Looking for a cheap backup smart phone but there seems to be no support form them. - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Figured it would make sense to have a backup after nearly washing my Samsung galaxy lol.
There a lot of cheap smart phones out now from blu..sky ..figo..iview and so on but there seems to almost nothing in the way of support so your stuck on roms dating back to kitkat.
Any ideas?
Ohh must be able to work with wind in good old Canada.

You would probably be better served getting a slightly used older phone, like the Nexus 5 or 6 or OnePlus One. They can be found at reasonable prices online and support your network. New budget phones just don't attract interest from developers, generally, so have less options for rooting and customizing.

Less Expansive (OK, CHEAP) Phones
Personally, I've had what some folks would call a decent "experience" with FIGO phones. Very basic Android 5.1 configurations. Minimal bloatware. A service operation with people who actually respond to requests with useful answers.
I got tired of BLU products sending all my confidential data to China while insisting nothing was wrong with their factory build. Footnote - an eventual OTA update from BLU, presumably to address the malware issue they never admitted to but see recent reports about it in such 'questionable rumor mills' as Consumer Reports, bricked it for me, anyway. So I would avoid BLU like the plague. They seem to have some SERIOUS lack of service & support issues. At least that has been MY experience with BLU.
Currently using the better FIGO phone (the Atrium, at about 100 bucks). Have a smaller FIGO phone (the Virtue 2, at 50 bucks or so) as a backup and a place to experiment. One of these days I will learn enough to figure out how to get TWRP to work on it - an MTK 6580 chipset - and eventually CM 12. Can't afford to experiment with a phone you actually need, in my book. Now, these phones are by no means flagship killers, but the better one is a reliable basic device and the lesser of the two is a functional Android device that is inexpensive enough to be a throw away, or at least a reason not to cry if I manage to turn it into a complete paperweight. It has actually proven remarkably resistant to my lack of skills and has been recovered from what I would have thought of as certain doom more than a few times

If you going for really cheap I bought a nexus 4 for 50 bucks on eBay a few days ago also a I phone 4s was 60$ plus delivery to where I was at on Facebook marketplace a month ago so 50 usable phones are out there you just got to look hard
Sent from my iPhone 4s using Tapatalk I also own a g900v


Anyone else getting tired/fed up with Android?

Just wondering if anyone else is feeling like me, and getting tired of Android. Considering abandoning Android and moving to an iPhone or (maaaaybe) WP7.
Normally I would have never considered it. Like a year ago.
But two things happened...
1: I got an ipad2, and found out that I really enjoyed it.
2. My phone broke. Twice. First the motherboard, and then the touchscreen died. Ive had a total of 5 Android phones (mostly HTC and Samsung) two of those had minor issues, and this one, which basically became TWICE. it's not so much that the hardware breaks that bothers me. That can happen to any phone. What bothers me is the hours you spend on the phone, weeks you wait while it's being repaired, arguing with the phone company whether they should get you a new phone, and on and on and on. Contrast this with Apples customer service. You go to the Apple store, and many times they just give you a new phone if e problem is serious enough, or repeats itself.
And then there's Android itself. Don't get me wrong, I love Android. But there are some things that never really change. The occasional lag or choppy listview you still get with a dual core CPU (!) and mediocre battery life.
And the whole software and hardware upgrade circus...
I got a top of the line Evo3d phone last year, which was supposed to get upgraded to ICS relatively fast, and then a couple of weeks ago HTC all of a sudden made an announcement that pretty much said: "Screw you, Evo3D owners! We're updating other handsets first, so you'll have to wait at least till summertime to get an update!"
And nevermind that you can forget about software updates after a year (If youre very lucky, year and a half. Yes there are developer updates and ROMS, but really, I can't be bothered with it anymore)
The hardware situation is also frustrating. Your phone is outdated in less than a year, replaced by yet another faster flagship, that despite the higher specs only seems to be marginally faster.
Compare that to iPhones, that don't just work, but work well... And not only does a three year old iPhone 3GS STILL get updates to the latest version of iOS (Do you even remember the Android phone you had three years ago? Chances are the last OS update was 3 or 4 versions ago) and an almost two year old iPhone4 not only keeps its resale value really high, it still FEELS like a top of the line phone, able to keep up with today's flagships.
IOS and iPhones obviously arent perfect, and have their flaws too. And I'm still not sure if I'm going to jump ship (or maybe should try WP7) but has anyone else felt frustrated with the whole Android experience and have considered switching?
the occasional lag and stutter is due to the lack of hardware acceleration in gingerbread roms/apps. ICS should take care of that. Also you need to keep in mind that android is constantly improving. All these issues we have now will be corrected by google. Yes, i agree with you on our phones becoming outdated fast, but if that's an issue for you get a nexus phone.
I own an android tablet and an iphone 4 (company phone)
Maybe I would try win mobile but I would not get an iphone for personal use. To your point about the software updates you are not being fair. Ios updates are minor, largely bug fixes, and Ios is almost identical to its original form. Be careful what you wish for regarding 3 year old devices getting software updates. Ask someone with a iPhone 3g how ios 4 worked out for them. My wife had her iPhone 4 go back 3 times for major repairs and freezes occasionally needing to be hard rebooted so hardware problems are not just android issues. Battery life on the iPhone is horrible since ios 5.
Listen, if you like ios and the iPhone there is no issue with that. I do not find android lagier than ios, in fact my old Samsung captivate blows my iPhone 4 away speed wise. The iPad is a great device, I just can't warrent the cost for a device with no flash player.
Sent from my HTC Flyer P510e using xda premium
ive had 3 iphones. all together. and yes it is a great phone. just a quick summary. if the iphone drops, be prepared to spend lots of money. software wise i hardly faced much issues.IOS is very good and stable, but battery is realy bad.
im new to androids, and i like the fact that its constantly improving. and of course how everyting can be customized. on an iphone, its like apple owns the phone and not you. then u JB it, and still limitations will be there.
and IOS is kind of boring, hehe , android is a bit more fun.
im never sick of android. i would get an iphone but i don't really have the time to sit at starbucks and fake write stories on a macbook so i can look deep to women in their teens.
