Chrome OS sudo password. - Chromebooks

Hey guys. kind of new to all this. I've installed crouton on my Chromebook (AcerC720) a couple of times. My roommate messes with my computer and somehow, crouton is gone. I've power-washed the laptop, entered dev mode, and enabled usb debug. My problem now is when i enter Shell, type sudo ( your imagination here ), its asking for a password. I've done a little research and none of the so called passwords are working. I.E. (enter), chromeos, facepunch, etc. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

!!!Issue Resolved!!!
d4rkc10ud said:
Hey guys. kind of new to all this. I've installed crouton on my Chromebook (AcerC720) a couple of times. My roommate messes with my computer and somehow, crouton is gone. I've power-washed the laptop, entered dev mode, and enabled usb debug. My problem now is when i enter Shell, type sudo ( your imagination here ), its asking for a password. I've done a little research and none of the so called passwords are working. I.E. (enter), chromeos, facepunch, etc. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Not sure how to delete a thread yet. I've resolved this issue. I will be posting a new thread with a serious question. Thanks.


[Q] I've searched and searched with no success re Windows Mobile Device Center

As you can see, I'm a Senior Member; however, I've been "away" for a few months. I had an HD2, which was stolen. After reverting back to an old Nokia to get me through the "tough times," I bought a Telus HTC Desire (running Android 2.1) and had it unlocked.
This was my first time using Android. It's a nice operating system, but I simply cannot do many things I used to be able to do with my HD2. So, two weeks later I bought a new HD2. I still have the Desire if anyone's interested. It's in perfect condition, but that's not my reason for writing these words.
I've searched and searched and searched the forums with no avail. It has to do with Windows Mobile Device Center and error messages when I try to sync my HD2 with my PC.
Okay, I'll try to provide as much detail as possible.
First, I DO NOT USE EXCHANGE. I have only one email address set up using POP, and it works. I can get and send mail without a problem.
However, everytime I attach the HD2 to my PC via USB cable, Windows Mobile Device Center automatically starts the sync process. Sadly, though, I ALWAYS get the following error message: Exchange Activesync encountered an error ... blah, blah, blah, and nothing syncs.
Then, if I leave my HD2 connected, when the next automatic sync begins, there's no problem (most of the time). My Calendar and Contacts sync well.
I ONLY sync my Calendar and Contacts. Nothing else!
I've tried virtually every solution I've found on the Internet without success. I've tried syncing just one of the two items, either just the calendar or just the contacts, and then go back to both, but that does nothing to solve the problem.
I'm simply losing my mind with frustration. I cannot get that "darn" error message to stop. I simply want my device to sync with my PC (running Windows 7 64-bit). Yes, I'm using Windows Mobile Device Centre 6.1 for 64-bit systems. Yes, I've tried uninstalling it and re-installing it ... but still no success.
I've tried remove the partnerships and starting over again, but the same error message occurs.
I've been a member here for quite a long time and have found this site to be the "cream de la cream" of sites for HTC phones. I'm hoping someone can help.
Thank you,
Hmm, it's been several days with a reply to my original post below. Has no one else had this problem?
Can anyone help?
only advice would be performing a hard reset if you havent done it yet.
maybe it can help...
Already did a hard reset ...
I already tried a hard reset, but I still have the error issue.
Have you tried:
Try running the command below in a Command Prompt with admin privileges:
regsvr32.exe %Windir%\system32.exe\ole32.dll
Press Enter.
Reboot your computer.
fred_up said:
Have you tried:
Try running the command below in a Command Prompt with admin privileges:
regsvr32.exe %Windir%\system32.exe\ole32.dll
Press Enter.
Reboot your computer.
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In response to your question, I ran your suggested command in a Command Prompt, but without success. I kept getting the following error message”
The module “C:\Windows\system32.exe\ole32.dll” failed to load. Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files. The specified module could not be found.
On a related note, pardon my ignorance, but what does it actually mean when someone says "with admin privileges?" I bought my laptop, I own it, no one else uses it, I have not set up anything special concerning more than one user since I have been and always will be the sole user of my laptop, so can I automatically assume I have admin privileges? If not, how can I change this, and why would I not have admin privileges? How can I confirm if I do or don't have admin privileges?

[Q] Galaxy S2 was run over by a car... Need help retrieving files!

