Meraki MC74 Android Project [HW/SW] [Experience Required][Help][Android System Noob] - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all, I am new to the forums and I think that I need some help with a custom android project.
I have bought a Meraki MC74, This phone is a VOIP office desk phone that has a nice 7 inch LCD screen that make for a ballin' custom intercom phone/general android device.
Cisco Meraki has dropped support for this phone, so even if I wanted to pay for a subscription, I couldn't. So custom android it is
[So what I know]
I know that the OEM OS is android 4.X.X with a custom Cisco Meraki dialer to do Meraki's cloud mumbojumbo. I was able to use ADB and Fastboot to flash ClockworkMod, and a custom version of Android 4.1.2 to get the device somewhat working. (it had lots of bugs and problems; but it was running android free of the Cisco Dialer!)
I was able to do this with the help of fellow xdadevelopers forum user "andrewmospak" (If you're reading this; I'm the dude from Ebay. And of course, thanks bro for the help so far!)
The storage is on a 4 GB Kingston EMMC.
[What I wanted for an end goal]
I wanted to have an interesting discontinued Meraki Desk phone that runs android and get all the functions of the phone working within android.
I also wanted to expand the storage from 4GB to 32GB. ( involving de-soldering existing EMMC and solder in the bigger EMMC.)
[What caused me to write this]
I would be fine if I wanted to stop there, but I wanted to try to install a GSI of android 9 in place of 4.1.2.
Again, this wouldn't be a big deal but I had to go and screw this up. I tried to resize some of the partitions (namely system to accommodate the bigger image of the android 9 GSI)but I accidentally completely killed the system,cache, and recovery partitions.
So, as one of the first steps of trouble shooting, I went to the hardest solution. The de-soldering of the EMMC.
I reached out to Andrewmospak again and asked for a full system emmc dump to try to flash his working file system to a spare 4GB EMMC to see an example of the file system of a working android EMMC. I received the image and flashed it to a spare Toshiba chip and soldered that to the phone, but I was unable to get the phone to boot into android right away, only able to load up fastboot.
Interestingly, I know that the EMMC is working because fastboot reports the S/N as the S/N of Andrewmospak's device and not the one written on my device.
[What I don't know]
Should some of the partitions on the EMMC not be recognized by Gparted in Debian? Like the User/System and others are partitioned ext4 while others are just not recognized.
Why when trying to flash partitions using Fastboot, wont fastboot recognise a recovery partition. It would just say that the partition just doesn't exist. same story with boot.
[What needs help]
I would like to know why fastboot wont see flashable volumes when using the EMMC dump flashed to another spare Toshiba EMMC, it is clearly there.
I would like to know how to reconstruct a volume to fix missing ones, and the number of partitions android needs to run.
Would I be able to flash an image of my working device to a 32gb emmc and just expand the system and user partitions into that extra space?
I will appreciate all help given to assist me and others that want a working device instead of a paperweight. ogChamp::fingers-crossed:

Thread closed as duplicate. Follow the original HERE


[Q] [REQ] Andoird on I8910 OmniaHD??

can someone tell me if is possible port Android on this amazing device??
someone is working on this???
I wuold like a lot if someone port Andoid on oHD!!!
lukas_ita said:
can someone tell me if is possible port Android on this amazing device??
someone is working on this???
I wuold like a lot if someone port Andoid on oHD!!!
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I was working on it for a long time. Unfortunately it is impossible, due to limited bootloader space (not enough for an android one) and no recovery partition. Also it would need a totally new partition layout (as it only has two accessable internal and one external drive, so no cache, recovery access, nor swap.
And also do not forget about the hardware incompatibility. Even if we manage to boot it, you will hardly be able to even make a phone call. Not to say use WiFi, or GPS, BT, or anything.
hi i joined because of some interest in this,
first of all let met tell you that i own a samsoung i8320 (vodafone h1).
this in some way helps because we now have a 'working' limo kernel, in my opinion it might help us out here.
the problem i have is that i never ever yet have been able to do 'any of the work here under' - the fact that i know howto doesn't make me capable of doing, (its like the fact that you know a plain fly's because of big wings and an engine, doesn't make you a pilot)
the H1 uses a rather standard linux kernel as far as i can tell from the source could, though i havn't been able to run it inside quemu yet..
some guys allready interested in porting android say that they got android running but without functions like phone or wifi. this is because thay used an android kernel rather than the samsung one.
step 1:
so what if you would strip the samsung rom from all 'userland' software, keeping only the kernel, its drivers and busybox stuf.
creating a root shell only - you may even be able to make it mount as /boot rather than /
step 2:
now ad ad adtional filesystem on the internal phone memory or an external sdcard ... format it as you like (ext3 with noadtime could do, but other options are also availible).
this should now be where the remaining of the android rom should be. you could now always update most of your your android and apps exept for your linux kernel or drivers. without reflashing. this idea is largely based on apps-2-sd so we all know its been done before.
fonix232 said:
I was working on it for a long time. Unfortunately it is impossible, due to limited bootloader space (not enough for an android one) and no recovery partition. Also it would need a totally new partition layout (as it only has two accessable internal and one external drive, so no cache, recovery access, nor swap.
And also do not forget about the hardware incompatibility. Even if we manage to boot it, you will hardly be able to even make a phone call. Not to say use WiFi, or GPS, BT, or anything.
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The i8910 community is great....this phone is great...a porting of android on this phone wuold mean a great number of donations!
cannot you use E\ (massmemory...8Gb or 16Gb) like partition?

[Q] Mlais MX28 mounting /system read-write

Please excuse asking questions as a first post, but I'm at the stage where I'm stumped and a search isn't helping.
Mlais MX28 fresh from MM pre-rooted. Managed to get the ROM backed up and CWM installed with Rua1's excellent MTK Droid Root & Tools. However, removing the Chinese useless (for me - no offence intended) apks proved not to be happening from the one-click button in that excellent piece of software. No bother, thought I, I'll just use adb and remove the relevant apks manually from /system/app. Famous last words.
Here's where things get really odd. I can mount root fine using the usual procedure but mount -o rw,remount /[email protected] /system works once and once only. Even stranger is that the first time gets you a rw mounted filesystem for about 10 seconds, at which point it gets remounted ro and no amount of faff will get it back to rw without a full power off and restart. All it does is spits out
mount: Read-only file system
Any ideas, please? I suspect there's some write protection going on but I haven't the first idea where to look.
Edit: Having done a little more searching on this issue, it seems there's a few Acers with the same behaviour, caused by a compiled-in kernel option. Looks like it may well be "wait for a custom ROM" is the answer. Not sure if rolling our own is possible unless anyone knows where to get the Mediatek sources for this device from?
