partition "boot"
Apparently there is a need to also explicitly disable selinux on startup as well.
For this, yet another script must be used:
vi /system/etc/init.d/08customscript
Paste the following:
mount -o remount,rw /system
/system/xbin/su 0 setenforce 0
echo "0" > /sys/fs/selinux/enforce
mount -o remount,ro /system
Set the appropriate permissions
chmod u=rwx,go=r /system/etc/init.d/08customscript

There isn't a plugin for kernel adiutor that does the same?
Enviado desde mi ONE A2003

Zalpa said:
There isn't a plugin for kernel adiutor that does the same?
Enviado desde mi ONE A2003
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Probably, I have seen last night with Boeffla's kernel editor you have the option to disable Selinux.
However, this will NOT work unless you change the boot image as well.

cr1cr1 said:
Probably, I have seen last night with Boeffla's kernel editor you have the option to disable Selinux.
However, this will NOT work unless you change the boot image as well.
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Enviado desde mi ONE A2003


[WIP] [DEV] [HOWTO] Ubuntu on Nook Color! UPDATE 1/5/11

DISCLAIMER: You know the risks, bricking, breaking etc. I'm not, nor is anyone else responsible if something goes wrong with your device, especially should it turn into a cave troll and bludgeon someone to death.
You will have to be rooted for this to work.
Update 1/5/11
Changed the install and loader scripts re-compressed and uploaded, new download link. Stream lined the installation process (removed 5 steps)
Update 1/4/11
reflect changes to ubuntu.sh and bootubuntu scripts and streamlining the process. Added screenshots
I was over at nexusonehacks.net and looking at the ubuntu on nexus one hack and was thinking that this could be ported to the nook color. The idea is to run ubuntu from an img on the sd card.
The following is a modified version of the "how to" orginally posted here
The guys at NexusOneHacks
xda user munday who has modified the scripts to work for the nook color
Devs at XDA Developer for the Ubuntu ARM image for HTC HD2
Saurik (Jay Freeman) for the Debian G1 script, which was hacked for Ubuntu on Nexus One! and then re-hacked for the Nook Color by munday
Here we go:
1) Go download the ubuntu file here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=67BU4Y3T
2) Extract the contents using 7zip http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
3) Copy the extracted folder "ubuntu" to the root of your SD card
4) Unmount the nook from your pc, go into the app NookColor Tools (if you don't have it download it here courtesy of Ben 74 and click All Settings->Development then uncheck Auto Mount. This will prevent the SD card from being mounted automatically when plugged into the PC
5) Plug the Nook back into your pc and open a command line then navigate to your android sdk folder ie C:\android-sdk or wherever you have it and type
adb devices
Hit enter and make sure that the nook color comes up (should be the SN of your Nook)
Note: This can also be done from terminal emulator instead of adb...but it is kind of a pain
6) Now we want to go into the command line on the nook so type
adb shell
Hit enter and this should bring up a "#" sign.
7) Type
hit enter (I do this just as a force of habit)
8) Now we navigate to the ubuntu folder we just copied to our sd card by entering
cd /sdcard/ubuntu
hit enter. To confirm you are where you want to be you can type
and it should list the contents of the ubuntu folder.
9) Run the setup script ubuntu.sh by entering the following:
sh ./ubuntu.sh
hit enter
10) Now type
and hit enter
11) So now we have ubuntu command line up and running which should look like:
[email protected]:/#
We will need to get some packages to run a gui and then connect to it via VNC client. So we need to update a few things first. Type:
apt-get update
apt-get install tightvncserver
now we need the gui elements so enter this:
apt-get install lxde
12) Type the following:
export USER=root
vncserver -geometry 1024×600
this sets the resolution...you can change it to play around, but the native resolution for the nook is 1024x600. This is also where you will set the password for your vnc server...make sure to remember it
13) Next, we are going to add the following to /root/.vnc/xstartup file using cat command: (hit enter after each line and ignore the fact that it looks like it does it twice)
cat > /root/.vnc/xstartup
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
icewm &
After hitting enter after the last line press "Ctrl+D" twice then press enter
14) We need the vnc server to start every time we start ubuntu, type this:
cat > front
export USER=root
cd /
rm -r -f tmp
mkdir tmp
cd /
vncserver -geometry 1024×600
Same as before, hit enter after each line then after hitting enter for the last line press "Ctrl+D" twice then press enter.