Hey everyone. I'm in a bit of a pickle here. My phone was run over (I know, it's hilarious, laugh it out) strangely enough it's still intact except the screen won't turn on (it's cracked to hell as well). So I'm getting a new phone mailed to me, should be arriving in a few days, but I need to get all my contacts and whatnot off of there.
My first instinct was to use Kies, however it looks like I had USB debug mode enabled so Kies cannot detect it, nor can my PC (it sees the phone, but cannot access the storage).
So my question is: how can either a) disable debug mode without my screen or
b) get my contacts and files another way.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
Have you tried using ADB commands? you could access the internal storage this way, also you didn't use your google account backup settings? if you did, all your contacts would be restored on your new phone.
Yes try true adb. An other question: are you rooted?
Adb is not that hard. Just download the android sdk. Then open a command prompt and browse to the sdk dir.
Then typ:
adb devices (it will give you some serial number, then it's working!) then you could try:
adb pull /data/data/ backup/data/contacts.db
If it's not working post the output you are getting.
And google contacts win.
I always wonder in what kind of cases we need it except theft or lost.
Sent from my GT-I9100
is you phone fixed?

[SOLVED] ADB not working on Linux? FIXED! [LOOK HERE!][IMPORTANT!]

Your problem: You have a Nook Tablet running CM10.1 or above, and have been trying to get ADB working on Linux with no results. Android 4.2.2+ OSes have security measures (such as RSA fingerprint matching) that disallows unknown computers to use ADB. On the one hand this is good, but on the other, it's a major pain in the ass. What's even more retarded is, the POPUP SHOWING IF YOU WANT TO ALLOW YOUR COMPUTER TO USE ADB DOES NOT SHOW UP, but only on Linux for some reason. The majority of Windows users using ADB on the NT have no problems at all.
Your issue: I'm having problems getting ADB to work with the Nook Tablet on a Linux distribution! HALLLP!
Your issue: Hallp! My device shows as being "unauthorized"!
SOLVED! Here is the simplest solution I have found.
So, I spent literally weeks looking for a solution, tearing my hairs out, to this problem and I found absolutely NOBODY who knew the answer, except this ONE person, who is apparently the only one besides me that is using Linux. This person DESERVES a medal for a short and simple answer.
Noob friendly version below:
Step one: Copy over your located in your .android (hidden) folder, located in your home directory most likely (unless you use a root account all the time like a mad man), and put it onto your Nook Tablet's SD card somehow (for example, you can use an FTP server if you do not have an external SD or a card reader around).
Step two: On your Nook Tablet, open a terminal and "cd" to your sdcard's location.
For the internal SD, it's usually /storage/sdcard0 ; for external /storage/sdcard1
(ex: you would type in: cd /storage/sdcard0 )
Step three: Gain superuser access. Type in "su" and allow once.
Step four: Remove the previous adb key located on your Nook Tablet
Type in: rm /data/misc/adb/adb_key
Step five: Append your key, located on your sdcard, to the following location
Type in: cat >> /data/misc/adb/adb_keys
(Make sure you type in ">>" instead of one ">" because a ">>" means "to append/add" but a ">" means "to replace")
(For each additional computer you want to use adb with, you would simply copy over the adbkey from that computer and follow the same steps)
Easiest and last step: Reboot your Nook Tablet.
Kill the adb server on your computer: adb kill-server
After the Nook Tablet reboots, plug in the USB cable to your Nook and PC, now type in "adb devices. It will be recognized at last!
(I don't really think the reboot was necessary, but oh well).
TL;DR version below (for experienced users):
rm /data/misc/adb/adb_key
Send adbkey ( in ~/.android/) from computer to device
adb kill-server
cat >> /data/misc/adb/adb_keys
adb devices
adb shell
Rejoice! ADB finally works!
Don't forget to leave thanks! Press the damn thanks button, how lazy are you guys?!? :victory::victory:
Seriously? not a single one of you brainy people know what's going on? and not a single one of you run Linux and happen to have a Nook Tablet?
sagirfahmid3 said:
Seriously? not a single one of you brainy people know what's going on? and not a single one of you run Linux and happen to have a Nook Tablet?
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The vast majority of people here have no need whatsoever to use ADB with their Nooks. I think many with an interest of developing (that are the only ones that have a real need for ADB) have moved on to other devices and probably don't check in here much. Sorry to be the barer of bad news.
Out of curiousity, why do you need ADB? I suspect you are fiddling with something fun and intersting. Anything you want to share? If it's interesting enough maybe you'll get more attention! One can always hope...
Yuh huh, I plan on installing Debian on the Nook Tablet and Nook Color following this guy's directions. Since they both have an unlocked bootloader, I'm hoping it wont be too difficult.
He also posted the tutorial on this site as well:
BUMP (wanted to push this up the thread in case someone using Linux is having trouble getting ADB working).
Are you sure to delete
and recreate
Ok, for me adb_key didn't even exist, and inserting my public key into the /data/misc/adb/adb_keys file worked (despite having bugs shown in dmesg!)
Now, I just need working mtp or usb storage....
Wow, and even this seems to work now, it was just a question of setting/changing the settings when looking at the options for "storage" - maybe there is an initial setup problem in CM10.1, hmmm...
Thank you very much!
bluesock said:
Are you sure to delete
and recreate
Ok, for me adb_key didn't even exist, and inserting my public key into the /data/misc/adb/adb_keys file worked (despite having bugs shown in dmesg!)
Now, I just need working mtp or usb storage....
Wow, and even this seems to work now, it was just a question of setting/changing the settings when looking at the options for "storage" - maybe there is an initial setup problem in CM10.1, hmmm...
Thank you very much!
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No problem! Thanks for your feedback. If there is any way I can make this small guide better, please let me know :victory:

