In Memory of Ashclepdia - Motorola Droid X2

I hope moderators will keep their attention away from this thread.
This is in loving memory to a great man. Ashley (Ashclepdia) Hanna. A great person and friend. We met right here on this forum in this section years ago. He got me into modding and being part of the Droid X2 Universe. He always helped anyone out on here no matter how stupid the issue. Eclipse Rom was his life. He loved this forum and modding his X2 more then anything.
Ashclepdia (Ash) past away on July 20th 2017.
He will always be missed.
Take care bro.
Mod: I request this be stickied if possible as tribute to him.

Yo Ripley
Believe it or not bro still got mine and pristine on the dock running his work I need to do a little homework . Got to release this bloated battery before yeah bad things and I'd love to turn it into my desk clock. Such memories,
Salute, all respects...
Ps. My first stock phone since this forum began is the Z2 play on Verizon and I've never hated a phone more my entire life it is the worst piece of indescribable and I won't even go into my attempts. Good thing I give very little for it bad thing is unfortunately I'm not able to better acquisition for now, it's just heartbreaking. Of course silly for me but still heartbreaking nonetheless even sickening... Just owning this thing well maybe the first time I bricked the X2 lol after all it was my first of first of first with much love. hopefully not the last ,excluding the Z2 play on Verizon it will be the last for me of its kind with Verizon and maybe Moto. Of course I'personal opinions and preferences.


A message to my fellow Eris users

It's been a crazy 2 years.
Some of us have already moved on to other devices(me2! ), and some still live here. Some of you , have no idea who I am xD. Most of your upgrades should be soon. (in fact mine is this month) The eris was my first android phone, my door to a magically mystical place I had never been before. While there was a lot of drama, we were able to get root, ***** the device, OC it , and build custom roms. In fact, I was the first person to ever have a rooted Eris(thanks Caboose!) and make the first custom rom for it. I have evolved greatly from these days, and I can always thank my Eris for guiding me the way. If any Evil Eris supporters are still here, thank you so much, I cannot say(or type) the words to show how appreciative I am of you guys. I am now much involved in the Droid X scene. Anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed the phone as much as I did, tell me when your upgrade is, and what you plan to get!
Framework43 said:
It's been a crazy 2 years.
Some of us have already moved on to other devices(me2! ), and some still live here. Some of you , have no idea who I am xD. Most of your upgrades should be soon. (in fact mine is this month) The eris was my first android phone, my door to a magically mystical place I had never been before. While there was a lot of drama, we were able to get root, ***** the device, OC it , and build custom roms. In fact, I was the first person to ever have a rooted Eris(thanks Caboose!) and make the first custom rom for it. I have evolved greatly from these days, and I can always thank my Eris for guiding me the way. If any Evil Eris supporters are still here, thank you so much, I cannot say(or type) the words to show how appreciative I am of you guys. I am now much involved in the Droid X scene. Anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed the phone as much as I did, tell me when your upgrade is, and what you plan to get!
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Now there's a blast from the past. Thanks for everything you've done here with the Eris EE was the first ROM I used and used it for quite some time. My upgrade is due the end of Nov. Currently I still have my original Eris which my wife now uses (finally talked her into moving away from her Blackberry ) and I'm now on the DInc1 until my upgrade time. My next phone will probably be either DInc2 or Vigor. Still waiting to see come Nov/Dec.
Hey Framework43, good to see you posting here again in the Eris forums .
Been a while since I've seen you, Eclips3, jcase, jamezelle, GrdLock, etc. post over here, but I know you guys are still around, here and there.
I've still got my Eris, but I've been using my Droid X as my day-to-day phone since launch day of last year.
I love my X, but I can't let go of the Eris and still tinker with it as much as time allows.
Still waiting to hear about the next big device to come out, but I really want to make sure that we've got a good dev community behind it and an unlocked bootloader would certainly help in that respect. I think we're all hoping (probably foolishly) that the Bionic might be/get unlocked...(I did see last night that the Photon has been unlocked--although not necessarily by Moto).