15) Enter this
cat front /root/.bashrc > temp
cp temp /root/.bashrc
16) Now on the nook open up your vnc viewer app (android vnc viewer or PocketCloud...or whatever you use)
Use the following settings:
Host Address: (some don't require this)
Password: the password you set up in step 16
Port: 5901
Save and then click connect and you should be up and running on ubuntu! To leave ubuntu type exit from adb. This should kill ubuntu. Exit adb and then you can disconnect the nook from your pc.
To start ubuntu from the nook open up a terminal emulater and type:
Hit enter, this should bring up the [email protected], hhen press "Home" key and open up your vnc app. Now you are ready to rock your Linux tablet!
You could also use gscript lite to automate the process of starting ubuntu so you don't have to type it in the terminal everytime. You can get gscript lite from the market or download the file I have attached.
It does seem a little laggy..just a little...for now anyway
To exit ubuntu: Disconnect the vnc client then hold the "Home" key (I use button savior which brings up a nice little task manager) and click the Terminal emulator when it pops up under running tasks. Once you are back in the terminal you can type:
to shut down ubuntu.
Enjoy and make sure you thank munday and the guys at nexusonehacks and all the devs who helped make it possible.
I noticed that after rebooting the nook would hang at the "Future of reading" screen....if this happens turn the device off remove the sd card the turn the nook back on. It should boot fine. After it's finished you can return the sd card and mount it. This is strange and I'm looking into it. I'm not sure if this is limited to me or if it is universal to all nooks. It also still fails at shutting ubuntu down for some reason. I'm still looking into this.g into this.
I got it going, just needed a few "busybox"-es here and there . It needs some work, right now to get X you have to use VNC.
It's sluggish but a bit more work might just yield something a bit more usable. I'll play more tomorrow night.
Here's my scripts:
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
busybox modprobe ext2
rm -f /data/local/bin/fsrw
rm -f /data/local/bin/bootubuntu
rm -f /data/local/bin/unionfs
rm -f /data/local/bin/installer.sh
rm -f /data/local/bin/mountonly
mkdir /data/local/mnt
#busybox clear
rm /system/bin/fsrw
rm /system/bin/bootubuntu
rm /system/bin/unionfs
rm -/system/bin/mountonly
busybox cp -f fsrw /system/bin
busybox cp -f bootubuntu /system/bin
busybox cp -f unionfs /system/bin
busybox cp -f mountonly /system/bin
cd /sdcard/ubuntu
busybox chmod 4777 *
cd /system/bin/
busybox chmod 4777 *
cd /
#busybox clear
echo " "
echo "Ubuntu Chroot Bootloader v0.1"
echo "Ubuntu Bootloader is now installed!"
echo "This process does NOT damage Android OS!"
echo " "
echo "Original Installer by Charan Singh"
echo "Modified for Ubuntu Chroot by Max Lee at NexusOneHacks.net"
echo " "
echo "To enter the Debian Linux console just type 'bootubuntu'"
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
export kit=/sdcard/ubuntu
export bin=/system/bin
export mnt=/data/local/mnt
export PATH=$bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:$PATH
export TERM=linux
export HOME=/root
busybox mknod /dev/loop2 b 7 0
mount -o loop,noatime -t ext2 $kit/ubuntu.img $mnt
mount -t devpts devpts $mnt/dev/pts
mount -t proc proc $mnt/proc
mount -t sysfs sysfs $mnt/sys
busybox sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
echo "Setting /etc/resolv.conf to Google Open DNS and"
echo "nameserver" > $mnt/etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> $mnt/etc/resolv.conf
echo "Setting localhost on /etc/hosts "
echo " localhost" > $mnt/etc/hosts
echo "Brought to you by NexusOneHacks.net and the open source community! "
echo " "
busybox chroot $mnt /bin/bash
#After exit command is executed clear it all up
echo " "
echo "Shutting down Ubuntu"
umount $mnt/dev/pts
umount $mnt/proc
umount $mnt/sys
umount $mnt
Then just followed the instructions at nexusonehacks.
note: to run bootubuntu i had to use sh and the use the full path:
# sh /system/bin/bootubuntu
other note: I was using adb not a term app on the nook.