Anyway, :good: to all those who have viewed my question. It's appreciated.
Edit 2: There's an S4UI ROM on needrom<dot>com that is rumoured to have solved this issue. Note that if you have installed CWM using the "magic" MTK Droid Root & Tools method, chances are you can't mount /system rw using ADB in CWM either - I suspect they share the same kernel. I haven't tried the S4UI ROM myself as the recovery needed to install it seems to be in Chinese. Possible solution for anyone with a grasp of that language and script but that someone isn't me
[Q] Mlais MX28 Recovery in Chinese Any help with translation
Hello, bud Any help yet also gut stuck in this.
I'm afraid not at the moment. The S4UI ROM on needrom does indeed enable /system rw but the WiFi and Bluetooth will not activate. Replacing mtk_stp_wmt.ko in /system/lib/modules/ with the version from the stock ROM that should fix this issue, doesn't fix this issue. It's a shame as the S4UI ROM is rather pleasant to use and if I could get that fully operational I expect I would be quite happy with this device. Oddly, the stock ROM came back with a different MAC for the WiFi. As I restored from a backup created with MTKDR&T, this is a little perplexing.
I'll update if I find any more clues.
{Possible solution/nasty hack]
Here's a way to get full /system access on the stock ROM. It requires
Clockwork Mod recovery
Install/create Clockwork Mod with MTKDR&T. Now boot into recovery by holding Vol+ and power until the boot selection screen appears and then select recovery with Vol+ and press Vol- to accept.
Do not mount /system in CWM.
On your ADB equipped computer, start
adb shell
Now issue the following at the root shell prompt:
tune2fs -e continue /dev/block/mmcblk0p5
Reboot the system and enjoy the power of full root.
This may well be a nasty hack. I was convinced the issue was a protected kernel module but it seems the ext4fs image of the system block is corrupt in some way and the default error action is to mount -o ro. We're disabling that default action and letting the mount remain unchanged.
As always with these things, proceed at your own risk. If you break it, you have the privilege of keeping both bits.
Good way around mate, but risky as no CWM yet installed, seem's the mobile gut some bug problem, should expect an official update rom soon enough, Root method you used for this? i intend flashing Clockwork Mod can seem to understand fully as i'm new to android development and customizing, again problem with battery do you get a full day (few moment on screen) light usage? Feel its no actual 25000mah on board.
codedmax said:
Good way around mate, but risky as no CWM yet installed, seem's the mobile gut some bug problem, should expect an official update rom soon enough, Root method you used for this? i intend flashing Clockwork Mod can seem to understand fully as i'm new to android development and customizing, again problem with battery do you get a full day (few moment on screen) light usage? Feel its no actual 25000mah on board.
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It appears there's an fsck implementation in the shell of CWM as well.
e2fsck -pfv /dev/block/mmcblk0p5
That should fix most of the errors in the filesystem.
The device came with su and SuperSU installed but it was fairly useless without /system access.
CWM can be easily installed using MTK Droid Root & Tools to extract the boot image, auto-patch, build CWM and install the lot. It really is a slick piece of software.
As for the battery, an even bigger issue is the supplied charger which is puny. Of course, looking at the battery and then looking at a proper, honest-to-goodness 2.2Ah Panasonic 18650 cylindrical cell you have to wonder if 2.5Ah isn't awfully optimistic.
Chron0s said:
It appears there's an fsck implementation in the shell of CWM as well.
e2fsck -pfv /dev/block/mmcblk0p5
That should fix most of the errors in the filesystem.
The device came with su and SuperSU installed but it was fairly useless without /system access.
CWM can be easily installed using MTK Droid Root & Tools to extract the boot image, auto-patch, build CWM and install the lot. It really is a slick piece of software.
As for the battery, an even bigger issue is the supplied charger which is puny. Of course, looking at the battery and then looking at a proper, honest-to-goodness 2.2Ah Panasonic 18650 cylindrical cell you have to wonder if 2.5Ah isn't awfully optimistic.
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Very Well concerned,
once again good job, but how do i go about implementing this,
would you be kind enough to put in some more details on the file system code and CWM flashing with MTK Droid root & Tool did you manage to get a translation on the chinese langauage recovery problem,
(a tutorial is just fine) Thanks alot bud.
Okay, give me a little time to set it all up for screenshots as I don't generally use Windows unless I have to. It's all fairly straightforward. The CWM installation is four clicks and some waiting and repairing the /system block is a couple of commands.
Oscarblue48 has a tutorial on installing CWM on Mediatek devices here or here if your MX28 isn't rooted which is the procedure I followed. Then it's just a case of booting into CWM, connecting your device to USB and using adb's shell to fsck the filesystem on that block.
really nice, okay as you say,
i would look forward to it (some screen shots aid), in the main time with full study & concentration on the CWM tutorial you gave, quite interesting if you ask me.
#back to studying, looking forward to a bug free final optimization of the Mlais MX28 as its a great buy for such a price.
codedmax said:
really nice, okay as you say,
i would look forward to it (some screen shots aid), in the main time with full study & concentration on the CWM tutorial you gave, quite interesting if you ask me.
#back to studying, looking forward to a bug free final optimization of the Mlais MX28 as its a great buy for such a price.
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Sorry for the delay, I ran into a few issues and had to work out what was going on. Basically the e2fsck in CWM cannot write back to the block device so is useless. I extracted the system.ext4.img, added it as a file backed memory disk on my main computer and ran an e2fsck from there, which found and fixed the errors in the FS image. Writing that back after changing a few MD5sums in the file MTKDR&T creates allowed me to flash it back.
However it makes absolutely no difference to the mount behaviour. It still drops back to ro without the tune2fs -e continue set so that is, barring someone else coming up with a more elegant fix, the workaround. In a nutshell, follow the guide for either root or CWM recovery installation that others have posted linked above (no point wasting board space on repetition) and then simply follow my instructions for setting the error behaviour on the mmcblk0p5 slice and you should be good to go.
It's still an awful hack IMHO but, since there's nothing else so far that works, it's the uncomplicated way to get full root. Most of us will install CWM anyway, so it's no big chore just to boot into recovery and type one command "tune2fs -e continue /dev/block/mmcblk0p5" at the ADB shell.
Chron0s said:
Sorry for the delay, I ran into a few issues and had to work out what was going on. Basically the e2fsck in CWM cannot write back to the block device so is useless. I extracted the system.ext4.img, added it as a file backed memory disk on my main computer and ran an e2fsck from there, which found and fixed the errors in the FS image. Writing that back after changing a few MD5sums in the file MTKDR&T creates allowed me to flash it back.
