Question Google Assistant Reminders query - Google Pixel 6

I’m a recent convert from an iPhone. On my iphone I could say hey Siri. Remind me to drink water at 8. At 8 the phone would wake up, ding and remind me to drink water.
On Android I can say hey Google, remind me at 8 to drink water. I can check my calendar and can see a reminder is set for 8. 8 comes and goes but my phone doesn’t wake up, ding and remind me.
I’ve checked my settings. normal calendar entries seem to ding ok.
Any thoughts on what I’m getting wrong?

Ignore. Found it was related to do not disturb

Yea, Google Reminders have always been terrible. They rarely work for me. I have no idea why Google has never attempted to resolve this.
Time based reminders would be handy, and the location based reminder would be great, but neither ever work
EDIT: Lucky you managed to get it working. Never has for me, on any of my past phones.

I've never had a reminder actually pop up on the screen or make a sound for when it was scheduled. This has always been true for me, I'm assuming that's the way it's designed.


Continuous Alerts

Does anyone know of a program that can provide continuous alerts (ring/vibrate) until I acknowledge and turn it off? I get a one time ring or vibrate alert but often don’t notice the one short vibrate. So, unless I look at the phone I will never know I missed a call, have an email, or anything else. I have a Treo 600 also and there is a real handy program called Treo Butler that does just what I need but it is only for Palm OS. I use the T-Mobile PPC 2003 phone.
Thank you in advance.
Quit easy:
SPB Plus comes with repeating alarms and many more:
The close (X) button is trained to close programs (as well as minimizing them)
Easy-to-use task manager as a pop-up menu on the X button
Multiple windows support for Pocket Internet Explorer
Full screen mode in Pocket Internet Explorer
Repeating sound for appointment, task and clock alarms
Battery monitor on the Today screen
Storage monitor on the Today screen
Program and document shortcuts for the Today screen
Localized for main languages
Do you know if it has repeating alarms for email, missed voice calls, and voice mail? it says "Repeating sound for appointment, task and clock alarms" but it does not sound like it has any phone related repeats.
It's a windows configuration thing
I guess, this is a windows configuration thing.
You can configure warnings for different events right within Windows mobile. Based on this, it should be possible.
But just to be on the save side: Download a trial version and try it to make sure it works in the way you want.
regards, Koponet
Continuous Alerts / Repeating Alarms
I tried Pocket Plus 2.0 and it does not seem to enable repeating alarms for Mised Calls or Voice Mail. Anyone know if there is a way to do this?
I have the same issue and e-mailed spb to see if/when they would be suppor ing this. They would not commit, but the CTO said they always 'listened to their customers' ;-) I did get hold of a beta version of 'Super Alert' from, that covered these functions, but it was designed for WM2002. I have not been able to get another beta version for WM2003, and have been too scared to try the old version on my XDA 2 :-o I''l try and get hold of the guy at pocketfillers to see if they have an update.
I have been whining about this for MONTHS. No repeating alerts for missed calls, etc.
To answer that previous post, NO, that software doesn't do it. Repeating alarms for calender crap etc, but not phone related functions.
I've been saying that most all cell phones have repeating alerts, but despite searching I haven't found a single thing to accomplish this on the PPC.
The current release of 'super alert' does not contain the functionality, but if you read the post, you'll see that I received a beta version of the next version, that adds SMS, email and voice mail repeating alerts. It has one or two bugs, but works pretty well on the whole. They were due to release it last year, but must have run into some development issue. Also, I have not tried it since I upgraded to WM2003.
Isn't this exactly the functionality provided for XDA-II, for free, by PocketZenPhone ?
I have this set so that any missed call or incoming SMS sets the red LED alert flashing with no time limit - so a quick glance shows if something has happened that I haven't noticed/acknowledged yet.
This seemed like the most battery-friendly way of ensuring a long-term notification.
Thanks for the pointer to pocketZenPhone. It seems to have some usful features, but it looks like it only supports a 'visual' repeating alert, as opposed to an 'audible' repeating alert for the phone functions. Am I reading that correctly? If I am, then I think this is available in the basic WM2003 os under 'notifications' I set this yesterday based on a post in another thread, and it is a big help, but you have to remember to 'glance' at your device from time to time. I think everyone is looking for the audible repeating alert to remind those of us that can't remember to look. Aren't we a sad lot?