I see nothing that is the fault of Google's Android. Hardware issues are the fault of the manufacturer and should be covered under warranty. You can't blame an OS for hardware issues. Upgrades one again are the manufacturer's decision. You could make the argument that Android OEMs need to be let in earlier in development (similar to Windows) so that they can have upgrades out in a timely manner. But most of the upgrade stalling come from the stupid custom skins/launchers that OEMs feel the need to distribute. So don't get mad at Android when most of your problems are caused the the OEM.
vszulc said:
Just wondering if anyone else is feeling like me, and getting tired of Android. Considering abandoning Android and moving to an iPhone or (maaaaybe) WP7.
2. My phone broke. Twice. First the motherboard, and then the touchscreen died. Ive had a total of 5 Android phones (mostly HTC and Samsung) two of those had minor issues, and this one, which basically became TWICE. it's not so much that the hardware breaks that bothers me. That can happen to any phone. What bothers me is the hours you spend on the phone, weeks you wait while it's being repaired, arguing with the phone company whether they should get you a new phone, and on and on and on. Contrast this with Apples customer service. You go to the Apple store, and many times they just give you a new phone if e problem is serious enough, or repeats itself.
And the whole software and hardware upgrade circus...
I got a top of the line Evo3d phone last year, which was supposed to get upgraded to ICS relatively fast, and then a couple of weeks ago HTC all of a sudden made an announcement that pretty much said: "Screw you, Evo3D owners! We're updating other handsets first, so you'll have to wait at least till summertime to get an update!"
And nevermind that you can forget about software updates after a year (If youre very lucky, year and a half. Yes there are developer updates and ROMS, but really, I can't be bothered with it anymore)
The hardware situation is also frustrating. Your phone is outdated in less than a year, replaced by yet another faster flagship, that despite the higher specs only seems to be marginally faster.
Compare that to iPhones, that don't just work, but work well... And not only does a three year old iPhone 3GS STILL get updates to the latest version of iOS (Do you even remember the Android phone you had three years ago? Chances are the last OS update was 3 or 4 versions ago) and an almost two year old iPhone4 not only keeps its resale value really high, it still FEELS like a top of the line phone, able to keep up with today's flagships.
IOS and iPhones obviously arent perfect, and have their flaws too. And I'm still not sure if I'm going to jump ship (or maybe should try WP7) but has anyone else felt frustrated with the whole Android experience and have considered switching?
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Considered switching? No. I came from iPhone. I would never go back. Must address some things you said from my own personal experience...
RE: phone braking - I'm not sure what experience you've had with Apple, but I've *never* had them just replace a phone in the way that you are implying. Depending on the problem, you may have to send your phone away for repairs or possibly purchase a new one. Unless it is obvious that the problem is on their end, they don't just give you a new phone on the spot. You have to deal with the same discussions of why it's broken, what happened, multiple attempts to repair, blah blah blah. My *one* hard button stopped working for some time, and had to deal with going into the store 4 times and calling customer service repeatedly. It's every company. Can't avoid it.
RE: updates - Yes, they give updates to all phones... but they essentially only have ONE PHONE. Apple doesn't have the plethora of phone brands/types that Android does. So, yes, the iPhone 3 and iPhone 4 get updated with IOS 5. What happened with those updates? My iPhone nearly bricked. I was getting error messages that said that my iPhone "was not compatible" and could not update. It took my sister's iPhone 4 nearly 4 months to finally accept and install the update. Now that it's installed, her apps are FC'ing constantly, her phone freezes on a daily basis (and she can't just pull the battery, keep in mind), push notifications are not working (even though her settings are fine), and her phone dies within 4-5 hours. So... yeah. Not all sunshine and roses.
RE: phone outdated - iPhone 4 comes out, and months later Apple releases their "new phone," being the iPhone 4S. And yes, it's in quotes cause it's essentially the same phone with the addition of Siri. I was pissed at the time. My iPhone 4, which looks and feels and performs just like the brand new version, was now outdated because it didn't have a creepy chick that could talk. /bitterness. At least with Android, if your phone is outdated, it's because a truly new phone has been released - new look, new feel, new OS, new specs, new features, etc.
I get the Apple appeal. I do. I was there once. If you enjoy rooting, flashing custom roms, and having the opportunity to customize your phone, don't jump ship. Sure, you could jailbreak your iPhone, but then you'd just be able to change a couple of settings (ones that you can tailor on a Droid w/o rooting). However, if that stuff doesn't excite and drive you, and you just want a phone to stay stock, and just do basic functions, then maybe the iPhone is best for you. I thought it was fine until I realized I wanted to be able to do more. Just don't jump ship thinking that Apple is some magic company. You'll be disappointed. I was.
mcord11758 said:
I own an android tablet and an iphone 4 (company phone)
Maybe I would try win mobile but I would not get an iphone for personal use. To your point about the software updates you are not being fair. Ios updates are minor, largely bug fixes, and Ios is almost identical to its original form. Be careful what you wish for regarding 3 year old devices getting software updates. Ask someone with a iPhone 3g how ios 4 worked out for them. My wife had her iPhone 4 go back 3 times for major repairs and freezes occasionally needing to be hard rebooted so hardware problems are not just android issues. Battery life on the iPhone is horrible since ios 5.
Listen, if you like ios and the iPhone there is no issue with that. I do not find android lagier than ios, in fact my old Samsung captivate blows my iPhone 4 away speed wise. The iPad is a great device, I just can't warrent the cost for a device with no flash player.
Sent from my HTC Flyer P510e using xda premium
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+10000... totally agree.
task650 said:
im never sick of android. i would get an iphone but i don't really have the time to sit at starbucks and fake write stories on a macbook so i can look deep to women in their teens.
