Failing SafetyNet shortly after a fresh upgrade install of Rooted Stock US998 30b - LG V30 Questions & Answers

I decided that I needed a fresh start with my LG v30+ after over a year on Oreo, and figured I would go ahead and wipe everything and install rooted stock pie per this thread (using the TWRP flashable method).
From there, I went ahead and installed the Magisk Modules for Busybox, Riru - Core, and Riru -EdXposed, because I wanted to have a few Xposed modules. I started out with XPrivacyLUA, and GravityBox [P], making TWRP Backups and checking SafetyNet status after each install. Because it kept passing every time, I got complacent, and stopped checking. I installed Buttered Toast Revived, GM Dark Theme Enabler, and MinMInGuard in EdXposed, followed by several apps. I then installed the 4.4.153_haumea_I.base_1.9_3 kernel, and a bunch of more apps.
It was around this time I decided that I should try and set up Google Pay, only for it to complain about the device it was installed on. I went back to Magisk Manager and sure enough I was failing SafetyNet checks on both ctsProfile and basicIntegrity. And because I wasn't checking every step of the way, I don't know what caused it to break. I've tried unloading the various modules but none of them seem to be a smoking gun, as both check continue to fail even when some or all of them are turned off.. It's not the custom kernel is it? and if so, what do I do to to roll back to stock?
I also looked into the Magisk Module, MagiskHide Props Config but the developer of that says it doesn't have much chance of fixing basicIntegrity fails. Also, they don't have a device fingerprint in their database for v30+ Pie yet. So when I have some free time to dedicate to phone tinkering, I'm going to back up what I have now, revert to an earlier backup from before things broke, pull a getprop, and then restore my backup of the current broken state so I can give it a try anyway. Because I'm stubborn like that.
That is, unless I get easier suggestions to try first. Passing SafetyNet would be a nice to have thing, but I wasn't passing before I did my wipe, and so I won't really miss it if I'm not passing now either.

Try looking through here:
Seems a recent SafetyNet update is halfassedly checking for the edXposed Magisk module and workarounds are hit-and-miss, with no word from the dev(s) if they're working on it or intend to.

Septfox said:
Try looking through here:
Seems a recent SafetyNet update is halfassedly checking for the edXposed Magisk module and workarounds are hit-and-miss, with no word from the dev(s) if they're working on it or intend to.
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This was it. Blacklisting Google Play, Google Play Services, and Google Services Framework in EdExposed (the suggested workaround) seems to be working for now.
And if anyone's curious, the device fingerprint on my US998 30b is
Not that that's changed at any point in my installation process, according to the backups that I've checked. So MagiskHide Props Config wouldn't have been any use, because that wasn't the problem in the first place.

radwolf76 said:
Not that that's changed at any point in my installation process, according to the backups that I've checked. So MagiskHide Props Config wouldn't have been any use, because that wasn't the problem in the first place.
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Well I mean...the device fingerprint is only a contributer to the long list of crap that'll trip Safetynet; Google really, really doesn't want non-compliant devices to use Safetynet apps. The scans have become quite invasive.
All the official ROMs should have compliant fingerprints, anyway.
Thing is...I didn't mean "halfassedly" in a offhand or facetious way; they probably have implemented a check, in an experimental and thus inconsistent way, that only catches the module often enough to be annoying. Or the way they're checking might depend on other things in the environment (looking for signs of its presence rather than the module itself), which would explain why the workaround works on some phones and not others. Try to keep track of any root- or Magisk-requiring changes you make.
I couldn't get a pass when I tried a few days ago, and ultimately couldn't figure out why despite doing the usual stuff and the workaround above. Decided Ingress and PokeGO were more important than GravityBox, which I've done without for years anyway :v
Enjoy being able to pass the checks, but be prepared for it to break at any moment. Google has been annoyingly persistent about patching workarounds, and the workarounds for the patches to workarounds, and so on.

I've had the same problem, although blacklisting Google play, Google services framework, and Google play services didn't help.


Live without Gapp - FDroid, Yalp, microG at a LOS15.1

A word ahead, I am far away from beeing an expert. I read and tested a lot, but can't answer all your question.
