Ota download folder - Honor 10 Questions & Answers

Hi to all. Where can I search for OTA update files before the installation? I did'nt found it on internal storage.

Yes, there are changes now and we dont see that file anymore or may be someone with root access can find (may be stored under system folder)

I founded it. Ota files are stored in / data/update/HwOUC.


[TUT] Using OTA Update files

When I copied the OTA Update file, I just wanted to look what's inside. Turns out that it was a very good move.
If your update is failed then automatically the update.zip gets deleted. We can reusE the saved update.zip
But it shouldn't be edited else this TUT will fail.
1) Check if you have /data/fota folder. Else create it and set permissions 700
2) Now copy our update.zip to that folder
3) Set permission of that file to 600
4) Now go-to software update and update as always
Now you are done. I saved 300mb data by this method.

new update s223 upload request.

new firmware update s223 is available. just updated. but, forget to copy the update.zip file.
anyone can upload the 210mb size file here or in any filehosting site or google drive etc., to download to keep a backup. i have all the other backups. this time missed it.
to find the latest update file, after update download complete don't update immediately, click any other option other than "update now". then goto filemanager=>internal memory/sd card memory=>googleota folder=>here u find the newly downloaded update.zip(210mb) file. and copy(don't cut & paste) that file to anyother location and upload it to any filehosting site to download then provide the link here.
note : after updating firmware the update.zip file will be deleted from the storage automatically.
any help?.


I´m getting software install failed! on my Huawei wile doing an OTA ROM update.
It is an intermediate update so update.app does not have system.img, but rather the update.zip has folders with a patch for the /System.
As of that, I wanted to know what's wrong, so, is there any log file created from the update procedure?
G Play Mini - CHC-U01 Update to V100R001C434B120
Inside update.zip is update.app (and the folders to patch the /system) which in turn compacts another update.app inside.
So, either "open inside" update.app or extract update.app from update.zip, rename that update.app to update.zip and open the last update.zip to get the update.app that can be opened with HuaweiUpdateExtractor to get the *.img files (exept system.img).
Since I can´t adb in recovery I can´t do a logcat.
Can anyone help me debug the OTA update?
Build Number
This is getting more like a diary...
I found the log file in ./splash2/recovery.log
Now, where is the system getting the information of the build number other than from build.prop, because the info on the "about" menu is different form what is in ro.build.display.id or any other variable on the file.
I'll appreciate any help!
I found that the variable is stored in ./cust/hw/eu/prop/local.prop (on my case the path "eu" is because my CustCVersion is European, on Russian should be .../ru/prop/local.prop").
Unfortunately I didn´t know that CWM doesn´t include cust.img on nandroid backups, so i don´t have the original ./cust structure to replace the original settings.
i have update fail with chc-u01 firmware 6.0.
how cani do?

Question:How to find an encrypted file in local file manager?

So, I have encrypted a folder on my marshmallow running device from built-in file manager now I can't find the encrypted folder to decrypt it as when I need it and I need some help as it had a few pics I don't want to delete it by doing a factory reset. Thanks in advance.

Question manually installing incremental updates?

anyone have any idea how to install incremental updates manually? i have an ota incremental package, have even dumped the contents and have the .img files inside but not sure what to do with them as they are not full partition images just the increments(i guess just the parts that need to be changed of the actual partitions) is there any way to merge them or how else should they be used? i tried to use payload dumper with --diff but that just keeps giving me an error that boot image type isnt supported so i can get all the other files and no boot image with it. if anyone has any ideas i would greatly appreciate it. i downloaded the oneplus software updater to try the local upgrade/update and it just keeps telling to put it in the root directory and i have put the zip and the extracted contents in every directory i can think of to no avail. oxygen updater also doesnt support this device (yet)
nvm i found the answer thanks to someone on tg..
encrypt the incremental with ofpflasher and update