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Muahahaha this just made me LOL! Quite possibly one of the best comments I've read on XDA. I approve!
Sent from my Droid X2 using xda premium
Never get tired of Android . Came from WinMo to Android, and will never go back. As far as Apple and their precious Iphone . NO THANK YOU . Know several people ( Lots ) with everything from the original Iphone to the new Iphone 4S. Nothing but issues and situations. My one bud dropped his day old 4S from about three feet off the ground. Done . It practically shattered. But that's not a big deal take it in if you have insurance, and done. WRONG! Took it in and he got a refurb. Nothing but issues with it. Others I know treat their phones like it's made of crystal. they still have nothing but software issues. I'd say it was isolated, but I'm talking about 15 different people. Out of that group, only 4 have never had an issue with their phones. So IMO it's not worth it. But it's only my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.
i love android and would never abandon it. if u think that iPhone is better than u are so wrong. with iPhone u pay 100% more for 20% less. 65% parts in iPhone are from samsung.
Just don't jump ship thinking that Apple is some magic company. You'll be disappointed. I was.
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totally agree with u m8
i came from iphone -> winMo -> Android i have been using android devices for about 2 years and i can say i will not look back. Android has a great community with great people and devs
Android is the only one for me.. I had I phone 4s......crap lol boring same as the past iPhone's great for people that just want a phone really that dose a few things on the side games ..internet ..fb.. lol but that's about it great for my wife that not technically minded. Android you can customize .. from UI straight down to hardware. As I say each time SHEEP.....copy after copy .....
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
Android is better but...
I think android is better, cause i love to costumize my phone hardly, but u know.. it always unstable lorr..
Maybe i need secondary phone like blackberry just to calling and texting.
I have iPhone 4S, iPad2 a well as an android tablet (tf101) and phone, dunno about WP but iOS has it's merits. Definitely smoother (not necessarily faster). However the small size and lack of 4g/widgets/everything is a deal breaker. Since getting ICS on my tablet and my phone, it just seems to be a higher level of product that does more stuff than iOS especially once Cornerstone becomes more standard.
Also I think iOS crashes more http://www.forbes.com/sites/tomiogeron/2012/02/02/does-ios-crash-more-than-android-a-data-dive/ ,I've certainly had a few problems.
It looks like most of your annoyances surround the fact that iOS devices get updates much quicker. Can't really help that but you haven't said much about why android the OS bothers you. Is something terrible about your less-than-current OS? As for hardware, even iPhones have hardware problems and they break/crack much more easily. If you're going to complain about battery life, I hope you know the iphone's battery life isn't really better than the newer androids. Except on most androids you can use spare batteries if you want. If you like using your phone 100% without worrying about battery life that's an easy way. Choppy list scrolling is noticeable on most androids but rare on most newer phones, never really bothers me but that's hardly a deal breaker compared to the features variety that iphones lack.
Ics will amaze you with zero lag.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
I find more and more I love about my phone/android practically everyday. It has actually made life easier in many aspects. Wouldn't think about switching. Just my opinion. Cheers!
I love Android. I have Apple stuff at home like an iPod and to be honest, never liked it. Wife uses it mostly. I find my Android can do a hell of a lot of stuff and it's fast and there is just so much customization you can't do with an iPhone/iPod. Could not see me not enjoying this Nexus phone I got. I got it unlocked with custom kernel etc and it's way better than it was at stock. So in summary, not at all getting bored with my Android phone. I love it.
I came to android from Blackberry, and an old windows ce phone. I can honestly say that I LOVE my Motorola Atrix android phone. It works....works well....and is so much faster than the crackberry. My sig other, on the other hand, HATES her Samsung Galaxy Vibrant. It seems to get headaches all the time. (a combination of hardware glitches and user error, but I won't tell her that ) I just won't buy into the Apple empire, even if Stevo is gone.
Having plodded through years of Symbian 3rd on the Nokia E71 and E5, I am delighted on a daily basis by the newer, shinier, more customisable UI Android provides. My Galaxy Note is not, however, a better *phone* than the E5. It's a better everything else, though. I keep the E5 as a quickdraw backup.
Overall though, the reason I prefer android is the "wild west" feel of thousands of excellent applications and very few restrictions on how to arrange and use them on my device. Same as Windows vs Mac, really. People would all use Macs if the top 200 games on Steam were compatible with that and not PCs. We go where the mojo is.
It's your money and if you think you like iOS more then get the phone!!
For me, I like Android more now especially Android phones even though I have an iPad. And I had an iPhone before getting my first Android phone.
Will most likely never buy a android phone again. I switched a little over a year ago. I will buy android tablets though cuz i see no point getting an ipad wen i have a iphone. I don't have any problems with my or fiences iphone. No problems with updates like someone else said either. I just came back to Android when i bought my Transformer Tablet and installed ics. Android is still laggy with GPU hardware acceleration forced on or off and don't let me start on the laggy Netflix app compared to the ios version. I still love my Android tablet.

[Q] What are your HAM2 plans?

As the title simply asks, what are your plans for your HAM2?
I've created this thread 1) out of curiosity and 2) to show Huawei (if they ever see this) what a mistake they're making.
If you're sticking with your Mate2, vote for that! If you're going to sell it, vote for that and please tell us what your selling price is/may be, and what phone you're buying next. And if you're unsure, there's an option for that.
Hopefully this'll help other people make their next phone decision or get Huawei's act together for the US, who knows?
As for me: I'd like to sell it; possibly looking into a used Note 3.
UPDATE - 11/21/14
Huawei Device is pleased to announce that Android Lollipop will be available for the Ascend Mate2 in the first half of next year. In light of your feedback, we have reassessed our upgrade strategy. We take our customers’ feedback seriously and want to ensure they have the best experience possible with the Mate2. The Mate2 upgrade will go from the current JellyBean directly to Lollipop. Huawei Device is committed to providing the U.S. market with the best products, services and features, and we stand behind the Mate2 and the value it offers. At its launch, the Ascend Mate2 offered a powerful, unlocked experience, with a 4G LTE ready, 6.1-inch smartphone featuring the most powerful battery in its class and panoramic camera. Today, the Mate2 continues to be an exceptional device for under $300.
