USB-tether (cell phone to router).Trying to Port-Forward 554 from phone to router - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a static ip cell phone, LTE service with public address:
USB-Tethered to an asus router
Router has WAN address of:,
Gateway and DNS is:,
I Port-Forward 80,8080,554,etc... to Desktop Computer
Desktop Computer has HTTP Server and Darwin Streaming Server
Listening on 80,8080,554
Lan address is:
I got the http server working by using an app on the cellphone called PortForarder
I forwarded port 8080 for incoming and 80 for target settings I entered rmnet0 ( Public Interface (other choices were Lo(,rndis0(
...for Target I entered router (
From the Outside (on a different internet connection)I'm able to access my html server with this
My Problem:
The app (portforwarder) is for non rooted phones, it will not let you forward ports lower than 1024,hence I cannot access my smtp stream on port 544
I'm trying to figure if the app uses iptables or routes traffic thru adb for forwarding
there are other portforwading apps for rooted phones that do use iptables (can allow to portforward lower than 1024) but I cannot get them to work with usb-tethering, it just may be I'm not understanding the correct iptable to write.
Can someone help me write an ip table that port forwards 544 from public interface(cell phone) to target host (router)


[Q] DHCP Lease IP Address Issues

Not sure if this belongs in this section or not. I know this is an ongoing issue with some Android OS phones. I just wanted to see if any other Atrix owner is having the same issues or if anyone has ideas on how to fix.
Network monitoring shows that your Android OS based phone is causing a problem on the campus wireless network.
Your phone is not properly communicating with the campus DHCP servers, which assign (“lease”) IP addresses to allow your phone to communicate on the campus network. Your phone contacts our DHCP server to obtain an IP address, and is given an IP address to utilize for a period of three hours.
During that three-hour period, if your device remains connected to the campus network, your phone should automatically contact our DHCP server to request a renewal of that lease for an additional three hours. If your device does not complete that renewal, the lease on the IP address your device is using will expire and your phone must stop using that IP address. At that time, the IP address is returned to the pool of available IP addresses that can be assigned to other users.
The problem we are seeing from your device is that it does not request a renewal of this IP address and it does not stop using this address after the three-hour lease expires. In some cases, we have even noted your device attempting to renew the lease on the IP address it was using well after it was expired.
As the IP address your device was using returns to the pool of addresses to be assigned to other users as soon as the lease expires, by continuing to use this IP address, your device will be interfering with others users who have been leased that IP address by our DHCP servers.
We have seen this issue from many Android OS based devices manufactured by a variety of vendors and sold by a variety of mobile carriers. As such, we suspect this is due to a bug in the underlying Android Operating System.
We do not expect that there are any configuration changes or settings on your device that would resolve this issue.
So there it is. I've read through some Google forums and even here at XDA. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.

Steps to Change the IP Adress in WINDOWS MOBILE

Hi every body
i will show you how to change your ip adress in windows mobile ,because a few days later i post and i ask how to change it ,but no body reply so i discover it myself
go option/connections/wireless/network card/and select your
wireless adapter
now select specific IP adress
IP adress : (you can just modified the 181 value)
subnet mask :
default gateway : (this is your default router adress)
now go to Name Servers
and put your router adress in DNS (ex:
and press OK
now your adreess has been changed
Any one needs helps ,i will
this IP is local and static. your ip will b different if you use to accessing real internet connection.

[Q] Email Server: domain named server or IP address?

With other phones I can access our corporate exchange email using the named domain Exchange Server. With my SGS2, if I enter the fully compliant domain named server, it only connects with email on our internal corporate wifi. If I turn off the wifi and run data only, I can't access email.
When I change the domain named server to our external IP address, I can access email when using data, but I cannot access email using our internal wi-fi.
We've tested the fully compliant server domain name i.e. on iphones and Nokia phones and it works just fine both on data and wi-fi. The SGS2 doesn't seem to want to accept the internal IP address when on wi-fi. Is there a setting or something to flush the DNS or accept multiple addresses in the email settings?
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
So I deleted the email account and reinstalled it using the domain name server and it works fine on data. When I turn on our wifi, it doesn't connect.
Turn the wifi off and the email works. Turn the data off and wifi off and then restart the data and neither works.
Interent works fine on wifi. It's just the Microsoft ActiveSync email that is the problem.
Could be a firewall problem with your WiFi network blocking the ports for Active Sync

USB-tether (cell phone to router).Trying to Port-Forward 554 from phone to router

I have a static ip cell phone, LTE service with public address:
USB-Tethered to an asus router
Router has WAN address of:,
Gateway and DNS is:,
I Port-Forward 80,8080,554,etc... to Desktop Computer
Desktop Computer has HTTP Server and Darwin Streaming Server
Listening on 80,8080,554
Lan address is:
I got the http server working by using an app on the cellphone called PortForarder
I forwarded port 8080 for incoming and 80 for target settings I entered rmnet0 ( Public Interface (other choices were Lo(,rndis0(
...for Target I entered router (
From the Outside (on a different internet connection)I'm able to access my html server with this
My Problem:
The app (portforwarder) is for non rooted phones, it will not let you forward ports lower than 1024,hence I cannot access my smtp stream on port 544
I'm trying to figure if the app uses iptables or routes traffic thru adb for forwarding
there are other portforwading apps for rooted phones that do use iptables (can allow to portforward lower than 1024) but I cannot get them to work with usb-tethering, it just may be I'm not understanding the correct iptable to write.
Can someone help me write an ip table that port forwards 544 from public interface(cell phone) to target host (router)

Local IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6)

I have Wifi disconnections frequently on my phone (Xiaomi Redmi 5) and my researches lend me to focus on IPv6.
When my phone is connected to my home Wifi, I can see in the connections parameters that there are 2 local IP addresses : one IPv4 and another IPv6.
I disabled in my router settings the IPv6 management but my phone still has an IPv6 address.
What do I need to do (On the router or on the phone) to get rid of it?
Dude, i was just coasting down the information highway, not actually looking for this, but found it nonetheless, and coincidentally i go thru the same rather annoying events. Did you ever solve it? Care to share?
Yep, it appears to me that while using a VPN disconnections didn't occur anymore.
I don't understand why but if works.
I use this workaround since.
I'll give that a try! Thanks
I don't think it's a problem with ipv4 or ipv6. precisely if you don't establish an IP address it can't be connected to WiFi. maybe you can try resetting the Router you are using. CMIIW
@Double Jo
A Local IP address ( to be corect: Private IP address ) is an IP address that's reserved for internal use behind a router or other Network Address Translation (NAT) device, apart from the public. Private IP addresses are in contrast to public IP addresses, which are public and can't be used within a home or business network
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) reserves the following IP address blocks for use as private IP addresses: to to to
As one can see those all are IPv4 addresses.