Fooled again by Nokia?

Ok so. I've been really wanting so much to like this new Nokia Lumia 920. I've had been waiting to get rid of this IPhone 4 because I remember the days of my brick HTC Tilt and how customizable Windows 6 phones were. So far, I'm am disappointed. It isn't that I hate the phone. It is just that I expected more. I was expecting a lot out of this phone and it has not met the high standard that I (they) set for it.
The first major complaint is the camera. Are we being fooled into thinking it is that much better in low light. Yes, from what I've seen in reviews, it is better, but in my own experience, it isn't that much greater (I have tried auto and night mode). Am I too used to SLR pictures? The camera was supposed to be a big selling point! We have already been fooled once by Nokia about their "Pure View." (http: // I wonder if all of this is just a scam. Now it seems that Nokia is owning up to more camera flaws (http: // I really hope that this isn't a hardware issue and that they fix it right and not try any tricks. It isn't that the pictures/videos I take are bad, but they aren't that much greater(if they are greater) than the competition. Duped?
Battery life: I just switched from an IPhone 4 with no 4G LTE so i'm unaware of the battery consumption of 4G LTE but I have noticed that the battery sure does drain a lot quicker. I'm used to being able to go a couple of days without having to charge. I have noticed ways of getting the phone to last longer. Ff you run Nokia Drive beta, the GPS stays on in the background even when it is closed (you will notice a target at the top status bar remains on). You can turn the background option off, or you have to restart your phone to turn off the GPS and it can consume your battery. Yes, this should be an easy fix, but think about all the people that have to deal with this. Also there is not way to switch off 4G LTE.
Limited voice commands: I'm a big user of the voice commands to play my music. One of the first things I've noticed about this phone is that there are no voice commands from the touch and hold windows button that allow you to play your music. I get it that you can get the "Hey DJ" app and use voice commands for music, but why didn't they just integrate this into the OS so that I don't have to unlock my screen, and tap a few places. Isn't the point of voice commands so that you don't have to look at the screen.
Here are some other small complaints (Maybe some XDA developers could help cook up some changes.... I have paypal ).
No separate volume for ringer and music.
Internet explorer is limited when you search through Google
It is easy to accidentally press the back or the search when using the phone with one hand and reaching across the screen.
No apparent way that I have found to get the Nokia Drive Beta to repeat the last spoken direction.
No seeking option in visual voice mail. You have to listen to the whole thing all over again to get to one point in the voicemail.
Bottom line. This phone seems rushed and unpolished. I got it that some of these issues are OS issues, but come on! Am I expecting too much or isn't this the phone that Nokia was making such a large deal about? 10 more days to give this a try before my return policy expires. Come on Nokia and Microsoft. Change my mind!
Camera taking blurry pictures is a SW issue, as you probably know from having read about it, which hopefully theyll have sorted out fast in an SW update. The nighttime pictures Ive taken are very nice, though, so I dont know whats going on there.
Battery for me is fine, Ive only had my phone for a day, so I cant really say much, but the way its worked so far it seems about the same as my SGS3 in that department. Which is quite good. But of course, I need more time for that.
Voice commands I never was a big user of, since I feel like a moron walking around yelling commands in english (especially when Im in a non-english speaking country). But Im sure its annoying.
Volume thing I agree on, that should be an easy fix for MS to make, really.
Not sure what you mean by "limited" when searching through Google?
The accidental pressing is much like on the SGS3, really. Just a habitual thing, youll get used to handling the phone so you eventually dont mispress.
Iunno, I have a single real annoyance and that is wordwrapping in IE10.
i'm not sure what you were expecting from the camera, but the low light shots are some of the best i've ever taken with a smartphone. and i've had my share of smartphones (this year i've probably had between 8-10 different handsets from various oem's) the daytime shots are a little bit soft, but on par with some of the better smarphone camera's i've used, and it's something that is completely possible to fix via firmware updates (as in, it's not a hardware flaw, but rather a software one)
battery is pretty good for me, on par with my SGS3, it's so much better than my 4s on iOS6 though. there are a couple quirks that are causing the battery to drain rapidly, but people haven't been able to point the blame completely yet. some people have had google accounts getting stuck on syncing constantly and that is killing the battery and the only solution for now is a hard reset. it's an odd issue since it wasn't present in wp7.x and afaik the method wp8 uses to sync is the same as before. it's something that will most likely be fixed via software updates as well
limited voice commands are something that wp8 has the ability to deal with but i'm also bummed they didn't add more voice controls to the built in apps. music in general seems like a really rushed revamp in wp8 which is surprising since the zune software was quite well done in 7.x and was also a major feature which i liked a lot about windows phone. they're changing a bunch of stuff though so it's something that will probably be updated over time. personally i don't like voice commands outside of when i'm driving because i feel like it's faster to just use my fingers, but i understand your disappointment.
volume is something i agree on as well, why microsoft hasn't figured out this is something people have been wanting since 7.0 is beyond me, it really seems like a pretty simple change to make, especially when one is rewriting the entire OS.
accidental pressing is something that will lessen with muscle memory, i always have a lot of issues with button presses and a lot of typos when switching phones, but after a couple weeks you learn to do it a lot less.
i remember getting drive to repeat the last direction, but for the life of me right now i can't figure out what i did. if i figure it out, i'll post it.
the OS isn't for everyone, but for people who like the curated user experience a semi-closed system provides, but don't like apple's 1 handset philosophy it's a good platform.
