[Question] Access ro.serialno from native in Android 8? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys,
I need some help. I have an app that is mostly written in native C code. I use the __system_property_get(const char * name, char * value) method to read the serial nr. of the device at various points in my native code. With Android 8 I always get a "Access denied" message now. Is there a way for me to still be able to read the serial nr. in Android 8? I tried switching to targetSDKversion < 26 but it still gives me a "Access denied" message.
libc: Access denied finding property "ro.serialno"
I do get the correct values if I use Java with Build.SERIAL (regardless of SDK version) and Build.getSerial() in SDK version 26 if I grant the READ_PHONE_STATE permission. But I cannot read these values in Java and pass them to the native code without a huge rewrite of the native code.
Any help?


[Q] Android + PHP + SSL issues

Hey Everyone,
I recently downloaded and installed "PHP for Android." I created a .php file that utilizes an SSL connection with port 2195. When I tried running it, I get the following error message:
Error:14094410:SSL routines:func(148):reason(1040) in /mnt/sdcard/sl4a/scripts/lot.php on line 19
Warning: stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto in /mnt/sdcard/sl4a/scripts/lot.php on line 19
Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl://gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195 (Unknown error) in /mnt/sdcard/sl4a/scripts/lot.php on line 19
This is my line 19:
"$apns = stream_socket_client('ssl://gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195', $error, $errorString, 2, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $streamContext);"
I researched what "reason(1040)" means, and supposedly it means that the port is closed. But what firewall is blocking it? The same exact script works when I execute it from my computer from the same wifi connection. Could it be a firewall inside the Android OS?
Any input will be greatly appreciated!!
Does anyone know?
We also got that error with the iPhone Push service, and it was due to the certificate not being set correctly (actually the certificate file didn't exist).
I hope this solves your problem if you haven't solved it by now.

android app: network access for external programs

Dear All,
I am trying to develop an app which calls a external program (written in C) using Runtime.getRuntime().exec method. This program is basically an gstreamer based rtsp server and it works good if I run from the android command prompt. However, when I run the program from the app, I am getting the following error.
Failed to bind socket (Permission denied)
I had given the network access in my AndroidManifest.xml file.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission>
I also tried this
String cmd = "ping localhost";
for which I got
ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted
I also tried to run an another program from an app (which shows an image on the android screen - surfaceflinger sink). So, I included android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER in the manifest file. However, it wasn't able to display on surfaceflinger sink.
So, I have a feeling that these permissions are not passed on to these external programs. Is there a way to achieve this? I don't want to convert these 'C' based programs to Java. Can anyone please help me out.

[Dev Help] USB/IP on android

I'm working on a project that requires an android port of the USB/IP project. I managed to build the required modules for the phone kernel (using the NDK) and build the user space application (using crosstool-ng for glibc requirements) but I cannot find any information on the net how to set the correct permissions for the usbip userland application. When I execute the usbip binary I get "sh: usbip: permission denied" although I'm logged in on the phone as root (su) and the permissions are correct.
Any help will be appreciated.

[Q] hacking the netd daemon to disable "IPv6 privacy extensions"