However it makes absolutely no difference to the mount behaviour. It still drops back to ro without the tune2fs -e continue set so that is, barring someone else coming up with a more elegant fix, the workaround. In a nutshell, follow the guide for either root or CWM recovery installation that others have posted linked above (no point wasting board space on repetition) and then simply follow my instructions for setting the error behaviour on the mmcblk0p5 slice and you should be good to go.
It's still an awful hack IMHO but, since there's nothing else so far that works, it's the uncomplicated way to get full root. Most of us will install CWM anyway, so it's no big chore just to boot into recovery and type one command "tune2fs -e continue /dev/block/mmcblk0p5" at the ADB shell.
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Greetings bud, gut CWM installed, all thanks to you (indeed greatful), have you been lucky with any custom rom as of now that works efficently on your device?
I seem to find a few bug here and there on the manufacturer stock, puny wifi & gps lock in, slight screen maulfuctions a little times.
As with most mtk gps can not finding a lock in hows it with your device.
codedmax said:
Greetings bud, gut CWM installed, all thanks to you (indeed greatful), have you been lucky with any custom rom as of now that works efficently on your device?
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None of the custom ROMs on needrom work correctly which is a shame. The stock ROM's UI is awful.
codedmax said:
I seem to find a few bug here and there on the manufacturer stock, puny wifi & gps lock in, slight screen maulfuctions a little times. As with most mtk gps can not finding a lock in hows it with your device.
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Now you have root you can use FasterGPS from FDroid to intialise the gps.conf file with appropriate settings for your location. My GPS is rock solid now, even in a moving vehicle. Not had any screen malfunctions. What version is your stock ROM? Mine's the 20140221 update.
Chron0s said:
None of the custom ROMs on needrom work correctly which is a shame. The stock ROM's UI is awful.
Now you have root you can use FasterGPS from FDroid to intialise the gps.conf file with appropriate settings for your location. My GPS is rock solid now, even in a moving vehicle. Not had any screen malfunctions. What version is your stock ROM? Mine's the 20140221 update.
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Hello great bud,
Sorry for late reply, been up with alot on my plate from work lately, gps has been improved upon using that wonderful app "FasterGPS" now able lock in under a split couple of min not as before were it take like forever *Nice*
gut the same stock version "20140221" gusse its down to my own unit with the screen ish
Did a little searching around found a recent update from a online retailer outlet via their forum "merimobiles"
forum.merimobilesdotcom.previewdnsdotcom/showthread.php?465-Unified-thread -for-Mlais-MX28-stock-ROM-updates
Hope im not infringing on any xda TOS as i just seek some help.
Please i need help, i have a mlais mx28 buy in buyincoins, with the refer gordete200, it´s all ok.
i´m very happy with the mlais mx28, but i used a 8 gigas sd card, it´s all ok.
My problem: i have install with flashtools the new rom stock update : mx28_0312_N2.rar from the official mlais mx28 web
When i have install this ultimate ( update ) ROM, it´s was with reebots, and the wifi and blutooth crash 0_0 !!! what happend?
I back to the Rom stock : 0115 but the sd partitions was changed : 1 gb for apps, and 1.75 gb for internal memory, it´s very strange, before install the Update, i had 2,3 gb for apps and 256 gb for internal memory...
I´m very worry, the actual problem is the sd card:
With 8 gb sd card class 10, it´s all ok, all correct, but when i put the 16 gb sd card class 10, it´s don´t mount sd correctly always.
I´m very crazy for all...
codedmax said:
Hello great bud,
Sorry for late reply, been up with alot on my plate from work lately, gps has been improved upon using that wonderful app "FasterGPS" now able lock in under a split couple of min not as before were it take like forever *Nice*
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Good stuff. Once you have the gps.conf set up, try using Mobileuncle Tools to pull in the EPO (extended prediction orbit, basically a nice big list of keplers for the satellites so it knows which to expect to be in view at a given time without having to scan the sky for what's actually there) data which should stabilise the GPS even further.
codedmax said:
gut the same stock version "20140221" gusse its down to my own unit with the screen ish
Did a little searching around found a recent update from a online retailer outlet via their forum "merimobiles"
forum.merimobilesdotcom.previewdnsdotcom/showthread.php?465-Unified-thread -for-Mlais-MX28-stock-ROM-updates
Hope im not infringing on any xda TOS as i just seek some help.
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I wonder if it's the bodged Trebuchet they're using? It's a bit of a disaster as they've taken the CM launcher, bodged bits of MIUI into it and given the whole thing a "that'll do" look and feel. I replaced it with the real Trebuchet after a thorough decrapify, along with the AOSP stock keyboard. There's a "modified" apk of Trebuchet (all the dev did was lower the base API level so it would install on 4.1) floating about on the 'net somewhere. The various KitKat-alikes work fairly well but I wanted something open source that I could slam into /system/app without worrying.
It has taken a lot of faff to get to this stage but I now have a very usable and fast device for not a great deal of outlay.
gordo100 said:
Please i need help, i have a mlais mx28 buy in buyincoins, with the refer gordete200, it´s all ok.
i´m very happy with the mlais mx28, but i used a 8 gigas sd card, it´s all ok.
My problem: i have install with flashtools the new rom stock update : mx28_0312_N2.rar from the official mlais mx28 web
When i have install this ultimate ( update ) ROM, it´s was with reebots, and the wifi and blutooth crash 0_0 !!! what happend?
I back to the Rom stock : 0115 but the sd partitions was changed : 1 gb for apps, and 1.75 gb for internal memory, it´s very strange, before install the Update, i had 2,3 gb for apps and 256 gb for internal memory...
I´m very worry, the actual problem is the sd card:
With 8 gb sd card class 10, it´s all ok, all correct, but when i put the 16 gb sd card class 10, it´s don´t mount sd correctly always.
I´m very crazy for all...
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Do you have a backup of the original ROM and scatter (partition layout) file? You really should (read: MUST) back up these devices before flashing new firmware as there's often bits missing, as you found with the WiFi and Bluetooth issue. MTK Droid Root & Tools will create a useful backup of the partition layout and contents for you without too much difficulty.
Please do not write to the preloader partition with the SP flash tool. Once the preloader is corrupt, your device is a brick which only JTAG will recover. I seriously doubt anyone has a JTAG solution for this device right now. There is no need to rewrite the preloader at all in any case so simply deselect the preloader block in SP Flash tool before downloading.
As for the SD cards, you need to make sure your card is formatted FAT, not NTFS, and the card must be partitioned correctly, i.e. the FAT partition must be the first primary. The MX28 will accept a card of up to 32GB if I recall correctly, which is the limit of SD-HC. Clockwork Mod can format your card for you.