Instead this thread is intended to share experiences as I spend quit some days to become my phone as free from Google.
I did this on a Galaxy A3 (2017) with LOS.
First of course is not to install Gapps. We can replace many of its functionality. First of all we need a store to download apps. I highly recommend FDroid as a first choise. You can download the app at their website.
With this you get a variety of apps for almost all, but not all problems. Nevertheless I recommend to take your time and check what is offered there, even if you used other apps before.
If you don't find an equivalent, you might want access the google playstore. In FDroid there are two apps available for this purpose. With both you can anonymously access all (not payed) apps on Playstore. You can of course login with your google accound, but ... ok, that's not so anonymous anymore
What else do we miss without Gapps. There is a way of receiving push notifications, that is often handled via GCM (google cloud messanging).
First of all we need to enable spoofing. This was quite a challange, as usual tools (tingle, ...) work with non-odexed ROMS, while that for A3 is an odexed ROM.
Finally I found a zip here, that works for me:
Download that zip, goto TWRP.
Before installing it you have to do two steps.
Mount /system
Create a link (with advanced/terminal): ln -s /system/vendor /vendor
Otherwise install of this zip will fails. Be patient, it takes around 5..10min to pass.
Now we can work with microG, that will replace some google-APIs.
Add the repo ""
Then install micoG core, fakestore and proxy.
To get unifiedNLP running (this is for location services) the microG core must be a system app.
So do a reboot in the TWRP. Mount system first.
Than copy with integrated filemanager the folder
from /data/app/
and reboot.
You will find in your app-overview the microG app - please open and let selftest run.
Enable permissions there and also disable battery optimisation
unifiedNlp should be registered. Next is to enable them.
Download from FDroid these two apps:
Local GSM Location (with this you can download a database of cell towers and their location, giving you a chance to get a rough estaimatin where you are, without waste of energy for GPS)
NominatimNlpBackend (to get your position as street/city/country instead of coordinates).
Very important:
Apps that require this gapps need to be installed after microG. Otherwise they will not work properly.
I guess that are usually apps that needs location.
Feedback for microG installation
I´ve tested your microG installation these days. Worked like a charm ! Thanks for your post.
The Nanodroid patcher referred in your link was gone, so i used
I had the same problems with Yalp downloads you´ve described earlier, after reboot it worked.
GCM works, but just not with Threema ;-( But it´s a known problem.
Getting NLP to work was a little bit of hassle, but I found many articles about it. Was not sure which of the backends to use, there are many.
What is interesting - I didn´t use encryption and patched the ashyx_no_encryption patch right after flashing LOS and I didn´t use SU or Magisk right now. Result: absolutely no boot loops and no reboot after power off !
From which stock variant you came ?
The patcher for spoofing was quite beta at that time. Did you have to do any preparations to let it run? I remember in TWRP I had to mount /system and create that /vendor-link. Is it still required? I reported my issued there but I am not sure he cooked it with these patches finally.
The Yalp issue is completely independent on microG. It seems that there is a bug in the Downloader of LOS15.1. There are others suffered from this issue, not just the A320FL. The workaround to use internal download works.
Can you give more details about the NLP-hassle? That might help others to not go that painful way. Imho all is fine if you copy (or move) the folder I described above and reboot.
About the backends ... I think there is no alternative for Nominatim, which works only online. For the cell bases location I prefer a offline solution, I found that "Local GSM Location". The microG-Packages usually contain the mozilla-online backend.
BTW: Did you use one of the zip-packages to install microGSMcore, fakestore, GsfProxy ... or manually via FDroid as I did?
I had latest Oreo 8.0 installed before. But I am not sure whether or not I updated the bootloader too with Odin.
Did you have to do any preparations to let it run?
Yes. I did exactly the same as you did in TWRP.
Can you give more details about the NLP-hassle?
I wasn´t sure if its needed at all and even if microG went green, the backends seemed not wo work at all.
BTW: Did you use one of the zip-packages to install microGSMcore, fakestore, GsfProxy ... or manually via FDroid as I did?
