AOSP Development - Android 10 - Creating System Service - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello Everyone,
This is regarding modifying AOSP and trying to add my own system service as part of the system for customized application. I have tried all the places I could from documentation on to trying to post a query on their official Google Groups and also tried out reading out books on AOSP. Unfortunately the OS code is changing so rapidly the documentation is rather old and not up to date. And now this seems to be my last hope to find a lead on how to achieve this.
(This is the first time I am posting so please guide me in case of discrepancies)
So, I am trying to create a system service from scratch and bake it inside the AOSP build. The steps I figured out and followed are as following:
1. Create an AIDL file inside frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/IFooService.aidl
2. Create the implementation in frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/
3. Modify at frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/ and use the ServiceManager to start the service.
4. I need to specify SELinux permissions which I wasn't able to figure out even after checking out whatsoever documentation I can find online. So I went to device/google/bonito/ file and added BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE += androidboot.selinux=permissive text to ensure I get through the SELinux enforcement (though I know its a temporary solution).
5. I modified Android.bp file under frameworks/base to include IFooService.aidl file during compilation.
Unfortunately, after I successfully built the project and try to flash it on the Pixel 3a, the system is stuck at boot with Android logo.
I could see the service was successfully started after checking logcat and logcat -b but dies soon after. I can see that's the case with all the other services too. So probably its the boot time issue. Secondly, I can see the SEPolicy warning but the permissive parameter is set to 1 so that shouldn't be the issue. But still the Android doesn't boots up.
So my question is, is this the right way to define a new system service? I also read that it is not recommended to make changes to original files and try to create new service in the vendor directory. In this article it does just that by creating a persistent app inside the vendor directory and hosting the service inside. I tried even that but the build fails. And I could see the SELinux implementation has changed a lot with a need to include version compatibility changes which has to be incorporated manually but there is very limited and too confusing documentation regarding that!
Please guide me on what I might be doing wrong and how to resolve it? I have tried AOSP books, documentation and browsing the source code in last 30 days but with no luck.
I am also planning to share a comprehensive sample with the community post this because I feel it could help many people trying incorporate new system services and the documentation is also few and far between.
I'll add the actual code and logs if anyone can help me finding a way.


[DEV TUT] Building Kernels and Android Sources

Dear Community,
Please read the following before starting on reading on.After lots of requests I decided its time to provide every oncoming developer with a short guide on how to start developing for our beloved Mimmi (most stuff applies also for Robyn or other Android devices).
I'd also like to get a few words passed on what actually in most cases developing is, so let's start with the basics:
There is different ways of developing there is people like Cyanogen Mod which provide you with a bunch of changes to the original Android source code which enables new features, adds hardware support or make things easier for specific device developers. However these people at Cyanogen are often not fully recognized so please make sure to thank these people as well. Besides that there are ports of similiar devices which will not be explained in this tutorial but also these developers usually put a lot of effort into their roms however since the source is already compiled changes are usually of a cosmetic nature. In this tutorial however you will find the basics on how to compile kernel or android from source in order to build your own changes into your own rom, which btw would have never been possible without the developers porting xrecovery or cwm to our devices so please give these people a big thumbs up as well after reading on.
What do I need/Environment set up
Most people have issues on setting up a the heart of your Developer Carreer, the Environment. What I strongly advise is to have at least a bit knowledge of the main usuage of Linux Distributions and also programming languages. Without these you will most likely fail at one stage or another to make a successful build.
So lets evaluate what you need :
Linux Distro (i.e. any Ubuntu should do well)
a VM or native Linux
quite a bit of Linux skills and programing skills
Time and a high tolerance of frustration
Sufficent RAM (at least 4 GB, more is advised otherwise use native Linux)
If you know how to install a native Linux Distribution you can probably skip this part, I will explain how to use a VM to fill the basic needs and keep your development area seperated from you most likely otherwise needed productive platform.
The following Steps are just keywords, if you want to develop you will need to inform yourself how to achieve all this yourself, there's lots of tutorials out there.
Step 1: Download a VM and a Linux Distro
Step 2: Install VM Software (i.e. VirtualBox or VMWare Server)
Step 3: Install the Linux Distro in VM (you'll need at least 6 GB Swap and 50 GB or More HD space to have enough room for experiments/seperate syncs/etc...)
Step 4: Figure out if you installed 32 Bit or 64 Bit (you'll need this later)
Step 5: Boot your new VM based Linux Distro
Step 6: Set up a Share Mount between your host and your VM
Step 7: download the Android Source/Cyanogen Source of your desire (i.e. : repo http://**** -b gingerbread) into a folder for you desire (the folder should represent your ROM's/Kernel name)
Building a Kernel
Building a Kernel is one of the easier parts considering the full source code is available for download. Sony Erricson Open Source Dev Website is providing fully funtional Kernel sources usually in the tar.gz format. Download the source code and extract it, or if you use a git based repository clone or checkout the project into a folder of your desire.
The next step, is not mandatory but advised to sync the entire Android repo/CyanogenRepo as the repo also provides the Cross Compiler toolchain which is needed to compile for your device.
Once everything is finished downloading you should check the following path in the Android repo : platform/linux-x86(orx64)/prebuilt/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/ this is the cross compiler we will use to build the kernel itself, its vital to have the compiler present, the version number maybe different though.
Lets start with the building process itself:
cd kernelfolder
cp arch/arm/configs/semc_mimmi_defconfig .config (the command maybe change to copy another default config file, it creates a file in the root of the kernel folder called ".config"
ARCH=arm make menuconfig (this will bring up the kernel configuration menu for arm devices)
In the Menu Config you can change/add features to the Kernel once you are done safe the kernel config. Now your Kernel is ready to be compiled:
ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/pathtoandroid_source/platform/linux-x86(x64)/prebuilt/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi- make -j4
This will start a compile with 4 Jobs using the Architecture ARM and the Cross Compiler arm-eabi from the Android Source Repo. Once finished you'll find your Image in your kernel folder under arch/arm/boot/Image. Now you'll need to build your own ramdisk this is covered here at xda as well azuzu has also build a tool available to download.
Follow the instructions to create the kernel.sin which now can be flashed with Flashtool. Changes to Kernel source will now be available to your compiled Kernel. How to change the Kernel source is beyond this tutorial but programmers in C will have fun there.