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ScoobSTi said:
As the title simply asks, what are your plans for your HAM2?
I've created this thread 1) out of curiosity and 2) to show Huawei (if they ever see this) what a mistake they're making.
If you're sticking with your Mate2, vote for that! If you're going to sell it, vote for that and please tell us what your selling price is/may be, and what phone you're buying next. And if you're unsure, there's an option for that.
Hopefully this'll help other people make their next phone decision or get Huawei's act together for the US, who knows?
As for me: I'd like to sell it; possibly looking into a used Note 3.
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Buying the Nexus 6 when it becomes available, and after some of the reviews.
Will probably sell this or give it to someone in the family.
Sent from my MT2L03
Im going to keep it, its a really good phone, and there is no other phone with this battery!
Selling my HAM2, will wait a few weeks and decide between the Nexus 6 and Note 4
I'm also planning on selling my HAM2. I'm interested in the Nexus 6 but want to read RL user reviews. I also would like to see if there are any Google Play editions going to be announced soon that have decent screen size and big battery. Like most new Google phones, I suspect the supply chain for the Nexus 6 is going to take a few months to get enough phones out. Maybe Moto will be a nice surprise and get enough stock out early. I guess Huawei decided the North American market isn't worth the effort. Too bad. I suspect they've quit reading North American web pages after the reaction to their announcement about not updating to KK. (I really can't believe their callous responses to posts on their FB page. "Life goes on." Given that attitude, I suspect they're miserable at responding to warranty issues.)
I've only had my phone sim in it a few times, usually it's wifi only or sharing my tablet sim with my LTE N7 and unlocked AT&T Note 8. I have too many devices and need to move them. I want to go either with my Note 2 and 8, Note 2 and this with the tablet sim, or sell everything and go with an international Note 8 with the phone sim and a cheap T-Mobile branded phone for a backup with wifi calling.
"Wait and see" is what makes sense to me. The phone still has the attributes I bought it for. I'm disappointed that the phone is being neglected, but not sure I would have wanted the KitKat update if it had come. I had enough problems with various 4.4.x versions on the Nexus 4 that I would not have been an early adopter on the HAM2. I'm not exactly a fan of Huawei after the company's failure to adequately support their product, but I still remember that they freely provided the bootloader unlock code., something not many phone manufacturers do. So I think there are a few trade-offs involved.
Keepin It
I'm keepin it because I can't find any other phone as of today that is worth selling this for to get a replacement. Maybe in 8 months something better will come a long but then again maybe in 2 months or something we will have CM. The only phablet I can see worth money is the Sony Xperia Z Ultra but I think this phone is more rounded overall. I was ok with JB last week before the announcement and I'm ok with it this week just sad. This is a $300 budged phablet I bought not no $700 phone I found out was not being supported anymore. For the $300 I paid for this the battery and phone is great. A 5.5 inch screen is not a phablet to me. 6 inches and up I need and if someone can find me a worthy contender I would gladly upgrade because i'm so mad at Huawei. But as it stands its actually in a class of its own.
@ScoobSTi I've read enough of your post to know your also going to ride this wave with me. Its almost cheaper to buy a phone from someone who is mad and give it to a developer.. hahahah JK..or am I.. hmmmm
superbass311 said:
I'm keepin it because I can't find any other phone as of today that is worth selling this for to get a replacement. Maybe in 8 months something better will come a long but then again maybe in 2 months or something we will have CM. The only phablet I can see worth money is the Sony Xperia Z Ultra but I think this phone is more rounded overall. I was ok with JB last week before the announcement and I'm ok with it this week just sad. This is a $300 budged phablet I bought not no $700 phone I found out was not being supported anymore. For the $300 I paid for this the battery and phone is great. A 5.5 inch screen is not a phablet to me. 6 inches and up I need and if someone can find me a worthy contender I would gladly upgrade because i'm so mad at Huawei. But as it stands its actually in a class of its own.
@ScoobSTi I've read enough of your post to know your also going to ride this wave with me. Its almost cheaper to buy a phone from someone who is mad and give it to a developer.. hahahah JK..or am I.. hmmmm
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Thought about it more myself and it's still an awesome device and I think you would still get another year out of it. I may not get the latest android wear updates after April but Pebble said they are going to support 4.3+ with the next updates and I actually prefer my Pebble steel so I'm OK with that. Android wear has really been getting better lately and I'm excited to see what lollipop brings "Torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool" you know how the song goes.
Sent from my MT2L03
I guess I'm an odd duck. I'm KEEPING my Ham2.
The update means nothing to me. I had a 2+ year old Note1 still on 4.1.2 when I picked up the Ham2 in July, so updating isn't a priority.
I just want a device that works, is stable and has a great battery life. Ham2 fits that to a T.
I don't need bells and whistles, I don't play games. I use this as a tool for work. All my service calls are handled through a web portal,
I do a ton of email, text, scanning bar codes, few dozen photos of broken equipment etc. The OS on the device means nothing, as long as it is STABLE.I don't have time for FC's, reboots, lock ups, dropped signals etc.
Stable, battery life, good camera, clear screen, THAT is job #1 for a device.
As long as my Ham2 works, I'll keep it. Even if they did release an OS update, I'd hold off for at least a month, to make sure it was
rock solid stable before I were to install it.
p51d007 said:
I guess I'm an odd duck. I'm KEEPING my Ham2.
The update means nothing to me. I had a 2+ year old Note1 still on 4.1.2 when I picked up the Ham2 in July, so updating isn't a priority.
I just want a device that works, is stable and has a great battery life. Ham2 fits that to a T.