I did it in the same way as you. Flashed the patcher, installed the rest from FDroid. That´s it.
Moreover: i didn´t install Magisk or any other root and I didn´t use Xposed. I used the push notification tester to test GCM. Everything was fine.
I can check if installing an su package or Magisk will lead into the same problems.
Installed Magisk on top of your microG setup. Everything works, see McFys thread. I guess you just didn´t read what TB tells about SU.
starbright_ said:
A word ahead, I am far away from beeing an expert. I read and tested a lot, but can't answer all your question..
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My experience below:
-LOS by McFy with Magisk+Xposed+nanodroid
- installed only. MicroG package +all backends+yalp
- the self check is good except the last box which is noto green
-yalp works fine, i like it, but in the end i had to use my goggole account instread of the experimental 'internal account' and this because of gmaps
-gmaps works fine BUT it doesn't find the current gps position unless i restart it (long press on back arrow). This is odd because other map-apps (openstreet, tomtom..) work! Also, when i need to use the google account to save some locations or simply the offline maps, it does work only for the first time, later it doesn't recognize my (already set) googke account
-i don't know if it's related to microg but camera doesnt find the gps, while opencamera yes, fotej camera neither
-again, i don't know if it's related to microg but each time i add the google account i loose my contact list
-apps that need to talk with playstore doesn't work at all, I wanted to use Europe3D by geoflier and it didn't load properly until i installed also the playstore
- the same for those apps that need to purchase some addons
-BUT worst, above all (crying) is that the speechTotext is not wotking and it's a feature I really miss!
I don't know if a proper patched rom would work better, I always hope that mcFy finds some time to release the rom already patched.
Anyhow next days I will try to reinstall the stock rom to see if these behavioours happen also there.
I did another installation again. More details next.
But finally I gave up. I couldn't solve two issues
- neither telegram nor whatsapp works after a few minutes (doesn't wake up at incoming calls)
- heavy instabilities with LOS15.1/Magisk/Xposed/microG
I didn't find which component is responsible for that, but I remember that I didn't always get SU with Magisk. After a reboot it works again.
Even such components as DuckDuckbrowser crashed.
I couldn't recover my apps backup by TB from my previous S5mini on A3 with TB and Magisk (Parser error).
I need a rest from all this stuff.
starbright_ said:
I need a rest from all this stuff.
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it took it some days and many reinstallations before i found out the right sequence!
i think everything related to microg is stable enough except what i wrote before
pink0 said:
it took it some days and many reinstallations before i found out the right sequence!
i think everything related to microg is stable enough except what i wrote before
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So what is the sequence? This:
"-LOS by McFy with Magisk+Xposed+nanodroid
- installed only. MicroG package +all backends+yalp
- the self check is good except the last box which is noto green"
And it is stable for you? Never get problems with not granted root?
What is last box: cell based location? Same for me... But I am not sure what exactly means this.
I installed localGSMbackend which created an offline database with celltowers. This works fine in energy saving mode I get a rough position without any waste of energy or privacy (as offline).
Altogether I did at least 20 complete wipes and started from scratch.
At the first I started early with root (either Magisk or LOS-addsu).
Than there are two options to get a spoofed ROM.
Either via Xposed/Fakestore module or via nanodroid patcher.
Both works in general.
Than installed microG (different ways - manually, nanodroid, unofficial installer, that are the 3 options I know).
But it always become instable. Apps don't get root anymore or does FC ....
So I did it another way around.
I first installed all required via FDroid (without any root, Xposed ...). That seems to me rather stable. The good thing: this are around 80% or apps I need. Than I did a backup, so that I don't have to starts from scratch, which is painful as hell with around 40 .. 60 apps.
My last attempt was after that install Magisk, Xposed, Fakestore. Spoofingchecker was red, but a microG gets green.
I installed it with nanodroid (created first with setup wizard a file, so that only microG and mapsapiv1) gets installed.
This was first time my apps work fine with maps. Other attempts to manually install the maps framework/lib wasn't succesful (why ever).
Problems started when installing TB. First it doesn't get root permission. After a restart it works, but I get parsing errors. If I understand FAQ this is due to different busyboxes ?!? Ok, the backups I created at another device with LOS14.1 and addsu.
