Open source OS for Poco f1 - Xiaomi Poco F1 Questions & Answers

I’ve been looking for the best supported/stable open source OS for poco f1, for example I’d like to try Ubuntu touch but I’m having difficulty finding the right kernel, SailfishOS lacks support. I’m no expert, but want to try something other than iOS or Android. Has anyone tried anything different or maybe can advise me on a rom to try.
Many thanks


Fork versus non-fork?

From the user's point of view, my Zenfone 2 seems to have more customized features than my OnePlus 2. Why is OnePlus 2's OxygenOS considered to be a fork of Android, while the OS on the Zenfone is "real" Android? In other words, what makes something be called a "fork" of the Android operating system?
A fork is not Android related.
A fork is simply the fact that someone has posted the "Android source code" and someone else used it to make a new project (new rom)
In this case any Android rom ARE forks of Android, including OxygenOS. If someone port OxygenOS to another device, it will be a fork of it, This person could then add, or remove feature from the rom.
Most of the time, port doesn't modify the features

Why should I install Remix OS, when there is Phoenix OS too?

I was looking for some Android x86 OS to install on my laptop, so I came across Remix OS. I very much like it, after going through all of features. However, I found Phoenix OS too. I am just super confused now. Which OS should I install; what makes Remix OS better than Phoenix?
Thank you!
u can install them both, and ur problem solved
Thanks! This initiative is not going to resolve my curiosity.
What I mean is u can try install them both and see which one is most working for ur device or PC cause they have pros and cons between one and another
Remix OS and Phoenix OS are just two Android distributions - both based on Android x86. So in terms of hardware support, they might be similar. Phoenix OS seems more refined and ready for market, Remix OS is still just beta and has a lot of bugs. On the other hand Remix OS has a much bigger community, help pages, forums and users - with Phoenix OS you are on your own.
All that said, there is a third option. You could simply plug your Android tablet to a keyboard/mouse/screen and forget about all the Android x86 fever. Your hardware will be fully supported, have access to an official Google Android build with all the support included and in the long term there will be less hassle. And now with Android N on the way which supports Remix OS like windows, you will never notice any difference. I myself am going this route. I will wait for Android N tablets, buy a sufficiently performing one and plug it to some peripherals - instant Android desktop, fully supported by Google. No tricks, no hacks, no unsupported hardware.
Lol... You're having a bad dream...
You can also install a non windowed version of android x-86, after numerous attempts and a lot of failed boots I ended up using AndEx - Exton Android -
Does that mean you paid for it as it isnt free?

Remix Os for MIpad(MOCHA)

Hey guys did any one tried RemixOs Rom on mipad. Recently I came across a link on miui forum and i found RemixOs for mipad(MOCHA). Here is the link
Mipad fans everyone should try this. RemixOs its a great rom not like others it is different kind of rom it gives a feel of desktop Os like windows. multitasking is the best feautre i like it. and one more think i heard it is stable, as of now every thing is working fine. comment below about the experience and stability of rom if any one tried this rom.
"Highway star" you are doing a great work, recently you have ported to LineageOs, and Check out this Rom may be it can help you for further work on kernel side to fix speaker sound and others.
hi folks i have been using this Rom since a month, and you wont belive it its awesome.
Yes,but remix os was developed a year ago.The developer will not update it any all.
but the Lin 13 really good.

Source code of Lineage OS, TWRP and other tools?

Hello all,
I am new to XDA, but I am not new in software development.
I wanted to install Lineage OS on my realme 3 pro, but all I have come across is download links to direct installers, and all I see is people blindly trusting and installing those ROMS.
Why aren't developers putting links to their modified source code of Lineage OS so people can review the code and compile directly from source?
How do I know these ROMS/installers/tools don't have malware/botnets in them?
Even I have a realme 3 pro and I'm concerned over this same thing. If someone can shed more light on this topic or take the necessary actions, it would be highly appreciated .

how do i port roms? (there are no good tuts)

Hi there i would like to port roms. I have SM-t113 and everyone has just left this tab. No one develops for it anymore. I would like to get another custom rom then the already lineage os 14.1 ported from SM-G360H or whatever. Is there actually a good toturial which teaches me from the start to end with no points missing? All i find on yt is people who teach it a bit then there are cuts which leave us confused or the things they are doing i cannot find in my rom. I m new to this stuff. Can someone either guide me because ik this is the only way i could get android 7 or above with a better rom then Lineage os 14.1 (whuich is laggy).
if thats not possible any good tuts which tell me how to build aosp rom? I like stock pixel type android but i havent expirienced it. If i find one i would immidately flash it on this device. Well either of these two. please help me