I don't need bells and whistles, I don't play games. I use this as a tool for work. All my service calls are handled through a web portal,
I do a ton of email, text, scanning bar codes, few dozen photos of broken equipment etc. The OS on the device means nothing, as long as it is STABLE.I don't have time for FC's, reboots, lock ups, dropped signals etc.
Stable, battery life, good camera, clear screen, THAT is job #1 for a device.
As long as my Ham2 works, I'll keep it. Even if they did release an OS update, I'd hold off for at least a month, to make sure it was
rock solid stable before I were to install it.
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well said.
I will say, it will be hard to replicate the Mate 2 battery life on any other phone for a couple of years, I'd presume. While you can certainly get a better screen and a faster phone, there's nothing on the market that even comes close battery-wise. I can get 72 hours uptime with 9 hours on screen routinely on the Mate 2. The people who have good life with the Note are getting ~20 hours uptime with 6 hours on screen.
I seem to have been getting decreased battery life, even with constant app killing, scanning, etc. so if I do switch I don't think it'll make too much of a difference.
Plus, if I do go for a Note 3, it has wireless charging... and a removable battery...
ScoobSTi said:
I seem to have been getting decreased battery life, even with constant app killing, scanning, etc. so if I do switch I don't think it'll make too much of a difference.
Plus, if I do go for a Note 3, it has wireless charging... and a removable battery...
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my battery has been perfect still. I get 2 days out of it on normal profile. and I had wireless charging on my G pro and it sucks trust me. it's not there yet
I'm going to hound Huawei until they replace this with a Mate 7
Ordered one this week let's see how it is or will return to newegg. Will be costing me less than $200 after I get rid of newegg and net10 gift cards.
beastonprowl said:
Ordered one this week let's see how it is or will return to newegg. Will be costing me less than $200 after I get rid of newegg and net10 gift cards.
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your going to fall in love with the phone just like all the rest of us. just hate the name on top
Waiting....For Now
Have decided to go back to my S3 as my daily driver. While I love the size and battery life there are just a few too many quirks that aggravate me, and one item that will be a show stopper in the near future.
1. 3rd party camera apps aren't working for me....the flash timing doesn't sync up with the shutter so you end up with dark pictures even though the phone does the double flash to focus and reduce red eye.
2. Lockscreen...ugh. Stock is nasty and the way the kernel works, replacements (I've tried a dozen plus) have delays that flash the homescreen before kicking in.
3. Screen resolution...yes, it's 720p but Huawei somehow twerked the configuration to where it's not properly recognized by many apps, especially Themer/MyColorScreen won't recognize.
4. Notifications...even with apps identified as "protected", i.e. they're not supposed to be killed when the screen goes off, seem to get cached/suspended and notifications stop.
5. Speaker...for media it does OK but as a speaker phone? Can't hear people on the other end even in a quiet room with nothing but ambient noise (yes, I'm deaf as all get out but the S3 speaker is so much better).
6. SD Card...has the damn restrictions associated with 4.3, apps like Zooper widget etc. that can back-up settings are only able to store to internal memory, not external SD. *This is from my experience so there may be something I'm missing to fix this.
7. Back-up...the stock back-up seems to work ok and a lot has been fixed with TWRP...BUT there seems to be too many issues and with nandroid/titanium not working from what I've read I have decided rooting and modding with exposed/busybox hacks is too risky for now.
8. The show stopper...My company is going to enforce encryption on BYODs soon to access email, etc. Ran encryption on the phone, looked successful, but when went to validate it failed then when I restarted the phone it went back to being unencrypted. I know 4.3 can be a bit tricky with encryption but my device is now marked as "unsupported" by my IT and will not be able to access environments.
Still love the screen and the battery life.
If the Mate 7 comes available next year for the U.S. market for under $500 that'll be my next phone.
Sent from my MT2L03 using XDA Free mobile app
Keeping . It's the best device I've had , especially considering the price/performance ratio. I knew going into this purchase that the kit kat promise wasn't credible. If you want updates spend $600+ . This device fits the bill for a lot of consumers as is . Including myself . I have devices on kit kat and the experience on the HAM2 isn't hindered at all by the 4.3 OS . At least not for me , this thing is rock solid with outrageous battery life . What's the point of having bleeding edge specs with the newest OS if it doesn't even last a regular day ?? Always looking for a charge is so annoying . With this thing i don't even have a battery indicator percentage turned on , because no matter what i can't use up all the juice in one day even if i tried . I get at least 10 hours of on screen time per charge. Who knows, maybe Huawei is gonna fire back with a positive reply after their horrendous announcement . They've been very quiet on their social platforms , maybe they're trying to work something out with the big boys over in China . Just some thoughts .

The Nexus 6P as the definitive (and possibly my last) Android phone?

So, I've owned only Android devices since I began buying smartphones and tablets, but I really feel like very little has changed with regards to Android's performance ever since the Snapdragon 800 in 2013. Even the addition of more RAM and higher-spec processors hasn't really changed much about the AOSP experience, and my old (GPE-converted) Galaxy S4 still feels like I could throw most anything at it.
With the Nexus 6P finally bringing the last few things I really wanted in a mobile phone (the fingerprint sensor, metal, 1440p AMOLED, pure Android without compromising the camera, USB-C), I'm really thinking that this may be my last Android phone for a long while. I feel like, while equally unnecessary, the N6P will offer the pinnacle of stock Android, while rounding out the feature set of all I look for. I was debating whether to cheap out and buy a N5X for dev and general mucking about, but I think I will instead commit to getting the 6P for the above reasons.
My last upgrade to the G3 was almost unnecessary, even though I love the phone. I only upgraded, since my S4's power button broke and headphone jack got a bit wonky. Had that not happened, I think I'd be still using it today as my DD. I didn't even feel the itch to upgrade to any of this year's devices (except the Nexus phones and the buzz around the fp sensor and camera), and I've already had the device for more than a year.