Anyway, good to see you here again.
My upgrade is September 19. I will probably get the cheapest of the X2, Dinc2, or Tbolt.
I don't want to get a brand new phone for two reasons: 1) I am cheap, and 2) I want a phone already supported by XDA. If you guys have a suggestion concerning another phone I should consider or why I shouldn't consider one of the above let me know. My only restriction is it must be HTC or Moto. I don't want to learn another vendor interface. Did I mention I'm lazy as well as cheap?
The Eris I got for free when my wife got her Droid. I'd like to pay close to that for my next one. She's headed for a Droid3.
I've got until next March before I upgrade. I bought my Eris used several months ago because work agreed to pay for our data plans, and it was the only one I could buy for a decent price (my current phone was a Samsung Hue). I'm sure I'll only have a certain amount of funds to pay for my phone at upgrade time, so maybe the T-bolt or other good 4g phone will be free by then.
LOL - I bought my Eris on drop day, so I'm already eligible for an upgrade.
I had the same "dumb" feature phone for - get this - 5 years before that.
I've been using computers continously since 1976 and can no longer remember how many deskside and laptop computers have passed through my hands, so I don't get all that excited about the prospects of getting "the latest and greatest" any more. Are the new phones that much better? Sure they are.
Having said that though, I will also admit: the little Eris is the coolest device I've ever owned. Maybe not the "best of the bunch" at the time - but that didn't matter to me: I wanted it for its form factor. If I wait a while, the next phone I buy will probably make the same impression on me, rather than just being "a little bit better"... and I won't be married to any carrier at that time.
I'm glad we had the group of devs we did; not every android phone gets the same degree of attention.
The whole time I owned the Eris, my phone kept getting better, thanks to Framework and all the other devs. Pretty awesome that nearly 2 years later, I'm running GB on a phone that shipped as a Cupcake device.
Framework43 said:
It's been a crazy 2 years.
Some of us have already moved on to other devices(me2! ), and some still live here. Some of you , have no idea who I am xD. Most of your upgrades should be soon. (in fact mine is this month) The eris was my first android phone, my door to a magically mystical place I had never been before. While there was a lot of drama, we were able to get root, ***** the device, OC it , and build custom roms. In fact, I was the first person to ever have a rooted Eris(thanks Caboose!) and make the first custom rom for it. I have evolved greatly from these days, and I can always thank my Eris for guiding me the way. If any Evil Eris supporters are still here, thank you so much, I cannot say(or type) the words to show how appreciative I am of you guys. I am now much involved in the Droid X scene. Anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed the phone as much as I did, tell me when your upgrade is, and what you plan to get!
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Evil Eris was also the first ROM I ever used. One of my favorites.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Me3, or 4; Evil Eris was the first custom ROM I flashed on my Eris, too. I was late to the Eris game, but in a way just in time as just about the time my Eris shipped to me, 2.1 OTA was rooted, so by the time I received mine I had researched a lot, already knew how to root it and had decided on what I was going to try first. Thank you, FrameWork43 (it's funny, the second time I used EarthLink as an ISP they still had my original email address reserved - [email protected], so I chose roirrawedoreht43, either because 42 was already taken or because it was the answer to life, the universe, and everything +1), and to everyone else who has made my phone so tinkerable.
I'm not with Verizon any more, I'm with PagePlus and I love the savings. I do plan on paying retail for some phone hopefully within the next year, but we shall see. I know that no matter how powerful my next phone is when stock, that I still won't accept any that can't be rooted because I love to make things do things they're not supposed to be able to do!!!
Got my Eris the day they came out (v1.5) and now that I have Condemned CM7 V17 rooted....I'm gonna keep it another two or three years. Thank You CondemnedSoul.
By the way...your "Noobie video" scared the he!! out of me

Regarding Guides 8/28

Unfortunately I'm moving away from the Photon, so will be discontinuing the guides. I'll poke my head in once and awhile and update any pertinent info. Time to pass on the torch...someone should begin another and request it stickied.
