Is there an xposed module or some other way to get dark mode on google assistant for stock android 7? - Samsung Galaxy J5 (2016) ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries

I found a module that helped me get dark mode on gmail app but i havent found a way to get google assistant or google app to be dark. I use google assitant alot and white theme keeps turning me off


[Q] google search bar removal or customizing?

Is there a way to remove the ugly Google search bar while keeping the mic icon for "OK Google". Or even if the bar could be hidden till needed. I disabled it on cm4.4.2 but it also shuts down "launcher".
I have not found a way to do this either. It seems even the optional launcher in CM11 removes ok google. Nova wont play nicely with it either. If anyone has a way to do this without a 3rd party app I would love to hear it.
Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk

[HELP] App Services Accessibility Automatically Resets

I try to use the app detox app, and it needs to turn App Services Accessibility on. So i did this. The very big problem is that after I Clear Recent apps, the app Services Accessibility goes off. Its not that easy to figure out because when I go to Clearing Recents screen, there are no such app to kill as app detox, so i cant lock it. Its just doesen't appears in Recents screen. I will be very pleased if someone will help me to fix this. I need to turn App Services Accessibilities on permamently, because without this app detox dont work properly.
I have Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro and MIUI Global 8.1

Custom notification sounds for third-party apps (including G-apps)???

Hi all. I've seen a few posts around this, but not asking the same questions I have. I'm new to the Mate 10 Pro but I've used a long list of other Android phones. This MIUI is really starting to bother me.
One of the issues I have not been able to overcome is around customizing sound notifications. I'm not a fan of the default Huawei Messaging app, the Mail app, or the Calendar app. I attempted to switch back to Google apps for all f these, but I immediately found issues.
When using the Huawei Calendar app, my shared calendars were not being shown and were not listed in the available calendars to show. I installed the Google Calendar app and was able to go in and select them. At that point, all my shared calendars showed in both apps. I uninstalled the Google Calendar (thinking I just couldn't find the setting in the Huawei app), but then my shared calendars disappeared from the Huawei app. I installed the Google Calendar, and had to go in and select the shared calendars again, in order to get them to show. So now I am using the Google Calendar, but I set a notification for appointment reminders, and it still defaults to the default sound. If I go into the Huawei app, I can see my custom sound, but if I go into the Google Calendar, the option to set a custom sound is not available (not greyed out, just missing). My other Oreo phone running straight Android has the option.
On the Huawei Messaging app, I found I didn't care for the look/feel, so I switched back to the Google app. However, it has the same issue as the Google Calendar app. I go in to set a custom notification sound, and the option is missing. Again, it's not just grayed out, it's not there.
I was able to use the Gmail app and set my custom notification sounds for each mail account, so I know it's possible with SOME third-party apps, just not all.
I had set my theme to use a darker color, but inside the Google apps, they still default to the white colors, so this gave a little bit of a hint. If I go into the Google Calendar app (very white interface despite my theme settings), click the hamburger bars in the top-left, go to Settings, click General, scroll down to Notifications (Notify on this device is ON), click Calendar notifications, I get sent to the Huawei Notifications Management page for the Google Calendar app (dark theme, matching the rest of my Huawei theme). I can enable the Ringtone notification, but I cannot customize it. On or off, that's it. It's the same thing in the Google Calendar app.
Am I missing something here?
I don't think so. I just noticed this myself. Huawei's implementation of Oreo seems to have dropped the ability to customize your sound choice in the notification channels each app presents. You can turn the ringtone on or off, but not change the sound. Major-league fail on their part.
I'm glad it's not just me, this was driving me crazy. I'd agree, big miss on Huawei's part. Hopefully it'll be fixed in a coming update.
I wouldn't count on it. I've seen threads about it dating back to November. I'm using a third party app (eNotify) to customise my SMS notifications.

UI changes from dark mode to normal mode randomly

Hi, guys! After the last global rom update, I observed that if I entered and used facebook messenger for a few minutes with dark mode turned on (it's a feature now in fb messenger) the whole ui turned into dark mode: the notification shade, the side volume on screen controls, the settings menu, etc. After entering an app that doesn't have dark mode built in, like chrome or something, the ui would go out of dark mode, reverting to normal. I'm using the poco f1 standard theme, on miui I think it's a bug, but also a glimpse into the future dark mode of miui 10. Has anyone else experienced this?
I noticed that too, I don't know what's not happening
Sent from my POCO F1 using Tapatalk
The implementation of system-wide dark mode of MIUI is not merely for all apps like Google Chrome, Facebook, Instagram, etc. depending if that app:
Supports theming throughout the device (Like the use of Substratum rooted or non-rooted one, System-wide setting is dark mode)
If that app has Dark mode slider (Like in Facebook Messenger and Twitter)
Miui's dark mode is for different bloatware in a Xiaomi device has. (like MIUI Forum app, Messaging, Phone, Contacts, Calendar, Clock, etc.)
And currently, Facebook does not support Dark mode. Idk what happen to these developers if they implemented that feature like in Facebook Messenger.
For example, the pictures below my post has my device's theme dark mode turned on but Google Chrome is not affected to the dark mode because it has different setting on between the system and the user app. Like my Messaging app that belong of one of the bloatware of the ROM, then it supports dark mode.
for me Dark Mode is buggy atm.
It switches itself randomly independend which setting is used.
I'm using EU ROM which has a setting for that ....

front screen Led notification

Hi guys maybe this had already been discovered but I have found a way to get in screen led notifications plus you can choose the colour required to. Simply install the app I will link from Google play and configure to as you like and allow required permissions. Also make sure to disable battery restrictions.. it is working very well.

