Can we restore/extract Photos/Datas from Fully Formatted OP3T Unrooted Phone ? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello there,
I recently lost my mobile and when i found the phone the next day , the person who took it had already fully formatted it.My phone is One Plus 3T and it was unrooted before.I tried many ways and apps but all says I need to root my phone now to get the photos n datas back.Could you please suggest me any ways to get my datas without rooting.And shall i get all my datas 100% back if i root it now though?Since i have found my mobile ,i haven't use its storage so that its previous data print don't get overlap.Please suggest me effective way to get my photos n datas back without rooting if possible or if not than by rooting process.And if rooting is a must than suggest me a link of rooting OP3T,i am new to it.

You can try different software but you will not be able to get everything back. The best you will be able to hope for is maybe 25% of the photos but that is all you will get back.

could you please suggest me different softwares for recovery of photos without rooting?..

Without knowing the pocess used to format the device, and any subsequent use, it would be impossible to tell how much of your data still resides on your device. Any guess made on this would be frivolous. If the data is extremly important, forensic techniques could be applied to retrieve the data. This would require proffesional forensic software such as XRY to aquire an image, and analyse it. This software is extremly expensive, and not designed for end users, but is deployed by some data recovery firms.
It boils down to the depths of your pockets, and the importance of the data lost.


[Q] is it possible to recover file after a Factory reset?

hello dear friends, i had to do a factory reset to my samsung galaxy S4 and wasnt able to backup any data before that.
im pretty unexpirienced when it comes to this whole smartphone thing , and my only question is, if there is any way to recover some of the lost data?!
i have tried running programms like Dr fone and others i could google for, sadly without a single recovered file.
i have also contacted the samsung and dr fone support and multiple other websites who offer the same service, they gave me kinda mixed answeres , some said "our software cannot recover any data from the internal memory after a factory reset" (the dr fone support said, their old tool could , but their new one cannot, which confused me abit to be honest cause they advertise on their site with being able to do so)
other supports from other websites with similar tools (yodot or jihi software i think it was, also contacted easeUS cannot recall what they said tho) said "you have to root your phone before trying to run our software"
my first question would be, arent those tools working after a factory reset to the internal memory (not just a SD card) at all, or would i have to root my phone so that those Data Recovery Programms to work properly?!
if those programms arent able recover any data after a Factory reset, can anyone here maybe think of another way on how to do it ????
there are Data Recovery Companies i have called, which said they had a pretty good success rate on lost files after factory resets aswell, but they were very expensive and i would love to know how they are going about recovering the data? and if couldnt do what they do maybe myself?!
i have no problem with learning abit new stuff, and have it even be a pain in my ass to get it done, im just very curious how to do it? (im pretty sure there has to be multiple ways, i just only spoken to very uninformed people at this point)
i really hope someone here can give me some advice on what to do or just point me into the direction of a method which could work for my issue

Possible to recover deleted files after unlocking bootloader / rooting?

I stupidly trusted the "transfer to SD card" function and now my Z5 Compact has moved a big chunk of my photos from internal storage to… nowhere. They've been deleted and I'm not sure if I can get them back. I've managed to recover the thumbnails using FonePaw so I'm assuming the original full resolution files are still hanging around somewhere in the internal storage.
All the "recovery" tools I've found require your phone to be rooted in order to recover the deleted files from the internal storage. I'm aware that, in order to root the phone, the bootloader needs to be unlocked but that there are issues with losing DRM keys and the impact of that on some of the phone’s functions (specifically a number of the camera features). Given the camera was the primary reason I purchased this phone, I am reluctant to do something that messes with that, especially since this is the second handset as the first one was replaced under warranty after only three months (and this one still has 4 months of warranty left and has been having intermittent issues). There is also the issue that unlocking the bootloader factory resets the phone and therefore wipes all the data.
I know there is a bit of a workaround in that I can downgrade the firmware from Marshmallow to Lollipop and temporarily root the phone in order to backup the TA partition so I can restore the DRM keys et al after unlocking the bootloader and rooting the phone. Again, as I understand it the firmware downgrade will wipe my phone.
Normally wiping my phone wouldn’t bother me beyond being a pain to reinstall apps etc. What concerns me is that, given my missing files are likely floating somewhere in the internal storage ether, would a factory reset completely wipe those files from the phone permanently? Or would I likely still be able to recover them using appropriate software even after the reset, downgrade, unlocking of bootloader, and rooting?
I don't know much about it (and I’m willing to find out more for myself) but Is it possible to use something like adb backup to back up the whole phone and restore that to the phone after rooting in order to recover the missing files? Or will that also only work on a rooted phone?
If it's unlikely that my missing files would survive the repeated resets during the rooting process then I will probably just take this as a lesson learned the hard way and not bother trying to recover the files. Given the way my luck has been going, this handset will also fail before 12 months and I’ll have no warranty – and still no files!
Thank you in advance for any light you can help shed on this dilemma

Data recovery

A family friend has given me his Xperia Z5C (running 7.1.1.) as he's accidentally deleted some photos and wanted me to take a look at recovery.
We all know that to get the necessary access the device needs to be rooted, but this also requires wiping the device. My question then is how secure is the wipe / erase when rooting, is it a full overwrite (in which case there's little point trying) or is there a chance that some data might be present at the block level after rooting?
I'm not inclined to go through the process of rooting if it's futile, but if there's a chance there may be some files still recoverable, he'd probably want me to try.
Thanks for your help.

How to recover deleted data from unrooted device

I use a Redmi note 7. A couple months ago, some important photos and videos from my phone got deleted. My phone isn't rooted. Hence, I'm unable to use data recovery softwares like dr. fone, and other apps like disk digger don't seem to work for me. In order to root my redmi phone, i would first need to unlock the bootloader, which will require a factory reset and will wipe all my current data also. I'm skeptical if i will be able to recover those deleted files after a full factory reset using dr. fone. It'll be helpful if someone can tell if there's a way around.
@shaunak saxena
You've no chance.
As far as I know, if you just want to recover some media files, such as photos and videos ,root is not required. Mobikin Doctor for Android free version should be helpful, use it to detect the lost videos and photos, check if the lost files are there. If they are, recovery is possible.

PLEASE i need help this is serious and urgent

i will make it quick, my father suicided yesterday 6:30 pm yesterday, and i have the task to figure out if he left a note or something inside the phone, it is a lg g5 with 4gb of ram, it is pattern protected and i cant access the phone, i know i can delete the pattern if i do a hard reset but the data inside the phone it is extremely important for me, also i know that if this phone had installed TWRP already installed i could simply delete the files and get it running again but obviously this is not possible since is a stock phone, non modded and non rooted, any help on how i could get the pattern lock to disapear without losing data would be great
First of all, let me say that I'm really sad for what happened. Unfortunately, the only know way to overcome the phone lock is to remove the pattern lock file from recovery. As the phone is not rooted, of course you can't access the memory to delete the file, and even if you could, the stock rom encrypts by default the internal memory. The only data you may save from the phone is the data stored on the MicroSD card, if the phone has one and it was not encrypted (SD encryption is optional). That's what you can do with DIY methods. Considering the relevance of the informations that could be on the phone, it might be worth looking for some reputable company and ask if they can disassemble the phone and extract (somehow) the data; the G5 hasn't received any safety patches since a long time, and maybe some vulnerability could be used to decrypt the data, but I wouldn't be too confident on this chance.