Chron0s said:
Do you have a backup of the original ROM and scatter (partition layout) file? You really should (read: MUST) back up these devices before flashing new firmware as there's often bits missing, as you found with the WiFi and Bluetooth issue. MTK Droid Root & Tools will create a useful backup of the partition layout and contents for you without too much difficulty.
Please do not write to the preloader partition with the SP flash tool. Once the preloader is corrupt, your device is a brick which only JTAG will recover. I seriously doubt anyone has a JTAG solution for this device right now. There is no need to rewrite the preloader at all in any case so simply deselect the preloader block in SP Flash tool before downloading.
As for the SD cards, you need to make sure your card is formatted FAT, not NTFS, and the card must be partitioned correctly, i.e. the FAT partition must be the first primary. The MX28 will accept a card of up to 32GB if I recall correctly, which is the limit of SD-HC. Clockwork Mod can format your card for you.
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Many thanks for your help. I have a back up of my mlais, i have a back up with mtk droid and tools 2.5.3 ( new version ), but when i put it on the flash tools, the cache and user is missing, and it´s imposible to download it. and then i put a recovery CWM on the mlais with droid and tools ( very easy ), and use a nandroid back up, it´s no problem, but the internal sd partition is always changed : 1 gb for apps and 1.75 for sd internal, i´m very sad because i would like back to the 2,3 gb for apps ( original partition )
Yes... always fat32 sd cards of course, but i have problems with the sd up to 8 gb, the mlais freeze, or sd desmount ( it´s imposible sometimes write in sd external ) i don´t find the problem with this... i have the rom stock : 115.
Other problem, i would like to up the ultimate ROM stock 221. but the wifi and bluetooth crash, and reboot the phone sometimes ( terrible...) , what can i do ? your solution is don´t stick the PRELOADER on the Flashtool when i upload the firmware ? it´s correct? ( i think that if don´t mark the preloader it´s imposible flash... ?¿ )
Many thanks for your help !
gordo100 said:
Other problem, i would like to up the ultimate ROM stock 221. but the wifi and bluetooth crash, and reboot the phone sometimes ( terrible...) , what can i do ? your solution is don´t stick the PRELOADER on the Flashtool when i upload the firmware ? it´s correct? ( i think that if don´t mark the preloader it´s imposible flash... ?¿ )
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No, what I'm saying is we don't yet know why the WLAN and Bluetooth stop working when a different ROM from the one flashed at the factory is installed. There is clearly some mechanism at work here that is blocking those two devices after an update and it's not the usual shared objects as it is on other devices. It also doesn't seem to be NVRAM related as the MAC and BDaddr remain once the old firmware is re-flashed.
This same problem occurs with all the custom ROMs on needrom.
The reason I say do not needlessly flash the preloader is the danger of a full brick from which you cannot recover. The preloader code very rarely changes - its only purpose is to provide an interface to SP flash tools or boot; think "BIOS" in PC terms - so it is a pointless risk. You most certainly can flash the other blocks with the preloader block deselected.
The bottom line right now is stick with the factory ROM, install CWM, apply the system mount fix and use Xposed and suchlike to customise until we come up with something a little more sensible or at least find out why the WLAN and Bluetooth stop working.
Given that the Wiko Darkmoon is based on the same SoC and has full sources available <EDIT: It isn't. It's just the kernel as usual.>, it may be prudent to wait until someone with more clue than I has a look at what makes these things tick.
Chron0s said:
No, what I'm saying is we don't yet know why the WLAN and Bluetooth stop working when a different ROM from the one flashed at the factory is installed. There is clearly some mechanism at work here that is blocking those two devices after an update and it's not the usual shared objects as it is on other devices. It also doesn't seem to be NVRAM related as the MAC and BDaddr remain once the old firmware is re-flashed.
This same problem occurs with all the custom ROMs on needrom.
The reason I say do not needlessly flash the preloader is the danger of a full brick from which you cannot recover. The preloader code very rarely changes - its only purpose is to provide an interface to SP flash tools or boot; think "BIOS" in PC terms - so it is a pointless risk. You most certainly can flash the other blocks with the preloader block deselected.
The bottom line right now is stick with the factory ROM, install CWM, apply the system mount fix and use Xposed and suchlike to customise until we come up with something a little more sensible or at least find out why the WLAN and Bluetooth stop working.
Given that the Wiko Darkmoon is based on the same SoC and has full sources available <EDIT: It isn't. It's just the kernel as usual.>, it may be prudent to wait until someone with more clue than I has a look at what makes these things tick.
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Many thanks Chronos!, The problem is also with the official ROMS on i don´t understand it...
Please i need help to back restore the partitions of my sd internal ( ROM ), i would like back to 2,3 gb for apps, actually i have only 0,98 gb and 1,75 gb internal store.
I think that the solution is back up for flash tools and reflash with the rom stock ( the back up of mlais mx28 of my friend, he have other new mx28 )
But my BIG problem with the flash with flash tools is the USER DATA and CACHE is always empty, and then it´s imposible to reflash it it´s always and error : Rom changed PTM ...
Please, what can i do for have USER DATA and CACHE with mtk droid and tools 2.5.3 versión?? ( in this version to click User data and Cache with to do the back it´s imposible, this option is missing in 2.5.3. version )
[ROM] Official Update
Hello guys, there's a new rom update for the mx28
Official Mlais MX28 version: Mlais_MX28_20140312
Try it out seems, it works perfect.

Recovery as a another operating system?

Hey everybody!!! I was just wondering to myself, is it possible that someone out there will make an android recovery which will work just like the actual operating system?
I mean that when you would boot into recovery - you will see a homescreen with apps you can tap on and open - just like android.
Soooooo is it possible? And if it is - is there anyone out ther willing to do it? Because it will be awesome!!!!!!!!!!! ( i know it's like dual boot, but it's cooler!!!!)
because the partition of recovery is too small, we can't put full features os like android into recovery partition
Sent from my Redmi 2 using Tapatalk
Maybe with root rights you can change that partition? I'm nearly 100% sure it's possible
The recovery is already a separate operating system. However it's not Android - as other users have pointed out, there is no space for a second Android system on a normal device.
Most devices have two boot images that each contain a Linux kernel and a ramdisk image - one boot image for Android, one for the recovery. The bulk of the Android OS is on a separate /system partition. Recovery runs fully from the ramdisk.
If you have a storage device (like a microSD card) with additional free space, then it is possible to create separate /system and /data partitions there for a second independent OS. You could use the recovery boot image to boot that OS, but you may still need a recovery, so you'd need to add some code in your secondary boot image to switch between recovery and your secondary OS.
