Huawei MediaPad X2 - frequency/band/antenna mods? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

As many of you are well aware... regardless of its 4G capability, the 4G frequencies/bands of the Huawei MediaPad (Honor) X2 are not the same as U.S. carriers... so the 4G is pretty much useless here.
I've heard of antenna mods, frequency/band mods, and frequency/band unlocks on some other phones (particularly the HTC One M9), and would like to know if there are any similar solutions for the MediaPad X2.
I understand the HTC One M9 has this capability due to the total spectrum hardware, for which the various carrier specific models simply have their respective frequencies selected and others deactivated. I'm not sure if the MediaPad X2 may have the same loopholes/capabilities, but seriously need a resolution.
My ultimate goal would be to have full carrier spectrum for either U.S. Cellular or Verizon's network (prefer Verizon).
I know this sounds like a lot of work, but I have been running a Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 (version R960 for U.S. Cellular). I love my large screen and single device solution for calls and browsing... but I need a replacement. The X2 seems to be the only phone with a larger screen, but my job (driver) requires full carrier spectrum capability to maintain communication.
I'm hoping someone with greater capabilities than my own can help me solve the freq/band issue, or point me in the direction of a 6.3" or larger phone with full Verizon network spectrum coverage and modern (better than my Mega 6.3) hardware.
I know this is a tall order, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
BTW, I have no issue with paying through the nose for a mod/hack phone... so if you know a modder/hacker to construct a device with Verizon compatible Samsung hardware and the MediaPad X2 screen, I'm open to price quotes. I don't care if the frame is made of wood, weighs 20lbs, and barely fits in a tablet format... I just need a tablet with call capability, full spectrum coverage on Verizon's network, and a screen as big (or bigger) than my Mega 6.3 with 1080p or better resolution.


[Q] return atrix for thunderbolt?

I picked up the atrix to replace my failing original droid almost a month ago. The AT&T service has been, meh okay, the phone has had a few bugs but otherwise works well and has serious potential to be really awesome. luckily i can still go back to verizon within my return policy on the atrix.
what's your opinion, should I jump back to verizon for the thunderbolt?
reasons to:
Verizon network, true 4G
HTC phone therefor cyanogenmod will get ported to it
atrix locked / signed bootloader not allowing cyanogenmod (okay, one reason there)
reasons not to
t-bold has weaker cpu
potentially horrible battery life
larger size phone (love the 4" qHD screen on the atrix) - atrix is higher resolution
How much more time do you have to decide? I would wait to see what the battery life is like if you can; common sense says there's a strong possibility it will be awful (especially with 4g).
Sent from my HTC Magic/Dream using XDA App
i picked up the atrix on launch day, i think that was the 21st or so, since feb only had 28 days, i should have till the 23rd.
good idea... battery life aside, thoughts?
i had debated for a while before the atrix came out on whether or not to get the tbolt or the atrix. i was actually on at&t at the time but decided to switch to verizon (got a droid x off of craigslist so i still have an upgrade available) and wait for the tbolt. i decided against the atrix primarily when i read about at&t disabling HSPUA on "4g" devices like the atrix and the inspire. i thought it was ludacrious that first of all at&t's 4G which is actually hspa+ (or 3.5G) wasn't reporting that much faster speeds than 3G and furthermore was actually limited by the company from reaching top speeds. it's sad that they are finally making efforts after being slammed by the better business bureau on this charade.
so if you are looking for a faster network like you had said it would be a good move to switch to verizon, at&t could improve their "4G" but it still wouldn't be as good as verizon's lte, IMO.
other factors than network, i'd stick with the atrix if you purchased those docks since it is the only phone that works with them (however, i am assuming that docks aren't a factor since you are keeping the option to return the phone).
i do think that the screen would be better on the atrix but that doesn't mean that the tbolt has some crappy screen, it'll still be very vibrant and pleasing. the screen wasn't a huge factor for me as much as specs and usability. specs are stronger with the dual-core atrix, but i've read a bunch that dual-core for the most part isn't necessary on smartphones yet and there are very few games/apps that actually utilize both cores. i believe that the dual-core power on the atrix is only there to support the docks designed for it, and without the docks it's not that big a deal.
i am currently on a droid x with verizon and have it rooted and customized how i like, and since roms like cyanogen are a plus for you it seems that you would appreciate the tbolt's rootability and customization more than the atrix's locked down bootloader.
tbolt has a better camera (8MP vs. atrix's 5MP) so +1 for that. they both have front-facing cameras.
tbolt has kickstand, some may see it as a gimmick but there are times i've watched things on my droid x and thought "man, a kickstand would be super-useful right now"
another point for verizon's network is that 4g/lte is starting with unlimited data plans, while i'm pretty sure at&t kept the tiered caps from 3g.
atrix has that fingerprint scanner which is only as useful as you want it to be. so meh.
as a previous poster mentioned the tbolt battery is an unknown factor since it is the first phone on LTE, and atrix comes with that monster battery which i think is somewhat limited by having to run dual-cores.
size was a factor for me too as i wasn't sure that i wanted a huge device in my pocket all the time but having had the droid x for a few weeks and its 4.3 inch screen, it's not so bad and i got used to it pretty easily (although i did have a blackberry bold 9000 before which was slightly bulky so maybe i'm not the best judge on size).
tbolt comes with 32GB sd card which is nice.
so there you have it, reasons why both phones can be good/bad but i think the tbolt wins strong points for being unlimited on verizon LTE, which is supposed to have awesome speeds.

