[NEED HELP] [CM12.1 PORT] Building error (No rule to make target [...]/src/R.stamp) - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello all,
I've been a member here for a while now, mostly consuming until this moment, but after buying a Galaxy Tab A 9.5 decided it was time to to some contributing (there isn't a working port of anything for it as far as I'm aware). So with some work of my own and major work and help from Nick Verse there is now a working current version building (and booting and functioning fully) of TWRP. For more on that, see the topic Nick made on that: http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/recovery-samsung-galaxy-tab-9-7-t3355465
Sources and files are at https://github.com/cyanonoob, and if necessary I can provide my local manifest, which includes these and TWRP.
As for building CM: after I setup the build environment, make clean and clobber (in case of previous (mis)builds), I do croot and then lunch cm_gt510wifi-userdebug && mka bacon. As far as I know that is what I'm supposed to do, and then there comes the journey of sorting through building errors, which is where I am now.
I'm currently stuck on this one (and couldn't find a way out), so I am hoping someone here can shine a light on it:
make: *** No rule to make target `/home/geert/android/system/out/target/common/obj/APPS/org.cyanogenmod.platform-res_intermediates/src/R.stamp', needed by `/home/geert/android/system/out/target/common/obj/APPS/AntHalService_intermediates/src/R.stamp'. Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
[33mNote: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.[0m
make: Leaving directory `/home/geert/android/system'
#### make failed to build some targets (03:44 (mm:ss)) ####
Full logfile here:
Thanks in advance,

graey said:
Hello all,
I've been a member here for a while now, mostly consuming until this moment, but after buying a Galaxy Tab A 9.5 decided it was time to to some contributing (there isn't a working port of anything for it as far as I'm aware). So with some work of my own and major work and help from Nick Verse there is now a working current version building (and booting and functioning fully) of TWRP. For more on that, see the topic Nick made on that: http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/recovery-samsung-galaxy-tab-9-7-t3355465
Sources and files are at https://github.com/cyanonoob, and if necessary I can provide my local manifest, which includes these and TWRP.
As for building CM: after I setup the build environment, make clean and clobber (in case of previous (mis)builds), I do croot and then lunch cm_gt510wifi-userdebug && mka bacon. As far as I know that is what I'm supposed to do, and then there comes the journey of sorting through building errors, which is where I am now.
I'm currently stuck on this one (and couldn't find a way out), so I am hoping someone here can shine a light on it:
Full logfile here:
Thanks in advance,
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Any Progress in porting cm tho gt510?

Did you manage to fix that error ???
How ??
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
Edit : to anyone who face that error....it is wrong build environment configuration....CM-12.1 require Open JDK 7 to build so you have to install Ubuntu 14.04 to compile it as Open JDK 7 got replaced with Open JDK 8 in Ubuntu 16.04....hope that helps
Best Regards


[DEV] Error building Froyo release for Nexus One

I did a vob sync to get the latest release to include Froyo...
I ran the extract-files.sh script to pull 'all needed files'
Configured for building Passion user debug...
I get the following error....
make: *** No rule to make target `frameworks/base/core/java/android/
server/search/SearchableInfo.aidl', needed by `out/target/common/obj/
ISearchManager.java'. Stop.
Can someone help me understand why this build error is occuring? I
would think that since I just did a sync with the platform manifest
everything should be there to build the official Froyo 2.2 for Nexus
- Jonathan Hirst
It looks like something didn't get configured. Did you clean your build environment to make sure there are no carry-overs from a previous build? What system are you building on?
If you're building on a Mac, you have to do it on a case-sensitive filesystem. Also, building on OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) is not supported, either.

I wish to become a developer for our O1's!

Hi guys, I would like to ask you what IDE's and other software I need to make and modify android roms. I am particularly looking at helping with ICS production. I know java and some C++ if this helps, I am unsure of what to use whether that be eclipse or some other IDE/SDk. Also there are a few file types I am unfamiliar with and want to know how to edit those such as .so's and other files. Thanks P500 community you guys are awesome D
If you haven't already, I'd highly reccomend setting up a build environment and trying to sync the cm repos. Once you have the code, you can play around and see what you need from there, in terms of an IDE.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA
Fantastic, I shall get onto that right away.
May the force be with you, bro!
