[Need Help] mistake Installing linux! stuck in SeaBIOS.... can anyone help fix it? - Chromebooks

So, in the last few days I tried to put gallium OS on my Chromebook, following this -- https://wiki.galliumos.org/Installing/Preparing and this -- https://wiki.galliumos.org/Installing --
But instead of using http://mrchromebox.tech's firmware installer, I used https://johnlewis.ie which basically does the same thing but I only did the boot_stub custom firmware thinking I could restart and still do the RW_Legacy, but when I rebooted it went to the seaBIOS and when I try to boot to my hard drive with Chrome OS on it, it started the code to boot Chrome OS, but then booted to a black screen and will not open Chrome OS. Then I put in the bootable USB drive for Gallium OS, restarted and tried to boot from it, but it said "booting from Hard disk" and just sat on that screen and would not boot. I tried Linux Mint cinnamon, it did the same thing. I also tried reinstalling Chrome but it would not recognize it as an operating system. So anyone that can help me with this please, my mom is going to kill me if I don't fix it, all I need is an operating system that I can open the terminal and run the code to get the RW Legacy and then I will be fine (unless there's a way to open the terminal or shell from SeaBiOS). Does anyone know of an operating system that does not need RW Legacy and works with only seaBIOS and the original Chromebook firmware?
(if there's an easier way that you know of please, please, please, please, tell me because, again, my mom is going to kill me if I don't fix it)


[Q] Electrify, ADB, and Windows 8

I'm trying to get adb to detect my Electrify on Windows 8, it would seem rooting and/or installing ROMs is impossible without adb, I have my phone plugged in and all the drivers installed except one "Motorola ADB Interface" of course. The manual driver installer errors out on "Cannot detect Operating System" is there anyway around this, either forcing the driver in, or not using ADB to root?
Use a linux live cd and install the android sdk, or use something like vmware, or try to extract the driver and force it to install in device manager, or dual boot an os that isnt in beta...
Sent from my MB855
The linux live cd should actually work I didnt think about that
I found this
It says its for use with HTC phones but could it possibly work with mine?
Its a year and a half old
Will the driver for my phone be installed/available?
I would post this there but its kind of a dead thread
If you have a spare thumb drive of 4gb or larger laying around you can do a persistent install of ubuntu (or just about any other distro) using LinuxLive USB Creator, which can be found here: http://www.linuxliveusb.com/
If you're not very familiar with linux, persistence is like having your linux operating system on a thumb drive with the advantage over a live cd being that any changes you make (such as installations or saved files) are not lost upon shutdown. So you could install the android sdk (which is all you should need) and then whenever you needed it you could just boot from your thumb drive. If you need help setting up (such as installing the sdk and setting the path and what not) let me know.