Obligatory video
I can't post links yet so check: youtube.com/watch?v=TnXfZ6aagn8 for a really boring video
EDIT: switched the names, DOH!
I also had to use sh and the full path also. Thanks for the update on the script...gonna try it in the morning (it's 2am here) will also see if I can help to get it running smoother. What class SD card are you using? I imagine a class 4 or higher would yeild better results as far as responsiveness goes.
The sd is a class 2 that came in one of my dev phones. I'll pick up a faster one tomorrow after work and test it out.
It's just about 3am here now, we must be in the same time zone.
I'm going to bed now, but first here's a modded version of the script you had originally posted that also works now.
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
export kit=/sdcard/ubuntu
export bin=/system/bin
busybox [ ! -d /data/local/ubuntu ] && mkdir /data/local/ubuntu
export mnt=/data/local/ubuntu
export PATH=$bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:$PATH
export TERM=linux
export HOME=/root
busybox mknod /dev/loop1 b 7 0
busybox losetup /dev/block/loop1 /sdcard/ubuntu/ubuntu.img
mount -t ext2 /dev/block/loop1 /data/local/ubuntu
#mount -o loop,noatime -t ext2 $kit/ubuntu.img $mnt
mount -t devpts devpts $mnt/dev/pts
mount -t proc proc $mnt/proc
mount -t sysfs sysfs $mnt/sys
busybox sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
echo "Setting /etc/resolv.conf to Google Open DNS and"
echo "nameserver" > $mnt/etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> $mnt/etc/resolv.conf
echo "Setting localhost on /etc/hosts "
echo " localhost" > $mnt/etc/hosts
echo "Brought to you by NexusOneHacks.net and the open source community! "
echo " "
busybox chroot $mnt /bin/bash
#After exit command is executed clear it all up
echo " "
echo "Shutting down Ubuntu"
umount $mnt/dev/pts
umount $mnt/proc
umount $mnt/sys
umount $mnt
busybox losetup -d /dev/loop1
#unregistering the loopback device just seems to die. need to fix or remove.
I'll look at the N1 formus tomorrow too and see if they have made progress in getting X to run fast or without need for VNC.
Nice work, I am addicted in seeing the crazy crap people are doing everyday.
Couldn't sleep so I'm messing around with it now...I'm using a class 4 and have it up and running. It does seem to be a little laggy, but I don't have a class 2 to compare it to. Let me know what you find out, I'll keep playing with it also to see if I can get it to be more responsive...but we are definately on our way to having a great little linux tablet in addition to android. You should also be able to use this for other builds of linux also by just changing out the .img file to a flavor of your choosing. I'm excited
I have also updated the OP with the how to and credits. Really appreciate your help munday.
I noticed that after rebooting the nook would hang at the "Future of reading" screen....if this happens turn the device off remove the sd card the turn the nook back on. It should boot fine. After it's finished you can return the sd card and mount it. This is strange and I'm looking into it. I'm not sure if this is limited to me or if it is universal to all nooks.
Running into some strange occurrences...it appears that when you type exit from the terminal to kill ubuntu, I believe ubuntu stays running...anyway, I'm going to bed and will work on it more tomorrow.
devastatorx said:
You should also be able to use this for other builds of linux also by just changing out the .img file to a flavor of your choosing. I'm excited
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Are there any increased risks with changing the version you use?
Well, you will want to make sure that the build supports ARM based devices.
munday said:
Then just followed the instructions at nexusonehacks.
note: to run bootubuntu i had to use sh and the use the full path:
# sh /system/bin/bootubuntu
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I fixed this, the scripts were backwards, I have updated the OP to reflect the changes and bootubuntu now works
devastatorx said:
I fixed this, the scripts were backwards, I have updated the OP to reflect the changes and bootubuntu now works
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sweet, i can't wait to get home to play more!!!
I've tried running ubuntu.sh from the terminal emulator (With su) and from ADB, and have not had success with either.
The readout is:
': File existste '/system/bin
': File existste '/system/bin
': File existste '/system/bin
: not found
: not found
cd: can't cd to /sdcard/ubuntu
: not found
: No such file or directory
: not found
cd: can't cd to /system/bin
: not found
: No such file or directory
: not found
cd: can't cd to /
: not found
: not found
Ubuntu Chroot Bootloader v0.1
Ubuntu Bootloader is now installed!
etc., etc.
