Superdart charging problem - Realme 7 Pro Questions & Answers

Hi, I am using realme 7 pro on ui 3.0 f24 suddenly when I connected it to charger (box charger and USB c) it started connecting and disconnecting ,I plugged it again the same thing was happening but the device start charging on slow 5v 1A speed charging, I tried to connect to PC then pc Didn't recognize it, next day I used normal USB c it worked on PC and slow charging, this problem was happening when I use 10v charger ,I tried original USB (which I used first) to connect to PC it worked after fully charging on 5v charger ,
Yesterday I retried the original charger on power off it charged untill 40% then started disconnecting every 5%
I connected phone to PC but now its working and set data transfer mode, a few minutes later the charging mark goes away but pc still reading storage ,can anyone helps me there is no realme support center in my area


Strange USB charging issue

So I went out and bought a 2nd USB cable to leave at work to charge my phone. But for some reason the USB cable I bought doesn't charge the phone...instead it drains the battery..??? The light is on and the icon shows it is charging when I have the USB cable connected and I can even mount the SDcard with it. But the battery percentage slowly goes down. The USB cable that came with the phone works fine without any issues.
Is there something special about the stock USB cable? Do I have to buy a certain type of cable to make charging work?
I bought another two cables, even used a Motorola USB cable but never noticed that... it never happened to me.
My guess is:
- charging through the pc USB port is so slow, to get full charge you need 6-8 hours compared to 1.5-2 hours through the wall..
You are using your phone or running heavy application while charging it so it drains more battery than charging ..
Just a guess.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App

Discharging Battery on USB

I am having a strange issue on my Xperia S I would like to know if this is impacting other people. I am running Build 6.0.A.3.67 (FR) and when I charge my phone through the USB Hub (externally powered) it will actually begin discharging instead of charging in certain circumstances.
Here is how it can be reproduced:
1) Plug phone into USB Hub with PC (W7x64) in Standby mode - Phone will show as being charged by AC and battery will charge without issue.
2) Wake PC out of Standby - This will cause the Phone to switch from being charged in AC mode to USB mode but phone seems to continue to charge.
3) Put PC in Standby mode again - Phone will stop charging and will actually begin to discharge at a very fast rate 5% / hour.
To check actual charging status (charging AC/USB or discharging) go to Settings -> About Phone -> Status
To get the phone to go back to AC charging status it is necessary to unplug the USB cable from the phone and re-insert it and it will go back to charging in AC mode. It seems there is something in the phone software or kernel that blocks going from USB mode back to AC mode without unplugging the USB cable.
I have tried 2 powered USB hubs (D-Link and Dr. Bott) and same issue with both. I have tried 2 different USB cables and tested the same steps using my HTC Desire and Flyer and issue only occurs on the Xperia S. 1 difference is the 2 HTC devices always show USB charging mode and never AC but they continue charging without issue as PC goes from Standy to Actve to Standby again.
Can someone else please try to see if their phone also behaves the same way when following the steps above? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix? My only option currently is to charge only with an AC charger and not with the USB cable connected to my PC USB hub or I can wake up with my phone dead in the morning.
Thank you for any advice (sorry for the long post)

charging problem

pleas help with the charging problem its wont charge over 90% but today it com to 94% and then the same problem its look like the charger connect and disconnect continuously.
this happened for the first time after I used magnetic cable to connect to pc (not original cable) and after that it happened with the original usb cable.

Honor 7 - Charging issue(AC charging and USB mode reversed)

Basically, my problem is, the wall charging and USB connect are reversed. i.e., I connect my wall charger, its showing as USB mode and when I connect the cable to a PC, its showing as AC Charging. I tested with Ampere app and when I connect to AC Charger, it is drawing only around 300mA(like it would do if connected to USB) and its drawing around 1.5A(like it would do when connected to wall charger) when connected to USB PC.
I have been having this issue for quite sometime and recently, I had upgraded to Marshmallow through OTA upgrade. I thought atleast this upgrade would fix this issue but I am still facing the same issue. I even contacted the customer care and nothing useful advice other than restoring to factory settings was suggested(which I tried and didn't work).
I guess it should be some software issue but don't know what it is or how to fix it. Any inputs would be welcome.

Question charging fault ?

phone was working fantastic and charged no problem but since the latest update ( may be a coincidences ) when i plug it into my samsung 30w charger it failed to charge and my laptop charger only works on one side and its flashing on and off , but when charge at work via the car charger its fine ? now all these chargers worked till other day when got a update now nothing also can usb-c charg it via laptop itself, has anybody had same fault or is it update problem just before i send it off for a fix , cheers ps also checked port for objects but clear ,
don't think it is the update. Mine sometimes does not wanna charge in the car but at the same time android auto is working over the cable. Never failed on my 65W wall charger that I usually use at home or during my travels.
Did you try rebooting the phone? One day in january my phone wouldn't charge over USB (still detected the charge, showed the charge icon, just not getting juice) but charged well over wireless in the car. I rebooted it and everything was fine again.