[Q] Woah! CWM problems

So, last night i tried to flash GtabComb to my 1.1 Gtab. After 3 unsuccessful installs (which I now believe are attributed to the system partition size of only 200 rather than 250 [help here would also be apprciated]) i downloaded the latest Rom Manager and updated ClockWork Mod. After the initial scare that my SD card had been totally formatted, i found that for some reason, this new CWM likes to use the second SD card... You know, the one with no backups or anything saved to it. For now, I am running a random ROM (Vegan Gingerbread) until i find out how to switch the SD card read by CMW. So any help guys? It's probably something really simple I'm over looking.. Help is appreciated greatly. Thanks
Edit: On a side note, I finally got GtabComb to load on my tablet! Seems I only needed a little bit of patience...
theshafe said:
So, last night i tried to flash GtabComb to my 1.1 Gtab. After 3 unsuccessful installs (which I now believe are attributed to the system partition size of only 200 rather than 250 [help here would also be apprciated]) i downloaded the latest Rom Manager and updated ClockWork Mod. After the initial scare that my SD card had been totally formatted, i found that for some reason, this new CWM likes to use the second SD card... You know, the one with no backups or anything saved to it. For now, I am running a random ROM (Vegan Gingerbread) until i find out how to switch the SD card read by CMW. So any help guys? It's probably something really simple I'm over looking.. Help is appreciated greatly. Thanks
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The best way to install CWM is through NVflash. Rom manager is really designed for phones not this tablet. NVflash is simple and easy to use as long as you have a desktop or laptop using either windows or Linux. Here is the link to guide you through those steps. Helped me out when I was in a jam.
Thanks for the advice! NVFlashing is a tad of a problem for me, however. I've actually commented on that particualr NVFlashing tutorial earlier today explaining how my computer won't recognize my tablet while it's in APX mode. I seem to have the worst luck with this kid of thing..
Would there another way to change which card is being read?
Do not use Rom Manager on the Gtablet it will mess things up. You can go to this link and download a .zip installable version of CWM for your bootloader. There are versions for installing from either the internal or external sdcard. If you are not installing from the external sdcard, it is best to remove it.
You could also check out this thread, and this one for more info.
It sure does mess things up! And that CWM.zip would be great had I not had another (worse) version already installed.. woe is me. I'll give those threads a read tomorrow and hope something turns up. Thanks for the links!
DaggerDave said:
Do not use Rom Manager on the Gtablet it will mess things up. You can go to this link and download a .zip installable version of CWM for your bootloader. There are versions for installing from either the internal or external sdcard. If you are not installing from the external sdcard, it is best to remove it.
You could also check out this thread, and this one for more info.
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That would be the way to go but if you can't access the current CWM you cannot get it to install anything. The only other alternative would be to figure out why the computer won't recognize the tablet in APX mode. What OS are you trying it with?
Try this:
Download this .zip file and extract it to your Gtablet's sdcard.
Using a root file manager (ES, Root Explorer, etc.) mount /system as read-write (rw) and move the downloaded files in each folder to their proper locations (copy the system/etc/recovery folder into /system/etc and the files in system/bin into /system/bin) and make sure all the permissions are correct. The recovery images should be -rw-r--r--, the scripts inside of /bin should be -rwxr-xr-x and flash_image should be -rw-r--r--.
Open a terminal emulator and type 'su' (without quotes) and allow SuperUser when it asks. Your shell prompt should go from a '$' to a '#'. Now type 'cwmrecovery.sh' (without quotes) and enter. That should install cwm-08 for you, just exit when it finishes and try to reboot into recovery. You can use the 'fixrecovery.sh' script to flash the stock 1.1 recovery if you ever need to.
See the last thread I linked to in my last post for more info on this. Good luck!
DaggerDave said:
Try this:
Download this .zip file and extract it to your Gtablet's sdcard.
See the last thread I linked to in my last post for more info on this. Good luck!
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Just extracted to the external SD that was being read from and updated from there with the new CWM and bam! .08 is on and working like a charm. Many thanks!
nobe1976 said:
Another alternative would be to figure out why the computer won't recognize the tablet in APX mode. What OS are you trying it with?
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I would love to know why it doesn't. I was previously using a froyo tap'n'tap, but now I am running 3.0.1. Would OS make a difference? I always assumed it was my tablet/PC's/luck
I would love to know why it doesn't. I was previously using a froyo tap'n'tap, but now I am running 3.0.1. Would OS make a difference? I always assumed it was my tablet/PC's/luck[/QUOTE]
