Extract lg bridge (lbf) backups - G4 Original Android Development

LG bridge is a nice utility to backup and restart app data on an lg phone. The problem is it can only restore to another lg phone . If you have a LG Bridge backup and then your phone dies like the boot loop of death then if your only backups are google and lg bridge there might be data you can't restore on a new non LG phone.
I've done a lot of searching and have not found a tool that would let you extract the contents of the backup. I did notice that 7zip was able to find one apps worth of the backup. after some digging it looks like for the most part the lbf file is a series of tar files combined. I've started working on a tool to extract the tar's out of the file. Right now my method is very crude and works more like a file carver then anything else. I'm able to extract most of the data from a backup but not all of it. consider this a v0.0.1. I wanted to share what I have now in it's current state because it might be useful for others. I do currently plan on improving the code (and likely hosting it on github) and then porting it to java or some other language that's a little easier to run on windows.
For v1 I would like to figure out the data structure some more to see if they have some sort of file table that I didn't see last night when I wrote this.
I'm not going to provide much documentation right now other then below is the php script and it looks for your backup called LGBackup.lbf in the same folder. The tars will be named something like "data_app_com.netflix.mediaclient-2_base.ap.tar" so it gives you an idea of what's inside each tar. I know it's not extracting the whole tar for each app and there's some apps that are larger then they should be like I said earlier this is not finished code but it should mostly work.
$handle = fopen("LGBackup.lbf", "rb");
$chunkSize = 4096;
$tarFooter = str_repeat(chr (0), $chunkSize);
$cnt = 0;
$tar = "";
$lastBuff = "";
while (($buffer = fread($handle, $chunkSize)) !== false) {
if ($buffer == "") {
$lastBuff = $buffer;
if ($buffer === $tarFooter) {
$footBuffer = $buffer;
while ($buffer === $tarFooter) {
$buffer = fread($handle, $chunkSize);
$footBuffer .= $buffer;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($buffer); $i++) {
if ($buffer[$i] !== chr(0)) {
$tar .= substr($buffer, 0, $i - 1);
for ($b = 0; $b < 200; $b++) {
if ($tar[$b] === chr(0)) {
$filename = str_replace("/", "_",substr($tar, 0, $b - 1)) . '.tar';
if (strpos($filename, 'data_') === 0){
$fp = fopen($filename, 'w');
fwrite($fp, $tar);
$tar = substr($buffer, $i);
} else {
$tar .= $buffer;

I've done some more digging and it looks like reading the data at the very start and end of the file is going to be a lot more complex then I'm interested. My personal urgency has deceased as lg has supposedly repaired my boot looping g4 . I made some minor tweaks to my code and it works a little better now I found I got the most data back by running my updated script and then using gnu tar to extract the tar's it made. for some reason it was able to overcome some of the corruption that 7zip didn't want to deal with. I'll attach a new file to the first post.
I think the next and possibly last thing I'm going to try is parse the tar file so I know how long each file is. Right now I'm just looking for 1k of null bytes but that's not always right as some times there's less and some times there could be 1k of null bytes inside of the zip.

LBF tool
Hi! I have looked into lbf files recently and here are my findings (including simple way to extract data).
I am new to XDA, but please let me know what you think.


Modify apk to add a file in a specified path

Hello all. I need some information on how i can modify an existing apk and add a file to a specified path during installation.
Better...i need that installation creates a file in data/data/com.myprogram.android/myfile where com.myprogram.android is the path of program data. Is that possible???
*bump* - after one year, this is exactly what i also need!
any answer to this? since i modify an existing .apk, changing the java-code is not an option. solution must be pure .apk based / via the manifest
you could do it in a few steps
1) copy the apk to somewhere safe (/mnt/sdcard)
2) uninstall the apk, maybe use PackageManager
3) unzip the apk to a folder, add your changed/new files, zip up the folder again (extension .apk). Use busybox's zip/unzip if you need
4)sign the new apk using this (i tried it it works)
5)install the new+signed apk, maybe use PackageManager
fl3xo said:
Hello all. I need some information on how i can modify an existing apk and add a file to a specified path during installation.