unbiased opinions please: mytouch 4g or galaxy s 4g?

Having a tough time deciding which of these 2 phones I should get. I will be modding and all of that. Does either have better rom support or is better for modding?
Would the extra 256MB of RAM in the mytouch 4G even be noticeable, or ever come in play? And is the galaxy display NOTICEABLY better than the 4G? the extra 0.2" to me is not a huge deal at all. Honestly, for one hand operation I think the galaxy may be too big actually. Having camera flash is nice... does one take better quality pictures though?
So torn between the two. Virtually exact same price to buy on craigslist right now. I would be using it on the WIND network in canada so I'm not even sure if I'd be able to use the HSDA+ or not. Mind you 21 or 14.4 Mbps doesn't even matter....
The main thing probably would actually be if either of these devices have better rom support or are better for modding. Can anyone help me out??
I wouldn't buy both of them as a motorolan but from my experiences with both brands, i would get the mythouch 4g. It is overally better cause of xtra ram and better build quality.
Oh, I should also mention that since I'll be using the phone on WIND I can only use T-Mobile phones. So I don't know if I really even have a good Motorola Android option.
Lean towards to HTC models which include 1700mhz 3g bands. If atrix had 1700mhz i would suggest that but like you said, motorola and t-mobile broke up after the Cliq2.

