Cannot flash rom (always gives an error) - OnePlus Nord N10 5G Questions & Answers

I can install images without a problem, but cant install any roms. TWRP says that I don't have an OS, I guess it got somehow corrupted. I can install recoveryes through fastboot, I have tried twrp and other ecovery coming with LineageOS.
When I try to install rom on twrp, it gives "error applaying update: 7 (ErrorCode::kInstallDeviceOpenError)" and then updater ends with error 1 and at last it gives error installing zip file. If I try to flash stock rom, it's just the same, just not the update part.
Any advice?

The MSM Tool Unf*cketh.
Unless you have fried hardware (dropped in ocean, etc) I've never heard of this not fixing it.
Pay careful attention to getting into EDL mode for the flash, that's tricky sometimes.

Okay, thanks a lot, will give it a try.
Edit: I actually read about that tool before but I'm running linux. But I guess this is important enough to setup vm.

You can download a W10 install disk free, run it on VirtualBox, and get the flash done prior to it requiring activation. Not endorsing that or anything, of course, just saying... it can be done. Make sure you kill internet on the VM ASAP or it will self-update itself to death. (I can neither confirm nor deny that POS Windows Update rebooted DURING A FLASH. I've been on Linux too long to remember the horrors of that world, may you not have PTSD when you try)

I couldn't get it to work. Problem is that my phone is stuck booting to fastboot-mode, so I cant enter edl. I also tried to enter edl through adb and fastboot, but it is possible that I somehow passed the phone to vm wrong. It has been a while when I last used virtual machine and I'm super exhausted.
I have to try tomorrow again.

If you can get the phone off with some battery life left, you can do EDL. Don't try using either adb or fb commands, do it from the volume keys with the phone OFF. It will do EDL before it even goes into bootloader. If you are getting into FB or recovery AT ALL - even if an infinite loop - you should be able to pull it off.
There's a bunch of stuff that tripped me up when I was doing it:
-Virtual Box needed some additional plugins to make USB a pass-through
- Virtual Box needed one of its minions to get added to a Linux user group so it could see (permissions for) USB
- There's a separate Qualcomm driver that needs installing to that icky OS
- When the phone is OFF, and you ***HOLD*** the volume buttons, then insert the cable, EDL is only enabled for like five seconds (or something absurdly short). You have to have the MSM tool up and running, waiting to click.. do the phone physics, wait for it to say connected, then click on the button in the tool to get it to start. Once you see the "firehose upload beginning" or whatever you can let go of the buttons, it will remain in EDL till it is done.
- As hinted above you have to keep the VM OS from rebooting itself trying to install terabytes of useless updates while you are flashing. (Cutting the NIC from the VM works nicely.) I was, luckily, still able to re-flash again and it worked.
I've bricked a few phones in my Android life, and pretty much only endorse OnePlus now because of the support for recovery when you screw up. It has some tricks, but thanks to lots of n00b errors writing my own debloat script and carving out essential parts of Android, I've got it down and repeatable (though I luckily haven't needed it in a while).
Get some sleep, get some green tea, or ethanol, or whatever your poison is, and try again... LMK /exactly/ what fails and I can do my best to help.