Better...i need that installation creates a file in data/data/com.myprogram.android/myfile where com.myprogram.android is the path of program data. Is that possible???
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The way I've done this in the past is just store whatever it is you want to add in the res/raw directory of the project, then when the program first runs, copy the raw resource wherever you want it in the tree.
// Copy the helper app from resources to an executable in our classpath
protected void CopyExtraBin() {
// check if it's already there
File helper = new File("/data/data/com.mypath.myprog/helper_app");
if (helper.exists()) {
// already there, nothing to do.
InputStream setdbStream = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.helper_app);
try {
byte[] bytes = new byte[setdbStream.available()];
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(setdbStream);
FileOutputStream setdbOutStream = new FileOutputStream(
// set executable permissions on our helper
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh");
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
os.writeBytes("chmod 755 /data/data/com.mypath.myprog/helper_app\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(this, e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Gene Poole said:
The way I've done this in the past is just store whatever it is you want to add in the res/raw directory of the project, then when the program first runs, copy the raw resource wherever you want it in the tree.
// Copy the helper app from resources to an executable in our classpath
protected void CopyExtraBin() {
// check if it's already there
File helper = new File("/data/data/com.mypath.myprog/helper_app");
if (helper.exists()) {
// already there, nothing to do.
InputStream setdbStream = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.helper_app);
try {
byte[] bytes = new byte[setdbStream.available()];
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(setdbStream);
FileOutputStream setdbOutStream = new FileOutputStream(
// set executable permissions on our helper
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh");
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
os.writeBytes("chmod 755 /data/data/com.mypath.myprog/helper_app\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(this, e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
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where to insert it?
Moved to Q&A.
mishanet said:
Gene Poole said:
The way I've done this in the past is just store whatever it is you want to add in the res/raw directory of the project, then when the program first runs, copy the raw resource wherever you want it in the tree.
// Copy the helper app from resources to an executable in our classpath
protected void CopyExtraBin() {
// check if it's already there
File helper = new File("/data/data/com.mypath.myprog/helper_app");
if (helper.exists()) {
// already there, nothing to do.
InputStream setdbStream = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.helper_app);
try {
byte[] bytes = new byte[setdbStream.available()];
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(setdbStream);
FileOutputStream setdbOutStream = new FileOutputStream(
// set executable permissions on our helper
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh");
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
os.writeBytes("chmod 755 /data/data/com.mypath.myprog/helper_app\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(this, e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
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where to insert it?
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Yeah I have the same question. I'm wanting to add some files to /data/data/<appdirectory>/lib but since it's permissions are set to drwxr-xr-x system system I can't write to it without changing apk itself.
I tried putting this into some code and I just alot of cannot find symbol errors and DataInputStream and Toast. I'm sure It's just my limited knowledge and maybe changes in android but this example code doesn't seem to work for me.
Gene Poole said:
The way I've done this in the past is just store whatever it is you want to add in the res/raw directory of the project, then when the program first runs, copy the raw resource wherever you want it in the tree.
// Copy the helper app from resources to an executable in our classpath
protected void CopyExtraBin() {
// check if it's already there
File helper = new File("/data/data/com.mypath.myprog/helper_app");
if (helper.exists()) {
// already there, nothing to do.
InputStream setdbStream = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.helper_app);
try {
byte[] bytes = new byte[setdbStream.available()];
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(setdbStream);
FileOutputStream setdbOutStream = new FileOutputStream(
// set executable permissions on our helper
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh");
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
os.writeBytes("chmod 755 /data/data/com.mypath.myprog/helper_app\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(this, e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
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Help with App and shell script integration

I have an app I have written with the help of another user on the forum here. It currently executes shell scripts that are located in the /system/bin directory.
