TOUCHscreen issues - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hello, i have an Alcatel One Touch Pixi 3.5 and i am having a problem regarding the touchscreen.
I noticed that whenever i tried to play a platformer game my character would suddenly stop moving while jumping, or just not jump high enough. and there also times where the controls would just lock up for few seconds before it would let me move again.
it was getting really annoying so i decided to use a multitouch testing app. those were the results:
I saw that it only detected 2 touch points and when i had two fingers on the screen far apart, it saw both fingers as separate touch points. but when they were close to eachother it would count as one single touch point in the middle.


Dead Space Multitouch Bug

I haven't seen any fixes to this problem but others have reported it, and since it makes the game about 30% less fun I wanted to see if anyone had found a solution.
Basically, the problem is that most of the time, if you run (which involves touching the left side the screen) while looking around (touching the right side of the screen), when you stop the right touch your character stops and you stutter/can't move for about 3 seconds.
I've heard that this also happens with Grand Theft Auto III on Evo 3D, but that it DOESN'T happen with other high-end games. Also, on at least two occasions I'm pretty certain this problem DIDN'T come up--the game allowed multitouch with no problems whatsoever.
Has anyone else experienced this? BTW, I'm running stock.

ICS and JB touch screen issues?

I thought it was only me upgrading P920 from GB to ICS and JB and got touch problems, but a quick google with "ics touch screen issues" reveals a lot. This problem seems well-spread across devices, ROMs, kernels,...
Basically the main problem is that it's harder to get the phone to register/recognize a touch/swipe. I sometimes have to touch/swipe multiple times for the action to happen. Sensitivity doesn't seem like a problem here, because a very light/soft touch can still be recognized. It's just that the screen often doesn't recognize the touch. Turning on pointer location in development options is the best proof. Try tapping the same spot on the screen lightly (as normal use) and some times it will register the touch, sometimes not. At first it seems like no problem but gradually becomes very itchy for everyday use. It's like using a defective product. But it is definitely NOT a hardware issue, because every time I revert back to good old GB (any version, any kernel) the touch screen just comes back alive. Every slightest touch and swipe registers beautifully, never misses.
So if your device does not suffer from this problem, lucky you. Us who are suffering from this, would like to have some cues on how to solve it.
NOTE: SGS touchscreen booster DOES NOT solve this issue. It's a great tool, though, to increase the touch sensitivity. But as this is not about sensitivity, it's useless for me.
So anyone have a solution? Thanks in advance!!!

[HELP] Touchscreen Malfunctioning. Help ASAP

I Bought This Phone About 2 Months Ago. It Was Going So Well. But Suddenly This Week The Touchscreen Is Starting To Go Crazy.
I Enabled The Touch Input At Dev Option And Got This As A Result. The Touch Keeps On Going To The Bottom Of The Screen.
But When I Put Both My Fingers It Returns Normal. If I Remove One Of My Fingers, The Other Touch Starting To Go Towards The Bottom Again. It Frequently Goes All The Way Down To My Home Button Causing My Phone To Quits All Apps That I Open And My Phone Starts To Vibrate Like Crazy. Any Help Is Appreciated.. ASAP!
This Is My Phone Spec :
Alcatel One Touch Pop D5 (5038D)
Up To Dual Touch
TFT Capacitive

Getting Ghost Touches (Phantom Touches)

Long time owner of a TF201. Currently using KatKiss v28 and loving my old ass tablet! But about a month ago I started getting ghost touches and just this past few days it has got to the point where the tablet is unusable.
For a few weeks the ghost touches would go away if I just locked and unlocked the tab but now they are there constantly. Using a touch screen app I can see the ghost touch is only in one spot and is a constant steady touch.
So far I have tried rebooting and also the hard reset pin whole reset. I tried squeezing the tablet at the problem spot and cleaning it really good with alcohol swabs.
My question is what would be the next best step?
I don't mind opening it up and maybe resetting some cables or taping them to stop a short but I don't think I want to invest in a new screen or anything.
Any advice would be appreciated!
Update (self necro) (resurrection?) of my own thread
I managed to fix my dead zone! It has been fine for a few hours now. I will update again if it changes.
So eventually an entire strip or zone of my screen was unresponsive to touches. Using this video as guide I have managed to fix the dead zone completely.
I discharged the igniter device up and down the dead zone and it fixed the entire area! The screen now works as before with no phantom touches or dead zones!
It was a little unnerving discharging right to the screen of the tab but it didn't seem to damage it at all.

Touchscreen problems

Hello, i have an Alcatel One Touch Pixi 3.5 and i am having a problem regarding the touchscreen.
I noticed that whenever i tried to play a platformer game my character would suddenly stop moving while jumping, or just not jump high enough. and there also times where the controls would just lock up for few seconds before it would let me move again.
it was getting really annoying so i decided to use a multitouch testing app. those were the results:
I saw that it only detected 2 touch points and when i had two fingers on the screen far apart, it saw both fingers as separate touch points. but when they were close to eachother it would count as one single touch point in the middle.