ADB problems with emulator

Okay. I have been trying to do other things with rooting other phones. I've rewritten a exploit so it will work on Mac. But this is a general problem. I deleted the Emulator and every single thing but the platform-tools on the windows side of my computer. So the only thing I have on my computer is the platform-tools folder (aka fastboot and adb) So I have tried what almost every forum has said. The adb kill-server. I restart it. Still there. I've tried to individually kill it still there. I've unplugged my device and ran adb still there. This is one reason that stopped me from rooting on a windows because this stupid emulator won't go away and it never has. I've never ran eclipse on the windows side or to say that never anything but the adb and fastboot. Only the Mac side have I done other things. Please if anyone could help that would be nice. It'd save me time from having to take the .bat files and changing them to sh files and opening with text edit, editing the file to work with terminal, then sh run the file and it not work then back to the drawing board which after rewriting some stuff over and over is a miracle to see it finally execute the exploit. Thanks for any help. I would gratefully appreciate it. Thanks. Sorry this kind of a off topic thing. O yeah that is the other reason from keeping me going s-off to. It's annoying and I would really love to fix the issue. I will take any advice. Just saying though the adb kill-server and a lot of other commands are not working and not doing the process. Please anyone who would like to help. Just put anything :$ Please and Thank you.

Wpa2 Enterprise

Hi I can't connect to the Wlan Network at our university, which is using wpa2 enterprise.
When I click on the network nothing happens. On askubuntu I found something, but I don't know in which file on my phone I have to put the text in.
Yes, WPA2 Enterprise isn't supported by the GUI yet.
The file you need to save that to needs to be called
/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/<your network's id>
Replace <your network's id> (including the brackets) with the ID of your Wifi network. In the example it would be "eduroam".
(Please note that you need to save the file as root, i.e. using sudo.)
I tried it yesterday with the file, but it didn't worked. But I am not sure if the file is correct for our network.
I followed this guide and now I get a connection. Only username and password have to be changed.
Sent from my awesome Ubuntu Touch device using the Forum Browser app
Sorry if this is a semi-hijack, but this seems the most relevant place for my question. I can't get access to my uni's wi-fi either (aquaris ubuntu edition phone), and I was wondering if anyone knows if the functionality for wpa2 is going to be added in the near future? I don't have ubuntu on a desktop atm and I don't want to have to install it just to tinker with my phone, which also seems a little bit daunting to me, worried I will explode my phone or something.
I don't know when they bring wpa2 enterprise support via gui, but I think it is a must have feature. You don't need ubuntu to get it working. I can upload the file I used, you just have to change 2 lines. You can use putty to put the file in the right location.
jonny-boy said:
I don't know when they bring wpa2 enterprise support via gui, but I think it is a must have feature. You don't need ubuntu to get it working. I can upload the file I used, you just have to change 2 lines. You can use putty to put the file in the right location.
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That'd be great, although I've no idea what I'm doing with this sort of thing, would it be possible for you to explain it to me in idiot terms? I'm not familiar with putty or this kind of exercise
1. Activate Developer Mode on your phone
You can activated the Mode under Device info, developer mode
(But you have to set a password for your phone before, if I am not mistaken)
2. Connect your Phone via usb to your computer
3. Download adb for windows:
The installer asks some questions, I answered all questions with yes.
4. I attached a File. Just change username and password.
Then remove the file extension (remove the .txt)
You have to activate show file extensions in the windows explorer, to remove the file extension
5. Move the File on your phone e.g. in the download directory via usb
6. Run the windows command line tool (I use Super+R and then just run "cmd")
7. Run "adb shell" in the cmd
(When it says: "error: closed", you have to unlock your phone)
It should say something like "[email protected]" now.
8. Move the file from the Download-Folder to the Network-Manager-Folder:
"sudo cp Downloads/eduroam /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/"
Password should be your phone unlock password
9. Now go into the Networkmanager directory:
cd /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
10. Run the following commands to set the right permissions for the file:
"sudo chown root eduroam"
"sudo chgrp root eduroam"
"sudo chmod 600 eduroam"
11. Reboot your Phone
For me this worked. My English is not that good, so just ask, if you have questions.
jonny-boy said:
1. Activate Developer Mode on your phone
You can activated the Mode under Device info, developer mode
(But you have to set a password for your phone before, if I am not mistaken)
2. Connect your Phone via usb to your computer
3. Download adb for windows:
The installer asks some questions, I answered all questions with yes.
4. I attached a File. Just change username and password.
Then remove the file extension (remove the .txt)
You have to activate show file extensions in the windows explorer, to remove the file extension
