One app launches several other apps (question) - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello all.
If this is in the wrong category, please let me know or move it. I'm sorry in advance.
Since about a month i have a chinese android device in my car. Works well enough, but it has its annoyances. One of them is that the FM tuner app doesn't always start by itself and i would like to get other apps to start when it wakes up, such as Torque etc. In its custom build firmware there is a setting to set the default navigation app and that always launches any app i set in there, so that got me thinking find an app that would just start the apps i need it to start. Annoyingly this seems harder than it is. I've tried several auto starters from the Play Store, but none seem to be able to launch the apps i need it to launch when it wakes up (key in ignition/starting the car.)
I don't really want to root the device because i'm not really finding good info on this device and rooting it. I don't want to take risks. I've been looking into making my own app that would just launch a list of apps i want to to start and set that app in the device settings as the navigation app effectively tricking it into thinking that is the navigation app, but it actually would launch a bunch of apps i need it to launch, including a navigation app, obviously.
Having said all that, i'm about as useful as a trapdoor in a kanu when it comes to android programming, i am a complete noob and don't really find anything i can use.
So my question; would somebody be able to write something like that and maybe publish it? I am obviously willing to compensate you for your time.
Thanks in advance.

Try AutoStart what doesn't require Android is rooted.


Disable Start-up Apps

Does anyone know how to stop apps and services from starting up automatically when you boot the phone?
I like to install lots of Apps to try them out, but a lot of these apps start processes with the phone and run in the background. I don't know if they're necessarily using many resources but I don't see why puzzles, games and other apps need to be starting with the phone and running all the time.
I know there's a paid app in the market, but I don't have a credit card and anyway there MUST be an easy way to stop these things from starting with boot, either a file to edit or some commands.
A task-killer isn't what I'm looking for here as I don't think that's a good idea with android, I think it slows the OS and causes instability, and anyway they just come back on next boot. I've searched for this but can't find an answer.
Anyone have any ideas?
I wonder the same.
Nobody is able to give an answer ?
+1 on that. It is quite annoying.
spamianspoon said:
I know there's a paid app in the market, but I don't have a credit card and anyway there MUST be an easy way to stop these things from starting with boot, either a file to edit or some commands.
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No, there is no "easy" way of doing it because of the way that Android handles these things. Essentially, the applications register a receiver which acts on the android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast action, rather than being explicitly called by the OS.
The app in the Market, autostarts (see presumably either amends the apps permission so that it no longer has the rights to receive this message (no idea if this is actually possible), or it is autokilling the task as it starts.
Of course, without a credit card, you are SOL as there do not appear to be any free alternatives.
The android next step is to start all app found in the market and after boot to shut down manually witch is not installed.

[Q] How do I find out what is using the GPS?

I noticed that whenever I'm on WIFI, the GPS icon would come on and blink for a few seconds then go away. It would keep doing this every 3 seconds on the dot.
On 3G, it would not happen.
On stock KG1 ROM, rooted. I have the Widget Locker and the touchscreenfix.
How do I find out what app or process is using the GPS? I even used the Samsung Task Manager to kill all the apps and cleared the memory. I also rebooted. Whatever it is, it simms to start up when the OS starts. Looking at autostarts, there are too many apps listed in the"after start up" category to pin point the offending app.
I think I found the problem. It was the AT&T Mark the Spot app.
I noticed the GPS also comes on when I change charge/discharge state, as well as network state changes. I looked at Autostarts to see what do these have in common, and out of all the other apps, this one is more likely the culprit.
I'd still wish for a way to find out what process is using what resources. Currently, there is no app for that.
naddie said:
I think I found the problem. It was the AT&T Mark the Spot app.
I noticed the GPS also comes on when I change charge/discharge state, as well as network state changes. I looked at Autostarts to see what do these have in common, and out of all the other apps, this one is more likely the culprit.
I'd still wish for a way to find out what process is using what resources. Currently, there is no app for that.
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There is this app (if your rooted that is), I have it as it allows me to prohibit some permissions of certain apps. Also in a sense enhances security. If you found this helpful don't forget the thanks button (as im trying to build that up! lol).
additionally for security there is also:
EDIT: LBE lets you know what is using what or what potentially can.
Htc HD2 Spirit said:
There is this app (if your rooted that is), I have it as it allows me to prohibit some permissions of certain apps. Also in a sense enhances security. If you found this helpful don't forget the thanks button (as im trying to build that up! lol).
additionally for security there is also:
EDIT: LBE lets you know what is using what or what potentially can.
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Thanks, but that's not what I'm looking for. I don't want to prevent the app from accessing GPS, which looks like what those apps you mention can do. I just want to know for future reference if I can find out what app is using what resources.
For example, if I see the GPS keep coming on again even though there isn't anything apparently running, I'd like to know which app or process is using the GPS.