So... is it possible? Yes. Will I do it? No.
Thanks for the answer and clarification!!!
And if you could help me a bit more: do you know of some kind of dual - boot development project which has already been started for the gs5? I have a micro sd card and am flabberghasted by the idea of two OSs on one device. Thanks!!!
You can try this

Android boot process, a few questions after screwing up a flash

I'm pretty interested in learning a bit about android, but for the moment i have this tablet that i have royally screwed up during my learning curve It's a PORTO 10.1 chinese tablet.
It would freeze up at the boot logo, but after some searchin, a forum member on the internet kindly sent me some .img files that he used to fix the same brand/model of tablet. They are flashed with the Rockchip tool. It's a RK3066 based tablet.
Prior to receiving the files i was trying other ROM's because it was becoming clear that there wasn't a full dump available for this tablet. None of them worked, and the tablet ended up being completely dead as a result. Being completely stupid once more, i formatted the tablet in the Rockchip tool, before realizing and learning that the ROMS don't come with .img files for partitions like userdata or cache etc? So any chances of recovery even if i did find a partial ROM, may have gone. Yes, i am an idiot Well you have to read a lot and make mistakes to learn, right? I've certainly learnt how to backup all of my partitions now in Rockchip tool since then!
Anyway the jist of it is, the tablet is 100%low level erased as far as i know. I've flashed the files that i was given from a guy on gsmforums, and the tablet turns on again, displays the manufacturer logo and then the android boot animation...but thats it. It gets stuck on the android logo animation.
The partitions i know have been flashed and should exist now are:
The parameters of these partitions do match what they should be for this tablet. The one thing i did do before screwing the thing up was backup the parameter data. It's a shame i didn't backup anything else!
Obviously there are partitions i am missing, such as userdata, cache and maybe some more from what I've read. My main questions are these:
1. Will android hang like this at the logo if it cannot find/mount a userdata partition? or might i see a terminal/errors instead?
2. If i could get into Recovery (which i can't) does a factory reset just quick format the userdata partition, or would it obliterate it and recreate the partition over again and format it?
3. Are there any ways i may be able to recreate my missing partitions, assuming that it the reason why android is now stuck at the logo?
I did attempt to flash a copy of the cache and userdata partitions from another very similar tablet, but it didn't make any difference.
I know a little about what each partition is there for and what they do, i use a linux pc regularly although i am still working my way up from semi-newbie
Knowing how android should react to having no userdata/cache partitions might help me figure out what i need to do to fix this tablet? I am willing to read and learn if someone can tell me where to begin or give me some hints that might answer some of my questions.
Many thanks,

Meraki MC74 Android Project [HW/SW] [Experience Required][Help][Android System Noob]

Hi all, I am new to the forums and I think that I need some help with a custom android project.
I have bought a Meraki MC74, This phone is a VOIP office desk phone that has a nice 7 inch LCD screen that make for a ballin' custom intercom phone/general android device.
Cisco Meraki has dropped support for this phone, so even if I wanted to pay for a subscription, I couldn't. So custom android it is
[So what I know]
I know that the OEM OS is android 4.X.X with a custom Cisco Meraki dialer to do Meraki's cloud mumbojumbo. I was able to use ADB and Fastboot to flash ClockworkMod, and a custom version of Android 4.1.2 to get the device somewhat working. (it had lots of bugs and problems; but it was running android free of the Cisco Dialer!)
I was able to do this with the help of fellow xdadevelopers forum user "andrewmospak" (If you're reading this; I'm the dude from Ebay. And of course, thanks bro for the help so far!)
The storage is on a 4 GB Kingston EMMC.
[What I wanted for an end goal]
I wanted to have an interesting discontinued Meraki Desk phone that runs android and get all the functions of the phone working within android.
I also wanted to expand the storage from 4GB to 32GB. ( involving de-soldering existing EMMC and solder in the bigger EMMC.)
[What caused me to write this]
I would be fine if I wanted to stop there, but I wanted to try to install a GSI of android 9 in place of 4.1.2.
Again, this wouldn't be a big deal but I had to go and screw this up. I tried to resize some of the partitions (namely system to accommodate the bigger image of the android 9 GSI)but I accidentally completely killed the system,cache, and recovery partitions.
So, as one of the first steps of trouble shooting, I went to the hardest solution. The de-soldering of the EMMC.
I reached out to Andrewmospak again and asked for a full system emmc dump to try to flash his working file system to a spare 4GB EMMC to see an example of the file system of a working android EMMC. I received the image and flashed it to a spare Toshiba chip and soldered that to the phone, but I was unable to get the phone to boot into android right away, only able to load up fastboot.
Interestingly, I know that the EMMC is working because fastboot reports the S/N as the S/N of Andrewmospak's device and not the one written on my device.
[What I don't know]
Should some of the partitions on the EMMC not be recognized by Gparted in Debian? Like the User/System and others are partitioned ext4 while others are just not recognized.
Why when trying to flash partitions using Fastboot, wont fastboot recognise a recovery partition. It would just say that the partition just doesn't exist. same story with boot.
[What needs help]
I would like to know why fastboot wont see flashable volumes when using the EMMC dump flashed to another spare Toshiba EMMC, it is clearly there.
I would like to know how to reconstruct a volume to fix missing ones, and the number of partitions android needs to run.
Would I be able to flash an image of my working device to a 32gb emmc and just expand the system and user partitions into that extra space?
I will appreciate all help given to assist me and others that want a working device instead of a paperweight. ogChamp: :fingers-crossed:
That is an awesome project, and a great idea for an office line. I'll look into this!
Use MC74 for dashboard
I'm really interest to know, if you can have run a web browser on the MC74.
My needs are not fancy, I want to run a web browser on the touch screen, and have network connection with the ethernet jack in the back. I want to use it to interact with a touch dashboard for my home automation trough the webbrowser.
Thank you
Is it possible you didnt get the hidden boot partition in the emmc device? I know it isn't accessible through a sd card reader but can be seen through a SDIO controller interface.
page 15 of this document discusses this:
Google this: "us-17-Etemadieh-Hacking-Hardware-With-A-$10-SD-Card-Reader-wp.pdf" first link on
This project interests me as these devices are dirt cheap and i could use a few multipurpose desk phones
Thank you for starting this work. I have been waiting for this day since past couple of years now.
When you get a chance, could you please post the steps up to the point where you decided to swap the emmc?
sasha0413 said:
Hi all, I am new to the forums and I think that I need some help with a custom android project.