i admit, i get bored sometimes and end up going to android, but almost always, after about a month of whatever the latest and greatest android handset, i always come back to windows phone. once you figure out your workflow on it, it's really the most efficient and fluid mobile OS out there.
Slai said:
Not sure what you mean by "limited" when searching through Google?
Iunno, I have a single real annoyance and that is wordwrapping in IE10.
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Word wrapping is exactly what I mean when I say searching through Google is limited. If you use IE and search through google, at the top of the page, you get a: "This page adapted for your browser comes from...." If you search through through the built in Bing search, you don't get the word wrap. You get the actual page. This is very lame and I think its Microsoft's way of getting us to use Bing instead of google.
Also if you just enter the URL, there is no text wrapping.
Okay? Ive set Google as my default search engine in IE10, and while word wrapping doesnt seem to exist and double-tap to zoom isnt really working perfectly, I havent seen a big change from searching with google and searching with bing or just using a bookmark or directly typing in the url :s ?
vangj said:
Word wrapping is exactly what I mean when I say searching through Google is limited. If you use IE and search through google, at the top of the page, you get a: "This page adapted for your browser comes from...." If you search through through the built in Bing search, you don't get the word wrap. You get the actual page. This is very lame and I think its Microsoft's way of getting us to use Bing instead of google.
Also if you just enter the URL, there is no text wrapping.
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This will happen if you have the 'defaul view' as desktop, if you select 'mobile' they will display fine, it is annoying, what I did was install the Google app and I just use that for my search and browsing.
Slai said:
Okay? Ive set Google as my default search engine in IE10, and while word wrapping doesnt seem to exist and double-tap to zoom isnt really working perfectly, I havent seen a big change from searching with google and searching with bing or just using a bookmark or directly typing in the url :s ?
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Ok so it does text wrap well if you choose the mobile option for internet explore. I for one do not like the mobile version and chose to set my settings to desktop (sorry still a newbie so i can't post links)
ht tp://
If you set your IE settings to desktop and search with Google, you get a funky altered website that looks like this at the top.
ht tp://
It seems like the phone is sending to Google that it wants to still be a mobile phone. When you search with Bing you don't get this option. If you search with Google in Desktop mode, you can scroll to the bottom to get to the desktop site but it can be a hassle.
ht tp://
Like I said, I like the desktop mode because I can zoom in and out and make great use of this huge screen.
Hoping google releases Chrome.
Yeah normally I like using desktop mode myself, but my most visited website works really well in its mobile form, so I figured "what the hell".
Would be interesting to see Chrome for WP8. I dont see why not, it is available for W8.
vangj said:
If you set your IE settings to desktop and search with Google, you get a funky altered website that looks like this at the top.
It seems like the phone is sending to Google that it wants to still be a mobile phone. When you search with Bing you don't get this option.
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If you look at the URL of the page in your sample image, the URL is one on It seems that Google recognized that you're on a phone and gave you a search results page that contains modified URLs that point back to Google itself (not to and that Google then proxied it for you, reformatting things to fit your phone.
Your complaint seems to be with Google for forcing you in to a "mobilized" view. Unless Google can't tell which "website preference" you're set to (mobile or desktop). I don't know how that preference gets conveyed in HTTP requests. Sorry.
vangj said:
Also there is not way to switch off 4G LTE.
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My Rogers variant has the "max speed" option to shut off LTE. The AT&T one doesn't seem to have that... so this is an AT&T issue, not a Nokia one. And if AT&T is doing this on Windows Phone, I'd assume they are customizing their Android phones similarly, no? (I have no experience with Android.)
vangj said:
Limited voice commands: I'm a big user of the voice commands to play my music. One of the first things I've noticed about this phone is that there are no voice commands from the touch and hold windows button that allow you to play your music. I get it that you can get the "Hey DJ" app and use voice commands for music, but why didn't they just integrate this into the OS so that I don't have to unlock my screen, and tap a few places. Isn't the point of voice commands so that you don't have to look at the screen.
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This is an OS issue, so not too much to do with Nokia. The voice commands in WP8 are extensible. That means 3rd party developers can easily create apps that support it. I think Urbanspoon, Hey DJ and Audible are already out and support voice commands (meaning you can launch the apps by long pressing the windows button).
I expect a lot more apps will add that feature because it's so easy to implement. That makes the lack of voice commands for the built in apps really strange.
EShy said:
This is an OS issue, so not too much to do with Nokia. The voice commands in WP8 are extensible. That means 3rd party developers can easily create apps that support it. I think Urbanspoon, Hey DJ and Audible are already out and support voice commands (meaning you can launch the apps by long pressing the windows button).
I expect a lot more apps will add that feature because it's so easy to implement. That makes the lack of voice commands for the built in apps really strange.
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Uhm, you could always launch ANY app with your voice, even on WP7.
Those new apps support voice commands for other things. For example, from your start screen you might be able to say, "Urbanspoon, find nearby burgers" and it'll launch and go straight to finding burger restaurants around you. I have no clue what their apps actually support, but I know that it's possible to make an app that does that!