While it may be an unpopular opinion around these parts, I think I may switch to an iPhone (probably the 7+) when my contract is up just to see how that platform improves over the next couple of years. A second GB of RAM totally changed that phone, which shows just how behind they are in some aspects, and where potential lies. I just don't see Android making any earth-shattering changes, mostly because it doesn't need to anymore. OEMs drive their own crap update cycle by bogging down their updates and the like, a problem which never existed on my GPE-converted S4, and won't exist on the Nexus.
Don't really know why I felt like making this post, but I did. :silly:
I agree with you on certain points.
But remember,
my old (GPE-converted) Galaxy S4 still feels like I could throw most anything at it.
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You did something to your phone in order to be fast / smooth / etc. While we as a community continue to do this and find ways to improve everything.. Android (stock) has come a long way.
I'm really thinking that this may be my last Android phone for a long while.
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You reasoning for this is there is nothing really new on Android and Android phones haven't really evolved much but the same goes for iOS. This coming from someone who keeps going back and forth from Android to iOS. iOS is much more polished and needs less specs to run smooth, but you also have to remember they only have to worry about support their own hardware. And while yes, there has been phone upgrades from Apple (bigger screen, etc.), this is stuff Android has been doing for a long time.
It's kind of hard honestly.. after a certain point.. development / upgrades happen slower.. when jumping from phone to phone now, things don't seem like much of an upgrade. I think that's because we upgrade phones so often now, we don't notice the differences as much. But say you had to keep your S4 for another year without the ability to root / install a custom ROM, I'm sure you'd be all over the N6P.
While XDA has made Android development much bigger and contributed in a positive way, it has also kind of spoiled us and made us think the way you are.
For me the big things that keep me on android are customization and the ability to do what I want with the phone (not what Apple or anyone else wants me to do). I would love to say this would be my last phone for a while but 2 things will prevent that....
1. I'm a tech junkie
2. Android support is 2 years
Well, the LG G3 isnt the best phone... you'll probably like the Nexus 6P a LOT!
I said that with the Nexus 6. I might still keep the Nexus 6 but I'm at least going to give the 6P a shot.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
I'm not far behind but not because Android vs Apple but because my life centers around MS products. I work in IT, exclusively with MS products. Why is my mobile device on a different ecosystem?
I'm excited for what MS has in store for their APIs that allow ios and Android apps to behave as if they're in their natural environment. I think this approach is going to flatten the playing field and OS will no longer matter.
Now if they could just make tech without built in obsolescion the market will start filling with devices that have purpose instead of purely consumerism. There WILL be a threshold of device waste that will force our hand.
Excel made some good points. And I too felt the same about not seeing much improvement from my phone but the continuous development thru ROMs makes it seems like the progress is small but it not....if you tally up the progress over the 1 year iPhone life cycle it is a lot of progress.
Google has too many things going on and unfortunately doesn't take the time to perfect their products except their search engine. They rather create a new product versus refining an existing one.
Imagine if google only had drive, no gmail, no G+, a tablet, one PC, and Android that ran on a single phone from one manufacturer....say LG. And Kept that same phone and just improved the hardware each year and the software as well....and diverted all other efforts towards perfecting that single device. That phone would be light years ahead of apple. Instead google has close to 200 products and services they wear themselves thin with. And tackling the immense task of attempting to make android run seemless and smooth on
Almost 19,000 devices instead of on just a handful of devices plus one phone is the difference between google and apple.
With that said and even with google continuing to expand like they do....I still think Google's android os running on top tier android devices will surpass IPhones in all aspects in couple years.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
Exel said:
You did something to your phone in order to be fast / smooth / etc. While we as a community continue to do this and find ways to improve everything.. Android (stock) has come a long way.
You reasoning for this is there is nothing really new on Android and Android phones haven't really evolved much but the same goes for iOS. This coming from someone who keeps going back and forth from Android to iOS. iOS is much more polished and needs less specs to run smooth, but you also have to remember they only have to worry about support their own hardware. And while yes, there has been phone upgrades from Apple (bigger screen, etc.), this is stuff Android has been doing for a long time
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Partially correct on the first point. It is fundamentally still "stock" (no kernel mods/custom features) on GPE firmware, but yes, I haven't tried stock since the original shipping firmware. I haven't rooted my phones since putting GPE on the S4. My Nexus 9, the G3, and the S4 all run unrooted, the former two of which are on stock firmware. The biggest pain about Android is debloating carrier crapware, a problem nonexistent on Nexus devices.
I feel like Android has matured to the point that there is little left to give. As far as supporting their own stuff, that's why I feel like the N6P would be the ultimate.
WoodroweBones said:
For me the big things that keep me on android are customization and the ability to do what I want with the phone (not what Apple or anyone else wants me to do). I would love to say this would be my last phone for a while but 2 things will prevent that....
1. I'm a tech junkie
2. Android support is 2 years
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I agree, but customisation is so easy to do on Android without mods or root. The only other phone I was considering was the S6 edge +, which is also comparably restrictive. I just haven't felt the need to root since the S4.
An iPhone, on the other hand, I would be keen to jailbreak instantly. Quite a lot of interesting tweaks come out of Apple's "crack R&D team" (like swipeselection....), and jailbreaking is the only way to stay on that edge and get appropriate customisation.
I would also be using pretty much solely Google apps there anyway, since the default apps are kinda terrible.
bsg411 said:
Google has too many things going on and unfortunately doesn't take the time to perfect their products except their search engine. They rather create a new product versus refining an existing one.
Imagine if google only had drive, no gmail, no G+, a tablet, one PC, and Android that ran on a single phone from one manufacturer....That phone would be light years ahead of apple. Instead google has close to 200 products and services they wear themselves thin with.
With that said and even with google continuing to expand like they do....I still think Google's android os running on top tier android devices will surpass IPhones in all aspects in couple years.