I have bought a Meraki MC74, This phone is a VOIP office desk phone that has a nice 7 inch LCD screen that make for a ballin' custom intercom phone/general android device.
Cisco Meraki has dropped support for this phone, so even if I wanted to pay for a subscription, I couldn't. So custom android it is
[So what I know]
I know that the OEM OS is android 4.X.X with a custom Cisco Meraki dialer to do Meraki's cloud mumbojumbo. I was able to use ADB and Fastboot to flash ClockworkMod, and a custom version of Android 4.1.2 to get the device somewhat working. (it had lots of bugs and problems; but it was running android free of the Cisco Dialer!)
I was able to do this with the help of fellow xdadevelopers forum user "andrewmospak" (If you're reading this; I'm the dude from Ebay. And of course, thanks bro for the help so far!)
The storage is on a 4 GB Kingston EMMC.
[What I wanted for an end goal]
I wanted to have an interesting discontinued Meraki Desk phone that runs android and get all the functions of the phone working within android.
I also wanted to expand the storage from 4GB to 32GB. ( involving de-soldering existing EMMC and solder in the bigger EMMC.)
[What caused me to write this]
I would be fine if I wanted to stop there, but I wanted to try to install a GSI of android 9 in place of 4.1.2.
Again, this wouldn't be a big deal but I had to go and screw this up. I tried to resize some of the partitions (namely system to accommodate the bigger image of the android 9 GSI)but I accidentally completely killed the system,cache, and recovery partitions.
So, as one of the first steps of trouble shooting, I went to the hardest solution. The de-soldering of the EMMC.
I reached out to Andrewmospak again and asked for a full system emmc dump to try to flash his working file system to a spare 4GB EMMC to see an example of the file system of a working android EMMC. I received the image and flashed it to a spare Toshiba chip and soldered that to the phone, but I was unable to get the phone to boot into android right away, only able to load up fastboot.
Interestingly, I know that the EMMC is working because fastboot reports the S/N as the S/N of Andrewmospak's device and not the one written on my device.
[What I don't know]
Should some of the partitions on the EMMC not be recognized by Gparted in Debian? Like the User/System and others are partitioned ext4 while others are just not recognized.
Why when trying to flash partitions using Fastboot, wont fastboot recognise a recovery partition. It would just say that the partition just doesn't exist. same story with boot.
[What needs help]
I would like to know why fastboot wont see flashable volumes when using the EMMC dump flashed to another spare Toshiba EMMC, it is clearly there.
I would like to know how to reconstruct a volume to fix missing ones, and the number of partitions android needs to run.
Would I be able to flash an image of my working device to a 32gb emmc and just expand the system and user partitions into that extra space?
I will appreciate all help given to assist me and others that want a working device instead of a paperweight. ogChamp: :fingers-crossed:
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Can't get to recovery mode -- wanna help
I'd like to help and write and app that is a (open) SIP client for the MC74. I bought an apparently new MC74 but I can't get it into recovery mode. Any help in doing this (so I can install a rooted Android)?
Holding down VolUp while connecting the POE ethernet to the WAN port doesn't work. The display remains blank then every several seconds the dislpay backlight flashes for a moment. Holding down Mute and connecting power has no effect, just boot normally to the Meraki logo screens then a minute later the normal keypad and menu display. (VolDn and powerup boots normally). I've tried this with USB flash drive (with some random recovery.img file on it) in the side USB port -- then I get an icon of a broken Android robot (presumably meaning it tried something with booting off the USB.
Has my MC74 been locked down somehow? What can I do to get a rooted Android on it?
ribo said:
I'd like to help and write and app that is a (open) SIP client for the MC74. I bought an apparently new MC74 but I can't get it into recovery mode. Any help in doing this (so I can install a rooted Android)?
Holding down VolUp while connecting the POE ethernet to the WAN port doesn't work. The display remains blank then every several seconds the dislpay backlight flashes for a moment. Holding down Mute and connecting power has no effect, just boot normally to the Meraki logo screens then a minute later the normal keypad and menu display. (VolDn and powerup boots normally). I've tried this with USB flash drive (with some random recovery.img file on it) in the side USB port -- then I get an icon of a broken Android robot (presumably meaning it tried something with booting off the USB.
Has my MC74 been locked down somehow? What can I do to get a rooted Android on it?
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The way That I was able to boot into recovery was to hold mute and volume down NOT IMMEDIATELY hold the two only after the LCD backlight turns on. Only then you will be in recovery.
realc3blues said:
Is it possible you didnt get the hidden boot partition in the emmc device? I know it isn't accessible through a sd card reader but can be seen through a SDIO controller interface.
page 15 of this document discusses this:
Google this: "us-17-Etemadieh-Hacking-Hardware-With-A-$10-SD-Card-Reader-wp.pdf" first link on
This project interests me as these devices are dirt cheap and i could use a few multipurpose desk phones
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My linux machine recognizes the mystery partitions but not their contents or partition scheme with some cheap USB to SD adapters. I think it works well. Thanks for the recommendation though!
ribo said:
I'd like to help and write and app that is a (open) SIP client for the MC74. I bought an apparently new MC74 but I can't get it into recovery mode. Any help in doing this (so I can install a rooted Android)?
Holding down VolUp while connecting the POE ethernet to the WAN port doesn't work. The display remains blank then every several seconds the dislpay backlight flashes for a moment. Holding down Mute and connecting power has no effect, just boot normally to the Meraki logo screens then a minute later the normal keypad and menu display. (VolDn and powerup boots normally). I've tried this with USB flash drive (with some random recovery.img file on it) in the side USB port -- then I get an icon of a broken Android robot (presumably meaning it tried something with booting off the USB.
Has my MC74 been locked down somehow? What can I do to get a rooted Android on it?
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You need to hold down the VOLUME DOWN button before powering on the unit, and then continue to hold it. The phone will go into Fastboot mode. The screen will be blank, but backlit, and usually the LED lights up red. Here, you can flash a custom recovery firmware image (such as the ClockworkMod one that's floating around) that allows you to make changes to the system and user partitions. The thing you're seeing with the Android robot is expected. That's the default recovery firmware. Once you flash custom recovery firmware in Fastboot mode, you then unplug the unit, hold down the MUTE button, plug the device in, and continue to hold the MUTE button. It may take some time for it to get into the recovery firmware, but be patient. FYI, VOLUME UP is used for that feature where you can switch between two "slots" for firmware. I don't really know what that is, but I know that it's a thing with Android. It's pretty much unused on the MC as far as I can tell.