Preventing apps from auto starting

hi all, im an owner of a sam.charge. I use the app called "System" and it lists about a dozen apps that are stored in my cache or that are using memory when I have not innitiaited the service or app...
I'm most familiar with computers so I'll relate it to that; is there some type of command line that I can use to stop some of these apps from auto start and being stored. For instance on windows you can 'msconfig' what programs are allowed to start on boot up.
Here is a list of apps that I want to stop:, Android Booster, Google Voice, HeyTell, Amazon's Appstore, Market, Music, etc.
Most are cached/ inactive but none the less in my task manager when freeing up memory when I notice things to be lagging I'd imagine these to be guilty. Android Booster always lists these as killed apps as well when optimizing...
Im familiar somewhat with how android works being that it often fills a large portion of your memory with what it wants to and frees space as it is needed but these apps for me are rarely used...
Im big on battery life being Im in and out of Sales accounts and rely on my phone heavily so I dont want these things running in the background sucking up resources. Not to mention I like a snappy phone...
If anyone could educate me on this topic Id really appreciate it... I may be mistaken on a few things so call me out on it, since im sure I am... Also, I know their are app freezers and applications you can program to kill apps at a set interval but again I would like the least amount of garbage running as I can
Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk
Some of the basic services are must to be initiated/running all the time such as launcher, keyboard, google voice, market, etc.. so as to run your phone smoothly . This is the default setting of android os. And anyway why do you want to close/stop the services case restarting services uses more battery than kepping them running on the memory ....
mlm2588 said:
hi all, im an owner of a sam.charge. I use the app called "System" and it lists about a dozen apps that are stored in my cache or that are using memory when I have not innitiaited the service or app...
I'm most familiar with computers so I'll relate it to that; is there some type of command line that I can use to stop some of these apps from auto start and being stored. For instance on windows you can 'msconfig' what programs are allowed to start on boot up.
Here is a list of apps that I want to stop:, Android Booster, Google Voice, HeyTell, Amazon's Appstore, Market, Music, etc.
Most are cached/ inactive but none the less in my task manager when freeing up memory when I notice things to be lagging I'd imagine these to be guilty. Android Booster always lists these as killed apps as well when optimizing...
Im familiar somewhat with how android works being that it often fills a large portion of your memory with what it wants to and frees space as it is needed but these apps for me are rarely used...
Im big on battery life being Im in and out of Sales accounts and rely on my phone heavily so I dont want these things running in the background sucking up resources. Not to mention I like a snappy phone...
If anyone could educate me on this topic Id really appreciate it... I may be mistaken on a few things so call me out on it, since im sure I am... Also, I know their are app freezers and applications you can program to kill apps at a set interval but again I would like the least amount of garbage running as I can
Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk
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If you find apps that you don't use, you can use a program to freeze them. Just search for freeze in the market. I personally use a free app called System Tuner. Freezing prevent them from starting up and therefore you cannot use them, but later on you can un-freeze them if you need to.
Optimize toolbox
I use this one, had a bunch of other features.
Thanks all for the feedback...
To reply to the first response; I have read that about battery life. That, the more you kill apps and reopen them that it takes longer for the app to start up and thus sucking up battery life... I probably should not have mentioned battery life in my post being that I have a car charger and that it contradicts what im trying to accomplish (going over my post, it was stupid of me given what you just mentioned). Also, I'm not so much concerned with market apps or google voice as I am about the apps I installed myself. Those ones are the ones that bother me.
To the other posts thanks for the recommendations I will like into those options. I'm just trying to prevent extra apps from running in the background so freezing them is a last resort.
I'm looking for something that I can type in terminal possibly on program into the OS or app itself to keep it from auto starting... possibly a command line?!
Any developers input? Can this even be done. I'm still very much a beginner but its not beyond my comprehension to do something like this... I know its different but I play around with linux, web design, c++ stuff so if you post directions I can follow smoothly our atleast figure it out if you point me in the right direction
Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk
It's not exactly what your asking for but have you tried Gemini App Manager:
You can use it to disable/re-enable an app's autorun settings. When you first open it it will list all user apps currently in memory. Clicking menu then expert mode will give you a list of all apps. Long press an app then click configure autorun.
Just be careful with changing the autorun settings of system apps like market.
"preventing apps from autostarting"
I like this topic a lot!
I think the question(s) and "assumptions" the OP holds are all valid. So I'd really like to hear the answer to the actual question, not a spew of why the question isn't valid.
How do you stop apps from starting up on their own? (like microsofts msconfig)
Pretty simple question and I cannot find the answer! I've been in software for many year and I'm rather stunned by the responses people are giving - which basically say "who cares, android O/S handles it for you".
Well, lets face it:
*If* the user didn't call for the app, and had no desire to use it, then the "system" loading it even ONCE, is one too many.
*If* the app is a DESIRED app, (OR device required), *BUT* uses data - then if the user didn't want to use it; "yet" - then thats DATA & BATTERY life --> **WASTED**
If the user suspects the APP is misbehaving; one sure fire way would be to SEE it running, when they didn't ask it to!
If you are pure paranoid, or simply want extreme app control....
The kinds of answers people are giving is truly along the the lines of "we dont know, but you're silly for caring"
SOYLENT GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jr67 said:
It's not exactly what your asking for but have you tried Gemini App Manager:
You can use it to disable/re-enable an app's autorun settings. When you first open it it will list all user apps currently in memory. Clicking menu then expert mode will give you a list of all apps. Long press an app then click configure autorun.
Just be careful with changing the autorun settings of system apps like market.
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I'm going to test this out too! And I'll post success if it does well!!!