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But the diversity is the beauty of Google. The fact that they move the ecosystem forward and have a constant stream of novelty across their business is what helps them succeed. Android itself doesn't really need more improvement, is my argument. It's already there, and their job is to create new services to drive the platform.
Android as an OS already far exceeds that of iOS IMO, especially with Google Now. What I want to see is how Apple catches , since their platform seems to still be in flux (as far as performance and service delivery goes).
You'll change your mind when they release the Nexus 14z, which will project it's 16k display directly to your brain, and be able to read your thoughts instead of having to speak "OK Google".
I'm serious, because Google will have perfected mind control by then and we'll all be drones.
All hail Masters Page and Brin, our merciful overlords!
---------- Post added at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 PM ----------
Seriously though, I admire your pragmatic upgrade preferences on smartphones.
TemporaryTester said:
But the diversity is the beauty of Google. The fact that they move the ecosystem forward and have a constant stream of novelty across their business is what helps them succeed. Android itself doesn't really need more improvement, is my argument. It's already there, and their job is to create new services to drive the platform.
Android as an OS already far exceeds that of iOS IMO, especially with Google Now. What I want to see is how Apple catches , since their platform seems to still be in flux (as far as performance and service delivery goes).
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I agree with you the software is better but implementing all the services via the OS on a multitude of devices is a difficult task. However starting with this 6P nexus devices I think are on par with iPhone (hardware and software) and I bet will surpass the iPhone 7 next year.
I just wish they worked with one manufacturer to help perfect the hardware and built on a good hardware design instead of going back and forth with with hardware features and designs .....kinda like the 5x with 6P features.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
If the 6P lives up to the hype, the improvements left are physics stuff: battery life, moar camera, lighter/thinner/stronger, waterproof, sapphire display.
That said, iPhones have been such a bitter disappointment since the Gingerbread days. I'm on Apple for the most part (MBr, iMac 5k) and would consider switching to iOS but the differentiators that custom Androids offer simply aren't there, or even possible. The current crop of crippled hardware is missing too much. When Apple makes a real retina display (eg AMOLED 2k) and loses the oversized HTC-ish bezels it'll be worth another look. Assuming Apple gives out widgets, call recording & MinMinGuard too.
WoodroweBones said:
2. Android support is 2 years
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For a Nexus device the support window is 3 years. N5 is 2 years old and just recieved Android 6.0. It will continue to get updates for atleast another full year. Unfortunately that is likely to end when android N comes next fall.
Interesting that this phone has everything you ever wanted. Did you know you wanted a 1440p phone with a fingerprint scanner 2 years ago? Probably not. I'm sure innovation will continue, though maybe slowly. I'd like to see better battery tech.
This is how the technology cycle is. You cant have the same level of developments every year throughout the products/os cycle.
I believe many of the features we see added are already developed. They just hold back so they can have a balance of Big n small changes each year & also market couple of features as exclusives for the latest version.
It is the same with iOs as well. You will not see a lot of big changes. Many of them will be hardware based. As os's get more refined hardware dependency will reduce. Today you can get excellent performance from a mid range android device. Tomorrow it will spread to lower end devices aswell. In principal its a good thing.
Right now the top most focus for any R&D of software or hardware company is battery life. The company that cracks it will play a major role.
CrashTestDroid said:
If the 6P lives up to the hype, the improvements left are physics stuff: battery life, moar camera, lighter/thinner/stronger, waterproof, sapphire display.
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Really? People are still hung up on sapphire? Sapphire is brittle. I want foldable screens. I still believe Nokia's concept of a phone that trifolds and then bends to fit as a watch is the future. No more carrying a giant brick in my pocket.
Spaderess said:
For a Nexus device the support window is 3 years. N5 is 2 years old and just recieved Android 6.0. It will continue to get updates for atleast another full year. Unfortunately that is likely to end when android N comes next fall.
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True... I guess for me I mean 2 years of getting a new android version but yeah technically 3 years support I suppose.
warplane95 said:
Well, the LG G3 isnt the best phone... you'll probably like the Nexus 6P a LOT!
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A G3 running BlissPop ROM is truly a thing of beauty! It's incredibly compact and lightweight for a 5.5" phone, and it flies without the LG software on it. It has a great camera (a step behind the current best, but I've had very few pictures I wasn't very happy with), and the screen as much better than it's reputation indicates it should be ... mostly, I think, because the default brightness is quite low. And the battery life is quite good ... I end most days with 50% after about 1.5 hours of SOT.
I'm mostly upgrading to the 6P because I usually buy a new phone every 6-9 months, but it's been 14 months and I need a new shiny object to fondle. I'm honestly not expecting it to be a whole lot better than the G3 for me ... better screen, better speakers (I hope) and a fingerprint reader may or may not be enough to compensate for the substantial increase in bulk. I had a Note 5 for a week, and it just didn't feel like much of an improvement so I sent it back, which I have never done before.
And my G3 has a replaceable battery, and I could probably be happy with it for 5 more years, if I wasn't such a gadget whore.
Of course I certainly don't think an iPhone is the answer .... that's just ridiculous!
Whoops double post
Here's an idea...try to find a friend with an iPhone who would be willing to trade with you for a week or something. Wipe the phones, trade your SIMs and see how the other side lives.
Sent from my LG-V410 using Tapatalk
Though it had it's issues, the Nexus 6 strong enough in all the categories that I stuck with it for a full year. The only thing strong enough to pull me away now is the 6P. I fully expect it to keep me locked in for the next year as well. However, it could be good enough that I don't feel the need to upgrade to next year's nexus. Only time will tell.

With android phones, do I need to buy the latest device at the time of purchase?

I look at my friends at university with iphone 5s' they've had for >2 years and they work like they're brand new. Is that the case with android phones? I recently just bought a samsung galaxy s7 and then canceled the order because of my realisation that the price was ridiculous. What I am asking is that if I opted for the s6 now, will the lack of updates (as its older) reduce the life of the phone? Or does it not matter - a new s6 will last just as long as an s7?