Is there a way to add these scripts to an assets directory within the app and call on them from list view strings?
flappjaxxx said:
I have an app I have written with the help of another user on the forum here. It currently executes shell scripts that are located in the /system/bin directory.
Is there a way to add these scripts to an assets directory within the app and call on them from list view strings?
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You can add anything to the "assets" directory in your project and it will be stored as-is in the apk; however, you'll need to extract it and place it somewhere to be able to use it. "res/raw" is another place you can add raw resources. Your main activity should check to see if you're scripts exist and if not, extract and copy them to a directory owned by your apk (like "/data/data/com.example.myprog/shell-scripts"). Create a function in your class and call it from the main activity in OnCreate(). Add a function something like this:
protected void CheckAndCopyScript() {
// check if it's already there
File myscript = new File("/data/data/com.example.myapp/scripts/script.sh");
if (myscript.exists()) {
// already there, nothing to do.
//create the directory
Process p1 = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh");
DataOutputStream os1 = new DataOutputStream(p1.getOutputStream());
os1.writeBytes("mkdir /data/data/com.example.myapp/scripts/\n");
//open the raw resource
InputStream scriptStream = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.myscript);
try {
byte[] bytes = new byte[scriptStream .available()];
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(scriptStream );
//create the new script file
FileOutputStream scriptOutStream = new FileOutputStream(
scriptOutStream .write(bytes);
scriptOutStream .close();
// set executable permissions on the script
Process p2 = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh");
DataOutputStream os2 = new DataOutputStream(p2.getOutputStream());
os2.writeBytes("chmod 755 /data/data/com.example.myapp/scripts/script.sh\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
//show the exception
Toast.makeText(this, e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Thanks for the info. I will try this soon when I am jot so sick and hopefully you won't mind if I pock your brain a bit if I run into issues.
Sent from A Van Down By The River!
Questions or Problems Should Not Be Posted in the Development Forum
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lufc said:
Questions or Problems Should Not Be Posted in the Development Forum
Please Post in the Correct Forums
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Sorry about that total brain cramp apparently on my part

[R&D] Upload files with DropBox

Hi, this is my code, i cant get upload a simple file:
Signgin in to DropBox:
.....private AccessTokenPair tokensDB;
.....private DropboxAPI<AndroidAuthSession> mDBApi;
.....final static private AccessType ACCESS_TYPE = AccessType.DROPBOX;
.....AppKeyPair appKeys = new AppKeyPair(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET);
.....AndroidAuthSession sesDropBox = new AndroidAuthSession(appKeys, ACCESS_TYPE);
.....mDBApi = new DropboxAPI<AndroidAuthSession>(sesDropBox);
When activity resums this code is executed:
.....tokensDB = mDBApi.getSession().getAccessTokenPair();
when the user clicks over a button in same activity next code is executed:
protected void subeArchivos() {
.....// Uploading content.
.....String fileContents = "Hello World, this is only an example!!";
.....ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(fileContents.getBytes());
.....try {
..........mDBApi.putFile("/testing.txt", inputStream, fileContents.length(), null, null);
..........//Log.i("DbExampleLog", "The uploaded file's rev is: " + newEntry.rev);
.....} catch (DropboxUnlinkedException e) {
..........// User has unlinked, ask them to link again here.
..........Log.e("DbExampleLog", "User has unlinked.");
.....} catch (DropboxException e) {
..........toast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "C U A: " + e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
..........//Log.e("DbExampleLog", "Something went wrong while uploading.");
The code in red throws error. and after the conde in yellow is executed.
My mnifiest permissions are:
.....<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"></uses-permission>
.....<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission>
.....<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"></uses-permission>
P.D. All works, exept code in red!!
I hope you can help me!! thx!!
I didn't understand anything exc. that you can't upload any file with Dropbox, but I had similar problem. Seems you shouldn't delete the Downloads app, else it bugs DB uploads.
Hope it helps.
thx man, every folder in his place, but maybe something in my code is wrong!!

[Q] Writing to and reading from /data/local?