Building Android from Source
Now lets get started with the more advanced part and the most frustrating part in the beginning. The easiest way to build for the mimmi would be to sync the Cyanogen Gingerbread source code. Which can be checked out using the repo binary (see tutorials on googles website also which packages for which architecture (x86 or x64) are addionally needed also the correct java version is important)
Now lets cut to the chase.
repo sync -u -b gingerbread (or froyo or another branch you would like to check out)
once your repo is synced (you could also add "-j8" to enhance the speed of the repo command, it will take quite a while) you are almost ready to start. If you synced an AOSP source you will have the get your device and hardware libraries ready first. This means you will have to port i.e. the device project and hardware project (mimmi and msm7227-common folders from CM and also hardware folder from CM) to the AOSP source. It makes sense to port these to your AOSP source since they are the most complete so far. For Camera libraries you can sync from doixanhs repo the libcamera-5mp.
Now lets get a short overview over the Android source, it contains of various folders:
These are the most interesting, frameworks folder holds a bunch of android libraries and files which provide the functionality however often you will need to change a few things here and there since the mimmi is unique in its hardware. Everything you change will need to be approved with the following command:
make update-api
This will add all the functions, variables or anything else to the current-api.xml and ensure its available at build time.
The device folder holds device specific files, build-configs and so on. Lets look at some of the important files:
The two xmls hold configurations of the build process which are device specific either LightSensorWarmupTime and so on the full list is in the root folder of frameworks/base/res/res/values/config.xml <-- any part you feel you need to change copy the lines from there and change in you device specific config.xml.
Now to another file:
This files olds the device sepecific configurations for the ARM, WLAN, etc.
Look at all the files in mimmi and msm7227-common and figure out what they do, google of course will guide you on that.
Also take a look in the:
folder and find the mimmi config and get familiar with this as well. Nobody will be able to help unless you face specific issues. Developing is learning by doing and a lot of self teaching and the will to understand all of this yourself. We can't teach but you can learn. Specific questions however are usually proudly answered by most devs if they have already figured it out.
Lets start building now, first you'll need to get your lunch command to know which devices have makefiles (I always do it to be sure)
source build/
This will now add all the known devices to your lunchcombo (the devices are usually definied in the pointing to the makefiles)
Will get you the list of available devices and will wait for user input to select the device you want to build, choose the mimmi.
make -j4
This will start the building process with 4 jobs.
Now its time to get a coffee. Usually you will have a bunch of different issues on this part but the CM source is pretty good and you might be lucky there.
Now lets look at typicial errors:
symbol not found : means a variable in used in the code has not been defined, before its use this one is a tricky one
try to locate the source file and find the line the compiler is complaining about. Now check in the framework usually in
res/res/values or layout look for the type of the erros (String or array) and look in the corresponding xml if the variable
is present. Now look in vendor/cyanogen/overlay if your variable is also declared there and so on.
function not found/function of incompatible types : also a tricky one, you might sync a repo and made local changes to
a file and suddenly your functions another file calls are not present or have changed, find the differences between them and
think about how it has changed, maybe add the function again or maybe another function does the job now. you will need
to locate the changes compare them and you should be fine again
No Rule to make target: this one is usually due to a missing/incomplete Makefile you might need to add manually or
if you don't need it anyway the easiest would be to delete the not building folder
Once your source has finished compiling you will find you system image in:
As of now unfortunately its still missing a few files here and there. Compare ROMs and Compare what might needs to be added. However I advise not switch libraries around its best to use your own libraries. However sometimes you will face issues when doing this so start with the files created there and just add the recovery and ramdisk to your rom. Now observe via adb if everything is running. This will take time and add one missing lib after another one and reboot, after each (like grallocs or librils or fm libs and so). This is basically a debugging part of the job.
You will now add one by one more functionality, but keep in mind to use logcat to see what goes wrong, maybe some stuff can be changed in the source rather then randomly adding stuff.
also this one just in case.
Hey there c: As always, you come surprising everyone with your stuff haha Good job on this one, I think it is always good to have some tutorials from the people who build specifically for our Mimmi's
Before reading this, I wanted to get started on developing and I went to Android's official developers site, I did some steps, now I have the complete source of Android here (I use Ubuntu 10.04, the LTS version... Dunno if telling you that it is LTS ver. really matters, but just in case) andthe whole environment ready to build. Now, reading at this, I realize I don't have 4Gb of RAM on this "old" (2007..) notebook. Anyways, the thing is: I followed the steps listed here, but when I wrote this command-
$ make -j4
-the terminal started to execute files, or something... I'll add a screenshot at the end about this. It has been 3 days since that, and the terminal is still doing the same. I know developing requires a lot of patience, but... 3 days? Is this normal?? I have looked through the Internet for problems with this command, but no one seems to have talked about it.
Thanks for your time, work and effort for the community, we really appreciate it c: Bye!
Link to the Screenshot:
The 'make -j4' uses 4 threads to compile everything, if your notebook does not have at least an hyperthreading-technology enabled CPU, well, that's to expect when building an entire OS, plus you don't have sufficient RAM, I do have 2GB and a DualCore CPU and it takes at least 1 hour to compile an average desktop kernel with that same command. I have not tried to compile android, but I think that it will take at least 4 hours to compile everything. Just my thought.
RozenTensai said:
The 'make -j4' uses 4 threads to compile everything, if your notebook does not have at least an hyperthreading-technology enabled CPU, well, that's to expect when building an entire OS, plus you don't have sufficient RAM, I do have 2GB and a DualCore CPU and it takes at least 1 hour to compile an average desktop kernel with that same command. I have not tried to compile android, but I think that it will take at least 4 hours to compile everything. Just my thought.
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Thank you for your answer! Just ten minutes ago, the 'make' command finished ! And about my notebook, it is just like yours: 2Gb RAM and Dual-Core CPU, I'm not sure but I think it runs at 2,8 GHz. And also, like I said earlier, I know developing takes time. I know how slow processes can be, in fact, there were commands previously that took 1 hour or more to finish their tasks. 1 hour, 4 hours, it's ok but... 3 days? Isn't it a bit too much xd?? Now I'm afraid to turn off the computer because I don't want to compile that thing again hahaha
the "-j" option depends on the number of (virtual) cores you have.
get the number:
grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l
if you have native linux and like to work on the machine I recommend do lower the number at least -1 otherwise get a coffee and keep hands off the build process
make -j4, lol. Many people do not have. 4 cores on the processor
paul-xxx said:
make -j4, lol. Many people do not have. 4 cores on the processor
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This parameter refers to threads instead of hardware cores
Sp4rrow said:
This parameter refers to threads instead of hardware cores
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ok. probably a mistake. but still. I always use 2. it brought to me the best results
I use j6
And also j refers to jobs everybody may change to what they want. For kernel i build with j12.
If you know better like it seems you always do write it down.
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
I can't find any 2.1.1.A.0.6 Sources. Link to the sources you use slade?
should be:
Stock Kernel with only CWM5 installed...