Is there a problem with how I copied the script? I assume the first part about the file existing is due to this being the third or fourth time I've tried running the script (Unsuccessfully), but I've no idea how to interpret the rest.
munday said:
sweet, i can't wait to get home to play more!!!
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I sent you a message
Link3737 said:
I've tried running ubuntu.sh from the terminal emulator (With su) and from ADB, and have not had success with either.
The readout is:
': File existste '/system/bin
': File existste '/system/bin
': File existste '/system/bin
: not found
: not found
cd: can't cd to /sdcard/ubuntu
: not found
: No such file or directory
: not found
cd: can't cd to /system/bin
: not found
: No such file or directory
: not found
cd: can't cd to /
: not found
: not found
Ubuntu Chroot Bootloader v0.1
Ubuntu Bootloader is now installed!
etc., etc.
Is there a problem with how I copied the script? I assume the first part about the file existing is due to this being the third or fourth time I've tried running the script (Unsuccessfully), but I've no idea how to interpret the rest.
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Try using these, just unrar and then copy them in your ubuntu folder, if it asks to overwrite just click yes...also you have autmounting of the sd card turnned off in nook color tools settings right?
Yeah, it must have been an error on my end. Using the updated scripts you posted worked like a charm.
Link3737 said:
Yeah, it must have been an error on my end. Using the updated scripts you posted worked like a charm.
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Good to hear!
I'm currently working on making this a port to the SD card so that with the sd card in it boots into ubuntu from power off, and with the sd card out it boots to android then you replace the sd and use it for storage like normal. It will also run a lot snappier....well that's the idea anyway.
devastatorx said:
Good to hear!
I'm currently working on making this a port to the SD card so that with the sd card in it boots into android from power off, and with the sd card out it boots to android then you replace the sd and use it for storage like normal. It will also run a lot snappier....well that's the idea anyway.
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Booting from SD in the same fashion as Nookie Froyo? That sounds like it would give a huge performance boost over the current method, I can't wait to see what you come up with.
This should be acheivable using the method mentioned in this topic:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=873243 thanks to clockworx.
Currently looking into this
devastatorx said:
This should be acheivable using the method mentioned in this topic:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=873243 thanks to clockworx.
Currently looking into this
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I was thinking the exact same thing, the nook seems to like booting from sd, so we should be able to set up the partitions like the foryo sd and edit the init.rc and env.txt to boot ubuntu instead of android. Just a theory though. It's my plan for tonight anyway.
munday said:
I was thinking the exact same thing, the nook seems to like booting from sd, so we should be able to set up the partitions like the foryo sd and edit the init.rc and env.txt to boot ubuntu instead of android. Just a theory though. It's my plan for tonight anyway.
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I also stumbled across this: http://androix.org/ Which talks about a native android xserver which does a way with the vnc aspect altogether. I downloaded and attempted to install but I get the error "There is a problem parsing the package" and I haven't had any luck plus there isn't much documentation.
Let me know how it goes munday, I'll be working on the same thing later (have to take the fiance out for dinner)
I was just curious, after installing ubuntu can we install flash as we would had we booted linux from netbook?

[HOWTO] Run Gentoo Linux on the X+ (chroot)

Can't really find a tutorial for our phone, so I'll be, well, making a tutorial
Some notes:
- Compiling is really slow, VERY. Probably RasPi speed.
- Putting the chroot in a specific location helps, due to our phone having weird mountpoints (try typing `mount` and see what happens)
- You can ADB shell into the phone, type "stop" so Zygote is stopped (less RAM usage, less CPU usage, basically pure Linux is running)
- ^ Remember to type "start" after finished playing with the chroot, or you get a frozen phone until forced reboot!
You may be able to adapt this guide to other distros too (although unlikely)
- Enough juice for playing games for a long time
- A WORKING busybox with "tar xvjpf" available
- You are rooted
1. First of all, su and mount root read/write.
su; mount -o remount,rw /
2. cd into /data/local
cd /data/local
3. mkdir linux (or other names if you prefer)
mkdir linux
4. cd into it
cd linux
5. Download a stage3 tarball USE ARMv7l, our phone isn't hard-floated and put it in current directory.
- If you use an external browser, make sure the permissions isn't set to r--------, chmod 755 to be sure
- If you use wget, you probably don't have to worry about permissions
6. Extract it. Replace blahblahblah with your file name
tar xvjpf blahblahblah.tar.bz2
7. Make a chroot script which contains all the necessary bind mounts and commands. Make sure it is in the same dir as your chroot!