[Q] missing bitmaps & drivers on dis nabi 2 device specific help plz

Plz pardon my rant but I need major helpppppppppp lol, I've spent days scouring this site & google to try to fix this myself. I've built pc's but delayed learning droid because it's worse then mickersoft from what I've seen. I babysit for a lady raising her 3 granddaughters, they don't have net & were only able to access a few things. Sooo I volunteered to add some games, I was so flabbergasted at the bloat, shear greed and limitations of both versions of dis ui. I wanted to just disable it to use a different launcher but nooo to easy. no good deed goes unpunished lol. I updated the stock to the current as of two weeks ago ota kitkat and it went down hill fast, the dis ui worked for the most part but it wouldn't let me in the settings that's on the nabi mode for no apparent reason.
So not being able to find much current info for dis version, I made the huge mistake of using kingroots apk. it chocked but then work fine except I still had the above problem. no matter what I tried to clean or debloat. I got stupid tired and did a factory reset it now won't boot fully. I only get a pop up loop even in safe mode of nabiSetup has stopped. I can only turn off but can access recovery and the fastboot etc! I give it wins this round lol.
I have tried both win 10 32 & 64bit I only got it to connect once, it said I unlocked the bootloader but nothing can find the device to reboot-bootloader thru adb or NabiLab, 15 sec abd and etc. I'm to tired to think straight and to new to this so I must be missing something. there has to be away to get droid back on it! I can usually access the tablet and the sd card thru win explorer but no matter witch drivers I've tried it will not connect properly or the drivers won't install fully even with drive sig disabled. so it has to be because of the bitmap error I found in recovery or because it won't fully boot to access the usb on the tablet??
1. the devise will not fully boot I get a nabiSetup has stopped popup loop in normal & safe mode I can only shut it off.
2a I can still get in recovery I tried to flash it but I assume I was using the wrong file nothing would load, but noticed E: missing bitmap stage_empty & stage_fill it seems to be a common droid problem but no info to be found for this devise version.
2b In the device manager fastboot comes and goes or I see a USB device descriptor failed or set address I think it was and pdanet stalls. I'm gonna fdisk laptop again it's had way to many driver attempts to be sure that's some of problem not operator error or usb in a mood again.
3. being brain-dead tired & a droid newbieish. I can't get to the usb to play nice so I can't install twrp. I assume because of the usb drivers ie google and etc not showing up right in device mangr. no usb on nabi which I just remembered the developer options vanished, that's why I decide to reset since what I think is the reset pinhole didn't work?
p.s I can access win explorer most of the time. the common droid/disney folders are showing but I'm unclear what all is missing.. can someone please give me a laymens clue how to get the os back on it. I deleted the cache and etc to no avail. I pieced together other peeps info here but so far I'm special no one has my exact errors lol. my gut says it's fixable from what I have read it seems to makes a difference its a disney version I don't care what's on it as long as it works at this point any ideas or help is deeply appreciated. I'm running win 10 ent 64bit at the moment and it was stock disney version of NABI2-NV7A-US-D with 4.4.1 before bad update of kitkat ota.
Twink225 said:
Plz pardon my rant but I need major helpppppppppp lol, I've spent days scouring this site & google to try to fix this myself. I've built pc's but delayed learning droid because it's worse then mickersoft from what I've seen. I babysit for a lady raising her 3 granddaughters, they don't have net & were only able to access a few things. Sooo I volunteered to add some games, I was so flabbergasted at the bloat, shear greed and limitations of both versions of dis ui. I wanted to just disable it to use a different launcher but nooo to easy. no good deed goes unpunished lol. I updated the stock to the current as of two weeks ago ota kitkat and it went down hill fast, the dis ui worked for the most part but it wouldn't let me in the settings that's on the nabi mode for no apparent reason.
So not being able to find much current info for dis version, I made the huge mistake of using kingroots apk. it chocked but then work fine except I still had the above problem. no matter what I tried to clean or debloat. I got stupid tired and did a factory reset it now won't boot fully. I only get a pop up loop even in safe mode of nabiSetup has stopped. I can only turn off but can access recovery and the fastboot etc! I give it wins this round lol.
I have tried both win 10 32 & 64bit I only got it to connect once, it said I unlocked the bootloader but nothing can find the device to reboot-bootloader thru adb or NabiLab, 15 sec abd and etc. I'm to tired to think straight and to new to this so I must be missing something. there has to be away to get droid back on it! I can usually access the tablet and the sd card thru win explorer but no matter witch drivers I've tried it will not connect properly or the drivers won't install fully even with drive sig disabled. so it has to be because of the bitmap error I found in recovery or because it won't fully boot to access the usb on the tablet??
1. the devise will not fully boot I get a nabiSetup has stopped popup loop in normal & safe mode I can only shut it off.
2a I can still get in recovery I tried to flash it but I assume I was using the wrong file nothing would load, but noticed E: missing bitmap stage_empty & stage_fill it seems to be a common droid problem but no info to be found for this devise version.
2b In the device manager fastboot comes and goes or I see a USB device descriptor failed or set address I think it was and pdanet stalls. I'm gonna fdisk laptop again it's had way to many driver attempts to be sure that's some of problem not operator error or usb in a mood again.
3. being brain-dead tired & a droid newbieish. I can't get to the usb to play nice so I can't install twrp. I assume because of the usb drivers ie google and etc not showing up right in device mangr. no usb on nabi which I just remembered the developer options vanished, that's why I decide to reset since what I think is the reset pinhole didn't work?
p.s I can access win explorer most of the time. the common droid/disney folders are showing but I'm unclear what all is missing.. can someone please give me a laymens clue how to get the os back on it. I deleted the cache and etc to no avail. I pieced together other peeps info here but so far I'm special no one has my exact errors lol. my gut says it's fixable from what I have read it seems to makes a difference its a disney version I don't care what's on it as long as it works at this point any ideas or help is deeply appreciated. I'm running win 10 ent 64bit at the moment and it was stock disney version of NABI2-NV7A-US-D with 4.4.1 before bad update of kitkat ota.
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It's hard to understand all of that but it sounds like perhaps you deleted some bloat that you should have, you sound like having driver issues, and possibly wrong TWRP version. Need to clear that up and then reinstall the stock Disney ROM.
I'd start here it has all the tools/TWRP/ROM's you need.
So sorry hun, toshiba is driving me nuts and I'm having a bad add moment or three lol. I read about you retiring. so I tried hard not to bother you. now I'm really confused. I've read your nabi2 general info post and even ran across your youtube vids. the problem is I'm not familiar with adb. & the included NabiLabGUI drivers, win10 either fails to finish saying it was interrupted. or it just won't install the 32 bit drivers, I thought I as suppose to use.
The 64bit driver 3 out of 4 install but, I can not get the Google Inc, driver to install properly even with the inf file. (ie the android_winusb.inf ) it says the system can't find the file, it can install the older versions from NabiLabGUI or naked drivers. but doesn't show in add/remove and it still won't detect the tablet most of the time lol.
Pda also has conflicts with adb, I got the nablab disney option to detect it but still failed to install twrp saying it can't find devise and I noticed in device manager 2 driver problems that will not let me update manually or they go missing if I try to force windows to reinstall. (device descriptor request & set address failed)
I must be missing something big, I also tried the 15sec and minimal adb. I assume because the tablet won't fully boot up, windows doesn't know what to do with it. when I tried different cables. windows 10 enterprise won't play nice at all now. so I will format again to be safe but lost what to try next.
I guess my questions should be is there a work around or a full inf version of the newer drivers for NabiLabGUI2015 that might work with this demonic disney nabi2.
Is NabiLabGUI compatible with .net framework 4.6 advanced services? (I may have to downgrade o/s. on the nabhacks site is says .net 4.5 is a prerequisites.) I don't know much about the app but saw 4.6 comes preinstalled, I can't install 4.5 yet, I saw there has been compatibility issues. and it won't let you revert versions easily if at all.
I'm to tired of this tab to think straight anymore and so grateful any help I'm in way over my head here.
I lost the battle but I won the war, now google & supersu are messing with me as usual but it boots so I win lol :victory::silly:

Jide Ultratablet ADB-Fastboot Recovery Flash Problem

Where to begin? Logic would dictate, the beginning.
I'll do my best to be brief with the backstory.
Months ago I ordered a Jide Ultratablet to use as my portable workhorse. At first things were peachy until a rather monumental lag began to manifest every 15-45 seconds. It made the device impossible to utilize in any productive fashion, so I contacted Jide and opened up a support ticket. After months (in no way an exaggeration) of barely responsive correspondence, during which I sent them a video to demonstrate the problem, they finally came back to me with an email containing a link to a compressed folder containing the Remix 2.0 images, and also a link to a rather vague and complicated tutorial on how to flash Remix 1.5 manually to a device. (In fact, I tried to include a link to the tutorial, but I am unable to since I haven't posted to the forum enough. I am happy to PM it or email it to anyone who might like to help) I can only assume I am meant to apply the same logic to the Remix 2.0 files they sent me. Seemed a bit dicey at first glance, but while I'm by no means an expert, I'm no slouch in this arena and I'm a very quick study.
Now, on to the proverbial meat and potatoes:
If you were able to contact me for a link to the tutorial in question, you will have undoubtedly seen that they indicate one should use ADB-Fastboot as a means to flash the recovery image. No real surprises there. I have ADB and Fastboot installed on my PC (Windows 10). I also have the ADB drivers installed and have confirmed the addition to my PATH. (eg: ;C:\ADB) I can also confirm that it is working fine since I am able to pull up a terminal and issue the ADB command and it gives me the usual wall of commands. The problem is that my device (Ultratablet) is not being seen by ADB. I have checked my USB drivers and they are all up to date and installed properly. My PC sees the device no problem and there is no indication of any sort of connection error. I've also tried different cables and ports. Yet, I can't access it via ADB and thus am unable to issue commands to my device such as "adb reboot bootloader" or "fastboot reboot-bootloader".
My next logical approach was to attempt forcing the device into fastboot mode using the hardware button combination, which is not listed specifically for the Ultratablet anywhere, I might add. (Power key + Volume up) It brings me to a boot options menu with the selections "Continue/Fastboot Protocol/Recovery Kernel/Reboot/Poweroff/Forced Recovery". Ateempting to select Fastboot Protocol causes the display to shut off for a moment, the device to vibrate once, and then the display to turn back on back at the same menu full of selections.
So, in summary, I am expected to flash the device using fastboot and yet I can't even get the device into fastboot mode, let alone issue commands from my PC terminal. As I highlighted near the beginning, teh Jide support team is incredibly unresponsive and not overly helpful. I have notified them of this same set of issues, but I don't expect to hear back in any expedient fashion and I thought one of the mighty members here on XDA might be able to help me come up with a next step in the meantime. I'd cerainly love to be able to use my shiny new tablet.
In any case, thank you for your time.
Kind regards.
Bump? Anyone? Still swinging in the breeze on this one. No word back from the manufacturer, as expected. =/
I have the same problem
Shaiden said:
Bump? Anyone? Still swinging in the breeze on this one. No word back from the manufacturer, as expected. =/
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I know it's been 4 years but did you find any solution to this? I'm asking because I have the same problem. I decided to downgrade to Remix OS 1.5 in order to root (I have tried 5 rooting apps with no success) but my device refuses to enter fastboot protocol. The whole idea was since I can't find a way to root the damn thing in its current state maybe I can manage it with its older OS version. All this just to turn it to android root apps "testing ground" device. Oof.

