[Question] Is there anyway to get a linux running on android? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So i really am looking for a way to get linux possibly debian or ubuntu to get working on my android. tried linux deploy , complete linux installer, gnuroot...no luck. Please helo if you can
Device: xaomi mi4, android 6.0.1 cyanogenmod

Sorry for the necro, but gnuroot debian on the playstore should work! Remember it only installs the backbone of linux via a P-root (like chroot). You would need to install and set-up all dependencies you need to run applications by yourself though! I had no issues running octave (even in gui) and blender. I still have more to learn about bash. Anything that can run on arm64 (if your soc has an instruction set of armv7+). Also since you are rooted, you should be able to get even kernal installed easily, but it will take some time, patience and work!!


android apps on linux?

as many of you know, android and Linux kernels started re-merging at version 3.3. People said that a short way down the road, android apps would be able to run natively in linux. the kernel is now version 3.6 and I've heard nothing more about running android apps in linux. people on these and other forums put a lot of great work into getting linux running on android devices. now with windows 8 coming out, the market will be full of both ARM and x86 based touch devices of all sizes and shapes. I for one would love to be able to boot up ubuntu on one of these devices, and use either traditional linux apps or android touch apps as my mood and situation dictate. so- any new word on when we will be able to run android apps in linux?
we are exploring this possibility, and did some work, but nothing to release yet.
I assume you already know that for now, you can run Android as a virtual machine on Linux host.
cool to hear the work is progressing, good luck!
I heard about using a VM but was never able to find where to get it.
nothing substantial yet, we wanted to run android apps directly on desktops, Linux or Windows. Using a virtual machine is really an over kill.
You can download a prebuilt vm from ours:
it has been downloaded millions of times. You can search "Android vm" on google to find instructions.
I am also hoping to see a solution to this question also. I understand that Debian, fedora and Arch Linux all have different packaging systems i always thought is was a smiler difference with android with more Java worked into the core of things. So i would think that adding the proper Java support to any Linux distro to support the apk package it should work but i am not a programmer.

[Q] Chroot question

This might be a weird one, but has anyone has come up with the notion of chrooting android x86 inside a pc linux distro. The reverse is quite common ( linux deploy, lil debi etc bundling a debian environment inside a linux device ). I was googling my day to something describing this as something common yet, nothing ( it can be done almost casually on android devices an likewise on major linux distros ).
Has it crossed anyone else's mind ? Whould anybody be interested in postinge something I might have missed or stopping me from trying ( providing sound reasons for not doing so or shouting "this is madness" for maximum drama effect ) .
Whould anyone find it interresting if..... should..... maybe.... provided that i succeeded I post the proccess ?
Hi, yes I thought about this too and spend way too much time looking for a solution like that Plase post if you find anything or even manage to do something on your own. This would totally rock, as I don't want to use any proprietary OS but would like to play some Android games on my computer.
I found a thread where someone managed to do this, but running on the Android kernel. It's still different from running GNU+Linux chrooted, because on the Android kernel runs GNU+Linux and then Android chrooted (kinda complicated ). I asked whether it's possible to have the GNU+Linux kernel running isntead of Android's, you can check it out here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1780378
Also, maybe we can just copy from Chromium/ Chrome OS when they are done implementing support for natively running Android Apps on the OS (which they announcend on Google IO 2014). Hmm, probably not so great (fast) since it will run inside the browser...
A google search got me here. What you guys what to do is a lil different then what i want. I have a really neat device an ASUS TRIO an intel atom powered device.
It has android 4.3 and a windows 10 in the keyboard. The problem is the android 4.3 is so dang old. Id love if it had an update available but only the french tablet asus made that copied the trio tablet only (not dock) got an update to android 4.4. So it got me thinking could I run chrome os on this tablet and gain back more of the support ive lost since the android is so old. That led me to chroot and I know I can run debian but like I said Id love to run chrome os but no one is working on this or I cant find it. Suggestions?
I do not get why this should be a problem. You simply can not chroot into different architectiute (PC is x86 or x86_64). But you can use emulator to provide "bridge" between those architectures. Its called Qemu. You can use qemu binaries for chroot into another architecture. But I do not think that what you want, you area talking about gaming a android games on PC. Thats possible too but I think its not called chroot but its again emulator (not qemu but android emulator) for example AnBox.