But this was not the only issue. Browser crashed and I never get neither Telegram nor Whatsapp to get wake up after a few minutes of deep sleep (they arn't get registered at microG too, so this might be another issue).
Did I understand it right, you use GMaps?
My problems with whatsapp and telegram (not registering in GCM) - did you found a way, maybe with an older version of whatsapp?
Does your system keeps stable after all?
To be honest, that Magisk and Xposed seems to add to much intrusive stuff that might fail altogether. But even with the manual way it wasn't perfect. Maybe after a rest and with the next version from McFy I try this again. Good luck I didn't sell my old S5min til now.
starbright_ said:
So what is the sequence? This:
"-LOS by McFy with Magisk+Xposed+nanodroid
- installed only. MicroG package +all backends+yalp
- the self check is good except the last box which is noto green"
And it is stable for you? Never get problems with not granted root?
What is last box: cell based location? Same for me... But I am not sure what exactly means
Did I understand it right, you use GMaps?.
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it's here i writed down because my personal memory buffer, at my age, is really small
yes gmaps is working quite good except the behavour I wrote, but enabling developer options I can easily kill the program to get the new/current position (also I noriced tgat because of this gps problem ir cannot calculate any route while navigating)
I also dislike the idea of using xposed bexause I never needed it but now it's different
about telegram/whatsup i'm not using such softwae so I can't say what's wrong
starbright_ said:
...My problems with whatsapp and telegram (not registering in GCM) - did you found a way, maybe with an older version of whatsapp?
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I do not use WhatsApp, I use Threema and Threema has known problems with microG GCM.
starbright_ said:
Does your system keeps stable after all?
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Yes, but I didn´t flash Xposed, just Magisk.
Ok.That spoofing can happen via Xposed Module or nanodroid patcher. For non-odexed ROMs are more options (tingle,...) but not for ours.
So after all I am now happy with my current installation:
- install TWRP via ODIN
- Wipe in TWRP (system, data, cache, dalvik)
- install Lineage via TWRP
- boot into system
- install FDroid
install and setup most of needed apps - there is a good selection of apps in FDroid now
- Create Backup (via TWRP)
- Install Magisk (viaTWRP) and Magisk Manager in LOS
- Setup adaware and afwall (both from FDroid as they need root)
- Installing microG (via TWRP) with packets from here:
( use patcher for spoofing the ROM, setup to create a control file and than a minimal setup with microG, maps-api, FakeStore).
- install Yalp from FDroid and via Yalp the missing apps that are not available via FDroid.
I found that Telegram (and Whatsapp not 100% sure yet) push-notification work. I disabled battery optimization for both.
starbright_ said:
So after all I am now happy with my current installation:
- Installing microG (via TWRP) with packets from here:
( use patcher for spoofing the ROM, setup to create a control file and than a minimal setup with microG, maps-api, FakeStore).
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thanks for your post!
- did you run the nanodroid patcher itself or you deodexed tje rom by hand?
- do you notice any difference between a magisk-through instlation of nanodroid and a direct one?
- which build of LOS are you using?
pink0 said:
thanks for your post!
- did you run the nanodroid patcher itself or you deodexed tje rom by hand?
- do you notice any difference between a magisk-through instlation of nanodroid and a direct one?
- which build of LOS are you using?
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I am not sure, but the LOS15.1 for A3 2017 (by @McFy from 08/21) ROM is in a state you need the patcher. Other methods (as tingle - what I used before with other mobiles) don't work.
Not sure what is odexed and deodexed. The only other method works for spoofing is Xposed framework. There is a module that fakes this. But until now I did't see a need for Xposed and I don't want to increase complexity. (From that point of view I rather should go for addsu instead of Magisk)
I did first a Magisk installation, as root is more important and you have later the chance to chose between microG and Gapps. (Did it step by step with backups not to start again from scratch).
But I didn't use Magisk for installation, but TWRP. How does it works? I am a Magisk newbee.