The OS on the tablet doesn't matter since the APX mode is the tablets download mode. The OS on you computer is what might be the issue, or could even be just a bad USB port or even drivers being used. If the computer keeps promptings that software needs to be installed. Guied the it to install them from the extracted NVflash file and install the ones that are in the pack.
I would love to know why it doesn't. I was previously using a froyo tap'n'tap, but now I am running 3.0.1. Would OS make a difference? I always assumed it was my tablet/PC's/luck
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As the post above said, the OS on your PC is probably your problem. Which OS are you using? WinXP, Win7? I can't for the life of me get Windows7 to recognize my ICS Gtablet but o'well!
If you are comfortable with using or trying Linux, you could try installing Knoppix on a USB drive and run that. I think Knoppix has everything set up for MTP & ADB already and is 'live' so no real configuration is needed to get it running (except for your wifi of course). Just use the Linux version included in most NvFlash packages. If you have a fairly powerful computer, you could also try running Linux in a VM, but Knoppix doesn't run in a VM very well.
My favorite is Arch Linux (not in a VM). Although you have to build and configure the system yourself from the ground up. Since I started using Linux I have really enjoyed it. It is much faster than Windows, more secure and gives me less problems than the Win PCs I deal with. Check out this site if you are interested in Linux.
DaggerDave said:
As the post above said, the OS on your PC is probably your problem. Which OS are you using? WinXP, Win7? I can't for the life of me get Windows7 to recognize my ICS Gtablet but o'well!
If you are comfortable with using or trying Linux, you could try installing Knoppix on a USB drive and run that. I think Knoppix has everything set up for MTP & ADB already and is 'live' so no real configuration is needed to get it running (except for your wifi of course). Just use the Linux version included in most NvFlash packages. If you have a fairly powerful computer, you could also try running Linux in a VM, but Knoppix doesn't run in a VM very well.
My favorite is Arch Linux (not in a VM). Although you have to build and configure the system yourself from the ground up. Since I started using Linux I have really enjoyed it. It is much faster than Windows, more secure and gives me less problems than the Win PCs I deal with. Check out this site if you are interested in Linux.
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To top on this excellent information. If you decided to try a Linux disto I would recommend a version of Ubuntu, doesn't really matter which one they are all really user friendly and depending on you pc setup depends on which version of it you can use. I have 11.05 installed on a 2nd partition for doing my Droid stuff on a computer that is around 9 years old, runs smooth. Windows xp is the other alternative which I have used several times NVflashing stuff, but adb seems to run better through Linux in my opinion.
Ah, mind went blank there. Right now, all I have is a windows 7 laptop (my XP desktop and older Vista laptop are probably long gone) Ive attempted to flash before with the vista laptop to no avail. In both instances, I connect the tablet in APX and it was not even recognized as a connected device. I'm hesitant to run Linux, even from a flash drive. If I get the chance to soon, I may very well end up doing it, as it appears the ONLY option.. Thanks for your help guys. If you could think of anyway for Windows 7 to recognize my tablet, please let me know. You guys are a great help. Thanks again!
If you haven't already tried this maybe it will work for you.
- Put the tablet into APX mode, then plug in the USB. Windows7 will drag on then fail installing the drivers, as usual.
- Go to Control Panel->Hardware and Sound->Device Manager and find the '!' (unknown device)
- Right click and choose Properties, then Uninstall Driver (if it is an option)
- Next, click on Update Driver, then choose Browse My Computer ...
- Navigate to the NVFlash folder (the one you extracted from the nvflash .zip you downloaded)
- Open the folder inside called 'usbpcdriver' or similar, and select the .inf file (NvidiaUsb.inf) and choose to install it. Once it installs, it should recognize the tablet as a MTP device. If not turn off the tablet, unplug the USB, restart Windows and plug it back in when it is finished rebooting and start the tablet in APX mode again. If it still doesn't recognize it try the whole process over agian.
I can understand being hesitant toward running Linux but running from a flash drive or in a VM is pretty safe, as in if you mess up the OS you can always start over without damaging Windows. Done it many times! Try running Ubuntu in a virtual machine such as Virtual Box, it is almost as user friendly as windows and you can have the VM capture USB devices such as the Gtablet which Ubuntu should recognize. Probably won't run very fast on a laptop but if you have at least a dual core with 2 GB of ram it should be pretty smooth.
Not trying to push Linux on you or anything, just some suggestions. From what I hear most of the Gtab devs use Windows7 and it seems to work great for them!