[Q] Never miss a meeting again! How?

I have these devices near me at all times. It is connected to my company's Exchange server. Yet somehow I have not, in the 5 years I've been using them, been able to get the devices to alert me to meetings I must attend. It's not about setting the right tone. It's not about disabling other tones. [1] Please don't go there.
These are my expectations for my mobile devices:
1. My device should let me know that I have a meeting with plenty of time to get to the meeting.
2. My device should let me know that the meeting is starting.
3. If I am not around to respond to my device, it should disrupt my coworkers excessively.
4. If I miss a notification, it should let me know that as soon as I return.
This is not a unique need, nor is it an original idea. This should not be that hard to do. I'm thinking is has to exist.
* #3 is very important because one obvious possibility would be to make a siren so loud that I cannot miss it, but that won't work because the first time it goes off my coworkers will insist that it never happen again. This has happened in the past.
** I've marked [1] above so that I can quick reply when people do it anyway.
RichardBronosky said:
I have these devices near me at all times. It is connected to my company's Exchange server. Yet somehow I have not, in the 5 years I've been using them, been able to get the devices to alert me to meetings I must attend. It's not about setting the right tone. It's not about disabling other tones. [1] Please don't go there.
These are my expectations for my mobile devices:
1. My device should let me know that I have a meeting with plenty of time to get to the meeting.
2. My device should let me know that the meeting is starting.
3. If I am not around to respond to my device, it should disrupt my coworkers excessively.
4. If I miss a notification, it should let me know that as soon as I return.
This is not a unique need, nor is it an original idea. This should not be that hard to do. I'm thinking is has to exist.
* #3 is very important because one obvious possibility would be to make a siren so loud that I cannot miss it, but that won't work because the first time it goes off my coworkers will insist that it never happen again. This has happened in the past.
** I've marked [1] above so that I can quick reply when people do it anyway.
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What version of Android do you have? What calendar app are you using at the moment?

Remove Ok google(Not just the text)

I'm not a fan of google feeling the need to listen to everything I say. I did search for this, but all I'm coming up with is people wanting to disable the "Ok google" text on the screen. I'd like to disable to feature all together, but it doesn't seem there is an option anywhere. Am I missing something or do you need a custom rom to get rid of this crap? Thanks guys!
djscrew said:
I'm not a fan of google feeling the need to listen to everything I say. I did search for this, but all I'm coming up with is people wanting to disable the "Ok google" text on the screen. I'd like to disable to feature all together, but it doesn't seem there is an option anywhere. Am I missing something or do you need a custom rom to get rid of this crap? Thanks guys!
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I do not know if there is anyone who would have done this... the "OK Google" is the core part of android wear...... If you do not like that feature, you may be better off with a different wearable.
I am not trying to be rude, just can not understand why you need to remove almost all functionality of your watch.
Milimbar said:
I do not know if there is anyone who would have done this... the "OK Google" is the core part of android wear...... If you do not like that feature, you may be better off with a different wearable.
I am not trying to be rude, just can not understand why you need to remove almost all functionality of your watch.
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Actually he made an interesting question, indeed. The voice recognition of the "OK GOOGLE" hotword isn't fully used by everyone (as with on phone) so disabling that should spare some battery juice.
Milimbar said:
I do not know if there is anyone who would have done this... the "OK Google" is the core part of android wear...... If you do not like that feature, you may be better off with a different wearable.
I am not trying to be rude, just can not understand why you need to remove almost all functionality of your watch.
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I can understand where the feauture may be useful, but I myself don't feel it's necessary to have google listening to me at all times. I wouldn't quite say that is "almost all the functionality" of the watch. Why can't I activate the menu an then begin speaking rather than it just listening at all times?