Slade i want some help from you. how can i embed CWM5 in the stock kernel without any other changes to it??
i want a stock kernel with nothing changed in it only CWM5 installed in it. how this can be done???
i forgot to say the most important thing!: Thank you very much for your work and effort Slade
I just came to the configuration menu of the kernel. i see there are options predefined for the mimmi, but how can i optimize it more, there are soooo many options, and to tell the truth i don't have a clue what they do

[Q] Various android-related queries

I have managed to compile (from source) and install CM7.2 on my HTC dream, but my questions below are related to Android:
1. Is there a way to find out which packages (.apk) were installed on my system and if so, how do I do that?
2. Is there a way to find out each package dependencies (I need to figure out this as I am bent on removing the vast amount of guff installed on the phone - I won't need 90% of this stuff)?
3. Similarly to 2 above - is there a way to look at dependencies of a package not yet installed on my system (i.e. the .apk file)?
4. How do I actually remove a package for good from the system?
5. Similarly to 3 above, how do I actually install a package from within the root system - I know I can do this via adb, but is there a way to do this inside the, say, command line terminal?
6. Is there a way to alter (understand remove) certain program permissions which I could see "granted" to a particular program/package? I know there are various ways to look at these, but I wish to remove permissions I am not happy being granted to that particular program/package.
And one last a bit more advanced query: I would like to build a single package from the source tree and then install the resulting .apk file on my system.
Basically, I will try to upgrade a package with a new revision and add a few patches to the package source of my own before compiling it and building it again.
I usually build the whole lot (all packages + the rootfs image itself) with "mke bacon", but if I want to alter the source and build a single package how do I do that?
I am not very familiar with the Android make system, so I don't want to go heads-first into something and make a real mess of it.
Thanks a lot for any assistance given.

[Q] Encryption support in CM 10.x

I'm trying to encrypt the storage on my HTC One, but when I kick off the encryption task it just sits at the Android "gear-droid" (what I call the funny Android encryption logo, the one with the gear) until I manually restart the device. Encryption never takes place.
Running logcat on the device shows the infamous error:
"Orig filesystem overlaps crypto footer region. Cannot encrypt in place."
Searches on CM's issue tracker shows this open issue which discusses the problem at length, basically for this type of device the problem is almost certainly a misconfiguration of the fstab files. Essentially, they're set to use the last 16kb of the data partition to store the key in, but the partition isn't setup to reserve this space.
(XDA won't let me post the link, so go to CM's JIRA and look for bug CYAN-87)
A change was pushed to the Evita branch to fix this, but I haven't found a similar push occurring on the HTC One branch.
(XDA won't let me post the link, so go to CM's review board and look for change 48090)
I've been trying to run some of the commands referred to in the JIRA thread from recovery, but the file system presented to ADB there looks a lot different than the one at run-time, and it can't find any of the tools needed to do the job (vdc, make FS, etc).
Two questions:
1) Can this be fixed after ROM install? I'd rather not have to rebuild the ROM to fix this minor issue (reformatting is fine though)
2) Where are all the file system tools during recovery? I don't quite get why the recovery file system is so different than the normal run-time one, let alone where all the tools disappeared to
And if someone with the proper accounts / permissions could remind CM and the various device maintainers about the broken encryption support that would be swell. It seems like a lot of devices have mis-configurations preventing encryption from functioning, which is dangerous given how much access these devices have today (and how prevalent cell phone losses / thefts are).

[Q] Editing Android Kernel - looking for NFC/HCE Code

I'm currently in the process of developing a project for my University course wherein I will be hopefully editing the functionality of the HCE Feature of Android to allow me to set my own UID when emulating a card.
Now, i've downloaded the AOSP source, and built a custom image with no edited code and installed that to my Nexus 7 (This includes downloading and including the Vendor specific hardware drivers), and i'm stuck on the next part.
I physically cannot find the device code that governs the NFC features of Android, and i'm unsure how to go about a) Looking for it, and b) How I should be editing this code.
Is the code for NFC in Android in the base Kernel? and if so how would I edit that before I run "make" again and hope it builds? or is it elsewhere? I've noticed that the files in the Vendor folder i've downloaded and extracted are in a .ncd format, which I don't think is editable.
Any help I can get on this would be greatly appreciated.

SU for Android on ChromeOS

This is a cross-post from a reddit thread I started, but this is probably a more appropriate location for it.
I have been trying to modify files in the system folder for the Android container on the Asus Flip so I can install SuperSu, but have run into some problems.
The system folder is contained in a squashfs image on the chromebook at /opt/google/containers/android/system.raw.img. Mounted squashfs images appear to not support read-write access. I have been able to unsquash the image, add the SuperSU apk to the /system/priv-app folder and su to the /system/xbin folder, and remake the image. This boots, but SuperSU force closes as soon as it starts.
To make tinkering easier, I've tried building a writable image using dd and mkfs. I placed it in a location that has rw access and modified the /etc/init/android-ureadahead.conf script which mounts it to enable rw access. Unfortunately though it won't boot. The boot logs for the android container show a litany of SELinux errors for different things that it could not set context, operation not permitted. I can post the exact log if necessary. Some googling led me to find that the SELinux security context attributes weren't being replicated in my image, so I tried mounting with context and fscontext options equal to the contexts from the original image, but I get the same problem.
If anyone has any ideas I'd be especially grateful.
lionclaw said:
This is a cross-post from a reddit thread I started, but this is probably a more appropriate location for it.
I have been trying to modify files in the system folder for the Android container on the Asus Flip so I can install SuperSu, but have run into some problems.
The system folder is contained in a squashfs image on the chromebook at /opt/google/containers/android/system.raw.img. Mounted squashfs images appear to not support read-write access. I have been able to unsquash the image, add the SuperSU apk to the /system/priv-app folder and su to the /system/xbin folder, and remake the image. This boots, but SuperSU force closes as soon as it starts.
To make tinkering easier, I've tried building a writable image using dd and mkfs. I placed it in a location that has rw access and modified the /etc/init/android-ureadahead.conf script which mounts it to enable rw access. Unfortunately though it won't boot. The boot logs for the android container show a litany of SELinux errors for different things that it could not set context, operation not permitted. I can post the exact log if necessary. Some googling led me to find that the SELinux security context attributes weren't being replicated in my image, so I tried mounting with context and fscontext options equal to the contexts from the original image, but I get the same problem.
If anyone has any ideas I'd be especially grateful.
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Wayyyy out of my area of expertise, but here's my (completely novice) best guess.
>All Chromebooks are write-protected with a screw on the motherboard
>Putting a Chromebook in developer mode allows for some tinkering ie things like chroots, and on the asus flip, the ability to install apks from unknown sources.