Has anyone considered working backwards with the version of Android running on the MC, rather than installing an entirely new version? So, instead of trying to get new firmware to work on the unit, why not work with whatever's on the device by default and pull out what you don't need? I know that some people have gotten different versions of Android to work on the unit, but this leads to bugs or hiccups. I'd imagine that this is because the kernel for that firmware isn't specifically made for the MC, but don't take my word for it. That's just a guess.
Due to the current pandemic situation that's going on here, I've decided to occupy my time by examining the MC in depth. I've managed to get ADB shell working when the device has booted normally, allowing me to examine the filesystem and pull out whatever Meraki included with the firmware. Even got the rainbow LED to stop obnoxiously glowing! I'm currently working on getting the system UI to work (there's no status bar or app switcher).
Got adbd running on MC74, Sort of got Linphone going
@sasha0413 and @jazzcandle, I got the boot.img updated so I could set '' in /default.prop in the boot up ramdisk. So now I can 'adb' into it by TCP or USB. Thanks for the help. (My MC74 calls itself a 'test-phone' so it may be a little different software. The problem was that the 'recovery' mode installed on it was pretty subtle, nothing showed on the screen.
My MC74 runs '4.2.5-meraki' version of JellyBean api 17, because I'm not good at porting newer versions of Android -- and because there may be modifications / drivers that Meraki put in to support the hardware, I'm working on a phone app with the original JellyBean.
I managed to get an old version of 'linphone' working to the extent that I can make a call -- and can be heard -- but I haven't mastered the speakers (Android AudioManager/MediaPlayer, etc) so I can't hear the phone call. I can play audio speakerphone speaker, but can't play it on the handset speaker. Figuring out the Android Audio system for JellyBean is hard, the implementation has change a lot since then.
---------- Post added at 14:11 ---------- Previous post was at 14:04 ----------
[/COLOR @jazzcandle I installed com.teslacoilsw.launcher-4.1.0-41000-minAPI16.apk as a launcher and told use it as the launcher rather than /data/app/com.meraki.dialer2-1.apk
How did you stop the RGB LED from cycling through the colors? Does something like: /system/app/DroidNode.apk or /system/app/DroidNodeSystemSvcs.apk start the led cycling, then perahps com.meraki.dialer2 stop it -- when it initializes?
ribo said:
My MC74 calls itself a 'test-phone' so it may be a little different software. The problem was that the 'recovery' mode installed on it was pretty subtle, nothing showed on the screen.
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This is something that stumped me early on as well. But have no fear, all MCs run the same firmware, and you're not running different "test" firmware. The "test phone" value you're referring to is only seen in the recovery partition in the "default.prop" file, where "ro.product.model" is set to "BCM28155_TEST_PHONE". When booting normally, this value is set to "Meraki MC74" instead.
ribo said:
I managed to get an old version of 'linphone' working to the extent that I can make a call -- and can be heard -- but I haven't mastered the speakers (Android AudioManager/MediaPlayer, etc) so I can't hear the phone call. I can play audio speakerphone speaker, but can't play it on the handset speaker. Figuring out the Android Audio system for JellyBean is hard, the implementation has change a lot since then.
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The way audio output works on the MC is a bit strange. In fact, it's not really Android's fault from what I can tell. However, I found that you have to "poke" the audio HAL to get it functioning somewhat normally (ie. getting audio to actually play through the speakers). You can do this by running the following command in the shell:
$ tinymix 1 1
At this point, you should be able to hear audio output through the speakers. Additionally, you should be able to switch between handset and speakerphone mode (so long as the app you're using allows you to do this).
ribo said:
I installed com.teslacoilsw.launcher-4.1.0-41000-minAPI16.apk as a launcher and told use it as the launcher rather than /data/app/com.meraki.dialer2-1.apk
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You should delete the Dialer apk, you don't need it. In fact, you should delete the DroidNode.apk and DroidNodeSystemSvcs.apk files as well.
ribo said:
How did you stop the RGB LED from cycling through the colors? Does something like: /system/app/DroidNode.apk or /system/app/DroidNodeSystemSvcs.apk start the led cycling, then perahps com.meraki.dialer2 stop it -- when it initializes?
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You need to modify "init.bcm911130_me1.rc" within "boot.img" and either remove or comment out the following:
service lightsd /system/bin/lightsd
class main
socket lightsd stream 600 system system
user root
Controlling RGB LED on MC74
Thanks jazzcandle, I'll look into /system/bin/lightsd to see what it does.
lightsd seems to open ANDROID_SOCKET_lightsd and listen to /dev/socket/lightsd
It seems to directly write to these /sys files to change the LEDs through which must be controlled through the SOC's GPIO pins..
am broadcast -a com.meraki.LIGHTSD_START
I would be great to know what all the GPIO devices did and their a addresses.
I've left the Dialer2, DroidNode and DroidNodeSystemSvcs apps running at this point to see what they do and how they are used. I agree that eventually they need to be removed because they connect to cisco/meraki web services when they start up.
I noticed that the com.meraki.dialer2.LEDController class is how the dialer controls the LEDs:
public void notifyLeds(LedMode mode, int red, int green, int blue) {
this.r = red;
this.g = green;
this.b = blue;
this.m = mode;
class LightCmd implements Consumer {
public void accept(Object o) {
Intent i = (Intent)o;
i.putExtra("red", r);
i.putExtra("green", g);
i.putExtra("blue", b);
Log.i(TAG, String.format("Broadcasting color change to rgb(%d, %d, %d)",
new Object[]{r, Integer.valueOf(g), Integer.valueOf(b)}));
private void sendLightCommand() {
Consumer cons = new LightCmd();
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Methods ilke 'notifyLeds' takes a mode (Solid, Pulse, or Rainbow) and the R, G, B values and uses the sendLightCommand() method which broadcasts an intent that will probably be handled by something like the /system/bin/lightsd daemon. (I'm trying to document all these things for customizing/developing a SIP app.
I notice that the MC74 app is built on the PJSIP ( org.pjsip.pjua2 package) I was thinking of use the org.linphone SIP package. Anyone have experience with these SIP packages?
ribo said:
(I'm trying to document all these things for customizing/developing a SIP app.
I notice that the MC74 app is built on the PJSIP ( org.pjsip.pjua2 package) I was thinking of use the org.linphone SIP package. Anyone have experience with these SIP packages?
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Thanks for documenting this, this is awesome info. A while back I built a rudimentary SIP client for MC74 based on the AJVoIP SIP package. I gave up on it once my trial period for that package expired. It was quirky, with flaky audio and no LED control (which both now could be solved by the info in this thread), but I did have hookswitch (hangup/answer by picking up the handset) working.