I enjoyed the MoPho...but one month after release it's way too quiet in here for me. I crave flashing goodness...and hear only crickets. I will be picking up the SGSII when it hits, and look forward to seeing some of you over there!
Thanks to Yay, Edgan, Kenneth, DCour, Baller, Mikey and others that have taken a stab at this great phone!
Good luck on your next phone. For me I am pretty pleased with how well this phone works stock. The two things I wanted in particular (root and webtop) were achieved amazingly quickly. While I look forward to a sexy fast custom rom with all the bells and whistles (and rock solid stability). I can wait for that, I am more then satisfied that the Photon has lived up to the hype. It's the first time a smart phone has done that for me.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
Bandage said:
Unfortunately I'm moving away from the Photon, so will be discontinuing the guides. I'll poke my head in once and awhile and update any pertinent info. Time to pass on the torch...someone should begin another and request it stickied.
I enjoyed the MoPho...but one month after release it's way too quiet in here for me. I crave flashing goodness...and hear only crickets. I will be picking up the SGSII when it hits, and look forward to seeing some of you over there!
Thanks to Yay, Edgan, Kenneth, DCour, Baller, Mikey and others that have taken a stab at this great phone!
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Damn man sucks to see you go. You will be missed. You still in your 30 days? How you going to get the SGSII, just pay full price? Anyways, hope all is well with that phone and I know they will have some great guides over there ;-) Good luck!
Djspinister said:
Damn man sucks to see you go. You will be missed. You still in your 30 days? How you going to get the SGSII, just pay full price? Anyways, hope all is well with that phone and I know they will have some great guides over there ;-) Good luck!
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Yeah today was last day of 30 I cancelled the line, started a new one with a Nexus S on it, and will swap for the SGSII when it comes along (rumor is 9/9/2011).
Thanks for the kind words DJ!!
Bandage said:
Yeah today was last day of 30 I cancelled the line, started a new one with a Nexus S on it, and will swap for the SGSII when it comes along (rumor is 9/9/2011).
Thanks for the kind words DJ!!
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You know that you are allowed to switch it out 3 times which resets your 30 days every time right? guess its too late now but yes you are allowed to do that. That's what I did. they just swap you out a new photon and reset your 30 days. lol I loved it. Does help to have a good guy at sprint to deal with also
But like I said bud, good luck and you are very welcome.
I may do the same thing. I have my girl and her mom on my account I may just give my girl the Photon and use her mom's upgrade on the SGSII. Will see how it goes first though. Really like the Photon, it has a **** ton of potential! Really too bad Motorola can't get their head out of their ass and realize that's what keeps a majority of us around.
Take care o/
newalker91 said:
This is rather disappointing. It's only quiet in here because the phone is still so young, bootloader was only recently unlocked. As soon as all the hardcore HTC fans start to realize this phone blows both Evo's out of the water, this place will be booming. Even if not, we have some very talented developers making feature rich stable roms. I was a flashaholic as well, but especially on phones such as the Evo well over half of the roms are just plain rubbish and aren't worth flashing. I'd hate to see that happen to the Photon and then deal with all of the people complaining that the phone doesn't work when they just loaded up half-functional software ripped from quality roms by a 12 year old.
Either way, hopefully you'll come back to this phone when we learn what major flaw the latest/greatest Samsung has. I gave up on them after all of their Android devices had major recurring defects, ones that I still see today in my tech centers. Moment/Intercept/Transform had way too little internal memory and the processor wore out quickly. Epic/Captivate/Vibrant all had borked GPS and suffered from random locking up/reboots. Nexus S 4G has terrible signal quality and terrible battery life. Replenish has been their worst yet, charging port shorts out causing it to say it's charging when it isn't and has gotten so hot that I've actually seen them brought in with melted LCD panels and it burnt the customer upon picking it up. I don't know how Samsung has avoided a lawsuit on that one. As for myself, I will not be picking up another Samsung device regardless of how amazing the specs look on paper. They can't seem to get their products fully functional.