[HELP] New LG phones not booting into recovery or fadtboot[HELP]

I just got a third LMX210 today to add to my collection. Lol really im just trying to solve a problem. I bought a ulma to replace cm and i came across a ulm model and decided to just replace my cm today. The problem is that all three of these phone which normally have easily unlockable bootloaders will not boot into fastboot. The fortune 2 will not even boot into recovery. They all will boot into a blank screen with the android robot and will boot into download mode.
The natural solution would be to install an older or even plain stock firmware. But say you dont have a windows 10 or Mac computer. I havent found a way to flash lg firmware using a linux distribution yet.
On the other phones i tried removing the laff partition to force the phone into fastboot by plugging into pc while holding the volume up button. This did nothing but repeat the logo until the button released.
Yes usb debugging was enabled and adb was used to try these procedures. The drones at lg know nothing and ask to send the phones in for repair.
Short of re-installing the stock firmware there has to be way to get past this. And to tell you the truth i dont have a way to flash the stock firmware so i dont even know if that will work.
Ok guys got any ideas?
Ok spent 4 hours on a windows pc today trying to flash firmware and install qcom drivers thinking the download errors were due to the drivers. Then at the last moments went to Tecknights page and downloaded and installed the lgup dual mode program.
So the bastitches of higher android office decided to screw everyone out of bootloader unlocking. The ARB numbers have recently (like in the past 3 months) been changed to 003. Meaning you cannot flash firmware with an ARB number lower than 003.
But that doesnt stop us completely. Two ideas initially popped into my head. Hex edit the .kdz so that the ARB number matches the phone. Or lol split the .kdz into its seperate partition images then wipe the partitions and use qdl or lgup to repair the now bricked phone. No device data no ARB no problem.
Im hoping the former works over the latter but ill keep you informed.
But really guys thats extreme and i cant see too many folks going through the wipe process to enable fastboot. So we have to find an easier way.
Is there any way to know what partition the ARB protection resides in? If those parts could be wiped im thinking it might fool the flashtool into thinking that there isnt any protection.
one of your devices is MTK isn't it? can't you use SP Flash Tool like for other Mediatek devices? you should be able to flash images to emmc_user with locked bootloader, for example boot, recovery, system, ... all you need is a correct scatter file (which you could create with WwR MTK)
So your saying finish porting my recovery and use sp flash tools to install it. See i have been curious about that procedure and how not having an unlocked bootloader would effect flAshing from recovery. I was thinking brick. But its worth a try if it wont brick and i get full Root with magisk. Ty
Btw when i was porting my recovery i ran into a rather large well too large problem. When i went repack using abdroid image studio which i have used in the past with out problem, it would not shrink the image back down even though i was only trading a few files. How do i fix that
start with readback boot / recovery. then try to unpack, so you will know the scatter is right (at least, for this partitions) or compare files with your already existing backup files
no problems here with unpacking/ repacking with AIK
IDEA:::: ok so for the Qcom boards i have a solution possibly. I know that the older software versions have working fastboot and recovery going and can be boot loader unlocked. That tells me that a fota uodate is screwing things up.
PROBLEM:::: ARB my fortune 2 will not let me install at all anything before ARB3.
ARB_location:::: bootloader
Solution:::: download and extract the stock .kdz for device with working features. Wipe parts bootloader and laf using qpst and reinstall. Solves two problems in one go. Allows fastboot and and bootloader unlock and future re-install of stock firmware
may work but remember your bootloader is locked and you need to by-pass this via testpoint (or at least previously enabled oem unlocking and don't lost these setting) otherwise sahara will fail
well it was an idea. I just did some fact checking and also looked at the files dumped from the .dz dump of the fortune 2 stock rom. PBL or primary bootloader cannot be removed or flashed according to a thread it is a pernanent installation.
But upon more reading i can flash my recovery and boot.img using qfil in qpst along witn every thing else. But i need to know wether qfil reads ARB info and if so where i can find it in the firmware so i dont flash that img but instead pull it from phone as is.
i would really like to know what the twitterpating deal is with these LMX210 phones. ok when i firsr got my fortune 2 i bought it for two reasons the rootability of the device and the fact that tje msm8937 board came pre-installed with otg software by default which in my eyes meant no more freaking computer to use adb.
Well it is all there the drivers the software. but guess what. it doesnt work. i have no idea whats stopping it all from working but even lsusb doesnt bring a twitch or hint of reading any thing over the usb.
does any one know how to fix this
Yo. There is definitely ways to flash on linux using virtual machines, wine etc to run windows apps but you got ahold of a windows box to use. IF it is in EDL mode (Qualcomm mode with a driver saying 9008 in it..) then there is still faith you can revive it. You will need the firmware dumped from someone then youll need to run a program creating XML files for the phones firmware parition files. Youll next need a firehose which is what they call the programmers for EDL that send through the commands and firmware in a low low level that these programs like LGUP just do not do yet (don't know why..... Im waiting for someone to program the LGUP dev version with an EDL mode using emmcdl along with a way to create XML files too. Who knows maybe it will happen if we bring it up enough. The hardest problem youll have is getting a proper emmc programmer for the phone. I can source a lot so if teknight doesnt have something to help with EDL just get ahold of me and ill see what I have and send you some stuff.
Man i have been trying to unbrick the LMX-210 CV1 devices since last year. Tek has nothing but supports the work in hope of finding a solution. I have a ton of fire hoses and saharas all of which have cost me nothing but frustration. I have almost every qpst made and have tried them all with my firehose and saharas. Thr only thing i havent done is pull the mbns off my phones and try them. Trust me system dumps are crap.
The only sign of life i came by was flashing an sd card with the gpt and then flashing each partition manually using ubuntu. In return i got the battery logo but thats it.
Would love to figure it out though
By the way I have been compiling kernels. I call it the jokerfish kernel. Its packed full of drivers and debugging features plus gpu idlers boosters and all those crazy fishy thIngs. Its got governors and wire guard. Otg support. Io schedulars and overclocks. Cpu hotplugging and fast charge.
Now i cant figure out how to get fast charge to work but its set up for msm-otg phy-msm-otg qpnp-smbcharger and smb135x.
All that and not a single panic to reboot in over a week and 1/2 which is how long its been compiled. I used tweaks from the dragonheart kernel source and ported them over and did a lil c++ magic.
It has kcal too but n0 app supports it. All kinds of media and sound codecs as well. You think it would be slow but my compiling and coding skills are as mad as me. Hahahaha.'
But dont Take my word for as the gentle over there on your couch. See that smile? Hes as happy as fish in a pond.
Just remember Duhjoker is in no way responsible for bricked devices so try it at the risk to yourself.
This particular fishy thingy works for msm8917 cv1 devices like aristo 2 and k8+ which have been tested by the madman himself.
If you like you could thank me but the permanent smiles on your faces will be just as loved.
lol so fast_charge is working on the kernel but you have to add a custom tunable to a kernel app to get it going. Just add the path
Then you will get a choice of values to manipulate