Remix OS on a Cherry Trail Tablet?

Specifically attempting to install it on an HP Envy Note 8 with an Atom x5 processor and 2GB of RAM. It originally had Windows 10 on it but I've pretty much wiped it out (formatted the entire SSD including recovery partitions).
I have an 8GB flashdrive formatted to FAT32. I run the 32 bit Remix OS installer and once it finishes I use a micro USB to USB adapter to insert the flash drive. When running the 64 bit installer the Flash Drive shows up as a bootable device and up on selecting I get an error with a memory location (ex)0x8XXXXXX something.
I tried the 32 bit installer (probably should have used that in the first place) I do the same steps use the Remix OS installer Tool and start up the tablet. However this time the tablet does not recognize the flash drive as a bootable device (literally just does not show up in the list of bootable devices have re-run the installer 3-4 times with no change). I have tried it with and without virtualization enabled and with and without secure boot enabled and get the same problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
update: I got it to boot 64 with secure boot disabled. How do actually install the files to the local drive?
Update 2: Was able to install to the local hard drive by hitting e on the selection screen (Guest or Resident) and adding INSTALL=1 DEBUG= to the end of the parameters section but above the existing new line.
It's working and running well however the touchscreen is unresponsive any way to get that working? Right now I'm using a micro USB splitter and a keyboard/mouse plugged into the USB ports.
Im in, I'll recieve my mi Pad 2 soon (same cpu) I'll try to get it working too when I rcieve it is there a working Android solution for ur envy?
bomblord said:
Update 2: Was able to install to the local hard drive by hitting e on the selection screen (Guest or Resident) and adding INSTALL=1 DEBUG= to the end of the parameters section but above the existing new line.
It's working and running well however the touchscreen is unresponsive any way to get that working? Right now I'm using a micro USB splitter and a keyboard/mouse plugged into the USB ports.
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Check if reloading the modules helps.
Either #rmmod i2c_hid && modprobe i2c_hid
Or start RemixOS from fully off i.e. don't reboot from Windows
Nailyouh said:
Im in, I'll recieve my mi Pad 2 soon (same cpu) I'll try to get it working too when I rcieve it is there a working Android solution for ur envy?
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I was able to get it installed however it doesn't appear to have touchscreen support
bomblord said:
I was able to get it installed however it doesn't appear to have touchscreen support
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That sucks! I hope we will be able to use another Kernel compiled with tsdrivers im really looking forward to recieve my tablet
HypoTurtle said:
Check if reloading the modules helps.
Either #rmmod i2c_hid && modprobe i2c_hid
Or start RemixOS from fully off i.e. don't reboot from Windows
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Remix OS is the only OS on my tab I did a complete re-install and disconnected the Keyboard and Mouse before boot (didn't actually do that intentionally as a troubleshooting tip I just needed to attach the charger). It's working now!
One issue after the next~ but im excited so far. Touch screen is working OS is installed.
Now I can't get the screen to rotate though. I double checked auto rotate is on and I also attempted to double tap F11 to get it to manually rotate but neither seems to work
Edit: On top of that I get stuck at a flashing Remix OS screen after reboot now that doesn't go away even after around 20 minutes of waiting.
bomblord said:
One issue after the next~ but im excited so far. Touch screen is working OS is installed.
Now I can't get the screen to rotate though. I double checked auto rotate is on and I also attempted to double tap F11 to get it to manually rotate but neither seems to work
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Yes it's force locked by default (think of it in terms of a PC and that makes sense)
Have a look at one of my threads; either Overlay Apps, etc.. Or systemless root
Personally I'd try the systemless root (if you are running 64bit which I guess you are); it has rotation enabled and has that touchscreen 'fix' as a su.d (init.d) script.
So after restarting the system I'm stuck at a flashing Remix OS (Remix OS is installed to my hard drive after using the installer I removed the USB drive and my initial boot was from the hard drive not a USB) any way to get around this?! Persists even after multiple reboots. I've let it sit for around 20 minutes on this one now.
HypoTurtle said:
Yes it's force locked by default (think of it in terms of a PC and that makes sense)
Have a look at one of my threads; either Overlay Apps etc. Or systemless root.
Personally I'd try the systemless root (if you are running 64bit which I guess you are); it has rotation enabled and has that touchscreen 'fix' as a su.d (init.d) script.
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Thanks I'll look into it once I figure out how to get back into the OS...
bomblord said:
So after restarting the system I'm stuck at a flashing Remix OS (Remix OS is installed to my hard drive after using the installer I removed the USB drive and my initial boot was from the hard drive not a USB) any way to get around this?! Persists even after multiple reboots. I've let it sit for around 20 minutes on this one now.
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Can you press ALT&F1 and check logcat?
Or tried removing quiet from grub and seeing what is 'looping'
HypoTurtle said:
Can you press ALT&F1 and check logcat?
Or tried removing quiet from grub and seeing what is 'looping'
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logcat says installid fs upgrade not yet complete Waiting...
Failed to read /data/ .layout_version: No such file or directory followed by skipping tombstone a bunch of gibberish and it then repeats
bomblord said:
logcat says installid fs upgrade not yet complete Waiting...
Failed to read /data/ .layout_version: No such file or directory followed by skipping tombstone a bunch of gibberish and it then repeats
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Does mount show that /data is mounted? It could be that data.img has corrupted like from a bad unmount. Not sure if you have access to it; but to confirm modify grub to use guest mode (data in ram) by adding/changing DATA_IN_MEM=1
I tried add DATA_IN_MEM=1 to the boot but it didn't seem to make a difference (although it did notably restart on it's own instead of just staying at the flashing screen) where do I need to type "mount"?
bomblord said:
I tried add DATA_IN_MEM=1 to the boot but it didn't seem to make a difference (although it did notably restart on it's own instead of just staying at the flashing screen) where do I need to type "mount"?
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mount from same place as 'logcat' (ALT&F1)
just to check; you added the the DATA_... to the same line as linux... if so also add a DATA=
please help to fix CH tablet wifi problem
So after an attempted reinstall i get the same issue anytime I shut down and restart. The only way i can boot is from the installer screen by choosing "Run Android x86" the grub boot doesn't work
edit: using the data_in_mem and data= parameters it launches in guest mode
edit 2: guest mode keeps restarting itself and doesnt respond to keyboard input
edit 3: i had plugged in a flash drive unplugging it made it go back to the remixos logo and not boot
bomblord said:
So after an attempted reinstall i get the same issue anytime I shut down and restart. The only way i can boot is from the installer screen by choosing "Run Android x86" the grub boot doesn't work
edit: using the data_in_mem and data= parameters it launches in guest mode
edit 2: guest mode keeps restarting itself and doesnt respond to keyboard input
edit 3: i had plugged in a flash drive unplugging it made it go back to the remixos logo and not boot
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Can you run through your install procedure, as your installing from a wiped SSD right?
HypoTurtle said:
Can you run through your install procedure, as your installing from a wiped SSD right?
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I run the "Remix OS for PC Installation Tool" from a separate windows PC and use the "USB DRIVE" option to put the 64 bit remix os files on my flash drive
I then use a powered USB HUB and a Micro USB to USB converter to plug in a keyboard and the flash drive. I hold down the volume down key on my tablet to get the boot options and then choose the flash drive as the boot drive
From there I'm given the option of "resident mode" and "guest mode" I hit "e" on the resident mode and add the lines INSTALL=1 and DEBUG= to the second from last line in the grub commands.
I then get a blue screen I choose my hard drive as the install location and choose to format it to ext4, I allow grub and grub 2 to install, and install it as "read/write". It then says "expecting to write" and then runs from 0 to 100% and says syncing to disk. From there I have the option to "Boot to Android X86" or "Restart" and I remove the flash drive.
If I choose "Boot to Android X86" it boots into remix OS and I can use it until I restart. After restart I get the flashing white Remix OS logo and it never finishes booting (just to be certain it wasn't an issue with it taking a while I literally let it sit over night for about 10 hours to see if it ever finished and it did not).
If I choose "Restart" I get the flashing white Remix OS logo after the grub screen and it never loads.
I think that should cover it.