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I agree completely. I was just looking at the SGS2 reviews and whatnot for the last hour or so. I honestly think the photon already has beat it. I remember my first Samsung phone from ATT, I forget what it was even called actually. I'm sure I could look it up but it was like almost a smartphone. I mean it was, but there was no market or anything and it was just what it was.
I will be staying here unless there is just no action moving forward. But I don't see that happening because like you said this is a great phone and we have only begun to unlock the powers it has, I cannot wait to see numbers when we have a proper kernel source and a proper kernel made for us. Stock my phone has hit over 2500 in Quadrant and I know other people have gotten higher. In Linpack it is hitting higher than some of the highest numbers ever recorded for linpack. So I really can't wait to see what this thing has when it is fully unleashed! It still is just the beginning.
the sgs2 will be an amazing phone. shame i didnt catch ya in time >.> i have a nexus and trying to get a photon
shabbypenguin said:
the sgs2 will be an amazing phone. shame i didnt catch ya in time >.> i have a nexus and trying to get a photon
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Amazing maybe, better than the Photon I would have to disagree there.
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Bandage said:
Unfortunately I'm moving away from the Photon, so will be discontinuing the guides. I'll poke my head in once and awhile and update any pertinent info. Time to pass on the torch...someone should begin another and request it stickied.
I enjoyed the MoPho...but one month after release it's way too quiet in here for me. I crave flashing goodness...and hear only crickets. I will be picking up the SGSII when it hits, and look forward to seeing some of you over there!
Thanks to Yay, Edgan, Kenneth, DCour, Baller, Mikey and others that have taken a stab at this great phone!
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Thanks for your contribution to the Photon. Enjoy whatever device you end up with.

Merry Christmas fellow android lovers

I know its not a question, but would like to just say thanks to everyone in this misfit forum for making our phone a better device. Just shows what can happen when people work together. I know I've learned alot about android in the last 10 months & thank you guys for all your help along the way. Let's hope the New Year brings us new possibilities for this misfit of a phone....THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE..MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!
This happens to be my very first post on XDA. I'm one of those silent followers, reading, re-reading, scratching my head, pulling my hair, but smiling in the end bc of you Devs. I went back to stock last night to flash 2.3.5 and it kept saying error "build.prop & verification blah blah". I'm freaking out. Since I'm on vacation, I tether my phone for internet (throttled, of course, bc I've been downloading as much as a middle school boy with the parents out). I spend forever loading pages, too stubborn to ask a question and too afraid of the "dude, have you ever heard of the search feature?" Yes, mister, I have read about that feature. But I deleted it and need you to send me a link So, it's Christmas Eve and I'm sitting in a Chinese restaurant enveloped in a sea of S. Florida Jews that my sister loves to talk with every year. We're the only Catholics in the room, but she feels right at home. Idk. It may have been Moses working, but I realized I was on 2.3.3. Huzzah! As soon as we got back I immediately satiated my flash fix. Thanks Ace for the nandroid. X-mas came early. Thanks everyone for your help. I've learned so much for my first smart phone bc of XDA and y'all. I really fear ppl are going to be moving on soon. I fear that a lot. I don't know how ppl can go through phones like it's an accessory. I got my phone on August 6th and am sticking with this to at least my 2 year update. Don't worry. I foresee our unlock is near.
Sorry for the long post, if you made it this far. My next ones won't be this bad.
Big thanks to DEVS and...Ashlepedia. I categorize you, Ash, with the Devs bc of the amount of work you put in to this forum. I rooted around the same time you did and it's been great watching how much you've learned. I'll get whatever phone you get next.
Happy holidays, everyone from Old Testament to New to none.
Gtg to run to bed so Nicolas doesn't get mad. I heard he's brining me an Otterbox this year.