I am creating a little app that will let a user read what's in a certain textfile in /data/local, edit it, and then save it. I have gotten everything to work by using some tutorials here and there, but there's still something not working.
Root access has been achieved, and writing/reading the file is done too, but when pressing the "Write" button, I get a toast saying "open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)". Google unfortunately didn't help me much on this one. Also, I am using the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.
package bas.sie.hai;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.Toast;
import com.actionbarsherlock.app.SherlockActivity;
public class DataLocalActivity extends SherlockActivity {
EditText txtData;
Button btnReadSDFile;
Button btnWriteSDFile;
Button btnReadSkipFile;
Button btnWriteSkipFile;
Button btnClearScreen;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Process p;
try {
// Preform su to get root privledges
p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
// Attempt to write a file to a root-only
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(p.getOutputStream());
os.writeBytes("echo \"Do I have root?\" >/system/sd/temporary.txt\n");
// Close the terminal
try {
if (p.exitValue() != 255) {
// TODO Code to run on success
Toast.makeText(this, "root", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
else {
// TODO Code to run on unsuccessful
Toast.makeText(this, "No root", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Code to run in interrupted exception
Toast.makeText(this, "No root", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Code to run in input/output exception
Toast.makeText(this, "NO root", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
Toast.makeText(this, "External SD card not mounted", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
txtData = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.txtData);
btnReadSDFile = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btnReadSDFile);
btnReadSDFile.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// write on SD card file data in the text box
try {
File myFile = new File("/data/local/move_cache.txt");
FileInputStream fIn = new FileInputStream(myFile);
BufferedReader myReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(fIn));
String aDataRow = "";
String aBuffer = "";
while ((aDataRow = myReader.readLine()) != null) {
aBuffer += aDataRow + "\n";
"Done reading from SD: 'move_cache.txt'",
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), e.getMessage(),
btnWriteSDFile = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btnWriteSDFile);
btnWriteSDFile.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// write on SD card file data in the text box
try {
File myFile = new File("/data/local/move_cache.txt");
FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(myFile);
OutputStreamWriter myOutWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(
"Done writing to SD: 'move_cache.txt'",
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), e.getMessage(),
btnReadSkipFile = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btnReadSkipFile);
btnReadSkipFile.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// write on SD card file data in the text box
try {
File myFile = new File("/data/local/skip_apps.txt");
FileInputStream fIn = new FileInputStream(myFile);
BufferedReader myReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(fIn));
String aDataRow = "";
String aBuffer = "";
while ((aDataRow = myReader.readLine()) != null) {
aBuffer += aDataRow + "\n";
"Done reading from SD: 'skip_apps.txt'",
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), e.getMessage(),
btnWriteSkipFile = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btnWriteSkipFile);
btnWriteSkipFile.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// write on SD card file data in the text box
try {
File myFile = new File("/data/local/skip_apps.txt");
FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(myFile);
OutputStreamWriter myOutWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(
"Done writing to SD: 'skip_apps.txt'",
} catch (Exception e) {
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), e.getMessage(),
btnClearScreen = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btnClearScreen);
btnClearScreen.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// clear text box
}// onCreate
Thanks in advance,
1. Chaper 8. Have mercy on yourself.
2. coloredlogcat.py
3. why not
is beyond me
does not equal permissions to write to
Google unfortunately didn't help me much on this one
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Moment of honesty. G-FU sucks or you just gave up?
I am an a-hole for a reason here. All you need to know is out there. No one else will hit you harder on the head with a RTFM board than a coder.
el_bhm said:
1. Chaper 8. Have mercy on yourself.
2. coloredlogcat.py
3. why not
is beyond me
does not equal permissions to write to
Moment of honesty. G-FU sucks or you just gave up?
I am an a-hole for a reason here. All you need to know is out there. No one else will hit you harder on the head with a RTFM board than a coder.
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The code is mostly from a tutorial, with a few edits. Why use stackTrace on a test? Also, I test on the device for reliability and root access. It's easier to see a Toast there, so didn't remove it.