Need Help With Remix OS Dual Booting

So basically I did the dual boot thing where I had to partition my hard drive and install Remix OS in there, just that stuff. So after restarting my laptop, the dual boot screen came up, I was given the option of Windows 10 or Remix OS so I clicked Remix OS. After that it loaded up everything was working, I signed into my gmail account and all that good stuff. Basically, everything was working as it should. So then something came up in real life and I shut my laptop. I come back and hour later and open my laptop and I'm greeted to the regular Windows 10 user login screen, but I just guessed that Remix OS used the same lock screen. However when I logged in, my regular windows home screen came up. Now it's just like Remix OS has disappeared from my laptop even though it's installed. I have tried to fix it for 2 days now and can't find any fixes. So here are my questions: 1. How come when I opened my laptop was I back on Windows 10 and where did Remix OS go? 2. How can I fix this?
Anyway, if there's any information you need to help me out, just ask and I will answer you.
Possibly an issue with the way you shut it down ? Do a reinstall which will also prompt you to uninstall the previous version 1st. Should not be a major issue. My dual boot shows up every time.
I reinstalled mine probably 3-4 times to see how it worked on external HDD and the main computer.
My only issue is tethering. Doesn't connect when I'm in RemixOS. That's my only internet access for about 3 years now.
By the way, I did not install it on a separate partition. Try to install as a computer app on the same partition as your windows. It will create all the files needed and also delete all of them when you uninstall. Just make sure you put the .iso file somewhere you can get to easy. I extracted mine into the download folder where the zip was also. Seems to work just fine.

Trouble with all x86 Android ports

I really don't know if I'm in the right place, or if there is a right place for this. But, here's my problem. I've tried Android_x86, RemixOS, and PhoenixOS, and I haven't gotten a single one to boot in ANY system I've tried. I'm trying to run from a live CD but I get different, ultimately catastrophic errors in all cases. My home computer, an old athlon 64 newcastle, keeps giving me errors mounting NTFS partition, and endlessly reports the same error over and over until I kill it. My computer at work, depending on if I use legacy or EFI boot, gives hardware errors on EFI and on legacy gets as far as phoenixOS detected on /*something I don't remember exactly*/sda1 then hangs, and reboots. If there's anyone can help, but needs additional information, I'd be happy to provide any info I can. I just want to try out an android system to see if it's a viable alternative for my computer, but given that I can't even get a liveCD to boot, I'm finding that questionable.

