Rasberry pi bluetooth keyboard - Huawei P20 Pro Accessories

Anyonne had experience with using a Rasberry pi keyboard with the Huawei Mate 20 pro


Android + windows tablet under 100 euro? Teclast x80 plus?

hello everybody im looking for a tablet with windows and android that streams 4k video and can handle photoshop, Im looking for teclast x80 plus somebody own it? How it is?Any suggestion about similar devices?

OnePlus X gamepad/game controller suggestions

Hi guys, anyone plays with wireless gamepads with OnePlus X. I'm planning to buy Evo gamepad pro 2. Can you give me suggestions if there are more options in same price range?
The MOGA pro is great for emulators.

iPega 9021 with my mate 7

Hello everyone.
I need a bluetooth controller and I was wondering if the iPega 9021 controller is compatible with the Mate 7?

Keyboard with touch pad suggestion

Hi guys, i was Just looking for a nice cover+ keyboard for my mediapad m5 10.8 (not pro). Have You got any suggestion?
The originale One is expensive.. 80-100$ is too Much for me!
The problem is that i can find bluetooth keyboard but none or them has got a touchpad to use Like a mouse! And thats's What i need!

Fortnite performance Huawei Mediapad M5 / M5 Lite

I am looking for a device to run Fortnite. I can read on some sites that the Mediapad M5 is able to work properly, but other comments say it has problems. Can you tell me if the Mediapad M5 or M5 Lite are capable of running Fortnite smoothly?