Has anyone so far got any form of linux (vnc or framebuffer or any way it might work) on our tablet? A while ago i saw @Stevethegreat write about it in the androplus kernel thread and i'm wondering if anything came out of that. It would be really nice to get debian or ubuntu on here because my note 10.1 is getting quite slow for more demanding programs with its weedy 1.4 ghz exynos while the 810 would probably do amazingly well. By the way in case anyone was about to suggest it-- the linux deploy or complete linux installer apps don't seem to work on this tablet (stock rooted and androplus kernel), linux deploy fails at the beginning of the install and complete linux installer just plain force closes when trying to start the linux.... Any ideas?
What do you want to run on the tablet?
Graphic-wise I do not miss anything.
With a terminal emulator and busybox or adb-shell the commandline takes me far...
I could even cross compile some arm-binaries if I had the itch.
For my server needs I have a Raspberry Pi2 (seafile, carddav, caldav) for < 50 EUR with nice case and power supply. Eats < 10 EUR electricity/year.
DHGE said:
What do you want to run on the tablet?
Graphic-wise I do not miss anything.
With a terminal emulator and busybox or adb-shell the commandline takes me far...
I could even cross compile some arm-binaries if I had the itch.
For my server needs I have a Raspberry Pi2 (seafile, carddav, caldav) for < 50 EUR with nice case and power supply. Eats < 10 EUR electricity/year.
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I mostly need propper linux to run exagear desktop which enables x86 programs to run on arm so that these tablets can be used as a intel laptop replacement . While it runs fine on my pi2 that is really a bit too weak even at 1 or 1.2 ghz and while it is faster on the old note i bet the 810 would make it approach the speeds of a entry level or mid range intel laptop and increase usability by alot. It also seems to me a bit weird how the apps i wrote about in the first post simply do not work on the z4tab even with selinux on premissive and such.
I don't own the tablet so I can't be 100% sure. However if you compile a kernel with Virtual Terminal support and follow the linux guide I wrote for Note 10.1 2014 tablet , I'm mostly positive that you'd get a rather responsive linux implementation. You have to forget hardware acceleration though (as it is dependant to the particular architecture of each and every device), unless you found a way to implement it...
Stevethegreat said:
I don't own the tablet so I can't be 100% sure. However if you compile a kernel with Virtual Terminal support and follow the linux guide I wrote for Note 10.1 2014 tablet , I'm mostly positive that you'd get a rather responsive linux implementation. You have to forget hardware acceleration though (as it is dependant to the particular architecture of each and every device), unless you found a way to implement it...
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This guide? http://forum.xda-developers.com/gal...-to-install-gnu-linux-samsung-galaxy-t3239809
I will try it but first i need to figure out why the linuxdeploy itself wont work... But thank you anyway, no hardware acceleration is more than good enough for my needs
ml11ML said:
This guide? http://forum.xda-developers.com/gal...-to-install-gnu-linux-samsung-galaxy-t3239809
I will try it but first i need to figure out why the linuxdeploy itself wont work... But thank you anyway, no hardware acceleration is more than good enough for my needs
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Yeah, but you have to edit some of the files there. For example the kernel used there is obviously for Note tablet, *don't attempt to flash it to Xperia tablet* it will brick it. Also you'd have to edit the xorg.conf fille that you have to copy to the first step (follow the explanation part).
If you do the above two probably both the quick guide and the full guide would work. If not it would mean that I'd have to update my LinuxCanvas app, in which case someone should donate to me an Xperia tablet Z4
Stevethegreat said:
Yeah, but you have to edit some of the files there. For example the kernel used there is obviously for Note tablet, *don't attempt to flash it to Xperia tablet* it will brick it. Also you'd have to edit the xorg.conf fille that you have to copy to the first step (follow the explanation part).