An update of LOS15 requires to redo it. I also updated microG in this sequence. Just as a short summery:
- boot into TWRP
- wipes system/cache/dalvik
- installed new LOS
- installed Magisk
- reboot into system (just for curiosity, probably not required) and back to TWRP
- let run uninstaller of microG (I used the zips from here:
- install (run) the patcher (be patients, that takes long time, maybe 15min)
- install (run) setup wizard (selected only few things, as maps-api, can remember exactly)
- install the real package (install what has been selected in setup).
check this out
basically, this is a LOS-based rom including microG, aiming at avoiding google applications/usage.
Nominatim backend
Has anyone using microG got the NominatimGeocoderBackend to work ? On the LOS15 or on LOS16 builds of McFy ? With Nanodroid or with microG core setup ?
The Self-Check in the microG Settings app on the LOS16-microG-build-20190412 with Nanodroid 20190310 from McFY fails the self-test "UnifiedNlp do not have Location to test Geocoder"
The NominatimGeocoderBackend is installed, activated and configured for OSM.
No big deal, everything else works fine.
cyberbix said:
Has anyone using microG got the NominatimGeocoderBackend to work ? On the LOS15 or on LOS16 builds of McFy ? With Nanodroid or with microG core setup ?
The Self-Check in the microG Settings app on the LOS16-microG-build-20190412 with Nanodroid 20190310 from McFY fails the self-test "UnifiedNlp do not have Location to test Geocoder"
The NominatimGeocoderBackend is installed, activated and configured for OSM.
No big deal, everything else works fine.
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My selfcheck gives just 2 unchecked points:
Playstore signature (I installed Fakestore+Yalp and Fdroid)
Radiocell based location (altough Nominatem is setup).
"Playstore signature" I could manage after apply permission spoofing to Fake Store (system app).
But, I don't get any app registered, although I have enabled Google registration and GCM.
I even deinstalled ebay and installed it again - no effect. ?!? What can I do?
I remember @cyberbix mentioned the Push notification tester:
It fails for me with step1 - "No register" ?!? How can that be? What did I miss.
starbright_ said:
?!? How can that be? What did I miss.
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Did you do the device check-in ?
What is push notifcation exactly claiming ? Unable to register or missing Play services ?


Is there anything I can do about this?
Did you try this:
- Before starting the steps, uninstall all Magisk modules and reboot.
- If your device is not listed in the Props Config, you can try Google Pixel 2 or 3 and Android 10.
- Don't forget to hide Magisk in the Options and Google Play Services, Google Play Store, Google Pay and all banking/game apps in the Magisk Hide menu.
- You should know that all Samsung services (Pay, Pass, Secure Folder, etc.) related to KNOX will never work after rooting (= KNOX tripped)...
LeGi0NeeR said:
Did you try this:
- Before starting the steps, uninstall all Magisk modules and reboot.
- If your device is not listed in the Props Config, you can try Google Pixel 2 or 3 and Android 10.
- Don't forget to hide Magisk in the Options and Google Play Services, Google Play Store, Google Pay and all banking/game apps in the Magisk Hide menu.
- You should know that all Samsung services (Pay, Pass, Secure Folder, etc.) related to KNOX will never work after rooting (= KNOX tripped)...
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@jhill110 sorry for necroposting this, but does it work out for you?
Arobase40 said:
SafetyNet fix !
Quicker and easier SafetyNet fix :
Erase the cache from Magisk and flash one of these two fixes :
I used the first one and it works so I didn't test the second...
At least Secure Folder is working fine. Knox deployment is behaving weirdly as it is asking a two pass authentication and it is asking a numerical code when I receive an alphanumerical code... ^^
I don't use Samsung Pay (should at least work with Android Pay but I didn't test it) and I don't use Samsung Pass either but I don't think there should be a real problem as it was asking me to set it up but I removed totally from the system...
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actually for me safety net fix only works for android 11 version rom of this device, and even then secure folder doesnt work correctly (for me?), it doesnt save the password, and keep poping up asking to set a password whenever I tried to enter it. The device itself become unstable and keep hot rebooting after every unlock, eventually get thermal throttled for no reason. Though the safety net solution I used was this one: kdrag0n/safetynet-fix , and prob not the one you listed actually its the same developer, though his repository does not contain a v2 release. I still gona try it though
edit: working now, not hot rebooting (yet), but secure folder still doesnt save password, thus cant still be used yet
Arobase40 said:
So make sure you pass the SafetyNet test in Magisk. When done and passed, uninstall completely and properly Secure folder from your settings, and reboot.
