How to fix the front camera when the camera2 api is enabled on Android 10 - Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite Questions & Answers

I enabled the Camera 2 api on AOSP (MOKEE10.0) Android 10 and was able to use Gcam, but the front camera doesnt working anymore. Are there any replacement files or Magisk modules now to fix this?


what is camera2 api

Is camera 2api hardware or software most of the device got it by editing built. Prop but in Lenovo Z2 plus why it's not happening?

Camera2 api

Camera2 api is enabled and gcam crashed, can anyone help?

Which is the best Google camera build?

I've tried several Google camera builds but most of them crash while processing photos. So I'd like to know that which Google camera build with portrait mode and hdr+ works the best without crashing?
Mee too
Me too. I'm searching for a working Google Camera port from 2 months. I have had installed Pixel Experience custom rom as soon as I bought my phone and then I tried A LOT of Google Camera ports: BSG, Arnova, UriKill, cstark, Skulshady, Toylan, scrubber and so on... They always have FC (more or less), some of them doen't even start, or have bad quality photos, or too pink... or too FCs.
Then I changed to Lineage OS 15.1... same story: tried the most GCam ports... same results!
Today I reverted back to stock (MIUI 9.5)... installed Arnova's v7beta9... and till now I haven't had FCs!! And with stock camera I can record slow motion videos (this is not possible with gcam port)!!
But I really don't like MIUI. Even with Magisk's Pixel module.
I have been using this GCam ver. for many months now on stock MIUI rooted with Magisk. After each OTA update I just reflash the magisk image and change the build.prop for enabling Camera 2 API, and I get it working again. The slo-mo is buggy which I found fixed using the "Google Camera Patch" in magisk repo.
Here's the link for the apk I use: drive . google . com/file/d/1iXAkhIAq4kpGsn7u_eGBMeURknJR64p6/view?usp=sharing
You can also find the apk on Android FileHost.
P.S. I can't confirm it working with any custom rom. I am on MIUI now and it works flawlessly (HDR of stock camera doesn't work with Cam 2 API enabled)
And XDA didn't let me share the link directly
It's a very old version, not supporting "Portrait Mode", is'nt it?
It does
HDR+ : Rear
Potrait mode (Lens Blur): Both rear and front
And I should add that the HDR+ works really well... seriously!
Can you send a screenshot / link of the exact Magisk module you're talking about?
If you're talking to me, I mean the "Pixel 2 Experience" module (v. 4.4)
The module's name is "Google Camera Patch" created by "simonsmh"

Required Harware Support Level for Google Camera

I have Blackview BV9800Pro with stock Android 9 and Magisk root.
I have tried to install all GCam apps from "last 30 updates" and "suggested versions" sections on website with no luck.
I am thinking maybe the Camera2 api harware support level is not high enough?
I downloaded Camera2 Probe app amd it says that I have FULL Camera2 api hardware level support, but I noticed that there is Level3 as well.
Is FULL hardware level support enough foe GCam to work or Level 3 is required?

flash modified camera api

recently my wide-angle camera stopped working. I wouldn't care, but the LG camera app crashes because of it.
It is not the module itself, but a chip on the board that broke because of corrosion, therefore it is unrepairable for me.
I would still like to use the LG camera app, because of its manual control options.
Is there a way to disable that module, e.g. modifying the camera API v1 ("CameraService: CameraService::connect call (PID -1 "", camera ID ) for HAL version 256 and Camera API version 1") to return the main camera when calling for the wide-angle camera id?
I would be thankful for any ideas. If there is a way to flash a modified camera API that would help me very much. I think I can achieve the rest myself.
TL;DR: Is there a way to flash a modified version of the camera API (v1)?