Sprint/OG EVO 4G to ATT/ATT Note

Hello all!
I've been reading through this forum and wanted to ask you all a few questions.
First, let me start by saying I have been to a local ATT store and played with the Note. I found it to be a perfect fit in my hand. The screen size and resolution is flat out amazing. I also looked at the specs and found them to be on par with most devices these days. However, I have read that the processor in the ATT version is a Snapdragon with an okay GPU chip...any thoughts? The internal storage is 16GB and up to 32GB external (although in this forum, I have seen it as high as 64GB)...good to go as well. No default notification, but not a deal breaker and an app can fix that. I also have read that the camera is okay, but can be tweaked to make it better.
Next, I am not new to tweaking my devices...actually, I love too! I read, read, read everything and usually don't have any problems. I am definitely a power/advanced user and do much more then text and check email. I use devices to fullest extent as possible.
I am not asking you all to tell me to buy this device or switch networks, but instead I'm asking you all for real world answers. So here are my questions.
1. Looking through the forums, I saw about 3 solid custom ROMs and several stock rooted ROMs. My question is, do you all have a solid base for development? I also saw that there is no AOSP CM7 ROM for this device that correct? With ICS expected on this device soon, will there be development (the international version has ICS already I believe)? I'm rocking the OG HTC EVO 4G and development is rock solid...even with the device about to turn 2yrs old (6/4/12) development is a huge deal for me.
2. Okay, Sprint doesn't have the best network and 4G/WiMax is a total joke. When I was at the local ATT store, I ran several speed tests on the display Note (using ATT's LTE) and was floored by the down/up speeds! My question is how is battery life with it connected to LTE all the time AND using the crap out of it. I ask this, because with my EVO, I very rarely use 4G/WiMax. We can turn it on/off at will thru settings or a widget. Also, I always connect to my WiFi at home. It looks like on the Note via a custom ROM, turning LTE on/off is controlled through the this correct? I keep chargers around, but just curious.
3. I don't use this feature that often, but it's always good to have...tethering. With my EVO, most if not all custom ROMs have the ability to tether (USB or wireless) baked in. So what are the options with the Note? I have never paid for this feature and don't intend to either.
4. I haven't peeked into the theme section yet, but I'm sure there are themes for this device...right?
Edit- Late addition question...kernels. I use OC/UV/SBC kernels on my what is the current state of kernels with this device?
Before I end this dissertation, I want to say this forum seems to be more mature...always a good thing. Also, I have several device choices to consider, but I am strongly considering getting away from CDMA carriers and join the rest of the world on GSM...not TMo, been there done that. I'm on the fence with getting this device or waiting for the HTC One X version or the GNex coming to ATT and Sprint (if I decide to stay). I'm just doing some research to make a very good decision.
Oh and thanks for posting the price from Fryers...$199 is much better than $299 !
Thanks in advance to all that answer and Android rocks!!
I owned the Evo 4G before moving to the Evo 3D and after that the Galaxy Nexus on Verizon.
If the size of the screen is not that attractive enough for you to sway you from the One X or the Galaxy Nexus then I would advise you wait for the Galaxy S3. The S3 (rumors of course) is shaping out to be superior to any of those devices.
As for your actual first question, yes the ATT and the International version of the Note have two different processors. At the time, Samsung's Exynos cpu in the Int Note did not have a LTE chip compatible with our LTE spectrum here in the states. So they switched to the Snapdragon chip for ATT. Yes the snapdragon performs less than the Int counterpart but chances are you will see no difference in real world use.
1. Development for this phone is still in its early stages. Coming from the EVO I can tell you development like that is the exception, not the rule. There are tons of the phones and only the most popular phones get the same attention. The phone came out a little over a month ago.
Also this phone will never be at the same level of popularity as some of the other ATT phones (S2 for example). CM9 is being worked on now for the Note. Maybe we might have a taste of it a month or so.
2. ATT has a better network compared to Sprint. HSPA+ is more than enough to beat Sprint's 3G and WiMax to the floor. One of the advantages is the fact you can talk on the phone while surfing the web or look up directions ect. Battery life is actually superior in respect to CDMA LTE devices. Since all radios are on the same chip you save battery life. You can turn off LTE when not in a LTE area but there are no noticeable impacts on battery life.
3. If you would like to use tethering all you have to do is freeze and apk (tethering manager I believe) and that's it. You can tether as you please.
4. There are a couple of themes for the different roms that exist. Also themes are proportional to the number of roms. Keep in mind themes are different for Samsung phones. There are no themes in apk form. All themes must be flashed.
Huge thanks for taking the time to respond. I played with the Note again today and I was able to one hand text and navigate around with ease. I'm sure I will end up switching to ATT for a GSM device. I was at Best Buy and they would not honor Fry's price...I plan to check with a local ATT store next.
I plan on buying a new device after 5/3 (my contract with Sprint ends), so I plan on watching for the S3 as well. If anyone else wants to chime in, please feel free. Again, thanks for your well written response!
How do you turn off LTE?