Bricked or not bricked

I bricked my phone, a SHARP Aquos C10.
After unlocking the bootloader I was able to install several rom. The last one was LineageOS 18.
I bricked the phone when I tried to replace LineageOS Recovery with TWRP by dint of trying.
The phone is not completely blocked. It gets stuck for a long time on the "battery" logo which replaced the "Sharp" logo when the unlocked it. After several minutes, it vibrates and restarts.
I can restart it by long pressing the OFF button, I can't turn it off, I can't put it in recovery mode.
I can just put it in download mode but unfortunately it is no longer recognized by the PC.
So, bricked or not bricked.
Thank you for your help.
Nobody can help me ?
if you still can go to the download mode, maybe not all hope is lost. Your phone might not have
a hard brick, but only a soft brick. Everything should be fine as long the download mode isn't bricked too.
I had a similar problem once with a tablet after flashing it.
You need to install the USB-Drivers for your device on your PC and then reconnect it.
This might sound ridicolous if you already have installed them, but sometimes
a deinstallation of the USB-drivers and reinstallation of the drivers might help.
I found the following site for the drivers:
If you prefer an official source, you can use: ""
However both sources seem to look reliable for me, even if I can't test it, without having a SHARP device.
If you are not sure, you might compare it with other tutorials and look for reviews.
Installing the drivers can't lead to harm to your device until you don't connect it.
Things can't really get worse if you install the drivers. The only thing that could happen is, that either the PC will say that it recognizes the device or that no device can be recognized, so it's worth a try. Please report me, if it worked for you and you are able to flash again. I hope this will help.
With kind regards
Thank you very much for your help.
Yes, I installed the USB drivers. I unlocked the phone for you I installed another rom.
I reinstalled the drivers following your links. Unfortunately that does not change anything. The phone is not recognized. No sound comes out of the computer when I connect the USB cable.
I tried on 2 computers, 1 on Windows 10 and in Windows 10 / Xubuntu dualboot.
When the battery is empty and I try to turn it on, a red battery will light up and flash. As I charge it, the battery changes color to green.
I don't have download mode if the cable is not plugged into the computer or the charger.
the download mode is supposed to be only able to get started if you connect the device to the computer or another device, this is not strange. You need to go to the download mode and try to flash the stock firmware for you device. Try it at first without a device recognition of your PC and find out, if you need to do a hard reset before, to regain factory settings. I have listed, in color, a short number of things you could do now. If this still doesn't work only the SHARP team or a specialized company might help.
What you could do, is to ask the SHARP support for a source for the USB drivers and how to do a hard reset to regain the factory settings. I don't know which flashing tool you use for you device.
Normally if your device is not recognized by plugging it in to the PC-USB-Port the flashing tool shouldn't recognize it either, but it might be just an error of Windows, and the flashing tool is not allways depentent to the USB-drivers, but relies only on the question if you can go to the download mode, so you could give it a try to flash even in this case. Start the flashing software and look what will happen.
You said, that you have successfully flashed until now, which means that the flashing tool supports you device. If you can't flash now anymore, you might also not make a backup, which would be important, because the only things you could try now, is to find the stock firmware and flashing it.
If you haven't installed any important data on your system after flashing LineageOS or if you already made backups of your applications in a cloud or another drive you need not to care. It is possible that you will need to do a hard reset before. You can find on, in the section "All devices", how to do it or ask the SHARP support. If you fear you have still important data on your phone a backup is normally recommended.
Because flashing a ROM not only wipes your data, but removes the guarantee, the result is: Restoring the phone to a usable device by any helping team of SHARP's customer care service in you city, even if you have any service buildings, might be expensive in this case. To go around high prices you would need too look around also for other data restoring companies or specialists, if nothing works.
But at first, if you are able to do it; I would recommend to do a hard reset of your device, which should restore it to factory setting, which should make the drivers work.
Even if they don't work, ask SHARP for actualized USB-drivers. Try flashing also with and without working USB drivers, and find SHARP's stock firmware for you device first, which is a "must do", if you want to have access to the original recovery mode again. Flash this stock firmware after you have done a hard reset. After flashing the stock firmware you should be able to go to the custom recovery mode again, if not, only a specialized company or a help team of SHARP's customer service might help.
The adb and fastboot commands wait for the device to connect.
SHARP support is not responding.
Hello, did you try ""?
Because of the actual situation with the Virus, they might need longer to answer, so you need to be patient. As I see you already tried to connect your device after the use of CMD.exe. Installing the drivers with CMD and checking the Windows Hardware Manager if the Installation worked correctly is one way to do a driver install. I am sorry if this didn't work for you. If it does not, only a specailized soft- and hardware team can help, which could get expansive, but maybe not as much as buying a new device, so I hope for you Sharp will answer and give a correct Installation guide and that it will fit to solve your problem. I wish you good luck and that you don't need any other company than Sharp to help. I know that nobody is amused if all help and waiting does not help, after bricking bis device, but unfortunately I can't do more for you. I wish you success and keep your device in a safe place just for the case.