I feel that any phone should work decently for atleast 2 years from its release date given that it has decent specs. After 2 years, the device usually starts to slow down. And this slowing down is inevitable.
This slow down happens because of all the software updates your apps gets. As apps introduces new features, it often requires more resources from the device. The weaker the specs are, the harder it is for the phone to keep up with the software updates.
If you only plan to use 2-3 apps on your smartphone and keep it in a condition similar to when you bought it (no root, no custom roms or anything like that), it would perform great. I have seen my parents take very good care of their old phones and they still work great!
So to answer your question, do you need the lastest one?
No, you just need to ask yourself how long do you plan to stick with the phone you buy.
With both s6 and s7 you should be able to use them for 3 years easily from their release date. So with s7 you got about 3 years and s6 you got about 2 years. After that who knows how much resource hungry would the new version of android or apps would be.
In my opinion, you could get OnePlus 3 and that too should last you for around 2.5 - 3 years with ease! That phone has 6 gigs of ram with snapdragon 820 and its half the price of s7 !!
Phones can easily last 3 to 4 years; the battery is going to be the first to go. Like the other poster stated, it's usually app updates and software updates that slow a phone down over time.
If you buy any upper tier phone made in the past 2 years, however, you'll be set for at least 3.
Keep in mind, slowdowns and problems with performance over time really only show when playing really demanding games. If you're just browsing or taking pictures or are on Facebook or Instagram the phone really won't ever be a problem.
But yea, I would highly suggest checking out models on Swappa if you're OK with buying used. I just grabbed a Nexus 6 (2014 release) from there this weekend. Tons of phones are in mint condition at steep discounts.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Picking up a P30 Pro in todays circumstances

With all this upheaval, what do you think about grabbing one while they're going cheap, used and good condition?
Im aware of the circumstances and that Huawei banning bootloader unlocking makes the situation even worse. If we could find a way to unlock the bootloader by unofficial means, I'd be happy to pick one up if there's decent 3rd party developer support
Could this be an opportunity or just a waste of time and money for us?
I've just bought one for £520 and it's only a month old. I'm prepared to take the risk for such a good phone and hopefully this Trump crap will come to an end soon
I have one sealed here myself but debating if I should have opted for Mate 20 Pro instead for worthwhile savings
Things could possibly reverse back to normal, if the ban goes full on, it could come to a total of $11m lost of business for the states with the companies combine, plus other possible complications, even regardless of that, and full ban on huawei, existing devices are not effected going by what Google have said
I got one before the 'news'. No regrets, it's a great phone.
Yeah i'd say buy it or get the mate 20 pro it's a better deal.
It has a better screen also
Although i don't care for that myself
i have a p30 pro love the phone but i am thinking about getting rid of it becaues of the hole ban thing i buy my phone off line every year and just tread my old one in so just looking at it from a money aspect
It's still worth every cent of the original retail price, let alone the massive discounts you can find. Its the best phone of 2019, and I've tried them all...
I agree. I'm watching a few variants on ebay, mainly the VOG-L04 model. If prices continue to fall, I might end up with more than one.
Sledge007 said:
I got one before the 'news'. No regrets, it's a great phone.
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I just picked mine up about to days ago. And I paid premium price for it. I was looking for the best battery life, performance and camera. I'm not really a fan of Samsung. I have no complaints with this phone. Other then I have a defective figure print sensor.
Bought a new one about a week ago. Could not be much happier overall. I don't necessarily need Android Q. The phone is working fine as it is. However this might be the last Huawei I'll buy depending on what happens in the future. It's very unclear future for Huawei now. For current phones I don't care though. This phone has the hardware I need that no one else has.
No regrets for me too. I bought it after the news came out. P30 pro is already a futuristic device. Huawei can always use AOSP and we can use alternative for Google services
Sent from my VOG-L29 using Tapatalk
I picked one up over the weekend, new. I'm not too bothered about the crap - it's a great phone, will get Q, will probably get security updates, and will definitely get Play store updates - that's good enough for me.
And it's a matter of time before either of the countries blink and things go back to normal
Well, I just picked one up brand new here in Canada. Coming from a Pixel 3xl. Don't regret it one bit. Nothing wrong with the pixel at all, but it fell short in a couple areas within the camera that the p30 pro delivers on. I don't really care about the situation happening, I believe it will get resolved.
I bought my P30 Pro before the ban for full price.
I love the fact that it has a best in class camera that's the most versatile in the industry, 2 day battery life, the fastest charging speeds and just its overall gorgeous design.
I have no regrets. I don't take politics seriously and think the news and media puts this in a scaremongering light as Google and various US-based companies wouldn't want to lose out on potential revenue and business.
Can you guys imagine If Huawei and Honor, Xiaomi, OPPO etc. Get an agreement to make one OS to all chinese Smartphones, this way the devs will forget about Play Store, cause only Pixel Will left ... Since even Motorola and Nokia are from China now! Is pretty much the end of Android!
felipy2k said:
Can you guys imagine If Huawei and Honor, Xiaomi, OPPO etc. Get an agreement to make one OS to all chinese Smartphones, this way the devs will forget about Play Store, cause only Pixel Will left ... Since even Motorola and Nokia are from China now! Is pretty much the end of Android!
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Just a little correction. Nokia is from finland
Sent from my VOG-L29 using Tapatalk
cardozclive said:
Just a little correction. Nokia is from finland
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I thought that the smartphone division was sold to a chinese Company , maybe was Lenovo and Motorola .. my bad!
ph03n!x said:
And it's a matter of time before either of the countries blink and things go back to normal
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On the sidelines of the G20 summit in Osaka, Trump said “U.S. companies can sell their equipment to Huawei,” without going into detail. “We’re talking about equipment where there’s no great national security problem with it,” Trump continued. It’s not clear what this means for now, but it’s likely Huawei will be able to acquire basic components like Qualcomm processors and Google’s Android OS.

