Auto-complete in phone dialer not using default number first?? - LG G5 Questions & Answers

When I open the phone dialer and start dialing someone's name it will give me the normal suggestions below the phone number but at least like 50% of the time it will show the person's non-mobile number. So I'll start dialing Steve or whatever and it'll suggest Steve Lastname Home with the dropdown that shows:
Search Results
Steve Lastname
Home 123-456-7890
Steve Lastname
Mobile 321-456-7890
For the life of me I can't get the Mobile to be the first suggestion. On previous phones I just set whichever number I wanted to suggest first as default but it's like this phone doesn't check which one is default. And I can't determine any rhyme or reason as to the order it chooses. It sometimes put work first, sometimes even work fax. I think it's consistent for each person (ie whichever it puts first, it always puts first for that person) but honestly I've been so frustrated by it that I might have even missed that changing. I had a problem like this on the Samsung S5 a while back when I first got it, but then it stopped happening.
Anyone have any idea how to fix this?


App Request

Is there any way to turn my cell phone into an auto dialer?
Somehow have maybe an excel file loaded with names and numbers (scrubbed against a do not call list)
Plug that list into the dialer and the cell keeps dialing numbers.
When someone picks up a screen pops up either on a pc or the phone that displays the persons name and phone number with the ability to write notes.
After the call maybe hit a button and the process picks up where it left off.
I know a ton of people who would pay for something like this.

[Q] all I want is my picture to come up!

when I sens SMS messages on the streak, I'm a greay box, and my girlfriend is beautiful
I don't want to be a grey box anymore.
I've read in a few places that you need to upload a picture into your google profile, but I've done it for every profile I have/can find and it doesn't update to my phone.
anybody have any ideas?
You have to have your own number saved onto your SIM card.
There should be a "SIM Manager" app somewhere on your phone when you're on StreakDroid (DJSteve's ROM), you can add your own number (with "Me" as the name as far as I remember) there ..
Your picture should show up then, at least after rebooting your phone.
I use a stock ROM (347). On my Streak...
1. It is true that you have to save your own phone number to the contact list. However, it is not required that the number be saved to the SIM card. Yes, saving it to the SIM card makes certain that you never lose it should you have to wipe the internal memory. But the contact can be saved to the internal memory without issue.
2. The contact can be named anything you wish and will still work. I use my name and have no issues. This is because the messaging app looks for the phone number first. If it finds that the phone number is the one issued by the carrier, the messaging app will label it "Me". If someone else's number, it will pull the name from the contact and use that.
3. The changes take effect immediately. No rebooting required.
I don't use StreakDroid obviously, so I can't speak for that ROM, but unless the Contacts app has been replaced with something else, what I said above should apply.
I think I need to set it up in the "my phone number" area of my phone first, it comes up as "unknown"
nothing seems to be able to fix it because my research shows that it's something that needs to be set up especialy on the SIM first.
and my carrier is useless and has me on hold while they talk to dell, who'll likely say it can't be done.
I'll just use my girlfriends iPhone to do it...
Are you carrier locked? That might explain the run-around you have to do to get this working. I tend to forget that mine is an unlocked model.
I'm on carrier locked, AT&T.
You simply save your phone number in your contacts. I called it "me" for easy reference. Then you just change the picture of "me" to whatever you want (I used the little android robot).
There are no tricks. No changing of the google profile account. Just save a contact as your phone number. Well, ok, the only trick is to play with it to see if it wants the format as 1-(areacode)-(number) or simply (number) or simply (areacode)-(number). Mine is (areacode)-(number) and it works with no problems.
It's an unlocked phone, a "me" account doesn't work, nothing I put anywhere does anything, and I'm pretty sure it's because the "my phone number" section in "about phone" comes up as 'unknown' which refers to a special number that can be put on the SIM card, which doesn't happen all that often in australia, because the average telco representitave is either 16 and twirls their hair, or 40+ and so dumb they have trouble breathing and typing your phone number.
If I had to guess, your SIM cards were already programmed with your number in that section.
Same here i just added myself to the phonebook and selected a pic and that was that.
Sent from my A7-040 using Tapatalk
Go to settings - about phone - phone status - my phone number
Does it have you phonenumber there?
this worked for me