[Q] HTC EVO 4G LTE on Page Plus reception vs my old Droid X

I bought an Evo 4g lte converted to work on page plus with full 3g capability. The phone works fine as is, but I've noticed a large difference in the reception numbers between the two. Right now I have my old Droid X sitting next to my Evo, and the Evo has -97dBm, but the Droid X is getting -87dBm. This makes me wonder if sprint phones can't take advantage of the 850mhz signal from Page Plus (essentialy Verizon prepaid) once flashed over. Another possibility is that Evo phones just have worse reception than Motorola (which has been in the antenna game much longer). It might also be appropriate to ask if others have noticed a difference between HTC and Motorola phones reception on the same network. If the phone isn't taking advantage of 850mhz, maybe there is a way to help it "discover" this reception through clever programming tricks?
Thats not a very fair comparison. Your comparing different manufacturer devices that are flashed on networks they werent intended for.
Heck even just comparing a Motorola to an HTC device isnt a fair comparison.
To make it fair you need to compare like models from the same manufacturer. So 2 EVO LTE side by side..
The variables between the two are many when it comes to design, antennas, antenna location on device, modems and radios..
Many people have mentioned that motorola does seem to have better receivers i them..
IAmSixNine said:
Thats not a very fair comparison. Your comparing different manufacturer devices that are flashed on networks they werent intended for.
Heck even just comparing a Motorola to an HTC device isnt a fair comparison.
To make it fair you need to compare like models from the same manufacturer. So 2 EVO LTE side by side..
The variables between the two are many when it comes to design, antennas, antenna location on device, modems and radios..
Many people have mentioned that motorola does seem to have better receivers i them..
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Thanks for your reply, your points are valid, but don't help answer the mystery.
Another question worth asking (preferably from personal experience) would be...
Has anyone noticed issues with poor reception on Sprint phones flashed to Verizon vs native Verizon phones?
Another piece of info.
many original EVO 4G users complained after they upgraded to an EVO LTE that reception was not as good with the EVO LTE as it was on thier EVO 4G..
and i think i read somewhere that the EVO LTE did poorer in FCC testing then other handsets.. so your on the right track when it comes to the EVO LTE not having as good antenna or radios or what ever combination might be for a handset..
IAmSixNine said:
Another piece of info.
many original EVO 4G users complained after they upgraded to an EVO LTE that reception was not as good with the EVO LTE as it was on thier EVO 4G..
and i think i read somewhere that the EVO LTE did poorer in FCC testing then other handsets.. so your on the right track when it comes to the EVO LTE not having as good antenna or radios or what ever combination might be for a handset..
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I remember reading this as well, but it seemed to me that they were talking about 4G reception, which is irrelevant in my case. This is the best phone I've used to date besides reception. It's actually the first phone (droid eris -> droid x -> droid x2 -> EVO 4g LTE) that I've used that doesn't require constant reboots to fix problems. One of the points to this thread is to discover whether it's worth dropping cash on a ported phone. If reception suffers in general, I wouldn't recommend doing it again if reception is top priority.
Sprint is now running 800 and 1900mhz, Verizon runs on 850 and 1900mhz frequencies per wiki. This leads me to believe that Sprint ported phones will generally only take advantage of the 1900mhz sharing. However, another page I read titled "HTC EVO 4G LTE tech details revealed in FCC OET filing" shows that this phone is capable of running at 850mhz. I'm not able to post the link due to being a noob.
On a side note, I used to find it humorous that my droid x2 page plus phone would work in places where Sprint phones would not.
Yeah thast kinda misleading and confusing.
If a device is speced out for 800mhz its the same band plan as 850mhz..
Technically its in the 850mhz region but as a generic name they all it or label it 800mhz band..

[Q] Chinese phone question.

I'm a little unclear on this, so I'm going to ask you a question I'm sure you've heard various iterations of in the past, but my Google-foo seems to be failing me today.
I currently have an iPhone 4S on AT&T's network. I hate the thing, but that's all we were allowed to get through work at the time. The restriction has since been lifted, but my 2 years isn't up, so I'm looking at getting an Android phone and popping my SIM from the iPhone into it. My search has led me to Chinese phones. Particularly the THL T11 and the T100S.
I want to see if my assumptions are correct before I pull the trigger:
From what I understand, in order to use AT&T's 3G network with a Chinese phone, I need one that'll operate in the 850/1900 MHz bands? I'm in Iowa, and from what I can find, it looks like they only have 1900MHz available here. I've been finding conflicting information on the T100S. Some places say 850/2100 and others say 850/1900/2100.
I'm also under the impression that Chinese phones won't work with American 4G/LTE networks? They use different frequencies or protocols, or something like that? I'm fine with 3G. If I need faster, Wi-Fi is usually available to me.
Is there anything I'm missing or need to look closer at?
Are there any other phones you would suggest? My choice isn't set in stone. If there's something available that is 4G capable, I'd be willing to take a look at it. I'm looking in the $200.00 - $300.00 price range and something with a 5" or bigger screen.
I'm not new to Android by any stretch. This is the only IOS device I own, actually. My first smartphone was a G1, and all my tablets and kid's tablets have been Android. Wife's got a SurfaceRT, but that's her problem, not mine. :laugh:
Well ive got a T100S and I live in europe and the 3G works the same as in my galaxy S2. The 4G obviously doesnt work because the MT6592, the chipset that houses the phone, doesnt support 4G itself. There is another variant called the MT6595 which is another 8 core from mediatek which runs at 2ghz and gets about 33k on antutu, take a look at it. Chinese phones are good raw power. Nothing else. If you have any other questions just ask.