[Hisense A9] Root - How easy? (Snapdragon 662)

Hisense just released a new device called the A9. Since this phone has Snapdragon 662 I was wondering how easy it would be to root this device. I know there is an EDL for this CPU. The Hisense A5 series was also rootable. Not sure what method was used.
The Onyx Boox Note Air 2 (a 10.3" tablet), which I have, also runs on the same Snapdragon 662 and can be rooted via Magisk. I used the EDL to dump the boot.img on the Note Air 2 to root it via Magisk.
Disclaimer: I'm not a developer or super technical guy, but have rooted a few devices by following guides.
Does anyone know how easy or fast a root would be available? I'm assuming they didn't lock the bootloader on this device as most Chinese devices.
Hello, could you share with us how to root boox device please?
It would be great if GAPPS could be used.
Replying to bump this thread. I have the Hisense A9 and would love to be able to root. It has an option to unlock the bootloader in the developer options if that is helpful.
formeriphoneuser said:
Does anyone know how easy or fast a root would be available? I'm assuming they didn't lock the bootloader on this device as most Chinese devices.
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I recently good a Hisense A9, and I've been trying to extract the boot.img and / or recovery.img from it (since I can't find either of those online yet). So far I've been trying to get boot.img from EDL mode using this EDL tool. I can boot into EDL mode fine, but when I try to run an EDL command there are lots of errors. It's possible I'm using the wrong Firehose file, but I think it's right. (I'll post a link to the logs below). I've been following this guide mainly. Is anyone else working on this?
*Edit* the firehose file I'm using is 0014d0e100000000_d40eee56f3194665_FHPRG.bin.
Anyway, OP - hopefully I, or someone, can get the boot image or recovery image soon, then we should be able to patch it with Magisk fairly easily and install Google Services etc.
A word of warning to anyone who wants to try working on this - every time I restart after being in EDL mode, the phone goes into a boot loop of sorts. I enter the 6-digit pin at boot-up, and the phone says something in Chinese (which Google translates as something like "optimising the system, please wait", from memory), and then keeps showing the desktop screen for a second, then looping back to the pin code input, then showing the message, and then repeat. If you hold down volume down, it'll go into safe mode, but then the same thing happens when you restart. I've always managed to get out of it, but I'm not 100% sure how! Something like holding the power key down for about 10 seconds while it's looping... The phone vibrates, but doesn't turn off, and then the loop stops and you can enter your 6-digit pin again and it's back to normal. If that doesn't work, then try turning the phone off, then back on again, but holding the power key down so it keeps restarting without fully booting. Last time I made it restart ~5 times, and then it was back to normal. Maybe it cleared some kind of system cache...?
These are the errors I get from the EDL tool when I try to extract the boot image.
RunnyYolk said:
I recently good a Hisense A9, and I've been trying to extract the boot.img and / or recovery.img from it (since I can't find either of those online yet). So far I've been trying to get boot.img from EDL mode using this EDL tool. I can boot into EDL mode fine, but when I try to run an EDL command there are lots of errors. It's possible I'm using the wrong Firehose file, but I think it's right. (I'll post a link to the logs below). I've been following this guide mainly. Is anyone else working on this?
Anyway, OP - hopefully I, or someone, can get the boot image or recovery image soon, then we should be able to patch it with Magisk fairly easily and install Google Services etc.
A word of warning to anyone who wants to try working on this - every time I restart after being in EDL mode, the phone goes into a boot loop of sorts. I enter the 6-digit pin at boot-up, and the phone says something in Chinese (which Google translates as something like "optimising the system, please wait", from memory), and then keeps showing the desktop screen for a second, then looping back to the pin code input, then showing the message, and then repeat. If you hold down volume down, it'll go into safe mode, but then the same thing happens when you restart. I've always managed to get out of it, but I'm not 100% sure how! Something like holding the power key down for about 10 seconds while it's looping... The phone vibrates, but doesn't turn off, and then the loop stops and you can enter your 6-digit pin again and it's back to normal. If that doesn't work, then try turning the phone off, then back on again, but holding the power key down so it keeps restarting without fully booting. Last time I made it restart ~5 times, and then it was back to normal. Maybe it cleared some kind of system cache...?
These are the errors I get from the EDL tool when I try to extract the boot image.
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Maybe try this loader. This is for sure the one I used for my NA2. Otherwise, you have quite some errors that relate to python. Not sure what the issue is there.
formeriphoneuser said:
Maybe try this loader. This is for sure the one I used for my NA2. Otherwise, you have quite some errors that relate to python. Not sure what the issue is there.