# Enable network forwarding to the chroot
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
# Mount proc to "current directory"/proc
mount -t proc proc proc/
# Mount sys, bind
mount -o bind /sys sys/
# Mount dev, bind
mount -o bind /dev dev/
# Symlink proc/self/fd to dev/fd, or portage will fail
ln -s proc/self/fd dev/
# Write resolvconf
echo "" > etc/resolv.conf
# Make sure the permissions are correct
chmod 755 etc/resolv.conf
# Chroot using /bin/bash as shell
chroot . /bin/bash
Then chmod 755 the script
chmod 755 chroot.sh
8. All Gentoo users should know this...
source /etc/profile
9. Edit /etc/portage/make.conf
nano /etc/portage/make.conf
10. Add these lines to it
# This will disable userfetch, making name resolution work.
11. Adjust USE flags and other configs as necessary... save it
12. Enjoy Gentoo on your phone! :laugh::laugh:
13. Just Ctrl+D to exit chroot

Installing SuperSU root on Mi 5c

Here's a guide + script for installing SuperSU root on the Mi 5c.
I haven't yet managed to build a TWRP recovery image for it (I haven't really tried) - so this can be used to get root in the mean-time. (I also saw a Chinese TWRP ROM on the MIUI forums, but I haven't tried it myself)
Obviously modifying the phone system is risky, you may void the warranty, break it etc. I take no responsibility for that, and you use the instructions below at your own risk.
The script, and a few other tools I'm using for the Mi 5c can be found in my git repo: github.com/usedbytes/meri_tools
To use the script, you'll need a linux (or Mac, probably) computer with gcc and git installed, as well as a new-ish version of adb and fastboot. I'm running it on Arch Linux fine.
First get the phone into developer mode (tap on the MIUI version in About Phone 7 times), and enable adb debugging, and approve your computer to access debugging.
Then you need to download and extract the SuperSU "Installable Recovery" zip, and the Xiaomi stock ROM, which we will use for the install files.
Then, run the script below (meri_root.sh in the git repo).
The script installs all the bits needed, then reboots the phone with a rooted boot image. To make the root persistent, you need to flash the boot.supersu.img to the boot partition with fastboot (it just boots it by default).
# Script to root the Xiaomi Mi 5c, by manually installing SuperSU
# Copyright 2017 Brian Starkey
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# -- Disclaimer
# Obviously modifying your phone can be dangerous, void the warranty etc. etc.
# Use this script and the instructions within it at your own risk.
# -- Description
# The SuperSU installer seems to assume you already have root, and is intended
# to be run from a custom recovery (like TWRP). We don't have that, so we'll do
# some funny dances to do a systemless root without having root to begin with.
# The crux of the matter is using SuperSU's tools to patch the ramdisk and
# sepolciy (in /data/local/tmp, without root), then building a ramdisk with
# those components
# -- Usage
# Plug in the phone, make sure you have (persistent) adb debugging permissions
# and run this script like so:
# meri_root.sh SUPERSU_DIR ROM_DIR
# Where SUPERSU_DIR is a directory where you have downloaded and extracted the
# SuperSU "Recovery Flashable" zip file: http://www.supersu.com/download
# and ROM_DIR is a directory where you have downloaded and extracted the ROM
# from Xiaomi's download page: http://en.miui.com/download-322.html
# The script will make and boot a boot.img which enacts a systemless root.
# To make it persisent, you must flash it instead:
# fastboot flash boot.supersu.img
# By default, SuperSU removes dm-verity from /system and encryption from /data
# To prevent this, set PRESERVE_VERITY=1 before running the script:
# PRESERVE_VERITY=1 ./meri_root.sh ...
if [ $# -ne 2 ];
cat >&2 <<EOM
Usage: $(basename $0) SUPERSU_DIR ROM_DIR
Extract SuperSU zip file into SUPERSU_DIR, and the Xiaomi ROM into ROM_DIR,
then run this script.
exit 1
echo ${SUPERSU_DIR}/arm64/su
if [ ! -f ${SUPERSU_DIR}/arm64/su ]
echo "Invalid SUPERSU_DIR" >&2
exit 1
if [ ! -f ${ROM_DIR}/boot.img ]
echo "Invalid ROM_DIR" >&2
exit 1
# 1. Get mkbootimg and build it
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/osm0sis/mkbootimg.git || exit 1
cd mkbootimg
make || ( cd .. && exit 1 )
cd ..