>Unscrewing the write-protect screw allows for the ability to completely install a new operating system or dual boot setup.
>Maybe you need to do that before you're able to accomplish root access?
My other idea would be to try and figure out a way of doing a systemless root?
Also, total aside but since this is the only thread I've found on XDA about this device, I think chroots are theoretically possible now without the need to be in developer mode via Android apps (even without root on Android). Download the GIMP port from the Play Store to see what I'm talking about. Playing around with that for a few minutes really made me wish that it didn't use emulated mouse/keyboard in it's implementation. Also, it appears that apt-get is broken, but regardless it might interest someone out there looking for a project.
back from the dead, any progress on this?
I have been able to successfully root the Android image on my Asus Flip.
I built a blank image with dd in /usr/local, formatted it with mkfs, mounted it to a folder, mounted the original system.raw.img to a folder, copied the files across, placed *all* the SuperSU files listed as 'required' in the SuperSU update-binary in the relevant places in /system in my new image, set permissions & contexts for those files, edited arc-system-mount.conf and arc-ureadahead.conf to point to the new image and, finally, patched /etc/selinux/arc/policy/policy.30 with the SuperSU sepolicy patching tool in order to boot my rooted Android instance with selinux set to enforcing.
I have created a couple of scripts which more-or-less fully automate this procedure, which can be downloaded from Please feel free to download, open the scripts in a text editor to check them out, and try them out if you like. Only tested on Asus Flip, though.
I seem to be unable to post attachments at the moment so I will just add the descriptions here, I could probably post the entire scripts here too if anyone wants. Feel free to let me know what you think.
Combines the first three scripts listed below.
Creates an 900MB filesystem image in /usr/local/Android_Images, formats it, then copies Android system files therein.
Modifies two system files: arc-system-mount.conf - changing the mount-as-read-only flag and replacing the Android system image location with a new location; and arc-ureadahead.conf - again replacing the Android system image location. Originals are renamed .old - copies of which are also placed in /usr/local/Backup.
Mounts the previously created Android filesystem image to a folder, and copies SuperSU files to the mounted image as specified in the SuperSU update-binary.
Copies an SELinux policy file found at /etc/selinux/arc/policy/policy.30 to the Downloads folder, opens an Android root shell for the SuperSU policy patching command to be entered, then copies the patched policy back to the original location. A copy of the original policy.30 is saved at /etc/selinux/arc/policy/policy.30.old and /usr/local/Backup/policy.30.old
Removes the folder /usr/local/Android_Images and attempts to restore the modified system files arc-system-mount.conf and arc-ureadahead.conf.
ok so two questions, one do you think this would work on the Acer r13 convertable? and 2 where can I find the actual instructions/scripts
keithkaaos said:
ok so two questions, one do you think this would work on the Acer r13 convertable? and 2 where can I find the actual instructions/scripts
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The R13 has a 64-bit Mediatek processor, right?
I have added a version for ARM64, but I haven't tested it.
You can find the instructions and scripts at
ya, its a mediatek. and thanks ill go see if i can find it
---------- Post added at 03:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:58 AM ----------
wow, ok. i can do this but im not sure i want to.. after reading the possible problems i may run into. Im going to be getting the G. Home in a couple weeks and i gotta keep things running smooth. This seems like going a tad too far then i need to. The other day i had action launcher going and it looked pretty damn good but i really want to try and get the action3.apk that i have put into the pri-app folder or whatever the chromebook uses i found the syst folder but cant access it. Im wondering if i make the machine writable it would work but im afraid of losing my updates, as long as i could do them manualy, i guess that would be cool. Also since im already going on... has anyone found a way to disable the dev boot screen without tinkering with the physical chromebook yet?
SuperSU on Chromebook
Hey there I love this post but unfortunately im on the mediatek (well not unfortunately cause i love it) but i do really want super su .. But i found this other post that i tried out but i am having a problem executing the scripts. When i go to run the first one, it says can not open "name of script" but the dev takes a pretty cool approach. Im still new to Chrome OS but thanks for the post and if you have any advice on executing scripts id love to hear it!!
I'm guessing the above post was moved from another thread...
Anyway, it turns out that zipping/unzipping the files in Chrome OS's file manager sets all the permissions to read-only. Apologies! sudo chmod+x *scriptname* should fix it...
Regarding OS updates, I actually haven't had a problem receiving auto-updates with software write-protect switched off; the main possible potential issue I could imagine arising from the procedure I outlined would involve restoring the original conf files if both sets of backups get deleted/overwritten. This seems unlikely, but in that case either manually editing the files to insert the original string (/opt/google/containers/android/system.raw.img), or doing a powerwash with forced update might be necessary in order to get the original Android container booting again.
I don't think anyone's found a way to shorten/disable the dev boot screen without removing the hardware write-protect screw - from what I've read, the flags are set in a part of the firmware which is essentially read-only unless the screw is removed. Perhaps at some point the Chrome OS devs will get fed up of reading reports from users whose relatives accidentally reset the device by pressing spacebar, and change the setup. Here's hoping.
Hey just jumpig in the thread right quick to see if these instructions are old or what-- got a chromebook pro and the notion of having to update a squashed filesystem every timeto install su seems like a pain..
Is there any kind of authoritative documentation/breakdown regarding what Chromeos is mounting where before I start breaking things? Also anyone happen to know if there's a write-protect screw anywhere in the chromebook plus/pro?
Other questions:
* adbd is running, but is not accessible from adb in the (linux) shell, which shows no devices. Do I need to access adb from another device (i'm short a usb c cable right now) or can I use adb (which is there!) on the chrome side to access adbd on the android side?
* Anyone know if adb via tcp/ip is available? Don't see it in the android settings.
There's no real documentation AFAIK, the thing is that ARC++ is a bit of a moving target, as it's so actively being developed/reworked. For instance, with the method described earlier in the thread - it started off being possible to just swap out a file location in arc-ureadahead.conf, then they changed it to arc-setup-conf, and now, since a few CrOS versions ago, the rootfs squashfs image is mounted in a loop fashion via the /usr/sbin/arc-setup binary instead, making an overview of the setup somewhat opaque to the casual observer.
I was kind of hoping to implement a kind of hybrid systemless root style setup myself, but unfortunately I haven't really managed to find the time to sit down and fully figure out a few parts of the puzzle, in particular relating to minijail and working with namespaces. So, I'm still using the method mentioned in posts above for my rooting needs at the moment, the only significant changes being that at the moment I'm replacing /opt/google/ with a symlink to my writeable rooted rootfs img, and also that in recent CrOS versions the mount-as-read only and debuggable flags can be found in /etc/init/arc-setup-env ("Environment variables for /usr/sbin/arc-setup").
