How can I make apps "capture" the mouse cursor? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I noticed that games that can make advantage of keyboard and mouse does not capture the cursor, so the cursor just hover over the screen, if I want to i.e. move the camera, I need to click and drag.
Apps that I know it works with mouse and keyboard (still need to click and drag):
Minecraft PE
Also, all 3 mouse buttons behave like "mouse 0" is there a way to change that too?
I remember using a Xperia phone that mouse 0 was "click", mouse 1 was "back" and mouse 2 (wheel click) was "home"
Is that rom dependant? Can one edit that with root access?


USB Mouse Functionality

I have a logitech laptop USB mouse that works w/ the dock, except for the scroll wheel. Is there some kind of settings screen for the mouse once you plug it in? Do I have any chance of getting this working properly? I also can't seem to hold down the button and highlight text for cut/paste.
Scroll wheel works fine here with a Razer Orochi
You can't highlight text on holding button since Android doesn't support it, just hold mouse button (like longpress on the screen) steadily and you'll be able to select text
My scroll wheel kind of works in some apps. It is useless though as it skips one line at a time and doesn't always even do that. Is there a way to get to a mouse configuration or setup screen somehow?

ICS Mouse Buttons

Is anyone using a mouse in ICS with their i717? More specifically, a bluetooth mouse? I have 3 buttons and a scroll wheel on the mouse, but they all do the same thing; select. Typically right click is back, and clicking the scroll wheel is 'menu'. has anyone gotten this stuff working? I like to set up my not eon a stand and click around with a bt mouse I have on my desk.
Yeah, I have a wireless usb and i have the same issue. I suppose its just the way they have the mouse setup on ICS. Well atleat on our build of ics atleast. Maybe there is an app that allows you to modify the button input layout possibly.

mouse question

just got a bluetooth mouse for my tablet and it works great but is there a way to configure buttons in it? its a 5 button mouse the nlly button not working is forward but id like to change it cause on main screen and most apps both buttons are click and be nice to have one open a menu or something thanks
does anybody know what idc file the mouse is?
ok did some searching and in my generic.kl key 324-318 are button_select, Button_start, Button_mode, button_Thumbl and button_thumbr

Disable mouse input?

I have a genetic air mouse with a disable mouse button, which allows just the direction and function buttons to be used. However, the mouse pointer is only disabled until the air mouse goes into sleep mode after around 2-3 minutes and reappears as soon as it's woken. This plays havoc in Kodi on my Nvidia Shield TV, as I'm running a skin which only supports direction keys.
My question is if there is an app which allows the disabling of mouse input in a specified application? I'm rooted so it's not an issue if this is required.
A solution would be much appreciated.

Mouse right key remapping

Hello.My experience with a wireless mouse is just fantastic.Scroll also works.But it would be perfect,if someone could tell me a way to remap right mouse click to behave as back button.Thanks.