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Awesome, thanks! I should have mentioned which loader I was using (different to the one you linked). I'll edit my post to say what I used before.
I tried the loader that @formeriphoneuser suggested, but with a similar result. ( I also tried with the flag --memory="ufs" in case the device has UFS memory, but similar result.
But the good new is, I've just discovered a reliable way to avoid the boot loop after leaving EDL mode. So to leave EDL mode, make sure any running commands have ended, unplug the device from the computer, and press and hold the eink button (on the left of the phone), volume-up, and power button. Keep them all pressed until the first vibration (after about 15 seconds or so, then release the power button only). Keep the other two pressed while the phone boots, and even while you're entering your 6 digit pin code. When you see the main screen you can release the buttons and your phone shouldn't enter the boot loop. I have no idea how much of that is necessary, but something in there works for me.
I've added an Issue to the github repo for the EDL tool I'm using. Other than that, I think I've hit a brick wall and won't be able to do any more for now. Unless anyone knows how to check that the firehose file is correct for my device, and update it if it's not. Hopefully Hisense will release the stock firmware, or send us an OTA update or something.
Does this work? if the Bootloader could be unlocked.
Arthurliao said:
Does this work? if the Bootloader could be unlocked.
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The problem with a GSI is that Android doesn't have partial refresh support for the eInk display, which means a driver has to be written from scratch, otherwise the display will be verrrrrry slow.
RunnyYolk said:
I tried the loader that @formeriphoneuser suggested, but with a similar result. ( I also tried with the flag --memory="ufs" in case the device has UFS memory, but similar result.
But the good new is, I've just discovered a reliable way to avoid the boot loop after leaving EDL mode. So to leave EDL mode, make sure any running commands have ended, unplug the device from the computer, and press and hold the eink button (on the left of the phone), volume-up, and power button. Keep them all pressed until the first vibration (after about 15 seconds or so, then release the power button only). Keep the other two pressed while the phone boots, and even while you're entering your 6 digit pin code. When you see the main screen you can release the buttons and your phone shouldn't enter the boot loop. I have no idea how much of that is necessary, but something in there works for me.
I've added an Issue to the github repo for the EDL tool I'm using. Other than that, I think I've hit a brick wall and won't be able to do any more for now. Unless anyone knows how to check that the firehose file is correct for my device, and update it if it's not. Hopefully Hisense will release the stock firmware, or send us an OTA update or something.
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Bit of a long shot here, but I vaguely remember having trouble with EDL on my Oneplus 6T and I think the solution was to use a USB2 port instead of USB3.
RunnyYolk said:
I tried the loader that @formeriphoneuser suggested, but with a similar result. ( I also tried with the flag --memory="ufs" in case the device has UFS memory, but similar result.
But the good new is, I've just discovered a reliable way to avoid the boot loop after leaving EDL mode. So to leave EDL mode, make sure any running commands have ended, unplug the device from the computer, and press and hold the eink button (on the left of the phone), volume-up, and power button. Keep them all pressed until the first vibration (after about 15 seconds or so, then release the power button only). Keep the other two pressed while the phone boots, and even while you're entering your 6 digit pin code. When you see the main screen you can release the buttons and your phone shouldn't enter the boot loop. I have no idea how much of that is necessary, but something in there works for me.
I've added an Issue to the github repo for the EDL tool I'm using. Other than that, I think I've hit a brick wall and won't be able to do any more for now. Unless anyone knows how to check that the firehose file is correct for my device, and update it if it's not. Hopefully Hisense will release the stock firmware, or send us an OTA update or something.
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Also, looking at your pastebins, It seems you are running Ubuntu via a Parallels Virtual Machine. I would suggest using the LiveDVD from the EDL github repo and running it on bare metal to rule out any system related issues. Given that the pastebins show errors relating to, there is a good chance your issues are due to the emulated USB controller provided by Parallels.
matteqa said:
Also, looking at your pastebins, It seems you are running Ubuntu via a Parallels Virtual Machine. I would suggest using the LiveDVD from the EDL github repo and running it on bare metal to rule out any system related issues. Given that the pastebins show errors relating to, there is a good chance your issues are due to the emulated USB controller provided by Parallels.
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I tried booting the liveDVD from the repo in Parallels, but it wouldn't boot, saying something like Ubuntu was missing. But I'll try it as a bootable USD drive. I won't be able to do it until next weekend at the earliest, but I'll report back when I've tried that method. Thanks for your suggestions!