5. Move the File on your phone e.g. in the download directory via usb
6. Run the windows command line tool (I use Super+R and then just run "cmd")
7. Run "adb shell" in the cmd
(When it says: "error: closed", you have to unlock your phone)
It should say something like "[email protected]" now.
8. Move the file from the Download-Folder to the Network-Manager-Folder:
"sudo cp Downloads/eduroam /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/"
Password should be your phone unlock password
9. Now go into the Networkmanager directory:
cd /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
10. Run the following commands to set the right permissions for the file:
"sudo chown root eduroam"
"sudo chgrp root eduroam"
"sudo chmod 600 eduroam"
11. Reboot your Phone
For me this worked. My English is not that good, so just ask, if you have questions.
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So far I can't get the adb shell to recognise the phone is there, it just keeps saying "error: device not found" so I'm kinda stumped right now
I got this error the first time, too. I just reinstalled adb, while the phone was plugged to my computer and unlocked and answered the driver question with yes, then some driver were installed.
jonny-boy said:
I got this error the first time, too. I just reinstalled adb, while the phone was plugged to my computer and unlocked and answered the driver question with yes, then some driver were installed.
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Did that, still says Error: device not found =/
Garatolla said:
Did that, still says Error: device not found =/
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Tried it on my friend's linux pc as well and it still says error device not found, guess I'm just going to have to wait for them to officially add in wpa2 functionality. Welp, back to my old phone for a while then, thanks for the help jonny-boy
@garatola Do you have the phone unlocked and the screen turned on when trying to connect? That's one requirement on Ubuntu.
Sent from my awesome Ubuntu Touch device using the Forum Browser app
nikwen said:
@garatola Do you have the phone unlocked and the screen turned on when trying to connect? That's one requirement on Ubuntu.
Sent from my awesome Ubuntu Touch device using the Forum Browser app
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Yup, I managed to find out about that before I first started trying to figure out how to fix this unfortunate situation
Does anyone know if or when there will be wpa2 functionality on this os? Or where I might ask? I need it for accessing my uni wifi stuff, and if it's going to be a while, I'll just shelf the phone and forget about it as a phone without internet access is pretty much just a paperweight for me. Thanks again for the help given so far everyone
Garatolla said:
Does anyone know if or when there will be wpa2 functionality on this os? Or where I might ask? I need it for accessing my uni wifi stuff, and if it's going to be a while, I'll just shelf the phone and forget about it as a phone without internet access is pretty much just a paperweight for me. Thanks again for the help given so far everyone
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According to the corresponding launchpad issue, a fix has just been made available. However, it will probably take a month until it is in the stable builds.
If adb still doesn't work for you and the issue is that important to you, you can always also try following the guide using the terminal app on the device itself. Will take some time to type the commands in but it should work.
nikwen said:
According to the corresponding launchpad issue, a fix has just been made available. However, it will probably take a month until it is in the stable builds.
If adb still doesn't work for you and the issue is that important to you, you can always also try following the guide using the terminal app on the device itself. Will take some time to type the commands in but it should work.
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I don't have access to a linux pc, and for some reason ubuntu wouldn't install for a dual boot when I tried that either. I also didn't see an app that would let me use the terminal on my phone - I've not had much luck with this lol. However, for some reason the adb stuff randomly started working on my friends linux pc and he friend managed to fix something up for me today, so all is well, for now at least :s (I also noticed the terminal app on the ubuntu store once I finally did get the net working.)
In the end, my friend used this to get it working, although the first time he tried adb wouldn't recognise my phone, and we don't know how it was righted, so sorry I can't pass on more info to people who might have the same problem =/
Thanks for all the replies again
Garatolla said:
I don't have access to a linux pc, and for some reason ubuntu wouldn't install for a dual boot when I tried that either. I also didn't see an app that would let me use the terminal on my phone - I've not had much luck with this lol. However, for some reason the adb stuff randomly started working on my friends linux pc and he friend managed to fix something up for me today, so all is well, for now at least :s (I also noticed the terminal app on the ubuntu store once I finally did get the net working.)
In the end, my friend used this to get it working, although the first time he tried adb wouldn't recognise my phone, and we don't know how it was righted, so sorry I can't pass on more info to people who might have the same problem =/
Thanks for all the replies again
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Great that it finally worked.