Sent from my DROID X2 using XDA App

Goodbye and Thank You

Yesterday, my Galaxy Nexus showed up in the mail
So, it is with a little sadness actually that I must say I'm leaving everyone here. The developers in this community are incredibly talented and friendly, and I must say even though it's not a powerful phone I'm glad I chose the Eris over the OG Droid two years ago. All of your roms, tweaks and apps you've developed helped me not chuck my Eris against a brick wall (lol). Even though I never posted here too much, I just wanted to say thanks.
I'm probably gonna be back every now and again just to check out what's going on, but for now I'm gonna go enjoy my new Nexus haha. And sorry if this isn't exactly in the right section, I just wanted to make sure the developers saw this.
Peace, y'all.
Take care!

Two Years Later

Wow. I can't believe it's been this long that I've had this phone. The DroidX2, MB870, or whatever you want to call it has been a huge part of my life for the past two years. As strange as that may sound, you all know that it is true. I was sitting at my desk today, staring at it plugged into my computer when nostalgia'd hard core to the first day I got this phone and did the same thing. I thought back to all the things I went through for this phone (and for you guys) and how much I've learned. It's been through hell and probably worse but all in good fun.
I know that I had never really been a "consistent" developer by any means. Dropping in and out of chats, disappearing for months on end, but one thing that never left my side was this phone. When I got it back then I knew that I wanted to hack it, play with it, develop for it, change it, mold it, whatever. And I think I did just that. Not as much as a wanted to, not as much as I think I could have done, but boy did I have fun doing it. I remember building CyanogenMod 7.0-RC1 on a really old Toshiba with a Core 2 Duo and 2GB of RAM just trying to figure out how to even begin to make a ROM for this phone. It was painful. I remember my first SBF attempt failed because I didn't have my battery charged (now I have two phones and 3 batteries).
The first real thing I did was trying to tear apart the SBFs from a few similar phones and looking through the CDT tables for any answer to unlocking the phone. We never did find that answer (well... maybe, but that's a different story) but I wasn't going to be discouraged. The first real development effort I put into the X2 was with navendrob porting over the pull down settings from the new (still Gingerbread) Atrix ROMs. I tore through smali code, XML files, copying and pasting chunks of code from all over. And then, it happened. I got the pull downs to show up and work. I was incredibly excited (and I showed it all over the IRC) of what I had accomplished. Although this wasn't the first real effort on the X2 as keep in mind that many of us were using Eclipse at the time, I was incredibly happy that it was the first real development for the X2.
SIDE NOTE: I'm incredibly proud of nitroglycerin33. He took his experience from themeing (theming?) the X2 and brought it out to be a widely used ROM on MANY different devices. So props to him for achieving more than I have.
I went on to try to work on getting real ROMs working on the X2. This was around the time we started getting 2nd-init working (the magic behind most of the Motorola ROMs at the time). I remember the first time I got it working. All I did was set one property (something like and seeing it show up. But besides randomly popping up in the forums, I started working on ClockworkMod Recovery (which I barely got working, but never fully functional). At this time I created my Twitter account and posted this picture. The date was November 16, 2011 (wow). But I knew that I had to get 2nd-init working better before I could fully get CWMR fully working and updated everyone with why it was so hard to get working.
So I set out to get CyanogenMod actually working from a complete build from scratch (not some hacked Atrix thing) and I posted my progress in the development forum. With the help of my guinea pig Moonshadow-NM doing my actual ROM tests, I watched as we slowly got to the boot animation, and to the home screen. You cannot believe how excited I was. There were so many flaws, that it was barely usable, but I was so happy (I think I scared my roommate from all the excitement). I slowly worked out the kinks, and it's still perhaps the most stable ROM that the X2 has (although I love Jellybean and won't go back to CM7 despite the issues I have).
And the rest is history. I remember holding "release events" for my ROMs. Teasing everyone with new updates, features, fixes, you name it. The IRC chat room would be packed with people waiting for me to post the link. And I was excited to see where we would go. And even if we didn't go very far, we still went on (mostly) as a team. Through ICS, and now JB, I tried to provide what Motorola refused to give.