If you do the above two probably both the quick guide and the full guide would work. If not it would mean that I'd have to update my LinuxCanvas app, in which case someone should donate to me an Xperia tablet Z4
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One would have to be pretty mad to go trying to install Linux on a tablet and then flash a kernel from a samsung to a sony xD But yeah... i will try it IF this Linux Deploy will get about maybe working for a change...
ml11ML said:
One would have to be pretty mad to go trying to install Linux on a tablet and then flash a kernel from a samsung to a sony xD But yeah... i will try it IF this Linux Deploy will get about maybe working for a change...
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Yeah I know, I just want to be clear so that nobody (of those reading here) would attmpt that and suddenly think that I was the one that bricked his device. I can do without such charges
As for linuxdeploy, I use version 1.5.3 in my guide as it is the one with less issues. I gave a link there to the apk. Try it and see how it goes.
ml11ML said:
Has anyone so far got any form of linux (vnc or framebuffer or any way it might work) on our tablet?
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Linux deploy 1.5.6, current from play store, works well for me on a rooted SGP771, of course with an Andro+ kernel. Using armhf gave the least problems to get a Ubuntu or Debian installed with graphics via a local or remote VNC viewer.
Since the Z4T is 64 bits, I however aimed to install an arm64 architecture. Here, the success rate is lower, which is mostly due to packages that cannot be installed and a bug in tightvncserver with arm64 and higher color depth'.
I however finally succeeded with arm64 too, by using Ubuntu wily, LXDE and an x11rdp installed via ssh instead of tightvncserver. Now I'm trying a framebuffer display for speed, power consumption and a higher DPI, but yet without success. Changing DPI for VNC is simple, as Linux Deploy has a setting for it, but using RDP this seems to be tricky.
Did you say which error you get with Linux Deploy? I found it useful to turn on debug and trace output in the settings. The very first issue I had with Linux Deploy, first on the SGP621, later again on the SGP771, was that I tried to use the file method on the external SD card without the necessary permissions. On the Z4T I now use the internal storage instead, it's much faster too.
Unfortunately I'm not a Linux or Android guy, so I need to google solutions for each and every problem I encounter and I don't even think of trying to resolve package installation problems.
My objective is mostly to see how far I can get using Linux on such a lightweight device as the Z4T.
I already had the Eclipse IDE with JDT and CDT running fast enough for productive work. GHC (Haskell) runs too, but not GHCI. Using Linux with a touchscreen only and at such a high DPI is still disappointing. To my surprise, mc works rather well with a tochscreen in a fullscreen terminal via ssh. My holy grail shall however be to see Windows 8.1 running in qemu. I wonder how that will perform. Not so well I suppose. Maybe a combination of Wine and qemu would work ok, where qemu only executes the x86 application code and leaves the OS code behind the Windows APIs up to be executed natively by Wine...
On my raspi2 I use armhf
Interesting how far you've come.
On my Raspberry I have no problems (even used LibreOffice on LXDE) with armhf.
armhf (32 bit) gives no problems in package selections so far and should work on the Tablet Z4.
Some background:
Problems with the tablet could setting up drivers for the qualcomm hardware in your version of Linux.
At least SONY provide the sources for the kernel and heading over to qualcomm there is tons of documentation. Here you look at specific (OEM-) boards. Our tablet is not that exotic.
I doubt you could run a huge operating system of INTEL-architecture due to memory constraints. Windows NT4 or XP might be possible in 3Gbytes host memory.
vartha said:
Linux deploy 1.5.6, current from play store, works well for me on a rooted SGP771, of course with an Andro+ kernel. Using armhf gave the least problems to get a Ubuntu or Debian installed with graphics via a local or remote VNC viewer.