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the safetynet fix worked on my device when the rom is still on android 10. That is to say, it passed the safetynet test. It was extremely unstable though, hot rebooting after every unlock (unlock, black screen samsung, then back to lock screen) I couldn't get into magisk and disable it, had to delete it through twrp. It was until android 11 that I tried it again. not extremely unstable, just "useable unstable". That was the release file on kdrag0n's repository. Your uploaded v2 file works amazingly. Thanks for sharing:>
Arobase40 said:
I wonder why you mention Android 10 when we're with Android 11 for a long time now...
So is your issue totally fixed with no instability at all anymore and is Secure Folder working also ?
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I just want to share my experience about the same device with (prob) the same safety net fix that works on yours, but not my device.
yes, with your safety net fix my tab runs absolutely stable, and I've just tried uninstall secure folder and reinstall it again. Its working perfectly now

Phillips Sonicare for Kids Root Check bypass wtf

Backstory: So got my daughter a bluetooth enabled toothbrush named in title, and loaded up the app for it:
Philips Sonicare For Kids - Apps on Google Play
Transform brush time into fun time!
Running on a OnePlus 6, Android 10 stock firmware other than bootloader unlocked, Magisk installed. Start it up, whines it is rooted and refuses to run. Sputter some colorful language, add app to Magisk Hide, restart, poof, works great.
Now daughter likes it, and don't want to give her my phone twice a day... so open the drawer and pull out an older phone, LG G6. Old firmware, prob full of security issues, figure I'll install LineageOS on it. OK, great, get through all that, shiny running system... repeat app install... and ugh... "t3h r00t3d phone!".
This time, Magisk Hide isn't "fixing" the problem, and I am curious what the difference is... same app version on both phones. Safetynet check passes on both phones. The only real differences I can cite are (1) Android 11 OS base and (2) Roar Gapps MiniMe build (vs full Gapp suite on stock OnePlus rom). At this point, there aren't other apps on the device (e.g. SuperSU or similar usual suspect).
Any suggestions on what is different that an app could check and call out a rooted phone?
Answering my own post, in case anyone searches this and finds it helpful...
Turns out this app appears to blacklist Lineage OS.
Reflashed clean, OS only... fail. (No root or safetynet at this point)
Added somewhat normal Gapps, now with working safetynet... fail.
Didn't need to install Magisk at this point.
Lets test the theory... grab another OS image at random, flash it (still no Gapps, Magisk, SN)... success!
Install Magisk, still success!

Magisk update now Issue with games (Ingress/Niantic)

Hello I would appreciate some help fixing an issue.
Please excuse my lack of knowlage, I will try to give adequate info. If more info is needed let me know.
I have a Oneplus Nord N10 5G "unlocked" (I believe that means global) Build# BE86AA Model# BE2026 Android ver. 11
The phone has been rooted since October 13-20
I cannot recall the tutorial I followed to root. I do have TWRP and Magisk on the phone. With Magisk 23.0 I passed SafetyNet (I used the built in SafetyNet Checker Via Magisk)
A few days go (Feb/18/22) I updated Magisk(24.1)/App(24.1) Via the Magisk app. I no longer pass SafetyNet (I used Root and SafetyNet Checker from "BetterOpts")
Magisk 24.1 no longer has Magiskhide
Now I cannot play Niantic's game called Ingress.
A message pops up saying "Ingress is not supported on this device configuration"
I had no issue when I had Magisk 23.0 (using magiskhide)
I googled that message and found that Niantic searches for root/rooting apps.
I have messed around with "Magiskhide props config v6.1.2" changing device fingerprint, force basic attestation.
Nothing seemed to help so i Reset all options/settings
I have read many horror stories of people hard bricking or causing more damage by trying to revert/unrooting back to stock.