About the Chapter 8: Yes, onClickListener is not the best way (skimmed over it, it's 1:26 AM here), but here too: optimizations later.
About Google: I Googled, didn't find anything that really could help me along so that I understood, asked in three other places. SO was someone who didn't reply later on, Google Groups said my permission was wrong, as I said WRITE_TO_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. I corrected that, saying I had the right permission but I wrote down the wrong one (hastily. Stupid, I know...), and here, on XDA, you're the only post yet. I have waited between posts to post it on all those boards, as I'm not an a**hole.
If any more information is needed, just tell me.
EDIT: Missed a bit. About the writing: I know now, it's just that I have no idea how to proceed from root access to writing there. And I do hope to learn how to do it.
1. You'd rather want to write into
Is there any particular reason you want to write directly to local? Some "system wide" app? From code I understand this is some tabbed app(?). Or is it just test for root?
Unless you have somewhat extensive knowledge of Linux and programming, don't go into root access. Make yourself a favour and get as much knowledge of objective programming first. It seems it was inspired by Outler doing root in part two. He's doing ADK in part 3. These are not easy things.
2. Are you sure you are writing anything? With this code I am getting nowhere actually.
I have not written anything with root (main reason it caught my attention). My best guess is though, permissions are not escalated for objects you are creating while setting up listeners for buttons.
From brief reading of the code and documentation it seems that you are escalating permissions for Process p which you works in conjunction with DataOutputStream. While setting up listeners you are not doing anything with p anymore.
My best guess permissions escalation would apply to the whole package, but as I see it, it does not happen.
EDIT: Besides, keep in mind you are writing a file via echoing through shell. Which is not equivalent of writing through instances of classes in onClickListeners
3. As to why printStackTrace()
Unless you are running Windows(which for Android development I really feel you should not) with coloredlogcat.py you'll have much more comprehensive output to troubleshoot the app. Line where problem occurs. Where it originates, where it goes, etc.
There should be some interpreter of python for Windows, but I don't know how the script will behave though.
4. Inserting logcat output is always helpful.
Providing the layout is always helpful.
el_bhm said:
1. You'd rather want to write into
Is there any particular reason you want to write directly to local? Some "system wide" app? From code I understand this is some tabbed app(?). Or is it just test for root?
Unless you have somewhat extensive knowledge of Linux and programming, don't go into root access. Make yourself a favour and get as much knowledge of objective programming first. It seems it was inspired by Outler doing root in part two. He's doing ADK in part 3. These are not easy things.
2. Are you sure you are writing anything? With this code I am getting nowhere actually.
I have not written anything with root (main reason it caught my attention). My best guess is though, permissions are not escalated for objects you are creating while setting up listeners for buttons.
From brief reading of the code and documentation it seems that you are escalating permissions for Process p which you works in conjunction with DataOutputStream. While setting up listeners you are not doing anything with p anymore.
My best guess permissions escalation would apply to the whole package, but as I see it, it does not happen.
EDIT: Besides, keep in mind you are writing a file via echoing through shell. Which is not equivalent of writing through instances of classes in onClickListeners
3. As to why printStackTrace()
Unless you are running Windows(which for Android development I really feel you should not) with coloredlogcat.py you'll have much more comprehensive output to troubleshoot the app. Line where problem occurs. Where it originates, where it goes, etc.
There should be some interpreter of python for Windows, but I don't know how the script will behave though.
4. Inserting logcat output is always helpful.
Providing the layout is always helpful.
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The files I'm writing are supposed to be in /data/local. Writing anywhere else would obviously kind of defeat the purpose.
I don't really have knowledge of Linux, didn't know you had to to be able to write a file. On the other hand, I had basically no knowledge of Android when I started writing my first app, and that worked out quite well, if I do say so myself.
About the permissions for the writing: I think you are right about that. I simply followed a tutorial, added SU permission check, and changed the path. Then tried to get that working.