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk 2
gymfreak7855 said:
Hi guys, I would like to ask you what IDE's and other software I need to make and modify android roms. I am particularly looking at helping with ICS production. I know java and some C++ if this helps, I am unsure of what to use whether that be eclipse or some other IDE/SDk. Also there are a few file types I am unfamiliar with and want to know how to edit those such as .so's and other files. Thanks P500 community you guys are awesome D
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gymfreak7855 said:
Hi guys, I would like to ask you what IDE's and other software I need to make and modify android roms. I am particularly looking at helping with ICS production. I know java and some C++ if this helps, I am unsure of what to use whether that be eclipse or some other IDE/SDk. Also there are a few file types I am unfamiliar with and want to know how to edit those such as .so's and other files. Thanks P500 community you guys are awesome D
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Read some android books.you already know c++ and Java so you will become good dev.
For playing with code you need.
sdk & adb.
And this "good luck!"
Yeah! Actually even i am interested in learning.
I know c/c++. No java yet
I'll be finishing my exams on the 3rd of may and would have around 2 months of vacations to learn
So guidance would really be appreciated. Do we need a separate sdk for linux based os? I have sdk on windows, isnt that enough?
What is the advantage of using linux for android development? I have backtrack(ubuntu based) on vmware. Will it do?
Essential Software:
Ubuntu 11.10 (dual boot not virtual machine, it's too slow)
Eclipse IDE with the Android plugins
Meld (for easy directory compares)
Mastery of the terminal especially git / repo commands
Github account
CyanogenMod gerrit account
Google Plus account
I'm assuming you're coming from Windows since you don't know what a .so file is (like I did when starting). .so files are android's versions of .dll files. 'executables' don't have a file extension. Kernel modules use the .ko extension.
(I think .so means shared object, .ko means kernel object. Makes sense to me anyway )
The worst thing about starting is simply the sheer size of the project, it is a whole operating system we are dealing with here!
Start simple and easy, follow the instructions on how to make your own build and flash it. (and feel proud you have your own build string in about phone!) Then do it again without the instructions. (harder than it sounds )
The programming side may not be such a problem for you if you already know it. I didn't know anything. reading library files written in c++ ain't so bad, but getting used to how an android app is written in java was a huge mindf**k for me at first.It still is actually
I'm really just your average code hacker, I just hack based on educated guesses but I have taken copious notes on what I do and how things work. Seriously, I have two A5 notebooks full of lists, commands, file locations, diagrams and other tips I've found over the past 6 months.
Prepare to read a lot, be confused a lot, say WTF?!?!?! a lot, delighted when you make your first changes and they work, a ton of waiting for builds to finish and perhaps a bit nervous when you are ready to submit your first commit to CyanogenMod...
Can't we practice on something less taxing than the the whole cyanogenmod, like maybe some prebuilt system apps?
I have allocated 2.9gb of ram and enough cpu to my vm for it to run smoothly so speed isn't really an issue here
Will backtrack do or would ubuntu be better(backtrack is a network security related os based on ubuntu only)
And how important is java. I have two months of almost pure vacations(just have to make a project) so time wont be much of an issue and i'll anyway be doing java in a year or two at college so starting now wont be any harm.
BTW just curious why is g+ account an essentiality here?
Oh and yeah ill be switching from win to linux and that IS going to be a pretty big problem :/
I don't even properly know what a kernel is and what it does.
Iv added you to my circles adfad please add me.
These guides could help!
I'm starting learning too. I already know the android framework and java.
I have some problems when I try to compile for a device.