I think i did a dumb and did not backup anything from Pre-root.
I saw a few posts on reddit/gaming.stackexchange people saying outdated SupperSU caused them to get the message.
I do not have SupperSU.
Another person they deleted a folder called "MAGISKMANAGER" and that solved the message.(this post was back in 2019)
I'm not sure if they unrooted and thats why they deleted the folder.
I couldn't find a folder with that name.
A lot of posts I found all say "Use Magiskhide"
But Magiskhide has been removed from Magisk24.0+
I did a search (using files app) and found Magisk.apk(s)
I'm not sure if should delete these. Not sure if deleting (or moving files to computer) would cause problems on the phone at next reboot.
I am no rooting expert so again please excuse my ignorance. again if more info is needed please let me know and i will answer to my best ability.
Do you recommend a Hide Root App/Mod?
Should I install Xposed Framework via Magisk?
Thank you for your time and advice
I am very stupid. I found kdrag0n safetynet-fix from Github.
Downloaded the latest release (2.2.1)
Installed Via Magisk app
Ingress works
I'm thinking of leaving this post up. It might help someone?
If you still need to upgrade to Magisk 24.1 then study at least the start of this thread. Maybe not for now but in the future.
Magisk 23 and lower will not be supported any longer.
Wonderful new week for you !
[Discussion] Magisk - The Age of Zygisk.
This is a discussion and help thread for the newer versions of Magisk. The main goal of this thread is to help users migrate to Magisk v24+ SafetyNet Basic integrity Pass CTS profile match Pass Play Protect certification Device is certified...
xabu said:
If you still need to upgrade to Magisk 24.1 then study at least the start of this thread. Maybe not for now but in the future.
Magisk 23 and lower will not be supported any longer.
Wonderful new week for you !
[Discussion] Magisk - The Age of Zygisk.
This is a discussion and help thread for the newer versions of Magisk. The main goal of this thread is to help users migrate to Magisk v24+ SafetyNet Basic integrity Pass CTS profile match Pass Play Protect certification Device is certified...
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I saw that thread right after i made my post.I thought about deleting the post. I'm sure there will be other people who will update without reading beyond "New update" and hopefully this will find them and steer them toward getting their device up and running.
For anyone curious.
Go into magisk settings, use the option to change magisks package name.
Then enable Zygote mode.
Reboot your phone.
Go back into your now renamed magisk app (mine is usually named system because who the hell looks at an app named system and think "this is the malicious code, I know it!")
Open your magisk app, go back into the settings and look for the option that says deny, click it and look for the app you're gonna hide from magisk.
If you're looking to use something like Pokemon go, click it twice so that way Zygote rejects both checks.
Now go be a pokemon master

Question LSPosed on GrapheneOS

I recently installed GrapheneOS on my Pixel 6 and I want to use XPrivacyLua on it. But when I install and activate LSPosed (1.8.3) and reboot then it says there's no LSPosed installed. But in Magisk it is loaded together with Shamiko. Shamiko works fine, but I wasn't able to use LSPosed yet. Does anybody know how LSPosed can be used successfully on GrapheneOS?
Thank you,
Oebbler1 said:
I recently installed GrapheneOS on my Pixel 6 and I want to use XPrivacyLua on it. But when I install and activate LSPosed (1.8.3) and reboot then it says there's no LSPosed installed. But in Magisk it is loaded together with Shamiko. Shamiko works fine, but I wasn't able to use LSPosed yet. Does anybody know how LSPosed can be used successfully on GrapheneOS?
Thank you,
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you lose more for the little gain you get by using xprivacylua. also graphene os isn't meant to be used with root since you defeat the main goal of the os itself: security. it hardens several aspects of android to make it more secure, and that's why things like lsposed won't work.
hellcat50 said:
...graphene os isn't meant to be used with root since you defeat the main goal of the os itself: security.
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That's a redundant and absurd thing to say. First of all, grapheneos objection to root is realistically tied to support burden and public impression rather than anything practical. Second, root doesn't threaten security if used responsibly. Third, root is HELPFUL for security when used competently.
Now for the other thing... lsposed... avoid like the plague.