# 2. Copy the SuperSU binaries to the device
echo "Waiting for device..."
adb wait-for-usb-device
adb push ${SUPERSU_DIR}/arm64/*su* /data/local/tmp/ || exit 1
adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/su*
# 3. Create the SuperSU systemless root image
# Ideally we'd set up security contexts too, but then you need to be running
# on an SELinux-enabled kernel in permissive mode.
# Instead, we will fix it on first boot.
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=96 of=su.img
mkfs.ext4 su.img
mkdir mnt
sudo mount su.img mnt
sudo mkdir mnt/{bin,xbin,lib,etc,su.d}
sudo chmod 0751 mnt/bin
sudo chmod 0755 mnt/{xbin,lib,etc}
sudo chmod 0700 mnt/su.d
sudo cp ${SUPERSU_DIR}/arm64/{su,sukernel} mnt/bin/
sudo cp ${SUPERSU_DIR}/arm64/su mnt/bin/daemonsu
sudo cp ${SUPERSU_DIR}/arm64/supolicy mnt/bin/supolicy_wrapped
sudo ln -s /su/bin/su mnt/bin/supolicy
sudo chown root:root mnt/bin/{su,daemonsu,sukernel,supolicy_wrapped}
sudo chmod 0755 mnt/bin/{su,daemonsu,sukernel,supolicy_wrapped}
sudo cp ${SUPERSU_DIR}/arm64/libsupol.so mnt/lib/libsupol.so
sudo chown root:root mnt/lib/libsupol.so
sudo chmod 0644 mnt/lib/libsupol.so
# Run a script at first-boot to fix up the SELinux contexts on the image
# It will remove itself after running
sudo bash -c "cat > mnt/su.d/firstboot.rc" <<EOF
chcon -hR u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 /su /data/local/tmp/su.img
rm /su/su.d/firstboot.rc
sudo chmod 0750 mnt/su.d/firstboot.rc
sudo umount mnt
# 4. Copy the systemless root image to the device
adb push su.img /data/local/tmp/su.img
# 5. Extract boot.img
mkdir bootimg
mkbootimg/unpackbootimg -o bootimg -i ${ROM_DIR}/boot.img
# 6. Unzip the ramdisk
cat bootimg/boot.img-ramdisk.gz | gunzip > ramdisk
# 7. Copy the ramdisk to the device, for patching
adb push ramdisk /data/local/tmp
# 8. Patch sepolicy and the ramdisk, using the SuperSU tools we copied over
# earlier
adb shell "
cd /data/local/tmp
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./supolicy --file /sepolicy ./sepolicy.patched
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./sukernel --patch ./ramdisk ramdisk.patched
# 9. Pull back the patched files
adb pull /data/local/tmp/sepolicy.patched /data/local/tmp/ramdisk.patched .