Android's netd daemon, by default, enables something known as "IPv6 privacy extensions" (this means that the IPv6 address, instead of being generated from the device's MAC address, will be randomized — but this is irrelevant for my question).
In a nutshell, my problem is this: how can I hack, or communicate with, the netd daemon to force it to disable this feature?
(Android offers no configuration for this. I bug-reported the issue to Google ad android bug #31102 aka http : / / code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=31102 (sorry I'm not allowed to post links) but they, of course, ignored it. Please note that there are lots of pages dealing with the question of how to enable IPv6 privacy extensions, because old versions of Android did not enable them: my question is how to disable them, permanently.)
What the netd daemon actually does is that when a network interface $IFACE is brought up, it opens the file /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/$IFACE/use_tempaddr and writes "2" there (this asks the Linux kernel to enable the feature). Up to Android 4.2, what I did was binary patch netd to replace the string "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/%s/use_tempaddr" by "/dev/null\000" so the daemon would simply write that "2" to /dev/null and nothing would happen. But in Android 4.3 that part of the code has been slightly refactored, see InterfaceController.cpp from the netd source code, around line 134 (https : / / android.googlesource.com/platform/system/netd/+/android-4.3.1_r1/InterfaceController.cpp — again I'm not allowed to put links, what a pain), so a binary patch is not so trivial. (I could probably replace "use_tempaddr" by "hfr_grzcnqqe", but it would cause an error message in the logs and I'd like to avoid that.)
(Changing netd's source would be absolutely trivial. But I want to avoid recompiling it, because I'd probably spend many sleepless nights getting the correct native toolchain and convincing the Android makefiles to recompile just this bit: I don't have the resources to do a full Android build. Maybe I'm being pessimistic.)
In principle, it seems that netd reacts to commands that are sent to it (see https : / / android.googlesource.com/platform/system/netd/+/android-4.3.1_r1/CommandListener.cpp starting from around line 434). What I don't know is how to communicate with it to send it such commands, let alone do it precisely when a new interface is brought up. I know that at the other end of the line there is, for example, android.net.wifi.WifiStateMachine (see https : / / android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/android-4.3.1_r1/wifi/java/android/net/wifi/WifiStateMachine.java around line 2104). I'm a Linux dev, not so familiar with the Android IPC mechanisms or daemons, so I was hoping someone more knowledgeable could think of a way to pass a command at the right time.
PS: I'm aware that there's an app called to.doc.android.ipv6config which claims to solve the problem I'm talking about. But, looking at the code (https : / / gitorious.org/android-ipv6config/android-ipv6config/source/58e2060162485b54d4f8c147a558aeed708fa4b4:src/to/doc/android/ipv6config/LinuxIPCommandHelper.java around line 103), it's obvious that it does so in a completely wrong way, namely by talking to the kernel, bypassing netd's role as the network gatekeeper altogether.
PPS: I'm using CyanogenMod (currently 10.1.3, and this issue is preventing me from upgrading to 10.2), but I don't think this is relevant at all (I must admit I didn't check to see if CyanogenMod patched netd and/or android.net.wifi.WifiStateMachine in any way).
Meta-question: Is this the right place to ask? Apparently I have to ask 10 stupid questions before I'm allowed to post anywhere else.
Did you ever find a permanent solution? I've been tackling the issue on my new Galaxy S6 using the steps as outlined in this link:
On the chance that someone has this issue and finds this thread ..
As far as I have seen (< 5.0), communication with the network daemon, netd, is done through unix-domain socket IPC on /dev/socket/netd. The commands are of the form:
interface setcfg [iface name] [options]
Where 'options' includes 'up' and 'down', among others. I have not verified this, but you may be able to do this from the console -- see 'netcfg'. As far as the specific command to do what you are requesting, I would either pull the netcfg executable into IDA or start by looking at the WifiStateMachine. The state machine set sets this option at line 2092 in the source:
mNwService.setInterfaceIpv6PrivacyExtensions(mInterfaceName, true);
Additionally, you could just pull in the apk for the WifiStateMachine and modify the smali to send false, rather than true, at the line above and you'll have your permanent disable. For this, see /system/framework/*.apk, or equivalent. The WSM implementation should be there somewhere.
From the source you posted, I found this too ..
"Usage: interface ipv6privacyextensions <interface> <enable|disable>"

[Q] Can I Add Android Code In Java Package?

I am trying to add some code to the File.java in java package that is located at
in the android 4.4 stock source. For a start I would like to write some output to the LogCat via
Log.d(TAG, "File I/O happening from process " + Process.myUid());
Since File.java is in the plain java package, it does not know about Android code, so simply importing the android class in the header of the class does not work I assume.
I am pretty new to modifying the stock so I was wondering, is this even possible?
Thank you in advance.