So this is my thank you to all of you. Past, and (very few) present. You all have helped me through my craziness and issues with this phone and I can never thank you guys enough for it all. I never thought I would have "internet friends" but you guys sure as hell came close. This isn't the end of my adventures with Android. I will be getting a new phone (hopefully) in the coming weeks/months and I want to be a vital part of that development community also. I'm keeping my Java/C/C++ skill sharp still by writing a JNI app. I'm not going to release it as it's mainly just for experimental purposes, but it allows me to practice those languages while focusing on SQL database integration, cryptography, and JNI integration in Android.
So from one X2 guy to another: thank you for all you've done, all you do, and all you will do.
Thank you so much for all your hard work for the x2. You truly made it greater than Motorola could have. The x2 has had a great community with some great people. That is in large part due to the great roms you have released. Can't wait to see what you end up deving for next. Thank you so much from all of us.
Sent from my XT875 using Tapatalk 2
Glad I could be there for the ride! Dragon was one of a few people dedicated to making the best of the bastard child that is the Motorola Droid X2. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication. Was always proud to be rocking some dragonzkiller custom on my little moto brick. #DX2GOD
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
thanks for making my first smartphone ever that much more enjoyable. best of luck on all future endeavors
Your a hell of a dev dragon, thank you for all you did. You made my dx2 enjoyable and I still use your rom on it as an mp3 player
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
It was great seeing you make all of those breakthroughs. I'm fairly certain if you were not a full time student over the course of your X2 dev time, we'd have seen you pull off kexec and custom kernels. You have a never-give-up mentality. Honestly, even after you get a new phone, I'd not be completely surprised to see the tweet, "KLP on DX2", lol.
Anyway, thank you for all you've done. Many people have come along and talked big games, made promises they couldn't keep, went all Melvin on us, etc. You've talked very little game, but always made/make big deliveries.
Thanks for all of your work DZK. I've tried walking through your foot steps with a 4.2.2 port I got working TWICE, but haven't gotten it working again. I hope to someday be as good as you
Thanks, it was fun watching you go at it all this time.
Sent from my US Cellular Galaxy Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 beta
I'm glad to see this post from you DK. It IS weird to think its been that long. As one of the users who was around back then, I have to say that it was fun seeing the DX2 move from Android version to Android version, even though this phone was stuck on Gingerbread in a lot of ways. Without you, this phone would probably still be stuck on 2.3.5. I have moved on from the DX2 and am in other sections of XDA now, but I will always think of the DX2 community to be the best, most helpful community there was/is. So not only thanks to DK, but thanks to all the DX2 users who made this forum enjoyable to be in. Its like your teenage wish you could go back to that better time, but you know you just cant. At least we have the memories. Cheers.
Thanks DZK you really made a difference in my android hacking skills so to say. I remember contemplating on getting the Iphone 4s over the droid. Days after i got my X2 i found this site and tried CM7 for the first time. His roms inspired me to make my first port. This was the best fourm even though we didnt have stuff like and unlocked bootloader. The Razr M forum im at right now has NOTHING on this. Good luck on your adventure with a new phone! Bye!
dzk you've honestly brought me into my first realm of custom rommage. even though I've moved on since the dx2 I'm still excited by being able to look back on what you accomplished and was able to bring the dx2 to a whole new realm. being able to follow the progress of cm7, cm9, and now cm10 has been an exciting little journey that you and many of the other users (whether devs that were part of your "team" or the regular users like myself). all of you guys kick major ass and are awesome on your own rights. so a huge thank you to you dzk, and the og users who have made this bastard phone's forum awesome!