# 10. Extract the patched ramdisk, and install the patched sepolicy into it
mkdir ramdir
cat ramdisk.patched | sudo cpio --no-absolute-filenames -D ramdir -i
sudo cp sepolicy.patched ramdir/sepolicy
sudo chown root:root ramdir/sepolicy
sudo chmod 0644 ramdir/sepolicy
# 11. Install the SuperSU init scripts
sudo mkdir ramdir/su
sudo chmod 755 ramdir/su
sudo cp ${SUPERSU_DIR}/common/launch_daemonsu.sh ramdir/sbin
sudo chmod 744 ramdir/sbin/launch_daemonsu.sh
sudo chown root:root ramdir/sbin/launch_daemonsu.sh
sudo cp ${SUPERSU_DIR}/common/init.supersu.rc ramdir
sudo chmod 750 ramdir/init.supersu.rc
sudo chown root:root ramdir/init.supersu.rc
# 12. Patch the initscript for our img location and set the su.img context
sudo sed -i 's;/data/su.img;/data/local/tmp/su.img;' ramdir/init.supersu.rc
sudo sed -i '\;on property:sukernel.mount=1;a\ \ \ \ restorecon /data/local/tmp/su.img' ramdir/init.supersu.rc
sudo bash -c "echo /data/local/tmp/su.img u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 >> ramdir/file_contexts"
# Optional: Preserve dm-verity on /system, encryption on /data
if [ ! -z "$PRESERVE_VERITY" ] && [ $PRESERVE_VERITY -ne 0 ]
echo "Preserving dm-verity"
mkdir ramdir-stock
cat ramdisk | sudo cpio --no-absolute-filenames -D ramdir-stock -i
sudo cp ramdir-stock/{fstab.song,verity_key} ramdir/
sudo rm -rf ramdir-stock
# 13. Repack the ramdisk
cd ramdir
sudo find . ! -path . | sudo cpio -H newc -o | gzip > ../ramdisk.gz
cd ..
# 14. Repack the boot image
mkbootimg/mkbootimg \
--kernel bootimg/boot.img-zImage \
--ramdisk ramdisk.gz \
--cmdline "console=ttyS0,115200 earlyprintk=uart8250-32bit,0xF900B000 androidboot.hardware=song no_console_suspend debug user_debug=31 loglevel=8" \
--base 0x0 \
--pagesize 4096 \
--kernel_offset 0x0a080000 \
--ramdisk_offset 0x0c400000 \
--dt bootimg/boot.img-dtb \
--tags_offset 0xc200000 \
--os_version 0.0.0 \
--os_patch_level 0 \
--second_offset 0x00f00000 \
--hash sha256 \
--id \
-o boot.supersu.img
# 15. Boot it! (flash it if you want to make it persistent)
adb reboot-bootloader
fastboot boot boot.supersu.img
echo "Waiting for device..."
adb wait-for-usb-device
Hi ,
Can you give me some advice on how to run this on Windows? I can get a adb shell but thats as far as I can get. I don't know how I am supposed to run the script.
I am trying to root my mi 5c with your script, but I can't find sepolicy file on my phone, so for example this line can't be executed:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./supolicy --file /sepolicy ./sepolicy.patched
Do you know where I could find this file? I am using xiaomi.eu_multi_MI5c_7.4.6_v8-7.1 rom.
I've had exactly the same issue on a multirom and on xiaomi.eu_multi_MI5c_7.4.20(although i'm not sure if installed rom has something to do with it)
blagon said:
...I am trying to root my mi 5c with your script, but I can't find sepolicy file on my phone...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

cron 'forgets' to run commands, sleep forgets to return.

Hello everyone!
I've set up a cron job on boot which runs well only for smaller intervals like 1 minute. When the crontab file is set for, like, an hour, cron forgets to execute it.
This behavior is persistent with the sleep command also. I setup a script to run as boot which demonizes (&). It has a sleep command for an hour. Although the script loops over the sleep command once or twice but after that, it sleeps forever.
Cron setup --
Startup script at --
Contents --
mount -o remount,rw /
ln -s /system/bin /bin
mount -o remount,ro /
/data/data/com.arachnoid.sshelper/bin/crond -c /data/data/com.arachnoid.sshelper/spool
Contents of /data/data/com.arachnoid.sshelper/spool/root --
* 0 * * * echo test > /storage/615F-1CE7/custom_backup/test_write
Script setup --
Startup script at --
Contents --
exec custom_data_backup.sh &
cat /system/bin/custom_data_backup.sh
cat /system/bin/custom_data_backup.sh
#! /system/bin/sh
mkdir $SD_CARD/custom_backup &> /dev/null
while [[ j != k ]]
cd /data/data && echo test write > $SD_CARD/custom_backup/testWrite-`date +%s`
sleep $SECONDS
In all these cases I look at the timestamp of the created/overwritten file to check out when the command ran last.
Lineage 7.1.1
Device: yureka(tomato)
This script was also installed on --
Phone -- Moto G-TE (merlin)
Stock (device) Android 5.1.1, 6.0.0, 6.0.1
And the problem persisted here too.
System ticks slows down on these devices? Any fix?