[Q] Trouble sending pound (#) key in contact or speed dial

Has anyone noticed that when you put a pound key (#, aka number symbol, octothorpe etc) in a contact's number, it doesn't work? I.e. the # dtmf tone is not sent when you call the number, while other tones are sent properly.
For example, I set my voicemail number to *86,,5555# (the 5555 part is just for illustration, and should be filled in with the voicemail pin)
Whenever my phone calls voicemail, it says "Sending Tones 5555" but it doesn't mention the #, and I can tell that the # tone is not sent, because the voicemail system waits a few seconds after the password is sent, which is exactly what it does when I dial it manually and neglect to press #. When I do press pound manually, the system continues immediately without a pause.
Has anyone else experienced this? Or has anyone else been able to sucessfully send the # key?
hi, i haven't had this happen personally, but would puting space between the password and the # give the sytem time to receive it.? don't know if it will but i never had this happen either.hope this helps. hp
I don't think you can add spaces, but I added a comma (which indicates a pause) after the pin. That didn't help. Thanks for the suggestion though.
##7764726(spc=000000) and *#*#4636#*#* are hidden menus so the # may be handled special.
I actually noticed this today when I was trying to get through a damn automated menu. It kept asking me to hit the # key after things but kept telling me "Invalid Entry". I literally used every other button, to include * during the call and everything else worked. This is no bueno!
What version of Android and what Rom(if any) are you running? I am on 2.3.4 w/Eclipse v1.1
Thanks, AtLemacks, It's nice to know someone else has experienced the same thing (misery loves company I guess).
I'm using the same android version and ROM that you are. But I'm pretty sure I had the problem even back when I was using using P3Droid's Rooted Gingerbread without any ROM. I don't remember if I tried it when I was on stock Froyo.
I didn't have this problem before, I call/go through that menu fairly often.
did anyone figure it out?
I am suffering the same problem. Did anyone ever figure out how to send pound sign #?
Try a alternate dialer like Dialer One or the like.
Edit try voicemail *86, the # key skips to the next msg on my Milestone x2 port.
Found a solution
Found a solution, not sure if everyone can use it. I am using Motorola Photon with Sprint. My solution is to create a contact like this for google voice dial out
and it works for me. I can now use a direct dial icon on my home screen to call. The trick is the first pound sign. It needs comma before the pound sign and the three comma behind it.
Anybody else find a work around?
I am glad to hear that I am not alone, but a little dismayed to not see any answers to my days of searching for a solution. Has anyone else come up with an alternative work around? The direct dial method above didn't work for me.
Using a Galaxy S i9000 rooted with paranoid android 2.52 (although I did have this same problem with other mods as well)

[Q] Different Default dialer issues

Hello all,
I have googled and googled and searched, and I can't find anyone with the same issue I have. I don't know if I'm using the wrong search terms or what.
I cannot seem to get a default dialer setting for ALL phone numbers.
- I have Dialer One installed because I like it better than the default.
- It installed no problem, though even when I was in the app, it would still switch to the default to make the actual call, I think. But that didn't bother me too much... at least I could use it to find the number I wanted.
- Then I installed Skype.
Now, every time I call a phone number that I have not called recently, the thing pops up AGAIN asking me if I want to dial it with "Phone" or "Skype." (Dialer One is never an option.) I can tell it to use the Phone always... but it will only set it for that phone number. I'm constantly calling new phone numbers, and I'm sick of having to continually tell it to always use the phone!
Soooo.... can anyone tell me how to do at least one of these:
- Either make Dialer One the default for all calls and phone numbers.
- Or make the default phone dialer the default for all calls and phone numbers... I can still open Dialer One to locate the number I want.
- Or somehow tell it to stop offering Skype to me. Ever. I'll open the Skype app when I want to call that way.
- In my Settings | Applications, there is no default dialer listed at all. Dialer One is the only thing listed. I may have tried to uninstall it back when I installed dialer one... which may be why I'm having issues. Maybe?
- Skype settings has absolutely nothing in settings to "Never offer" or anything of the sort.
- Every solution I've found says to clear the defaults, make a call, and choose always. Like I said... I do that dozens of times every week and it still keeps popping up.
***I do have the phone rooted, in case the solution requires that.***
Thanks in advance!
You can not replace the phone dialer..that will always be use whenever you are dialing some one. However installing a custom dialer will only give you a front end of the dialer but it will still use the default dialer software to dial some one.
Now try dialing any number thru SGS3 default dialer. It will ask you to dial thru phone or Skype. Choose phone and always.

Is there any way to block phone numbers by PREFIX if I have root access?

I know apps like Truecaller have this feature. However, that is not going to work for me (you will see why below).
I am trying to end the telemarketing calls to my phone once and for all.
What I did was get a Youmail account and I set blocked numbers to get the 3 tone thing with a "number disconnected" message if they try to call me from a blocked number or a number that is on my block list. This will tell that number to stop bothering to call me since it is disconnected (that 3 tone beep at the beginning tells their machines my number is dead).
It is not helping me much though because I keep getting calls from numbers that have my area code and prefix, but a different last 4 digits every time. I guess it's a spoof to try and make it more likely that I will pick up. As you can see, blocking these numbers are worthless since there are 9,999 of them.
However, if I could tell Android to block any number like so: 212-585-**** , then I would never get one again.
Unfortunately when I block all numbers containing 212-585 in Truecaller, it does not send the calls to the "this number has been disconnected" greeting, it sends them to my standard one which is useless for this endeavor. Basically Truecaller doesn't really "block" numbers at an OS level like Android does. It just hits the ignore button really quickly (I still hear half a ring). That's why it goes to my "regular" voicemail instead of my "this number has been disconnected" voicemail.
Anyway I do have root if that makes a difference. I'd really like to see Android include this in an update, but until then, if anyone could give me any advice on if this can be done, it would be greatly appreciated. My phone is a Google Pixel on the latest update with root.