Since the Z4T is 64 bits, I however aimed to install an arm64 architecture. Here, the success rate is lower, which is mostly due to packages that cannot be installed and a bug in tightvncserver with arm64 and higher color depth'.
I however finally succeeded with arm64 too, by using Ubuntu wily, LXDE and an x11rdp installed via ssh instead of tightvncserver. Now I'm trying a framebuffer display for speed, power consumption and a higher DPI, but yet without success. Changing DPI for VNC is simple, as Linux Deploy has a setting for it, but using RDP this seems to be tricky.
Did you say which error you get with Linux Deploy? I found it useful to turn on debug and trace output in the settings. The very first issue I had with Linux Deploy, first on the SGP621, later again on the SGP771, was that I tried to use the file method on the external SD card without the necessary permissions. On the Z4T I now use the internal storage instead, it's much faster too.
Unfortunately I'm not a Linux or Android guy, so I need to google solutions for each and every problem I encounter and I don't even think of trying to resolve package installation problems.
My objective is mostly to see how far I can get using Linux on such a lightweight device as the Z4T.
I already had the Eclipse IDE with JDT and CDT running fast enough for productive work. GHC (Haskell) runs too, but not GHCI. Using Linux with a touchscreen only and at such a high DPI is still disappointing. To my surprise, mc works rather well with a tochscreen in a fullscreen terminal via ssh. My holy grail shall however be to see Windows 8.1 running in qemu. I wonder how that will perform. Not so well I suppose. Maybe a combination of Wine and qemu would work ok, where qemu only executes the x86 application code and leaves the OS code behind the Windows APIs up to be executed natively by Wine...
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I am now installing the v20 androplus and rooting.. will try again when this is done
vartha said:
Linux deploy 1.5.6, current from play store, works well for me on a rooted SGP771, of course with an Andro+ kernel. Using armhf gave the least problems to get a Ubuntu or Debian installed with graphics via a local or remote VNC viewer.
Since the Z4T is 64 bits, I however aimed to install an arm64 architecture. Here, the success rate is lower, which is mostly due to packages that cannot be installed and a bug in tightvncserver with arm64 and higher color depth'.
I however finally succeeded with arm64 too, by using Ubuntu wily, LXDE and an x11rdp installed via ssh instead of tightvncserver. Now I'm trying a framebuffer display for speed, power consumption and a higher DPI, but yet without success. Changing DPI for VNC is simple, as Linux Deploy has a setting for it, but using RDP this seems to be tricky.
Did you say which error you get with Linux Deploy? I found it useful to turn on debug and trace output in the settings. The very first issue I had with Linux Deploy, first on the SGP621, later again on the SGP771, was that I tried to use the file method on the external SD card without the necessary permissions. On the Z4T I now use the internal storage instead, it's much faster too.
Unfortunately I'm not a Linux or Android guy, so I need to google solutions for each and every problem I encounter and I don't even think of trying to resolve package installation problems.
My objective is mostly to see how far I can get using Linux on such a lightweight device as the Z4T.
I already had the Eclipse IDE with JDT and CDT running fast enough for productive work. GHC (Haskell) runs too, but not GHCI. Using Linux with a touchscreen only and at such a high DPI is still disappointing. To my surprise, mc works rather well with a tochscreen in a fullscreen terminal via ssh. My holy grail shall however be to see Windows 8.1 running in qemu. I wonder how that will perform. Not so well I suppose. Maybe a combination of Wine and qemu would work ok, where qemu only executes the x86 application code and leaves the OS code behind the Windows APIs up to be executed natively by Wine...
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Well now on marshmallow it works!