In the spirit of documentation, the hookswitch is an ambient light sensor that gets covered or uncovered by the handset's earpiece. The original Dialer2 app reads the raw value and compares it to a calibrated set point to determine on/off hook state. Reading the path
with a FileReader will get you the current value. For my device, off hook (answered) is a value below 110. On hook (hung up) is a value above 110. For my testing I just polled this file every 250ms but you could attach a FileObserver to it or something.
jazzcandle said:
Has anyone considered working backwards with the version of Android running on the MC, rather than installing an entirely new version? So, instead of trying to get new firmware to work on the unit, why not work with whatever's on the device by default and pull out what you don't need?
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This is actually what I am working on with a unit that I got.
The phone I have (from the build.prop file):
ro.product.model=Meraki MC 74
Currently trying to work on getting ADB working from within the phone and not just within the Clockwork recovery that I got loaded on it.
Getting a pretty close stock experience on the MC74 is totally possible with some dedication and work. For reasons I cant get into, I am unable to provide the steps / files that it took to get where I am, but I have a functional MC74 with working handset & speakerphone. The only next thing I need to work on is getting the "IR" sensor to hangup in specific Dialer applications.
I am using Grandstream Softphone dialer.
drraccoon said:
Getting a pretty close stock experience on the MC74 is totally possible with some dedication and work. For reasons I cant get into, I am unable to provide the steps / files that it took to get where I am, but I have a functional MC74 with working handset & speakerphone. The only next thing I need to work on is getting the "IR" sensor to hangup in specific Dialer applications.
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I was able to achieve the same, except GS dialer is not scaled correctly.
Not able to post link to image, as I don't have 10 messages.
So it is a/6aQYsz6 on imgur
Did not bother to fix it, as my intent is custom PJSIP dialer (someday
Headset sensor, led, mixer - figured out.
The only mystery is "mute" button and the red LED behind it.
sasha0413 said:
Hi all, I am new to the forums and I think that I need some help with a custom android project.
I have bought a Meraki MC74, This phone is a VOIP office desk phone that has a nice 7 inch LCD screen that make for a ballin' custom intercom phone/general android device.
Cisco Meraki has dropped support for this phone, so even if I wanted to pay for a subscription, I couldn't. So custom android it is
[So what I know]
I know that the OEM OS is android 4.X.X with a custom Cisco Meraki dialer to do Meraki's cloud mumbojumbo. I was able to use ADB and Fastboot to flash ClockworkMod, and a custom version of Android 4.1.2 to get the device somewhat working. (it had lots of bugs and problems; but it was running android free of the Cisco Dialer!)
I was able to do this with the help of fellow xdadevelopers forum user "andrewmospak" (If you're reading this; I'm the dude from Ebay. And of course, thanks bro for the help so far!)
The storage is on a 4 GB Kingston EMMC.
[What I wanted for an end goal]
I wanted to have an interesting discontinued Meraki Desk phone that runs android and get all the functions of the phone working within android.
I also wanted to expand the storage from 4GB to 32GB. ( involving de-soldering existing EMMC and solder in the bigger EMMC.)
[What caused me to write this]
I would be fine if I wanted to stop there, but I wanted to try to install a GSI of android 9 in place of 4.1.2.
Again, this wouldn't be a big deal but I had to go and screw this up. I tried to resize some of the partitions (namely system to accommodate the bigger image of the android 9 GSI)but I accidentally completely killed the system,cache, and recovery partitions.
So, as one of the first steps of trouble shooting, I went to the hardest solution. The de-soldering of the EMMC.
I reached out to Andrewmospak again and asked for a full system emmc dump to try to flash his working file system to a spare 4GB EMMC to see an example of the file system of a working android EMMC. I received the image and flashed it to a spare Toshiba chip and soldered that to the phone, but I was unable to get the phone to boot into android right away, only able to load up fastboot.
Interestingly, I know that the EMMC is working because fastboot reports the S/N as the S/N of Andrewmospak's device and not the one written on my device.
[What I don't know]
Should some of the partitions on the EMMC not be recognized by Gparted in Debian? Like the User/System and others are partitioned ext4 while others are just not recognized.
Why when trying to flash partitions using Fastboot, wont fastboot recognise a recovery partition. It would just say that the partition just doesn't exist. same story with boot.
[What needs help]
I would like to know why fastboot wont see flashable volumes when using the EMMC dump flashed to another spare Toshiba EMMC, it is clearly there.
I would like to know how to reconstruct a volume to fix missing ones, and the number of partitions android needs to run.
Would I be able to flash an image of my working device to a 32gb emmc and just expand the system and user partitions into that extra space?
I will appreciate all help given to assist me and others that want a working device instead of a paperweight. ogChamp: :fingers-crossed:
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Hey, I am interested but I don't have the device.
First of all:
I would be fine if I wanted to stop there, but I wanted to try to install a GSI of android 9 in place of 4.1.2.
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You can install a GSI on a 4.1.2 based device, but you can't without creating a vendor partition, GSI is a part of the Project Treble released with Oreo. It requires a vendor partition to work. On 4.1.2, there's simply no device with a partition called vendor, so you can't flash a GSI.
But, if you have a fully working Android Pie tree, you can make a vendor partition yourself.
alex39wkd said:
I was able to achieve the same, except GS dialer is not scaled correctly.
Not able to post link to image, as I don't have 10 messages.
So it is a/6aQYsz6 on imgur
Did not bother to fix it, as my intent is custom PJSIP dialer (someday
Headset sensor, led, mixer - figured out.
The only mystery is "mute" button and the red LED behind it.
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As you didn't mention that you couldn't share any information like the reply previous to yours, would it be possible for you to share what you used to get there?
As someone with only linux, networking and voip knowledge and that never played around with Android ROMs/ADB before, that would get me started as I can ATM only get to ADB.
Also, did you use the version of android already on the Phone or Flashed it with a new ROM?
Thank you!
jtthecanadian said:
As you didn't mention that you couldn't share any information like the reply previous to yours, would it be possible for you to share what you used to get there?
As someone with only linux, networking and voip knowledge and that never played around with Android ROMs/ADB before, that would get me started as I can ATM only get to ADB.
Also, did you use the version of android already on the Phone or Flashed it with a new ROM?
Thank you!
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I have used "adb pull" (in recovery mode) to dump boot partition, just used path to it in /dev/...
Used android tools to decompress and unpack boot.
Changed to 0 and something like "meraki usb debug" to 1
Repacked boot partition
Used adb to switch to fastboot
Flashed boot and boot2 with this image
Now it is accessable as normal Android phone, for whatever you might want to do with it.
Is anyone able to provide a working ROM for this device? I'm extremely confused about how to get this working. I would greatly appreciate any advice.