Prevent app from running in background?

Been trying to figure this out for a while now. I have been able to fix this with a number of apps, but there are some apps that are just frustrating to deal with.
I'm wondering what exactly can keep an app running in the background, regardless of what efforts your take to disable it?
If I don't use an app much and don't want it running, I normally freeze the app. If it is an app I tend to use a bit more frequently, I take other measures such as an app manager that allows me to be extremely precise as to how and when it should run such as on startup, battery level, configuration change, application change, etc. This is a pain in the A** though and I really don't have the time to do this for every application.
With that said, I'm wondering what other methods, other than freezing and the other mentioned above, I can take to prevent an app from running in the background?
I will give you a perfect example...
There are some third-party apps I have downloaded that I know I will use occasionally. One example is CamScanner. For the life of me, I can't get this app to stop running in the background without extensive efforts mentioned above. No matter what I do, it just pops up again in running applications.
How can I ensure the app will not run in background while not resorting to freezing the app, which will prevent me from quickly accessing it when needed?
Some clarification on this would be greatly appreciated...
Thank you,
pookieguy said:
Been trying to figure this out for a while now. I have been able to fix this with a number of apps, but there are some apps that are just frustrating to deal with.
I'm wondering what exactly can keep an app running in the background, regardless of what efforts your take to disable it?
If I don't use an app much and don't want it running, I normally freeze the app. If it is an app I tend to use a bit more frequently, I take other measures such as an app manager that allows me to be extremely precise as to how and when it should run such as on startup, battery level, configuration change, application change, etc. This is a pain in the A** though and I really don't have the time to do this for every application.
With that said, I'm wondering what other methods, other than freezing and the other mentioned above, I can take to prevent an app from running in the background?
I will give you a perfect example...
There are some third-party apps I have downloaded that I know I will use occasionally. One example is CamScanner. For the life of me, I can't get this app to stop running in the background without extensive efforts mentioned above. No matter what I do, it just pops up again in running applications.
How can I ensure the app will not run in background while not resorting to freezing the app, which will prevent me from quickly accessing it when needed?
Some clarification on this would be greatly appreciated...
Thank you,
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freezing is your only bet. definitely a pain but the built in tasking doesn't apply to all apps,especially facebook. can try alternative apps but if none exist then you still need to freeze. I unfreeze a certain batch of apps when I wake up and freeze them before bed. during the day i go along with what i'm running. i'm tryin to link special batches to say toggles or tasking with tasker to make mornings and bed work faster
sent from tapatalk on my htc rezound
Use something like Gemini App Manager. Those programs likely use triggers to auto-run. Gemini shows you the triggers applications use so you can stop them if you don't want them running whenever they want.
I use AppQuarantine for those issues. you can put widgets on the desk that let you unfreeze and start apps with one click.
sent from the desert with xda app
Thanks guys,
I will try some of these options out.
Was really trying to do this without freezing apps though. I can do it through ROM Toolbox but it is quite tedious, as this awesome app has so many options on how to handle the application. Trying to find shortcuts...
pookieguy said:
Thanks guys,
I will try some of these options out.
Was really trying to do this without freezing apps though. I can do it through ROM Toolbox but it is quite tedious, as this awesome app has so many options on how to handle the application. Trying to find shortcuts...
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Have you tried Autostarts? There's many scenarios an app takes into account before it'll run. You can disable the app from running in each category so the only time its running is when you open it. Unless of course you don't kill it when you leave the app. Its hard to explain but when you look at the app you'll know what I mean
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[Q] Hide screen reading (and maybe root)

A few weeks ago, my banks decided to introduce a "pushTAN" option for their online banking interfaces where you have to install an app on your phone - both use the same one, developed by some software company - and TANs are then sent to the phone as a push notification. Sounds nice, but the app obviously wants to "protect" me and closes every time I launch it because it detected "suspicious screen reading activity" - of course, because I got the great AutoInput and AutoVoice Tasker plugins installed which need to be granted screen reading permissions in the accessibility settings.
This is bad because I really need to use the pushTAN apps (one bank only has the old-fashioned TAN list which I want to get rid of and the other one decided to charge money for their smsTAN option) and I don't want to be required to change the permissions every time I need to receive a TAN on the phone.
My question: Is there a way to hide screen reading rights (and maybe root because I think about rooting my phone and I'm pretty sure the app will detect that, too) from a specific app?
Or is it possible to set up a Tasker action which toggles the rights when I launch the app and toggles them back when I quit it?
Does anybody have an advice for me?
I would be interested, too.