I am running Windows. I do have Ubuntu on a bootable USB and on my HDD, but on the stick it has a low res and doesn't save any configs (which is not that weird), and on my HDD it suddenly fails to boot, and WUBI won't let me uninstall...
Plus, too much fiddling. Why is it so hard to get Flash installed, for God's sake?
About the LogCat output: I'm not really one to hook my phone up to my PC for that, unless no other solution is possible. Not because I'm lazy, but because my PC generally takes a couple of minutes to recognize the phone, open Explorer, etc. when I am doing a couple of other things.
I guess I'll just give up. Do you have any sites/places where I can gain some valuable knowledge about this?
About that permission check. Well, it passes the test. Thing is, there is no
after I drop to adb shell.
Is that path the one you had set? IIRC Samsung does something funky with internal/external memory mounts in their devices. Is that path valid at all?
I'm guessing echo fails but passes the su test. So permissions are good, it seems.
Theoretically you can try parsing contents you need to that command you are basically executing. If there is a file in
You could write file you need as temps wherever you have rights, then gain permissions and copy the contents via
cat [path_to_temp_file] > /data/local/file
Going offtopic.
Never. Ever use WUBI. Seriously. Just read about install process. If it fails on normal CD, download alternate. A bit more daunting but still should be manageable. Or get other distro like Mint.
It's enough to copy file to
. FF and Opera should easily use it.
Or just install
. It should have flash.
You can also get to your phone over wifi. Just get adbWireless from market.
Knowledge? On what?
Programming? Read documentation of android. Many tutorials. Really easy to read (compared to other OS docs), extensively described.
Get any O'reily books.
Android? See above.
Linux? Stop expecting from any distro to behave like Windows and use it as you would know nothing about PC. You'll save yourself much time and frustration.
webup8, omgubuntu, planet-ubuntu. Enough there to start.
el_bhm said:
About that permission check. Well, it passes the test. Thing is, there is no
after I drop to adb shell.
Is that path the one you had set? IIRC Samsung does something funky with internal/external memory mounts in their devices. Is that path valid at all?
I'm guessing echo fails but passes the su test. So permissions are good, it seems.
Theoretically you can try parsing contents you need to that command you are basically executing. If there is a file in
You could write file you need as temps wherever you have rights, then gain permissions and copy the contents via
cat [path_to_temp_file] > /data/local/file
Going offtopic.
Never. Ever use WUBI. Seriously. Just read about install process. If it fails on normal CD, download alternate. A bit more daunting but still should be manageable. Or get other distro like Mint.
It's enough to copy file to
. FF and Opera should easily use it.
Or just install
. It should have flash.
You can also get to your phone over wifi. Just get adbWireless from market.
Knowledge? On what?
Programming? Read documentation of android. Many tutorials. Really easy to read (compared to other OS docs), extensively described.
Get any O'reily books.
Android? See above.
Linux? Stop expecting from any distro to behave like Windows and use it as you would know nothing about PC. You'll save yourself much time and frustration.
webup8, omgubuntu, planet-ubuntu. Enough there to start.
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Well, this is intended for AOSP ROMs, so I was thinking that there shouldn't be any problem in trying to write a file in that directory. But yes, Samsung does do some weird things...
About the copying and then moving from there: Might be a good idea if I can figure it out. However, do you think that will suddenly work?
The install at first was planned to be from the bootable stick I have, but when I read about WUBI, it seemed so easy. Easy to deinstall Ubuntu, too. Anyhow, I think a friend kind of borked it not too long ago. Pressed the wrong button somewhere, might have slightly affected the MBR (Windows boot animation is also gone now, back to Vista ).
Could you explain a bit more about the Flash install? It seemed (and truly was) so tedious at the time for something that was still slow and laggy... In my experience, don't get me wrong.
I have used AirDroid for example for reaching my phone, good suggestion there.
On the topic of developing (circling back around ), I will be looking into your suggestions. I do use Google and tutorials a lot, and SO has been quite a good help in that. Also, asking people to help personally (GTalk, for example, or PM on a forum), has got me quite a long way.