Thank you for your answers!
The thing is that I cannot avoid LSPosed for XPrivacyLua on Android 12. I really want to use it in order to avoid tracking by getting IDs and other data from my device. So my question still remains on how to make LSPosed runnable.
I tried to install it with Riru. Riru was telling me that LSPosed is loaded, but the LSPosed app told me it cannot find LSPosed. It seems the same as with LSPosed on Zygisk. Is there any way to get LSPosed (or maybe EdXposed) working?
Oebbler1 said:
Thank you for your answers!
The thing is that I cannot avoid LSPosed for XPrivacyLua on Android 12. I really want to use it in order to avoid tracking by getting IDs and other data from my device. So my question still remains on how to make LSPosed runnable.
I tried to install it with Riru. Riru was telling me that LSPosed is loaded, but the LSPosed app told me it cannot find LSPosed. It seems the same as with LSPosed on Zygisk. Is there any way to get LSPosed (or maybe EdXposed) working?
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Please read this about ID's:
Thank you! This sounds good, but leaves something out which I also want to do:
I want to allow access to particular contacts for some apps only. And maybe in the future it should be possible to hook some other methods (with XPrivacyLua Pro) that apps use for things I don't want them to do. So I think I cannot avoid LSPosed, EdXposed or something like that. How can this be achieved?
Oebbler1 said:
Thank you! This sounds good, but leaves something out which I also want to do:
I want to allow access to particular contacts for some apps only. And maybe in the future it should be possible to hook some other methods (with XPrivacyLua Pro) that apps use for things I don't want them to do. So I think I cannot avoid LSPosed, EdXposed or something like that. How can this be achieved?
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Contacts permission does not need any additional hacks to be denied.
hellcat50 said:
you lose more for the little gain you get by using xprivacylua. also graphene os isn't meant to be used with root since you defeat the main goal of the os itself: security. it hardens several aspects of android to make it more secure, and that's why things like lsposed won't work.
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Unless you're running GrapheneOS via yellow state boot loader (and you checking the finger print each boot), I can't take claims of "root is insecure" quite seriously.
I don't want to deny contacts permission at all, but I want to allow only certain contacts to be seen by some apps. So I want e. g. Telegram or Signal to only see the contacts I am using in these apps. These aren't the same so Telegram's and Signal's access to the contacts list need to be hooked in order to provide individual faked/manipulated lists to these apps.
And maybe in the future some apps do a call to e. g. some app-internal ID which is used for tracking, so I want to hook that later on.
To me it doesn't matter if there are other hacks available to do these things. I'd just like to do that with XPrivacyLua Pro. So how can I get this working on GrapheneOS?
ezdiy said:
Unless you're running GrapheneOS via yellow state boot loader (and you checking the finger print each boot), I can't take claims of "root is insecure" quite seriously.
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Yeah right rooting makes your device more secure haha.
Oebbler1 said:
I don't want to deny contacts permission at all, but I want to allow only certain contacts to be seen by some apps. So I want e. g. Telegram or Signal to only see the contacts I am using in these apps. These aren't the same so Telegram's and Signal's access to the contacts list need to be hooked in order to provide individual faked/manipulated lists to these apps.
And maybe in the future some apps do a call to e. g. some app-internal ID which is used for tracking, so I want to hook that later on.
To me it doesn't matter if there are other hacks available to do these things. I'd just like to do that with XPrivacyLua Pro. So how can I get this working on GrapheneOS?
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I don't think lsposed will ever work on graphene os. for that you will have to switch the os
hellcat50 said:
Yeah right rooting makes your device more secure haha.
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Applications don't just have access to root if you make it available to yourself. Again, its about the USER being competent and not just granting root permission willy nilly like a total retard. Nice try, but NOPE.
A project to keep an eye on...
GitHub - chriswoope/resign-android-image: Resign Android OS (esp. GrapheneOS) images with your signing keys and add ADB root and other modifications
Resign Android OS (esp. GrapheneOS) images with your signing keys and add ADB root and other modifications - GitHub - chriswoope/resign-android-image: Resign Android OS (esp. GrapheneOS) images wit...