Linux on android

One of the coolest things, for me, that you can do on your phone is install and run a full linux distribution parallel with your android. I've been using LinuxDeploy for years, and recently termux with Ubuntu and UserLAnd on a non rooted Oreo. It's mostly running great with most apps actually loading (and running) faster than on my iMac with a i5 processor! Due to tightening 'security' each new version of Android makes it more and more difficult to run linux.
What I would like to know, before upgrading to Pie, is if there is any other linux on android user reading this, does everything still work on the Pie? Rooted or non-rooted?

Native Arch Linux

I'm looking for a way to install arch Linux NATIVELY on the touchpad, I tried with kexec and the images available for it and it's all broken, it won't even complete the installation, I also tried this install guide with this image because the install guide uses images that are no longer available to download, but also no luck, there is also this post but the guy said it's really old and the txt file that is in his archive keeps repeating that it's "hacky".
So I really need a nice and modern approach, I know a lot about Linux, just not about porting so if someone wants to try and make a new port and a new installation method I could try to help.
We should really try to do this because it would bring a new life to the TP, imagine running i3-gaps on this beautiful piece of hardware.
Hope you guys can help me and before I post this I gotta say: "Btw, I use Arch".
arrudagates said:
I'm looking for a way to install arch Linux NATIVELY on the touchpad,
That will require a new Kernel and drivers for WiFI, Sound, Touch Screen and any other hardware.
I tried with kexec and the images available for it and it's all broken, it won't even complete the installation, I also tried this install guide with this image because the install guide uses images that are no longer available to download, but also no luck, there is also this post but the guy said it's really old and the txt file that is in his archive keeps repeating that it's "hacky".
So I really need a nice and modern approach, I know a lot about Linux, just not about porting so if someone wants to try and make a new port and a new installation method I could try to help.
We should really try to do this because it would bring a new life to the TP, imagine running i3-gaps on this beautiful piece of hardware.
Hope you guys can help me and before I post this I gotta say: "Btw, I use Arch".
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The only way that I know that is reliable and works using the lastes Ubuntu, Debian or Arch in a chroot environment.
Click HERE for how to How to install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionix Beaver, armhf on the HP Touchpad Desktop Environment XFCE and LXDE on a partition as chroot.
The only way that I know that is reliable and works using the lastes Ubuntu, Debian or Arch in a chroot environment.
Click HERE for how to How to install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionix Beaver, armhf on the HP Touchpad Desktop Environment XFCE and LXDE on a partition as chroot.
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I mean, that would work, but would require Android and wouldn't be native, I want to have arch and webos, both running native.
arrudagates said:
I mean, that would work, but would require Android and wouldn't be native, I want to have arch and webos, both running native.
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The kernel is what makes the OS works by providing support for the hardware. WebOS Kernel is OLD and not supported by any current Linux, even LuneOS use the Android Kernel.
Android can be install and keep WebOS, it was a great OS but not nothing current will run on it.
Using the method posted, the most up to date and current Linux distribution of Arch, Debian, Ubuntu and more can all be install on the same Tablet running Android and use any Linux flavor without rebooting.
Android provides a very stable newer kernel that will share the resources with any listed Linux flavors and those built are native arm, runs super fast. If you want it to have all that done natively and not using Android, then the Kernel must be modified and all the "private drivers" ported to the most current version of Linux. The OS can not be updated as Linux will modify the Kernel, breaking everything. But everything is possible, is up to the user how much time and dedication plus the knowledge required to make it work.
The kernel is what makes the OS works by providing support for the hardware. WebOS Kernel is OLD and not supported by any current Linux, even LuneOS use the Android Kernel.
Android can be install and keep WebOS, it was a great OS but not nothing current will run on it.
Using the method posted, the most up to date and current Linux distribution of Arch, Debian, Ubuntu and more can all be install on the same Tablet running Android and use any Linux flavor without rebooting.
Android provides a very stable newer kernel that will share the resources with any listed Linux flavors and those built are native arm, runs super fast. If you want it to have all that done natively and not using Android, then the Kernel must be modified and all the "private drivers" ported to the most current version of Linux. The OS can not be updated as Linux will modify the Kernel, breaking everything. But everything is possible, is up to the user how much time and dedication plus the knowledge required to make it work.
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I don't mind running old kernel/package versions, I am actually trying to run the old projects but most have the Images down and unavailable and the ones that don't just straight won't work.
arrudagates said:
I don't mind running old kernel/package versions, I am actually trying to run the old projects but most have the Images down and unavailable and the ones that don't just straight won't work.
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I never installed any native Linux Os on the Tablet. The Ubuntu Touch was promising but never took off. The system must be stable for anything to be use otherwise is just experimental as most of those builds were. Running Linux in a Chroot environment is somewhat, not the same, as a Linux guest virtual machine and Android as a host.
That is the only way I know of, that is stable and current.
Ok so right now I have two more options available to try but they are probably not gonna work, in that case I'll start to look about making my own port of ArchLinuxARM
arrudagates said:
Ok so right now I have two more options available to try but they are probably not gonna work, in that case I'll start to look about making my own port of ArchLinuxARM
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I did search for a working native linux OS for the Tablet, but did not found any.
It can surely be done, take a look at this video and the source at GitHub.
The Tablet uses LVM and can easily be partition in any way. It can also boot directly into Linux. The only thing to do is rename the file in /boot uImage.moboot to the Linux uImage ( example ) uImage.ArchLinux.
If any help, let me know.
Have fun!
I'm making some progress
arrudagates said:
I'm making some progress
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Congratulations !
You did it ! once it boots is all it matters.
This is an idea, a chroot Arch can be built inside Android
A partition can be created in LVM Arch_Linux ( any size )
Inside Android with the App I posted, create the Chroot Arch Linux ( up to date )
Then modify the Ramdisk to direct at the partition Arch_Linux ( same it was use in the Chroot )
Then it should boot up ( some other changes will need to happen I guess)
Arch armv7l as chroot in Android 8.1 with HpTp_MAX
Testing the new kernel settings in Android and installed the latest version of Linux Arch using Linux Deploy.
It is fast and it would be even better running native!
Attached are the screenshots.