[email protected]:~/WORKING_DIRECTORY$ source build/envsetup.sh
including device/moto/wingray/vendorsetup.sh
including device/samsung/maguro/vendorsetup.sh
including device/samsung/toro/vendorsetup.sh
including device/ti/panda/vendorsetup.sh
including vendor/cm/vendorsetup.sh
including sdk/bash_completion/adb.bash
It doesn't include device/cm_device_lge_p500/vendorsetup.sh (I'm using androidmeda's sources) and if I run "lunch":
[email protected]:~/WORKING_DIRECTORY$ lunch
You're building on Linux
Lunch menu... pick a combo:
1. full-eng
2. full_x86-eng
3. vbox_x86-eng
4. full_maguro-userdebug
5. full_toro-userdebug
6. full_panda-eng
7. cm_anzu-userdebug
8. cm_captivatemtd-userdebug
9. cm_coconut-userdebug
10. cm_crespo-userdebug
11. cm_crespo4g-userdebug
12. cm_epicmtd-userdebug
13. cm_galaxysbmtd-userdebug
14. cm_galaxysmtd-userdebug
15. cm_galaxys2-userdebug
16. cm_haida-userdebug
17. cm_hallon-userdebug
18. cm_i777-userdebug
19. cm_iyokan-userdebug
20. cm_mango-userdebug
21. cm_maguro-userdebug
22. cm_p1-userdebug
23. cm_p1c-userdebug
24. cm_p3-userdebug
25. cm_p4-userdebug
26. cm_p4tmo-userdebug
27. cm_p4vzw-userdebug
28. cm_p4wifi-userdebug
29. cm_p5-userdebug
30. cm_p5wifi-userdebug
31. cm_p920-userdebug
32. cm_p970-userdebug
33. cm_p990-userdebug
34. cm_p999-userdebug
35. cm_pyramid-userdebug
36. cm_satsuma-userdebug
37. cm_shooter-userdebug
38. cm_shooteru-userdebug
39. cm_smb_a1011-userdebug
40. cm_smultron-userdebug
41. cm_tenderloin-userdebug
42. cm_tf101-userdebug
43. cm_tf201-userdebug
44. cm_toro-userdebug
45. cm_urushi-userdebug
46. cm_vibrantmtd-userdebug
47. cm_wingray-userdebug
48. cm_zeus-userdebug
Which would you like? [full-eng]
There isn't our phone.
I think it can't know I've added another device. Does anybody know how to solve this problem? I'm sure it's something pretty stupid...
P.S. I'm using Ubuntu 11.10
EDIT: Ok, I think I've done something wrong syncing androidmeda sources.
What I've done is:
[email protected]:~$ cd WORKING_DIRECTORY
[email protected]:~/WORKING_DIRECTORY$ repo init -u git://github.com/androidmeda/cm_device_lge_p500.git
repo initialized in /home/francesco/WORKING_DIRECTORY
[email protected]:~/WORKING_DIRECTORY$ repo sync
Fetching projects: 100% (248/248), done.
Syncing work tree: 100% (248/248), done.
I've done this for git://github.com/androidmeda/cm_vendor_lge_p500.git and git://github.com/androidmeda/lge-kernel-msm7x27.git too. I can't see them though.
Solved the problem. Cloned androidmeda's device folder into device/lge/p500
make: *** Nessuna regola per generare l'obiettivo "device/lge/p500/init.p500.usb.rc
It's 'No rule to make target'. I don't know what to do, I can't even find that file, but I've got a file called init.thunderg.usb.rc
Solved renaming init.thunderg.usb.rc to init.p500.usb.rc. It's compiling now
adfad666 said:
Essential Software:
Ubuntu 11.10 (dual boot not virtual machine, it's too slow)
Eclipse IDE with the Android plugins
Meld (for easy directory compares)
Mastery of the terminal especially git / repo commands
Github account
CyanogenMod gerrit account
Google Plus account
I'm assuming you're coming from Windows since you don't know what a .so file is (like I did when starting). .so files are android's versions of .dll files. 'executables' don't have a file extension. Kernel modules use the .ko extension.
(I think .so means shared object, .ko means kernel object. Makes sense to me anyway )
The worst thing about starting is simply the sheer size of the project, it is a whole operating system we are dealing with here!
Start simple and easy, follow the instructions on how to make your own build and flash it. (and feel proud you have your own build string in about phone!) Then do it again without the instructions. (harder than it sounds )
The programming side may not be such a problem for you if you already know it. I didn't know anything. reading library files written in c++ ain't so bad, but getting used to how an android app is written in java was a huge mindf**k for me at first.It still is actually
I'm really just your average code hacker, I just hack based on educated guesses but I have taken copious notes on what I do and how things work. Seriously, I have two A5 notebooks full of lists, commands, file locations, diagrams and other tips I've found over the past 6 months.
Prepare to read a lot, be confused a lot, say WTF?!?!?! a lot, delighted when you make your first changes and they work, a ton of waiting for builds to finish and perhaps a bit nervous when you are ready to submit your first commit to CyanogenMod...