lparcshinoda said:
Actually he made an interesting question, indeed. The voice recognition of the "OK GOOGLE" hotword isn't fully used by everyone (as with on phone) so disabling that should spare some battery juice.
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That's a good point too. I'm sure that "feature" is draining my battery.
I think the OP has a valid point. Personally I don't care if Google hears me. However, I would be okay if I could just tap the screen to give a voice command instead of saying okay Google. Everyone looks at me funny when I say that part. Probably save a little time too.
Also, I wish I could just tap on the watch to have it input voice to text on my phone when I'm in a text field. I like to use Swype, but hate there voice to text option when I want to use it.
I can see how having the option to turn off always listening would be good for some people, i thought he wanted to remove ALL of the google now functions.
Maybe someone will come up with a mod for it soon.
I'm fed up of this "OK GOOGLE" Logo everytime, Hope they will give us an option to remove the word in next update.!
riteshgpt60 said:
I'm fed up of this "OK GOOGLE" Logo everytime, Hope they will give us an option to remove the word in next update.!
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just use it a couple of times, then the text will no longer be, just say "ok google" to activate the search (i think about 5 times necessary, correct me, if i am wrong), then you will no longer see the text when waking up your watch...
I'm interested in partially deactivating the "ok google" feature too, as I my main language is french and ok google works only about 20% of the time for me
bagster said:
I'm interested in partially deactivating the "ok google" feature too, as I my main language is french and ok google works only about 20% of the time for me
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My main language is also French and the detection is working almost flawlessly
no solution yet?!
worst thing with the Hotword detection is, that it's too often wrong with the detection and starts recording .. it's like you have a bug on your wrist
for me, it records about 10 times a day without me saying "ok google"...
but check it yourself: (remove the () , i cant post links because of new member)
worst function ever. so anybody knows how to delete this ****ed up function?!
These devices were made with the hotword detection specifically in mind, I believe that the battery use should be negligible. I personally haven't noticed any battery problems coming from the Android Wear app or the Google app (on watch, through the battery statistics.) most of my battery problems were from watchfaces still using the 4.4w APIs and badly coded applications.
That said, because they were made specifically with hotword detection and Google Now in mind, it cannot be disabled without someone possibly making a custom ROM to turn it off, however no one has made a true custom ROM for wear yet (I'm not even sure they can honestly.)
What I ended up doing is going into the Google account options on the phone. Under search - voice there is an option for "OK Google detection" doing this seemed to completely disable it. I don't understand how people are comfortable having an open mic with them at all times. Just because you "have nothing to hide" doesn't mean something should always be listening.
djscrew said:
What I ended up doing is going into the Google account options on the phone. Under search - voice there is an option for "OK Google detection" doing this seemed to completely disable it. I don't understand how people are comfortable having an open mic with them at all times. Just because you "have nothing to hide" doesn't mean something should always be listening.
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It may always be listening, but it isn't always recording. The Ok, Google hotword detection only records the first second before and after you say Ok, Google. It's not always sending things over to Google. Just because you have things to hide, doesn't mean you should be paranoid about it
The google services have indeed plagued many phones for their background services, alarms, and receivers.
What I cannot understand is how the 'Ok Google' still works even when I have switched my watch to Airplane Mode.
Not everyone buys an Android Wear to enjoy the google services. Some, including me, like only the Wear Faces. One watch, many wear faces, saves the money to 'collect' many different watches just for the sake of keeping up a lifestyle.