In general though, one can kind of get an idea of what's going on in the default setup by reading through the various /etc/init/arc-* Chrome OS upstart jobs (and their logs in /var/log). Though, like I say, things keep changing around somewhat with every CrOS update, as the implementation 'improves'. As time goes by, and the subsystem matures, it'll certainly be interesting to see what other approaches are possible relating to customizing Android on Chrome OS.
There should definitely be a write protect screw somewhere on the motherboard for the Samsungs, but so far I haven't come across any pics showing exactly which screw it is. So far, no-one seems to have been brave/foolhardy enough to fully tear down their own machine and locate the screw!
Regarding adb, on my device I found the following in arc-setup-env:
# The IPV4 address of the container.
adb (in Chrome OS's shell) works fine for me, the authorisation checkbox pops up and then good to go. su works fine through adb as expected. There's also a useful little nsenter script in Chrome OS to get into the android shell; /usr/sbin/android-sh, which I've been using in my script to help patch SE linux.
I actually just updated my rooting scripts recently to support 7.1.1, though I've only tested on my own Armv7 device (Flip C100).
I'll attach them to this post in case anyone wants to take a look. There's a readme in the zip, some more details can also be found here and below
EDIT: Fixed the SE Linux issue occurring with the previous version I uploaded (it was launching daemonsu from u:r:init:s0 instead of u:r:supersu:s0).
Anyone considering giving them a spin should bear in mind that the method does involve creating a fairly large file on the device as a rooted copy of the android rootfs. (1GB for arm, 1.4GB for Intel). There's a readme in the zip but the other couple of important points are that:
a) The SuperSU 2.82 SR1 zip also needs to be downloaded and extracted to ~/Downloads on the Chromebook.
b) Rootfs verification needs to be off. The command to force this is:
sudo /usr/share/vboot/bin/ --remove_rootfs_verification --force --partitions $(( $(rootdev -s | sed -r 's/.*(.)$/\1/') - 1))
or the regular command to do it is:
sudo /usr/share/vboot/bin/ --remove_rootfs_verification
c) If, subsequent to running the scripts, there's a problem loading Android apps (e.g. after a powerwash or failed install), the command to restore the original rootfs image is:
sudo mv /opt/google/containers/android/system.raw.img.bk /opt/google/containers/android/system.raw.img
Hey this is a great response.. thanks!
Nolirum said:
There's no real documentation AFAIK, the thing is that ARC++ is a bit of a moving target, as it's so actively being developed/reworked. For instance, with the method described earlier in the thread - it started off being possible to just swap out a file location in arc-ureadahead.conf, then they changed it to arc-setup-conf, and now, since a few CrOS versions ago, the rootfs squashfs image is mounted in a loop fashion via the /usr/sbin/arc-setup binary instead, making an overview of the setup somewhat opaque to the casual observer.
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Yeah playing with it now, I'm looking at these /etc/init/arc-*-conf files... I see that the /dev/loop# files are being set up... (more below)
Nolirum said:
I was kind of hoping to implement a kind of hybrid systemless root style setup myself, but unfortunately I haven't really managed to find the time to sit down and fully figure out a few parts of the puzzle, in particular relating to minijail and working with namespaces. So, I'm still using the method mentioned in posts above for my rooting needs at the moment, the only significant changes being that at the moment I'm replacing /opt/google/ with a symlink to my writeable rooted rootfs img, and also that in recent CrOS versions the mount-as-read only and debuggable flags can be found in /etc/init/arc-setup-env ("Environment variables for /usr/sbin/arc-setup").
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Sorry not sure what you mean by "hybrid systemless root style setup"? I take it you're modifying the startup script and replaced the squashfs file in /opt... my concern about doing it was whether they were implementing some kind of dm-verity equivalent to the squashfs file to make sure it hasn't been tampered with (say, by adding /sbin/su or whatever) or whether it's safe to replace that file.. Sounds like you're saying it is? (update: I guess that's what rootfs verification does, and we can turn it off....)
Also you mean arc-setup.conf:
Nolirum said:
In general though, one can kind of get an idea of what's going on in the default setup by reading through the various /etc/init/arc-* Chrome OS upstart jobs (and their logs in /var/log). Though, like I say, things keep changing around somewhat with every CrOS update, as the implementation 'improves'. As time goes by, and the subsystem matures, it'll certainly be interesting to see what other approaches are possible relating to customizing Android on Chrome OS.
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I hadn't realized the boot was still in flux-- I'd have figured they'd worked that out by now...
Nolirum said:
There should definitely be a write protect screw somewhere on the motherboard for the Samsungs, but so far I haven't come across any pics showing exactly which screw it is. So far, no-one seems to have been brave/foolhardy enough to fully tear down their own machine and locate the screw!
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Heh.. not gonna be me..
Nolirum said:
Regarding adb, on my device I found the following in arc-setup-env:
# The IPV4 address of the container.
adb (in Chrome OS's shell) works fine for me, the authorisation checkbox pops up and then good to go. su works fine through adb as expected. There's also a useful little nsenter script in Chrome OS to get into the android shell; /usr/sbin/android-sh, which I've been using in my script to help patch SE linux.
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Cool-- adb connect does indeed work I was gonna use netcat to open port 5555 in chromeos and pipe it through, but looks like nc isn't here and I'm not yet ready to start changing the FS..though probably will be soon... btw any idea which partitions get overwritten when chrome it does it's updates? Will /root and /etc get overwritten, for example... would a "powerwash" overwrite it or can you get easily get into an unbootable state on these things?
It's also kind of strange that adb is listening to port 30 at that (internal?) bridge address by default witho no UI to turn it off.. and it's inaccessible from outside.. i wonder if there's an easy way to change the bridge to share the same IP as the actual interface...
Final thought-- I'd love to build that system image myself soup-to-nuts, but I can't find any "caroline" device tree set up... do you or anyone else happen to know if there's a standalone AOSP device tree for the chromebooks? It would be cool to have a mashup AOSP/lineageos if such a think could be possible-- I'm guessing chromiumos is just taking the android tree, building it and then adding it into their build... I Haven't build chromiumos for many years now so I can't even begin to imagine how this android build integrates with the whole emerge thing they had going.. but I bet it takes a while
Nolirum said:
I actually just updated my rooting scripts recently to support 7.1.1, though I've only tested on my own Armv7 device (Flip C100).
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Cool I'll take a look at these scripts.