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Thanks man Your work has really inspired me and yes haha I am moving from windows all though I have had some experience with ubuntu before. It makes sense about the extensions. Thanks for your advice Will ask questions if I need to
I'm having problems compiling using make -j4
make -C kernel/lge/p500 O=/home/francesco/WORKING_DIRECTORY/out/target/product/p500/obj/KERNEL_OBJ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/home/francesco/WORKING_DIRECTORY/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi- cyanogenmod_p500_defconfig
make[1]: ingresso nella directory "/home/francesco/WORKING_DIRECTORY/kernel/lge/p500"
make[1]: *** Nessuna regola per generare l'obiettivo "cyanogenmod_p500_defconfig". Arresto.
make[1]: uscita dalla directory "/home/francesco/WORKING_DIRECTORY/kernel/lge/p500"
make: *** [/home/francesco/WORKING_DIRECTORY/out/target/product/p500/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config] Errore 2
make: *** Attesa per i processi non terminati....
'No rule to make target "cyanogenmod_p500_defconfig". Stop'
Any idea?
When I've used make -i I haven't had this problem
EDIT: Solved moving cyanogenmod_p500_defconfig in p500 folder
Ok, I'm trying to tidy up everything a bit. I've noticed there is a new github. I've seen this:
LG P500 ICS Setup
Copy/paste it WORKING_DIR/.repo/local_manifest.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project path="device/lge/p500" name="p500/cm_device_lge_p500" remote="github" revision="master" />
<project path="vendor/lge/p500" name="p500/cm_vendor_lge_p500" remote="github" revision="master" />
<project path="kernel/lge/p500" name="p500/lge-kernel-msm7x27" remote="github" revision="android-ics-msm-2.6.35" />
I have no local_manifest.xml. Do I have to create it? Or do I have to add these three lines to manifest.xml (which is in .repo folder)? And do I have to add toolchain too?
Question: if installing Ubuntu with wubi on Windows XP, will it show the dual-boot screen on every boot?(or else what shortcut?)
And does it need to defragment, or is it safe just like that?
vlt96 said:
Question: if installing Ubuntu with wubi on Windows XP, will it show the dual-boot screen on every boot?(or else what shortcut?)
And does it need to defragment, or is it safe just like that?
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No idea, never tried.
If you understand anything:
Why dont you use vmware instead?
Now someone help me with this:
Whenever i try to recompile the framework-res.apk(pasquale test)(even without editing) i get this error:
What can i do about it?
rishabh22 said:
No idea, never tried.
If you understand anything:
Why dont you use vmware instead?
Now someone help me with this:
Whenever i try to recompile the framework-res.apk(pasquale test)(even without editing) i get this error:
What can i do about it?
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VM got me an error when installing saying it is incompatible with win xp (I could install, but didn't wanna risk, windows is harder to recover than Android)
try using virtual box.
rishabh22 said:
try using virtual box.
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yea I did that... but did anyone try it on XP, it says it failed incompatibility tests or something (same error I got when trying to install windows 7 video drivers on xp) and I don't wanna risk, anyone?
I don't think it's good to install ubuntu to compile android in a virtual machine, I think the compilation would be too slow. I'm sorry I can't help you, I've installed ubuntu from a Live CD and I didn't have many problems with the installation process.
BTW, added the three lines to manifest.xml synced repo. It's compiling well using make -j4
vlt96 said:
yea I did that... but did anyone try it on XP, it says it failed incompatibility tests or something (same error I got when trying to install windows 7 video drivers on xp) and I don't wanna risk, anyone?
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huh? both vmware and virtual box arn't compatible with xp
why the heck were u trying to install win7 video drivers on xp
And why dont you dual boot?
---------- Post added at 08:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 PM ----------
ZatBaloo said:
I don't think it's good to install ubuntu to compile android in a virtual machine, I think the compilation would be too slow. I'm sorry I can't help you, I've installed ubuntu from a Live CD and I didn't have many problems with the installation process.