And using Ubuntu like I know nothing: It was quite different . I noticed that almost all of my knowledge was rendered useless in a matter of minutes haha. Bad thing is I did still think I knew, I guess. Led to frustration over it being so annoying. I guess it takes a lot of getting used to.
If that "temporary.txt" file is created, I don't see why it should fail since it passes the Root check.
instead of
you may as well use
which is basically command for copy.
About Flash (on which even Adobe is dropping a ball since they have balls to finally admit it's a joke anyway) you can read here.
Alternate version of installer never failed me so far.
el_bhm said:
If that "temporary.txt" file is created, I don't see why it should fail since it passes the Root check.
instead of
you may as well use
which is basically command for copy.
About Flash (on which even Adobe is dropping a ball since they have balls to finally admit it's a joke anyway) you can read here.
Alternate version of installer never failed me so far.
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I'll take a look at using cp. However, it might be some time before I pick this up again. My earlier project has almost been accepted by the person who asked me to make it, so first I'll be busy on that.
But the basic thing here is to create it somewhere else and copy it, right? Let's hope that works, then .
Also, I'll be looking at your suggestions for Flash and the alternate installer, thanks a lot!
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[Q] How I can copy/modify files in /etc folder?

Hi, I'm trying to use the library RootTools to make root operations on android system. I want to make a backup of some files including in the /etc folder with the next commands:
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
File exists = new File("/etc/gps.conf");
if (exists.exists()) {
// We make a backup first
int date = (int) System.currentTimeMillis();
String source = "/etc/gps.conf";
String destination = "/etc/gps" + date + ".conf";
RootTools.copyFile(source, destination, true, true);
// Last time that file was modified
// Date filedate = new Date(exists.lastModified());
It's supposed that with the RootTools.copyFile I can make that operation, but It doesn't make anything. I see that in cat /proc/mount doesn't appear etc folder. I'm tried too with the Apache transfer file copy, FileUtils.copyFile(source, destination) but it seems that it have problem with the mount system, who seems to be in RO. I try too with RootTools.remount("/etc", "RW") but fails too.
I'm lost with this issue. Pleeeeeease give some advices!!! I want to know how I can edit, create, delete, modify files in /etc /data... etc.
I'm testing this on a Samsung Galaxy S3 with an stock rom 4.1.2.
Thanks for your advices.
rumbitas said:
Hi, I'm trying to use the library RootTools to make root operations on android system. I want to make a backup of some files including in the /etc folder with the next commands:
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
File exists = new File("/etc/gps.conf");
if (exists.exists()) {
// We make a backup first
int date = (int) System.currentTimeMillis();
String source = "/etc/gps.conf";
String destination = "/etc/gps" + date + ".conf";
RootTools.copyFile(source, destination, true, true);
// Last time that file was modified
// Date filedate = new Date(exists.lastModified());
It's supposed that with the RootTools.copyFile I can make that operation, but It doesn't make anything. I see that in cat /proc/mount doesn't appear etc folder. I'm tried too with the Apache transfer file copy, FileUtils.copyFile(source, destination) but it seems that it have problem with the mount system, who seems to be in RO. I try too with RootTools.remount("/etc", "RW") but fails too.
I'm lost with this issue. Pleeeeeease give some advices!!! I want to know how I can edit, create, delete, modify files in /etc /data... etc.
I'm testing this on a Samsung Galaxy S3 with an stock rom 4.1.2.
Thanks for your advices.
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Simply mount system as read/writeable
Sent from my LT18i using xda premium
exquisite.nish said:
Simply mount system as read/writeable
Sent from my LT18i using xda premium
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This is the problem. The third parameter of RootTools.copyFile(source, destination, true, true) enable the RW option of the folder before the copy. The problem is that it doesn't change the mount type, still RO, still when I try RootTools.remount("/etc/", "rw").
I want to know if there is another way to do that.