So I haven't yet run the scripts-- just looking through them-- I noticed the section starting:
if [ -e /etc/init/arc-setup-env ]; then
echo "Copying /etc/init/arc-setup-env to /usr/local/Backup"
This doesn't exist on the x86 CB Pro. There's an arc-setup.conf that sets up the environment variables though. It sets WRITABLE_MOUNT to 0, but then so does arc-system-mount.conf
Not sure if these are different between x86 and ARM or if it's just in the latest update.. but figured I'd let you know. Wanna throw thse scripts up on github somewhere? (Or I can do it) and we can maybe look at keeping them up to date and/or standardizing them? It wouldn't be hard to determine if it's running on ARM or x86_64 (uname -i for example)..
fattire said:
So I haven't yet run the scripts-- just looking through them-- I noticed the section starting:
if [ -e /etc/init/arc-setup-env ]; then
echo "Copying /etc/init/arc-setup-env to /usr/local/Backup"
This doesn't exist on the x86 CB Pro. There's an arc-setup.conf that sets up the environment variables though. It sets WRITABLE_MOUNT to 0, but then so does arc-system-mount.conf
Not sure if these are different between x86 and ARM or if it's just in the latest update.. but figured I'd let you know. Wanna throw thse scripts up on github somewhere? (Or I can do it) and we can maybe look at keeping them up to date and/or standardizing them? It wouldn't be hard to determine if it's running on ARM or x86_64 (uname -i for example)..
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Oh, the arc-setup-env thing is intentional. There does appear to be another issue with the x86 version though. I've written up a detailed response to your previous post; it's in a text file at the moment so I'll copy it over and format it for posting here with quotes etc now - should only take a few minutes. Yeah, sticking them on github might be a good idea; I've been meaning to create an account over there anyway.
Yeah, so... Regarding the scripts, since I've put them up here for people to download - I should mention that the first person to test them (aside from me) has reported that something's not working right (I'm waiting for confirmation but I think he tried out the x86 version). It's likely either an error on my part when copying across from my Arm version, or perhaps something not working right with conditionals, meant to deal with the various OS versions ('if; then' statements, I mean). Once I find out more, I'll edit my earlier post...
fattire said:
Sorry not sure what you mean by "hybrid systemless root style setup"? I take it you're modifying the startup script and replaced the squashfs file in /opt... my concern about doing it was whether they were implementing some kind of dm-verity equivalent to the squashfs file to make sure it hasn't been tampered with (say, by adding /sbin/su or whatever) or whether it's safe to replace that file.. Sounds like you're saying it is?
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Oh, sorry for being a bit vague - I just mean perhaps implementing a kind of systemless root à la Magisk/SuperSU (from what I understand of how these work) - avoiding the need to actually replace files in /system. Since I'm mainly just using su for the privileges rather than actually wanting to write to /system, I had the idea that perhaps a sort of overlay on e.g. xbin and a few other locations, rather than actually rebuilding the whole of /system, might be an interesting approach....
Yep, I've been replacing /opt/google/containers/android/system.raw.img with a symlink to my modified image lately. Works fine... I think they've been focused on just getting the apps working properly, maybe something like dm-verity is still to come.
Although, one of the cool things with Chromebooks IMO is that once the Developer Mode (virtual) switch has been flipped, the system's pretty open to being hacked around with. I think a large part of the much-trumpeted "security" of the system is thanks to the regular mode/Dev mode feature, once in Dev Mode with verified boot disabled on the rootfs, we can pretty much do what we want (I like the message that comes up in the shell when entering the first command I posted under the spoiler - it literally says "YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!").
So yeah, with Dev Mode switched off, verified boot switched on, we can't even get into the shell (just the walled-off 'crosh' prompt), making the system indeed rather secure (but, for some of us, rather limited).
fattire said:
Also you mean arc-setup.conf:
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That's what I mean by a moving target, lol. On my device the Canary channel is at Chrome OS version 61; I think they started to move out some ARC++ (the acronym stands for Android Runtime on Chrome, version 2, if anyone's wondering, btw) environment variables to a separate file in version 60, or maybe 61. Problems with being on the more 'bleeding edge' channels include:
#Sometimes stuff gets broken as they commit experimental changes.
#Any updates sometimes overwrite rootfs customizations; the higher the channel - the more frequent the updates occur.
#Some of the stuff that gets updated, may later get reverted.
And so on...
fattire said:
I hadn't realized the boot was still in flux-- I'd have figured they'd worked that out by now...
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Yeah you'd think so. Honestly, the more I use CrOS the more it seems like a (very polished) work-in-progress to me. Though, I guess most modern OSs are also works-in-progress though. (I don't mean the former statement in a critical way; I'm very happy that new features keep getting added to the OS - Android app support being a perfect case in point, that was a lovely surprise, greatly extending the functionality of my Chromebook).
fattire said:
Cool-- adb connect does indeed work I was gonna use netcat to open port 5555 in chromeos and pipe it through, but looks like nc isn't here and I'm not yet ready to start changing the FS..though probably will be soon...
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Netcat's not there but socat, which I haven't any experience with but have seen described as a "more advanced version of netcat", is listed in /etc/portage/make.profile/package.installable, meaning that adding it to CrOS is supported, and as simple as:
sudo su -
dev_install #(sets up portage in /usr/local)
emerge socat
I tried socat out and it seems to work, might be interesting to play around with.
fattire said:
btw any idea which partitions get overwritten when chrome it does it's updates? Will /root and /etc get overwritten, for example...
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Theres a question. I forget some of the exact details now (gleaned from browsing the developer mailing lists and the documentation on, but from what I do remember and my experiences tinkering, I can say:
The auto-update model uses kernel/rootfs pairs, e.g. at the moment my device is booting from partition 2 (KERN-A) with the rootfs being partition 3 (ROOTFS-B). My understanding is that with the next OS update pushed to my device, CrOS will download the deltas of the files to be changed, and apply the changes to partitions 4 and 5 (KERN-B and ROOTS-B), setting new kernel GPT flags (priority=, tries=, successful=), which will, post-reboot, let the BIOS know that 4 and 5 will form the new working kernel/rootfs pair. Then the following update will do the same, but with partitions 2 and 3, and so on and so forth, alternating pairs each time. It's a pretty nifty system, and I think something similar might be happening with new Android devices from version O onward (?).
So partitions 2,3,4,5 are fair game for being overwritten (from the perspective of the CrOS updater program). Partition 1, the 'stateful partition') is a bit special, in addition to a big old encrypted file containing all of the userdata (/home/chronos/ dir?), it also has some extra dirs which get overlaid on the rootfs at boot. If you have a look in /mnt/stateful/, there should also be a dir called 'dev_image', which (on a device in Dev mode) gets mounted up over /usr/local/ at boot. As I mentioned above, if you do
sudo su -
you can then emerge anything listed in /etc/portage/make.profile/package.installable (not a great deal of stuff admittedly, compared to Gentoo), which gets installed to subdirs in /usr/local/. So I think stuff in partition 1; /mnt/stateful/, should be safe from being overwritten with an OS update. I think crouton chroots get put there by default.