BTW, added the three lines to manifest.xml synced repo. It's compiling well using make -j4
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if you have enough ram and a good enough processor there shouldnt be any problem in using a virtual machine. i use backtrack with 2.9/4gb ram and am able to use both windows7 and backtrack simultaneously without any problems/lag
I have an i5 2.3-2.9GHz
Sure it depends on what you want to compile. It was just a suggestion to compile faster. You probably won't notice lag, but it will take more to compile everything.

CM build: "breakfast olympus" fails (Xoom kernel build attempt)

Hi guys,
My Atrix -> Xoom kernel port is complete. This is the nvodm version.
Right now I am trying to make a build of CM 9 based on my kernel and running into lots of hiccups
Yeap I am a noob so please bear with me. I am following the steps from http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Build_for_olympus, and got stuck at the step "Prepare the device-specific code"
$ breakfast olympus
including vendor/cm/vendorsetup.sh
build/core/product_config.mk:189: *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/*/olympus/cm.mk]]: "device/*/olympus/cm.mk" does not exist. Stop.
Device olympus not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from CyanogenMod Github (http://github.com/CyanogenMod).
Found repository: android_device_motorola_olympus
CyanogenMod/android_device_motorola_olympus already exists
Syncing repository to retrieve project.
warning: local_manifest.xml is deprecated; put local manifests in local_manifests instead
Fetching projects: 100% (1/1), done.
warning: local_manifest.xml is deprecated; put local manifests in local_manifests instead
Repository synced!
Looking for dependencies
Dependencies file not found, bailing out.
build/core/product_config.mk:189: *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/*/olympus/cm.mk]]: "device/*/olympus/cm.mk" does not exist. Stop.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_olympus'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
I figure that the script is reaching out to the wrong repo at https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_motorola_olympus
It should probably go to https://github.com/Atrix-Dev-Team/android_device_motorola_olympus
Am I right?
How to I correct this problem?
Thanks in advance..
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I think that the best way to solve this problem is pm someone that already build a rom from source as you wanna do.
Try to reach MMontuori or EPinter (both really kind and will help for sure) by pm, just a tip hehe.
Hope you can build it, best of luck.
Sorry but this mean that we have a new kernel to get full cm9/10/10.1 roms? W/o All the bugs like the videocam...?
Thanks for the hard work!
from the (M)ATRIX...
Ask epinter, he is such a great guy and he have helped other devs,
Sent from my MB860
Your kernel is booting?
Its a full port from Xoom or you are using the leaked Kernel?
Able to retrieve logs from USB?
Whats your status?
This is very important, because there is another porting project running (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2016837) and maybe your kernel source is better to keep up than the one they are trying to port.
Please... communicate!
matbarni said:
Your kernel is booting?
Its a full port from Xoom or you are using the leaked Kernel?
Able to retrieve logs from USB?
Whats your status?
This is very important, because there is another porting project running (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2016837) and maybe your kernel source is better to keep up than the one they are trying to port.
Please... communicate!
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Hey matbarni; take it easy and read the first post, not only the title.
It's not a matter of communication; If you can see the thread of the porting, you'll see some posts from user toyota86, which said he was working but in other branch because he has his reasons for it.
Please don't jump into conclussions and try to help, we all are struggling for an usable kernel; and EVERY help is welcome.
I'm sure any of the developers have contacted him by now or he tried to contact the developers, but he wants to see if anyone can give him a quick tip.
Enough. I'll shut my mouth off
Sorry guys. My mind was hazy when I posted that late last night.
What I meant by "complete" was that it simply built. That's it
Some early sanity testing of my kernel with CM7 resulted in a hang. Yes, I agree with most of you that the next logical thing to do is to flash That ROM and fastboot with my kernel. This can be a quick test. But I am a little suspicious the Bionic libraries may need to be rebuilt as well.
I have already sought advice from our Guru mmontuori and he has told me Kernel modules need to be rebuilt.
SO... lets build the whole she-bang
Raafat said:
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you will need a build without the errata hack in board config, like the cm10 based on the leak. or build using my jb-olympus-new branch.
you can remove all the kernel modules if your defconfig follows android standard...
jhonnyx said:
Hey matbarni; take it easy and read the first post, not only the title.
It's not a matter of communication; If you can see the thread of the porting, you'll see some posts from user toyota86, which said he was working but in other branch because he has his reasons for it.
Please don't jump into conclussions and try to help, we all are struggling for an usable kernel; and EVERY help is welcome.
