Remix os on kenzo - Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Questions & Answers

is it possible to port remix os or phonex os on kenzo?


Port Resurrection Remix OS settings and customization to Mokee OS ?

Hello every one,
I know this my sound like a weird question, but :
"Can I port Resurrection Remix OS settings and customization to Mokee OS ?"
I was using Vova.Vafin's Resurrection Remix OS latest release 03 Dec 2016, for a while, it's very good. However, the security patch are 2016-04-01.
I'm now using BuLe's Mokee OS latest release 07 Sep 2016. And I found it to be very very good. the security patch are 2016-08-01. However, it does have customization like RR'OS.
SO :
"Can I port Resurrection Remix OS settings and customization to Mokee OS ?"
Thank you all.

Port Resurrection Remix OS settings and customization to Mokee OS ?

Hello every one,
I know this my sound like a weird question, but :
"Can I port Resurrection Remix OS settings and customization to Mokee OS ?"
I was using Vova.Vafin's Resurrection Remix OS latest release 03 Dec 2016, for a while, it's very good. However, the security patch are 2016-04-01.
I'm now using BuLe's Mokee OS latest release 07 Sep 2016. And I found it to be very very good. the security patch are 2016-08-01. However, it does not have customization like RR'OS.
SO :
"Can I port Resurrection Remix OS settings and customization to Mokee OS ?"
Thank you all.

Lineage os 3.10.10x kernel?

Is there any kernel for Lineage os 14.1 ( 3.10.10x ) on g925f?

resurrection remix oreo

please resurrection remix oreo stable for galaxy j7 sm-j700h/ds
and thx

Flyme os

Can someone please port flyme os for yu yunique....