So I bought a USB drive and flashed the liveDVD from the repo to it, but my only computers are Macs and will recognise the USB drive as bootable - I've tried Fat32 / HFS+ file systems, made sure it's a GUID partition table, and used both Etcher GUI and terminal's `dd` to burn the image to the drive, but still the USB never shows up in the startup utility. Anyway, I've hit a roadblock on this for now - I think my next options are to either pick up a cheap Windows laptop, or put a bounty out for boot.img (or preferably full root! )
RunnyYolk said:
So I bought a USB drive and flashed the liveDVD from the repo to it, but my only computers are Macs and will recognise the USB drive as bootable - I've tried Fat32 / HFS+ file systems, made sure it's a GUID partition table, and used both Etcher GUI and terminal's `dd` to burn the image to the drive, but still the USB never shows up in the startup utility. Anyway, I've hit a roadblock on this for now - I think my next options are to either pick up a cheap Windows laptop, or put a bounty out for boot.img (or preferably full root! )
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Just checking, have you tried the macOS version of the EDL tool? All of your pastebins are from ubuntu parallels, however there is also a native macOS version in the github repo.
matteqa said:
Just checking, have you tried the macOS version of the EDL tool? All of your pastebins are from ubuntu parallels, however there is also a native macOS version in the github repo.
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Ah, that's a good call! I did try the native Mac version on one machine, but it wasn't able to find libusb library, so I started using parallels / ubuntu, and then basically forgot that the native mac version existed! So thanks for the reminder - I tried it yesterday on an older Mac, and the native EDL client seems to be working properly. Unfortunately I think the firehose / loader files I have aren't correct. When I ran it with a loader I get sahara - [LIB]: Unexpected error on uploading, maybe signature of loader wasn't accepted ?
type object 'req' has no attribute 'image_id', and then I tried running it without any loader and got sahara - [LIB]: Couldn't find a loader for given hwid and pkhash (0014d0e100430000_56d3f3c74a52172b_[FHPRG/ENPRG].bin) :(.
So I guess we need the correct loader for the A9. I'm pretty clueless about how these files come to exist in the first place (do they have to come from the manufacturer, or can we build them ourselves?), but anyway I'll open a new issue on Github and see if the developer of the client can help.
For completeness' sake, here are logs from each attempt at reading boot_a (I tried three different loaders, each one with and without --skipresponse, and then once with no loader).
*edit* This is the issue on Github:
RunnyYolk said:
Ah, that's a good call! I did try the native Mac version on one machine, but it wasn't able to find libusb library, so I started using parallels / ubuntu, and then basically forgot that the native mac version existed! So thanks for the reminder - I tried it yesterday on an older Mac, and the native EDL client seems to be working properly. Unfortunately I think the firehose / loader files I have aren't correct. When I ran it with a loader I get sahara - [LIB]: Unexpected error on uploading, maybe signature of loader wasn't accepted ?
type object 'req' has no attribute 'image_id', and then I tried running it without any loader and got sahara - [LIB]: Couldn't find a loader for given hwid and pkhash (0014d0e100430000_56d3f3c74a52172b_[FHPRG/ENPRG].bin) :(.
So I guess we need the correct loader for the A9. I'm pretty clueless about how these files come to exist in the first place (do they have to come from the manufacturer, or can we build them ourselves?), but anyway I'll open a new issue on Github and see if the developer of the client can help.
For completeness' sake, here are logs from each attempt at reading boot_a (I tried three different loaders, each one with and without --skipresponse, and then once with no loader).
*edit* This is the issue on Github:
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Have you tried to read from "boot" instead of "boot_a". Maybe hisense isn't using A/B partitions since they don't care about google play certification. Also, have you tried using --memory=ufs.
Otherwise, it may be that the loader has a custom signature. As far as I know, the loader is proprietary and you have to get it from the manufacturer.
I've also just found a patched version of a SDM662 loader on another forum that might work.
I've reuploaded it here:
matteqa said:
I've also just found a patched version of a SDM662 loader on another forum that might work.
I've reuploaded it here:
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Thanks! I tried this loader, and also the --memory=ufs flag / "boot" alternatives as you suggested, but had the same errors as before. I'm pretty sure I saw boot_a and boot_b directories somewhere when I was exploring the filesystem in adb shell, but I'll double check again when I have time.
Are there any other avenues I could try to root this device? I wonder if there's any point trying to boot TWRP from an A7? Am I right in thinking I can `fastboot boot recover.img` without risk of bricking the phone? (Ie just booting rather than flashing.)... Maybe I'm clutching at straws...