I'm sure any of the developers have contacted him by now or he tried to contact the developers, but he wants to see if anyone can give him a quick tip.
Enough. I'll shut my mouth off
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I did not jump into conclusions.
As you can see, all I posted was questions. And yes, I read what toyota86 posted.
Like "Right now I am trying to make a build of CM 9 based on my kernel and running into lots of hiccups".
The way I am helping is to try to clarify to all users what this post is about.
Thanks for all the support guys
As much as I don't want you guys to be dissapointed, but dont put too much hope as to the outcome of my effort.
Now I have lots on my plate. I will update as I make progress.
thank you
Glad you have been working on this.I tried but abandoned due to insufficient knowledge. atrix was the best buy I've made in years.had it for 3 yes now and thanks to you and others it will live on. Im a trigger happy tester i try every ROM I see and can't wait to try yours.
epinter said:
you will need a build without the errata hack in board config
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Thank you sir. One question though..
Which errata hack were you referring to? Errata 657451 in the motorola's version of the bionic library? Eg...
In motorola's bionic, we see workarounds like this:
/* BEGIN MOT GB UPMERGE, a5705c, 12/21/2010 */
# ifdef HAVE_TEGRA_ERRATA_657451
# define __munge_tls(_v) ( ((_v)&~((1ul<<20)|1ul)) | (((_v)&0x1)<<20) )
# else
# define __munge_tls(_v) (_v)
Description of this errata:
config TEGRA_ERRATA_657451
bool "Store bit 20 of CP15 TLS register c13,3 in bit 0"
depends on ARCH_TEGRA_2x_SOC && HAS_TLS_REG
default y
This option enables a workaround for the 657451 Tegra 2 errata
which causes unreliable reads from bit 20 of the thread storage
register c13, 3 (used by the __set_tls system call). It stores the
value intended for bit 20 into bit 0 instead; in most user-space
environments, the value saved by __set_tls is an aligned address,
so repurposing bit 0 will not cause ill effects.
In my noob'ish understanding, there is a hardware related bug in our Atrix Tegra 2 SOC that causing data corruption in Thread Local Storage (TLS). Researching this on the net, some ppl were talking about a possibility of a buggy version of this hardware in Atrix. It is also worth noting that this workaround however is NOT present in Stingray's kernel & bionic.
I don't think I remember seeing this workaround in CM's bionic, which is one of my initial concerns..I will look further at home tonight..
Errrrm... Isn't the Bionic a TI OMAP device?
can you post your kernel so others can test it? i have minimal knowledge but would love to help with testing
quetzalcoatl2435 said:
Errrrm. Isn't the Bionic a TI OMAP device?
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Bionic is Android's standard C library. Don't worry
toyota86 said:
Hi guys,
My Atrix -> Xoom kernel port is complete. This is the nvodm version.
Right now I am trying to make a build of CM 9 based on my kernel and running into lots of hiccups
Yeap I am a noob so please bear with me. I am following the steps from http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Build_for_olympus, and got stuck at the step "Prepare the device-specific code"
$ breakfast olympus
including vendor/cm/vendorsetup.sh
build/core/product_config.mk:189: *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/*/olympus/cm.mk]]: "device/*/olympus/cm.mk" does not exist. Stop.
Device olympus not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from CyanogenMod Github (http://github.com/CyanogenMod).
Found repository: android_device_motorola_olympus
CyanogenMod/android_device_motorola_olympus already exists
Syncing repository to retrieve project.
warning: local_manifest.xml is deprecated; put local manifests in local_manifests instead
Fetching projects: 100% (1/1), done.
warning: local_manifest.xml is deprecated; put local manifests in local_manifests instead
Repository synced!
Looking for dependencies
Dependencies file not found, bailing out.
build/core/product_config.mk:189: *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/*/olympus/cm.mk]]: "device/*/olympus/cm.mk" does not exist. Stop.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_olympus'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
I figure that the script is reaching out to the wrong repo at https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_motorola_olympus
It should probably go to https://github.com/Atrix-Dev-Team/android_device_motorola_olympus
Am I right?
How to I correct this problem?
Thanks in advance..
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How did you solve this? I am trying to build for coconut (SE Live With Walkman) and stuck at breakfast.