Most of the other partitions don't really get used, and shouldn't get touched by the updater, here's a design doc on the disk format, and here's a Reddit post (from a Google/Chromium employee) mentioning dual booting from partitions 6 and 7.
fattire said:
would a "powerwash" overwrite it or can you get easily get into an unbootable state on these things?
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It's not too hard to mess up the system and get it into an unbootable state, lol. The "powerwash" just seems to remove user data, mainly. If you change up (the contents of) some files in /etc, or /opt, for example, then powerwash, normally they won't get restored to their original state (unless you also change release channel).
But, as long as the write-protect screw's not been removed and the original BIOS overwritten, it's always possible to make a recovery USB in Chrome's Recovery Utility on another device, and then restore the entire disk image fresh (this does overwrite all partitions). Another thing that I did was make a usb to boot into Kali; I was experimenting with the cgpt flags on my internal drive and got it into an unbootable state, but was still able to boot into Kali with Ctrl+U, and restore the flags manually from there. (To successfully boot from USB, it was essential to have previously run the enable_dev_usb_boot or crossystem dev_boot_usb=1 command in CrOS). I understand also that the BIOS type varies with device release date and CPU architecture, and that Intel devices may have some extra potential BIOS options ('legacy boot').
fattire said:
It's also kind of strange that adb is listening to port 30 at that (internal?) bridge address by default with no UI to turn it off.. and it's inaccessible from outside.. i wonder if there's an easy way to change the bridge to share the same IP as the actual interface...
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I think I saw something related to this on the bug tracker. If I come across any info, I'll let you know...
fattire said:
Final thought-- I'd love to build that system image myself soup-to-nuts, but I can't find any "caroline" device tree set up... do you or anyone else happen to know if there's a standalone AOSP device tree for the chromebooks? It would be cool to have a mashup AOSP/lineageos if such a think could be possible-- I'm guessing chromiumos is just taking the android tree, building it and then adding it into their build... I Haven't build chromiumos for many years now so I can't even begin to imagine how this android build integrates with the whole emerge thing they had going.. but I bet it takes a while
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Yeah, I haven't built Chromium OS or anything, but apparently, there's an option to create a 'private' overlay for the build, which doesn't get synced with the public stuff.
I think that the higher-ups at Google might be still umming and ahing as to whether or not to make source code available for the Android container, it's certainly not been made public yet. Actually, I remember seeing a Reddit post from a Google/Chromium employee mentioning this.
"That article is a little misleading in terms of open source. While the wayland-server and services that communicate with the ARC++ container are open source, the actual ARC++ container is not."
Perhaps they're waiting to see how similar implementations of Android within a larger Linux setup (e.g. Anbox) fare.
There doesn't seem to be too much that differs from AOSP in the ARC++ container - a few binaries and bits and pieces linking the hardware to the container (e.g. the camera etc), maybe some stuff related to running in a container with the graphics being piped out to Wayland?, and so on.
Oh, I was searching the bug tracker for something else, and just saw this (quoted below). Looks like it might be possible to run AOSP based images on CrOS soon!
arc: Implement android settings link for AOSP image
Reported by [email protected], Today (72 minutes ago)
Status: Started
Pri: 1
Type: Bug
When ARC started without the Play Store support there is no way for user to activate Android settings. We need implement corresponded section that has
Title: Android settings:
Link: Manage android preferences:
Inner bug: b/62945384
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Great response! I read it once and I'll read it again in more detail then will probably have questions For whatever it may be worth, my only experience with chromiumos was building the whole thing maybe 4 years ago for my original 2011 Samsung "snow" Chromebook-- and making a bootable USB (or was it an SDcard?) to run it on (with a modified firmware that did... something I can't remember.. i think it was basically a stripped down uboot and I remember adding a simple menu or something-- I think I was trying to bypass that white startupscreen or something..). However, after doing this a few times to play with it, I realized that Chromiumos without the Chrome goodies kinda sucks and I promptly forgot everything and went back to stock.
I did have it re-partitioned to run linux as a dual boot from the SD slot or something-- I remember using that cgpt thing to select the different boot modes and vaguely recall the way it would A/B the updates (which "O" is now doing)... but anyhoo I was using the armhf ubuntu releases with the native kernel and ran into all kinds of sound issues and framebuffer only was a little crappy so...
I'm gonna re-read in more detail soon and I'm sure I'll have questions-- one of which will be-- assuming that most stuff is the same on x86 vs arm, why are there two scripts? How do they differ?
ol. On my device the Canary channel is at Chrome OS version 61; I think they started to move out some ARC++ (the acronym stands for Android Runtime on Chrome, version 2, if anyone's wondering, btw) environment variables to a separate file in version 60, or maybe 61.
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This is the -env file I'm missing, I presume?
I think that the higher-ups at Google might be still umming and ahing as to whether or not to make source code available for the Android container, it's certainly not been made public yet. Actually, I remember seeing a Reddit post from a Google/Chromium employee mentioning this.
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It looks from the response that the gapps portion might be what's in question-- just like ChromiumOS vs Chrome has all the proprietary bits taken out?
Here's what I'd ideally like to see:
* Rooted Android, with a toggle switch to hide su in settings a la lineage (requires a kernel patch something like this one) + settings changes from lineageos
* adb access from outside the device-- critical for quickly testing apks from android studio w/o a cable. Basically put the chromebook in a "device mode" where adb is passed through... I'm going to see if I can pipe adb through with socat as you suggest...
* what else... I dunno watch this space.
An update from a couple of guys that have tested out the scripts on Intel: It seems to be that while they are able to launch daemonsu manually (with daemonsu --auto-daemon), it apparently does not seem to be getting launched at boot.
I am waiting for some more information on this. Previously, for Marshmallow, the script was setting up the app_process hijack method in order to to launch daemonsu at boot; to support Nougat I changed it to instead create an .rc file with a service for daemonsu, and add a line to init.rc importing it. This works for me, and from what I can gather, it copied/created all files successfully on the testers devices, too, so I'm not sure at this point what the issue is there.
Edit: Fixed the issue. I updated my previous post with further details.
fattire said:
I realized that Chromiumos without the Chrome goodies kinda sucks and I promptly forgot everything and went back to stock.
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lol yeah. True, that.
fattire said:
...assuming that most stuff is the same on x86 vs arm, why are there two scripts? How do they differ?