Text message: "Sorry I couldn't do that."

Ever since upgrading to Androidwear 2.0 (what a POS, over-complicated mess of an OS!) I can't initiate text messages from my Zenwatch 2. I tell it to send a message but all I get is "I'm sorry I couldn't do that." When I first noticed this I un-paired the watch and un-installed and re-installed everything. Messaging worked for a while, but now it's back to telling me it can't send messages. Any ideas on getting this working permanently? I have half a mind to toss this aggravating device in the trash right now!
Same for me
My voice messages continued working with Android Wear 2.0, but the latest version (28 July 2017) has screwed up anything I used to do with voice commands. The voice command is interpreted OK and the text appears on the screen, but the action does not take place. Huawei Honor 8 with LG W150 Urbane smartwatch. I have 1 star reviewed Android Wear on google as they seem to respond to reviews, albeit with a useless link to the hardware manufacturer. I think 1 star is right as my smart watch can barely do more than a regular digital watch these days. Used to be great but 2.0 and this latest update have rendered it pretty useless.
I've also been having problems with voice stuff since Wear 2... I have a bunch of Hue lights and whenever I say "ok google, turn on the lights in the living room" it now shows me a picture of someone turning on the lights in a living room...not exactly what I'm looking for there...
I did discover something though - it seems it's the "Ok Google" detection that's the culprit... If I long-press the button on the watch to open Google assistant, it will turn on my lights or send a text or start a timer or whatever else I tell it to do. I've had no problems whatsoever that way. It just bugs me that I have to press the button rather than say ok google. I haven't figured out why that is yet, but give the button a shot, that might let you text that way...