The Ultra Collective

The Ultra Collective
//ToDo: What we are about
I'm looking to gather a group of like minded togari users/devs that want to work together to help each other bring the best of android to the ZU. This stems from the Ubuntu Touch thread where 3 of us have face the same errors in porting things to the ZU
@KalleEatingBrain and @Kohelet I'm looking at you
//ToDo: member list
BlueEther - Admin
- Second Admin
- Artist and Writer
- Code Monkey
Testers: iBuzman,
I'm looking for members to help port useful code and to contribute to our small community
//ToDo: list of current working projects
Pimped Kernel
CM 11 Kernel
Stock Kernel
Double Tap 2 Wake
Carbon ROM
Ubuntu Touch
Git Repos
//ToDo: repos for different things for the ZU
Togari kernel with CM and Pimped branches
Index of Useful Posts
//ToDo: keep index upto date
AOSP build error: "make: *** No rule to make target..."
XDA:DevDB Information
The Ultra Collective, ROM for the Sony Xperia Z Ultra
Based On: AOSP, Carbon, Ubuntu, etc
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2014-06-29
Last Updated 2014-06-29
Subscribed... Happy to help, but can't code.. (looking for opportunity to learn but I wouldn't want to waste a team's time indulging me) Tester maybe? (or "grunt" for non difficult stuff - have unlimited download per month, a cygwin linux bash shell and free nights home alone with a pc lol)
I'm unavailable but I think it's a great initiative and I wish it all the best. ?
Sent from my C6833 using Tapatalk
AOSP build error:
make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/togari/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/usr', needed by `out/target/product/togari/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libOmxVdec_intermediates/src/frameparser.o'. Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
[email protected]:~/dev/aosp$
Run make again and it seems to go away. ie only happens on first build after "make clean"
iBuzman said:
Subscribed... Happy to help, but can't code.. (looking for opportunity to learn but I wouldn't want to waste a team's time indulging me) Tester maybe? (or "grunt" for non difficult stuff - have unlimited download per month, a cygwin linux bash shell and free nights home alone with a pc lol)
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You've done it now...
blueether said:
You've done it now...
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I better grab some apis... Maybe even a dual boot set up if I get real motivated...
I'll be a tester if you need more.
I love the idea and I'll volunteer to be a tester if you need more.
blueether said:
AOSP build error:
make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/togari/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/usr', needed by `out/target/product/togari/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libOmxVdec_intermediates/src/frameparser.o'. Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
[email protected]:~/dev/aosp$
Run make again and it seems to go away. ie only happens on first build after "make clean"
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Click to collapse
So you run `make` -> fails -> `make` (again) -> works? So without another `make clean` in between? Then this is usually a sign for something not building well in parallel or the buildscript being broken. Does it run succesful if you do a `make -j1`?
NIce thread idea. I will join you for sure once I have some more spare time.

[ROM COMPILING] some advice needed : (

i want to admit that im beginner developer that is slowly starting his adventure with rom compiling
after getting rid of tons of errors, configuring sources etc theres one problem i dont know how to fix
make: *** No rule to make target 'NOTICE-TARGET-STATIC_LIBRARIES-libinit_msm', needed by '/home/android/cm12.1/out/target/product/g2m/root/init'. Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
spent whole day searching fix for this in google without success
any help would be really appreciated ! : )
would like to remove the file from source but cant find any string including this file in any boardconfig
Similar error from make
Did u find a solution to ur problem? I have a very similar one while trying to build android
make: *** No rule to make target '/home/robert/android/faosp/out/target/product/surnia/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libinit_msm_intermediates/export_includes', needed by '/home/robert/android/faosp/out/target/product/surnia/obj/EXECUTABLES/init_intermediates/import_includes'
Somewhere i read the error is due to some missing sources but i don't know how i can find out which one.
Make sure you got all your repo's synced completely, also check your manifest, which can give some errors too... maybe this will help you search for these type of problems
yes true, that was my error. i had overseen a project supplying local_manifests in the same repo where i got the kernel, device and vendor sources
MrMaddTraxx said:
Make sure you got all your repo's synced completely, also check your manifest, which can give some errors too... maybe this will help you search for these type of problems
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did all syncs still getting this error... any solutiion yet??
been searching on internet for 3 days