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It's literally just two things that differ: the few lines where we copy the su binary over e.g.
/x86/su.pie → /system/xbin/su, daemonsu, sugote
/armv7/su → /system/xbin/su, daemonsu, sugote
...and also the size of the created container. The x86 container is about 30 percent larger than the Arm one.
I had a little look at how to determine the CPU architecture programmatically on Chrome OS a while back, but couldn't seem to find a reliable way of doing this, at least not without maybe getting a bunch of people with different CrOS devices to run something like, as you mentioned, uname -i (which returns 'Rockchip' on my device, uname -m (which returns 'armv7'), or such similar, and collating the results. It was just easier to do separate versions for x86/arm, rather than introduce more conditionals (with potential for errors). I'm certainly not averse to adding a check for $ARCH, and thus standardizing the script, as long as it's reliable.
fattire said:
This is the -env file I'm missing, I presume?
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Yep! It's just the same few envs as in the .confs, moved into a new file. I'm fairly confident that the script's conditionals deals with them OK.
fattire said:
It looks from the response that the gapps portion might be what's in question-- just like ChromiumOS vs Chrome has all the proprietary bits taken out?
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Yeah, although the respondant there perhaps doesn't seem to realise that he's talking to a Google/Chromium dev, the way he responds. Not that that makes anything he says in his post is necessarily less valid, though.
fattire said:
Here's what I'd ideally like to see:
* Rooted Android, with a toggle switch to hide su in settings a la lineage (requires a kernel patch something like this one) + settings changes from lineageos
* adb access from outside the device-- critical for quickly testing apks from android studio w/o a cable. Basically put the chromebook in a "device mode" where adb is passed through... I'm going to see if I can pipe adb through with socat as you suggest...
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Interesting... I agree, those would both be useful additions to the functionality of ARC++...
Quick question-- has Samsung provided the source for the GPL components (including the kernel, obviously)? I looked here but didn't see anything...? Previously the kernel was included along with the chromium source and there was like a kernel and kernel-next repository.. but this was like five years ago. I think the codename for the samsung chromebook pro is called caroline... let me quickly see if I can find a defconfig in the chromium source...
Back.. nothing here in the chromeos-4.4 branch. Nothing here either in the master branch. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong branches-- master is probably mainline kernel. Also the directories.. it took me five minutes to realize it wasn't going to be in arch/arm - force of habit I guess. I'll keep looking unless anyone knows. This "chromium-container-vm-x86" one seems to have dm_verity as an unused option. Ah, this is looking promising.
...and... here!
So it would seem that this would be built as part of the chromiumos build system, which seemed to be half gentoo five years ago building out of a chroot and was kind of a pain to set up... still, I'm guessing that since it's got that weird script to make the defconfig, what you could do is use google's chromiumos build script to make the kernel image (with whatever changes you want), then, assuming that it doesn't care if you replace the kernel, just throw it over the right Kernel A/B partition and see if it boots and starts up chromeos... it's weird cuz the kernel has to do double-duty for chromeos and android.. but I bet you can just replace it and it would work fine...
I had a cursory go at building a couple of kernel modules for my Flip C100 a while back - I didn't get too far though, lol. People do seem to have had success building their own kernels and running them with Chrome OS though, as with most things I suppose it's just how much time/effort you're willing to put in.
I think I used this and maybe this, from the crouton project to guide me.
From what I remember, I just got fed up of all the arcane errors/config choices. I remember that even though I'd imported my current device config from modprobe configs, there were then such an incredibly long string of hoops/config choices to have to go through one by one, to then be confronted with various errors (different every time ISTR) that I think I just thought "screw this". I think there were some other issue with the Ubuntu version I was using at the time as well. I know that sort of stuff's kind of par for the course with kernel compilation, but I was mainly only doing it so I could edit xpad in order to get my joypad working, in the end I found a different solution.
It shouldn't be too much hassle though, in theory I guess.... Oh, also, in order to get a freshly built kernel booting up with the CrOS rootfs, in addition to the gpt flags, I think you might have to sign it, too? (just with the devkeys & vbutil_kernel tool provided on the rootfs), some info here, and here.
From what I remember, the build system would do whatever key signing was necessary.... although I do now remember you're right there was some manual step when I was building the kernel, but I can't remember if that's because of MY changes or that was just part of the build process.
I I just dug out the old VM (Xubuntu) I was using to build and, well, let's just say I'll be doing a LOT of ubuntu updates before I can even realistically look at this. I do kinda recall setting up the environment was a huge pain so I'm going to see if I can just update the 5 year old source, target the pro and just build the kernel image and see what pops out the other end. At least I won't have to deal with the cross compiler, though I think it should hopefully take care of that itself.
Interesting to see that those crouton projects have emerged (no pun intended) so I'll check them out too while ubuntu updates itself
Thanks for the github links.. I'm going to go read that wiki.
Update: Looked at it-- funny they just stripped out the chromeos-specific parts they needed rather than emerge everything which is smart. My only question is now that Android is involved, there's that script I linked to earlier that seems to say "if you want Android support you'll need these bits too"-- wonder if the same config scripts apply, and if there are any other device tree considerations as well...
I may play a bit and see how smoothly it goes.. Unfortunately I don't have unlimited time either :/
Also, please do let me know if you put the scripts on github and I can send you pull requests if I come up with anything.
Update: Finally updated like 3 major versions of ubuntu... the "depot_tools" repo had its last commit in 2013, so I updated that. Wow, this is so much clearer than previous docs... it looks like something called gclient is used now, which I configured with:
gclient config --spec 'solutions = [
"url": "",
"managed": False,
"name": "src",
"deps_file": ".DEPS.git",
"custom_deps": {},
that let me do gclient sync --nohooks --no-history ...which i think is updating the ancient source. I probably should have just started over, but anyway... we'll see what happens.
Update again: After updating with this new gclinet tool, it appears that the old repo sync method is still required as described here. That hasn't changed after all, so now I'm going to go through this old method, which will probably completely overwhelm my storage as it's downloading with history.. but anyway, in case anyone is trying this-- looks like the whole chroot/repo sync thing may still be how it's done... the /src directory described above may only be for building just the browser, not the whole OS...
...and here it is. I will have zero room to actually build anything tho, but hey.
* [new branch] release-R58-9334.B-caroline-chromeos-3.18 -> cros/release-R58-9334.B-caroline-chromeos-3.18
Note to self: use cros_sdk --enter to actually get in the chroot. Then:
~/trunk/src/scripts $ ./setup_board --board=caroline
to set up the build for caroline. Then to build:
./build_packages --board=caroline --nowithdebug
Useful links:
* Building ChromiumOS
* [URL=""]eBuild FAQ