Broken cache (17mb or less) fix script (samsung I9000)

Hi all,
I've been looking around to solve my /cache problem of it being only 17MB.
Found a temporary fix but that needed to be implemented or executed every boot up.
And since I am to lazy or stupid to remember that every boot I search for another solution ...
Combined a script from someone else with some stuf I found somewhere else...
Descriptions are in the code....
This code works on my samsung I9000 with Full Advance Rom final 6.0.1:good::good:
# stratosk - 27/07/2011
# Modified by Dutchpatriot 26/06/2017
# Works on Full advance Rom with I9000
# Change params
# Check your partitions name /cache
# Need to be root via ADB or root via device
# with the command : mount
# This fix is only needed when /cache has arround 17mb!!!
# run this command as root in ADB shell as root
# To be able to execute this you need to change file system from read-only to rewritable
# as root exec this command: mount -o rw,remount /system
# Paste this text in a file called cachefix.sh
# command : vi cachefix.sh
# If you like me, and arn't that good with vi
# I will attach a cachefix.sh to this post as
# cachefix.txt rename it to cachefix.sh
# give the cachefix.sh the right permissions
# chmod 777 cachefix.sh
# Run this once!
# sh /LOCATION_OF_SCRIPT/cachefix.sh
# or
# ./LOCATION_OF_SCRIPT/cachefix.sh
# when ran once the /data/local
# and all went well has a
# cache.img file
# This is now mounted as /cache
# command to see or verfy: mount
# /cache is now as big as you made it under
# Every time you reboot the 99Tcachefix script in /etc/init.d/ will be executed!
# adb root
# adb shell
# remount / and /system writable
mount -o rw,remount /
mount -o rw,remount /system
# EDIT the right old cache partitio /dev/block/mtdblock3 to fit yours!!!
# Makes script in /etc/init.d named 99Tcachefix so it will be executed on boot
echo "#!/system/bin/sh \n umount /dev/block/mtdblock3 \n losetup /dev/block/loop7 /data/local/cache.img \n mount -t ext4 /dev/block/loop7 /cache \n chown system.cache /cache \n chmod 770 /cache" >> /system/etc/init.d/99Tcachefix
# assign the right permissions to be executed as root but not edited
#There is a very neat trick in every Linux which will allow you to do so. It is called the SetUI bit.
#Keep in mind that you will need to have the permissions locked down tight in this file for this to be secure.
#Make the file owned by root and group root:
#sudo chown root.root <my script>
#Now set the SetUID bit, make it executable for all and writable only by root:
#sudo chmod 4755 <my script>
# Keep in mind if this script will allow any input or editing of files, this will also be done as root.
# source https://askubuntu.com/questions/167847/how-to-run-bash-script-as-root-with-no-password
# Leave as is!
chown root.root /system/etc/init.d/99Tcachefix
chmod 4755 /system/etc/init.d/99Tcachefix
# Check if dir is there else Create Dir LEAVE AS IS
if [ -d "/data/local" ]; then
echo "directory /data/local already there!"
echo "Showing dir /data/local"
sleep 3
ls "/data/local"
sleep 2
# create dir
mkdir /data/local
echo "Directory /data/local created"
# create a file 500mb (change if you like count=XXXXXX)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/local/cache.img bs=1024 count=500000
# create ext4 filesystem LEAVE AS IS!!
mke2fs -F -T ext4 /data/local/cache.img
# my cache partition is called /dev/block/mtdblock3 see whats yours is called and
# change this to yours!!!
umount /dev/block/mtdblock3
# mount LEAVE AS IS!!!
losetup /dev/block/loop7 /data/local/cache.img
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/loop7 /cache
chown system.cache /cache
chmod 770 /cache
# Remount / and /system as read-only again
mount -o ro,remount /system
mount -o ro,remount /
sleep 3
echo "Now after reboot this (cache) partition will be back!"
sleep 10
echo "All done, if there where no errors you can now delete cachefix.sh"
echo "If your new /cache partition is mounted with the given size than all is good"
echo "These are the configurations now"
# exec df command to show config now
sleep 10
With this your /cache will be changed to whatever values you give in the code...
For safety remove the cachefix.sh afterwards...
Added cachefix.txt, download and rename to cachefix.sh