Its been a great experience with the roms you developed. The Dx2 was my first android phone and no matter how many phones I changed to or roms I load up, it will never compare to how I felt when waiting for a link to pop up with your new / updated peice of art.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
The X2 was my first smartphone. I didn't know anything about anything at that time. One day heard about "root", did some research, stumbled across xda. One thing led to the next until I'm looking at a little dude with a skateboard on my screen, waiting for CM7 to boot. I still remember my excitement. Thank you for that DZK, best of luck to you.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
You know I have move on also just recently as most, but I still have my X2. I am saving it for my son to show him with a good education and a little knowlege. He can accomplish almost anything, I never left CM7 needed the stability of what my phone offered for my sons memorys. I never tested the waters of developing. Just a few xml, png, changes to fit my desires.
You have a great deal to offer I hope it takes you far. I still check the X2 threads for new development just because I know you still play with it can't wait to see you hit the "Big Time" with your Talents. Good Luck and Thank You!!!!
It really has been over two years! My X2 had the search button wig out exactly 1yr and 3 days after I got it (3 days out of warranty) back in may 2012. Verizon nor Motorola would honor it for being out of warranty. I moved on then, but still checked back as this community is the first android community I joined.
I went through an HTC incredible and a LG Spectrum. Both were nothing compared to what you did with the X2.
After a little tinkering of my own, I got the X2 back up and running. (Took some soldering and precise hand movements to get the search button to work again. When a hardware key malfunctions, the phone will only boot into safe mode). I still use CM7 on my x2 (as an mp3 olater or a GPS unit) and it is on par with this Rezound in speed and responsiveness...
Sad to see you go, but happy you are moving on to bigger and newer projects. Best of luck on your new adventures.
Sent from my Infected Rezound using xda app-developers app
Thanks Bryan, no thanks to aceoyame who totally abandoned the x2 while porting the X2 to MIUI...
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
Dragonzkiller, you made life fun with the X2. CM7 was awesome, as was Eclipse. Kudos for giving Nitro some props as he deserves it as well.
What you did, though, was awesome, Writing the image from scratch and making what was a damn stable ROM for the X2. I kept swapping back and forth between CM7 and Eclipse on the X2.
But, like you, times changed and I moved on. It was time for an upgrade and I needed a phone that had a better upgrade path, so it was with that I moved onto the Droid RAZR MAXX.
I'm still running that phone and probably will for some time since that was my last upgrade available to me. Currently, CM10.2 is being developed for it (4.3 kernel) and it's pretty stable.
Many thanks to you and to ALL the developers out there that put in so much of their time and effort into releasing things for us minions to run on our phones. I've learned a lot about how Android works, but with my full-time programming job, I've never had the time to actually learn it for myself. I still plan on doing so, but it just depends.
In any case, this is why I love the Android community. It's never a dull moment, and definitely, with the X2 and the entire bootloader unlocking fiasco that occurred that one night and caused Ash to go into a drunken tirade on Twitter, who can say the X2 was boring?
BTW, I say with a heavy heart that I no longer have my X2. Wish I did, but I traded it in at Best Buy. Got $75 out of it and used it towards getting my daughter her upgrade to a smartphone. Sadly, I couldn't convince her to go Droid. She went with the fruit, so I guess that's one failure for dear old Dad. Well, two because now my other daughter went to the fruit tree as well, even though I had her use my old OG Droid RAZR until her upgrade came up. I guess she got teased too much since all her friends had iP... oops, almost said the naughty word. You know what I mean! In any case, I do miss the X2. Might have to pick one up one day on eBay or something just to tinker with. Still have my crappy LG Vortex, which was my first Droid phone. I can't even give that one away!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
I just want to say thanks to all the hard work the devs have done to make this phone the best it could be.
I have moved on to greener pastures with a Droid Ultra.
Sent from my XT1080 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Sad this phone never got more. Thanks dragonz for your hard work when i still had this phone!
New users are still benefiting from your great work
Just wanted to say I am appreciate all the sharing of your work with others. I needed a G3 Verizon phone to work on PagePlus so I just purchased a Droid x2 3/3/2014. I rooted and flashed your CM10a3. I used this phone everyday and its a very useful phone now. I do have battery drain as some have experience but that is minor compared to the usefulness of this phone. Thanks!

