Unable to load game... - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have searched for this or problems relating to this to no avail. I have an android game that on two devices says the same Error. unable to launch game cannot launch app without the permission android permission write external storage permissions can be changed from app settings any time.. This has thrown me for a loop as I have tried making sure this app has permissions on and it already does. I even tried moving it to internal storage and sd card. Can anyone help me? Android N on both devices and no root. Has anyone seen anything like this? Thanks for your time..


[Q] Anybody facing LG Optimus One P500 Apps Update Problem?

I'm facing a peculiar problem with regards to the updates that applications receive from the android market,it happens as follows:-
I receive the updates notification,
->i press the update all button or individually update, it starts downloading,
->shows download paused
-> starting download,
->download paused
->then download starts and completes
->then AGAIN it shows starting download,
->then it suddenly shows INSTALLING,
-> then gives a notification of UPDATE FAILED.
-> if i touch the update failed notification it shows could not download to USB Storage or SD Card
this happens whether i select update all or single update, however i can download apps to my device, and uninstall and reinstall the apps which are not getting updated. I would like to state that my SD card is in normal condition as movies and movies play off it smoothly. I also tried restarting, Unmounting and remounting the card, but the problem is still there.If anybody has faced this problem and found a solution for it, please let me know. Thank you in advance
I too have this problem. I have found that on some apps you can uninstall first then move back to SD. If anyone has a better solution I would love to know
Sent from my LG-P500h using XDA App
i dont have such problem, but my market always FC when i tap on the 'just in' apps tap. wondering what has happen with the market apps... =/
Try updating via LG software while connected to your computer through usb cable.
Perhaps, it's the common sd card mounting error, wherein, sometimes the sd card automatically un-mounts and remounts, causing phones to restart, fc for apps, etc.
Firstly, Thanks to all of you for replying to this post. Although i am still facing this problem, i have found a temporary solution to this, even though its not very elegant, its quite useful if you have to update system centric apps like android assistant, go sms pro, titanium backup etc.
->Move the applications which aren't updating to the internal memory,
->Go to the my apps section in android market
-> Update!!!
-> move the app back to the SD memory
Yes i know not as convenient as tapping "Update All", but till a proper solution comes out, this will have to do. Also hell1134 if LG android software is working for you, then you're ONE LUUUUUUUUUCKYYY Guy. Cos in my experience all it ever does is freeze up and suck osama balls. Very badly made software, Uninstalled it the MINUTE i discovered myphoneexplorer.

Why Does Reading the SD Card Not Require Permission

Like the title says why are apps allowed to read the contents of files on the SD card without asking permission? Apps have to ask to read SMS, Calendar, and everything else. It seems like a huge security hole to me. Thoughts?
Anybody? No thoughts or reasons at all?
I believe that there's nothing secure that can be read from the SD card without explicit permissions. You need WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS to read secure settings... all your calendar data and so forth are either outside the handset or stored securely... etc.
However, I'm not an Android developer --
SD card functions as a storage device. So writing files on it should not require permissions. Only access to certain files/apps have to require permissions.
Have you tried fixing permissions? Don't know if it will work but its worth a try I guess.
To me it just seems like a security risk but then I guess Windows software allows the same thing and nothing can stop from reading contents of the hard drive. Still seems unsecure though that any platform, mobile or non-mobile would allow this behavior.

Pocket not installing on Touchpad - Insufficient Storage

Hey guys,
I know threads about the installation error have been made, but I don't think anyone has had it for solely one app.
I couldn't install ReadItLater several weeks ago because of the insufficient storage error, and I can't install Pocket (formerly ReadItLater) because of the same error.
Clearly, I have enough space, but the problem only occurs for one app.
I've tried installing the .apk by itself and even moving other apps to the "SD card," but neither of those worked.
Can anyone help?

FolderMount pin won't turn green

Hello everybody, I am so desperate.
My phone, HTC Desire 310 has used FM previously and worked just fine. Now, i reseted my system, installed it again and it says
extSDcard permission error, something like that, and i fixed it by clickin on that option for patching my rom.
Now that error is not showing on anymore but I am still unable to mount pairs, success: none it says.
I can move to SD my obb and data files but when i click on pin it just can't mount it, it can't turn green.
I really don't know what to do, and it is very strange because i used it before just fine.
This problems started to happening when i had some trojans on Firewall Service, Time Service and Security Service apps, and i fixed it with Trojan Killer app and then i reseted my phone.
Thanks in advance and if you see this post don't avoid it or ignore, please.
Sorry for my bad english.
Desperate man...

SOME Link2SD Apps Dissapeared After a Reboot (not all) Please Help Me!

I have a Galaxy Core Prime sm-g360v and I have rooted with KingRoot. I have had link2sd installed for 6 months now but all of the sudden when I reboot some apps no longer show up in my apps menu or link2sd. A message appears every time I boot about how some functionality is missing and I may need to factory reset (from android system, not from link2sd) but this has appeared before and I had all my apps. The missing apps were random (pubg gone but not other games, etc.) I also had Apps2SD installed so I went there and they did not show up, but their package names DID show up under the recover option. Which is odd, because all my normal apps that showed up there too had their app names and icons, these missing apps only had package name. I tried to restore but it always fails. Can someone please help me out? Not sure if it is an SD corruption problem, and if it is, not sure how to fix it.
Any help is GREATLY appreciated! :good:
Willing to answer any questions that might help figure it out!

